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O aluno diagnosticado com deficiência intelectual : limites da perspectiva classificatóriaSantos, Carla Ulliane Nascimento 02 March 2016 (has links)
This paper aims to talk about the search for an evaluation process that does not enframe children in a fixed place based on normal parameters, in order to undertake a new evaluation perspective that perceives the human being in its spread and complexity. The work presents a discussion based in writers like Moyses (2011), Mantoan (2004), Canguilhem (2002), Cordie (1996), Sternberg and Grigorenko (2003), as well as two of the main works of Merleau-Ponty: Phenomenology Perception (1999) and Psychology and Education of the Child (2006). The research uses a qualitative approach and the method is the multiple case study. Relevant methodological aspects to this approach were used as document analysis (evaluation reports) and semi structured interviews with teachers, psychologists and progenitors. The proposal is based on the need to understand the other in his or her amplitude as a human being, thoughtful, global and unique. It starts from the proposition that it is necessary to find ways to conceiving and education of diagnosed students that unravel their nature, such as language and body. However, the members of this research cast their eyes just on the obstacles, thus, not allowing the comprehension of a person's potential with intellectual disabilities. In this sense, we sought to examine the limits of using standardized tests that pervade human beings’ lives because as they regulate the subjects, therefore it set labels that will follow them during they lifetime. It looks for identify an assessment that highlights the potential and not only the restrictions of being, contemplating the history of life, the subject's uniqueness, perceiving the human being in its spread and complexity. / O presente trabalho discorre acerca da busca por um processo avaliativo que não enquadre a criança em um lugar fixo baseado em parâmetros de normalidade, de modo a empreender uma nova perspectiva de avaliação que perceba o ser humano em sua amplitude e complexidade. O estudo apresenta uma discussão baseada em autores como: Moysés (2011), Mantoan (2004), Canguilhem (2002), Cordié (1996), Sternberg e Grigorenko (2003), bem como em duas das principais obras de Merleau-Ponty: Fenomenologia da Percepção (1999) e Psicologia e Pedagogia da Criança (2006). A pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo e o método utilizado é o estudo de caso múltiplo. Foram articulados aspectos metodologicamente pertinentes a este tipo de abordagem, como a análise documental (relatórios de avaliação) e a entrevista semiestruturada com professores, genitoras e psicólogas. A proposta fundamenta-se na necessidade de compreender o outro em sua amplitude como ser humano, pensante, global e singular. Parte da premissa de que é necessário buscar meios para a concepção e educação do aluno diagnosticado que desvelem o ser, como: linguagem e corpo. Entretanto, os integrantes dessa pesquisa lançam seus olhares apenas para as dificuldades, e com isso, não permitem o vislumbramento das potencialidades da pessoa com deficiência intelectual. Neste sentido, buscou-se analisar os limites do uso dos testes padronizados que perpassam a vida do ser humano, pois ao normatizarem os sujeitos, consequentemente, impõe-lhes rótulos que o acompanharão durante sua existência. Busca identificar uma avaliação que destaque as potencialidades e não apenas as limitações do ser, contemplando o histórico de vida, singularidade do sujeito, percebendo o ser humano em sua amplitude e complexidade.
