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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem termodinâmica do sistema Cr-Si-B e avaliação experimental de pontos críticos na região rica em cromo / Thermodynamic Modeling of the Cr-Si-B System and Experimental Evaluation of Critical Points in the Cr-rich Region

Tales Ferreira Villela 24 March 2011 (has links)
O principal programa de pesquisa do Grupo de Diagrama de Fases e Termodinâmica Computacional do LOM/EEL-USP é o estudo de estabilidade de fases em ligas dos sistemas MR-Si-B (MR = Metal Refratário), os quais apresentam um interesse crescente na área de ligas com potencial para aplicações em altas temperaturas. Destes estudos, este Grupo está construindo uma base de informações termodinâmicas com a finalidade de extrapolá-las para sistemas de ordem superior. Diversos sistemas já foram ou estão sendo estudados. Dando continuidade a este programa, os objetivos principais deste trabalho são a avaliação experimental de pontos críticos do sistema Cr-Si-B na região rica em Cr e a modelagem termodinâmica completa do sistema. Foram utilizadas informações da projeção liquidus de Chad (2008) e realizadas medidas experimentais para a determinação das composições das fases em diversas relações de equilíbrio a 1200 ºC, ambas na região rica em Cr. As amostras foram produzidas por fusão em forno a arco, a partir de pedaços de Cr, Si e B de alta pureza; tratadas termicamente a 1200oC por 200 horas e caracterizadas via difração de raios X e MEV/Microssonda eletrônica. Nessa condição de preparação das amostras, não houve dificuldade em se alcançar o equilíbrio termodinâmico. De uma forma geral, as relações de fases a 1200oC de Chad (2008) são confirmadas no presente trabalho. Não foi verificada através de medida por análise térmica diferencial até a temperatura de 1550oC a transformação polimórfica ?Cr5Si3 _ ?Cr5Si3, que segundo Chang (1968) ocorre a 1505oC. Nenhuma modelagem termodinâmica para este sistema ternário é encontrada na literatura. Para a otimização do sistema ternário foram utilizados os coeficientes de Coughanowr, Ansara e Lukas (1998) para o binário Cr-Si; os coeficientes de Campbell e Kattner (2002) para o binário Cr-B e os coeficientes de Fries e Lukas (1998) para o binário Si-B. Foram usados dois modelos para as fases T1 e T2 para descrever suas solubilidades de B e Si, respectivamente. O modelo adotado para a fase ?Cr5Si3 (T1) foi o de solução com três sub-redes (Cr)4(Cr)1(Si,B)3 e o modelo adotado para a fase Cr5B3 (T2) foi o de solução com três sub-redes (Cr)5(B,Si)2(B)1. Estes dois modelos estão compatíveis com aqueles adotados para outros sistemas MR-Si e MR-Si-B. Para a fase CrSS (BCC_A2), o modelo escolhido para permitir a solubilidade de B e/ou Si foi o substitucional para o Si e o intersticial para o B, resultando em uma descrição com duas sub-redes (Cr,Si)1(B,Va)3. A adoção destes modelos compatíveis com otimizações já desenvolvidas e publicadas é importante para permitir o desenvolvimento de uma base de dados multicomponentes MRSi- B que possibilitará previsões confiáveis para as relações de fases em sistemas de ordem superior. A otimização atual reproduziu bem a seção isotérmica a 1200oC e a projeção liquidus do sistema Cr-Si-B na região rica em Cr. / Currently, the main research program of the Phase Diagram and Computational Thermodynamics Group of LOM/EEL-USP is the study of phase stability in MR-Si- B ternary systems (MR = Refractory Metal), which presents an increasing interest in the area of alloys with potential for applications at high temperatures. These research activities include the development of a thermodynamic database to evaluate systems of higher order. Several systems have already been studied. In a continuation of this program, the main objectives of this work are the experimental evaluation of the Cr-Si-B ternary system in the Cr-rich region and the thermodynamic modeling of the complete system. Experimental data from the liquidus projection of Chad (2008) were used and experimental measurements were performed to determine the compositions of various phases in equilibrium at 1200°C, both in the Cr-rich region. The samples were produced by arcmelting high-purity pieces of Cr, Si and B, followed by heat treatment at 1200oC for 200 hours. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and SEM/WDS microanalysis. With this preparation procedure, no difficulty was found to bring the samples to the thermodynamic equilibrium condition. In general, the phase relations at 1200oC proposed by Chad (2008) were confirmed in this study. The polymorphic transformation ?Cr5Si3 _ ?Cr5Si3, which according to Chang (1968) occurs at 1505oC, has not been verified by differential thermal analysis experiments performed until 1550oC. No thermodynamic modeling for this ternary system was found in the literature. The binary coefficients of Coughanowr, Ansara and Lukas (1998) for the Cr-Si, Campbell and Kattner (2002) for the Cr-B and Fries and Lukas (1998) for the Si-B were used in the optimization of the ternary system. Two models for T1 and T2 phases were used to describe their B and Si solubilities, respectively. The model adopted for ?Cr5Si3 (T1) was the solution with three sublattices (Cr)4(Cr)1(Si,B)3 and for Cr5B3 (T2) was the solution with three sublattices (Cr)5(B,Si)2(B)1. These two models were consistent with those adopted in other RM-Si and RM-Si-B systems. For the phase CrSS, the substitutional and interstitial models were used to describe the solubility of Si and B in the BCC structure, respectively, resulting in a solution with two sublattices (Cr,Si)1(B,Va)3. These models are compatible with other previously published optimizations. This is important to enable the development of a multicomponent MR-Si-B database, which will enable reliable predictions for the phase relations in higher-order systems. The Cr-rich region of the isothermal section at 1200oC and of the liquidus projection are well reproduced by the coefficients of the present optimization.

