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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differences in German Youth Gender Ideologies: The Relationship Between Family Structure and Doing Gender

Alexander, Alyssa Jane 01 July 2017 (has links)
Gender ideologies, which are constantly changing, are important for many outcomes in life, but the majority of gender ideology research focuses mainly on adults. Past research studying adult gender ideologies finds that adults' current relationship status affects their ideologies. For instance, divorced adults hold egalitarian ideologies more than stable married adults do (Davis, Greenstein and Marks 2007). Researchers attribute this finding to the types of gender behaviors adults perform with their partner or alone. What about youth? Understanding how these ideologies develop earlier in life is important, yet research rarely focuses on youth gender ideologies or their development. My research looks at the effects of family structure on youth gender ideology in Germany (Germany National Educational Panel Study (NEPS); Cohort One N=4,181; Cohort Two N=9,913). I argue it is through doing gender that family structures operate to influence the development of youth gender ideology, since parents' doing gender behaviors performed with their children vary by family structure. My findings suggest family structure does not matter for doing gender behaviors that parents perform with their children, thereby affecting their gender ideologies. As a result, it is more about other ways adults do gender outside of the home or about the youth themselves. I also find significant effects for females, suggesting females may invest more in the outcomes egalitarian gender ideologies produce. Future research should look at shifts in family structure and duration in various family structures in order to understand family structure's impact on gender ideology for youth.

Tecken på diskursförändring efter #metoo? -En kritisk diskursanalytisk studie om hur menstruation framställs i nyhetsmedia

Andersson Larsson, Camilla, Holmberg, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Using critical discourse analysis, the study examines, based on previous research how the construction of menstruation in news media has changed after the me too uprising. The study is based on previous research that shows that the construction of menstruation reflects and contributes to women's lower social status in society. Faircought three-dimensional model means that a communicative event is both constituted by and at the same time constitutes the social practice, which in the study is put into a social context using theories as; discourse, power, gender, purity and danger. The empirical material includes 22 newspaper articles from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. The empirical material has been thematised into four different themes that have been analyzed, where counter power and the contradictions within the women's issues are illustrated. The study results discerns to some degree reproduction of current order but most prominent are the clear signs of interdiscussivity, which shows a discursive change that indicates that the current system is challenged.

"Jag är inte tyst och jag kan höja rösten"

Léb Lehrman, Susanne, Algebrant, Marita January 2008 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur kvinnliga chefer inom offentlig sektor upplever sina möjligheter och hinder i karriären . Kvinnor i maktposition har motsägelsefulla roller vilket i sig kan upplevas som ett dilemma. Sex kvinnor på höga chefspositioner inom en offentlig sektor i Sverige deltog. Intervjuer genomfördes med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på följande områden: struktur, interaktion, individrelatering och symboler. Intervjuguidens struktur och analysen av intervjuerna baserades på en könsteoretisk modell enligt doing gender perspektiv. Doing gender perspektivet användes för att beskriva de praktiker som var av betydelse för den maktstruktur som fanns i organisationen. Analysen av de könsskapande processer som påvisades i organisationen, visade att det främst var värdering av kunskap, värdering av kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap och förutsättningarna för att utföra ledarskapet som utgjorde hinder eller möjligheter för kvinnornas karriär. Organisationen, med dess konserverade hierarkiska system, var också en barriär för kvinnorna.

Scrapworthy Lives: A Cognitive Sociological Analysis of a Modern Narrative Form

Medley-Rath, Stephanie R 18 August 2010 (has links)
Over the past 20 years, scrapbooking has become immensely popular in America. This dissertation is the study of scrapworthy lives, that is, how lives become structured by scrapbooking and how people show others that their own life and the lives of their loves ones are value—or scrapworthy. I conducted in-depth interviews with 38 scrapbookers, 11 scrapbook industry workers, and 10 family and friends of scrapbookers. I also used photo-elicitation interviewing techniques with both the scrapbookers and the family members and friends of 10 scrapbookers to examine a selection of scrapbook pages the respondents had completed. I used grounded theory methods to analyze my data, providing a more thorough understanding of scrapbooking. Scrapbooks are a site where people socially construct a narrative of their life. Through scrapbooking, scrapbookers do gender, family, race, ethnicity, and religion. Stratification within the larger society can be seen within the scrapbooking thought community. Moreover, through scrapbooking, people can demonstrate their membership in other thought communities (e.g., motherhood). Though scrapbookers are able to demonstrate their gender, family status, race, ethnicity, and religion through scrapbooking, the hobby is done primarily for the scrapbookers and not for others. Scrapbooking is a leisure activity, though some may consider it as a form of work. Scrapbookers are a thought community in their own right and an excellent site to explore Zerubavel’s (1997) six cognitive acts (i.e., perceiving, classifying, reckoning time, attending, assigning meaning, and remembering). In particular, scrapbookers come to classify nearly everything (including people, things, time, and space) in the world around them as either scrapworthy or not. Scrapbooks are a modern narrative form, though versions of scrapbooks have been around for centuries. Scrapbooks are memorials about everyday life. The content of scrapbooks is what is left out of the typical history book but is considered just as memorable by scrapbookers. Scrapbookers are storytellers. These stories could just as easily be passed down orally or recorded on blogs and some scrapbooks combine elements of oral histories and blogs. Ultimately, scrapbooks are memorials about the scrapbooker.

