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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dom?nio do fato e autoria em direito penal: crit?rios para delimita??o da autoria em face da criminalidade empresarial

Silva, Pablo Rodrigo Alflen da 25 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:48:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 443808.pdf: 142765 bytes, checksum: 51fd651ab3f99d1d6667f27bfbfb671b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-25 / This thesis starts from the idea of authorship in criminal law and has its main focus in the so-called theory of the domain of fact as guideline for delimitation of authorship. The hypothesis that is followed is that the theory of the domain of fact, presented by the German doctrine, does not present appropriate guidelines to define the authorship, especially in complex cases such as those practiced by business organizations. The result is a reformulation of the concept of domain of fact, in light of the onto-anthropological paradigm and overlooking the normative guidelines established by the Brazilian legislature. Accordingly, is proceeded to a theoretical and dogmatic review of the concept of authorship and their arrangements, in light of a new concept of domain of fact, overlooking the business crime and the aporias that underlie the complex social relationships that underpin. It is concluded that the concept of domain of fact, pragmatically useful, must start from the understanding of crime as relational and legal phenomenon and it should be guided by the idea of the result, as the offense to the legal interest. / A presente tese parte da ideia de autoria em direito penal e tem como foco principal a chamada teoria do dom?nio do fato, como crit?rio para delimita??o da autoria. Parte-se da hip?tese de que a teoria do dom?nio do fato, apresentada pela doutrina alem?, n?o apresenta crit?rios apropriados para delimitar a autoria, sobretudo, em casos complexos, como aqueles praticados por meio de organiza??es empresariais. Disso resulta a reformula??o do conceito de dom?nio do fato, ? luz do paradigma onto-antropol?gico e com vista aos crit?rios normativos estabelecidos pelo legislador brasileiro. Nesse sentido, procede-se a uma revis?o te?rico-dogm?tica do instituto da autoria e suas respectivas modalidades, ? luz de uma nova concep??o de dom?nio do fato, elaborada com vista ? criminalidade empresarial e ?s aporias que subjazem as complexas rela??es sociais que as sustentam. Conclui-se que um conceito de dom?nio do fato, pragmaticamente ?til, deve ter em vista a compreens?o do crime como fen?meno jur?dico relacional e se orientar pela ideia de resultado, enquanto ofensa ao bem jur?dico.

Punir menos, punir melhor : discursos sobre crime e puni??o na produ??o de alternativas ? pris?o no Brasil

Souza, Guilherme Augusto Dornelles de 20 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:48:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 462231.pdf: 862261 bytes, checksum: 624020c4d12ec0c3724d875d959a1a28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-20 / The objective of this study is to show the extent to which different discourses on crime, punishment and its subjects, as well as on relations between prison and alternatives to it, have been articulated in producing alternatives to imprisonment in Brazil. We believe that understanding these discourses and the ways they have been articulated has the potential to make visible the rationales that have driven such penal state practices. From the review of researches into both the Brazilian criminal policy from 1984 to the first decade of the 2000s and the effects produced by the implementation of alternative sanctions, we understand that the development of alternatives to prison in Brazil occurred in a context marked by multiple tendencies of criminal policy. The introduction of such penal state practices, and the effects they have produced, should be interpreted within that context. Based on discussions by philosopher Michel Foucault, we have taken the discourses about alternatives to prison as practices that have certain regularity and conditions of possibility for their emergence. We should consider the ways in which objects as "crime", "prison", "punishment" and "criminal" have been constituted in those discourses, the different places one can occupy to talk about these objects, the uses of concepts such as "treatment" and "retribution", and the strategies to which they are linked. By reviewing David Garland and Jock Young s analysis of the ways that conceptions of crime, the reaction to it and the criminalized subject have been articulated in different configurations of the field of crime control, we understand that different ways of discursively constructing an object as "crime" imply different possibilities of understanding their agents, as well as the actions to be taken. The research development was based on the analysis of documents produced by politicians and government agencies at the federal level addressing alternatives to incarceration between 1981 and 2012. With the aid of NVivo 10 qualitative research software, we sought to identify in these documents the emergences, shifts and continuities in the ways we have talked about prison, the alternatives proposed and those subjected to them. The materials were analyzed considering three axes: the individuals for whom alternatives to incarceration are proposed, showing the existence of a discourse that justifies a split between "dangerous" individuals and "non-dangerous" ones; the purposes for which alternatives to imprisonment are constructed, showing the articulation between a correctionalist perspective and a managerial approach in the production of discourses on punishment; and the extent to which alternatives to prison sentences are understood as actual penalties, pointing the existence of a discourse guided by modern penal rationality on the reaction to criminalized conducts. / O objetivo deste trabalho ? evidenciar em que medida diferentes discursos sobre o crime, a puni??o e seus sujeitos, bem como sobre as rela??es entre a pris?o e suas alternativas, foram articulados na produ??o de alternativas penais ao c?rcere no Brasil. Entendemos que a compreens?o desses discursos e dos modos como se articulam tem o potencial de tornar vis?veis as racionalidades que orientam essas pr?ticas estatais penais. A partir da revis?o de pesquisas sobre a pol?tica criminal brasileira de 1984 ? primeira d?cada dos anos 2000 e de trabalhos sobre os efeitos produzidos pela implementa??o de penas diversas da pris?o, compreendemos que o desenvolvimento de alternativas ? pris?o no Brasil se deu em um contexto marcado por m?ltiplas tend?ncias pol?tico-criminais. A institui??o de tais pr?ticas estatais penais e os efeitos que produziram devem ser interpretados dentro desse contexto. Com base nas discuss?es do fil?sofo Michel Foucault, tomamos os discursos acerca das alternativas penais como pr?ticas que possuem certa regularidade e condi??es de possibilidade para o seu aparecimento. Devem-se considerar os modos como objetos como crime, pris?o, puni??o e criminoso s?o constitu?dos nesses discursos, os diferentes lugares pass?veis de serem ocupados para se falar desses objetos, os usos de conceitos como tratamento e retribui??o e as estrat?gias a que se vinculam. Revisando as an?lises de David Garland e Jock Young sobre os modos como concep??es sobre o crime, sobre a rea??o a ele e sobre os sujeitos criminalizados foram articuladas em diferentes configura??es do campo do controle do crime, entendemos que diferentes maneiras de se construir discursivamente um objeto como o crime implicam possibilidades diversas de compreens?o de seus agentes, bem como de a??es a serem adotadas. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa teve como base a an?lise dos documentos produzidos por agentes pol?ticos e ag?ncias governamentais em ?mbito federal acerca das alternativas penais entre 1981 e 2012. Com o aux?lio do software de pesquisa qualitativa NVivo 10, buscou-se identificar em tais documentos as emerg?ncias, deslocamentos e perman?ncias nos modos como se fala da pris?o, das alternativas propostas e daqueles a elas sujeitados. Os materiais foram analisados a partir de tr?s eixos: para quem s?o propostas alternativas ao encarceramento, evidenciando-se a exist?ncia de um discurso que fundamenta uma cis?o entre indiv?duos perigosos e sem periculosidade ; para que s?o institu?das penas diversas da pris?o, mostrando-se a articula??o entre uma perspectiva correcionalista e uma abordagem gerencialista na produ??o de discursos sobre a puni??o; e em que medida as alternativas ? pris?o s?o compreendidas como penas de fato, apontando-se a exist?ncia de um discurso sobre a rea??o ?s condutas criminalizadas orientado pela racionalidade penal moderna.