Modelos de Equações Estruturais: um estudo de simulação / Structural Equation Model: a simulation study

Camilo, Erasnilson Vieira 22 January 2015 (has links)
Com a necessidade de analisar dados cada vez mais complexos nas mais diversas áreas, surge também a necessidade de novas técnicas e novas modelagens. Nesse contexto, os Modelos de Equações Estruturais são uma evolução da análise de caminhos proposto por Wright (1921), que por sua vez, consegue captar as relações de causa e efeito entre diferentes tipos de variáveis. Este trabalho tem como objetivo abordar uma revisão em torno dessa técnica, com ênfase aos modelos recursivos que utilizam em sua maioria apenas variáveis observadas. A aplicação deste trabalho está fundamentada em um processo de simulação considerando assim, seis cenários com diferentes tipos de relações numa mesma estrutura. As médias das estimativas dos parâmetros no processo de simulação resultam em valores próximos aos valores verdadeiros. Por meio de figuras e gráficos, pode-se observar o comportamento dos parâmetros por meio do erro quadrático médio e boxplot. A análise foi realizada com a utilização do software R e programas implementados com pacote sem (FOX; WEISBERG, 2012) e programação apresentada no Apêndice deste trabalho. / With the increasingly need to analyze complex data in several areas, comes the need for new techniques and new models. In this context, the Structural Equation Modeling is an evolution of the path analysis proposed by Wright (1921), which, can capture the relations of cause and effect between different types of variables. The present work aims to approach a review about this technique with emphasis on recursive models using mostly observed variables only. The application of this work is based on a simulation process considering six scenarios with different types of relationships within the same structure. The mean estimates of the parameters in the simulation result in values that are close to the true values, and by means of figures and graphs, one can observe the behavior of the parameters by means of the mean squared error and boxplot. The analysis was performed using the software software R and implemented programs as sem package (FOX; WEISBERG, 2012) and the programming is presented in the Appendix of this work.

