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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rundbrief / Lehrstuhl für Religionsphilosophie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft

19 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Applying Coreference Resolution for Usage in Dialog Systems

Rolih, Gabi January 2018 (has links)
Using references in language is a major part of communication, and understanding them is not a challenge for humans. Recent years have seen increased usage of dialog systems that interact with humans in natural language to assist them in various tasks, but even the most sophisticated systems still struggle with understanding references. In this thesis, we adapt a coreference resolution system for usage in dialog systems and try to understand what is needed for an efficient understanding of references in dialog systems. We annotate a portion of logs from a customer service system and perform an analysis of the most common coreferring expressions appearing in this type of data. This analysis shows that most coreferring expressions are nominal and pronominal, and they usually appear within two sentences of each other. We implement Stanford's Multi-Pass Sieve with some adaptations and dialog-specific changes and integrate it into a dialog system framework. The preprocessing pipeline makes use of already existing NLP-tools, while some new ones are added, such as a chunker, a head-finding algorithm and a NER-like system. To analyze both user input and output of the system, we deploy two separate coreference resolution systems that interact with each other. An evaluation is performed on the system and its separate parts in five most common evaluation metrics. The system does not achieve state-of-the art numbers, but because of its domain-specific nature that is expected. Some parts of the system do not have any effect on the performance, while the dialog-specific changes contribute to it greatly. An error analysis is concluded and reveals some problems with the implementation, but more importantly, it shows how the system could be further improved by using other types of knowledge and dialog-specific features.

Beyond the Betrayal of Language : On the Role of Skepticism in Otherwise than Being

Sheikhi, Sara Alma Safije January 2018 (has links)
In Otherwise than Being (1974), Levinas asked if and how philosophy could make justice of the concrete ethical meeting by philosophical practice, which is unconditionally conditioned by language. Language, understood as partly situated in being and ontology, is analysed as an appropriation of the other, who is other than being. Language could therefore according to Levinas never fully express the other – sometimes referred to as “otherism”. A condition, then, that needs to be fulfilled for philosophical practice to reach the goal of making justice for the other, and hence be meaningful in the Levinasian picture, is to transcend language through language. In the essay, I analyse through textual interpretation what appears to be a contradiction regarding Levinas’ answer to the possibility of transcendence through and by language in philosophy. On one hand, it appears as if philosophy could not overcome language through language, and that philosophical practice therefore is not meaningful. On the other hand, it appears as if sceptical discourse could overcome language through language. Scepticism might then be considered as the only meaningful practice and philosophy a game of deconstructive dialogue. Since skepticism is understood as a part of philosophy, this would imply that there is a contradiction. I argue that the contradiction could be understood as apparent when considering the criticism executed in Levinas’ analysis of language. I suggest that the contradiction is apparent because sceptical interchange is meaningful.

Interaktiv hållbarhetsredovisning som instrument för intressentengagemang : En fallstudie av Luleå Energi AB

Flinkfelt, Linda, Wasslén, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Den interaktiva hållbarhetsredovisningen är en ny företeelse i Sverige. I den interaktiva rapporten används bilder, filmer och kortfattade texter för att illustrera organisationens arbete mot ett mer hållbart samhälle. Att hållbarhetsrapporten är interaktiv innebär att organisationen kan se vilken typ av information som intressenterna använder sig av i hållbarhetsrapporten och kan därför anpassa informationen i rapporten utefter vad intressenterna tycker är relevant. Det finns därför ett intresse att undersöka om den nya redovisningsmetoden ökar intressenternas engagemang för organisationens hållbarhetsfrågor. Studiens forskningsfråga lyder således “I vilken utsträckning kan en interaktiv hållbarhetsredovisning påverka intressenters engagemang för en organisations hållbarhetsfrågor och vilka centrala faktorer kan underlätta ett sådant engagemang?” Då tidigare forskning om intressenters engagemang för hållbarhet anses vara begränsad, är det av intresse för oss författare att bidra till detta forskningsfält genom att (1) utveckla och pröva en modell med centrala faktorer som kan påverka intressenters engagemang för en organisations hållbarhetsfrågor (2) kartlägga och jämföra intressenters engagemang för hållbarhetsfrågor gällande en traditionell- och interaktiv hållbarhetsredovisning (3) analysera och förklara nivån av intressenters engagemang för hållbarhetsfrågor i förhållande till respektive redovisningsmetod. För att kunna besvara syftet används fokusgrupper och semistrukturerade intervjuer, där primära intressenter är i fokus. Studien visar att engagemanget för organisationens hållbarhetsfrågor inte ökar i samband med en interaktiv hållbarhetsredovisning. Det finns dock starkt stöd för att intresset är större för den nya redovisningsmetoden i jämförelse med en traditionell hållbarhetsrapport. Resultatet tyder även på att engagemanget för hållbarhetsfrågor i samband med en interaktiv hållbarhetsredovisning är informerande, dock kan hållbarhetsredovisningen användas för att skapa en dialog om hållbarhetsfrågor med intressenterna och därigenom uppnå en högre nivå av engagemang. Slutligen kommer studien fram till att de faktorer som kan påverka de primära intressenternas engagemang för organisationens hållbarhetsfrågor är delaktighet och dialog.

