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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A criminalização das torcidas organizadas de futebol

Ladeira, Flávia Toledo 04 June 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-10-07T18:18:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 flaviatoledoladeira.pdf: 446274 bytes, checksum: 222cdfcc1a9200025040967a20331ba2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-10-11T15:48:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 flaviatoledoladeira.pdf: 446274 bytes, checksum: 222cdfcc1a9200025040967a20331ba2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-11T15:48:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 flaviatoledoladeira.pdf: 446274 bytes, checksum: 222cdfcc1a9200025040967a20331ba2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-04 / Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre as torcidas organizadas de futebol no Brasil, em especial a Máfia Azul, torcida organizada do Cruzeiro, e a Galoucura, torcida organizada do Atlético Mineiro. Em meados dos anos 60, quando ocorreu à transformação das Torcidas Uniformizadas em Torcidas Organizadas, houve também modificações nas práticas, nos comportamentos e nas relações entre esses torcedores. Com o aumento da visibilidade do comportamento das Organizadas, diversos estudos de áreas e campos científicos diferentes surgiram. Devido às modificações ocorridas na prática de torcer, os torcedores organizados passaram a ser alvo dos poderes públicos que, desde o ano de 2000, vêm pedindo sua extinção por causa dos atos de violência e vandalismo praticados por alguns deles. Um estudo sobre a violência praticada por torcedores organizados de futebol se faz necessário uma vez que o futebol é a atividade esportiva mais praticada no mundo e, portanto, de grande relevância social. Com um estudo que combina pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa de dados veiculados na mídia (entendendo-se por mídia os jornais, revistas especializadas e a televisão) e pesquisa de campo realizada durante o Campeonato Mineiro de Futebol de 2008, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a construção social das torcidas organizadas de futebol como um problema público. A comunicação e o discurso lingüístico são de extrema importância na construção da estrutura social, na constituição do indivíduo e da sua imagem social. A partir do entendimento das diferentes perspectivas e concepções presentes nas teorias sociais, visualizaremos o processo de criminalização das torcidas organizadas tendo como referencial teórico a abordagem de Howard Becker e Joseph R. Gusfield, interacionistas que nos mostram que um comportamento somente se torna desviante, ou seja criminalizado, no momento em que ele assim foi definido como tal. Assim sendo, os responsáveis por formular e impor as regras na sociedade são também os responsáveis pela maior parte da rotulagem e construção de verdades. Esses teóricos percebem o ambiente social como fornecedor de categorias que rotulam e estigmatizam o indivíduo. A pesquisa de campo serviu para corroborar a pesquisa bibliográfica e científica quanto à criminalização das torcidas organizadas. / This paper is a study of the organized cheerers of the Brazilian soccer game, in special the Mafia Azul, organized cheerers of the Cruzeiro team, and the Galoucura, organized cheerers of the Atlético Mineiro team. In the middle of the 60's, when the Standardized Cheerers turned into Organized Cheerers, there were also modifications in the practices, in the behavior and in the relations between these fans. With the increase of the visibility of the behavior of the Organized ones, several studies of areas and different scientific ideas appeared. Due to modifications which occurred in the practice of cheering, the organized fans started to be a target of the government that, since 2000, is asking for its extinction because of the violence and vandalism practiced by some of them. A study on the violence practiced by organized soccer fans is necessary since the soccer is the most practiced sporting activity in the world and, so, of great social relevance. With a study that combines bibliographical research, research of data published by the media (newspapers, specialized magazines and television) and field work carried out during the Mineiro Soccer Championship of 2008, the present work has as objective the analyses of the social construction of the organized soccer cheerers as a public problem. The communication and the linguistic speech have an extreme importance in the construction of the social structure, in the constitution of the individual and of his social image. From the understanding of the different perspectives and present conceptions in the social theories, we will observe the processes relating to crimes of the organized cheerers taking as a theoretical referential the approach of Howard Becker and Joseph R. Gusfield, researches who showed us that a behavior is only diverting, in other words criminal, at the exact moment it was defined. In this way, the people in charge of formulating and imposing the rules in the society are also the people responsible for most of the labels and construction of the truth. These theoreticians realize the social environment like supplier of categories that label and stigmatize the individual. The field work corroborated with the bibliographical and scientific researches relating the criminal of the organized cheerers.

