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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Barrett, Harald, Bengtsson Friis, Kim January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats innehåller en uppföljningsstudie av Malmö Områdesundersökning 2012 (MOMS) med ett närmare fokus på delområdena Annelund och Södervärn. I dessa delområden konstaterades att övervägande del respondenter är trygga eller delvis trygga i sitt bostadsområde trots flera omständigheter som korrelerar med hög otrygghet. I uppsatsen har vi eftersträvat att kvalitativt undersöka bakomliggande mekanismer till respondenternas övervägande trygghet i form utav observationsstudier och intervjuer med nyckelinformanter.Uppsatsen innehåller en utförlig beskrivning av fenomenet "trygghet" och en genomgång av forskningsläget kring faktorer som påverkar tryggheten på olika sätt.Resultaten visar att den övervägande tryggheten i delområdena kan bero på att Annelund och Södervärn är belägna i närheten till olika mötesplatser där invånare träffas och får möjlighet att etablera gemensamt definierade informella regler och accepterat beteende. Delområdena har av olika anledningar genomströmningar av människor som naturligt övervakar områdenas gator och platser och i bostadshusens fysiska struktur fann vi goda möjligheter för invånarna att övervaka sin omedelbara bostadsmiljö. Vi konstaterade att Annelund har tydligare gränsdragningar mellan invånarnas privata utrymmen än i Södervärn, men att känslan av tillhörighet till sitt bostadsområde var starkare i Södervärn med kringliggande delområden. Delområdenas belysning gav övervakningsmöjligheter på gångstråk, runt bostadshus, promenadstigar med mera, även i mörker. De personer som upplever sig mest trygga är de som har bott länge i bostadsområdet och i närliggande områden finns det platser där ungdomar kan spendera sin fritid, vilket haft positiv betydelse för trygghetsbilden i respektive område. / This paper is a follow-up study of the 2012 Malmö Neighbourhood Survey (Malmö Områdesundersökning 2012), focusing more closely on the districts Annelund and Södervärn. The respondents of these districts reported in Malmö Neighbourhood Survey that they felt predominantly safe or partly safe in their neighbourhood, despite several conditions that correlate with high fear of crime. In this paper we have aimed to qualitatively study, with observation studies and interviews with key informants, underlying mechanisms that explains the respondents predominant neighbourhood safety.The paper contains a detailed description of the phenomenon "fear of crime" and a review of factors that through research have been proven to affect the level of fear of crime.The results in this study shows that the predominant safety in Annelund and Södervärn is due to the districts presence to meeting-points, where residents are given the opportunity to establish commonly defined informal rules of conduct and acceptable behaviour. The districts have by different reasons a vivid throughflow of people that naturally surveil the districts streets and places and we found good opportunities for the residents to naturally surveil their immediate housing environment owing to the residential buildings physical structure. We concluded that Annelund has more visible delineations between the residents private areas and the public areas, but the residents feeling of belonging to their neighbourhood were stronger in Södervärn and it's surrounding districts. The districts lighting gave good surveillance opportunities, daytime and night-time, on walking paths, around residential buildings and alike. The residents that experienced the least fear of crime (or highest levels of safety) had lived in the neighbourhood for a long time and in the nearest area we found community youth centers, which have positively affected Annelund and Södervärns neighbourhood safety.

Trygghetsfrämjande arbete i park-, gångstråk- och torgprojekt : En fallstudie av hur trygghetsaspekter integrerats i projekt inom Grönare Stockholm / Safety-enhancing work in park, walkway and square projects : A case study regarding the integration of safety aspects in projects within Grönare Stockholm