No cora??o da escola m?dica : um estudo preliminar da empatia na forma??o m?dica

Silva, Andre Luiz da 04 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-05-28T11:22:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 469523 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2017969 bytes, checksum: 65a18438020d006a68eb9d88965fefd4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-28T11:22:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 469523 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2017969 bytes, checksum: 65a18438020d006a68eb9d88965fefd4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-04 / The general objective of this very present dissertation is to assess the agreeableness of medical students through validation of the Big Five Inventory - 10 (IBGFP-5) in Brazil. The IBGFP-5 is a brief self-report inventory, composed by 11 items and designed to assess dimensions of personality based upon Big Five Personality Factor model, which are: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness (in this study, as a synonym of empathy) and Neuroticism. Such model has been replicated in several countries in the world, including Brazil. The specific objectives of this study are: (1) validating IBGFP-5 through test and retest analysis (time reliability); (2) to do crossed correlation of the IBGFP-5 as a shorter version of the IGFP-5; (3) to do convergent validaty with the Interpersonal Reactivity Index of Davis (EMRI), which assess only empathy; (4) to assess the internal consistence of the five dimensions of the IBGPF-5 in the total sample of respondents and subsets represented by the five cohorts of students, from the first to the sixth year; (5) evaluate evidences of agreeableness based upon differences of IBGFP-5 factors scores, in social and demographic variables and concerning another personality traits; and (6) discuss possible factors that may influence the development of empathy along medical school at FAMED/PUCRS. The total sample, after eliminating missing data, was composed by 200 respondents, medical students at PUCRS, most of them are female (60,5%), with mean age of 22 years old. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the IBGFP-5 comes down to a 0,256 Cronbach?s alpha. According to time reliability, convergent validity and concurrent validity, data averaged in a general fashion low reliable psychological parameters. Concerning empathy features, in post hoc tests it were noticed differences between gender and spirituality level and empathy scores (p<0,05). Results in this study tend to construct validity of the Portuguese version of the IBGFP-5, even though it has restrictions and adjustment needs. Thus, results suggest the need of further investigation of empathy among students, since empathy is a multifactorial trait, and also communication skill training in medical school. Considering the fact that the IBGFP-5 is a brief inventory with a short application time it can easily be used in transcultural studies. The limitations of this study are featured, as well as a future research calendar. / A presente disserta??o tem como objetivo geral avaliar a empatia de alunos de gradua??o de Medicina atrav?s da valida??o do Big Five Inventory - 10 (Invent?rio Breve dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade ? IBGFP-5) para o Brasil. O IBGFP-5 ? uma medida de auto relato breve, composta por 11 itens e designada a avaliar dimens?es da personalidade baseada no modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores da Personalidade, que s?o: ?Abertura?, ?Conscienciosidade?, ?Extrovers?o?, ?Amabilidade? (no estudo, tida como sin?nimo de empatia) e ?Neuroticismo?. Tal modelo tem apresentado replicabilidade em v?rios pa?ses do mundo, inclusive no Brasil. Os objetivos espec?ficos do estudo foram: (1) fazer a valida??o de teste e re-teste (consist?ncia temporal) do IBGFP-5; (2) fazer correla??o cruzada do IBGFP-5 enquanto fra??o do IGFP-5; (3) Fazer valida??o convergente com a Escala Multidimensional de Reatividade Interpessoal de Davis (EMRI); (4) avaliar a fidedignidade dos cinco fatores do IBGFP-5 a partir da amostra total de respondentes e de subamostras representadas pelas coortes de alunos do primeiro ao sexto ano; (5) verificar evid?ncias de amabilidade baseadas na diferencia??o de escores dos fatores do IBGFP-5 em vari?veis sociodemogr?ficas e em rela??o a outras caracter?sticas da personalidade; e (6) Discutir poss?veis fatores que influenciem no desenvolvimento de empatia na forma??o m?dica na FAMED/PUCRS. A amostra, ap?s a elimina??o dos dados ausentes, foi composta por 200 respondentes, alunos da Gradua??o em Medicina da PUCRS, a maioria do sexo feminino (60,5%), com idade m?dia de 22 anos. A partir da an?lise fatorial confirmat?ria, verificou-se que o IBGFP-5 mostrou um alfa de Cronbach de 0,256. Com base na valida??o de consist?ncia temporal, valida??o convergente e concorrente verificou-se, de forma geral, que os itens do IBGFP-5 apresentaram par?metros psicom?tricos pouco consistentes. Com rela??o ?s caracter?sticas e escores de empatia foram observadas em testes post hoc varia??es em rela??o ao g?nero e ao grau de espiritualidade em rela??o aos tra?os de empatia (p<0,05). Resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam a validade de construto da vers?o em L?ngua Portuguesa do Big Five Inventory para o Brasil ainda que com restri??es e necessidade de ajustes. Os resultados indicam ainda a necessidade de investiga??o adicional da empatia, dado que ? um atributo multifatorial. Por se tratar de uma medida reduzida e de r?pida aplica??o, ela pode ser facilmente utilizada em estudos transculturais. S?o explicitadas as limita??es do estudo, bem como uma agenda futura de pesquisa.

