Spelling suggestions: "subject:"demandcontrol"" "subject:"demandacontrole""
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Work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints : A quantitative study done among working adults in SwedenLoi Grahn, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
The workplace is an arena that most individuals spend time at. Work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints are problems for the society. Work-related stress has increased in Sweden over the past decades. The aim was to investigate the difference between men and women in work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints among working adults in the Swedish population, and to see if there is a relationship between work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints. The author posted an online survey on Facebook and Discord and 95 adults answered the survey. The result showed that there is a relationship between work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints. Psychosomatic complaints are more common among those who experience more work-related stress. There were no differences between men and women when it comes to work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints. The model Job demand control support model was used in this study. The model is measured with scales such as workload, time pressure and role conflicts. It can be used to see the relationship between job decision latitude and stress indicators. Psychosomatic complaints are more common among those who experience more stress. There are no differences between men and women when it comes to psychosomatic complaints and work-related stress.
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Relationen mellan chefens personlighet och anställdas arbetsupplevelse på distans : En kvantitativ studie / The relationship between the leader’s personality and employees’ experience of work in a distance-contextPavlova, Sonya January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan chefens personlighet utifrån femfaktorsmodellen och anställdas arbetsupplevelse utifrån krav-kontroll-stödmodellen när arbete skedde på distans. Pearsons korrelationsanalys genomfördes för att ge en översikt över relationen mellan chefens personlighet och anställdas arbetsupplevelse. Vidare undersöktes hur mycket av chefens personlighet förklarade variationer i anställdas arbetsupplevelse samt om och hur respektive personlighetsdimension predicerade anställdas arbetsupplevelse samt delkategorierna krav, kontroll och stöd. Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) användes för att mäta chefens personlighet. Fem delskalor från QPS Nordic (34+) med koppling till krav-kontroll-stödmodellen användes för att mäta anställdas arbetsupplevelse. Resultaten påvisade signifikanta samband mellan respektive personlighetsdimension och anställdas arbetsupplevelse. 57.9% av variationer i anställdas arbetsupplevelse kunde förklaras av chefens personlighet baserat på femfaktorsmodellen. Samvetsgrannhet var den enda personlighetsdimensionen hos chefen som enskilt hade en signifikant prediktion på anställdas totala arbetsupplevelse och samtliga delkategorier. Extraversion hos chefen hade en signifikant prediktion på anställdas upplevelse av kontroll. / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the leader's personality and employees experience of work in a distance context. The study investigated if there was a significant correlation between the leader's personality, based on the five-factory-model, and employees' experience of work, based on the demand-control-support-model. Furthermore, the study explored how much the leader's personality explained the variation in employees' experience of work. Ten Item Personality (TIPI) was used to measure the personality of the boss. Ten questions from QPS Nordic (34+) were used to measure work-experience. The results showed a significant correlation between the leader's personality and distance-workers' experience of work. 57.9% of the variation in the employees' experience of work could be explained by the leader's personality. Concisentiousness was the only dimension that had a significant effect on employees' total experience of work. Extraversion had a significant effect on employees' sense of control.
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På senare år har den arbetsrelaterade psykiska ohälsan stått för stora delar av sjukskrivningarna. Man har sett ett mönster mellan långtidssjukskrivningar och de yrkeskategorier som upplevt en ökning mellan psykiska krav och möjligheten för individerna att anpassa sitt egna arbete. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur trafikkonsulenter inom flygsektorn subjektivt upplevt sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö under pandemin. I studien användes QPSNordic som mätverktyg. Totalt var det 82 deltagare som besvarade enkäten, och 72% av de var kvinnor. Studiens resultat jämfördes med QPSNordics referensdata (N=2010) och två separata Pearson korrelationsanalyser genomfördes. Resultatet visade ett positivt signifikant samband mellan socialt stöd och kontroll i arbetet. Medelvärdena i referensdata skiljde sig framförallt åt i skalan ”kontroll av arbetstakt”. Resultaten visade att trafikkonsulenter som upplevde hög grad av socialt stöd också upplevde en hög grad av kontroll i sitt arbete, vilket också stöds i tidigare forskning. / In recent years, work-related mental ill-health has increasingly caused long-time sick leave, and a pattern has been seen, showing increased long-term sick leave for the occupational categories that have increased mental demands and less possibility for employees to control their own work. The purpose of this study was to study how traffic consultants in the aviation industry subjectively experienced their psychosocial work environment during the Covid-19 pandemic. QPSNordic, a questionnaire designed to study psychological, social and organizational working conditions, was used as measurement tool. A total of 82 participants answered the survey, 72% women and 28% men. The results of the study were compared with QPSNordic's reference data (N = 2010), and two separate Pearson correlation analyzes were performed. The results showed a positive significant relationship between social support and individual control of work. The mean values in the reference data differed mainly in the scale range: control of work rate. The results showed that traffic consultants who experienced a high degree of social support also experienced a high degree of control in their work, which corresponds with prior research.
