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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik

25 July 2017 (has links)
Seit 1996 wird von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach die Buchreihe „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ herausgegeben, in der herausragende wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Technischen Universität Dresden, insbesondere auch des Institutes für Festkörperelektronik, publiziert werden. Zu den bisher vorliegenden Bänden sind seitdem weitere Bände hinzugekommen. Das Profil des Institutes wird durch folgende Forschungsgebiete geprägt: Thermische Infrarotsensoren, Piezoresistive Sensoren auf der Basis quellfähiger Hydrogele, Ultraschalltechnik, Funktionelle Dünnschichten, Nanoptische Sensoren. Mit der Berufung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach auf den Lehrstuhl für Festkörperelektronik zum 01.01.1996 wurde das Spektrum der Forschungsarbeiten insbesondere um die Fachgebiete der Siliziumsensoren für unterschiedliche Meßgrößen und des Entwurfs komplexer Sensor- und Aktor-Systeme in der Mikrosystemtechnik erweitert. Das Zusammenwirken von Physik, Elektronik und Technologie der Mikroelektronik bei Forschung, Entwicklung und Fertigung sowie Applikation leistungsfähiger Sensoren ist Gegenstand von Lehre und Forschung des IFE. / Since 1996 the book series „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach has been published. The aim of this series is the publication of outstanding scientific contributions of TU Dresden, especially of those compiled at the Institute for Solid-State Electronics. The Solid-State Electronics Laboratory (Institut für Festkörperelektronik - IFE) is one of 12 laboratories of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Technische Universität Dresden. Together with the Semiconductor Technology and Microsystems Lab and several chairs of the Circuits and Systems and the Packaging Labs, the Solid-State Electronics Laboratory is responsible for the microelectronics specialization in the Electrical Engineering program. Research and teaching field of the Institute for Solid-State Electronics are dedicated to the interaction of physics, electronics and (microelectronics) technology in: materials research, technology, and solid state sensor operational principles, application of sensors for special measurement problems, design of sensors and sensor systems including the simulation of components as well as of complex systems, development of thin films and multilayer stacks for sensor applications, application of ultrasound for nondestructive evaluation, medical diagnostics and process measurement technology.

Modeling and simulation of the electro-chemical behavior of chemically stimulated polyelectrolyte hydrogel layer composites

Sobczyk, Martin, Wallmersperger, Thomas 09 October 2019 (has links)
Polyelectrolyte hydrogels are viscoelastic electroactive polymers which respond to external physical or chemical stimuli by a reversible volume phase transition. Novel fabrication methods allow the creation of hydrogel layer composites in which each layer shows a different sensitivity (e.g. to a different stimulus). This offers new opportunities, for example, in the design of new microsensors, microactuators and microfluidic devices as well as for high-selective membranes and target-specific drug delivery systems. Since only few research groups numerically investigated the transport mechanisms in hydrogel layer composites, a gap remains to describe the movement and transient distribution of ions inside the layer system. In this article, the multifield formulation is adopted to describe the transient distribution of ions in salt-sensitive hydrogel layer composites on the basis of a numerical simulation. For this, the Nernst-Planck and the Poisson equation are solved using one-dimensional finite elements for both anionic-anionic and anionic-cationic gel layer composites under chemical stimulation. Between adjacent gels, an additional interlayer is introduced to account for the physical and chemical bonding region between the gels. Adaptive mesh refinement provides a good resolution close to the interface between the adjacent gel layers. The obtained results are used to predict the osmotic pressure inside the gels and the dependent swelling of the gel layer composite. The excellent agreement of the obtained results with the Donnan equilibrium demonstrates the high potential of the method applied to predict the behavior of hydrogel layer composites.

