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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital Intimacies : Doing Digital Media Differently / Digitala intimiteter : Digitala medier på ett nytt sätt

Sadowski, Helga January 2016 (has links)
Digital media have become an integral part of many people’s everyday lives and constitute an intimate presence therein. Utilizing the concept of digital intimacy to focus on these recent developments, this doctoral dissertation takes the perspectives of feminist cultural studies and affect theory to analyze how digital media are becoming more intimate and how in turn intimacy is remediated within digital cultures. This research brings together three different strategic examples of digital intimacy. The first is chosen from the context of online hate and harassment, and works to counteract digital forms of intimidation. The second is from the world of software development training initiatives tailored for women and designed to make them digitally intimate. The third investigates the digital subculture around ASMR (‘autonomous sensory meridian response’), which is an intimate multi-sensory stimulation induced by such things as online video clips. It is argued that these three initiatives are good illustrations of contemporary gender relations in digital cultures, and also do digital media differently. This  means that they develop and apply sometimes straightforward, sometimes rather playful strategies to counteract gender-based inimicalities (such as forms of discrimination or exclusion, or objectification) within digital cultures. The thesis argues that such digitally intimate strategies can be utilized analytically in order to contribute to contemporary feminist internet politics. / Digitala medier har blivit en integrerad del av och en intim närvaro i många människors vardag. Med hjälp av begreppet digital intimitet, som tar dessa förändringar på allvar, analyserar denna avhandling hur digitala medier blir mer intima och hur intimitet remedieras i digitala kulturer. Detta görs utifrån perspektiv hämtade från feministiska kulturstudier och affektteori. Tre olika strategiska exempel på digital intimitet diskuteras. Det första exemplet hanterar näthat och trakasserier online och utgör ett slags  motståndsstrategier. Det andra handlar om utbildningsinitiativ inom programmering riktade till kvinnor, ämnade att ge kvinnor större digital tillgång, närhet och närvaro. Det tredje fallet undersöker den digitala subkulturen kring ASMR (’autonomous sensory meridian response’), en intim multi-sensorisk stimulering som ofta understöds av videoklipp online. Det hävdas här att dessa strategiska exempel, först och främst, synliggör samtida genusrelationer i digitala kulturer, men även visar hur digitala medier gör genus på nya sätt. Med detta menas att i medierna både bevaras genuskonventioner och tillämpas nya, ibland lekfulla strategier för att motverka könsrelaterad fientlighet inom digitala kulturer. Avhandlingen hävdar att de tre studerade strategierna för digital intimitet kan användas analytiskt för att bidra till en samtida feministisk internetpolitik.

La bédé-réalité : la bande dessinée autobiographique à l’heure des technologies numériques

Delporte, Julie 04 1900 (has links)
À l’image des théories de la bande dessinée imprimée, la BD numérique est elle aussi accaparée par les analyses formalistes, dont la plus connue, celle de Scott McCloud, est critiquable, car elle réduit le média à un langage. Or, les mutations provoquées par la remédiation numérique ne sont pas uniquement formelles : l’expérience du lecteur, de l’auteur, et le rapport qu’ils entretiennent ensemble sont modifiés. Ce nouveau rapport influence le contenu des œuvres : on ne raconte pas la même chose dans le livre que sur Internet. L’autobiographie en BD, courant qui a explosé dans l’édition indépendante des années 1990, puis a été largement repris par les blogueurs, permet d’observer les différences de contenus et d’approches véhiculées par le livre et le numérique. Le dispositif du blogue propose un outil de liberté d’expression et de réflexion, mais les paramètres de son exécution (immédiateté, interactivité, désir de popularité, etc.) peuvent détourner cet objectif. Ainsi, beaucoup d’auteurs de blogues n’ont pas produit une autobiographie singulière, mais ont reproduit un courant de pensée existant (en exposant une libido fortement orientée vers la consommation) ainsi qu’un genre codifié, au sein duquel les autobiographies deviennent uniformes. Pour qualifier leurs blogues, on ne peut pas vraiment parler d’autobiographies, car ils ne mettent pas en scène un passé rétrospectif. Il s’agirait davantage de journaux intimes dont l’intimité est communiquée (ou publicisée) plutôt qu’expérimentée. Ce à quoi ces blogues ressemblent finalement le plus, c’est à une sorte de télé-réalité, une « bédé-réalité ». / Digital comics, like their printed counterparts, are heavily analyzed in a formalist approach: the most famous analysis, Scott McCloud's, could be criticized for it reduction of the media form to a language. But the changes that stem from the digital remediation aren't solely formal: the reader's experience, the author's, and the relation they share are all modified. This new relation changes the work's content: one doesn't tell the same thing in print and online. Autobiography in comics (a trend that exploded in the independent wave of the 90s and was later re-appropriated by bloggers) allows us to compare differences in approach between books and digital formats. The blog offers a tool for free speech and reflection, but at the same time diverts from such goals by the parameters of its execution (immediacy, interactivity, social networking, etc.). Indeed, many blog authors don't produce a singular autobiography as much as reproduce an existing trend (with a consumption-oriented libido) and a now-codified genre, in which autobiographies become uniform. Those blogs can't be completely considered as autobiographical anymore, as they don't tell of a retrospective past; they are more akin to personal diaries whose intimacy would be communicated (or publicized) instead of experienced. In that way, such blogs are closer to reality shows and could therefore be considered as a form of "reality comic".

