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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wave propagation in nonlinear periodic structures

Narisetti, Raj K. 20 December 2010 (has links)
A periodic structure consists of spatially repeating unit cells. From man-made multi-span bridges to naturally occurring atomic lattices, periodic structures are ubiquitous. The periodicity can be exploited to generate frequency bands within which elastic wave propagation is impeded. A limitation to the linear periodic structure is that the filtering properties depend only on the structural design and periodicity which implies that the dispersion characteristics are fixed unless the overall structure or the periodicity is altered. The current research focuses on wave propagation in nonlinear periodic structures to explore tunability in filtering properties such as bandgaps, cut-off frequencies and response directionality. The first part of the research documents amplitude-dependent dispersion properties of weakly nonlinear periodic media through a general perturbation approach. The perturbation approach allows closed-form estimation of the effects of weak nonlinearities on wave propagation. Variation in bandstructure and bandgaps lead to tunable filtering and directional behavior. The latter is due to anisotropy in nonlinear interaction that generates low response regions, or "dead zones," within the structure.The general perturbation approach developed has also been applied to evaluate dispersion in a complex nonlinear periodic structure which is discretized using Finite Elements. The second part of the research focuses on wave dispersion in strongly nonlinear periodic structures which includes pre-compressed granular media as an example. Plane wave dispersion is studied through the harmonic balance method and it is shown that the cut-off frequencies and bandgaps vary significantly with wave amplitude. Acoustic wave beaming phenomenon is also observed in pre-compressed two-dimensional hexagonally packed granular media. Numerical simulations of wave propagation in finite lattices also demonstrated amplitude-dependent bandstructures and directional behavior so far observed.

台灣華語送氣與非送氣子音之對比:以語音實驗為例證 / The status of aspirated and unaspirated consonants in Mandarin: Evidence from phonological experiments

李冠霆, Lee, Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
送氣與非送氣的對比是台灣華語塞音及塞擦音之特性。為討論送氣的議題,本篇論文透過語音實驗,從兩方面來探討:其一為嗓音起始時間(voice onset time),另一則為語誤的方向性(directionality)及標記 (markedness)。 本研究有兩個實驗,皆以四字非詞為實驗材料。實驗一為語誤實驗,此實驗結合繞口令以及立即回想的方法來誘發語誤;實驗二則為嗓音起始時間實驗,只讓受試者回想,並未結合繞口令。這兩個實驗的設計由於受到中文本身音韻限制及詞彙空缺的限制,韻母使用了單母音(V)及韻母(VG或GV)兩種形式,因此實驗二亦將母音對子音數值的影響之比較結果納入討論。 嗓音起始時間實驗的結果顯示,使用四字非詞並結合回想作為實驗內容所測量出的數值與前人使用實詞所測量出的數值並無太大不同,並支持送氣子音的數值較非送氣子音的大。此外,塞音的研究結果支持Cho & Ladefoged (1999)所提出的原則,也就是塞音除阻的位置若越後面,則其數值會越大;若將塞音的數值套用Cho & Ladefoged (1999)的分類,則中文的非送氣塞音確為非送氣子音,而送氣塞音的數值則介於稍微送氣及送氣子音之間。塞擦音的研究結果若如Lai (2013)般套用Cho & Ladefoged (1999)之原則,則會發現送氣塞擦音符合此原則,但非送氣塞擦音卻非如此。另外,子音後接的母音或韻母亦會影響子音之嗓音起始時間。研究結果顯示當大部份子音後接單母音時,子音之嗓音起始時間較長;研究結果亦指出當子音後接的為單母音[a]或以[a]開頭的韻母時,子音的嗓音起始時間會較接其他母音如[u], [i], [ow]時短。 語誤實驗的結果顯示,除了[k], [kh]有以有標送氣塞音取代無標非送氣塞音的情形外,其他組塞音及所有塞擦音皆無以有標送氣子音取代無標非送氣子音(反之亦然)的情形。就方向性而言,研究結果顯示語誤來源出現在語誤之前(perseveration)的方向性顯著最多。 / The contrast of aspiration is one of the characteristics of stops and affricates in Taiwan Mandarin. Through the conduction of two phonological experiments, we discuss the issue of aspiration from two aspects: one is from voice onset time (VOT), and the other one from directionality and markedness of speech errors. Non-word quadruple sets were used in both two experiments. The first experiment was speech errors, which combined tongue twister and immediate recall to induce speech errors; the second experiment was voice onset time, which only had the subjects to recall. Due to the limitation of phonological ill-form and lexical gaps, the rhymes of the two experiments had two forms, V and VG/GV; as a result, how vowels affected the VOT of stops and affricates were also discussed. The findings of the second experiment (voice onset time) showed that the VOT measured by using non-word quadruple set was similar to the VOT measured by using real words as stimuli, and the findings also indicated that the VOT of the aspirated consonants was longer than that of the unaspirated ones. In terms of the results of the stops, they supported the principle proposed by Cho & Ladefoged (1999) that the duration of VOT has a further back relationship with the closure; furthermore, the categories proposed by Cho & Ladefoged (1999) were applied onto the results, it showed that Mandarin unaspirated stops were indeed unaspirated consonants, and the aspirated stops fell between slightly aspirated and aspirated consonants. The findings of the aspirated stops, if applied the principle proposed by Cho & Ladefoged (1999) like Lai (2013), revealed that aspirated affricates supported the principle, yet the unaspirated ones did not. Regarding the influence of vowels on the VOT, it was found that when the succeeding vowel was a single vowel [a] or rhymes beginning with [a], the VOT of the stops and the affricates would be shorter. The findings of the first experiment (speech errors) indicated that with regard to the stops, the aspirated velar stop tended to replace the unaspirated counterpart, while for the other stops, the probability for marked aspirated stops to replace unmarked unaspirated ones or vice versa was of the same. With regard to the directionality of speech errors, the findings showed that perseverations significantly outnumbered anticipations and exchange.