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Custo econômico e social do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e outros transtornos mentais na infância / Cost-effective programs of treatment of the childhood with mental disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorderDaniel Graça Fatori de Sá 22 June 2016 (has links)
Os transtornos mentais na infância são prevalentes e causam prejuízo para o indivíduo, família e sociedade. Informações acerca do custo dos transtornos mentais na infância são úteis para o planejamento do sistema de saúde, para auxiliar tomadas de decisão de gestores acerca de investimentos na área e para determinação de prioridades no orçamento público. No entanto, não há dados sobre o custo dos transtornos mentais na infância no Brasil. Já dados sobre o custo dos transtornos mentais na infância em nível subclínico são inexistentes na literatura nacional e internacional. Os objetivos centrais da presente tese de doutorado, dividida em Estudo I e Estudo 11, foram: estimar a média do custo do transtorno mental na infância em níveis subclínico e clínico, e estimar o custo total destes para o Brasil. O Estudo I teve como desfecho clínico qualquer diagnóstico de transtorno mental na infância; o Estudo 11, o transtorno obsessivo- compulsivo na infância (TOC), ambos em nível subclínico e clínico. A presente pesquisa é uma avaliação econômica de custo de doença de transtornos mentais na infância com utilização de método bottom-up retrospectivo. Foi baseada em dados de prevalência de um estudo populacional transversal de 2.512 estudantes de escolas públicas de Porto Alegre e São Paulo, selecionados por meio de duas técnicas: a) seleção aleatória de crianças e b) seleção de crianças com alto fiSCO para desenvolvimento de transtornos mentais (baseado no histórico psiquiátrico familiar). Para avaliação de transtornos mentais na infância, foi utilizado o instrumento Development and Well Being Assesment (DAWBA). Os custos de doença foram estimados a partir dos seguintes componentes: tratamentos em saúde mental (uso de medicamentos, psicoterapia, hospitalização), uso de serviços sociais (assistência social, conselho tutelar, medidas socioeducativas) e problemas escolares (suspensão, abandono e repetência escolar). A amostra final foi de 2.512 crianças, de 6-14 anos de idade. Resultados do Estudo I: o transtorno mental infantil em nível subclínico e clínico teve média de custo total ao longo da vida de $1.750,86 e $3.141,21, respectivamente (todos os valores em PPP, purchasing power parity). O custo nacional estimado do transtorno mental subclínico foi de $9,92 bilhões, enquanto do transtorno mental clínico foi de $11,65 bilhões (baseado nos dados de prevalência do presente estudo). Resultados do Estudo lI: o TOC subclínico e clínico apresentaram médias de custo total ao longo da vida de $1.651,81 e $3.293,38, respectivamente. O custo nacional do TOC subclínico foi de $6,71 bilhões, enquanto do TOC clínico foi de $2,02 bilhões (baseado nos dados de prevalência do presente estudo). Os dados apresentados nesta tese de doutorado fornecem evidências de que transtornos mentais subcltnicos e clínicos na infância têm grande impacto econômico na sociedade. O conhecimento acerca do grande impacto econômico dos transtornos mentais na infância pode informar gestores e políticos sobre a magnitude do problema, de forma que seja possível planejar um sistema efetivo de cuidados com programas de tratamento e prevenção. Recomenda-se que gestores públicos aumentem os recursos para os setores da saúde e educação no Brasil, para promover prevenção e assistência em saúde mental da infância / Child mental disorders are prevalent and impairing, negatively impacting families and society. lnformation on child mental disorders costs is important to plan the health system and to show policy makers how plan and prioritize budgets. However, there are no child mental disorders cost studies in Brazil. The main objectives of the present thesis were to estimate the mean costs of subthreshold and clinical mental disorders in children living in Brazil and to estimate its national costs. Outcome of Study I was any child mental disorder, outcome of Study II was child obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), both subthreshold and clinical. The present study it is cost-of-illness study of child mental disorders using a retrospective bottom-up methods, based on prevalence data from a cross-sectional study of children registered at public schools in Porto Alegre and Sao Paulo. A total of 8,012 families were interviewed, providing information about 9,937 children. From this pool, two subgroups were further investigated using random- selection (n=958) and high-risk group selection procedure (n=I,514), resulting in a total sample of 2,512 subjects 6-14 years old. Mental disorder assessment was made using the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA). The cost of child mental disorders was estimated from the following components: use of mental health services, social services and school problems. Costs were estimated for each child and the economic impact at the national levei was calculated. Study I results: subthreshold and clinical disorder showed lifetime mean total cost of $1,750.86 and $3,141.21, respectively. The national lifetime cost estimate of clinical mental disorders in Brazil was $11.65 billion, whereas for subthreshold mental disorder it was $19.92 billion (alI values in PPP, purchasing power parity). Study 11: subthreshold and clínical OCD showed lifetime mean total cost of $1,651.81 and $3,293.38, respectively. The national lifetime cost estimate of clinical OCD in Brazil was $2.03 billion, whereas for subthreshold OCD it was $6.71 bilIion. The present study provides evidence about the economic impact of child mental disorders. This knowledge can inform about the magnitude of the problem, so that policy makers can make adjustments to better address these problems with cost-effective programs of treatment and prevention. It is recommended that health and education budgets in Brazil should increase to enhance prevention and treatment of children with childhood mental disorders