L’art de raconter une bonne histoire : une analyse de la couverture médiatique des gangs de rue au Québec

Brosseau, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
The media attribute a great significance to criminal events. However, those are not all reported in the same way. The media treatment of one generally depends of its sensationalism. The more impressive the event is, the more importance will be given by the media. Although street gangs have been very much present in the news content for several years, very few studies have assessed the extent to which the phenomenon is appealing to the media in relation to all criminal news. Considering the importance of media content and its impact on our society, the present study focuses on this question in order to determine whether the news about street gangs are treated differently. The sample of this study consists of 417 reports from Radio-Canada’s TV channel and Internet content, from that 210 are related to street gangs and 207 don’t bear on the phenomenon. The results suggest that the audiovisual and digital media present a more specific aspect of the phenomenon. Reports about street gangs are also more detailed and benefit from a greater mediatic treatment, regardless the medium of information used. Independently of the components that determine what make good news, the events involving street gangs and their members seem to receive a special media treatment. / Les médias accordent une grande importance aux faits divers et aux évènements criminels. Toutefois, ceux-ci ne sont pas tous rapportés systématiquement et de la même manière. Le traitement médiatique d’un évènement dépend généralement de son sensationnalisme. Plus un évènement est sensationnel, plus les médias auront tendance à lui accorder de l’importance et à en laisser d’autres, moins sensationnels, de côté. Bien que les gangs de rue soient très présents dans le contenu médiatique depuis plusieurs années, très peu d’études permettent d’évaluer dans quelle mesure le phénomène est intéressant pour les médias par rapport à l’ensemble de l’actualité criminelle. Étant donné l’importance que prend le contenu médiatique au sein d’une société, le mémoire s’attarde donc à cette question, de manière à déterminer si les nouvelles au sujet des gangs de rue sont traitées différemment des autres nouvelles de nature criminelle. Le corpus à l’étude totalise 417 reportages de Radio-Canada diffusés sur leur chaîne télévisée et leur site Internet, dont 210 portent sur les gangs de rue et 207 sont des nouvelles-témoins. Les résultats suggèrent que les médias audiovisuels et numériques présentent un aspect particulier du phénomène au public. Les reportages au sujet des gangs de rue sont également plus détaillés et profitent d’un traitement médiatique plus important que les autres, peu importe le médium d’information utilisé. Ainsi, indépendamment des éléments classiques qui déterminent ce qui fait une bonne nouvelle, les événements impliquant des gangs et leurs membres semble recevoir un traitement médiatique particulier.

Mediální výchova a digitální gramotnost nevidomých středoškoláků / Media education and digital literacy of blind high school students

Fraiová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The paper addresses issues of media education in blind high-school students, especially in the topical context of digital media. The theoretical part devotes to problems of education of visually impaired persons. Next, concern the subsumption of media education as a cross- sectional subject into Czech primary and high-schools education. This part is also concerned with specific digital media and extensive opportunities of its utilization for visually impaired persons. In the experimental part of the paper, discrete components of digital literacy of sightless high-school students are analysed. The method of focused (semi-structured) interviews was selected. Interviews were executed with ten visually impaired high-school students and subsequently analysed with the help of qualitative content analysis. The aim of the paper is to give a notice on dependence of blind people to digital media and its specifics and, in this conjunction, emphasise the importance of media education.

