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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Man vill ju jobba med barnen!" : en kvalitativ studie om lärares upplevelser av hälsa på arbetsplatsen / One wants to work with the children : a study on teachers health at work.

Christensson, Liselott January 2014 (has links)
Bilden av lärares arbetssituation som presenteras i media är vanligtvis negativt vinklad. Exempelvis visar en undersökning att endast en tredjedel av lärarna upplever sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö som god. Ungefär hälften av de upplevda problemen med arbetsmiljön kan härledas till den administrativ arbetsbelastning. Trots detta upplever majoriteten av lärarna i grundskolan sitt arbete som meningsfullt och känner stöd från sina kollegor. Det finns således två parallella och delvis motstridiga bilder av hur lärare upplever sin arbetssituation. Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv undersöka vilka frisk- och riskfaktorer lärarna på en F-6 skola anser att de har på sin arbetsplats samt hur dessa faktorer kan påverka lärarnas upplevelse av hälsa i sitt arbete. Metoden som användes vid datainsamlingen var kvalitativa individuella intervjuer med sex lärare. Resultatet visade en delad bild av lärarnas upplevelser av sin arbetsmiljö. De friskfaktorer som var starkast och som lärarna var mest samstämmiga kring var elevarbetet och meningsfullheten kring de elevnära arbetsuppgifterna samt det stöd de upplevde från arbetskolleger och chefer. Majoriteten av lärarna menade att de upplevde obalans mellan elevarbete och övrigt arbete. Lärarna menade att dokumentation och andra uppgifter tog större utrymme av deras arbetstid än vad de önskade och flera av dem uttalade önskemål om att få mer tid för planering av lektionerna. Konklusionen är att lärarna mår bra av och tycker om att undervisa och vill ha mer tid för detta. / The image of teachers' work situation as presented in the media is usually negatively biased. For example, a survey shows that only a third of the teachers perceive their psychosocial work environment as well. About half of the perceived problems with the work environment can be traced to the administrative workload. Despite this experience the majority of teachers in primary schools finds their work meaningful and feel support from their colleagues. There are thus two parallel and sometimes contradictory images of how teachers perceive their work situation . The purpose of this study was that from a salutogenic perspective examine the healthy and risk factors teachers on an F-6 school experienced in their workplace and how these factors can affect teachers' perception of health in their work. This may be the basis for continued health promotion efforts at teacher workstations. The method used in the data collection was qualitative individual interviews with six teachers. The results showed a split image of teachers' perceptions of their work environment. The health factors that were strongest and that the teachers were most consistent about was teaching and the meaningfulness around the work with the pupils, the duties and the support they experienced from work colleagues and managers. The majority of teachers felt that they perceived imbalance between the work with the pupils and other work. The teachers felt that documentation and other tasks took up more space in their working time than what they wanted and many of them expressed a desire to have more time for planning lessons. The conclusion is that teachers feel good and like teaching and want more time for this.

Sambandet mellan personlighetsdimensioner och upplevd stress på arbetsplatser / The Correlation Between Personality Traits and Perceived Stress at work places

Skogberg, Jeanette January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband mellan personlighetsdimensioner och upplevd stress på arbetsplatser utifrån fem-faktormodellen samt krav-kontrollmodellen. 128 deltagare deltog i enkätundersökningen; 58 män och 66 kvinnor mellan åldern 20-69 år. Studien var en tvärsnittsstudie med självskattningsfrågor och urvalet gjordes genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Enkäterna besvarades på arbetsplatser i Örebro, Eskilstuna, Västerås och Stockholm. Tidigare forskning påvisar samband mellan personlighet och stress, men få undersöker detta utifrån krav-kontroll-stödmodellen. Föreliggande studie undersöker detta utifrån graden av krav och kontroll. T-test visade skillnader utifrån kön, envägs ANOVA visade skillnader i yrkestitel och ålder. Korrelationsanalyser visade positivt samband mellan krav och upplevd stress samt negativt samband mellan kontroll och upplevd stress. Resultatet visade positivt samband mellan agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness och krav samt positivt samband mellan openness och kontroll. / The purpose of the study was to examine correlations between personality traits and perceived stress at work places based upon the Five Factor model and demand-control model. 128 participants attended; 58 men and 66 women aged 20-69 years. The study was cross-sectional with self-report measures and convenience sampling. Surveys were answered at work places in Örebro, Eskilstuna, Västerås and Stockholm. Previous research show correlations between personality and stress, but few examine this through the demand-control-support model. Present study examine this through the demand-control model. T-test showed differences between gender, one-way ANOVA showed differences in occupation and age. There was a positive correlation between demand and perceived stress and a negative correlation between control and perceived stress. The results showed positive correlations between agreeableness, openness, conscientiousnness and demand, positive correlations between openness and control.