A oralidade como t?cnica de redu??o das pr?ticas autorit?rias no processo penal

Maya, Andr? Machado 12 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-06-02T13:42:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 469719 Texto Parcial.pdf: 898599 bytes, checksum: 8074bf261b58a536f2dfc6d8c376acb0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-02T13:42:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 469719 Texto Parcial.pdf: 898599 bytes, checksum: 8074bf261b58a536f2dfc6d8c376acb0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-12 / The present investigation, to examine the evidential initiative value of the judge under the criminal procedural law, is part of the research line of Contemporary Criminal Legal Systems, which integrates the area of Criminal System and Violence of the Graduate Program from Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). This study starts from the relationship between the State, the law and the criminal procedure, in an approach to the theory of legal field from PIERRE BOURDIEU, to locate the criminal procedural law as a small field of state political fiefdom, which operates in accordance with internal specific rules and also to external political influences, resulting that the process model is directly related to the type of State, its way of justice administration and its form of government to indicate their way of relating to citizens. Thereby, while under the democratic states the jurisdiction is conceived as a focused counter-power to guarantee individual freedoms, resulting inadequate any probative initiative of the judge in criminal matters, within the limits of authoritarian interventionist States, in which the jurisdiction is the embodiment of the sovereign power, it is natural having conclusive initiative, essential to the revelation of the truth that legitimizes the punitive power. In this context, the probative initiative of the judge in the criminal process is identified in this study as an authoritarian practice which, reformulated, remains strong even in the current democratic setting. Assuming this premise, this research supports that, to the democratization of criminal proceedings, the strengthening of effectiveness of contradictory is essential, for what seems fundamental the oral procedure.By imposing the concentrated practice of procedural acts, orality provides a connection between evidences, parties and judge, strengthening the contradictory. Moreover, by materializing in the process the theory of separation of powers, contributes to the formatting of a subjectively balanced process, polycentric and without leading role. In this context, the thesis holds orality as an approximation technique between normativity and effectiveness of the democratic principle applied in the process and, consequently, the reduction of authoritarianism in criminal proceedings. / A presente investiga??o, ao examinar a iniciativa probat?ria do juiz no ?mbito do Direito processual penal, insere-se na linha de pesquisa de Sistemas Jur?dico-Penais Contempor?neos, que integra a ?rea de concentra??o de Sistema Penal e Viol?ncia do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Criminais da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Na pesquisa, parte-se da rela??o entre Estado, Direito e processo penal para, em uma aproxima??o com a teoria do campo jur?dico de PIERRE BOURDIEU, situar o Direito processual penal como um microcampo do campo pol?tico estatal, cujo funcionamento obedece a regras espec?ficas internas e tamb?m a influ?ncias pol?ticas externas, do que resulta que o modelo de processo guarda direta rela??o com o tipo de Estado, sua forma de administra??o da justi?a e sua forma de governo, a indicar o seu modo de relacionamento para com os cidad?os. Assim, enquanto no ?mbito dos Estados democr?ticos a jurisdi??o ? concebida como um contra-poder orientado ? garantia das liberdades individuais, do que resulta inadequada qualquer iniciativa probat?ria do juiz em mat?ria penal, nos limites dos Estados intervencionistas autorit?rios, nos quais a jurisdi??o representa a materializa??o do poder soberano, afigura-se natural a ampla iniciativa probat?ria, imprescind?vel ? revela??o da verdade que legitima o poder punitivo. Nesse contexto, a iniciativa probat?ria do julgador no processo penal ? identificada no presente estudo como uma pr?tica autorit?ria que, reformulada, permanece h?gida mesmo na configura??o democr?tica atual. Estabelecida essa premissa, sustenta-se na pesquisa que, ? democratiza??o do processo penal, ? imprescind?vel o refor?o de efetividade do contradit?rio, para o que se afigura fundamental o procedimento oral.Ao impor a pr?tica concentrada dos atos processuais, a oralidade propicia uma aproxima??o entre provas, partes e julgador, refor?ando o contradit?rio. Ademais, ao materializar no ?mbito interno do processo a teoria da separa??o dos poderes, contribui para a formata??o de um processo subjetivamente equilibrado, polic?ntrico e sem protagonismos. Nesse contexto, a tese sustenta a oralidade como uma t?cnica de aproxima??o entre normatividade e efetividade do princ?pio democr?tico aplicado ao processo e, consequentemente, de redu??o do autoritarismo no processo penal.