Generace Y jako publikum alternativní hudby a role nových médií při utváření komunity a vkusu / Generation Y as an Alternative Music Audience and the Role of New Media in the Creation of Community and Taste

Masná, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis examines how have the habits of music users changed after they had become internet users. The goal of the thesis is to put some light on the relation of part of the generation Y to the new media A method of deduction is used based on the theory of hypothesis which is subsequently evaluated by the audience (generation Y) of alternative music (surveyed years of birth 1984-1991). In the first chapter the generation Y is defined according to some of foreign authors' theories and then put in the context of the Czech environment. A technology background and possible influences on the behaviour of the music users of this generation is described. The second chapter describes transformation of the music industry from the late 90's till now which has been happening thanks to the new possibility to distribute various content on the Internet. I focus in particular on the peer-to-peer networks. By explaining the development of this matter I prepare a basis for a better understanding to both respondents' behaviour and their attitudes to illegal music downloads. I also touch upon the new media's role in the taste formation and the change of relationship between a performer and a music fan. The third chapter considers Internet to be the communication platform of the generation Y. It gives such a hypothesis that...

Strategie digitálního marketingu-kombinace kanálů digitálních médií / Digital Marketing Strategies - Combination of Digital Media Channels

Turazová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Digital Marketing Strategies - Combination of Digital Media Channels" examines how the three telecom operators dominating the Czech market - T-Mobile Czech Republic, O2 Czech Republic and Vodafone Czech Republic - use the digital media channels within the communication with the customers. More specifically, it identifies and describes which channels do the companies involve into their marketing communication, how do they use them and why they have integrated them into the communication strategy. It also examines how the companies interconnect these digital media channels and how the channels can be combined to form an effective digital media strategy. By using the method of case study the companies ' digital marketing activities were examined. It was found that each company uses for its marketing communication the similar set of digital media channels, but the usage is different across the companies studied. Based on these findings I have identified three specific strategies - Diversified Content Strategy, Interactive Channel Strategy and Standardized Content Strategy. Each of the strategies has its advantages and disadvantages, which have been described and the strategies were compared. The findings also indicate that it is better to study the digital media channels as a whole,...

Är det rimligt? : - En kvalitativ studie om hur källkritik tillämpas i grundskolan F-3 / A qualitative study on how source criticism is applied in primary school F-3.

Tammi, Hanna, Kaya, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Source criticism and information search is a major part of digital competence according to Skolverket (2018). The purpose of this study is to reach a deeper understanding in how education about source criticism and information search look like in grade F-3. By interviewing six teachers (F-3), an increased understanding has been reached about how these teachers treat source criticism and information search in education. This study has been made through a qualitative research method, and through a pragmatic perspective. The study shows that the teachers think that processing knowledge in source criticism and information search is part of daily education, and that these concepts should be highlighted at an early age. The study also shows that neither source criticism nor information search are bound to specific subjects, instead they are occurring in different learning activities. The teachers wish for competence development in source criticism and digital media to promote good teaching.

Vetting sources in social media environments: strategies emplyed by journalists of The Palm Beach Post

Unknown Date (has links)
This qualitative research study explores the relationship between reducing uncertainty and assigning source credibility in the context of social media sites (SMS) and examines the effect of uncertainty reduction within the social media environment on the development of relationships between journalists and their sources. For this study, interviews were conducted with professional journalists to determine whether uncertainty was reduced and credibility was established with sources via SMS (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and what theoretical strategies journalists used to reduce their uncertainty. The study also aims to determine if correlations exist between a reporter's age, beat, and/or personal adoption of SMS and the reporter's usage of SMS for source development. The interviews were conducted with 15 journalists of The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Florida), using a standardized interview protocol. Subjects were asked to voluntarily participate in a face-to-face interview with the researcher. Reporters were selected based upon their gender and cultural ethnicity, which was representative of the newsroom demographics of The Palm Beach Post at that time. This research aims to contribute to the uncertainty reduction theory in the realm of computer-mediated communications, specifically with regard to the use of SMS in forming and maintaining journalist-source relationships. / by Michelle D. Brown. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Doc??ncia no ensino superior: o uso das m??dias digitais como estrat??gia pedag??gica