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Die Erfassung von Depression in der erwachsenen Allgemeinbevölkerung in Deutschland: Prävalenzen und Korrelate in bundesweiten Gesundheitssurveys des Robert Koch-InstitutsMaske, Ulrike Elisabeth 16 June 2016 (has links)
Reliable und valide Informationen zur Häufigkeit und zu Korrelaten von Depression in der Allgemeinbevölkerung sind eine Voraussetzung für eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Gesundheitsversorgung und für Präventionsmaßnahmen. Die Vielfalt an Definitionen und die klinische Heterogenität von „Depression“ stellt eine Herausforderung für das Gesundheitsmonitoring und für die epidemiologische Forschung dar. Dies spiegelt sich in der Vielzahl an Depressionsmaßen wider. Daran anknüpfend ist das Ziel dieser kumulativen Dissertation, die Häufigkeiten und soziodemographischen und gesundheitsbezogenen Korrelate – mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der somatischen Komorbidität – eines breiten Spektrums etablierter Depressionsmaße in der erwachsenen Allgemeinbevölkerung in Deutschland zu untersuchen: von aktueller psychischer Belastung, depressiver Symptomatik und einem depressiven Syndrom über eine selbstberichtete ärztliche Depressionsdiagnose bis hin zu einer klinischen Major Depression. Datenbasis für die vier Originalarbeiten der Dissertation sind die bundesweit repräsentativen Querschnittstudien „Gesundheit in Deutschland aktuell“ (GEDA, 18 Jahre und älter) und die „Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland“ (DEGS1, 19-79 Jahre) mit dem Modul Psychische Gesundheit (DEGS1-MH) des Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI).
In Kapitel 1 werden Forschungshintergrund, Fragestellungen und Methoden der vier Originalarbeiten zusammengefasst und die Ergebnisse dargestellt. Es ergeben sich hohe Prävalenzen auf Basis aller Depressionsmaße. Zugleich wird deutlich, dass die jeweiligen Maße zu unterschiedlichen Prävalenzschätzungen führen und dass es nur moderate Schnittmengen der jeweils identifizierten Fallgruppen gibt. Weiterhin zeigt sich eine weitgehende, jedoch keine vollständige Übereinstimmung in assoziierten soziodemographischen und gesundheitsbezogenen Korrelaten. Dies betrifft auch die Assoziation mit chronischen somatischen Erkrankungen, für die sich teilweise unterschiedliche Muster zwischen den untersuchten Depressionsmaßen und zwischen den Altersgruppen zeigen. Es folgen eine synthetisierende Ergebnisdiskussion und die Ableitung von Implikationen für die epidemiologische Forschung, das Gesundheitsmonitoring und die klinische Praxis. Kapitel 2 enthält die vier Originalarbeiten der Dissertation.
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Att diagnostiseras med autismspektrumtillstånd i vuxen ålder : en litteraturöversikt / Diagnosis of autism spectrum condition in adulthood : a literature reviewKällander, Unni, Murtada, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Autismspektrumtillstånd [AST] har ökat i prevalens över tid. Tidigare har inte vuxna diagnostiserats med AST. Idag diagnostiseras allt fler i vuxen ålder. Att diagnostiseras med AST först i vuxen ålder medför en ökad risk för komorbida tillstånd. I och med att allt fler diagnostiseras med AST i vuxen ålder är det av intresse att förstå hur sen diagnostisering av AST kan upplevas. Syfte Syftet var att belysa personers upplevelser av att diagnostiseras med autismspektrumtillstånd i vuxen ålder. Metod En icke systematisk litteraturöversikt baserad på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Artikelsökningar utfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Samtliga inkluderade artiklar genomgick en kvalitetsgranskning. De inkluderade artiklarna analyserades utifrån en integrerad analys. Resultat Datan resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier; Erfarenheter från livet före diagnosen, Den diagnostiska processen, Den känslomässiga upplevelsen av att få diagnosen samtDiagnosens påverkan på livet. Resultatet påvisade en komplex emotionell upplevelse med flertalet upplevda barriärer till diagnostisering av AST hos personer i vuxen ålder. Upplevelsen av diagnosens betydelse varierar. Flera studiedeltagare fann stort värde i sin diagnos och upplevde att diagnosen har stor påverkan på livet samt ger ett nytt perspektiv. Andra studiedeltagare upplevde att diagnosen inte förändrat deras liv särskilt mycket. Slutsats I föreliggande studie framkommer en ökad känsla av sammanhang för en majoritet av personer som diagnostiseras med AST i vuxen ålder. Vidare belyser denna litteraturöversikt att den komplexa upplevelse som en sen diagnostisering innebär kräver