Thought disorder as a predictive sign of mental disorder:a study of high-risk and low-risk adoptees in the Finnish Adoptive Family Study of Schizophrenia

Metsänen, M. (Miia) 31 January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Early recognition of schizophrenia could lead to a better clinical course and a better prognosis. Therefore, researchers have started to investigate the possible vulnerability markers of schizophrenia. Both genetic and environmental factors have been found to be essential in the understanding of the development of psychiatric disorders. The present study is part of an extensive Finnish adoptive family study of schizophrenia. The substudies of this thesis focused on investigating the predictive value of thought disorder measured by Thought Disorder Index (TDI) in terms of the future psychiatric disorders of adoptees at high risk (HR, biological mother with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or paranoid psychosis) and low risk (LR, biological mother with no diagnosed psychosis) for schizophrenia, who had no psychiatric diagnosis at the initial assessment (n = 171). The adoptees' psychiatric status was first re-assessed based on the DSM-III-R criteria in a re-interview 11 years later and then based on the available national hospital discharge registers 16 years later. The predictive value of thought disorder as a sign of vulnerability to mental disorder was clarified by examining the stability of thought disorder (n = 158). The adoptees' TDI scores were evaluated twice at a median interval of 12 years (the adoptees' median ages at evaluation were 22 and 36 years). Furthermore, the possible genotype-environment effect in the development of thought disorder was investigated by assessing the adoptees' thought disorders at the initial and follow-up assessments as well as the CD (Communication Deviance) of their adoptive parents at the initial assessment (n = 89). High scores on several TDI variables at the initial assessment were shown to predict a follow-up diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder among all adoptees. These TDI variables were found to be stable over time, which enhanced the predictive value of thought disorder. There was an association between the thought disorder of the adoptees and the CD of their parents. Furthermore, the genotype - environment interactions were also related to the presence of thought disorder. The results of these investigations provide new information to the prevention of mental disorders, especially among person with prodromal symptoms of psychosis, such as mood disorders and cognitive dysfunctions. / Tiivistelmä Skitsofrenian varhaisen tunnistamisen myötä saattaa olla mahdollista kohentaa skitsofrenian ennustetta. Siksi tutkijat selvittävät mahdollisia skitsofreniaan altistavia ja ennakoivia tekijöitä. Sekä geneettiset että ympäristöstä johtuvat tekijät ovat nousseet olennaisiksi seikoiksi psykiatristen häiriöiden kehittymisen ymmärtämisessä. Tämä tutkimus on osa laajempaa Suomalaista adoptiolapsitutkimusta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ennustavatko Thought Disorder Index -asteikolla (TDI) mitatut ajatushäiriöt tutkimushetkellä oireettomien (eivät täyttäneet psykiatrisen diagnoosin kriteereitä) riski (biologinen äidillä skitsofrenia tai paranoidinen psykoosi diagnoosi)- ja verrokkiadoptiolasten (biologisella äidillä ei psykoosi diagnoosia) tulevaa mielenterveyttä (n = 171). Adoptiolasten psykiatrinen status arvioitiin 11 vuotta myöhemmin tehdyssä seurantatutkimuksessa DSM-III-R -kriteeristöllä ja tämän jälkeen vielä seuraamalla 16 vuotta kansallisia sairaaloiden uloskirjoitusrekistereitä. Ajatushäiriöiden ennustearvoa toimia haavoittuvuusindikaattoreina selvitettiin tutkimalla ajatushäiriöiden pysyvyyttä (n = 158). Adoptiolasten TDI pisteet arvioitiin kahdesti heidän ollessa 22- ja 36-vuotiaita, tutkimuksen alussa ja 12 vuoden (mediaani) seuranta-ajan jälkeen. Lisäksi mahdollista perimä-ympäristötekijöiden yhdysvaikutusta ajatushäiriöiden kehittymisessä tutkittiin arvioimalla adoptiolasten adoptiovanhempien kommunikaatiohäiriöt (CD) alkututkimuksessa ja adoptiolasten ajatushäiriöt sekä alku- että seurantatutkimuksessa (N = 89). Eräät alkututkimuksessa mitatut kohonneet TDI-muuttujat (TDR = TDI-astekon kokonaispistemäärä, 0.50 vakavuusaste ja omituinen sanojen käyttö) ennustivat seurannassa adoptiolasten psykiatrisen diagnoosin kriteerien täyttymistä. Kyseiset TDI-muuttujat olivat myös pysyviä ja täten niiden ennustearvo vahvistui. Adoptiolasten ajatushäiriöiden kehittyminen alku- ja seurantatutkimuksen välillä oli yhteydessä alkututkimuksessa mitattuun adoptiovanhempien kommunikaatiohäiriöiden esiintyvyyteen ja perimän ja ympäristön yhdysvaikutus tuli esille. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset tuovat uutta tietoa ennaltaehkäisevälle mielenterveystyölle, erityisesti niiden henkilöiden kohdalla, joilla esiintyy joitakin huolestuttavia, erityisesti psykoosin ennakko-oireita kuten mieliala-oireita ja kognitiivisia muutoksia.