Lames, Liliane da Costa Jacobs 20 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Liliane_da_Costa_Jacobs_Lames.pdf: 1098339 bytes, checksum: 449ad55edb7d50fbdab5899b2ebcaff5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-20 / The traditional ways of conceiving knowledge are reinvigorating the discussion on interdisciplinary curriculum and active methods in teaching and learning. Digital technologies are highlighted in this context, expanding around the virtual culture. The objective of this research was to investigate how teachers in a university in the state of S??o Paulo are using digital media in their classes. For this purpose, we performed an exploratory and qualitative research. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. It was found that new technologies are present in the classroom, however, have not provided major advances to traditional teaching methods, because, as a tool for pedagogical mediation, are still not sufficiently assimilated by teachers. Digital technologies have not yet optimized the process of teaching and learning, effectively approaching the student and teaching contents. The acquisition and manipulation of information through new technologies alone are not sufficient, as technique by technique does not ensure the optimization of the process of knowledge construction by students. The intervention by the educator is crucial in view of creating a link between the life experiences of students and academic content. For the integration of new technologies in teaching practice is effective and consistent with the current curriculum guidelines, it is necessary a policy of continuous training in order to provide not only a technical mastery of each technology or software and its capabilities, but also a pedagogical mastery and how these tools can be used in the classroom to create conditions of its effective use in the higher education institutions. These organizational and operational conditions involve both logistics (equipment, maintenance, space, condition of access by teachers and students) as formative processes of educators to guide their use and help detecting problems and opportunities for innovation. It follows therefore that the gains in student learning are related to familiarity with digital technologies and the trust regarding their use in the classroom. Regardless to the generation that the teacher belongs and the technological context in which he lived, he is able to learn and deal with the new, being enough that he is open to learning and find in the higher education institutions support to their experiences and the opportunity to develop their skills in the use of new technologies. / As formas tradicionais de conceber o conhecimento v??m revigorando a discuss??o sobre curr??culo interdisciplinar e metodologias ativas no ensino-aprendizagem. As tecnologias digitais ganham destaque neste contexto, expandindo-se a?? a cultura virtual. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar de que modo docentes de uma IES do estado de S??o Paulo est??o utilizando as m??dias digitais em suas aulas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa explorat??ria-qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de question??rio e entrevista. Constatou-se que as novas tecnologias est??o presentes em sala de aula, entretanto, n??o t??m proporcionado maiores avan??os aos m??todos tradicionais de ensino, pois, enquanto ferramenta de media????o pedag??gica, ainda n??o est??o suficientemente assimiladas pelos professores. As tecnologias digitais ainda n??o conseguiram otimizar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem aproximando efetivamente o discente e os conte??dos de ensino. A aquisi????o e manipula????o de informa????es por meio das novas tecnologias por si s?? n??o s??o suficientes, como t??cnica pela t??cnica n??o garantem a otimiza????o do processo de constru????o do conhecimento pelos discentes. A interven????o por parte do educador ?? fundamental em vista da cria????o de um v??nculo entre as experi??ncias de vida do discente e o conte??do acad??mico. Para que a integra????o das novas tecnologias na pr??tica pedag??gica seja efetiva e esteja condizente com as atuais orienta????es curriculares, faz-se necess??rio uma pol??tica de forma????o continuada com o objetivo n??o s?? do dom??nio t??cnico de cada tecnologia ou software e suas potencialidades, mas tamb??m do dom??nio pedag??gico e da maneira como essas ferramentas podem ser usadas em sala de aula, de modo a criar na IES condi????es de sua efetiva utiliza????o. Essas condi????es organizacionais e operacionais envolvem tanto a log??stica (equipamentos, manuten????o, espa??o, condi????o de acesso por professores e alunos) como processos formativos dos educadores que orientem a sua utiliza????o e permitem detectar dificuldades e possibilidades de inova????o. Conclui-se, assim, que os ganhos na aprendizagem do discente est??o ligados ?? familiariza????o com as tecnologias digitais e ?? confian??a em rela????o ?? sua utiliza????o em sala de aula. Independentemente da gera????o que o docente pertence e do contexto tecnol??gico em que viveu, ele ?? capaz de aprender e saber lidar com o novo, basta que esteja aberto ?? aprendizagem e encontre na IES fomento ??s suas experi??ncias e a oportunidade de desenvolver suas compet??ncias para o uso das novas tecnologias.