individuellt anpassade stödåtgärder som i dagsläget upplevs som bristfälliga. / Background Autism spectrum condition [ASC] or Autism spectrum disorder [ASD] is increasing in prevalence. Historically adults were not diagnosed with ASC. Today it is getting more common to receive the diagnosis as an adult. Comorbidities are common within the autism spectrum. Diagnosis of ASD in adulthood increases the risk of comorbidities. Since ASDs are getting more common world wide and more people are being diagnosed in adulthood it is of relevance to highlight the experiences of getting the diagnosis in early, mid and late adulthood. Aim This study aimed to highlight experiences of being diagnosed with ASD in adulthood. Method Non-systematic literature review based on 16 scientific articles with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The articles were retrieved from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. All included scientific articles underwent a quality review. The included articles were analyzed through an integrated analysis. Results The data resulted in four main categories; Experiences from before the diagnosis, The diagnostic process, The emotional experience of receiving the diagnosis and The diagnosis’ impact on life. The results indicate a complex emotional experience. The results indicated a complex emotional experience with several perceived barriers to diagnosing ASC in adults. The experience of the significance of the diagnosis varies. Several study participants find great value in their diagnosis and feel that the diagnosis has a major impact on life and gives a new perspective. Other study participants felt that the diagnosis did not change their lives and their perspective. Conclusions In the present study, an increased sense of coherence emerged for most individuals diagnosed with ASD in adulthood. Furthermore, this literature review highlights that the complex experience that a late diagnosis entails requires individually adapted support measures, of which are currently perceived as deficient.
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Prevence šikany na 1. stupni ZŠ / Bullying prevention in primary schoolLišková, Olga January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis is devoted to bullying prevention with a focus on primary school pupils. It has both theoretical and empirical character. The theoretical part provides a deeper insight into the issue of bullying clarifies relationships among its actors and the displays of bullying while focusing on types of pupils'aggression. It further provides knowledge of developmental psychology. The bullying prevention part is divided into a sub-part, which teachers can use at class level, and a sub-part, which schools implement at the level of school education programme. At the end the preventive programmes for primary school pupils and organizations which provide primary prevention are described. The empirical part comprises a research conducted using Korthagen's "Spiral of Professional Development". A "Cats'Garden" preventive programme was implemented in the second grade classes of a primary school. After the implementation, a detailed reflection was carried out, in which the basic aspects were evaluated and the alternative options were suggested. Based on the evaluation, a new anti-bullying programme was developed and tested on the pupils. The research used observation methods, interviews and product analysis. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme considering...
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Access Barriers to Reaching Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Services in Ottawa: Mixed Methods StudyNgobi, John Baptist 19 September 2019 (has links)
Barriers to reaching human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing prevent Canada from achieving The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) target of 90 percent of undiagnosed people living with HIV knowing their HIV status by 2020 and receive treatment.(1) Fourteen percent (9,090 of 63,100) of Canadians living with HIV were unaware of their status by the end of 2016.(1)(p.9)Individuals exposed to HIV through heterosexual contact are overrepresented (28%) among the undiagnosed people living with HIV in Canada compared to other groups, such as men who have sex with men (18%) and people who inject drugs (20%).(2)(par.15)The reasons preventing this population to present themselves for testing in Ottawa, Ontario, remain poorly understood in the literature. Most of the literature on barriers to accessing HIV testing focuses on the traditional key groups who are likely to test, and limits analysis of these barriers on one or two levels. Equally, health service providers rarely understand challenges behind HIV testing for particularly young heterosexual African migrant men. These challenges may be contributing key barriers to HIV testing. On other hand, late presentation to treatment remains a global issue. Psychosocial outcomes especially after a new positive diagnosis can delay reaching early treatment and prevention services. Indeed, all test results negative or positive have consequences. Even those with a new negative test can return to risk taking behaviour if they delay accessing prevention education. Yet no systematic study exists in this area essential for quality improvement. Programming more equitable HIV testing services will