Arvidsson, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera hur trygghetsaspekter integrerats i implementeringen av det strategiska dokumentet Grönare Stockholm. Dokumentet innehåller riktlinjer för hur stadens parker och naturområden skall planeras och förvaltas, med fokus på gröna frågor. Metoderna som använts för datainsamling i denna kvalitativa studie är en kombination av litteraturstudie, dokumentstudie och intervjustudie där fyra projekt inom parker, gångstråk och torg undersökts i en fallstudie. Fem tjänstepersoner på Trafikkontoret i Stockholms stad har intervjuats i syfte att erhålla deras beskrivning av hur trygghetsaspekter integrerats i dessa fyra projekt inom Grönare Stockholm. Fyra av intervjupersonerna var projektledare och den femte var verksamhetsutvecklare för Grönare Stockholm som helhet. Materialet har analyserats genom ett deduktivt angreppssätt med hjälp av första och andra generationens trygghetsprinciper som presenteras i teorin Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Atlas et.al, 2013; Cleveland & Saville, 2013). Resultatet visar att trygghetsprinciperna integrerats i hög grad i de projekt som studerats i fallstudien, även om det tagit sig olika uttryck beroende på respektive projekts förutsättningar. Det visade sig att sociala frågor och trygghetsfrågor haft stort fokus i samtliga projekt, vilket innebär att den praktiska tillämpningen av Grönare Stockholm inte speglar vad som framkommer i det strategiska dokumentet. / The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how safety aspects has been integrated in the implementation of the strategic document Grönare Stockholm. The document contains guidelines regarding how the city’s parks and green areas should be planned and managed, with focus on green aspects. The methods used for data collection in this qualitative study is a combination of literature study, document study and interview study where four projects within parks, walkways and squares have been examined in a case study. Five officials at The Traffic Administration Office in the municipality of Stockholm have been interviewed in order to acquire their description of how safety aspects has been integrated in these four projects within Grönare Stockholm. Four of the interviewees were project managers and the fifth was a business developer for Grönare Stockholm overall. The material has been analyzed through a deductive approach with the first and second generation of safety principles which are presented in the theory Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Atlas et.al, 2013; Cleveland & Saville, 2013). The results show that the safety principles have been integrated largely in the projects that were studied within the case study, even though it has taken different forms depending on each projects prerequisites. It turned out that social and safety aspects had a big focus in all projects, which means that the practical application of Grönare Stockholm doesn’t reflect what emerges in the strategic document.

Misdaadvoorkoming by nywerhede: 'n gevallestudie by Transvaal Suiker Beperk / Crime prevention at industries : a case study at Transvaal Sugar Limited

Kruger, Johannes Frederick Eric 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing fokus op misdaadvoorkoming by nywerhede met Transvaal Suiker Beperk as geselekteerde studieveld. Die meganiese en fisiese misdaadvoorkomingsmaatreëls aan die hand van Oscar Newman se verdedigbare mimte model is as basis gebruik. Bestaande misdaadvoorkomingsmaatreëls te Transvaal Suiker Beperk is geëvalueer en aanbevelings is gemaak waar nodig. Die waarde van primêre fisiese versperrings ten opsigte van misdaadvoorkoming is beklemtoon tydens hierdie studie. Sonder die ondersteuning van konvensionele elektronika, en die insette van die mensfaktor, is fisiese misdaadvoorkomingsmaatreëls van geringe waarde. Omgewingsontwerp sluit hierby aan. Effektiewe misdaadvoorkoming verg deurlopende kreatiewe denke met toepaslike optrede. / This research focus on crime prevention at industries with Transvaal Sugar Limited as selected study field. The mechanical and physical crime prevention measures, based on Oscar Newman's defensible space model, was used as focus point. Crime prevention measures in place at Transvaal Sugar Limited was evaluated and the necessary recommendations made. The value of the primary physical barriers in regard off crime prevention was emphasised in this study. Without the support of conventional electronics, together with the inputs of the human factor, physical crime prevention measures will be of little value. Environmental design joins this field. Effective crime prevention needs continuous creative thinking together with the necessary action. / Criminolgy / M. A. (Kriminologie)

Les enclaves résidentielles introverties dans la communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, une étape ultime vers la fermeture résidentielle.