Terahertz oscillation and stimulated emission from planar microcavities

Gehlhaar, Robert 17 July 2007 (has links)
In the past decades, the miniaturization in optics led to new devices with structural sizes in the range of the light wavelength, where the photonic modes are con- fined and the number of states is limited. In the smallest microcavities, i.e. micrometer sized optical resonators, the propagation of only one mode is permitted that is simultaneously amplified internally. This particularly strong enhancement of the electric field is directly related to the quality factor of the cavity. By introducing an optical dipole into a high-Q microcavity, the spontaneous emission is amplified at the cavity mode frequency enabling stimulated emission in an inverted system. Although some of theses cavity e®ects can only be understood by quantum elec- trodynamic theory, most mechanisms are accessible by classical and semi-classical approaches. In this thesis, one-dimensional planar microcavities with quality factors up to 4500 have been fabricated by physical vapor deposition of dielectric thin films and organic active materials. A new cavity design based on anisotropic dielectric mirrors grown by oblique angle deposition microcavities with two energetically shifted orthogonally polarized modes is presented. The application of these anisotropic structures for terahertz di®erence signal generation is demonstrated in spectrally and time resolved transmission experiments, where optical beats with repetition rates in the terahertz range are observed. Optically pumped organic vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) have been realized by applying an organic solid state laser compound and high reflectance distributed Bragg reflectors. These lasers combine a very low laser threshold with small beam divergence and good stability. A transfer of the anisotropic design towards an organic VCSEL results in the generation of two perpendicularly polarized laser modes with a splitting adjustable by the fabrication conditions. The observation of an oscillation of two laser modes in a photomixing experiment proves a phase coupling mechanism. This demonstrates the potential of the anisotropic cavity design for a passive or active component in a terahertz radiation source or frequency generator. Furthermore, microcavities with two and three coupled resonators are investigated. By the application of time-resolved transmission experiments, spatial oscil- lations of the internal electric field - photonic Bloch oscillations - are successfully demonstrated. In combination with the anisotropic microcavities, this is a second concept for the modulation of transmitted light with terahertz frequencies. All experiments are accompanied by numerical or analytical models. Transmission experiments of continuously incident light and single laser pulses are compared with transfer matrix simulations and Fourier transform based approaches. For the modeling of emission experiments, a plane wave expansion method is successfully used. For the analysis of the organic VCSEL dynamics, we apply a set of rate equations that explains the gain switching process.