require more comprehensive evidence about challenges and barriers behind accessing HIV testing and treatment to achieve UNAIDS target of 90 percent of undiagnosed people living with HIV knowing their status and receive treatment. This research aimed to contribute to this evidence through two phases. Phase 1 used the Joanna Briggs Institute methods to implement a scoping review on psychosocial outcomes and their measurements immediately following a new HIV diagnosis. This review considered all participants who tested for HIV – whether their results were positive or negative, as any test results have consequences, and regardless of age, sex, or setting – reported in published articles between 2007 -to the present date. Paper 1 presents the scoping review. Phase 2 relied on a qualitative methodology using Grounded Theory informed by a socio-ecological framework and a framework of access to healthcare to understand experiences of accessing HIV testing services in two parts: 1) to examine barriers to reaching HIV testing among young heterosexual African migrants, focusing on young men, in Ottawa (Paper 2); and 2) to identify challenges experienced by health service providers who make accessible HIV testing services to this population in Ottawa (Paper 3). There is some ambiguity in the use of the terms “first generation immigrants” and “second generation immigrants” (or children of first immigrants). In this study, the term migrants referred to both. Selecting participants from both groups (first and second generation) was important to include a wide variety of experiences and interpretations that reflect the study population. Furthermore, the term “health service providers” was used to refer to both healthcare providers and frontline service providers. Healthcare providers referred to those who conduct HIV testing in health facilities, whereas frontline service providers referred to those who provide care and support services needed by members in their communities before and after testing within AIDS organizations and community-based organizations.
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初診斷乳癌患者的心理沮喪發展軌跡與資源變化、因應風格之關係探討 / The developmental trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles涂珮瓊, Tu, Pei Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
方法: 本研究採用貫時性的研究設計,共收錄200名初診斷乳癌患者。患者於診斷後的手術前一天進行評估,並於術後一個月、術後四個月、術後七個月及術後一年進行後續的追蹤。每一點的心理沮喪分數採用中文的醫院版焦慮與憂鬱量表(HADS)來測量,追蹤時間點的資源變化與癌症因應風格之分數,分別是以修編的資源改變量表(資源流失與資源獲得)與台灣版癌症心理調適量表(Mini-MAC)進行評估。
結論:本研究支持罹癌後的壓力反應具有個別差異性,並且指出乳癌患者的心理沮喪反應具有四種不同的發展型態。本研究也強調於連續變化的向度中考量不同的心理沮喪發展軌跡及其相關的壓力調適因子亦具有時序變化之重要性。有關的理論與實務意涵將於後作進一步地討論。 / Objectives: This study assumed the psychological distress of newly-diagnosed breast cancer (BC) patients existed the entities of the individual difference, so this study examined distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst BC patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles, and adopted a dynamic stress-coping perspective to shed light on the factors that contribute to the diversity of inter-individual development and intra-individual change. The three major purposes were (1) to determine if there are distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosis BC patients; (2) to test whether time-varying resource changes and coping styles can distinguish the trajectory groups; (3) to explore whether the effect of time-varying resource changes and coping styles on psychological distress differ within each trajectories group.
Methods: A longitudinal reasarch study of 200 newly-diagnosed BC patients was recruited and participants were assessed at the day before surgery, and again at the 1-month, 4-month, 7-month and 1-year post-surgery follow-ups. Psychological distress was measured at the five time-points using the Chinese version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Resource changes and cancer-specific coping were assessed at all follow-ups using the revised Resource Change Scale and the the Chinese version of Mini-MAC Scale, respectively.
Results: Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA) identified four latent classes of BC patients with distinct developmental trajectories of psychological distress - resilience, recovery, late onset and chronic dysfunction. Latent Growth Curve Model (LGM) revealed that the stress-coping properties of the resilience group featured a stabilized lower level of resource loss after diagnosis, a lower level of initial AP-coping and a lower growth rate of CA-coping when compared with the others. The recovery group was more likely to have a lower decrease of FS-coping than the resilience group. Moreover, the late onset group and the chronic dysfunction group were more likely to have a higher level of initial HH-coping and a higher increase in AP-coping, and the chronic dysfunction group was characterized by the highest level of initial resource loss and HH-coping, and the lowest level of initial FS-coping compared with the other groups. The Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) indicated that resource loss and use of coping styles could significantly predict levels of psychological distress in each trajectory group. The major differences that appeared were in the positive effect of resource gain and use of CA-coping on decreasing distress symptoms amongst people in the chronic dysfunction group, as well as in the different predictors that were found in each trajectory group.
