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Informationsbyte i läsarkommentarer på sajten di.seKarlsson, Martin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Informationsbyte i läsarkommentarer på sajten di.seKarlsson, Martin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Succession in Family Firms : A Study on Dagens Industri's MessageMerker, Andrea, Storm, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>In recent years, family firms have been stressed as important contributors to economic wealth. An increased focus from both researchers and practitioners can therefore be seen in various forms such as research institutes and conferences. Furthermore, family firms are often treated as a group of similar kind while inherent differences are played down.</p><p>From a theoretical perspective, organisations look at the behaviour of others that face similar complex situations, such as succession. Information can be found in institutional carriers who connect groups of firms. By imitating what is perceived as successful practices, family firms face the risk of employing inefficient procedures in times of succession.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis was to investigate what kind of ideas Dagens Industri as institutional carrier communicates about succession in family firms. To fulfil the purpose, data was retrieved in the form of Dagens Industri articles concerning family businesses and succession. Interpretations were based on theoretical constructs on family firms as well as institutional theory.</p><p>From our findings, it was observed that family firms differ on the basis of industry presence and ownership structure. Furthermore, importance of time and communication was stressed in Dagens Industri.</p>
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Succession in Family Firms : A Study on Dagens Industri's MessageMerker, Andrea, Storm, Anders January 2007 (has links)
In recent years, family firms have been stressed as important contributors to economic wealth. An increased focus from both researchers and practitioners can therefore be seen in various forms such as research institutes and conferences. Furthermore, family firms are often treated as a group of similar kind while inherent differences are played down. From a theoretical perspective, organisations look at the behaviour of others that face similar complex situations, such as succession. Information can be found in institutional carriers who connect groups of firms. By imitating what is perceived as successful practices, family firms face the risk of employing inefficient procedures in times of succession. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate what kind of ideas Dagens Industri as institutional carrier communicates about succession in family firms. To fulfil the purpose, data was retrieved in the form of Dagens Industri articles concerning family businesses and succession. Interpretations were based on theoretical constructs on family firms as well as institutional theory. From our findings, it was observed that family firms differ on the basis of industry presence and ownership structure. Furthermore, importance of time and communication was stressed in Dagens Industri.
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AI, hot eller möjlighet för framtiden? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur AI gestaltas i nyhetsrapporteringen hos en svensk dags-, kvälls- och affärstidning under första kvartalet av 2024 / AI, threat or opportunity for the future? : A quantitative content analysis of how AI is portrayed in the news reporting of a Swedish daily, evening and business newspaper during the first quarter of 2024Östman, William, Vendelbo, Niklas January 2024 (has links)
In the advancement of technology, one innovation has taken the world by storm:AI. The way media portrays various subjects might affect how they are received by society at large, therefore this study aims to understand the tone and portrayal of AI in Swedish mews media in order to see how AI is presented to the society today. To examine how AI is decipted and presented in the media, a quantitative content analysis of three Swedish newspapers, a daily, an evening, and a business newspaper, was conducted during the first quarter of 2024. The study is based on framing theory and agenda-setting theory to see how the different newspapers depict AI and wheter there are differences between them and their agendas. The theories adress how the articles depict AI where agenda-setting theory adresses genres and topics while framing theory shows how they are framed. Previous research shows that the subject needs to be further investigated as AI is an innovation that is constantly evolving. What previous research also clearly demonstrates is that AI is highlighted from a threatening perspective in other countries, which increased the importance of examining how it is portrayed in Swedish news media. The result shows that the Swedish newspapers differ from each other in their agendas and how they frame AI while som similarities are found primarily between Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet, while Dagens Industri differs from the rest.