Reliability Assessment and Modeling of High-k Dielectric Thin Films

Monteiro Diniz Reis, Daniel 24 May 2022 (has links)
Methods for reliability assessment and a deep understanding of degradation mechanisms are important for product and process development. In this work, reliability under electrical stress of a state-of-the-art integrated low-temperature PVD PZT Film stack is discussed. DC and AC lifetime under electric stress are investigated experimentally over wide ranges of temperature and applied electric field. Empirical Weibull analysis and comparison of the obtained Weibull slope is used to evaluate suitable acceleration ranges for empirical testing. Changes of the Weibull slope above a temperature of 150 °C and gradual change over voltage acceleration in the range of 100 kV/cm to 200 kV/cm were found. This indicates that accelerated lifetime testing in the temperature range below 150 °C is possible and caution is required for voltage acceleration. The results of this study are also published in Ref. (a). Closing the literature gap, time to breakdown data under unipolar AC electric stress is presented. Comparison with results obtained under DC electric stress reveals that the DC degradation mechanism still dominates under unipolar AC load. This observation was found to hold over tested AC frequency, DC offset, and temperature ranges. As consequence, AC lifetime can be predicted based on DC time to breakdown experiments (b). To enhance the physical understanding of degradation and breakdown, variation of the leakage current over time during electrical load is analyzed. An enhanced physical model for leakage current degradation is proposed and degradation kinetics are studied experimentally. For the first time, more than one defect species being active and manifesting in leakage current degradation of perovskite oxides are proposed and experimental evidence is presented to substantiate the hypotheses. Model predictions and experimental results are found to be in excellent agreement. The proposed characterization method allows for characterization of contributing defect types by associated charge and true activation energy (c). Based on experimental observations, a direct connection between leakage current degradation mechanism and time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) mechanism is proposed and formulated in a physical model. For the first time, kinetics of leakage current degradation and TDDB are successfully linked, using new evaluation methods for the experimental data obtained under DC and AC electrical stress. This pioneering connection between leakage current and breakdown ultimately leads to the fundament of a comprehensive HALT model. Fundamental implications of the new findings on reliability testing of high-k dielectrics are discussed. / Methoden zur Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung und ein tiefes Verständnis der Degradationsmechanismen sind wichtig für die Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung. In dieser Arbeit wird die Zuverlässigkeit eines auf dem Stand der Technik befindlichen integrierten niedertemperatur PVD PZT Dünnschichtstapels unter elektrischer Last diskutiert. Lebenszeit unter Gleichstrom- (DC) und Wechselstromlast (AC) werden experimentell über weite Bereiche der Temperatur und angelegter Feldstärke untersucht. Empirische Weibull Analyse und Vergleich der erhaltenen Weibull-Module werden verwendet, um Beschleunigungsbereiche für empirische Testverfahren zu bewerten. Eine Veränderung der Weibull-Module oberhalb von 150 °C und eine graduelle Veränderung für Spannungsbeschleunigung im Bereich von 100 kV/cm bis 200 kV/cm wurden festgestellt. Dies weist darauf hin, dass beschleunigte Lebenszeittests im Temperaturbereich unterhalb von 150 °C möglich sind, Spannungsbeschleunigung jedoch mit hoher Vorsicht zu bewerten ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sind ebenfalls in Ref. (a) veröffentlicht. Durch die Präsentation von Durchbruchzeiten unter unipolarer AC-Belastung wird eine Forschungslücke geschlossen. Ein Vergleich mit Ergebnissen, die unter Gleichstrombelastung erhoben wurden zeigt, dass Degradationsmechanismen, die unter DC aktiv sind unter unipolarer AC-Belastung das Durchbruchverhalten weiterhin dominieren. Diese Beobachtung hat Bestand über die untersuchten Bereiche von AC-Frequenz, DC-Versatz und Temperatur. Daraus folgt, dass Lebenszeit unter AC-Belastung durch Experimente unter DC vorhergesagt werden kann (b). Um das physikalische Verständins von Degradation und Durchbruch zu erweitern, wird die Veränderung des Leckstroms über elektrischer Belastungszeit analysiert. Ein erweitertes physikalisches Modell für die Leckstromdegradation wird vorgeschlagen und die Degradationskinetik wird experimentell untersucht. Zum ersten Mal, werden mehr als zwei aktive Defektarten, die sich in der Leckstromdegradation von Perowskit Oxiden abzeichnen eingebracht und durch experimentelle Befunde untermauert. Modellvorhersagen und experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen eine exzellente Übereinstimmung. Die vorgeschlagene Charakterisierungsmethode erlaubt die Charakterisierung der beteiligten Defektarten über zugeordneter Ladung und wahrer Aktivierungsenergie (c). Basierend auf experimentellen Beobachtungen wird ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen Leckstromdegradation und zeitabhängigem dielektrischen Durchbruchmechanismus (TDDB) vorgeschlagen und in einem physikalischen Modell abgebildet. Zum ersten Mal werden die Kinetik hinter Leckstromdegradation und TDDB über neue Auswerteverfahren der erhobenen experimentellen Daten unter DC- und AC-Belastung erfolgreich verknüpft. Dieser wegweisende Zusammenhang zwischen Leckstromdegradation und Durchbruch legt das Fundament zu einer verständnisbasierten stark beschleunigten Grenzlastprüfung. Grundlegende Auswirkungen der neuen Ergebnisse auf Zuverlässigkeitstestmethoden von high-k Dielektrika werden diskutiert.

Percolated Si:SiO2 Nanocomposite: Oven- vs. Laser-Induced Crystallization of SiOx Thin Films

