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Energieffektivisering inom transportsektorn : En fallstudie på ett företagsfordonsparkIsak, Eklöv January 2021 (has links)
Energy efficiency within the transport sector - A case study on the vehicle fleet of a companyIsak EklövThe environmental objective of zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045 asdecided by the Swedish parliament establishes a framework for a standard thatimplies a demand for considerable changes within many sectors at both technical and political level. The need for long term efficiency solutions with respect tosustainability to be able to reach this goal is great and one step towards this couldpotentially be an adaption to an increased amount of vehicles with alternative fuelsin the vehicle fleet of Sweden. This thesis examined the potential for companiesto reduce their life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as the total cost ofownership (TCO) for their vehicles by changing the composition of their vehiclefleet.The project started with a literature review of a general character where data forlife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as TCO for different vehicle typeswas examined and collected. Then the life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases andTCO were calculated for the different vehicle types through a case study on thevehicle fleet of a company. Finally a programming script was developed to increasethe efficiency of the process which was then used to create scenarios with differentcompositions of the vehicle fleet. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out to evaluate the robustness of the life cycle calculations where the parameters individuallywere altered and the effect on the final result was examined.The result of the case study showed that alternative fueled vehicles are expected tolead to lower life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases compared to the conventionalalternatives for all vehicle types where alternative fuels are commercially available.The only exception for this was the electric fringe benefit vehicle with a 100 kWhbattery which was expected to lead to higher life-cycle emissions than its fossilalternatives. The result of the cost analysis showed a similar pattern but in thiscase the service vehicle fueled with gas was expected to lead to a higher value ofTCO than its fossil alternatives. The sensitivity analysis for life-cycle emissionsof greenhouse gases showed that production of lithium-ion batteries, vehicle base production and tailpipe emissions were the most contributing parameters forfringe benefit vehicles. The purchase cost was found to be the most contributingparameter for TCO.The result of the scenario analysis showed that there is a potential to decreaseiiilife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases by 22 % of the total life-cycle emissionsfor the vehicle fleet according to the Base-case scenario. The potential to decreaseTCO was found to be 1,1 %. The other scenarios showed a potential decrease forlife-cycle emissions of 37 % and a cost decrease of 7 % individually.Key words: greenhouse gas emissions, alternative fuels, electric vehicles, totalcost of ownership, life cycle assessment, sustainable vehicle fleet
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Drivmedelsförsörjning – En interorganisatorisk möjlighet eller utmaning : ”Det är det som är i tanken som räknas”Hedlöf, Jonas, Lenngren, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka förutsättningarna för det militära försvaret att kunna försörjas med drivmedel från näringslivet under ett väpnat angrepp. Vi har genomfört undersökningen utifrån dagens totalförsvarsförmåga som är under uppbyggnad sedan ett antal år tillbaka.Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med representanter från Försvarsmakten, utvalda bevakningsansvariga myndigheter och näringslivet undersökte vi om det finns en vilja och förutsättningar hos de aktörer vi identifierat som avgörande.Vi tillämpade en analysmetod inspirerad av grundad teori och identifierade de förhållanden som råder inom och mellan våra undersökningsenheter. Analysen leder till ett resultat som vi bekräftar med flera befintliga organisatoriska och interorganisatoriska teorier.Våra slutsatser är att det trots stora skillnader mellan undersökningsenheternas egenskaper, ändå finns goda förutsättningar inom och mellan dem, för att uppnå ett gemensamt mål. Däremot saknas andra yttre förutsättningar främst i form av mandat och regelverk som skulle reglera ansvar och uppgifter inom totalförsvaret. / The aim of this thesis, is to investigate the conditions for the Swedish Military Defence Force to incorporate support from the Business sector. The study focusses on the provision of fuel from business sector in the event of an armed attack.Our thesis is conducted from current military and civil defence capabilities, which have been under reconstruction for a couple of years.By conducting a qualitative interview study with representatives from the Swedish Armed Forces, selected Public Agencies and the Business sector, we investigated if there is a will and identified preconditions and factors that we deem crucial for success.We applied a method of the analysis inspired by Grounded Theory and search for factors that can affect the different actors in this study. Results lead to different theories that are supported by existing organisational and inter organisational theories.Our conclusions are that in spite of great differences between the different actors’ properties, there are still good expectations within and between the actors to reach a common goal. However, at present there are limiting factors preventing exploring the position, such as the requirement for mandates and regulations to regulate responsibilities and tasks within, and between the military and the civilian defence.