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Energikartläggning och driftoptimering genom behovsstyrning i befintlig fastighet / Energy audit and operational optimization through demand control in existing buildingKarlsson, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Energy supply in Sweden year 2011 amounted to 577 TWh. The final energy consumption for industrial, residential and service was 379 TWh. Sweden has energy policy goals to reduce energy use in buildings. One of these goals is to reduce the energy use by 20 % in 2020 compared to the year 1995. An important step to achieve this goal is to target energy efficiency measures in existing buildings. There are also financial incentives to implement energy efficiency measures due to the fact that the cost of energy represents 30-40% of a buildings maintenance costs. In general, up to 20 % of the energy consumption can be reduced without major reconstruction. In this master thesis project presented here, an energy audit was performed and energy efficiency measures was proposed for an existing building located at Järfälla, Stockholm. The property belongs to SAAB - Defence and Security. They have an internal target to reduce energy use in their buildings with 50 % by 2015 compared to 2009. The work of this master thesis project was limited to a building locally termed hus A. This part of the property is the oldest and was built in 1968, but has expanded gradually to the year 1977. Hus A contains of offices, a production hall, laboratories and storage areas. The energy audit showed that the electricity use is far greater in hus A, compared to the an average office and administration building. This is mainly due to production processes. A breakdown of the highest electricity consumers are: Industrial processes – 61.9 kWh/m2/year Lighting – 35.7 kWh/m2/year Fans – 33.2 kWh/m2/year Refrigeration – 21.8 kWh/m2/year Compressed air – 18.9 kWh/m2/year Computer units – 7.8 kWh/m2/year Frequency converters – 4.4 kWh/m2/year Waste heat from industrial processes, primarily from the production hall leads to high cooling demand to maintain good thermal comfort. Limitations in operation control of the buildings HVAC (Heating, Cooling and Air-conditioning) systems causes high heating and cooling demand and hence the buildings thermal mass is not properly utilized. Energy saving measures was mainly focused on increasing the controlling capability of HVAC systems. By implementing the energy efficiency measures presented in this master thesis report, building thermal mass will be more efficiently utilized. In addition, end use of electricity, heat and cooling will be reduced. In total, seven energy-saving measures proposed. One measure is implemented to prevent heating and cooling at the same time. A brief description of the energy efficiency measures and the expected result is found below. Adjust set point for TAFA301 Energy saving: 94.0 MWh/yearPayback time: 0 year Establish time schedule for compressed air systemEnergy saving: 110.8 MWh/yearPayback time: 2.5 months Demand controlled temperature set point to heating systemEnergy saving: 167.0 MWh/yearPayback time: 3.5 months Demand control of airflow in the production hallEnergy saving: 155,5 MWh/yearPayback time: 2 years and 10 months Establish time schedule for frequency invertersEnergy saving: 104.0 MWh/yearPayback time: 3 years and 2 months Radiator thermostats to the first part of the production hall Energy saving: 6.5 MWh/yearPayback time: 5 years and 2 months Demand control of airflow in conference roomsEnergy saving: 11.0 MWh/yearPayback time: 12 years and 2 months
