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Feasibility of Reuse in the Concrete IndustryAl-Faesly, Zaineb 05 January 2022 (has links)
The construction and demolition (C&D) waste produced by the Canadian construction industry accounts for 27% of the total municipal solid waste disposed in landfills. However, more than 75% of C&D waste has residual value and, consequently, could be salvaged, recycled, and/or reused. The need for comprehensive and integrated waste management mechanisms, technologies, rating systems, and policies is widely recognized. A waste management hierarchy tool exists for reducing and managing waste that follows this order: preventing, minimizing, reusing, recycling, energy recovering, and finally, disposing of the waste. It appears that the highest level attained by the concrete industry in Canada is recycling (e.g., crushing concrete and using it as base aggregate). This study aims to explore the opportunities and barriers to advance to the next level in the waste management hierarchy by reclaiming concrete from decommissioned structures for reuse with minimal reprocessing.
A survey was distributed to members of the Canadian concrete industry to answer two main sets of questions: 1) to what degree, if any, is the Canadian construction industry currently reclaiming waste concrete by recycling and/or reusing it? and 2) what is the perception of industry professionals on concrete reuse? What are the perceived benefits and challenges of such a practice? A total of 125 participants responded to the survey. Although the environmental advantages of concrete reuse were clear to all, views on the financial benefits were mixed. Many participants highlighted that a successful approach to concrete reuse should involve all parties and stakeholders. Overall, there is positive interest in the concept of concrete reuse; however, there is apparent uncertainty on how to approach it and, thus, there is a need for practical guidance to address various technical, logistical, and liability concerns in a comprehensive and holistic manner. Two cases studies – one for a bridge and one for a building – were developed to address some of the technical challenges associated with reusing concrete in structural applications. The case studies were based on local existing structures that were hypothetically disassembled then repurposed in conceptual redesigns. The design of connections to effectively recouple the deconstructed structural components was a focal, and challenging, aspect of the case studies; in support of shifting towards a circular economy, the connection designs were engineered to be reversible to facilitate future adaptation and/or further dismantlement. It is important to highlight that a desirable reuse project starts in the initial design phase, where the ultimate disassembly and repurposing of the structure is considered from the start (i.e., cradle to cradle design). However, since this is presently not mainstream practice, these case studies focus on the more complex task of deconstructing existing structures that were not designed with the intention of reuse. Although several challenges were encountered, this approach is an essential first step in the present framework to move the discussion forward in the context of reuse of structural concrete members.
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Outlook of EV battery pack design trends : Assessment of trend impact from a recycling perspectiveJohannisson, Arvid January 2023 (has links)
Electrification is essential to decarbonise the transport sector, which accounts for the highest share of greenhouse gas emissions by all sectors. The transition requires a large amount of batteries which bring challenges, not least when it comes to raw material supply and sustainability issues during the mineral mining. Long-term battery recycling is one way to address these challenges. To achieve an efficient recycling process the implementation of lifecycle perspectives in the EV battery pack design phase is of great importance. One of the major activities in the recycling process is the battery disassembly, which requires standardisation and design simplifications to minimize labour time and facilitate automated disassembly. Some of the most important design features is component standardisation, linear pack design and decreased number of parts, including screws, fasteners, and modules, which applies for all pack designs. In recent years new EV battery pack designs have entered the market, which has an improved performance in terms of energy density and cost per kWh. The development of these pack designs is strongly interacting with improvements in the cell design and cell chemistry. The overarching design trend is moving towards battery packs which remove modules, such as Cell-to-pack, and where the battery is integrated as a structural part in the vehicle frame, such as Cell-to-chassis. However, there are uncertainties about the impact of these design trends on the battery disassembly and recycling, which need to be investigated. Comparisons between the new trends and the traditional Module-to-pack design indicate that Cell-to-pack brings advantages to the recycling process as it usually contains less components and does not require labour to disassemble the modules. The chassis-integrated designs need more research to draw general conclusions, but the recyclability may not exceed the Cell-to-pack as the use of structural adhesives and chassis integration likely bring aggravating circumstances on the disassembly. Besides recyclability, the new pack designs also have a strategic impact on the actors in the value chain. EV battery