Sociologie d’une construction préventive du rapport des services de protection de l’enfance aux familles étrangères dans le département de l’Hérault : approche socioéducative de la notion de risque de danger dans un contexte sécuritaire / Sociology of a preventive construction of the relationship of child protection services towards foreign families with the Herault department

Clariana, Lionel 10 April 2015 (has links)
Au cours des années 2000, alors que le référentiel sécuritaire se globalise, et contrairement à la dynamique préventive instaurée depuis deux décennies de décentralisation, le législateur dote progressivement la protection de l'enfance d'outils administratifs coercitifs qui la resitue dans le traitement de l'enfant dangereux.En même temps que l'avènement du néolibéralisme fait de l'individu en difficulté le responsable de sa condition et soumet l'attribution de l'aide à des principes méritocratiques, par la logique sécuritaire les difficultés éducatives parentales sont assimilées à de la déviance et chaque membre de la famille passe d'une position de victime à soutenir à celle de coupable à sanctionner. Aussi n'y a-t-il qu'un pas à franchir pour que l'évaluation de la problématique se transforme en contrôle et le suivi en correction des comportements.A partir du durcissement des politiques migratoires et dans un contexte exacerbé de racialisation et d'ethnicisation de la question sociale, les familles étrangères qui évoluent plus particulièrement en ZUS doivent soumettre leurs comportements à des normes dominantes et des systèmes de valeurs idéologisés. Plus qu'un autre, le parent étranger, régulier ou non régulier, doit produire les conditions de la sécurité éducative de son enfant dans un contexte d'insécurité sociale et administrative structurellement organisé. Et plus que pour un autre, le professionnel de la protection de l'enfance doit penser son action en fonction des contingences statutaires de chaque membre de la famille et veiller à ce que la mesure de soutien ne devienne pas un stigmate qui se rajoute à la couleur de la peau, à l'origine ou encore à la zone d'habitation dans un contexte institutionnel et politique sous tension. / Over the years 2000, whilst the security-based referential is going through globalisation, and unlike the preventive dynamics in place for the past decades of decentralization, the legislator gradually provides childhood protection services with coercive administrative tools which restores it back to dealing with dangerous children.Whilst the outbreak of neoliberalism positions problem-stricken individuals as responsible for their condition and submits support attribution to meritocratic principles, parental educational difficulties are assimilated to deviance through a security-driven logic, and each family member goes from the status of a victim who needs support to a status of guilty individual who needs sanctioning. This therefore implies that there is only one step to take for the problematic to become a controlling measure and for the follow-up to become corrective measure of behaviours.In view of the tightening of migrating politics and in this context of exacerbating racialisation and ethnicisation of the social issue, foreign families who evolve in ZUS (« Sensitive Urban Zones ») have to submit their behaviors to dominating norms and to ideologized value systems. To a greater extent than anyone else, foreign parents, whether they are in a regular or irregular situation, must provide the conditions of an educational security for their child within a structurally organised context of social and administrative unsecurity. And to a greater extent than for anyone else, the professional in charge of childhood protection must think his action according to the statutory contingencies of each family member and see to the fact that the support measure doesn't become a stigmatism which comes on top of skin colour, origins or even living in an area within an institutional and political context which is under pressure.