Bouguessa, Abdelhak 03 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche s'articule sur la validation de notre hypothèse qui affirme que l’introversion résidentielle dans la communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), ce n’est qu'une étape ultime vers la fermeture résidentielle. Ainsi, que ces lotissements prennent d’autres formes d’enclosure, qui diffèrent du modèle des Gated Communities (GCs) étatsuniennes. Ce dernier se caractérise par la clôture, la gouvernance privée, le marquage d’entrée par les portails et le flicage à travers la vidéosurveillance. Cette enclosure introvertie se réalise par la forme urbaine ̶ semi-fermée ̶ des ensembles résidentiels. Cependant, ces enclaves montréalaises se dirigent vers le modèle d’enclavement francilien; qui se caractérise par le passage doux (inaperçu) vers la fermeture résidentielle (Paquot, 2009). Précisément, nous viserons à étudier la typo-morphologie du phénomène des GCs et ses impacts par la rupture physico-spatiale, et par la ségrégation socio-spatiale sur le territoire urbain et suburbain. Notre champ d’expérimentation est la CMM. Cependant, une revue critique de la littérature sur le phénomène dans quatre territoires des pays suivants : au Canada, dans l’Ouest canadien, en France, dans l’Île-de-France, au Mexique, dans la région métropolitaine de Puebla et aux États-Unis à Los Angeles, nous a permis de tirer des conclusions en matière de définition et de divergence. La définition des GCs selon la littérature actuelle est très restreinte, elle exclut d’autres types enclos qui ne se renferment pas avec leurs clôtures, mais beaucoup plus avec leurs formes urbaines semi-fermées. Ces derniers types nous l’avions destinée à une nouvelle désignation : enclaves résidentielles introverties (ERI). Cela est après avoir réfuté la désignation d'« enclave résidentielle » utilisée par les auteurs francophones. Cette dernière n’est pas précise, elle inclut notamment tous les ensembles résidentiels qui se distinguent avec leur style individualisé par apport à leurs alentours, voire même si leur forme urbaine est ouverte. En outre, nous voulons démontrer que ces formes urbaines semi-fermées sont vraiment des lacunes au niveau des ententes conclues entre la ville (autorité locale) et les promoteurs au Québec. Ces formes urbaines sont en antinomie avec les principes du développement durable. Elles rendent la possibilité d’offrir un transport écologique impossible, leur structure est irréversible sauf si l'on va recourir à la démolition de certaines maisons pour désenclaver l’ensemble. Ces lotissements semi-fermés empêchent la circulation en éliminant la connexion de leurs rues intérieures avec le reste des voies passantes qui tissent le tissu urbain toutes autour. Parfois le panneau « cul-de-sac » garantit l’exclusivité des rues intérieures de l’ensemble résidentiel. Cette forme urbaine encourage les déplacements massifs en automobile vers les lieux de travail, étant donné qu'elle est localisée souvent loin des voies desservies par le transport en commun. En outre, cette forme semi-fermée complique l’intervention des pompiers en cas d’incendie. / This research focuses on the validation of our hypothesis which states that residential introversion in the metropolitan community of Montreal (MCM) is only the last step of residential closure. These developments are taking other forms of enclosure which differ from the design of American gated communities (GCs). These communities are characterized by the enclosure, private governance, policing through video surveillance and the marking of entry by gates. The introverted enclosure is achieved by the urban form semi-closed of residential development. However, these enclaves are like the model of closed developments in Île-de-France. This later is characterized by the uncontrolled progression to closed residential development (Paquot, 2009). Precisely, we shall study the typo-morphology of the phenomenon of GCs and their impacts of physical rupture and social-space segregation of urban and suburban territory. Our area of experimentation is the MCM, however, a criticized review of literature that analyses the phenomenon in four countries (the Canadian West; Île-de-France, France; Puebla, Mexico; and Los Angeles, United States of America) allowed us to draw conclusions regarding the divergence of definitions. The definition of GCs according to the current literature is very limited. It excludes other types of residential closing that are not characterised by their fences, but more with their semi-enclosed urban forms. So, we have refuting the label of "residential enclave" used by French authors, and then we have assigned these types a new designation: introverted residential enclaves (IRE). Our resentment is that the term of enclave residential is not precise: it includes the residential development that stands out with individual style by contributing to its surroundings, even if the urban form is open. Furthermore, we show that these semi-enclosed urban forms are indeed gaps in conventions between the local authorities and developers in Quebec. These urban forms are in contradiction with the principles of sustainable development. They imped the possibility of providing an ecological transport. Their structure is irreversible, without the demolition of certain houses in order to open up the whole. These shapes prevent also pedestrian traffic. Sometimes the panel "cul-de-sac" guarantees exclusivity of internal streets to their resident. / Plusieurs logiciels utilisés dans la réalisation des pièces graphiques incluses dans ce mémoire : ArcGIS 10; Autocad 2012; GIS Consortium de la Ville de Chicago; PowerPoint 2010, Photoshop... etc. Notre recherche est la première et la seule qui aborde le phénomène de l'introversion résidentielle au Québec. Elle se focalise sur le postulat de la représentation du phénomène de l’introversion résidentielle autant qu’une forme urbaine fermée ou semi-fermée d’une descendance accouplée aux GCs étatsuniennes. De la gated community américaine vers l’enclave francilienne, à l’introversion résidentielle montréalaise. À l'aide de notre analyse typo-morphologique, basée principalement sur la théorie de Rossi (1966), nous avons dévoilé sur un nouveau fait urbain qui existe dans la communauté métropolitaine de Montréal. Nous l'avions désigné par : enclaves résidentielles introverties (ERI).