Conclusions: The present study shows that there are individual differences in cancer-specific stress responses and outlines four different developmental patterns of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed Taiwanese BC patients. This study also stressed the importance of considering time-serial continuity of distinct developmental trajectories with regards to psychological distress as well as the related stress-coping factors which also varies with time. Further theoretical and practical implications are discussed in depth in the content of the study.
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Vivre avec les conséquences d'un diagnostic de TDA/H : la voix des personnes diagnostiquéesRobert, Amélie 01 1900 (has links)
Le trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité est un sujet qui a été maintes fois étudié. Pourtant, peu de recherches ont été construites en se basant sur l’expérience des personnes directement concernées. Ce mémoire propose une analyse exploratoire des récits de vie de 8 personnes âgées de 20 à 30 ans qui ont été diagnostiquées pendant l’enfance ou l’adolescence. Les principaux thèmes abordés par celles-ci sont : les relations familiales, les relations avec le milieu scolaire, le processus de diagnostic, la relation avec la médication, la relation avec les experts, le rapport possible avec d’autres « problématiques » vécues simultanément et leur perception du regard de l’autre. À travers leur récit, on comprend que ces personnes vivent un rapport complexe avec leur diagnostic ne pouvant être réduit qu’à quelques facteurs. De cette manière, il est primordial de s’intéresser à leur expérience pour en dresser le portrait le plus complet possible et en comprendre les conséquences pour elles. / Although the subject of Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity has been widely studied, most studies have not considered directly the experiences of diagnosed persons. Thus, this exploratory research analyses the life narratives of 8 people aged between 20 and 30 years old whom have been diagnosed in their infancy or teenage years. Certain themes have been discussed throughout the interviews such as : their relationship with their families, their relationship with school, their perceptions of medication, their diagnosis’ process, their relationship with experts, the possibility of living simultaneously others “problems” and their perception of others’ opinion regarding the diagnosis. As their story is told, the listener understands the complex relation they have with their diagnosis which cannot be reduce to a few aspects. Thus, it is necessary to consider their experience in order to paint a picture as complete as possible and to better understand the consequences a diagnosis has on their life.
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Immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae polysaccharide vaccination and antigen-selected B cells in highly susceptible individualsLeggat, David Jason 20 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Vi sitter i samma båt : En kvalitativ studie om anhörigskap och borderline personlighetsstörning / We are in the same Boat : A Qualitative Study on Being a Relative of Someone with Borderline Personality DisorderTingström , Lina, Edman, Sofia, Hedin, Freja January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>A person with borderline personality disorder, which is a mental illness, can be described as emotionally instable. As a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder one often feels a sense of despair, anxiety and fear. The essay’s purpose was to get an understanding of what it means to be a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder. We wanted to see the relative’s relationship from two perspectives, both from the relative’s perspective and from the professional’s perspective. The essay was a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The results were structured into five themes. These were: Growing up, To be diagnosed, Life with borderline, The present, and The future. The results were analyzed against coping. A qualitative analysis was conducted. The results showed that life as a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder in many cases can be stressful. For example, they adapted their own life very much. Blame from the healthcare system and from the surrounding environment seemed to be a prominent feature of the family.</p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p>En person med borderline personlighetsstörning, som är en psykisk sjukdom, kan beskrivas som emotionell instabil. Som anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning kan man känna oro, rädsla och förtvivlan. Uppsatsens syfte var att få förståelse för hur det är att vara anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning. Anhörigskapet studeras från två perspektiv: dels från anhörigas och dels från professionellas. Uppsatsen var en kvalitativ studie och hade en fenomenologisk ansats. Resultatet strukturerades i fem teman: Uppväxt, Att få diagnosen, Livet med borderline, Nutid och Framtid. Resultatet analyserades mot copingbegreppet. En kvalitativ analys genomfördes. Resultatet visade att livet som anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning i många fall kan vara påfrestande då de till exempel fick anpassa sitt eget liv. Skuldbeläggande från sjukvården och från omgivningen verkade vara en återkommande erfarenhet.</p><p> </p>
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