Directionnalité graphique et dominance manuelle : une perspective développementale et interculturelle / Graphic directionality and handedness : a developmental and intercultural perspective

Kebbe, Hana 04 June 2012 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous tentons d’apporter des éléments de compréhension concernant les facteurs sous-jacents aux tendances directionnelles, en examinant l’impact des contraintes biomécaniques et des habitudes culturelles sur la directionnalité dans les mouvements graphiques. Des participants français et syriens, enfants et adultes, ont été comparés dans 6 expériences afin de mettre en évidence les différences cognitives et psychomotrices engendrées par le fait que les cultures occidentales et orientales s'opposent sur la directionnalité majeure de l'écriture et de la lecture, et que les deux mains s’opposent sur la directionnalité en adoptant des mouvements déterminés par des contraintes biomécaniques. De plus, cette comparaison nous a permis de déterminer la force relative de ces deux facteurs au cours du développement lorsqu’un conflit entre les contraintes biomécaniques et les habitudes culturelles apparaît dans la réalisation d’une tâche graphique. Les résultats globaux montrent que la directionnalité peut être considérée comme le produit émergeant d’une interaction complexe entre ces deux types d’influences. La direction d'écriture est un facteur déterminant lorsque la tâche est effectuée avec la main droite (dominante), mais les facteurs culturels et éducatifs peuvent être modulés par le facteur biomécanique lorsque le sujet utilise la main gauche (non dominante). Cette interaction varie selon l'âge du sujet. / In the present work, we try to provide some understanding about the factors underlying the directional tendencies, by examining the impact of biomechanical constraints and cultural habits on directionality in graphic movements. French and Syrian subjects, children and adults, were compared in six experiments in order, to put in evidence the cognitive and psychomotor differences caused by the fact that the Eastern and Western cultures oppose on the directionality of writing and reading habits, and that the two hands are opposite in the directionality by adopting movements determined by biomechanical constraints. Likewise, this comparison allowed us to determine the relative strength of these two factors during development, when a conflict between the biomechanical constraints and cultural habits appears in the completion of a graphic task. The overall results show that the directionality can be considered as the product emerging from a complex interaction between these two types of influences. The writing habit is a determining factor when the task is performed with the right hand (dominant). But the cultural and educational factors can be modulated by the biomechanical factor when the subject uses the left hand (no dominant). This interaction varies by age of the subject.

Approche novatrice de l’évaluation de la régénération des tissus mous en histopathologie quantitative / An innovative quantitative pathology approach for the evaluation of soft tissues regeneration