Schumann, Erik 24 May 2022 (has links)
Silizium basierende Technologie bestimmt den technologischen Fortschritt in der Welt und ist weiterhin ein Material für die weitere Entwicklung von Schlüsseltechnologien. Die Änderung der Silizium-Materialeigenschaft der optischen und elektronische Bandlücke durch die Reduktion der Materialdimension auf die Nanometerskala ist dabei von besonders großem Interesse. Die meisten Silizium-Nanomaterialien bestehen aus Punkt-, Kugel- oder Drahtformen. Ein relativ neues Materialsystem sind dreidimensionale, durchdringende, Nano-Komposit Netzwerke aus Silizium in einer Siliziumdioxid Matrix. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Entstehung von dreidimensionalen Silizium-Nanokomposit-Netzwerken durch Abscheidung eines siliziumreichen Siliziumoxids(SiOx, mit x<2) und anschlieÿender thermischen Behandlung. Hierbei wurden die reaktive Ionenstrahl-Sputterabscheidung (IBSD), sowie das reaktive Magnetronsputtern (RMS) verglichen. Auch wurden die Unterschiede zwischen klassischer Ofen und Millisekunden-Linienlaser Behandlung untersucht. Abgeschiedene und thermisch behandelte Dünnschichten wurden hinsichtlich der integralen Zusammensetzung, Homogenität, Morphologie und Struktur mittels Rutherford-Rückstreuspektroskopie, Ramanspektroskopie, Röntgenbeugung, spektroskopische Ellipsometrie, Photospektrometrie und (Energie gefilterter) Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Abhängig von der Abscheidemethode und des thermischen Ausheilprozesses wurden unterschiedliche Strukturgrößen und Kristallisationsgrade erzeugt. Insbesondere wurde gezeigt, dass während der 13 ms langen Laserbearbeitung (Ofen: 90 min) wesentlich größere Strukturen (laser:~50 nm; oven:~10 nm) mit einer deutlich höheren Kristallinität (laser:~92-99%; oven:~35-80%) entstehen. Darüber hinaus erhält sich die abscheidebedingte Morphologie nach der Ofenbehandlung, verschwindet jedoch nach der Laserprozessierung. Erklärt wurde dies mit einem Prozess über die flüssige Phase während der Laserbearbeitung, im Gegensatz zu einem Festphasenprozess bei der Ofenbehandlung. Abschließend wurde gezeigt, dass absichtlich eingebrachte vertikale und horizontale Schwankungen der Zusammensetzung genutzt werden können, um definierte Silizium Nanonetzwerke mit einer dreidimensionalen quadratischen Netzstruktur herzustellen.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 The silicon - silicon oxide system 2.1.1 The Si-O phase diagram 2.1.2 Chemical reaction consideration 2.2 Phase separation of binary systems 2.2.1 Phase separation regimes 2.2.2 Diffusion in solids 2.3 Different types of silicon nanostructures 2.3.1 0D - Silicon nanoparticles 2.3.2 1D - Silicon nanowires 2.3.3 3D - Silicon nanonetworks 3 Experimental methods 3.1 SiOx thin film deposition 3.1.1 SiOx thin films by ion beam sputter deposition 3.1.2 SiOx thin films by reactive magnetron sputter deposition 3.1.3 Comparison of ion beam and magnetron sputter deposition 3.2 Thermal processing of as-deposited SiOx thin films 3.2.1 Oven treatment 3.2.2 Laser treatment 3.3 Thin-film characterization 3.3.1 Rutherford backscattering 3.3.2 Spectroscopic ellipsometry and photospectrometry 3.3.3 Raman spectroscopy 3.3.4 X-ray diffraction 3.3.5 Transmission electron microscopy 4 Results 4.1 Accessible SiOx compositions as a function of deposition and annealing method 4.2 Structure and properties of ion beam sputter deposited SiOx thin films before and after thermal processing 4.2.1 Phase- and microstructure of SiO0:6 thin films deposited by ion beam sputter deposition at 450°C 4.2.2 Phase- and microstructure of SiO0.6 thin films deposited by ion beam sputter deposition at room temperature 4.3 Structure and properties of reactive magnetron sputter deposited SiOx thin films before and after thermal processing 4.4 Multilayer SiOx films for the generation of defined squared mesh structures 5 Discussion 5.1 Compositional homogeneity of SiO0:6 thin films before and after thermal treatment 5.2 Phase structure of as-deposited SiOx thin films 5.3 Influence of the thermal treatment on the structural properties of percolated Si:SiO2 nanostructures 5.3.1 Observed structural properties 5.3.2 Origin of different structure sizes - liquid vs. solid state crystallization 5.4 Influence of the deposition temperature during ion beam sputtering on the structural properties of percolated Si:SiO2 nanostructures before and after thermal processing 5.5 Influence of the deposition method on the structural properties of percolated Si:SiO2 nanostructures 5.6 Formation of interface layers and electrical characterization 6 Summary and outlook 6.1 