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"Det är ju det här med skyddsutrustningen" : Psykosocial arbetsmiljö inom äldreomsorgen, en kvalitativ studie om fyra vårdbiträdens upplevelse under pandemin / "It´s about the protective equipment" : Psychosocial work environment in elderly care, a qualitative study of four care assistants experiences during the pandemicLambertz, Therése January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie hade som syfte att beskriva hur vårdbiträden inom äldreboende och hemtjänst upplever sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö under coronapandemin. Detta genom frågeställningarna: Hur upplever vårdbiträden att deras arbetsinnehåll har påverkats av pandemin? Hur har vårdbiträdenas samarbete påverkats av pandemin? Vilka andra faktorer i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön har vårdbiträdena uppmärksammat i samband med pandemin? Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra vårdbiträden inom äldreomsorgen. Som analysverktyg användes Karasek och Theorells (1990) krav-kontroll-stödmodell. I resultatet framkom att den största inverkan på vårdbiträdenas psykosociala arbetsmiljö under pandemin var samhällets förändrade rekommendationer och restriktioner avseende skyddsutrustning och att förhindra smittspridning. Detta påverkade hela deras arbetssituation på flera olika sätt genom högre krav och mindre kontroll i arbetet. Stödet i arbetet i form av kollegialt stöd, visade sig vara betydelsefullt för den psykosociala arbetsmiljön under pandemin.
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“Är det en budgivning igång så skiter jag i om jag sitter på en fin middag med kungen, då är det budgivning som gäller.” : En kvalitativ studie av gränslöst arbete i fastighetsmäklarbranschen / "If there's a bidding process, I don't care if I'm sitting at a nice dinner with the king, then it's bidding." : A qualitative study of borderless work in the real estate industrySvensson, Ebba, Gustafsson, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur gränslöst arbete inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen kan se ut, samt vilka upplevelser som kan finnas kring de krav på tillgänglighet och flexibilitet som yrket kan medföra. Studien bygger på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt med sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med fastighetsmäklare i Stockholm- och Malmöområdet. Studien genomfördes utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv med en abduktiv analysmetod där resultatet har analyserats genom en tematisk analys. De teorier som studien utgår från är Anthony Giddens bidrag om modernitet och självidentitet, gränsteori och Karaseks modell om Krav-Kontroll-Stöd. Det huvudsakliga resultatet visar att det gränslösa arbetet i största grad tar sig uttryck genom den tillgänglighet som möjliggjorts av den digitala utvecklingen. Utvecklingen medför en frihet i form av flexibilitet där fastighetsmäklarna ges möjlighet att planera och strukturera sina arbetsdagar som de önskar, även om det kan medföra vissa krav och förväntningar som kan gå ut över privatlivet. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what borderless work can look like within the real estate brokerage industry, as well as what experiences there may be around the requirements for availability and flexibility that the profession can entail. The study is based on a qualitative approach with seven semi-structured interviews with real estate agents in the Stockholm and Malmö area. The study is carried out based on a hermeneutic perspective with an abductive analysis method where the results have been analyzed through a thematic analysis. The theories studied are based on Anthony Gidden's contribution on modernity and self-identity, border theory and Karasek's model on Demand-Control-Support. The main result shows that the borderless work is largely expressed through the availability made possible by digital development. The development brings a freedom in the form of flexibility where real estate agents are given the opportunity to plan and structure their working days as they wish, even if this may entail certain demands and expectations that may go beyond private life.
