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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cluster-Based Analysis Of Retinitis Pigmentosa Candidate Modifiers Using Drosophila Eye Size And Gene Expression Data

James Michael Amstutz (10725786) 01 June 2021 (has links)
<p>The goal of this thesis is to algorithmically identify candidate modifiers for <i>retinitis pigmentosa</i> (RP) to help improve therapy and predictions for this genetic disorder that may lead to a complete loss of vision. A current research by (Chow et al., 2016) focused on the genetic contributors to RP by trying to recognize a correlation between genetic modifiers and phenotypic variation in female <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>, or fruit flies. In comparison to the genome-wide association analysis carried out in Chow et al.’s research, this study proposes using a K-Means clustering algorithm on RNA expression data to better understand which genes best exhibit characteristics of the RP degenerative model. Validating this algorithm’s effectiveness in identifying suspected genes takes priority over their classification.</p><p>This study investigates the linear relationship between <i>Drosophila </i>eye size and genetic expression to gather statistically significant, strongly correlated genes from the clusters with abnormally high or low eye sizes. The clustering algorithm is implemented in the R scripting language, and supplemental information details the steps of this computational process. Running the mean eye size and genetic expression data of 18,140 female <i>Drosophila</i> genes and 171 strains through the proposed algorithm in its four variations helped identify 140 suspected candidate modifiers for retinal degeneration. Although none of the top candidate genes found in this study matched Chow’s candidates, they were all statistically significant and strongly correlated, with several showing links to RP. These results may continue to improve as more of the 140 suspected genes are annotated using identical or comparative approaches.</p>

Estudio cualitativo del perfil del cuidador primario, sus estilos de afrontamiento y el vínculo afectivo con el enfermo oncológico infantil

García Romero, Bernardo Celso 08 July 2011 (has links)
La família és una peça clau en el suport del malalt durant el procés de la malaltia. No obstant això, les conseqüències psicològiques que comporta l'impacte de la malaltia i continus cures, sovint repercuteixen en la seva pròpia salut i per tant en la seva qualitat de vida. Objectiu: El present estudi analitza les principals necessitats del cuidador primari, així com les motivacions per a l'adquisició del rol i el manteniment de la cura. S'han identificat les principals estratègies d'afrontament que empren els cuidadors al llarg del procés de la malaltia per fer front a l'impacte de l'estrès, així com l'anàlisi del vincle afectiu que el cuidador manté amb el malalt. Metodologia: A través d'un estudi qualitatiu de tall transversal es van realitzar 35 entrevistes individuals i 10 grups focals. Es va comptar amb la participació de 26 dones i 9 homes amb una mitjana de 34 anys, tots ells cuidadors primaris de nens i nenes amb càncer albergats en un centre d'atenció que ofereix ajuda a malalts infantils de càncer de l'occident de Mèxic. Resultats: El perfil del cuidador primari correspon, principalment a dones, amb un nivell educatiu mitjà, casades i d'un estrat socioeconòmic baix, que exerceixen el seu rol de cuidadores i de mestresses de casa. La motivació de la cura està associada a sentiments amor, deure i altruisme. La majoria dels cuidadors empraven estratègies d'afrontament centrades en l'emoció i mantenien un vincle de tipus segur amb el malalt. / La familia es una pieza clave en el apoyo del enfermo durante el proceso de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, las consecuencias psicológicas que conlleva el impacto de la enfermedad y continuos cuidados, a menudo repercuten en su propia salud y por ende en su calidad de vida. Objetivo: El presente estudio analiza las principales necesidades del cuidador primario, así como las motivaciones para la adquisición del rol y el mantenimiento del cuidado. Se han identificado las principales estrategias de afrontamiento que emplean los cuidadores a lo largo del proceso de la enfermedad para hacer frente al impacto del estrés, así como el análisis del vínculo afectivo que el cuidador mantiene con el enfermo. Metodología: A través de un estudio cualitativo de corte transversal se realizaron 35 entrevistas individuales y 10 grupos focales. Se contó con la participación de 26 mujeres y 9 hombres con una media de 34 años, todos ellos cuidadores primarios de niños y niñas con cáncer albergados en un centro de atención que brinda ayuda a enfermos infantiles de cáncer del occidente de México. Resultados: El perfil del cuidador primario corresponde, principalmente a mujeres, con un nivel educativo medio, casadas y de un estrato socioeconómico bajo, que ejercen su rol de cuidadoras y de amas de casa. La motivación del cuidado está asociada a sentimientos amor, deber y altruismo. La mayoría de los cuidadores empleaban estrategias de afrontamiento centradas en la emoción y mantenían un vínculo de tipo seguro con el enfermo. / The family is essential in supporting the patient during the disease process. However, the psychological consequences that entails the impact of the disease and ongoing care, often affect their own health and quality of life. Objective: This study analyzes the main needs of primary caregiver, and the reasons for the acquisition and maintenance of the role of care. The study has identified the main coping strategies used by caregivers throughout the disease process to face the impact of stress and the attachment between the caregiver and the patient. Methodology: Through a cross-sectional qualitative study was conducted 35 individual interviews and 10 reflective groups. It was attended by 26 women and 9 men with an average of 34 years, all primary caregivers of children housed in a cancer care center that provides assistance to children of cancer patients in western Mexico. Results: The primary caregiver profile corresponds mainly to women, with an average educational level and a low socioeconomic status who carry out their role as caregivers and homemakers. The motivation of care is associated with feelings love, obligation and altruism. Most caregivers used coping strategies focused on emotion and had a positive and safe attachment with the patient.

President of Crimea. Constitution : Author(s) Autonomous Republic of Xena-Maria

Kulykivska, Mariia January 2020 (has links)
In this essay, two voices are heared, from two women: a certain artist Xena, who talks about her life and its dramas, interwoven with her own experiences from her diaries; and the voice of Maria, who analyzes Xena's life story and her art, diffracted through the prim of the history of 21stC art.  Art the outset, "President of Crimea. Constitution", announces its author as Xena-Maria; but it is not yet clear whether the author is one person or two, nor who they are. Is it Maria who writes here, or Xena, or both? Or are they one and the same person? But at the end of the story, which is told rather in a form of certain legends and fairy tales, Maria and Xena turn into one whole, and meaningfully put an ellipsis after the words "to be continued". This reception was specially intended by the artist Maria Kulikovska, author of this essay, in order to protect both herself and the reader from possible persecutions by migration services and goverment officials of various countries, especially Russia. Also, for her it is an opportunity to step aside and analyze her own life and art form a third person, about which, perhaps, a fictional character from her childhood talks - a sensible step for Maria Kulikovska. The step that her creative language conceptually continues is to replicate casts of her own body and establish them in different spaces and contexts. So she fairly confuses the viewer as to where is the truth, and where is fiction; where is herself, and where is her clone - only now, here, she has applied the same trick in her text. This essay tells a very personal story of the life of a human body, a migrant woman in forced relocation, displacements, alienation and persecutions for her views on life and the conduct of society, and for her moral values expressed throught architecture, sculpture, drawings, performances, actions and public statements. Through the prism of geopolitical upheavals, it tells the artist's own story: How her analysis of own body position and boundaries helped her overcome stigma regarding the body of a woman from Eastern Europe, and how art can save and redeem in an unending inner drama.

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