Espiritualidade educativa em Leonardo Boff: construtividade e sustentabilidade bioglobal

Francel dos Santos Marzork de Freitas 02 October 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho de conclusão de mestrado profissional em teologia tem como objetivo analisar o pensamento do pensador brasileiro Leonardo Boff em suas implicações teológicas e ecológicas, e elencar possibilidades a uma forma de educação comunitária eclesiástica que valorize as relações intersubjetivas entre os seres humanos e entre estes com a natureza e com o cosmos. Boff é um pensador interdisciplinar que dialoga com as ciências sociais e com os conhecimentos advindos das ciências naturais e com a mística franciscana, por isso, seu pensamento aporta vieses os mais amplos possíveis e relevantes no que diz respeito aos temas relacionados àquilo que vem sendo chamada de consciência planetária, uma forma de percepção de que a vida em comunidade necessita de um respeito pela natureza para além de uma simples manutenção de um status ecológico, mas antes se pauta pelo diálogo em ação, melhor dizendo: pela interrelacionalidade do Eu e do Tu com o Isso, segundo as necessidades contextuais. / This conclusion paper for the Professional Masters program in Theology has as its goal to analyze the thought of the Brazilian thinker Leonardo Boff in its theological and ecological implications, and to list possibilities for a style of ecclesiastical community education which values the intersubjective relations between human beings and of these with nature and with the cosmos. Boff is an interdisciplinary thinker who dialogs with the social sciences and with the knowledge coming from the natural sciences as well as with the Franciscan mysticism. That is why his thinking provides the broadest and most relevant possible perspectives relating to the themes dealing with what is being called planetary awareness. This is a form of perception in which life in community needs a respect for nature beyond a simple maintenance of an ecological status, one which above all is guided by dialog in action or better put: by the inter-relationality of the I and the You with the This, according to the contextual needs.

A educação para o diálogo inter-religioso na escola pública brasileira: uma aliada à cultura da paz