Summary 6.2 Outlook A EFTEM imaging / Silicon-based technology determines the technological progress in the world significantly and is still a material of choice for further development of key technologies. In particular the reduction of silicon structure sizes to a nanometer scale are of great interest. Most silicon nano structures are based on spherical, dot-like or cylindrical, wire-like geometries. A relatively new material system are three dimensional percolated nanocomposite networks of silicon within a silica matrix. To form any of these nano structures fast, room temperature processes are desired which also offer the possibility of structure modification by different process management. The present work studies the formation of three-dimensional silicon nanocomposite networks by the deposition of a silicon rich silicon oxide (SiO x , with x < 2) and subsequent thermal treatment. Thereby, reactive ion beam sputter deposition (IBSD) as well as reactive magnetron sputtering (RMS) was compared. As well, the differences between a conventional oven and a millisecond line-focused diode laser were studied. As-deposited and thermally treated thin films were characterized with regard to the overall mean composition, homogeneity, morphology and structure by Rutherford backscattering, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic ellipsometry, photospectrometry as well as cross-sectional and energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy. Depending on the deposition method as well as the thermal treatment process different structure sizes and degrees of crystallization were achieved. Most notably it was found, that during 13 ms laser processing (oven: min. 90 min), much bigger structures (laser: ≈ 50 nm; oven: ≈ 10 nm) with a notably higher degree of crystallization (laser: ≈ 92-99%; oven: ≈ 35-80%) evolve. Moreover, the structure morphology after deposition is preserved during oven treatment but diminishes following laser processing. This was explained by a process via the liquid phase for laser processing in contrast to a solid state process during oven treatment. Finally it was shown, that intentional introduced vertical and horizontal composition fluctuations can be used to form well-defined silicon nano-networks with a three dimensional square mesh structure.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 The silicon - silicon oxide system 2.1.1 The Si-O phase diagram 2.1.2 Chemical reaction consideration 2.2 Phase separation of binary systems 2.2.1 Phase separation regimes 2.2.2 Diffusion in solids 2.3 Different types of silicon nanostructures 2.3.1 0D - Silicon nanoparticles 2.3.2 1D - Silicon nanowires 2.3.3 3D - Silicon nanonetworks 3 Experimental methods 3.1 SiOx thin film deposition 3.1.1 SiOx thin films by ion beam sputter deposition 3.1.2 SiOx thin films by reactive magnetron sputter deposition 3.1.3 Comparison of ion beam and magnetron sputter deposition 3.2 Thermal processing of as-deposited SiOx thin films 3.2.1 Oven treatment 3.2.2 Laser treatment 3.3 Thin-film characterization 3.3.1 Rutherford backscattering 3.3.2 Spectroscopic ellipsometry and photospectrometry 3.3.3 Raman spectroscopy 3.3.4 X-ray diffraction 3.3.5 Transmission electron microscopy 4 Results 4.1 Accessible SiOx compositions as a function of deposition and annealing method 4.2 Structure and properties of ion beam sputter deposited SiOx thin films before and after thermal processing 4.2.1 Phase- and microstructure of SiO0:6 thin films deposited by ion beam sputter deposition at 450°C 4.2.2 Phase- and microstructure of SiO0.6 thin films deposited by ion beam sputter deposition at room temperature 4.3 Structure and properties of reactive magnetron sputter deposited SiOx thin films before and after thermal processing 4.4 Multilayer SiOx films for the generation of defined squared mesh structures 5 Discussion 5.1 Compositional homogeneity of SiO0:6 thin films before and after thermal treatment 5.2 Phase structure of as-deposited SiOx thin films 5.3 Influence of the thermal treatment on the structural properties of percolated Si:SiO2 nanostructures 5.3.1 Observed structural properties 5.3.2 Origin of different structure sizes - liquid vs. solid state crystallization 5.4 Influence of the deposition temperature during ion beam sputtering on the structural properties of percolated Si:SiO2 nanostructures before and after thermal processing 5.5 Influence of the deposition method on the structural properties of percolated Si:SiO2 nanostructures 5.6 Formation of interface layers and electrical characterization 6 Summary and outlook 6.1 Summary 6.2 Outlook A EFTEM imaging