Alves, Antoine 28 August 2017 (has links)
Le basculement de paradigme apporté par l'ingénierie tissulaire et de la médecine régénérative par rapport à l'approche thérapeutique utilisant les biomatériaux, questionne aujourd'hui les méthodes d'évaluation de ces thérapies avancées en histopathologie. Les outils d'évaluation actuellement disponibles en histopathologie ne sont pas pleinement satisfaisants pour l'évaluation locale de ces thérapies avancées, notamment en matière d'évaluation de leur performance. Nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode quantitative numérique, simple, peu coûteuse fournissant des indicateurs clés pour la caractérisation structurelle et compositionnelle des tissus régénérés. Cet indicateur mesure le taux de croissance tissulaire (TIR) en intégrant deux autres indicateurs, le taux de croissance cellulaire (CIR) et le contenu total en collagène (TCC). Il se traduit par l'équation suivante TIR (%) = CIR (%) + TCC (%). D'autre part, un sous-ensemble d'indicateurs quantitatifs décrivant l'organisation directionnelle du collagène (relation entre structure et propriétés mécaniques des tissus), le ratio collagène I / collagène III (qualité du remodelage) et la propriété anisotropique optique du collagène (indicateur de maturité), a également été produit automatiquement. A l'aide d'un analyseur d'images assisté par ordinateur tous les indicateurs sont extraits uniquement à partir de deux lames sériées colorées soit avec du Feulgen & Rossenbeck (spécificité cellulaire) ou à l'aide de la coloration au rouge picrosirius F3BA (spécifique du collagène). Pour valider cette nouvelle approche, des échafaudages 3D identiques ont été implantés en site intrapéritonéal chez un groupe de rats sains et chez un groupe de rats diabétiques. L'hypothèse émise était que quantitativement la régénération tissulaire serait significativement retardée et défectueuse chez les rats diabétiques par rapport aux rats sains. De plus, un échafaudage 3D chimiquement modifié a été similairement implanté chez un troisième groupe de rats sains avec l'hypothèse qu'une modulation de la croissance tissulaire serait mise en évidence quantitativement par rapport au groupe de rats sains portant l'échafaudage 3D non-modifié. Après 21 jours d'implantation, les deux hypothèses ont été vérifiées, validant cette nouvelle approche d'analyse quantitative computationnelle. Les résultats quantitatifs ont révélé des différences tissulaires fines qui n'ont pas été détectées à l'évaluation semi-quantitative conduite en parallèle. Cette méthode automatisée et supervisée réduit la dépendance à l'opérateur à un minimum et s'est montrée sensible, simple, peu coûteuse et permet de gagner du temps. Elle offre le double avantage d'objectiver les comparaisons thérapeutiques et de comprendre la régénération des tissus fonctionnels localement et dans le temps / The paradigm shift brought about by the expansion of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine away from the use of biomaterials, currently questions the value of histopathologic methods in the evaluation of biological changes. To date, the available tools of evaluation are not fully consistent and satisfactory for these advanced therapies. We have developed a new, simple and inexpensive quantitative digital approach that provides key metrics for structural and compositional characterization of the regenerated tissues. For example, metrics provide the tissue ingrowth rate (TIR) which integrates two separate indicators; the cell ingrowth rate (CIR) and the total collagen content (TCC) as featured in the equation, TIR%=CIR%+TCC%. Moreover a subset of quantitative indicators describing the directional organization of the collagen (relating structure and mechanical function of tissues), the ratio of collagen I to collagen III and the optical anisotropy property of the collagen (maturity indicator) was automatically produced as well. Using an image analyzer, all metrics were extracted from only two serial sections stained with either Feulgen & Rossenbeck (cell specific) or Picrosirius Red F3BA (collagen specific). To validate this new procedure, 3D scaffolds were intraperitoneally implanted in healthy and diabetic rats. It was hypothesized that quantitatively; the healing tissue would be significantly delayed and of poor quality in diabetic rats in comparison to healthy rats. In addition, a chemically modified 3D scaffold was similarly implanted in a third group of healthy rats with the assumption that modulation of the ingrown tissue would be quantitatively present in comparison to the 3D scaffold-healthy group. After 21 days of implantation, both hypotheses were verified by use of this novel computerized approach. When the two methods were run in parallel, the quantitative results revealed fine details and differences not detected by the semi-quantitative assessment, demonstrating the importance of quantitative analysis in the performance evaluation of soft tissue healing. This automated and supervised method reduced operator dependency to a minimum and proved to be simple, sensitive, cost-effective, time-effective, a way of doing objective therapeutic comparisons and a way to elucidate regeneration and the dynamics of a functional tissue

Football Players Social Identities and their Influence on Precompetitive Group-Based Emotions