Nilton Pereira Marinho 18 August 2014 (has links)
Essa dissertação analisa a existência da forte influência religiosa na educação brasileira pesquisando o Brasil como um país laico, porém com reminiscências religiosas apontando possíveis causas históricas da laicidade do Estado brasileiro em sua relação intrínseca com o Ensino Religioso (ER) no Brasil na direção da Educação para o Diálogo Inter-Religioso (EPDIR) baseado no princípio do Diálogo Inter-Religioso (DIR). O primeiro capítulo fruto de uma monografia produzida pelo autor da pesquisa e inspirada na disciplina Hermenêutica Latino-americana do professor Wilhelm Wachholz, analisa o estabelecimento da laicidade do Estado Brasileiro colocando em destaque três conflitos fundantes na história nacional: O conflito entre Marquês de Pombal e a Companhia de Jesus no Brasil Colonial, A Questão Religiosa no Brasil Imperial e a Guerra de Canudos no Brasil Republicano. Estes três conflitos foram analisados como relevos do desgaste na relação entre a Igreja e o Estado no Brasil. O segundo capítulo também fruto de outra monografia produzida pelo autor da dissertação e inspirada nas disciplinas Religião e Educação na America Latina do professor Rudolf von Sinner, Personalidade e Fé da professora Gisela Streck e Fundamentos e Tendências da Educação do professor Remí Klein com suas cartas pedagógicas, analisa como diversas tradições religiosas podem, através de seus valores éticos comuns de bases, dar grande parcela de contribuição à cultura da paz, e ao mesmo tempo analisa a possibilidade do fundamentalismo religioso poder se tornar um dos principais elementos desagregadores da humanidade. No terceiro capítulo o autor analisa a relação histórica das sete Constituições no Brasil e o ER. Vislumbra as implicações do princípio do DIR para a formação do docente de ER em um curso de licenciatura e uma proposta curricular do ER baseada na Educação para Diálogo InterReligioso na educação nacional através das escolas que resulte numa cultura do diálogo inter-religioso e do respeito à religião do outro, contribuindo para a promoção de uma sociedade mais tolerante, justa e harmoniosa, diminuindo a ideia de que o diabo é o outro e aumentando a ideia da alteridade em que na desgraça, na fome e na injustiça todos são iguais / This thesis analyzes the existence of a strong religious influence in Brazilian education, researching Brazil as a secular country although with religious reminiscences, pointing to possible historical causes for the secularism of the Brazilian state in its intrinsic relation with Religious Education (ER) in the directing board of Education for Inter-Religious Dialog (EPDIR) based on the principle of Inter- Religious Dialog (DIR). The first chapter, fruit of a monograph which was elaborated by the author of the research and inspired in the discipline of Latin American Hermeneutics taught by professor Wilhelm Wachholz, analyzes the establishment of secularism in the Brazilian State, highlighting three founding conflicts in the national history: The conflict between Marquês de Pombal and the Companhia de Jesus [Jesuits] in Colonial Brazil, the religious issue in Imperial Brazil and the Canudos War in Republican Brazil. These three conflicts were analyzed as reliefs of the wear in the relation between the church and the state in Brazil. The second chapter, also fruit of another monograph written by the author of the thesis and inspired in the disciplines of Religion and Education in Latin America by professor Rudolf von Sinner, Personality and Faith by professor Gisela Streck and Foundations and Tendencies of Education by professor Remí Klein with his pedagogical letters, analyzes how various religious traditions can, through their common ground ethical values, give a great contribution to a culture of peace, and at the same time it analyzes the possibility of religious fundamentalism becoming one of the main divisive elements of humanity. In the third chapter the author analyzes the historical relation of the seven constitutions in Brazil and ER. It envisions the implications of the principle of DIR for the formation of ER professors in a licentiate program and a curricular proposal of ER based on Education for Inter-Religious Dialog in national education through the schools which would result in a culture of inter-religious dialog and of respect for the religion of the other, contributing to the promotion of a more tolerant, just and harmonious society, diminishing the idea that the devil is the other and increasing the idea of otherness in which in disgrace, in hunger and in injustice all are the same.

Teologia e sociedade: o papel social da igreja frente aos desafios educacionais num mundo em transição