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“Att vara mellanchef är en del av min livsstil” : En intervjustudie om hur mellanchefers work-life balance och informella lärande påverkar varandraFaringstam, Alexandra, Jansson, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
In today's job market, but also in society in general, there is a discussion about the importance of having a good balance between work and private life, to minimize negative stress and sick leave. Middle managers are often highlighted as being exposed to these issues. The purpose of this study was to explore how middle managers' work-life balance and informal learning have an impact on each other. The aspiration was to get a better understanding of what contributes to work-related stress in relation to workplace learning in employees with both staff responsibilities and managers above them. The model of demand-control-support and informal learning have been used as a theoretical framework to analyze the empirical material collected. Through five semi-structured interviews the study has established that a healthy balance between working life and private life contributes to increasing commitment and learning in the workplace amongst middle managers. Furthermore, the study has concluded that non-formal learning in the workplace can contribute to a healthier balance between working life and private life, but also that learning in the workplace can contribute to negative stress outside of working hours. The key factors for this are opportunities to influence one's own work, have social support from managers, employees, family and friends, as well as clear demands from management. These have proven to be important in relieving stress and increasing workplace learning where there is a lack of work-life balance in middle managers. Keywords: Work-life balance, informal learning, demand-control-support, work-related stress
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“Jag har varit i situationer tidigare där man varit slav till kalendern. En kalender som andra fyllde.” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om mellanchefers upplevelse av stöd med utgångspunkt i Karasek och Theorells Krav-kontroll-och stödmodell / “I found myself in situations before where I felt enslaved by the calendar. A calendar filled by others” : A Qualitative Interview Study on Middle Managers' Experience of Support Based on Karasek and Theorell's Job Demand, Control and Support ModelGöthlin, Oskar, Engelin, Sannah January 2023 (has links)
Middle managers have a complex task where it is important to achieve results while at the same time being there for their employees. To succeed in this, a good structure in the work and the right type of support from both management and employees are required. This study aims to investigate how middle managers experience the support that the respective companies provide and how the experiences can be understood based on the JDCS model. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with middle managers at two different businesses. The interviews were transcribed orthographically and then analyzed thematically. The results showed that the support function is central when it comes to handling the high demands that are made, as well as how management forums can contribute to increasing community and collegial support among middle managers. The conclusion that could be drawn was that in order to avoid burdensome work and increase satisfaction, a comprehensive support function is required.
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Work-life balance inom en högpresterande organisationÅkermark, Isabel, Bergquist, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks enskilda individers upplevelser av work-life balance somverkar inom en högpresterande organisation. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod därdatan analyseras genom en induktiv tematisk analys. Efter genomförandet avintervjuerna kunde man sammanställa fyra teman; prestationsbaserad lön, kontroll,ledarskap och arbetskultur. Resultatet visade att samtliga respondenter haft utmaningaratt balansera privat- och arbetslivet och att karaktärsdragen bakom en högpresterandeorganisation upplevs ligga bakom detta. Psykologiska teorier som sedan gick attapplicera på resultatet var Karaseks och Theorells krav, kontroll- och stödmodell samtBakker och Demeroutis jobbkrav- och resursmodell. / This study examines the work-life balance experiences of individuals working in a high-performance organization. The study is based on a qualitative method where the data isanalyzed through an inductive thematic analysis. After conducting the interviews, fourthemes could be summarized: performance-based pay, control, leadership, and workculture. The results showed that all respondents had challenges in balancing theirprivate and work life and that the characteristics of a high-performance organization areperceived to be behind this. Psychological theories that could then be applied to theresults were Karasek and Theorell's demand, control and support model and Bakker andDemerouti's job requirement and resource model.
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How can we better understand outcomes of workplace bullying in a developing country : Examining how emotional exhaustion, psychological capital, and social support can influence the association between workplace bullying and mental health in India.Delorme, Manon, Prior, Antonia January 2023 (has links)
The present study examines how the relationship between workplace bullying and mental health can be influenced by emotional exhaustion, and how the intensity in this relationship can be affected by the individual’s psychological capital, and access to social support from colleagues and supervisors. The studys theoretical framework is based on the Job Demand-Control-Support model, the Job Demands-Resources model and the Conservation of Resources theory. Data were collected at Indian workplaces and included 139 participants. The study used a self-report questionnaire and was analyzed with mediation and moderation as main analysis methods. In line with previous research, results showed that psychological capital as a whole moderated the negative effects on mental health that follow from being exposed to workplace bullying. Emotional exhaustion was found to be a mediator in the association between workplace bullying and mental health problems. Psycological capital resilience fully moderated the mediating association between workplace bullying and mental health problems via emotional exhaustion. Psychological capital optimism moderated the association between bullying and emotional exhaustion, but not the full mediation. Social support was shown not to moderate the negative effects of workplace bullying on mental health, which does not support previous findings.
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