Ordering in weakly bound molecular layers: organic-inorganic and organic-organic heteroepitaxy

Mannsfeld, Stefan 23 September 2004 (has links)
It is an aim of this work to provide insight into the energetic influence on the ordering of molecular thin films on crystalline substrates. Here, the term substrate either refers to inorganic crystal surfaces or highly ordered layers of another organic molecular species. In order to calculate the total interface potential of extended molecular domains, a new calculation technique (GRID technique) is developed in the first part of this work. Compared to the standard approach, this method accelerates the potential calculation drastically (times 10000). The other parts of the thesis are dedicated to the comparison of experimental results (obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy and electron diffraction) to the optimal layer structure as predicted by optimization calculations. Potential calculations which are performed for the system perylenetetracarboxylicdianhydride (PTCDA) on graphite demonstrate that point-on-line coincident structures correspond to energetically favorable alignments of the molecular lattice with respect to the substrate lattice. The capability of the GRID technique to predict the optimal layer structure is demonstrated for the system peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) on graphite. The organic-organic heteroepitaxy system PTCDA on HBC on graphite is investigated in order to clarify to which extent the ordering mechanism there differs from that of the organic-inorganic heteroepitaxy system PTCDA on graphite. As a result of this investigation, a new type of epitaxy, i.e., substrate induced ordering is found. This new epitaxy type is governed by the inner structure of the substrate lattice unit cell. Here, the substrate surface is a layer of organic molecules itself, hence the substrate surface unit cell does indeed exhibit a complex inner structure. A generalized classification scheme for epitaxial growth incorporating this new type of epitaxy is proposed. In the last chapter, the structure of the first layers of titanylphthalocyanine (TiOPc) on Au(111) is investigated and compared to potential optimization calculations. The correspondence of experimental and theoretical results provides evidence that the GRID technique can, in principle, also be applied to molecular layers on metal surfaces. / Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Einblicke in die energetischen Einflüsse, die zur Ausbildung der Schichtstruktur organischer Moleküle auf kristallinen Substraten führen, zu geben. Diese Substrate sind entweder Oberflächen anorganische Kristalle oder selbst hochgeordnete Molekülschichten. Um das totale Grenzflächenpotential ausgedehnter Moleküldomänen berechnen zu können, wird im ersten Teil der Arbeit eine neue Berechnungsmethode (GRID Technik) vorgestellt. Im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Berechnungsmethoden auf der Basis molekülmechanischer Kraftfelder ist diese neue Methode daher um ein Vielfaches schneller (Faktor 100000). Die folgenden Teile der Arbeit sind dem Vergleich experimenteller Ergebnisse (Rastertunnelmikroskopie und Elektronenbeugung) mit, durch Potentialoptimierungsrechnungen als energetisch günstig vorhergesagten, Schichtstrukturen gewidmet. So kann für das System Perylentetracarbonsäuredianhydrid (PTCDA) auf Graphit mittels Potentialberechnungen nachgewiesen werden, daß die experimentell gefundenen ?Point-on-line koinzidenten? Strukturen energetisch günstige Anordnungen des Molekülgitters bezüglich des Substratgitters darstellen. Die Eignung der neuen Berechnungsmethode zur Vorhersage der günstigsten Adsorbatgitterstruktur für ein gegebenes System aus Molekül und Substrat, wird anhand des Systems peri-Hexabenzocoronen (HBC) auf Graphit demonstriert. Das organisch-organische Heteroepitaxiesystem PTCDA auf HBC auf Graphit wird untersucht, um zu klären, inwieweit sich die dafür gültigen Ordnungsmechanismen von denen unterscheiden, die für das Wachstum des organisch-anorganischen Heteroepitaxiesystems PTCDA auf Graphit verantwortlich sind. Dabei gelingt es, eine bisher nicht klassifizierte Art von Epitaxie, d.h. substratinduzierter Ordnung, nachzuweisen. Dieser neue Epitaxietyp ist bedingt durch die innere Struktur einer Substrateinheitszelle - das Substrat ist ja hier selbst eine Schicht geordneter Moleküle, die natürlich eine innere Struktur aufweisen. Im folgenden wird ein verallgemeinertes Klassifizierungssystem für Epitaxietypen abgeleitet, welches den neuen Epitaxietyp beinhaltet. Im letzten Kapitel wird die Struktur von der ersten Lagen von Titanylphthalocyanin (TiOPc) auf Au(111) experimentell untersucht und mit entsprechenden Potentialoptimierungsrechnungen verglichen. Die Übereinstimmung von experimentellen und theoretischen Ergebnissen zeigt, daß die GRID Technik, zumindest prinzipiell, auch für Molekülschichten auf Metallsubstraten anwendbar ist.