Avaliação dos diagramas de fase do sistema LiF-GdF3 - LuF3 utilizando termodinâmica computacional / Assessment of the LiF-LuF3-GdF3 phase diagrams using computational thermodynamics

Santos, Ivanildo Antonio dos 18 December 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, realizou-se o estudo que permitiu a otimização termodinâmica das seções binárias pertencentes ao diagrama de fase ternário do sistema LiF-GdF3-LuF3, para tanto o programa FactSage foi empregado na simulação computacional. Assim, o comportamento de fusão das misturas destes compostos foi elucidado, o que representa uma contribuição inovadora para o conhecimento das propriedades físicas e químicas destes materiais. Em particular, determinou-se a faixa de composições nas quais as soluções sólidas de LiGdxLu1-xF4 e GdxLu1-xF3 podem ser obtidas diretamente da fase líquida. Neste trabalho as três secções binárias, LiF-GdF3, LiF-LuF3 e GdF3-LuF3 foram reavaliadas experimentalmente utilizando a calorimetria exploratória diferencial para a obtenção de dados mais precisos de temperatura versus composição, uma vez que foi possível minimizar a contaminação das amostras com compostos de oxigênio. A capacidade calorífica e outros dados calorimétricos foram também determinados experimentalmente e comparados com os existentes na literatura. Os termos da energia livre de Gibbs de excesso para as fases representadas como soluções, os quais descrevem os efeitos de interação não ideal entre os dois fluoretos nestas fases, foram expressos com sucesso pela modelo polinomial Redlich-Kister. Finalmente, o caminho de solidificação no diagrama de fase ternário LiF-GdF3-LuF3 pôde ser extrapolado de acordo com o formalismo de Kohler-Toop. Assim, pela primeira vez, a interação ternária entre os compostos LiF, GdF3 e LuF3 foi determinada. / In this work, it was carried out the study that allowed the thermodynamic optimization of the binary sections belonging to the ternary phase diagram of the LiF-GdF3-LuF3 system, for this purpose the FactSage software was used in the computational simulation. Thus, the melting behavior of the mixture of these compounds has been elucidated, which represents an innovative contribution to the knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of these materials. In particular, it was determined the composition ranges in which the solid solutions of LiGdxLu1-xF4 and GdxLu1-xF3 can be obtained directly from the liquid phase. In this work the three binary sections, LiF-GdF3, LiF-LuF3 and GdF3-LuF3, were evaluated using differential scanning calorimetry to obtain more accurate data of temperature versus composition, since it was possible to minimize the contamination of the samples due to oxygen compounds. The heat capacity and other calorimetric data were experimentally determined and compared with those cited in the literature. The terms of the Gibbs free excess energy for the solution phases, which describe the non ideal interaction effects between the two fluorides at these phases, were expressed by the Redlich-Kister polynomial model. Finally, the solidification path in the ternary phase diagram LiF-GdF3-LuF3 could be extrapolated according to the Kohler-Toop formalism. Thus, for the first time, the interaction between the ternary compounds LiF, GdF3 and LuF3 was determined.

Feature-Oriented Specification of Hardware Bus Protocols

Freitas, Paul Michael 29 April 2008 (has links)
Hardware engineers frequently create formal specification documents as part of the verification process. Doing so is a time-consuming and error-prone process, as the primary documents for communications and standards use a mixture of prose, diagrams and tables. We would like this process to be partially automated, in which the engineer's role would be to refine a machine-generated skeleton of a specification's formal model. We have created a preliminary intermediate language which allows specifications to be captured using formal semantics, and allows an engineer to easily find, understand, and modify critical portions of the specification. We have converted most of ARM's AMBA AHB specification to our language; our representation is able to follow the structure of the original document.

Process Innovation as Creative Problem-Solving: An Experimental Study of Textual Descriptions and Diagrams

Figl, Kathrin, Recker, Jan January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The use of process models to support business analysts' idea-generation tasks has been a long-standing topic of interest in process improvement. We examine how two types of representations of organizational processes - textual and diagrammatic - assist analysts in developing innovative solutions to process-redesign tasks. The results of our study clarify the types of process-redesign ideas generated by analysts who work with text versus those who work with models. We find that the volume and originality of process-redesign ideas do not differ significantly but that appropriateness of ideas varies. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice in process improvement.

Solute partitioning of Fe-Cr-Mn-Ni-C alloys during solidification

Kundrat, David Malcolm January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Sc.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE. / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / by David Malcolm Kundrat. / Sc.D.