Sociedade em rede e internet : direitos fundamentais em di?logo

Aguiar, Rodrigo Goulart 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-06-10T12:03:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 470206 Texto Parcial.pdf: 292349 bytes, checksum: 3032a2e3e62757d84be952c9e728cc5f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-10T12:03:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 470206 Texto Parcial.pdf: 292349 bytes, checksum: 3032a2e3e62757d84be952c9e728cc5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / The network society has had its boundaries outlined through the information and communication technologies - ICTs, especially after the birth of the Internet. In that context, based on the rules of human dignity and free personality development, the acknowledgment of fundamental rights to access the Internet is a clear fact. In the virtual environment, the scales of space and time have changed dramatically. The quantitative growth of information broadcasted in the Web has gained qualitative features, representing risks to rights of several natures, such as the right to privacy and the protection of personal data. Government entities and especially private companies worldwide have been using advanced technologies of massive data processing. The result of such process is the elaboration of individual and collective profiles which are used as a basis for the implementation of software for marketing and discrimination usage. In that sense, once we acknowledge the symbiotic relation between Law and Internet, the necessity of legal regulation of the Internet amongst the surveillance society becomes clear. Aware that the traditional legal approach does not follow the technology evolution of the virtual environment, new regulation models are necessary. Under this view, there is the mixed model suggested by Lawrence Lessig, from the mutual interaction of the social standards, market, Law and the architecture of the Web. As a complement to the author?s suggestion, there is the necessary reflection about the Internet users? behavior in the Web, the implementation of international cooperation policies, as well as a reinterpretation of the contracts in the virtual environment. Such situation reveals the sovereign regulator nature of the Law and boosts its effectiveness in the cyberspace. / A Sociedade-rede passou a ter seus contornos delineados por interm?dio das tecnologias da informa??o e comunica??o - TICs, notadamente ap?s o advento da Internet. Nesse contexto, fundado nos preceitos da dignidade da pessoa humana e livre desenvolvimento da personalidade, depreende-se o reconhecimento do direito fundamental ao acesso ? Internet. No ambiente virtual as escalas de espa?o e tempo foram drasticamente alteradas. O crescimento quantitativo de informa??es veiculadas na Rede ganhou fei??es qualitativas, representando riscos a direitos de diversas ordens, tais como o direito ? privacidade e ? prote??o de dados pessoais. Entidades p?blicas e especialmente empresas privadas de ?mbito mundial empregam tecnologias avan?adas de processamento massivo de dados. O resultado desse processo ? a elabora??o de perfis individuais e coletivos que servem como base para o implemento de programas de cunho mercadol?gico e discriminat?rio. Nesse sentido, reconhecida a rela??o simbi?ntica entre Direito e Internet, extrai-se a necessidade de regula??o jur?dica da Internet em meio ? sociedade de vigil?ncia. Ciente de que a abordagem jur?dica tradicional n?o acompanha a evolu??o tecnol?gica do ambiente virtual, novos modelos regulat?rios s?o necess?rios. Sob essa ?tica, apresenta-se o modelo misto proposto por Lawrence Lessig, fruto da intera??o rec?proca das normas sociais, mercado, Direito e a arquitetura da Rede. Em complemento ? proposta do autor, agrega-se a necess?ria reflex?o acerca do comportamento do internauta na Rede, o implemento de pol?ticas de coopera??o internacional, bem como uma releitura dos contratos no ambiente virtual. Tal conjuntura revela o car?ter regulador soberano do Direito e potencializa sua efetividade no ciberespa?o.