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Apple sätter agendan : En studie av Iphone 4S genomslag i den svenska storstadspressenTarre, Kenneth, Sundberg, Joakim January 2012 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks i vilken utsträckning som teknikföretaget Apple syns i storstadspressen. För att göra detta har produkten Iphone 4S och konkurrenten Samsungs produkt Samsung Galaxy S II valts ut, eftersom båda lanserats samma år och riktar sig till samma målgrupp, i egenskap av att båda är så kallade “smartphones” med fingerstyrning och i övrigt likvärdiga funktioner.De storstadstidningar som undersökts är DN, SvD, Expressen, Aftonbladet, Göteborgs-Posten, Metro och Dagens Industri, eftersom de är de största tidningarna inom den svenska storstadspressen. Med hjälp av en kvantitativ undersökning har mängden artiklar som publicerades för vardera produkten under fyra veckor i samband med deras respektive lanseringar på den svenska marknaden undersökts. Resultatet visar att Iphone 4S förekom i betydligt större utsträckning än Galaxy S II.Vidare undersöks hur texterna i storstadspressen förhåller sig till Pressens samarbetsnämnds spelregler, det vill säga kriterier för vad som kan anses vara textreklam. Resultaten visar att flera av texterna bryter mot kriterierna i spelreglerna och passerar gränsen för vad som kan anses vara opartisk journalistik. I undersökningens slutsats ställs resultaten mot tre teorier: dagordningsteorin, innovationsteorin samt Gartners hypekurva.När resultaten granskats utifrån genre på artiklarna så kan det noteras att merparten av de fällda artiklarna var antingen notiser eller krönikor. Vanliga nyhetsartiklar förhöll sig oftast till spelreglerna.
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Evig tillväxt? : En longitudinell studie av svenska gasellföretag över en tolvårsperiodMunkert, Joel, Åman, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: Tillväxt inom företag har noggrant studerats inom företagsekonomin. Forskningsfältet är väldigt heterogent och orsaker till varför tillväxt inom företag sker, skiljer sig åt anmärkningsvärt företag sinsemellan. Denna studie ska undersöka den fortsatta tillväxten hos ett urval gasellföretag. Tidigare studier inom fältet har huvudsakligen fokuserat på gasellföretagens tillväxt fram tills att de definieras som gasellföretag, inte perioderna efter hög tillväxt. Syfte: Denna studie vill därför undersöka den fortsatta tillväxten hos 652 gasellföretag i Sverige, under tidsperioden 2005 – 2015, samt vilka faktorer som tycks påverka tillväxten. Teori: Studien är huvudsakligen baserad på ett spritt urval av forskning inom tillväxtfältet, från tidigt 1900-tal och framåt. T.ex. Gibrat, Delmar & Davidsson, Birch etc. Valet av undersökta variabler, som antas ha samband med tillväxt, har noggrant valts utefter denna litteratur. Metod: En longitudinell panelstudie har genomförts där ett antal företagsspecifika variabler har samlats in och använts i ett antal multivariata analyser, där tillväxt agerat som beroende variabel. Tidigare studier om gasellföretag och tillväxt inom företag har fungerat som ett fundament och riktlinje för studien. Företagspopulationen är baserad på en lista av gasellföretag från 2005 skapad av den svenska näringslivstidningen Dagens Industri. Slutsats: Faktorer som gasellföretagens ålder och koncerntillhörighet påverkar deras fortsatta tillväxt. Även faktorer så som storlek, bransch och geografisk marknad antas i viss grad ha en påverkan på gasellföretagens tillväxt under mätperioden. / Introduction: Firm growth has been carefully studied in the field of business administration & economics. The area is very heterogeneous and the cause of firm growth seem to differ substantially. This paper aims to investigate the growth of longtime gazelle firms. Earlier studies in the research area has mainly focused on the time up towards firms gain their reputation as gazelles. Purpose: This study therefore aims to investigate the further growth of 652 gazelle firms in Sweden, during the time of 2005 – 2015, and what variables which seem to influence their growth. Theory: The study is mainly based on a widespread sample of research in the field of firm growth, reaching from the early 20th century and towards. The selection of investigated firm variables, which is thought to correlate with firm growth, has been carefully selected on this basis. Method: A longitudinal panel has been conducted where a few firm specific variables has been collected and used in a series of multivariate analysis, where growth has acted a dependent variable. Earlier studies regarding gazelles and firm growth has acted as a fundament and guideline and the population is based on a list of gazelle firms conducted by the Swedish magazine Dagens Industri from year 2005. Conclusion: Factors such as the gazelle firms age and governance is thought to have an impact on their relative and absolute growth. Also factors such as initial size, industry and geographical market/origin seem to some degree have an impact on gazelle firms’ growth. / <p>Gällande förfrågningar om data som använts för studien kontakta antingen: munkert.j@gmail.com eller fhovlandahman@gmail.com </p>