Dynamisk kunskapsorganisation : teoretisk ansats och implementering / Dynamic Knowledge Organization : Theoretical Approach and Implementation

Holmberg, John Howard January 2012 (has links)
Knowledge organization is perceived as a central, constituting activity defining the notion of libraries. Critique calling for a new theoretical foundation voiced by active researchers within library and information science concerning the current knowledge organization has been utilized as a point of departure. Specifications concerning a new theoretical foundation implied by these critiques are considered within this thesis and theory found in The Order of Things by Michel Foucault proposed as an alternative theory for understanding knowledge organization as a human science where meaning, value and representation, by which the ordering of things is possible, is acknowledged as a result of human activity and history. Thus meaning, value and representation must be perceived as dynamic. An example of implementation of the proposed theory has been achieved by the use of bibliometrics. In order to do this bibliometrics has been discussed in relation to the proposed theory. A bibliometric method, founded by Howard D. White, where one constructs pennant diagrams by the means of term frequencies (tf) and inverse document frequencies (idf) in relation to a seed term, is used here as a method to organize texts dynamically based on human activity. Two main pennant diagrams derived from two different seed terms: Hjorland, B. and Rothstein, B. have been constructed and analyzed using the proposed theory. The results show that dynamic representation and organization of texts via bibliometrics is possible where, amongst other things, the specificity or generality of a text in relation to the seed term is visible. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Habitação para idosos. O trabalho do arquiteto, arquitetura e cidade / Habitation to elderly people. The architect´s work, architecture and city

Bestetti, Maria Luisa Trindade 23 October 2006 (has links)
Esta tese procura demonstrar uma combinação de procedimentos concatenados para a realização de um projeto de arquitetura, adotando como suporte um conjunto residencial para idosos, que compreende particularidades comportamentais do usuário escolhido, caminhos da concepção arquitetônica e sua inserção na cidade. Esse conjunto de procedimentos é constituído da produção de conhecimento a partir de análises de dados secundários relativos às atividades, à ergonomia, à saúde, ao comportamento e à psicologia de idosos, com o objetivo de definir sistemas de melhores ambientes para uma situação específica de pessoas, recursos e lugar/infraestrutura, mobilizados pela arte de construir. Resultado do trabalho como professora na área de projeto arquitetônico, esta tese apresenta o produto das considerações sobre o processo que envolve desde o conhecimento das premissas e restrições inerentes a um projeto específico, assim como seu desenvolvimento e conclusão preliminar. Não pretende apresentar um resultado final detalhado, já que o foco é o caminho nessa busca. O idoso como público alvo foi escolhido não como questão central, mas pelo interesse acadêmico em desenvolver projeto especializado demonstrado através do método do varal, instrumento facilitador na busca de resultados aplicáveis especialmente a temas complexos e novos, como esse. Seu interesse reside na demonstração do método e sua aplicação no ensino de projeto, pois sem o rigor da construção, não há forma que se defenda. / This thesis try to demonstrate a combination of procedures joined to realize an architecture project, adopting like support a residential assemblage to elderly people, including behavior specificities of the chosen user, ways of the architectonic conception and its insertion in the city. This group of procedures is formed by the knowledge production from analysis on the secondary basis relatives to the activities, ergonomics, health, behavior and elderly people psychology, with the propose of to determine systems of better environment to a specific situation of persons, recourses and local/substructure, mobilized by the art of construct. Result of the teachers work in the architectonic project area, this thesis presents the product of the considerations about the process that involve from the knowledge of the premises and restrictions inherent to a specific project, as its development and preliminary conclusion. It dont intends to present a detailed final result, since the focus is the way against this inquiry. The elderly people like target was chosen none like a central question, but because the academic profit to develop specialized project demonstrated throughout the clothes line method, instrument that make easy this investigation of applicable results specially to complex and new themes, like this. Its benefit stay at the demonstration of the method and its application in the project teaching, because without the strictness of the construction, there isnt form that has defense.