Ensaio cl?nico randomizado, controlado, comparando os resultados da bromoprida, metoclopramida e ondansetron aplicados intramuscular em dose ?nica para o tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto socorro pedi?trico

Portela, Janete de Lourdes 02 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-08-13T19:35:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 473454 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 755327 bytes, checksum: 9e3264a8362ab0aeb4b4514a2de60490 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-13T19:35:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 473454 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 755327 bytes, checksum: 9e3264a8362ab0aeb4b4514a2de60490 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-02 / Objective: To compare the effectiveness of single-dose intramuscular bromopride, metoclopramide, and ondansetron for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency for the treatment of vomiting in a pediatric emergency department setting. department setting. department setting. department setting. department setting. department setting.department setting. Methods: Randomized controlled trial of children who presented with vomiting due to gastroenteritis at the pediatric emergency department of Hospital Universit?rio de Santa Maria from August 2013 to June 2014. Children aged 1 to 12 years were randomized to receive a single intramuscular dose of bromopride or metoclopramide (up to 10 mg) or ondansetron (up to 8 mg) 0.15 mg/kg. After administration of the antiemetic drug, children remained under observation for at least 1 hour. Children who were discharged after the observation period were subsequently monitored by their parents or caregivers at home for 24 hours and contacted via telephone for assessment of the results of antiemetic therapy. The following parameters were compared across treatment groups: time to cessation of vomiting within 1, 6, and 24 hours; acceptance of oral rehydration therapy; intravenous fluid replacement; return to hospital; and adverse effects attributable to the antiemetic. All parents or caregivers were given information on the antiemetic treatment that would be provided and signed an informed consent form authorizing the child's participation in the study. Results: Of 180 children randomized, 175 completed the trial. Within 1 hour of antiemetic administration, cessation of vomiting had been achieved in 96.6% of children given bromopride, 94.8% of those given metoclopramide, and 100% of those given ondansetron (p=0.312). Six hours after administration, bromopride was found to cease vomiting in 216?114 minutes, metoclopramide in 150?168 minutes, and ondansetron in 72?54 minutes (p=0.011). Cessation of vomiting at 24 hours was achieved in 67.8% of children given bromopride, 67.2% of those given metoclopramide, and 96.6% of those given ondansetron (p=0.002). Children in the ondansetron group accepted more fluid replenishment orally (200 ml) than those given bromopride or metoclopramide (150 ml and 100 ml respectively) (p=0.034). Eleven children ultimately required intravenous fluids: five in the bromopride group and six in the metoclopramide group. Within 1 hour of antiemetic administration, only 24.1% of children in the ondansetron group reported adverse effects (somnolence, diarrhea, fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot)fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot)fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot)fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot)fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot)fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot)fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot)fatigue, restlessness, feeling hot) , whereas 42.4% and 44.8% of children in the bromopride and metoclopramide groups respectively reported somnolence (p=0.034). At 24 hours, there were no significant differences in adverse effects across the three groups (p=0.357). Conclusion: In a pediatric emergency department setting, ondansetron is superior to bromopride and metoclopramide for treatment of vomiting. Ondansetron was associated with cessation or reduction of vomiting both within 1 hour of administration and at 6 and 24 hours. Bromopride and metoclopramide were both effective, but were associated with somnolence, an adverse effect that can prolong observation time in the emergency department and thus increase hospital costs. / Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados dos antiem?ticos aplicados via intramuscular, bromoprida, metoclopramida e ondansetron em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o em dose ?nica para o tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto tratamento de v?mitos em um pronto socorro socorro socorro pedi?trico. pedi?trico. pedi?trico. pedi?trico. M?todos: Ensaio cl?nico randomizado e controlado, envolvendo crian?as que consultaram por v?mitos, devido ? gastroenterite, no servi?o de Emerg?ncia Pedi?trica no Hospital Universit?rio de Santa Maria, no per?odo de agosto de 2013 a junho de 2014. Foram randomizadas crian?as com idades entre 1 a 12 anos, para receber dose ?nica de bromoprida via intramuscular ou metoclopramida via intramuscular (m?ximo 10mg); ou ondansetron (m?ximo 8mg) na dose de 0,15mg/kg via intramuscular. A crian?a ap?s receber o antiem?tico permanecia em observa??o por no m?mimo 1 hora. Ap?s a reavaliac?o cl?nica as crian?as que recebiam alta eram monitorizadas pelo familiar no domic?lio durante 24 horas, e contactados por via telef?nica para avaliar o resultado do tratamento antiem?tico recebido. Os grupos foram comparados em rela??o a tempo para cessar os v?mitos dentro de 1, 6 e 24 horas; aceita??o de l?quidos orais; reidrata??o endovenosa; retorno ao hospital e efeitos colaterais relacionados aos antiem?ticos. Os familiares ap?s devidamente informados sobre o tratamento antiem?tico que a crian?a seria submetida, assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, permitindo a participa??o do filho no estudo. Resultados: Das 180 crian?as randomizadas, 175 completaram o estudo. Na primeira hora ap?s medicar, a bromoprida teve 96,6% de efic?cia na cessa??o dos v?mitos, a metoclopramida, 94,8% e o ondansetron 100%, (p= 0,312). Em 6 horas, ? bromoprida cessou o v?mito em 216?114 minutos, ? metoclopramida em 150?168 minutos e o ondansetron 72?54 minutos, (p=0,011). Em 24 horas, a cessa??o dos v?mitos ocorreu em 67,8% com bromoprida, 67,2% com metoclopramida e 96,6% com ondansetron (p=0,002). O grupo ondansetron aceitou melhor os l?quidos orais, 200 ml, comparado ? bromoprida, 150 ml e ? metoclopramida, 100 ml (p=0,034). Onze crian?as necessitaram de hidrata??o endovenosa: 5 no grupo bromoprida e 6 no metoclopramida. Sessenta minutos ap?s medicar, apenas 24,1% do grupo ondansetron apresentaram efeitos colaterais (sonol?ncia, diarreia, cansa?o, cansa?o, cansa?o, cansa?o, cansa?o, cansa?o, cansa?o, cansa?o, inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor) inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor) inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor) inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor) inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor) inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor)inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor) inquieta??o, sensa??o de calor) , enquanto que os grupos bromoprida e metoclopramida apresentaram associa??o com sonol?ncia, 42,4% e 44,8%, respectivamente, p=0,034. Os efeitos colaterais em 24hs n?o apresentaram diferen?a estat?stica significativa entre os tr?s grupos, p=0,357. Conclus?o: Existem benef?cios nos resultados para tratamento de v?mito em pronto socorro pedi?trico com o uso do ondansetron em rela??o ? bromoprida e ? metoclopramida. O ondansetron mostrou-se associado na cessa??o ou redu??o dos v?mitos ap?s medicar tanto na primeira hora, quanto nas pr?ximas 6 e 24 horas. A bromoprida e a metoclopramida foram consideradas eficazes, mas apresentava associa??o com sonol?ncia, efeito colateral que pode determinar um maior tempo de observa??o em sala de emerg?ncia e aumentar os custos hospitalares.