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Nya sammansättningar med efterledet -bubbla : En korpusbaserad undersökning / New solid compounds with -bubbleSperens, Monica January 2015 (has links)
Den här är en korpusbaserad studie över sammansättningar med efterledet -bubbla under 2000–2014. Följande ord har studerats ingående: bostadsbubbla, lånebubbla, finansbubbla, aktiebubbla, småbolagsbubbla, husbubbla, lönebubbla och hyresbubbla. Studien har funnit att sammansättningarna är etablerade, att metaforiken bubbla är konventionaliserad att sammansättningarna används i en ekonomisk diskurs och mer allmänt. Studien för även en vidare diskussion kring nyord och metaforik och föreslår en offentlig konversation med ekonomijournalister och språkforskare. / This is a corpus-based study of compound words with the modifier -bubble in texts from 2000 to 2014. The following compound words were studied closely: housing bubble, credit bubble, the financial bubble, the stock bubble, small cap bubble, real estate bubble, salary bubble and the rental bubble. Results indicate that these compound words are established, that the metaphor bubble is conventionalized, and that the compound words are used both in economic discourse and more generally. Further, new words and metaphors are discussed. A public conversation with financial journalists and linguists is suggested.
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Kapitalisterna från Sovjetunionen : Svenska dagstidningars behandling av inflytesrika män från före detta Sovjetunionen / The Capitalists from the Soviet Union : Swedish newspapers' treatment of influential men from the former Soviet UnionCalvo, Ruben January 2021 (has links)
The usage of the word oligarch has been growing rapidly in Swedish newspapers since the fall of the Soviet Union. In this study, I will examine the way Swedish newspapers have been using the word, in what I asses as a biased way. Previous research has shown that the word is applicable in a much wider space, and that other countries or parts of the world contains cases of oligarchs. The word oligarch is actually old, it comes from ancient Greece and its renowned philosophers, originally made up to describe when the power of a democracy lies in the hands of only a few. Today, it seems that the word has been heavily associated (almost exclusively), with Russian businessmen. Many whom made their fortune during the turmoil between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the republic of Russia switching from a communist economy to a capitalistic state. There lies certain power in actions, as so in words. To misinterpret, applicate or to use words and situations with the intention of self-advocacy could be dangerous, especially when done so by a force capable of influencing the minds of the masses. The words we use affect our way of interpreting things, in turn, how people interpret, think and conversate about topics and such are called discourse. Critical discourse analysis works as a theory, or method to critically examine the ways that we discuss about these so-called discourses, and how the debate about the topics develop in our society. Ultimately, by looking into the way three big and influential Swedish newspapers reported on the topic of oligarchs for almost thirty years, we will see how the discourse of the oligarchs develop. This study will work as an insight into the actual discourse and shed light on how institutions such as our news reporting need to be consistently checked in order to be held accountable before their presentation. It is important as it affects the way that we think and interact with each other. Ultimately, from a historical perspective, active discourses like these are things that can put dirty stains on our history. Instead of keeping them alive, we should remind ourselves of our preconceptions, to avoid further alienation amongst people.
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