Arbetsrelaterad stress : En fallstudie om arbetsrelaterad stress hos ett svenskt fastighetsbolag

Lundstjälk, Frida, Tranehed, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Work-related stress can be either positive or negative, but the difficulty is to create a balance between demands at work, control at work and social support. High demands at work can both motivate, but at the same time result in excessive workload if the individual does not have enough control and support. In the real estate sector, it is insufficient with studies among work-related stress and by that it is interesting to investigate that sector. The purpose of this study is to examine and get an insight of the work related stress at the real estate company Kungsleden. The study is based on the “Job demand-control-support” model, which explains the relationship between psychological demands at work, control at work and social support and how it affects the stress level. In addition to this, the study also aims to investigate how the management is working with preventing work related stress. To be able to explain the purpose of the study, a method triangulation was conducted, in form of a questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaire received 34 answers and nine interviews were conducted. The result from the questionnaire show that the majority are positively stressed and are experiencing high work demands, high levels of work control and high levels of social support. Furthermore, the interviews presented that the management are actively working to prevent work-related stress at Kungsleden to create a health-promoting workplace. / Arbetsrelaterad stress kan både vara positiv eller negativ, det svåra är att skapa en balans mellan arbetskrav, arbetskontroll och arbetsstöd. Höga arbetskrav inom verksamheten kan både motivera, men samtidigt leda till en för hög arbetsbelastning om individen inte har tillräckligt med kontroll och stöd. Inom fastighetsbranschen är det bristfälligt med studier kring ämnet och därmed är det intressant att undersöka branschen. Syftet med studien blir således att få en insikt i hur den arbetsrelaterade stressen upplevs inom fastighetsbolaget Kungsleden. Studien grundar sig på “Job demand-control-support” modellen som förklarar sambandet mellan arbetskrav, arbetskontroll samt arbetsstöd och hur de påverkar stressnivån. Studien undersöker även hur ledningen på Kungsleden arbetar med det förebyggande arbetet kring arbetsrelaterad stress. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en metodtriangulering, i form av en enkätundersökning och intervjuer. Enkätundersökningen gav 34 stycken enkätsvar och det genomfördes nio stycken intervjuer. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen påvisade att majoriteten är positivt stressade och därmed upplever höga arbetskrav, hög arbetskontroll och högt socialt stöd. Från intervjuerna framgick det att ledningen arbetar aktivt med att förebygga arbetsrelaterad stress på Kungsleden för att skapa en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats.

Demanda e controle no trabalho e hipertensão arterial: validade dimensional e meta-análise / Demand and control in the job and hypertension: validity dimensional and meta-analysis