packs with high recyclability should also be in all actors’ interest when moving towards a circular economy, as the recycling cost will be distributed along the entire value chain. / Elektrifiering är en nyckelfaktor för att minska koldioxidutsläppen inom transportsektorn, som står för den största andelen av alla sektorers utsläpp av växthusgaser. Övergången kräver en stor mängd batterier, vilket medför utmaningar, inte minst när det gäller råvarutillgången och hållbarhetsaspekter under mineralbrytningen. Återvinning av batterier är ett sätt att hantera dessa utmaningar långsiktigt. För att uppnå en effektiv återvinningsprocess är det av stor betydelse att tillämpa ett livscykelperspektiv i designfasen för batteripaket i elfordon. En av de viktigaste aktiviteterna i återvinningsprocessen är demontering av batterier, vilket kräver standardisering och förenklad konstruktion för att minimera arbetstiden och underlätta automatiserad demontering. Några av de viktigaste designegenskaperna är komponentstandardisering, linjär design och minskat antal delar, inklusive skruvar, fästelement och moduler, vilket gäller för alla packdesigner. Under de senaste åren har nya batteripackdesigner för elfordon kommit till marknaden, med förbättrad prestanda när det gäller energitäthet och kostnad per kWh. Utvecklingen av dessa batteripack interagerar tydligt med förbättringar inom celldesign och cellkemi. Den övergripande designtrenden går mot batteripack där moduler tas bort, till exempel Cell-to-pack, och där batteriet är integrerat som en strukturell del i fordonsramen, till exempel Cell-to-chassi. Det finns dock osäkerheter gällande designtrendernas påverkan på demontering och återvinning av batterierna, vilket kräver ytterligare undersökning. Jämförelser mellan de nya trenderna och den traditionella konstruktionen Module-to-pack visar att Cell-to-pack medför fördelar för återvinningsprocessen eftersom den vanligtvis innehåller färre komponenter och inte kräver arbete för att demontera modulerna. De chassiintegrerade konstruktionerna kräver mer forskning för att kunna dra några allmänna slutsatser, men återvinningsbarheten överträffar möjligen inte Cell-to-pack designen, eftersom användningen av strukturella lim och chassiintegrering sannolikt leder till försvårande omständigheter vid demonteringen. Förutom återvinningsbarheten har de nya förpackningarna också en strategisk inverkan på aktörerna i värdekedjan. Batteripaket med hög återvinningsbarhet bör även ligga i alla aktörers intresse vid implementering av en cirkulär ekonomi, eftersom återvinningskostnaderna kommer att fördelas över hela värdekedjan.
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Integrating Eco-design Thinking in Redesigning of a Communication Device : Eco-design strategies for sustainable product design and developmentKishore, Varun January 2022 (has links)
The current wave of environmental awareness in the market has led to an increase of sustainability demands by the consumers. The focus of manufacturing companies has increasingly shifted from end-of-pipe solutions to the environmental performance of products and services. Companies find themselves in a situation where they must simultaneously create value for consumers and be profitable while considering environmental considerations. A case study is performed to explore this issue from the perspective of several eco-design tools. The existing product development process of a DECT communication device is investigated through the lens of eco-design. The theory looks into the apparent benefits and unforeseen difficulties, barriers and other factors in adopting an eco-design approach amongst companies, particularly SMEs. An eco-design audit comprising assessments on organisation capacity and potential for eco-design is carried out. This is followed by the creation and implementation of a comprehensive eco-design tool to generate a simple yet effective checklist for corporations with operational strategies for sustainable product design. Since changes in the product development and/or production to accommodate a higher level of sustainability cannot be easily or readily implemented, the framework functions as a guide of strategies within different time-scopes.
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DIVIDE : En iterativ designprocess av en cirkulär möbel för kontorFast, Cornelia, Kronholm, Melina January 2023 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har vi genomfört en designprocess och utvecklat ett tidigare projekt av en rumsavskiljare med inriktning i detta projekt på funktionalitet, form och estetik. Vi har arbetat utefter ett aktivitetsbaserat kontorslandskap där behovet varit att avskilja. I processen har vi lagt fokus på att följa behoven i ett kontorslandskap samt se till att den är produktionsanpassad och hållbar. Möbeln i det tidigare projektet gick inte att producera och uppfyllde inte behoven, vi har därför i det här projektet arbetat med att få en djupare förståelse kring detta. I denna rapport presenteras en rumsavskiljare anpassad för kontorsmiljö, med fokus på hållbarhet har den designats utifrån principerna Design for Assembly och Design for Disassembly men också med ett stort fokus på form och estetik. Den är konstruerad av enbart två material: varmpressat ull och pulverlackerat stål. Dessa två material kan beskrivas som kontraster till varandra, vilket är något vi arbetat med. Hårt möter mjukt, kallt möter varmt. Vi har lyckats få det kantiga, hårda och statiska stålet att upplevas mjuk, varm och dynamisk med hjälp av pressad ull. Ullet bidrar också till att rumsavskiljaren får ljudabsorberande egenskaper och kan därmed fungera som en ljudabsorbent.