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Miljö i tanken? : Policyprocesser vid övergången till alternativa drivmedel i kollektivtrafiken i Linköping och Helsingborg 1976-2005 / Green public transport? : Policy processes concerning the transitions to alternative fuels in public transport in Linköping and Helsingborg 1976-2005Fallde, Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
Föreliggande avhandling studerar kommunala policyprocesser i en fråga där ett flertal olika policyområden ingår: övergången till alternativa drivmedel i kollektivtrafiken. Genom att undersöka hur och varför sådana policyer utvecklats i två kommuner bidrar studien dels till att förklara hur policy utvecklas på kommunal nivå; dels till att skapa förståelse för policyskapande där olika policyområden ingår. Genom fallstudier har policyprocesserna vid övergången till biogas i stadsbusstrafiken i Linköpings och Helsingborgs kommuner undersökts. Studien är processorienterad och fokuserar huvudsakligen på hur och varför aktörer, utifrån sina resurser, intressen, problemdefinitioner och lösningar, kan påverka policy. Resultaten visar hur policyprocesserna vid övergången till biogas präglats av traditionella policyområden där aktörer, intressen och resurser skilt sig åt beroende på sektor. Samtidigt visar avhandlingen att en sammankoppling mellan policyområdena för energi, miljö och transport varit väsentligt för att aktörer skulle kunna driva igenom sina förslag. För att göra detta har gränsgångare – policyentreprenörer som gått över gränserna för de tre policyområdena – varit centrala genom att initiera breda samarbeten där aktörer företrädande energi, miljö och kollektivtrafik identifierat och eftersträvat ett gemensamt mål. / This thesis studies municipal policy processes where several policy sectors are involved: the transition to alternative fuels in public transport. Examining how and why those policies have developed in two municipalities, the study will contribute to explain how policy are shaped on a municipal level and also contribute to further knowledge of policy processes where different sectors are involved. Through case studies, the policy processes concerning the introduction of biogas in city buses in the municipalities of Linköping and Helsingborg have been studied. The study is process oriented and mainly focuses on how and why actors with their resources, interests, problem definitions and solutions, can influence policy. The results show that the processes consisted of traditional policy sectors where actors, interests and resources differed between the sectors. In addition, the thesis shows that a connection between the energy, environment and transport policy sectors has been essential for policy development. Boundary walkers – that is, policy entrepreneurs that crossed the boundaries between the three sectors – have been central to initiate broad collaborations where actors representing energy, environment and public transport identified and strived to a common goal.
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UV Curable Polymers for use in Additively Manufactured Energetic Materials / UV-härdbara polymerer för användning i additivt tillverkade energetiska materialDelorme, Alexis January 2022 (has links)
Fast-bränsle-raketer (SRM) har funnit sin plats i en stor mängd tillämpningar sedan deras framkomst mer än 2000 år sedan. En SRMs prestanda är förutbestämd av geometrin av drivmedelskrutet och är begränsad av gjutningsmetoden, som idag främst används i produktion. Forskning inom 3D-skrivning av drivmedelskrut har undersökt nya komplexa geometrier som kan öka prestandan. Studier kring 3D-skrivning med UV-härdning är få till antalet och undersöks i detta projekt. Ett bindemedel av polyuretandiakrylat (PUDA) har syntetiserats och därefter karakteriserats, med och utan diverse monomerer genom dragprovsmätningar och differentialkalorimetri (DSC). Tillsats av tvärbindarna 1,6-hexandioldiakrylat (HDDA) samt trimetylolpropantriakrylat (TMPTA) till PUDA producerade ett mer sprött material. Denna skillnaden var mer påtaglig för TMPTA än HDDA, vilket tillskrivs den högre akrylatfunktionaliteten i den förstnämnda. Den kommersiella produkten Ebecryl 113 har karakteriserats med inerta fyllmedel. Härddjupet (DOC) undersöktes med Ebecryl 113 i ett experiment, vilket påvisade en minskning av härddjupet med ökande mängder aluminium. Orsaken är troligen de reflektiva egenskaperna för UV-ljus som aluminium innehar. Reologiska studier utfördes, från vilka en minskning i viskositet påvisades till följd av en ökad polydispersitet i partikelstorlekarna. 