Yara Hahr Marques Hökerberg 31 March 2000 (has links)
O modelo demanda e controle de Karasek, elaborado na década de 1970, postula que os trabalhadores expostos a situações de alta exigência no trabalho, decorrente da combinação entre altas demandas psicológicas e baixo controle sobre o processo de trabalho, tem maior risco de apresentar eventos em saúde relacionados ao estresse, em particular doenças cardiovasculares. Os objetivos desta tese incluíram: avaliar propriedades psicométricas do instrumento Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) e conduzir uma meta-análise dos estudos publicados sobre a associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Três artigos foram elaborados. O primeiro artigo avaliou a validade dimensional e consistência interna da versão brasileira do instrumento DCSQ, quando aplicado a trabalhadores de um hospital e nove restaurantes no Rio de Janeiro. O segundo artigo comparou as propriedades psicométricas do DCSQ no contexto dos trabalhadores de hospital no Brasil e na Suécia. O terceiro artigo apresentou uma meta-análise dos estudos de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Os resultados evidenciaram que o instrumento DCSQ tem estrutura tridimensional e equivalente nas versões brasileira e sueca (original), representada por demandas psicológicas, uso de habilidades e autonomia para a decisão. O modelo de melhor ajuste excluiu a dimensão apoio social no trabalho e o item trabalho repetitivo (uso de habilidades). A meta-análise revelou que os estudos foram heterogêneos, a população-alvo foi restrita a países da Europa, EUA e Japão, sem evidência de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho, demanda e controle, e hipertensão arterial. / Proposed in the 1970s, the demand control model stated that workers in high strain jobs, a combination of high levels of psychological demands and low levels of control, have an increased risk of stress-related outcomes, particularly cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) and to conduct a meta-analysis of published studies about the association of job strain and hypertension. Three articles were presented. The first article evaluated the dimensional validity and internal consistency of the Brazilian version of DCSQ, when applied to hospital and restaurant workers in Rio de Janeiro. The second article compared the psychometric properties of the Swedish and Brazilian versions of DCSQ, when applied to hospital workers. The third article presented a meta-analysis of the association studies of job strain and hypertension. The results evidenced a three-factor structure of the DCSQ, which was equivalent in the Brazilian and Swedish versions and closely related to psychological demands, skill discretion and decision authority dimensions. The best fit model was achieved by excluding the social support at work dimension and the item repetitive work (skill discretion). The meta-analysis revealed no association between high strain, and related dimensions, and hypertension in samples restricted to European countries, USA and Japan, in which heterogeneity between studies was evidenced.

Demanda e controle no trabalho e hipertensão arterial: validade dimensional e meta-análise / Demand and control in the job and hypertension: validity dimensional and meta-analysis

Yara Hahr Marques Hökerberg 31 March 2000 (has links)
O modelo demanda e controle de Karasek, elaborado na década de 1970, postula que os trabalhadores expostos a situações de alta exigência no trabalho, decorrente da combinação entre altas demandas psicológicas e baixo controle sobre o processo de trabalho, tem maior risco de apresentar eventos em saúde relacionados ao estresse, em particular doenças cardiovasculares. Os objetivos desta tese incluíram: avaliar propriedades psicométricas do instrumento Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) e conduzir uma meta-análise dos estudos publicados sobre a associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Três artigos foram elaborados. O primeiro artigo avaliou a validade dimensional e consistência interna da versão brasileira do instrumento DCSQ, quando aplicado a trabalhadores de um hospital e nove restaurantes no Rio de Janeiro. O segundo artigo comparou as propriedades psicométricas do DCSQ no contexto dos trabalhadores de hospital no Brasil e na Suécia. O terceiro artigo apresentou uma meta-análise dos estudos de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Os resultados evidenciaram que o instrumento DCSQ tem estrutura tridimensional e equivalente nas versões brasileira e sueca (original), representada por demandas psicológicas, uso de habilidades e autonomia para a decisão. O modelo de melhor ajuste excluiu a dimensão apoio social no trabalho e o item trabalho repetitivo (uso de habilidades). A meta-análise revelou que os estudos foram heterogêneos, a população-alvo foi restrita a países da Europa, EUA e Japão, sem evidência de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho, demanda e controle, e hipertensão arterial. / Proposed in the 1970s, the demand control model stated that workers in high strain jobs, a combination of high levels of psychological demands and low levels of control, have an increased risk of stress-related outcomes, particularly cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) and to conduct a meta-analysis of published studies about the association of job strain and hypertension. Three articles were presented. The first article evaluated the dimensional validity and internal consistency of the Brazilian version of DCSQ, when applied to hospital and restaurant workers in Rio de Janeiro. The second article compared the psychometric properties of the Swedish and Brazilian versions of DCSQ, when applied to hospital workers. The third article presented a meta-analysis of the association studies of job strain and hypertension. The results evidenced a three-factor structure of the DCSQ, which was equivalent in the Brazilian and Swedish versions and closely related to psychological demands, skill discretion and decision authority dimensions. The best fit model was achieved by excluding the social support at work dimension and the item repetitive work (skill discretion). The meta-analysis revealed no association between high strain, and related dimensions, and hypertension in samples restricted to European countries, USA and Japan, in which heterogeneity between studies was evidenced.