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Demontering av ett mekaniskt låssystem med CAN 2.0 : En fallstudie i hur en CAN-buss kan användas inom dörrlåssystemHassan, Mahad, Edelsvärd, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Låssystem kan minska risken för inbrott och stöld, och vara ett verktyg för behöriga personer att få tillgång till lokaler och rum. Därför är det viktigt att moderna låssystem är pålitliga, öppnar snabbt och är säkra. Detta examensarbete undersöker om CAN (Controller Area Network) är ett idealt kommunikationsprotokoll för ett säkerhetssystem av dörrlås, med syftet att utföra en fallstudie av CAN-protokollet. Detta sker genom att analysera ett låssystem från ASSA vars kommunikationsprotokoll mellan styroch låsenhet misstänktes använda CAN-protokollet mellan dess styrenhet och låsenhet. Slutsatsen av analysen var att låssystemet från ASSA inte kommunicerade via CAN. För att bevisa dettaåterskapades signaler med elektriska standardinterface RS-485. Det sista steget vara att utveckla ett eget låssystem med CAN som kommunikationsprotokoll, och sedan skulle de två låssystem jämföras. För att testa detta programmeras två kretskort av typen ESP32-PoE till en styrenhet och en låsenhet. Ett låssystem designades på ett kopplingsdäck innan den ersattes av två PCBs. Slutresultatet var ett motorlås och en styrenhet som konstruerades och validerades i ett kopplingsdäck. Av de två kretskorten som utvecklades fungerade kontrollenheten som förväntat, medan låsenheten hade problem med dess motor. Den kunde dock klara av dess andra uppgifter som att läsa signaler från styrenheten via en 10 meter kabel och läsa signaler från dess dörrläge givande magnetsensor. Det demonterade låssystemet sänder signaler snabbare, och öppnar låset ungefär lika snabbt, men är inte lika säker som den kommersiella låssystemet för att CAN har restriktiva säkerhetsåtgärder. / Lock systems can reduce the risk of burglary and theft, and be a tool for authorized persons to access premises and rooms. Therefore, it is important that modern lock systems are secure, reliable and open quickly. This thesis investigates whether CAN (Controller Area Network) is an ideal communication protocol for a door lock security system. This is done by analyzing a mechanical lock system from ASSA which was suspected of using CANbus as a communication protocol between the control unit and lock unit. Then the lock and control units were analyzed. The conclusion of the analysis is that the lock system did not communicate via CAN. To prove this, signals were re-created with the electrical standard interface RS-485.The final step was to construct a lock system with CAN as a communication protocol, and then the two lock systems would be compared.To test this, two ESP32-PoE development boards are programmed into a controller and a locking device. A mechanical door lock system was designed on a breadboard before being replaced by two PCBs. Of the two circuit types that were developed, the control unit worked as expected, while the motorlock unit had problems with it’s motor. However, it was able to handle its other tasks such as reading signals from the controller via a 10 meter cable and reading signals from its door locating magnetic sensor. The disassembled lock system sends signals faster, and opens the lock approximately as quickly, but is not as secure as the commercial CAN lock system has restrictive security measures.