Children of Alcoholics: A systematic review on the correlation between parental alcoholism and youth criminality

Möllerstedt, Lina Miranda January 2019 (has links)
Abstract: Prior research indicates a growing number of Children of Alcoholics (CoAs) in Sweden, and increased levels of externalizing behaviours in these individuals. According to international research, externalizing behaviours as criminality are more often displayed in CoAs than children with non-alcoholic parents. CoAs are also more often treated for panic attacks, depression and post-traumatic stress. The assumption is that high risk parents often have high risk children. With the aim to investigate the relationship between parental alcoholism and youth criminality in Sweden a systematic literature review has been conducted. Five databases were used to find relevant publications; Libsearch, Swesub, Eric via Ebsco, ProQuest and Google Scholar. A total of 530 texts were scanned and 17 studies eligible to inclusion were read and analysed according to PRISMA, a preferred reporting system of literature reviews. Inclusion criterions were; Sweden as geographical area, attention on children and young adults aged 13-25 years and a focus on parental drinking and youth criminality. The publications were also to be peer reviewed and published between 1998 and 2018. Results indicate a significant correlation between parental drinking and youth criminality in Sweden. CoAs display externalizing behaviours as aggression, conduct disorders, antisocial behaviour and criminality more often than children without alcoholic parents. It can be concluded that research on the field of CoAs is not the most researched in Sweden but in line with international findings and would benefit from further attention so we in the future can work with preventive measures based on solid knowledge.

Motstånd och gemenskap : En kvalitativ studie om politiskt engagemang på nätet / Resistance and community : A qualitative study of political engagement online

Hindrikes, Evelin January 2021 (has links)
This study examines two Facebook groups with the explicit purpose of creating a resistance against the nationalist and right-wing political party the Sweden Democrats. Through qualitative interviews with administrators of these groups, three main themes have been identified and analyzed: the motivation behind the resistance, the role these groups play for their members and the path to an active political engagement online. The theoretical basis for the analysis consists of Becker’s theory on deviant groups, Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective and Bauman’s description of the age of nostalgia.  The study finds that the members of the groups mainly protest against the outlook on people expressed by the Sweden Democrats through their view on immigrants. While an increasing number of people in Sweden express negative views on immigrants, the members of these groups turn to each other online to find a community where their views are shared. The Facebook groups act as places of support, but also as sources of fact-based information where arguments to use in life offline can be found. Anyone who doesn’t sympathize with the Sweden Democrats, and who agrees to the group terms of preserving a friendly debate climate, is welcome in these groups, creating a relatively heterogenous group composition.  The start of an active engagement in these groups seems to have been triggered by a specific event, but the social process leading there appears to consist of a development of a sense of justice through upbringing and earlier experiences. A current life situation permitting time for engagement as well as a feeling of deviating from the views of others in their social proximity, seem to be other important factors resulting in an active political engagement online.