Spectro-microscopic investigation of Fe-oxide based model catalysts and instrumental development

Genuzio, Francesca 03 June 2016 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht Fe-Oxid-Systeme mit Hilfe einer Kombination aus Mikroskopie (LEEM, Röntgen PEEMs), Beugung (LEED) und Spektroskopie (XPS) und berichtet über die elektronenoptische Entwicklung adaptiver Optiken und Aberrationskorrekturen für einen elektrostatischen abbildenden Energieanalysator. Experimentell untersuchten wir Magnetit und Hämatit Dünnschichten. Ihre Kristallstruktur, Stöchiometrie sowie deren Oberflächenterminierung können durch spezielle Herstellungsverfahren eingestellt werden. Unter Ausnutzung der Echtzeit-Beobachtung mit Mikroskopie, Beugung und Spektroskopie untersuchten wir (a) die Oberflächenmodifikationen von Fe3O4 und α-Fe2O3-Dünnschichten durch Fe Ablagerung; (b) die reversible Phasenumwandlung Fe3O4 ↔ α-Fe2O3 unter verschiedenen Oxidationsbedingungen; (c) die Bildung der metastabilen γ-Fe2O3-Phase und (d) die Wechselwirkung von Fe3O4 und α-Fe2O3 Oberflächen mit unterstützten Pt-Nanopartikeln. Es wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, um den LEEM Bildkontrast für inhomogene 2D Oberflächen zu simulieren. Abschließend wird das Design eines Energiefilter-System vorgestellt, das in ein PEEM/LEEM Mikroskop der neuen Generation eingebaut werden wird. Das System basiert auf dem gleichen Abbildungsprinzip wie der magnetische Ω-Filter, der erfolgreich im aktuellen SMART Mikroskop eingesetzt wird. Das neue Instrument zielt auf die Verbesserung der Orts- und Energieauflösung im XPEEM (5 nm und 70 meV). Die Mehrzahl der möglichen Aberrationen zweiter Ordnung wird durch die intrinsische Symmetrie selbstkompensiert. Die Wirkung der anderen Aberrationen wird durch ein geeignetes Design der Verzögerungs- und Beschleunigungsoptiken kombiniert mit einer optimierten Passenergie reduziert. Darüber hinaus kompensieren zusätzliche Hexapole die restlichen dominierenden Aberrationen, wodurch eine Orts- und Energieauflösung besser als 2 nm bzw. 75 meV erreicht wird. / This work presents the investigation of Fe-oxide systems, combining microscopy (LEEM, X-PEEM), diffraction (LEED) and spectroscopy (XPS), and the electron-optical development of adaptive optics and aberration corrections for an electrostatic imaging energy analyzer. Experimentally, we studied magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (α-Fe2O3) thin films. Their crystal structure, stoichiometry as well as their surface termination can be tuned by special preparation procedures. Taking advantage of real time observation with microscopy, diffraction and spectroscopy, we investigated (a) the surface modifications of Fe3O4 and α-Fe2O3 thin films by Fe deposition; (b) the reversible phase transformation Fe3O4 ↔ α-Fe2O3 under different oxidation conditions; (c) the formation of the metastable γ-Fe2O3 phase and (d) the interaction of Fe3O4 and α-Fe2O3 surfaces with supported Pt nanoparticles . An algorithm was developed to simulate the LEEM image contrast for inhomogeneous 2D surfaces. The possible application to experimental data and the limitation will be discussed. Finally, the design of an energy filtering system is presented, which will be implemented in a new generation PEEM/LEEM microscope. The system bases on the same imaging principle as the magnetic Ω-filter, successfully implemented in the actual SMART microscope. The new instrument aims for the improvement of lateral and energy resolution in X-PEEM (5 nm and 70 meV, respectively). The majority of the possible second order aberrations are self-compensated by intrinsic symmetry. The effect of the other aberrations is reduced by an adequate design for the deceleration-acceleration optics in combination with optimized pass energy. Furthermore, additional hexapole multipoles compensate for the residual dominating aberrations, yielding in the lateral resolution and energy resolution better than 2 nm and 75 meV, respectively.