Negotiating Masculinity - The Reading and The Gender Practices of The Men's Fashion Magazine Male Readers

Chen, Kuan-liang 13 April 2008 (has links)
In recent years, the men's fashion magazine has become a new media genre that attracts lots of attention. The sales, advertisements, and publications of the men's fashion magazine have reached a remarkable performance. Most important of all, men's fashion magazines not only provide the male readers with content about appearance beauty but also mold the male readers into a new kind of masculinity called ¡¥New Man¡¦. The ¡¥New Man¡¦ masculinity means that men can feel more comfortable to take some gender practices to improve their appearance beauty, such as putting on make-up, applying skincare products and so on. Researches about men's fashion magazine in Taiwan mostly focus on market performance, and the notion and practice of male readers are ignored. This present study drawn on the audience in everyday life theory, also employed the masculinity theory based on the sociologist R. W. Connell and the view of fluid identity (multiple subjectivities) based on the poststructuralist feminists. This study applied a methodology of qualitative in-depth interview with 6 male participants, tried to find the relation between men¡¦s fashion magazine and everyday gender practices of the readers. The study found that when the male readers interpret the ¡¥New Man¡¦ image in the men's fashion magazine, they do negotiate the mainstream masculinity discourse in their everyday life. Their negotiation involves their unequal investment in multiple subjectivities in everyday life. The study also found that men's fashion magazine is a text that can mediate the masculinity discourse, so the everyday gender practices of readers regarding the magazine text are their negotiation of masculinity as well. The male readers read men's fashion magazine and take ¡¥New Man¡¦ gender practices (ex. applying skincare products, putting on make-up, and taking care of figure) to create their own unique masculinity which exclude from femininity. In conclusion, the new version masculinity (New Man) does overlap the old one (mainstream or traditional masculinity), which not only shows the diversity of masculinity but also provide the male readers with some space to exert their agency and negotiate the meaning of ¡¥what it means to be a male¡¦.

"Jag är inte tyst och jag kan höja rösten"

Léb Lehrman, Susanne, Algebrant, Marita January 2008 (has links)
<p>Studien undersöker hur kvinnliga chefer inom offentlig sektor upplever sina möjligheter och hinder i karriären . Kvinnor i maktposition har motsägelsefulla roller vilket i sig kan upplevas som ett dilemma.</p><p>Sex kvinnor på höga chefspositioner inom en offentlig sektor i Sverige deltog. Intervjuer genomfördes med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på följande områden: struktur, interaktion, individrelatering och symboler. Intervjuguidens struktur och analysen av intervjuerna baserades på en könsteoretisk modell enligt doing gender perspektiv. Doing gender perspektivet användes för att beskriva de praktiker som var av betydelse för den maktstruktur som fanns i organisationen.</p><p>Analysen av de könsskapande processer som påvisades i organisationen, visade att det främst var värdering av kunskap, värdering av kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap och förutsättningarna för att utföra ledarskapet som utgjorde hinder eller möjligheter för kvinnornas karriär. Organisationen, med dess konserverade hierarkiska system, var också en barriär för kvinnorna.</p>

Ett nytt liv - ett helt arbetsliv : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnmorskor upplever sina arbetsvillkor utifrån ett genusperspektiv