Compatibilité et co-structuration dans des systèmes contenant des scléroprotéines et des polysaccharides / Compatibility and co-structuration of systems containing scleroproteins and polysaccharides

Ignat, Cristina Mihaela 26 September 2012 (has links)
L’obtention de substrats „cyto-favorables”, aptes à soutenir la régénération tissulaire, impose l’utilisation de biomatériaux qui portent des domaines de reconnaissance cellulaire, comme par exemple les scléroprotéines et certains polysaccharides. La membrane des cellules spécifiques aux tissus conjonctifs dispose de mécanismes qui facilitent l’ancrage aux substrats solides ou à l’état de gel où se retrouvent des macromolécules ou des fibrilles de (atelo) collagène, associées ou non à l’acide hyaluronique. On peut générer de tels substrats par des techniques de rassemblement moléculaire spontané ordonné (tout comme dans le cas de la restructuration du collagène quasi-natif pour former des fibrilles), ou induite physico-chimiquement ensuite stabilisé morphologiquement (tout comme dans le cas de la préparation des hydrogels mixtes, atelocollagène–hyaluronate de sodium, diversement réticulés ensuite transformés en cryo- ou vitri-gels). Dans le cadre de la thèse, nous étudions les moyens d’obtention et de purification des précurseurs bio-macromoléculaires nécessaires, par la suite, à l’obtention de substrats „cyto-favorables”, ainsi que leurs modalités de génération et de caractérisation. Les méthodes de restructuration auxquelles on en appelle sont de nature physico-chimique (la co-précipitation contrôlée dans des mélanges binaires et ternaires d’atelocollagène et d’hyaluronate de sodium), ou chimique (la réticulation par des ponts moléculaires à longueur minimale). On a étudié les possibilités de mélanger de l’atelocollagène (aK) avec deux types de polysaccharides, le hyaluronate de sodium (NaHyal) et le gellane. On a établi des formulations et les procédures optimales pour obtenir des hydrogels avec des caractéristiques rhéologiques contrôlables, et avec la réactivité et la morphologie capables de permettre la fixation et la prolifération des fibroblastes. On constate que les hydrogels et cryogels obtenus à partir des mélanges 5:1 aK:NaHyal réticulés avec du 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl éther ont des propriétés rhéologiques qui permettent leurs manipulation dans les conditions des techniques de culture cellulaire. Ils ne présentent pas de cytotoxicité et ils assurent la viabilité cellulaire dans les milieux de culture standards. La morphologie des cryogels obtenus montre une macro-porosité qui dépend de la formulation des mélanges et peu la technique d'obtention. La présence de gellane dans les mélanges conduit à une séparation de phases, même à faible concentration, soulignant la diversité des caractéristiques de substrats. / Obtaining "cyto-favourable" substrates able to support tissue regeneration leads to use biomaterials holding cellular recognition domains, as scleroproteins and some polysaccharides as examples. Cellules membranes specific to conjunctive tissues have mechanisms making easier the anchoring to solid or gel substrates where macromolecules or fibrils of (aceto)collagen, associated or not to hyaluronic acid, are found. Such substrates may be generated using spontaneous molecular gathering (as in native collagen restructuration to fibrils), or physico-chemically induced (as the preparation of mixed hydrogels then transformed in cryo- or vitri-gels). In this thesis, were studied the obtaining and purification of bio-macromolecular presursors necessary to obtaining "cyto-favourable" substrates, and the procedures to generate and characterize them. Used restructuration methods are of physico-chemical nature (controlled co-precipitation in binary and ternary mixtures of acetocollagen and sodium hyaluronate) or chemical one (crosslinking).The mixture of acetocolagen (aK) with two polysaccharides, sodium hyaluronate (NaHyal) and gellan were investigated. Formulations and optimal conditions were established to obtain hydrogels with controlled rheological characteristics, and reactivity and morphology able to allow fibroplast fixation and proliferation. Hydrogels and cryogels prepared from 5:1 aK:NaHyal crosslinked with 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether were defined as the best materials we have prepared. They do not show any cytotoxicity and they ensure the cellular viability within standard cellule culture media. The cryogel morphology shows macro-porosity depending on the formulation but a few on the obtaining process. The presence of gellan in the mixtures leads to a phase separation, even at low concentration.