Aula dialogada na educa??o m?dica : um estudo quantitativo

Cunha, Laura Severo da 29 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-12-01T10:30:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 476508 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2272243 bytes, checksum: 4ba343814611baa515a889610cb2a13a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-01T10:30:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 476508 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2272243 bytes, checksum: 4ba343814611baa515a889610cb2a13a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Study the medical education process is part of a worldwide movement of health review, motivating important initiatives, represented in Brazil by the national curriculum guidelines of the courses in this area, presented by the Ministry of Education in 2001. In order to compare the effects of content learning/retention (outcome) of dialogued lecture (factor under study), we carried out a randomized controlled trial by groups, blinded to the research subjects with medical students from the 7th and 8 th semester from a private university in southern Brazil, with grade five assigned by the Higher Education Personal Improvement Commission (CAPES). 150 subjects were evaluated between March 2012 and June 2014, average age 24.7 years and a predominance of females (62.7%); 69 (46%) allocated for dialogued lecture (intervention group) and 81 (54%) to traditional lecture (control group). The performance of groups was evaluated by the same theoretical knowledge test administered before and after class, where students in the control group showed greater variation between the first and second test (8.6 vs. 6.7 p = 0.0001) result reinforced by the magnitude of the effect also higher in this group (2,526 vs. 1,350). In the pretest, without distinction by group, the overall student achievement was 50%, with a higher average score of the intervention group (p = 0.003) and those students tested in the 7th semester. In this study, the expository dialogue-class determined final results similar to traditional classroom (20.2 vs. 20.0 points in the final test) no impairment in short-term learning was noticed. / Estudar o processo de educa??o m?dica ? parte de um movimento mundial de revis?o da sa?de, motivando iniciativas importantes, representadas no Brasil pelas diretrizes curriculares nacionais dos cursos desta ?rea, apresentadas pelo Minist?rio da Educa??o no ano de 2001. Com o objetivo de comparar os efeitos de aprendizagem/reten??o de conte?do (desfecho) da aula expositiva dialogada (fator em estudo), realizou-se um estudo controlado randomizado por grupos, cegado para os sujeitos de pesquisa com alunos do 7? e 8? semestre do curso de medicina de uma Faculdade privada do sul do Brasil, com conceito cinco atribu?do pela Comiss?o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES). Foram avaliados 150 sujeitos, entre mar?o de 2012 e junho de 2014, m?dia de idade de 24,7 anos e predom?nio do sexo feminino (62,7%); 69 (46%) alocados para a aula expositiva dialogada (grupo interven??o) e 81 (54%) para aula expositiva tradicional (grupo controle). O desempenho dos grupos foi avaliado por um mesmo teste te?rico de conhecimento aplicado antes e ap?s a aula, onde os alunos do grupo controle demonstraram maior varia??o entre o primeiro e segundo teste (8,6 vs. 6,7 p=0,0001) resultado refor?ado pela magnitude do efeito tamb?m maior neste grupo (2,526 vs. 1,350). No pr?-teste, sem distin??o por grupo, o aproveitamento geral dos alunos foi de 50%, sendo maior a pontua??o m?dia do grupo submetido ? interven??o (p=0,003) e daqueles alunos testados no 7? semestre. Neste estudo, a aula expositiva dialogada determinou resultados finais similares ? aula tradicional (20,2 vs. 20,0 pontos no teste final) n?o sendo observado preju?zo na aprendizagem de curto prazo.

A import??ncia do direito do petr??leo para administra????o p??blica sob a ??tica do novo marco regulat??rio: uma estatal para o pr??-sal

Guimar??es Neto, Napole??o Lopes 03 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-09-05T14:13:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NapoleaoLopesGuimaraesNetoDissertacao2016.pdf: 1210361 bytes, checksum: d6e06a5e4cfc5b49319537435d7216b4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-09-05T14:15:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 NapoleaoLopesGuimaraesNetoDissertacao2016.pdf: 1210361 bytes, checksum: d6e06a5e4cfc5b49319537435d7216b4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T14:15:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NapoleaoLopesGuimaraesNetoDissertacao2016.pdf: 1210361 bytes, checksum: d6e06a5e4cfc5b49319537435d7216b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-03 / This is the context of the importance of establishing a new regulatory framework for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas reserves in the area of pre-salt layer, through constitutional confrontation of various doctrinal and jurisprudential understandings. In this sense, the central legal aspect of this work consists in the performance of the monopoly activities assured the Union considering the need to establish a new state company for that specific purpose. / Trata-se da contextualiza????o da import??ncia da institui????o de um novo modelo regulat??rio para a explora????o e produ????o das reservas de petr??leo e g??s natural na ??rea da camada do pr??-sal, mediante confronto constitucional de diversos entendimentos doutrin??rios e jurisprudenciais. Nesse sentido, o aspecto jur??dico central dessa disserta????o consiste no exerc??cio das atividades integrantes do monop??lio assegurado ?? Uni??o considerando a necessidade de constitui????o de uma nova empresa estatal para essa finalidade espec??fica.