Fabio Maia Sampaio 09 March 2015 (has links)
Pensar na relação igreja e mundo na modernidade e na pós-modernidade é perceber que essa relação se desenvolve em meio às mudanças próprias de um período em que é necessário repensar estruturas políticas, econômicas e instituições religiosas que já não conseguem responder de forma satisfatória a uma sociedade em transição. Um dos desafios que a educação da contemporaneidade precisa encarar é a de que o caminho para uma sociedade cada vez mais consciente de seu papel no mundo passa por uma educação de qualidade, que perpasse as diferenças, que saiba atender de forma inteligente a uma geração muito mais exigente e que luta pelos seus ideais rumo a um mundo melhor. A história da humanidade é marcada pela presença da religião que, em cada cultura, se constitui das mais variadas formas, e é justamente por este motivo que não devemos analisar o aspecto religioso nas escolas de forma preconceituosa, muito menos encarar essa realidade como se estivesse distante da sociedade moderna, muito pelo contrário, busca-se encontrar o melhor caminho para a oferta do Ensino Religioso (ER), considerando que, numa sociedade que se moderniza o tempo todo, em que a transformação se torna necessária para atender as várias demandas, o ER precisa também fazer parte desse processo, a fim de responder aos anseios religiosos da sociedade, respeitando seus valores culturais. Neste sentido, o processo educacional no país que passa pelo viés religioso que se inicia no Estado da Bahia, vai a partir do século XIX conceber novas percepções sobre o Ensino Religioso que busca se desvincular da proposta inicial trazida pelos colonizadores, necessitando repensar este componente curricular na perspectiva do diálogo inter-religioso, conforme assegurado no artigo da LDB pela nova redação dada pela Lei 9475/97. No entanto, esta pesquisa evidencia que sua implementação nas escolas públicas é um caminho ainda longo a ser trilhado. / To think about the relation between church and world in modernity and in post-modernity implies perceiving that this relation develops in the midst of changes characteristic of a period in which there is a need to rethink political, economical structures and religious institutions which are no longer able to respond in a satisfactory way to a society in transition. One of the challenges which education in contemporary times needs to face is that the path of a society which is ever more aware of its role in the world must go through quality education, which pervades differences, which knows how to serve in an intelligent way a much more demanding generation and one which fights for its ideals in the direction of a better world. The history of humanity is marked by the presence of religion which, in each culture, is constituted in various different ways and precisely because of this reason we cannot analyze the religious aspect in the schools in a judgmental way, much less face this reality as if it were distant from modern society. To the contrary, one seeks to find the best way to offer Religious Education (RE), considering that, in a society which is constantly modernizing, in which transformation becomes necessary to attend to the various demands, RE needs to also be part of this process, so as to respond to the religious needs of the society, respecting its cultural values. In this sense, the educational process in the country which passes through the religious vein, begins in the State of Bahia, as of the 19th century to conceive new perceptions about Religious Education which seeks to disconnect itself from the initial proposal brought by the colonizers, needing to rethink this curricular component in the perspective of inter-religious dialog, as affirmed in the article of the LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases Law of Guidelines and Foundations) in the new redaction given by the law 9475/97. However, this research reveals that its implementation in the public schools is still a long path to be walked.

L'intervention dans l'organisation en clinique de l'activité : le dispositif "DQT" RENAULT à l'usine de Flins / Activity clinic intervention into organization : "Dialog on the quality of work" device in Flins Renault Factory

Bonnefond, Jean-Yves 12 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à explorer une voie possible de transformation organisationnelle au service de la santé et de la performance par l’institution du conflit de critères sur la qualité du travail. Ce travail est issu d’une expérimentation réalisée avec l’entreprise Renault à l’usine de Flins dans le cadre d’une méthodologie développementale en psychologie du travail, sous les modalités de la clinique de l’activité. Cette expérimentation a donné lieu au développement et à l’institution d’un dispositif de Dialogue sur la Qualité du Travail (DQT) des opérateurs. Notre travail de recherche prend pour objet l’examen minutieux de ces résultats obtenus, de la genèse du dispositif à son institution dans l’organisation. Nous étudions alors quatre dimensions au centre des enjeux d'intervention et de transformation durable des organisations : le conflit de critères sur la qualité du travail, la fonction du conflit affectif dans l’activité, la performance dialogique de l’organisation et l'autorité professionnelle comme conditions de la performance concrète et de la santé. Nous concluons sur les perspectives ouvertes par cette thèse : d’une part la force motrice du conflit de critères sur la qualité du travail dans l’intervention en psychologie du travail, d’autre part la fonction de l’institution du dialogue sur ce conflit de critères pour la revitalisation des organisations contemporaines. / This thesis contributes to explore a way of organizational transformation from the perspective of a joint development of health and efficiency. It is based on the institution of conflict criteria on the quality of work. This thesis comes from an experiment conducted with the Renault company in the Flins factory, using a developmental methodology in occupational psychology, under the terms of the Activity Clinic. This experiment resulted in the development and the establishment of a dialogue process on the Quality of operators Work. The object of our research consists to examine the practical results produced by this methodology, since the genesis of the device to its institution into the organization. We study four main dimensions at the center of intervention and sustainable transformation of organizations issues: the conflict criteria on the quality of work, the function of affective conflict in activity, and the dialogic performance and professional authority as conditions for performance and health. We conclude on the perspectives opened by this work : firstly, on the conflict criteria’s energy on the quality of work in the occupational psychology intervention ; Secondly, on the role of professional dialogues based on the quality of work in the revitalization process of contemporary organizations.