3D-skrivning med kolvextrudering och påföljande härdning med UV-strålning utforskades. Detta visade utmaningar med tekniken som behövs bemästras. I synnerhet uppmärksammades fasseparation och residuell härdning från reflekterat UV-ljus som begränsande faktorer för fortsatt arbete. / Solid rocket motors (SRMs) have found their place in many applications since their conception more than 2000 years ago. The performance of SRMs is determined by the geometry of the propellant grain and is limited by the cast-and-mould production method typically used today. Research has been made on 3D printing propellant grains to explore new complex geometries, which may increase performance. Studies on 3D printing techniques using UV curing are limited and are in this work investigated. A polyurethane diacrylate (PUDA) binder was synthesized and then characterized, with and without various monomers by tensile testing and differential scanning calorimetry. Additions of the crosslinkers 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) and trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA) to PUDA rendered the final product more brittle. This change was more noticeable for TMPTA than HDDA, as the former has a higher acrylate functionality. The commercial product Ebecryl 113 was also characterized with inert fillers added. A depth of cure (DOC) study with Ebecryl 113 was conducted, which showed a decrease in DOC with increasing amounts of aluminium. This is attributed to the reflective properties of aluminium in the UV spectrum. Rheological studies were conducted and a decrease in viscosity could be seen as a result of increasing the polydispersity of particle sizes. A 3D printing technique using plunger extrusion followed by UV curing was explored, which highlighted challenges which need to be overcome. Most notably, phase separation and residual curing from scattered UV rays are limiting factors for future work.
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Bränsle för den moderna nationen : Etanol och gengas i Sverige under mellankrigstiden och andra världskriget / Fuelling the Modern nation : Ethanol and Wood Gas as Alternative Fuels in Sweden during the Interwar Years and World War IIEkerholm, Helena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigate Swedish policy-making concerning promotion of wood gas and ethanol distilled from fermented sulphite lye as domestic fuel alternatives in the Interwar years and World War II. With a departure point in the theories of social constructions of technology (SCOT), the sociology of expectations and Thomas P. Hughe’s socio-technical systems I analyse the measures that were undertaken in these efforts, the arguments put forward for and against the ethanol and wood gas projects and how the efforts turned out. I also investigate how the interpretations of ethanol and wood gas as fuel alternatives changed from the Interwar period on through World War II and what consequences this had for ethanol and wood gas policy immediately after World War II. Source material includes Parliament and Government records, cabinet meeting files, governmental commissions, authority archives, technical evaluations and handbooks and scientific medical publications. Ethanol and wood gas were promoted from a nationalist vantage point. The Interwar debate was imbued with visions of national techno-scientific prowess in a perceived ongoing global contest for technological and scientific advancement, of which achieving autarky, self-sufficiency on important raw materials and industrial products, was an ideal for some. Ethanol and wood gas were also promoted as means for creating a lucrative new market for the forestry industry, which also held a prominent position in nationalist visions of technology. Expectations of a new war also motivated the promotion of ethanol and wood gas as national fuels. Measures for promotion included tax exemptions, sales guarantees and legislation for mandatory ethanol purchase for all petrol importing companies and gasifier loan funds. Political conflicts mainly centred around the principles of free trade as opposed to protectionism, proper use of tax funds and whether the potentials of the fuel alternatives were rhetorically exaggerated. During World War II ethanol and wood gas in particular served as important petrol surrogates. The increased wood gas use led to negative interpretations of wood gas a fuel alternative due to its hazardous, dirty and time-consuming maintenance and the changed driving behaviour it required from its users compared to petrol or ethanol fuelled automobiles. Compared to wood gas, ethanol was appreciated for its socio-technical similarities to petrol, but production was after the war deemed difficult to maintain during wartime. Whereas wood gas remained an important stand-by surrogate during the cold war, Swedish politicians lost interest in ethanol of the kind that was promoted in the Interwar years. / Fuel of the Future? A Research Programme on the Science, Technology and Selling of Biofuels in Sweden
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