Attribution to Deviant and Nondeviant Social Roles

Rohlman, James E. 05 1900 (has links)
A questionnaire was used to study causal attribution to social roles as influenced by perceived deviance of the role, instructions to identify with the role, and participant gender. The perceived deviance or nondeviance of the roles was determined by a pilot study. The roles were varied randomly through 12 hypothetical events, and identification or nonidentification instructions randomly assigned. The participants were 194 male and female university students. Participants gave the cause of each event and rated the cause on five dimensions: internality, externality, stability, globality, and controllability. Causal attribution to deviant social roles was found to result in a significantly higher across-scales score and to be more internal, less external, and more global than attribution to nondeviant roles. Participant gender showed an interaction with deviance overall and on the dimensions of stability and globality due to significantly higher ratings by women participants than those by men. Identification instructions did not produce a significant effect.

Social Mobility and Crime Rates, 1970 - 2010: Applying the Cycles of Deviance Model to Violent and Economic Crime

Arietti, Rachael Alexandra 03 June 2013 (has links)
In his article, "Cycles of Deviance" (1996), Hawdon demonstrates how varying rates of social mobility correspond to cyclical patterns of drug use in the United States between 1880 and 1990. He proposes that social mobility alters the "deviance structure" of a society by changing the rate at which certain behaviors are labeled deviant, and thus, the rate at which people engage in those behaviors. This study provides an updated assessment of the cycles of deviance model to determine whether it can account for rates of violent and economic crime. I use social mobility to predict homicide, burglary, and overall rates of drug use from 1970 through 2010 using a time-series analysis. Crime data are obtained from the FBI\'s Uniform Crime Reports and Monitoring the Future. Social mobility data are obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the U.S. Census Bureau. I also control for several well- established correlates of crime -- namely, economic and demographic factors, police size, illicit drug market activity, and firearm availability. Results show moderate support for the cycles of deviance model in predicting rates of homicide and burglary. However, social mobility\'s influence with respect to drug use appears to vary with the size of the youth population. / Master of Science

A concept of the elements of juvenile criminality from a sociological aspect

Smith, Frank Burchard 01 January 1931 (has links)
The conditions that have prevailed in the United States in the last twenty-five years, compel thoughtful citizens to give careful attention to the disrespect for law that is so marked a characteristic of the period. Crime and disorder are spread theoughout the length and breadth of the land. This produces problems which should be studies and solved for the good of society. The reaction which accompanies this evil will eventually cause social demoralization. While attempting to treat this particular evil, social workers have been largely content to deal with surface conditions. Attention has been focused upon the symptom rather than the cause. Hardened criminals are not made in a day. They are the result of contacts and environment, plus hereditary forces, which have influenced them through years of time. Therefore, a study should be made of delinquent youth for the purpose of understanding the criminal. For years the criminal acts of delinquent individuals have been catalogued and graded according to the respective felonies and misdemeanors committed. Little has been done however, relative to understanding the cause of delinquency. This statement is not made for the purpose of discounting any good work which has been accomplished; but the accomplishments have been almost negligible in comparison with those in other fields of research. It is the desire of the writer to set forth in an accurate manner the elements of juvenile criminality, more commonly called delinquency. The terms, criminality and delinquency, will be used interchangeably to designate and infraction against, or a nonconformity to, law and order.

Att upphöra med den kriminella livsstilen : En kvalitativ studie av KRIS anställdas erfarenheter av att upphöra med kriminalitet / To cease the criminal lifestyle : A qualitative study of KRIS employees' experiences of ending crime.