Uppkopplad eller Avkopplad? : Kommunikationsteknologi i det moderna arbetslivet

Nilsson, Isabella, Ulriksson, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
Abstract Date: 2017-06-05 Level: Master thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors:                             Nilsson, Isabella                  Ulriksson, Jennifer                                            920507                                930119 Title: Connection versus Recovery? Communication technology in the modern working life.  Tutor: Magnus Hoppe Keywords: Smartphones, Information and communication technology, Boundary control, Psychological detachment, Work-Life Conflict, Stress, Job-Demand-Control. Research question: How do managers handle the positive and negative effects of communication technology? Purpose: The aim of this study is to critically analyse how managers in Sweden regulate the use of communication technology and how they perceive the effects of communication technology on the modern workplace. This contributes to an understanding regarding whether communication technology should be handled based on individuals being either digitally connected or able to mentally recover from work. Method: This study is of a qualitative approach, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight managers who is/ or has been, in charge of personnel. The study has a deductive approach and thus has its base in theory. Theories have consequently been used in the construction of the interview questions as well as in the creation of Modell 1.0. Conclusion: Policies restricting the use of communication technology is not desirable according to managers, this is due to it being a prerequisite for the working life of 2017. ‘Connection’ and ‘recovery’ are not dichotomies for all employees. Policies can be of use for employees who need help managing the boundaries between work and family. However, to reach a solution regarding the negative effects of communication technology, efforts should be put into the organizational culture rather than policies, which is depicted in Model 2.0. In that way, negative effects of communication technology can be fought off without risking the positive effects. Communication technology should not be handled based on the assumption that individuals are either digitally connected or able to mentally recover from work.

"Vi jobbar utifrån det positiva" : Hälsofrämjande på arbetsplatser som mål och medel

Palacios, Jaqueline January 2021 (has links)
I det komplexa och moderna arbetslivet förändras både människor och organisationer. Detta leder till att hälsofrämjande på arbetsplatser får en allt större betydelse i samband med att alla förändringar ställer nya krav på organisationer och dess anställda. Syftet med studien var att undersöka på vilka sätt chefer aktivt arbetar för att främja och bibehålla den arbetsrelaterade hälsan hos medarbetare. Det genomfördes kvalitativa telefonintervjuer med åtta första linjens chefer, vilka var aktiva inom skolverksamheten, fritidsgårdsverksamheten, rättspsykiatriska vården och kommunen. Intervjuerna bearbetades genom tematisk analys, något som visade att chefer främjar och bibehåller sina medarbetares hälsa genom att ge medarbetarna möjlighet till kontroll och delaktighet i arbetet samt genom ett närvarande och stöttande ledarskap. Studien ansågs vara praktiskt användbar av nuvarande och framtida chefer som vill arbeta hälsofrämjande samt av intresse för de undersökta arbetsplatserna där studien kan fungera som ett synliggörande underlag kring det hälsofrämjande arbetet.