Pr??ticas de intelig??ncia coletiva no Portal de Peri??dicos da Capes

Silva, B??rbara Neves e 29 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-12-15T19:17:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BarbaraNeveseSilvaDissertacao2017.pdf: 1997379 bytes, checksum: a140d2e8e6c8624cca7c15598e2c166e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-12-15T19:17:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 BarbaraNeveseSilvaDissertacao2017.pdf: 1997379 bytes, checksum: a140d2e8e6c8624cca7c15598e2c166e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-15T19:17:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BarbaraNeveseSilvaDissertacao2017.pdf: 1997379 bytes, checksum: a140d2e8e6c8624cca7c15598e2c166e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-29 / This study aims to evaluate the perception of information about the Capes Portal Periodicos (Scientific Digital Library), regarding the potential contribution of different practices and tools of Collective Intelligence (ICol) that can contribute to open science in Brazil. For the theoretical foundation of this aim, a literature review of the concepts of collective intelligence and open science was done, as well as the other ideas related to these topics (crowdsourcing and wisdom of the crowds). In this way, were identified ICol's main practices, routines, tools and collective intelligence processes to verify their potential impact to the collaboration of researchers from Brazil and that could be applied to open science and the main trends on the subject. Based on the information found in the literature, it was sought to understand how it is possible to increase collaboration among Brazilian researchers through Capes Digital Library, with the purpose of suggesting improvements within the scope of the Portal. For this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to students, professors, and collaborators of postgraduate courses from selected universities to measure their perception of ICol practices identified in the current literature. From the analysis of the results, it is recommended to insert the following methods in the Capes Digital Library: discussion forums, scientific blogs, wikis, and altmetrics. Finally, to validate the results obtained, interviews were conducted with specialists who have the strategic responsibility in the management of postgraduate programs and the dissemination of science. It was found that the respondents agreed with the suggested practices, although they had some caveats regarding their application. The suggestion is to connect these universes through the interoperability between search systems, in other words, inserting links from referral sites in wikis/ academic discussion forums as well as scientific blogs, in order to provide users with relevant information that can be of their interest. In the case of alternative metrics, the idea is to insert directly into the portal interface and provide researchers with information that can help them to share scientific results through the indicators produced in real time on the web. / O objetivo deste estudo ?? avaliar a percep????o de usu??rios acerca do Portal de Peri??dicos da Capes, quanto ao potencial de contribui????o de diferentes pr??ticas e ferramentas de Intelig??ncia Coletiva (ICol) que podem contribuir com a ci??ncia aberta no Brasil. Para a fundamenta????o te??rica desse objetivo foi realizada revis??o de literatura dos conceitos de intelig??ncia coletiva e ci??ncia aberta, bem como dos demais conceitos correlatos a estes t??picos (crowdsourcing e sabedoria das multid??es). Dessa forma, foram identificadas as principais pr??ticas de ICol, rotinas, ferramentas, processos de intelig??ncia coletiva para verificar seu potencial de impacto ?? colabora????o de pesquisadores do Pa??s e as principais tend??ncias sobre o assunto. A partir das informa????es encontradas na literatura buscou-se compreender de que forma ?? poss??vel aumentar a colabora????o entre pesquisadores brasileiros por meio do Portal de Peri??dicos, com a finalidade de sugerir melhorias em seu ??mbito. Para tanto, foi aplicado question??rio para alunos, professores e colaboradores de cursos de p??s-gradua????o de universidades selecionadas a fim de mensurar sua percep????o a respeito das pr??ticas de ICol identificadas na literatura corrente. A partir da an??lise dos resultados, recomenda-se inserir no Portal de Periodicos da Capes as seguintes pr??ticas: f??runs de discuss??o, blogs cient??ficos, wikis e m??tricas alternativas. Por fim, a fim de validar os resultados obtidos foram realizadas entrevistas com gestores que possuem responsabilidade estrat??gica na gest??o de programas de p??s-gradua????o e/ou t??m responsabilidades institucionais na dissemina????o da ci??ncia brasileira. Verificou-se que os entrevistados concordam com as pr??ticas sugeridas, apesar de fazerem algumas ressalvas quanto ?? sua aplica????o. A sugest??o ?? conectar estes universos por meio da interoperabilidade entre os sistemas de busca, ou seja, inserir links de sites refer??ncias em wikis/ f??runs de discuss??o acad??micos, bem como blogs cient??ficos, de modo a prover os usu??rios de informa????es relevantes que podem ser do interesse dele. No caso das m??tricas alternativas, a ideia ?? inserir diretamente na interface do portal e oferecer aos pesquisadores informa????es que podem auxili??-los a acompanhar o compartilhamento de resultados cient??ficos, por meio dos indicadores produzidos em tempo real na web.