Rohey Secka, Aji, Ali, Ahmaal Ahmed January 2021 (has links)
Undersökningen syftar till att öka kunskap och förståelse kring de medverkande faktorer som resulterar till upphörandet av en kriminell livsstil hos KRIS anställda. Vi har genomfört fem kvalitativa intervjuer med individer som är anställda hos KRIS för att få en djupare förståelse kring processen om att bryta med kriminalitet. Föreningen KRIS agerar som stöd till individer som söker frivillig vård för att upphöra ett avvikande beteende. Medlemmar inom KRIS har möjligheten till stödgrupper, terapibehandlingar, stödboenden, arbete, fritidsaktiviteter, utbildning och kamratskap. KRIS fungerar som ett skyddsnät med tillgång till ett ökat socialt nätverk för individer som vill ta sig ur kriminalitet.För att analysera forskningsempirin har vi använt oss av båda Erving Goffmans (2011) teori om stigma samt Helen Ebaughs (1988) teori om exitprocessen. Goffmans (2011) teori ökar medvetenhet om hur individen stämplas som ett stigma av omgivningen som ett resultat av sina avvikande handlingar. Ebaughs (1988) teori redogör för de processer som individen genomgår för att lämna en social roll och ersätta den med en annan social identitet. Dessa teorier möjliggör en sammanställning av de livserfarenheter som samtliga respondenter talar om i intervjuerna. Dessa teorier tillsammans med intervjuerna kommer att vara hjälpande för att förstå och analysera studiens syfte.Studiens resultat påvisar flera faktorer som bidrar till individens upphörande med kriminalitet. Resultatet indikerar att samtliga respondenter upplevde en särskild händelse i sina liv som orsakade känslor om att bryta med kriminalitet. Undersökningen visar dessutom att positiva reaktioner från familjemedlemmar och den sociala omgivningen har en bidragande effekt på respondenternas upphörande av kriminalitet. Bland andra faktorer, har KRIS-föreningen haft stor inflytande av respondenternas upphörande med kriminalitet, då KRIS motiverar och hjälper medlemmar att leva ett drogfritt och hederligt liv. / The study aims to increase knowledge and understanding of contributing factors that result in the cessation of a criminal lifestyle. We have carried out five qualitative interviews with individuals employed by KRIS to gain a deeper understanding regarding the process of breaking out of a criminal lifestyle. KRIS acts as a support system for individuals who seek voluntary care in terms of ending a deviant behavior. Members within KRIS have the opportunity for support groups, therapy treatments, supported housing, leisure activities, education, work, and friendship. KRIS works as a safety net with access to an increased social network for individuals who want to get out of crime.To analyze the research empirics, we have used both Erving Goffman's (2011) theory of stigma and Helen Ebaugh's (1988) theory of the exit process. Goffman's (2011) theory increases awareness of how the individual is stigmatized by the environment as a result of his deviant actions. Ebaugh's (1988) theory describes the processes that the individual goes through to leave a social role and replace it with another social identity. These theories enable a compilation of the life experiences that all respondents talk about in the interviews. These theories together with the interviews will clarify the study's aim.The results of the study demonstrate several factors that contribute to the individual's cessation of crime. The results indicate that all respondents experienced a special event in their lives that caused feelings of wanting to break with crime. The survey also shows that positive reactions from family members and the social environment have a contributing effect on the respondents' cessation of crime. Among other factors, the KRIS association has had a great influence on the respondents' cessation of crime, as KRIS motivates and helps members to live a drug-free and honest life.

Fifteen Minutes of Shame? : Understanding the Experience of Being Subjected to Moral Outrage Online

Zabielski, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Due to new technological affordances, such as the internet and social media, people are more exposed than ever to actions or statements that may be perceived as moral violations. Consequently, moral outrage has become a prevalent feature in the online sphere. While it is well-known how moral outrage arises and what kind of practices it motivates, little is still known in regards to how moral outrage is experienced by the individuals who are at the receiving end of such outrage. The purpose of this study was thus to explore how individuals understand their experiences of being subjected to moral outrage online. Drawing on a theoretical framework comprised by interactionist and symbolic interactionist concepts, the study analysed interviews conducted with twelve individuals who have been subjected to moral outrage online. The findings show that the individuals understand their experience as being characterized by a sense of being in the hands of others once their action or statement had been reframed into a moral violation. The moral outrage is furthermore understood as having wider social consequences that contributed to, solidified or, by contrast, mitigated the experience of becoming an outcast, while also predominantly being understood as having a negative impact on the individuals’ sense of self. Accordingly, by taking these individuals’ understanding of moral outrage online into account, rather than problematizing their actions or statements, the study opens up for a discussion in regards to how moral outrage expressed online may itself be problematic and worthy of critical reflection.

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