Les enclaves résidentielles introverties dans la communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, une étape ultime vers la fermeture résidentielle

Bouguessa, Abdelhak 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Misdaadvoorkoming by nywerhede: 'n gevallestudie by Transvaal Suiker Beperk / Crime prevention at industries : a case study at Transvaal Sugar Limited

Kruger, Johannes Frederick Eric 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing fokus op misdaadvoorkoming by nywerhede met Transvaal Suiker Beperk as geselekteerde studieveld. Die meganiese en fisiese misdaadvoorkomingsmaatreëls aan die hand van Oscar Newman se verdedigbare mimte model is as basis gebruik. Bestaande misdaadvoorkomingsmaatreëls te Transvaal Suiker Beperk is geëvalueer en aanbevelings is gemaak waar nodig. Die waarde van primêre fisiese versperrings ten opsigte van misdaadvoorkoming is beklemtoon tydens hierdie studie. Sonder die ondersteuning van konvensionele elektronika, en die insette van die mensfaktor, is fisiese misdaadvoorkomingsmaatreëls van geringe waarde. Omgewingsontwerp sluit hierby aan. Effektiewe misdaadvoorkoming verg deurlopende kreatiewe denke met toepaslike optrede. / This research focus on crime prevention at industries with Transvaal Sugar Limited as selected study field. The mechanical and physical crime prevention measures, based on Oscar Newman's defensible space model, was used as focus point. Crime prevention measures in place at Transvaal Sugar Limited was evaluated and the necessary recommendations made. The value of the primary physical barriers in regard off crime prevention was emphasised in this study. Without the support of conventional electronics, together with the inputs of the human factor, physical crime prevention measures will be of little value. Environmental design joins this field. Effective crime prevention needs continuous creative thinking together with the necessary action. / Criminolgy / M. A. (Kriminologie)

Kriminologiese analise van sekuriteitrisiko's binne die kommersiële produksiegebied van Transvaal Suiker Beperk

Kruger, Johannes Frederick Eric 30 November 2004 (has links)
This research focusses on crime prevention on farms with Transvaal Sugar Limited as a selected study. The printed media, quantitative and qualitative research principles were used to gather data and to determine to what extend crime is experienced by the respondents. The primary aim of the quantitative research principles is to investigate the nature and extent of crime on the company`s agricultural sites. Existing crime prevention measures on the different agricultural sites are also evaluated and recommendations made where necessary. Interviews with various respondents brought to the fore interesting opinions related to crime based on the empirical-phenomenological method. The support farmers received from the SAPS is discussed in full. The value of the primary physical barriers or obstructions with regard to crime prevention were emphasised in this study. Without the support of conventional electronics, together with the inputs of the human factor, physical crime prevention measures will be of little value, especially on geographical far reached agricultural estates. Farm attacks as a separate phenomenon is part of this study and serves as a comprehensive discussion regarding media reports and previous research on this subject. The ADSC crime prevention model is developed as a result of this study with the aim of contributing to the prevention of crime on farms. Good interpersonal and loyal attitudes are identified as key factors on which the farmers must concentrate in order to prevent crime. / Criminology / D. Litt. et Phil.(Criminology)

Kriminologiese analise van sekuriteitrisiko's binne die kommersiële produksiegebied van Transvaal Suiker Beperk

Kruger, Johannes Frederick Eric 30 November 2004 (has links)
This research focusses on crime prevention on farms with Transvaal Sugar Limited as a selected study. The printed media, quantitative and qualitative research principles were used to gather data and to determine to what extend crime is experienced by the respondents. The primary aim of the quantitative research principles is to investigate the nature and extent of crime on the company`s agricultural sites. Existing crime prevention measures on the different agricultural sites are also evaluated and recommendations made where necessary. Interviews with various respondents brought to the fore interesting opinions related to crime based on the empirical-phenomenological method. The support farmers received from the SAPS is discussed in full. The value of the primary physical barriers or obstructions with regard to crime prevention were emphasised in this study. Without the support of conventional electronics, together with the inputs of the human factor, physical crime prevention measures will be of little value, especially on geographical far reached agricultural estates. Farm attacks as a separate phenomenon is part of this study and serves as a comprehensive discussion regarding media reports and previous research on this subject. The ADSC crime prevention model is developed as a result of this study with the aim of contributing to the prevention of crime on farms. Good interpersonal and loyal attitudes are identified as key factors on which the farmers must concentrate in order to prevent crime. / Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil.(Criminology)

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