Uso da tecnologia da informa????o e comunica????o no processo de ensino e aprendizagem: estudo de um curso superior de ci??ncias cont??beis

Braga, Paulo Divino Cesar 08 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo_Braga.pdf: 872918 bytes, checksum: 495bdf0da0e75e7ed2c73dfd6323faca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-08 / Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly present in professional activities including teaching. In view of this aspect of the present work was proposed in order to evaluate the relationship between the professional profile, including teachers` titration and age of the Accounting course in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) and yours practices of education, especially the use of information and communication technologies. The research was conducted with Accounting Course teachers, who teach in a state higher education institution located in Aparecida de Goi??nia - Goi??s. A questionnaire was applied, adapted and validated to teachers. The quantitative data analysis was performed using the R program; through the analysis of the results, it was observed that 50% of teachers (50%) are males and (50%) were female, over age 40 years (60%). The information on knowledge level reported by teachers was intermediate in 100% of respondents. Everyone has access to the internet and use it to access electronic mail and bibliographical research (100%), followed by the use of social networks (64,28%). There was no grating between the practices adopted and the titration and the age of the teacher, in general it was found that teachers embrace conservative and traditional educational procedures, but seek to use ICT in their practices. 50% of the teachers try to include in accounting software in their practices, citing the need for professional training of accounting able to work with ICT, considering the current changes which passes the profession. As regards, the reported difficulties include difficulty in using existing technologies (64.28% who had no academic training for teaching practice) and inadequate infrastructure for their use in academic activities. Teachers have positive attitudes towards ICT (want to use) and familiarity with using computers, but agree that more investment in the infrastructure of the institution and training would increase the adoption of technology appropriately in academic activities. / As Tecnologias da Informa????o e da Comunica????o (TIC) est??o cada vez mais presentes nas atividades profissionais, inclusive dos docentes. O presente trabalho foi proposto com o objetivo de analisar e identificar a utiliza????o das TIC pelos docentes de um curso de Ci??ncias Cont??beis de uma Institui????o de Ensino Superior, determinando uma poss??vel rela????o entre a utiliza????o destas pr??ticas ?? titula????o ou idade dos docentes. A pesquisa foi conduzida com professores do Curso de Ci??ncias Cont??beis que lecionam em uma Institui????o de Ensino Superior de cunho estadual, localizada em Aparecida de Goi??nia - Goi??s. Procedeu-se ?? aplica????o de um question??rio validado e adaptado aos docentes. A an??lise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada por meio do programa R. Por meio da an??lise dos resultados obtidos, observou-se que 50% dos docentes s??o do sexo masculino e (50%) do sexo feminino, com faixa et??ria superior a 40 anos (60%). O n??vel de conhecimento sobre inform??tica relatado pelos docentes foi intermedi??rio em 100% dos respondentes. Todos t??m acesso ?? internet e a utilizam para acesso ao e-mail e pesquisam informa????es na web (100%), seguido pela utiliza????o das redes sociais (64,28%). N??o houve rela????o entre as pr??ticas adotadas e o t??tulo do profissional e a idade do professor, de uma maneira geral constatou-se que os professores adotam procedimentos pedag??gicos tradicionais, por??m tentam utilizar/inserir as TIC em suas pr??ticas, 50% dos docentes tentam incluir software da ??rea cont??bil em suas pr??ticas e citam a necessidade da forma????o do profissional da contabilidade apto a trabalhar com as TIC, considerando as mudan??as atuais a qual passa a profiss??o. No que concerne ??s dificuldades relatadas incluem a dificuldade em utilizarem as tecnologias existentes e a infraestrutura inadequada para suas utiliza????es nas atividades acad??micas. Os docentes s??o proativos frente ??s TIC (querem utilizar) e possuem familiaridade com uso da inform??tica, mas concordam que com maior investimentos na infraestrutura da institui????o e forma????o profissional aumentariam a ado????o das tecnologias de forma adequada nas atividades acad??micas relacionadas ?? forma????o do contador.

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