Sammanhållen men splittrad? : Polisers upplevelser av en omorganisering

Degerhäll, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
I denna studie har upplevelser av Polismyndighetens omorganisation undersökts. Studien utgår utifrån en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med åtta verksamma poliser som arbetat vid omorganisationens implementering. Syftet med examensarbetet var att skapa djupare förståelse för polisers upplevelser av Polismyndighetens omorganisering. För att uppfylla syftet hade tre frågeställningar formulerats: ”hur beskriver poliserna omorganiseringen av Polismyndigheten?”, ”om och på vilket sätt upplever poliserna att omorganiseringen har påverkat deras känsla av organisatorisk tillhörighet?” samt ”om och på vilket sätt upplever poliserna att omorganiseringen har påverkat deras yrkesutövning?”. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats utifrån det teoretiska ramverket som bestod av teori om organisationskultur, organisationsidentitet och krav-, kontroll- och stödmodellen. Resultatet pekade på att samtliga informanter upplevde att omorganisationen förändrat yrkesutövandet i sig, men även den organisatoriska tillhörigheten i stort. Implementeringen av omorganisationen upplevdes som rörig och informationsutbytet otillräckligt för att förändringsarbetet skulle kunna utföras på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Det finns inte heller resurser för att realisera förändringsarbetet som planerat, de har istället placerats ut på Regionalledningscentraler runt om i landet. Det lämnar den lokala verksamheten utan resurser och det för poliserna högt värderade lokala arbetet åsidosätts. Det blev dock tydligt hur bärande det sociala stödet bland informanterna var för att hantera den krävande arbetssituationen. Ett välfungerande samspel med kollegor och överordnade blev en förutsättning för att klara av det fysiskt och psykiskt påfrestande arbetet som omorganisationen genererat i. Det framkom även att hur poliserna upplevde omorganisationen berodde till stor del på vilket kulturellt sammanhang de tillhörde, något som tydde på vikten av att ha organisationskulturen i beaktande vid omorganiseringar. / In this study, experiences of the Police Agency reorganization were investigated. The study is based on a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews have been conducted with eight active police officers which were working while the implementation of the reorganization occurred. The purpose of the degree project was to create a deeper understanding of the police officer's experiences of the Police Authority's reorganization. In order to fulfill the purpose, three questions had been formulated: "how do the police describe the reorganization of the Police Authority?", "if and in what way do the police feel that the reorganization has affected their sense of organizational belonging?" and "if and in what way do police officers feel that the reorganization has affected their professional practice?". The collected empirical data was analyzed on the basis of the theoretical framework, which consisted of theory of organizational culture, organizational identity and the demand, control and support model. The result indicated that all of the informants felt that the reorganization changed their professional practice, but also the organizational belonging. The implementation of the reorganization was perceived as confusing and the information exchange inadequate for the work of change to be carried out satisfactorily. There are also no resources to implement the change work as planned, instead they have been placed at Regional Management Centers around the country. It leaves the local business without resources and the local presence highly valued among the police officers is overridden. However, it became clear how supportive the social support among the informants was in dealing with the demanding work situation. A well-functioning interaction with colleagues and superiors became a prerequisite for coping with the physically and mentally stressful work that the reorganization generated, something that indicated the importance of having the organizational culture in mind when reorganizing.

”Jag önskar ju att jag hade mer tid till varje klient” : Kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser av sin arbetssituation

Westerdahl, Sofie, Edvardsson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate social workers experience of their workload and staff turnover at their workplace, and how these affect their work with clients, at the social service unit for children and families. The research questions are answered by using a method of qualitative semi-structured interviews. Six social workers takes part of the study, and the result from the interviews are analyzed through inductive thematic content analysis. The analysis is carried out with the help of previous research in the field as well as theories regarding stress, work-related stress and the Job Demand Control model, by Karasek and Theorell (1990). Results and conclusions demonstrates that the social workers experience a high workload and staff turnover that affects their opportunities to work long-term with their clients.

­­Påverkan av den digitala arbetsmiljön hos lärare på svenska lärosäten : tvingade till digitalisering / The impact of digital work environment of teachers at Swedish universities : forced into digitization

Westerlund Runesson, Lotta, Bengtsson, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Organisations' digitalisation has had positive and negative effects on the work environment. Regardless, the digital work environment can affect employees' digital well-being. By studying how lecturers at Swedish universities feel that their digital well-being is affected by the digital work environment, the universities can proactively work for a good work environment. This quantitative survey studies essential factors for the well-being of lecturers in the digital work environment at Swedish universities. The variation is explained using the Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R) and the Demand-Control-Support model.  The most important factors for digital well-being that have emerged in this study are to have a positive attitude towards digital systems, to have digital competence and to minimize negative impact; this is also confirmed by previous research in other environments.

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