Miljeteig, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Barnmorskor har historiskt sett förknippats med kvinnor, kvinnor som ville hjälpa andra kvinnor med sina förlossningar. Detta yrke har sedan dess kallats för att vara ett yrke där de anställdas vilja att arbeta kommer från motivet att hjälpa andra, ett kall till yrket. Låga löner och dålig arbetsmiljö har barnmorskor i media vittnat om i dagsläget, och barnmorskor avslutar sin anställning på grund ut av detta. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fem barnmorskor upplever sina arbetsvillkor utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Ett intresse att försöka förstå om de intervjuades arbetsvillkor påverkas utav det faktum att arbetsmarknaden är könssegregerad och barnmorskeyrket är klassats som ett typiskt kvinnoyrke. Det finns idag lite forskning om hur barnmorskor upplever sina arbetsvillkor, och denna studie hoppas kunna bidra med information som kan vara till nytta vid vidare forskning. Det empiriska materialet utgår från tematiska intervjuer med fem arbetade barnmorskor i Stockholms län, två arbetade idag med förlossning och tre arbetade med mödravård. Resultatet visade att det fanns så väl positiva som negativa arbetsvillkor inom yrket, det positiva innehöll karriärmöjligheter, självständighet och ansvar. Viljan och glädjen att arbeta som barnmorska verkade väga upp för de sämre villkoren i yrket, vilket antydde att det fortfarande rådde någon form av kall till yrket. Mer negativt såg man på lönen och den höga arbetsbelastning som förkommit på förlossningsmottagningar. Resultatet visade tydligt att alla intervjuade ansåg att lönen var för låg, och löneutvecklingen behövde även den förnyas. Stress och överbelastning var några av de beskrivningar som det intervjuade berättade om förlossningsvården. Med hjälp av genusteorier visar analysen på att det fanns tendenser som antyder att yrket värderas lägre än andra yrken på grund av den rådande könssegregeringen på arbetsmarknaden och på grund av att yrket betraktas som ett kall.

'I am roller derby' : a case study of layered impression management

Ferreira, Veronica René 15 December 2017 (has links)
I use a mixed methods, qualitative approach to explore whether individuals become so invested in an organization that they engage in impression management to influence others’ perceptions of the organization. Additionally, I aim to reveal impression management strategies in an environment that is explicitly gendered in a transformative manner. I use roller derby as a case study because it is a rare example of a single-sex dominated organization that is voluntary and explicitly aims to be transformational of the current gender system.

"If God thinks I'm so evil, then let him punish me" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Deborah Feldmans utträdande ur chassidismen utifrån romanen Unorthodox i ett genusperspektiv

Viberg, Maja January 2022 (has links)
This essay examines gender norms and how gender is understood in Deborah Feldman’s novel Unorthodox released 2012. Any connections made by the author between gender and religion are explored and Feldman’s exiting process from the Hasidic community is analyzed. This is done using a close reading and a qualitative content analysis of the novel. West and Zimmerman’s theory Doing gender has been used to provide an understanding of gender and to analyze the results of the content analysis. The results show that the predominant gender norms for men portrayed in this novel were that men have a superior position and are expected to exercise their power over women. They are also expected to be intellectual scholars of Jewish scripture and law. The predominant gender norms for women were that they should be modest, quiet, unassuming and are expected to obey and serve their men. Feldman’s exiting process happens in stages, where she questioned her Hasidic community more over time, and broke more rules as time went on. Her faith in god was effected in this process.  It becomes clear that the norms and rules she is expected to follow are products of people’s interpretations of religion and not a result of the religion itself.

Upplevelser av faderskap : En intervjustudie av fäder i mansdominerade arbetarklassyrken

Engelbrechtsen, Tony January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att berika bilden och innebörden av faderskap. Studien undersöker svenska fäder som lever i heterosexuell parrelation samt arbetar i mansdominerade arbetarklassyrken där kroppen används som främsta verktyg. I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie redogörs för dessa fäders livsvärld med fokus på faderns upplevelser av familjens och arbetsplatsens olika krav och föreställningar om faderskap och hur detta antingen sammanfaller eller kontrasterar faderns egna idéer om faderskap samt hur fäderna hanterar eventuella konflikter av ideal. Genom Connells maskuliniteter och West och Zimmermanns doing gender analyseras fädernas utsagor för att få en förståelse över vilka val som ses som möjliga gällande faderskap i förhållande till arbetsplatsen och i parrelationen. Resultaten tyder på att fäderna upplever att de har en frihet att agera i sitt faderskap i gemenskap med sin partners. De upplever också att förväntningarna på dem som fäder är rimliga trots att de möter visst motstånd och motstående ideal av maskuliniteter från både kollegor och chefer på arbetsplatsen. Resultaten visar även en vilja av jämställdhet i förhållande till omsorg för barnen samtidigt som vissa områden gällande hem, barn och arbete är starkt präglade av genusordningar och genusgörande praktiker. / <p>2021-06-03</p>

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