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A study of how Lean principles affect process ergonomics : A case study at Volvo CE Braås using discrete event simulationPeltonen, Jessica, Borg, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
To stay competitive in today's market, organizations focus on efficiency to reduce costs. Since there are still processes that are manually handled, there is a risk of affecting workers health during streamlining. Volvo CE Braås are currently working with a takt time of 35 minutes throughout their facility. They are looking to implement a takt flow system on their Pallet breakdown disassembly line to unify the systems within the company. The current situation of the pallet breakdown consists of variation, ergonomic issues, inconsistencies, disturbances and lay-out problems. Main problems have remained unidentified. The goal of the thesis has been to determine how optimization as well as, takt time implementation affects the workers. The aim of the thesis has been to analyze their current situation, present relevant changes to be made and to improve the ergonomics of the employees. Methods such as flow mapping, surveys, gemba walks and interviews have contributed to a basis of understanding. The methods have, together with selected theory, contributed to important knowledge and understanding of the disassembly system, that has led to conclusions and recommendations regarding the impact of optimization and takt time implementation on ergonomics. By using ergonomic guidelines together with discrete event simulation, an identification of human factors when optimizing has been detected. For Volvo CE to successfully implement takt time, several optimizations are needed together with relevant investments to ensure that the ergonomic values are kept on an appropriate level when the frequency of tasks increases. As a conclusion, to optimize a system which has a direct impact on the employees, there is a need to investigate the ergonomic values of today together with values after optimization. Optimization can not occur without investing in tools.
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Sustainable Development of Neurofeedback Device / Hållbar utveckling av neurofeedback-enhetDe Geer, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Mendi (Mendi, 2020) is a company founded to provide accessibility of brain enhancement training to the ordinary citizen, they reside in Stockholm, Sweden. The Mendi brain training headset has been developed to aid users using neurofeedback. This technology allows for display of brain activity in real-time, and the implementation of the Mendi headset is meant to teach the user how to better regulate their brain activity. With the possibility to start sustainable design in conjunction with the market release of the product, this project was initiated to serve the future progress of sustainable development. The work conducted in this paper is based on development methods used to assess the current state of the product as well as the phases of the product life cycle in which sustainable solutions can be applied. The methods used are life cycle assessment, material research and analysis, design for disassembly, assessment of production and use, market research of similar products, and research literature on modern methodology in sustainable design. Quantitative assessment was created through comparative analysis using the program CES EduPack (Granta Design, 2019), where data of the current product is used as a reference throughout. This is combined with research findings of best practice in sustainable development of products; tools used in the development contained concept generation in the form of sketching, CAD, and 3D printing. The result is described quantitatively in the parts where data has been available, it is also presented through life cycle scenarios, giving examples from assumptions based on research of empirical studies and results from design methods used throughout. The result present scenarios of a redesigned product and how this differ from the existing prototype in the form of economic and, environmental sustainability. The final concept was created through guidelines of eco design, built around the previous work of the product for plausible implementation in upcoming development. The product uses snap-fits to enable disassembly, press-fit to avoid any mixing of materials, has reduced amount of materials and contains materials that lower the life cycle CO2 emission and energy use. Economic factors are similarly assessed, quantitative analysis of life cycle costs combined with assumption driven scenarios showing potential gains and losses that could occur from said changes. Combined, the results are meant to work as a guideline for any future endeavors made in the field of sustainable development by Mendi and their partners. / Mendi (Mendi, 2020) är ett företag som grundades för att ge den vanliga medborgaren tillgång till hjärnförbättringsträning, de är bosatta i Stockholm, Sverige. Mendi-headsetet för hjärnträning har utvecklats för att hjälpa användare genom något som kallas neurofeedback. Denna teknik möjliggör visning av hjärnaktivitet i realtid, och implementeringen av Mendi-headsetet är tänkt att lära användaren att bättre reglera sin hjärnaktivitet. Med möjligheten att starta hållbar design i samband med marknadsutsättningen av produkten inleddes detta projekt för att tjäna framtida framsteg inom hållbar utveckling. Arbetet i denna artikel bygger på utvecklingsmetoder som används för att bedöma produktens nuvarande tillstånd samt faserna i produktlivscykeln där hållbara lösningar kan tillämpas. De metoder som används är livscykelbedömning, materialforskning och analys, design för demontering, bedömning av produktion och användning, marknadsundersökning av liknande produkter och forskningslitteratur om modern metodik i hållbar design. Kvantitativ bedömning skapades genom jämförande analys med programmet CES EduPack, där data för den aktuella produkten används som referens genomgående. Detta kombineras med forskningsresultat om bästa praxis för hållbar utveckling av produkter; verktyg som användes i utvecklingen innehöll konceptgenerering i form av skisser, CAD och 3D-utskrift. Resultatet beskrivs kvantitativt i de delar där data har kunnat erhållas, det presenteras också genom livscykelscenarier, vilket ger exempel från antaganden baserade på forskning om empiriska studier och resultat från designmetoder som använts genomgående. Resultatet presenterar scenarier för en nydesignad produkt och hur denna skiljer sig från den befintliga prototypen i form av ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbarhet. Det sista konceptet skapades genom riktlinjer för eko-design, byggd kring produktens tidigare arbete för sannolik implementering i kommande utveckling. Produkten använder snäppanpassningar för att möjliggöra demontering, presspassning för att undvika blandning av material, har minskat antal olika material och innehåller material som sänker livscykeln CO2-utsläpp och energianvändning. Ekonomiska faktorer bedöms på liknande sätt, kvantitativ analys av livscykelkostnader i kombination med antagandedrivna scenarier som visar potentiella vinster och förluster som kan uppstå från tidigare nämnda förändringar. Sammantaget är resultaten avsedda att fungera som en riktlinje för framtida utveckling som görs inom området hållbar utveckling av Mendi och deras partners.