Rolled-Up Vertical Microcavities Studied by Evanescent Wave Coupling and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

Böttner, Stefan 20 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Vertically rolled-up microcavities are fabricated using differentially strained nanomembranes by employing rate and temperature gradients during electron beam evaporation of SiO2. The geometry of the rolled-up tubes is defined by a photo-lithographically patterned polymer sacrificial layer beneath the SiO2 layers that is dissolved to start the rolling. Rolled-up tubes support resonances formed by constructive interference of light propagating along the circumference. Optical studies are performed in the visible spectral range using a micro-photoluminescence (µPL) setup to excite and detect optical modes. Record high quality factors (Q factors) of 5400 for rolled-up resonators probed in PL-emission mode are found and their limits are theoretically investigated. Axial modes can also be supported when an increased winding number in the center is realized by appropriate pattern designs. In addition, higher order radial modes can be confined when atomic layer deposition (ALD) coatings are applied. Both types of modes are identified using polarization and spatially resolved µPL maps. Evanescent-wave coupling by tapered fibers and tubes on substrates is the second method used to study light confinement and to demonstrate frequency filtering in ALD coated rolled-up microcavities. Scans are performed by monitoring light from a tunable laser in the range of 1520-1570 nm after transmission through the tapered fiber. Dips in the spectrum are found and attributed to fundamental and axial resonant modes. Moreover, by coupling two tapered fibers to a lifted rolled-up microcavity, a four-port add-drop filter is demonstrated as a future component for vertical resonant light transfer in on-chip optical networks. Simulations show that the subwavelength tube wall thickness limits the Q factor at infrared wavelengths and ALD coatings are necessary to enhance the light confinement. After coating, two linear polarization states are found in experiment and fundamental and axial modes can be selectively excited by coupling the fiber to different positions along the tube axis. Spatially and polarization resolved transmission maps reveal a polarization dependent axial mode distribution which is verified theoretically. The results of this thesis are important for lab-on-chip applications where rolled-up microcavities are employed as high resolution optofluidic sensors as well as for future uses as waveguide coupled components in three-dimensional multi-level optical data processing units to provide resonant interlayer signal transfer.

Electrical Characterisation of Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors based on Ferroelectric HfO2 Thin Films

Yurchuk, Ekaterina 16 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ferroelectric field effect transistor (FeFET) memories based on a new type of ferroelectric material (silicon doped hafnium oxide) were studied within the scope of the present work. Utilisation of silicon doped hafnium oxide (Si:HfO2) thin films instead of conventional perovskite ferroelectrics as a functional layer in FeFETs provides compatibility to the CMOS process as well as improved device scalability. The influence of different process parameters on the properties of Si:HfO2 thin films was analysed in order to gain better insight into the occurrence of ferroelectricity in this system. A subsequent examination of the potential of this material as well as its possible limitations with the respect to the application in non-volatile memories followed. The Si:HfO2-based ferroelectric transistors that were fully integrated into the state-of-the-art high-k metal gate CMOS technology were studied in this work for the first time. The memory performance of these devices scaled down to 28 nm gate length was investigated. Special attention was paid to the charge trapping phenomenon shown to significantly affect the device behaviour.

Synthese und Funktion nanoskaliger Oxide auf Basis der Elemente Bismut und Niob

Wollmann, Philipp 29 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Am Beispiel von ferroelektrischen Systemen auf Bismut-Basis (Bismutmolybdat, Bismutwolframat und Bismuttitanat) und von Strontiumbariumniobat werden neue Möglichkeiten zur Synthese solcher Nanopartikel aufgezeigt. Die Integration der Nanopartikel in transparente Nanokompositmaterialien und die Entwicklung neuer Precursoren für die Herstellung von Dünnschichtproben gehen den Untersuchungen zur Anwendung als elektrooptische aktive Materialien voraus. Durch weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Photokatalyse, dem Test dampfadsorptiver Eigenschaften mit Hilfe eines neuartigen Adsorptionstesters (Infrasorb) und auch mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse der ferroelektrischen Charakterisierung von gesinterten Probenkörpern aus einem Spark-Plasma-Prozess wird ein gesamtheitlicher Überblick über die vielfältigen Aspekte in der Arbeit mit nanoskaligen, ferroelektrischen Materialien gegeben.

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