Uma abordagem visual para análise comparativa de redes biomoleculares com apoio de diagramas de Venn / A visual approach to comparative analysis of biomolecular networks with support of Venn diagrams

Henry Heberle 16 September 2014 (has links)
Sistemas biológicos podem ser representados por redes que armazenam não apenas informações de conectividade, mas também informações de características de seus nós. No contexto biomolecular, esses nós podem representar proteínas, metabólitos, entre outros tipos de moléculas. Cada molécula possui características anotadas e armazenadas em bases de dados como o Gene Ontology. A comparação visual dessas redes depende de ferramentas que permitam o usuário identificar diferenças e semelhanças entre as anotações feitas sobre as moléculas (atributos) e também sobre as interações conhecidas (conexões). Neste trabalho de mestrado, buscou-se desenvolver técnicas que facilitem a comparação desses atributos sobre as moléculas, tentando manter no processo a visualização das redes em que essas moléculas estão inseridas. Como resultado, obteve-se a ferramenta VisPipeline-MultiNetwork, que permite comparar até seis redes, utilizando operações de conjuntos sobre as redes e sobre seus atributos. Dessa forma, diferentemente da maioria das ferramentas conhecidas para a visualização de redes biológicas, o VisPipeline-MultiNetwork permite a criação de redes cujos atributos são derivados das redes originais por meio de operações de união, intersecção e valores exclusivos. A comparação visual das redes é feita pela visualização do resultado dessas operações de conjuntos sobre as redes, por meio de um método de comparação lado-a-lado. Já a comparação dos atributos armazenados nos nós das redes é feita por meio de diagramas de Venn. Para auxiliar este tipo de comparação, a técnica InteractiVenn foi desenvolvida, em que o usuário pode interagir com um diagrama de Venn efetuando operações de união entre conjuntos. Essas operações de união aplicadas sobre os conjuntos são também aplicadas sobre as respectivas formas no diagrama. Esta característica da técnica a diferencia das outras ferramentas de criação de diagramas de Venn. Integrando essas funcionalidades, o usuário é capaz de comparar redes sob diversas perspectivas. Para exemplificar a utilização do VisPipeline-MultiNetwork, dois casos no contexto biomolecular foram estudados. Adicionalmente, uma ferramenta web para a comparação de listas de cadeias de caracteres por meio de diagramas de Venn foi desenvolvida. Ela também implementa a técnica InteractiVenn e foi denominada InteractiVenn website. / Biological systems can be represented by networks that store not only connectivity information, but also node feature information. In the context of molecular biology, these nodes may represent proteins, metabolites, and other types of molecules. Each molecule has features annotated and stored in databases such as Gene Ontology. A visual comparison of networks requires tools that allow the user to identify differences and similarities between nodes attributes as well as known interactions between nodes (connections). In this dissertation, we sought to develop a technique that would facilitate the comparison of these biological networks, striving to maintain in the process the visualization of the network connectivities. As a result, we have developed the VisPipeline-MultiNetwork tool, which allows comparison of up to six networks, using sets of operations on networks and on their attributes. Unlike most known tools for visualizing biological networks, VisPipeline-MultiNetwork allows the creation of networks whose attributes are derived from the original networks through operations of union, intersection and unique values. A visual comparison of the networks is achieved by visualizing the outcome of such joint operations through a all-in-one comparison method. The comparison of nodes attributes is performed using Venn diagrams. To assist this type of comparison, the InteractiVenn technique was developed, in which the user can interact with a Venn diagram, performing union operations between sets and their corresponding diagrams. This diagram union feature differs from other tools available for creating Venn diagrams. With these tools, users manage to compare networks from different perspectives. To exemplify the use of VisPipeline-MultiNetwork, two case studies were carried out in the biomolecular context. Additionally, a web tool for comparing lists of strings by means of Venn diagrams was made available. It also implements the InteractiVenn technique and its site has been named InteractiVenn.

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