Vyučovacie štýly učitelov dramatickej výchovy / Teaching styles of drama teachers

Poluchová, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents information on teaching styles and their categorization. It deals with self-reflection as a key competence of the teacher. It describes the specifics of the drama teacher's profession. The empirical part of the thesis is focused on the observation of teaching styles of selected teachers. Next, we analyze their teaching style and together we reflect on the results. As a baseline theory for survey of teaching styles was chosen publication Fenstermacher and Soltis: Approaches to teaching.

Os conselhos econômicos e sociais em perspectiva comparada : os casos da Espanha e do Brasil

Kunrath, Romerio Jair January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese realiza um estudo comparado dos Conselhos Econômicos e Sociais, de âmbito nacional, da Espanha e do Brasil. Dentre as questões propostas para a análise estão: por que surgem tais Conselhos na Espanha e no Brasil e por que assumem tal ou qual formato institucional? O que essas duas experiências têm em comum, em que diferem, e o que explicaria diferenças e semelhanças entre elas? Como tem se dado a participação e a representação no âmbito destes Conselhos? E qual tem sido o “produto” (output) das atividades desenvolvidas pelos Conselhos? Duas hipóteses orientam a pesquisa: a primeira delas afirma que “os Conselhos Econômicos e Sociais são instituições criadas como complemento às instituições clássicas da democracia representativa liberal, com o objetivo de respaldar as ações dos governos e/ou dos Estados, atribuindo-lhes maior grau de legitimidade, em momentos que acarretam a necessidade de profundas mudanças econômicas, sociais e/ou políticas, exigindo a adoção de reformas estruturais em dadas sociedades”; e a segunda, que “as características ou as especificidades do contexto que lhes deu origem constituem fator determinante do formato institucional que assumem tais Conselhos na sua estrutura e organização, determinando também o tipo de „produto‟ que emana como resultado do trabalho desenvolvido por eles”. A pesquisa investigou o contexto de criação desses Conselhos na Espanha e no Brasil, sua natureza consultiva, estrutura, composição, dinâmica de funcionamento e os papéis desempenhados por eles ao longo de determinados períodos (Espanha 1992-2007; Brasil 2003-2010). Os resultados, em linhas gerais, permitem confirmar as hipóteses de trabalho, revelando a importância dos contextos específicos na configuração e na dinâmica de funcionamento dessas instituições. Os dados permitem ainda avançar sobre a efetividade desses Conselhos, identificando alta capacidade dos mesmos na consecução de proposições junto aos governos e sua colaboração na formulação das políticas para o desenvolvimento econômico e social dos respectivos países. / This Thesis performs a compared study of the Social and Economic boards in the national sphere, of Spain and Brazil. Among the questions proposed to the analysis there are: Why emerge such boards in Spain and in Brazil and why they assume this format or which institutional format is that? How does happen the participation and representation on those boards? Which has been the output of those activities developed by the boards? Two hypothesis guide this research: The first one, settle that “ the economic and social boards are institution created, as additions to the classical institutions of liberal representative democracy, with the goal of support the actions of the government and/or the State, attach to them a greater length of legitimacy, in moments that result in the necessity of deeply economic, social and/or political changes demanding the adoption of structural reforms in some societies” and the second one is “ the characteristics or the specificity of the context which gave birth to them, make a determinant factor in the institutional format that those boards assume in their structure and organization, determining as well the type of the „product‟ that came as a result of the work developed by them. The research investigated the context of creation of those boards in Spain and Brazil, the advisory being of themselves, the structure, the making, the working dynamics and the role developed by them over certain periods [Spain 1992-2007; Brazil 2003-2010].The results, in general, it is allowed to confirm the hypothesis of the work reveling the importance of those specifics contexts in the configuration and the dynamics on the effectiveness of those boards, identifying the high capacity of them in the execution of the prepositions by the government and its collaboration to the formulation of politics of the economic and social development in the respective countries.

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