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The challenges of “cradle-to-cradle” strategy : A case study with Huawei CompanyZhang, Xiaoyu, Huang, Shuai January 2019 (has links)
The cradle to cradle (C2C) is a sustainable business strategy that mimics the natural recycling cycle and waste is reused, the question of when and how to apply the C2C concept successfully in business is still controversial. This thesis takes Huawei, the leading enterprise in the mobile communication industry, as an example, and to investigate the challenges for Chinese mobile communication companies in implementing an effective C2C strategy to achieve a sustainable development. This study used the semi-structured interviews in the qualitative data collection method to interview both Huawei and China Telecommunications’ managers. Data analysis shows that for the electronics industry with low recycling rate and high pollution, Huawei still faces many challenges in adopting the C2C strategy,which includes alloy recycling, recycling of electronic products in consumers' hands, disassembly problems, and recycling of electronic products by value, Another challenge is the mismatch between C2C evaluation mechanism and China's mobile communications industry. Only fully considered cradle to cradle, cradle to Grave, and Life cycle, the sustainable mode of the mobile communications industry would be reached.
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Projeto de um microcomputador de 8 bits para aplicações em pesquisa e ensino / 8 bits microcomputer project for applications in research and teachingMartins, Mateus Jose 18 May 1990 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um microcomputador de 8 bits. O projeto inclui além dos circuitos básicos, lógica adicional para extender a memória contornando o limite normal de endereçamento. Um disco virtual uma interface em RAM e uma interface para \"Winchester\" foram desenvolvidas para extender a capacidade de armazenamento secundário e a velocidade de execução. Suporte para o coprocessador AM9511 é fornecido para freqüentes cálculos em ponto flutuante. Rotinas para operações básicas de E/,. manipulação da memória e \"Caching\" de disco, foram desenvolvidas para suportar o sistema operacional CP/M. Um monitor residente com montador, desmontador e funções de E/S de alto nível, foi construído para ajudar no desenvolvimento de aplicações dedicadas. / The present works describes the development of an 8 bits microcomputer system. The project includes, besides the basic circuity, additional logic for memory extension behind the regular address limit. A virtual RAM disk and a Winchester interface were developed to extend secondary storage and execution speed. For floating point intensive calculations support for an AM9511 coprocessor is given. Routines for basic I/O operations, memory management and disk \"Caching\" were developed to support the CP/M operating system. A resident monitor with assembly, disassembly and high level I/O functions was constructed to aid the development of dedicated application.
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The North House as Component Based ArchitectureDoesburg, Chloe 17 February 2010 (has links)
The North House is a proof-of-concept prefabricated solar powered home designed for northern climates, and intended for the research and promotion of high-performance sustainable architecture. Led by faculty at the University of Waterloo, the development and design of the project involved a broad collaboration between faculty and students at the University of Waterloo, with Ryerson University and Simon Fraser University. The North House prototype competed in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon in October of 2009. This thesis identifies the North House as a component-based building. It illustrates in detail the components of which the house is composed, the sequence by which they are assembled, and the details that allow for the building’s rapid assembly and disassembly. Finally, the thesis explores the possibilities afforded by componentbased architecture including adaptability, off-site fabrication and demountability. Drawing on this, the thesis projects future ways of designing buildings sustainable to both manufacture and operate.
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