Johansson, Robin, Rydberg Heland, Kim January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Precompetitive emotions are important for team functioning, performance and satisfaction of being a team member. Social identity constitutes a necessary base for positive emotions (Lindwall et al., 2016). Limited research calls for further examination of the intensity and the directionality of precompetitive group-based emotions in team performance and the influence of different targets of social identity. Objective: To examine two levels of social identities and their influence on precompetitive group-based emotions and perceived directionality. Methods: Seventy-one Swedish senior football players (Mage = 25.35 ± 5.50 years of age) including both males (n = 36; Mage = 27.53 ± 5.63 years of age) and females (n = 35; Mage = 23.11 ± 4.40 years of age), completed an online survey including measurements of identification (Ray et al., 2008; Campo et al., 2019a) and I-PANAS (Thompson, 2007), with the additional inclusion of the direction scale (Jones & Swain, 1992). Results: Identification as a football player influenced precompetitive positive emotions (PE) toward opponents. Precompetitive PE toward both teammates and opponents showed a tendency to be facilitative for performance. Findings also showed gender differences for identification as a football player, precompetitive PE toward teammates and directionality of precompetitive PE and NE toward teammates. Conclusions: The present study further extends the importance of identification and group-based emotions in team sports and how group-based emotions affect team sport athletes. Coaches might adjust their communication to enhance identification of the team before and during competition and ultimately increase team performances. / Introduktion: Emotioner innan tävling är viktiga för lagets funktion, prestation och tillfredsställelse med att vara en medlem i laget. Social identitet är en nödvändig bas för positiva emotioner (Lindwall et al., 2016). Då det endast finns begränsad forskning krävs ytterligare undersökning av intensiteten och riktningen av grupp-baserade emotioner innan tävling i lagprestationer och dess påverkan av olika nivåer av social identitet. Syfte: Att undersöka två nivåer av sociala identiteter och deras inflytande på grupp-baserade emotioner innan tävling och dess riktning (påverkan) för prestation. Metod: Sjuttioen svenska seniorfotbollsspelare (Målder = 25.35 ± 5.50 år) med både män (n = 36; Målder = 27.53 ± 5.63 år) och kvinnor (n = 35; Målder = 23.11 ± 4.40 år) genomförde en online enkät innehållande mätningar av identifiering (Ray et al., 2008; Campo et al., 2019a), I-PANAS (Thompson, 2007) med den extra riktningsskalan (Jones & Swain, 1992). Resultat: Identifiering som fotbollsspelare påverkade positiva emotioner (PE) innan tävling mot motståndare. PE gentemot både lagkamrater och motståndare visade en tendens att främja prestation. Resultaten visade också könsskillnader för identifiering som fotbollsspelare, PE gentemot lagkamrater och riktning för PE och NE gentemot lagkamrater. Slutsats: Den aktuella studien utökar betydelsen av identifikation och grupp-baserade emotioner i lagidrotter och hur grupp-baserade emotioner påverkar lagidrottare. Tränare skulle kunna anpassa sin kommunikation för att höja lagidentifiering före och under tävling och slutligen förbättra lagprestation.

Tolkningsstrategier i ljuset av språkkompetens, tolkningsriktning och tolkerfarenhet / Interpreting strategies in the light of language competence, directionality and interpreting experience

Thomsen, Thomas January 2018 (has links)
Föreliggande studie undersöker vad språkkompetens och tolkningsriktning har för inverkan på tolkningsstrategier inom tolkning i offentlig sektor. Undersökningen utgår ifrån fyra videoinspelade rollspel som har tolkats av fyra tolkar med olika tolkerfarenhet mellan språken svenska och spanska. Rollspelen utgick från ett manus och rollspelarna uppmanades att utsätta tolkarna för specifika svårigheter på specifika punkter under samtalen. Analysen har utöver observation av videoinspelningar, och transkription av dessa, även utgått från tolkarnas retrospektion, ett språktest och en intervju angående deras språkkompetens. Analysmetoden har dessutom utgått från och replikerat Arumí Ribas och Vargas-Urpis studie (2017) och har genomfört en kvantitativ analys på grundval av Wadensjös sju typer av avvikande återgivningar (1998). Denna analysmetod har visat sig innehålla begränsningar då Wadensjös avvikande återgivningar inte har kunnat användas för att identifiera alla typer av tolkningsstrategier. Studien har dock kunnat fastställa att tolken tillämpar fler tolkningsstrategier till sitt svaga språk än till sitt starka språk men att fortsatt forskning är nödvändig på detta område. / The present study examines what influence language competence and directionality have on interpreting strategies in public service interpreting. It is based on four video recorded roleplays which were interpreted by four interpreters with different interpreting experience between the languages Swedish and Spanish. The roleplays were based on a script and the roleplayers were asked to expose the interpreters to specific difficulties at specific points during the conversation. In addition to the observation of video recordings, and the transcription of these, the analysis has also been based on the interpreters’ retrospections, a language test and an interview regarding their language competence. The analysis method has also been based on and has replicated Arumí Ribas and Vargas-Urpi's study (2017) and has conducted a quantitative analysis on the basis of Wadensjö's seven types of renditions (1998). This analysis method has shown limitations since identification of all types of interpreting strategies could not be done only through Wadensjö's seven types of renditions. The study has determined that the interpreter applies more interpreting strategies to his/her weak language than to his/her strong language but that further research is necessary in this area.

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