A oferta de disciplinas humanistas no ensino m?dico do Brasil

Merigo, Francini Lima 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:36:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 462154.pdf: 1740830 bytes, checksum: 56d8885409aaa592e20907c78d4b44fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / In Brazil, in spite of humanism is an old topic in the history of medicine, including his medical education in Brazil is recent, officially legalized in Resolution CNE/CES in 4 of 7 November 2001, the Ministry of Education, National Council of education/Board of Higher education, which includes the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Medical. However, the Ministry of Health have questioned as to the graduates listing, in relation to the supply of the health needs of the population. Given that there is urgency to appropriate and effective measures in vocational training, it is necessary to understand the aspects for improvement in the comprehensive care and more comprehensive information on medical education. In this light, the present study aims to describe and analyze the provision of humanistic disciplines in medical education in Brazil. For this, we carried out a descriptiveanalytic research with documented reference base, with qualitative and quantitative approach. The data analyzed was collected through the curriculum matrices, searched through information disseminated on the Internet by HEIs. The sample was composed of subjects of Humanities and Medical Sciences, matrices belonging curriculum of undergraduate courses in Medicine in Brazil, considering the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. The study included 127 HEIs. The analysis of 7832 subjects showed that 22.8 % were humanistic disciplines. The state with the highest local rate of humanistic disciplines was Rio Grande do Norte, with 67.9% (n=129). Followed by Cear? with (51.6%, n=81) and Rond?nia (32.4%, n=34). When subdivided by the five regions of the country, 27.86% concentrated in the Northeast, followed by the southern regions (23.15%, n=394), Southeast (22.26%, n=882), north (17.85%, n=96), and Midwest (17.37%, n=66). There was a negative correlation between the mortality rate and the IES (n), r = -0.414 (p <0.001). There was a significant correlation of the humanistic disciplines and the mortality rate (r = 0.933, p <0.001). The movements and reform initiatives in medical education in Brazil has led to debates about the health needs unmet and profiles of professionals who are in front of the health system. Especially with regard to medical education, much has been questioned regarding the technicalities profile of medical education offered by the institutions. The geographical, socioeconomic, cultural, climatic, ethnic make the Brazilian a complex panorama for taking resolute action scenario. Importantly, this diversity requires dynamic actions so that they can effectively reach all. / No Brasil, apesar do humanismo ser um assunto antigo na hist?ria da medicina, a inclus?o dele no ensino m?dico brasileiro ? recente, oficialmente legalizado na Resolu??o CNE/CES no 4, de 7 de novembro de 2001, do Minist?rio da Educa??o, Conselho Nacional de Educa??o/ C?mara de Educa??o Superior, que cont?m as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Gradua??o de Medicina. Entretanto, o Minist?rio da Sa?de t?m questionado quanto ao perfil egressos, no que tange ao suprimento das necessidades de sa?de da popula??o. Tendo em vista, que h? urg?ncia em provid?ncias cab?veis e efetivas na forma??o profissional, ? necess?rio compreender os aspectos para melhorias no atendimento integral e obter informa??es mais abrangentes sobre a forma??o m?dica. Sob este prisma, o presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever e analisar a oferta de disciplinas humanistas no ensino m?dico do Brasil. Para isto, realizou-se uma pesquisa anal?tico-descritiva, com base referencial documental, com abordagem quali-quantitativa. Os dados estudados foram coletados atrav?s das matrizes curriculares, pesquisadas atrav?s de informa??es divulgadas na Internet pelas IES. A amostra desta pesquisa foi composta por disciplinas de Ci?ncias Humanas e Ci?ncias M?dicas, pertencentes as matrizes curriculares dos cursos de gradua??o em Medicina do Brasil, considerando os crit?rios de inclus?o e exclus?o. Participaram deste estudo 127 IES. A an?lise de 7832 disciplinas mostrou que 22,8% eram disciplinas humanistas. O Estado que apresentou a maior taxa local de disciplinas humanistas foi o Rio Grande do Norte, com 67,9% (n=129). Seguido pelo Cear? com (51,6%, n= 81) e Rond?nia (32,4%, n=34). Quando subdivididas pelas cinco regi?es do pa?s, 27,86% concentrou-se no nordeste, seguido pelas regi?es sul (23,15%, n= 394), sudeste (22,26%, n=882), norte (17,85%, n=96), e centro oeste (17,37%, n=66). Houve correla??o negativa entre a taxa de mortalidade e as IES (n), r=-0,414 (p<0,001). Houve expressiva correla??o das disciplinas humanistas e a taxa de mortalidade (r=0,933, p<0,001). Os movimentos e iniciativas de reforma no ensino m?dico do Brasil tem provocado debates a cerca das necessidades de sa?de n?o supridas e o perfil dos profissionais que est?o na frente do sistema de sa?de. Especialmente, no que diz respeito ao ensino m?dico, muito tem sido questionado com rela??o ao perfil tecnicista da forma??o m?dica ofertado pelas institui??es de ensino. A diversidade geogr?fica, socioecon?mica, cultura, clim?tica, ?tnica fazem do panorama brasileiro um cen?rio complexo para a tomada de a??es resolutas. ? importante ressaltar que, esta diversidade exige a??es din?micas para que se possam alcan?ar a todas efetivamente.

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