Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elessons"" "subject:"fewlessons""
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Extramural engelska : I skolan och på fritiden / Extramural English : In- and out-of-classKleman, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har barns och ungas tillgång till olika digitala medier ökat. De flesta elever möter det engelska språket varje dag på något sätt och de är inte bara konsumenter av språket utan de producerar också engelska i olika aktiviteter på fritiden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilket utrymme elevernas extramurala engelska får inom ramen för skolans engelskundervisning och i vilken utsträckning eleverna har användning av engelskan de lär sig i skolans undervisning i sina fritidsaktiviteter. Extramural engelska är ett begrepp som innefattar all den engelska som eleverna kommer i kontakt med utanför skolan. Studien omfattar tre lärare och nio elever i årskurs 4-6 från tre olika kommuner i Jönköpings län. Studien har en fenomenografiskt inspirerad ansats och materialinsamlingen har gjorts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärarna arbetat mer eller mindre med en inkludering av elevernas extramurala engelska i engelskundervisningen. Något som var gemensamt för samtliga intervjuade lärare var att de såg en signifikant skillnad i språkliga förmågor mellan de elever som spelade mycket onlinespel och de elever som inte gjorde det. Flertalet av de intervjuade eleverna ansåg sig på ett eller annat sätt ha användning av den engelska de lär sig i skolan på sin fritid. En slutsats som dras är att det är viktigt att undervisande lärare sätter sig in i var, i vilken form och på vilket sätt eleverna möter engelska i sin fritid för att kunna inkludera det i undervisningen i engelska. / Over the past decade, children and adolescents have had an increased access to digital media. Most students get exposed to the English language in some way every day and they are not just consumers, they are also producers of English when they are engaged in different activities in their spare time. The aim of the study is to look into how extramural English is included in English school curriculum and to what extent students have use for the English they learn at school in their spare time activities. Extramural English includes all the English that students come into contact with outside of school. Three teachers and nine students, all from Jönköping county, are included in this study. The students are in grades 4-6. The study has a fenomenographically inspired approach and semi-structured intervjuews have been used to collect the data. The result reveals that the teachers have been working more or less with including the students’ extramural English in school. All teachers that participated in the interviews mentioned that they saw a significant difference in the students’ linguistic abilities between the ones who played a great number of online games and the students who did not. Most of the interviewed students felt in one way or another that they had use for the English they learn at school in their spare time. A conclusion drawn from the results of this study is that it is important for teachers to determine where, in what form and in what way students come into contact with English in their spare time in order to include it in the English school curriculum.
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Portraits of Undocumented Latino College Graduates Through a Lens of Resiliency TheoryPerez, Jasiel 08 1900 (has links)
Using resiliency theory as a lens, this qualitative study explored the educational journey and post-graduation experiences of 5 (2 females and 3 males) undocumented Latino college graduates (ULCGs). All participants completed a college degree from a U.S. four-year institution located in a state with an active in-state resident tuition (ISRT) policy. Pseudonyms were used to protect the identity of study participants since a viable path to permanent U.S. residency for undocumented students and/or graduates is currently unavailable. Participants shared their journeys through two 90-minute interviews conducted via Skype, follow-up questions conducted via e-mail, and journal entries collected via e-mail. Consistent with existing literature, findings revealed that participants experienced numerous cultural, academic, legal, and personal barriers, but were relentless in reaching their goals. Contrary to most existing literature, participants in this study enjoyed significant academic capital, aspirational capital, and followed a different and unique decision-making rationale. Findings are presented in five individual portraits and one collective portrait. Individual portraits illustrate participants' struggles, key turning points, and their life decisions. The collective portrait addresses four themes that emerged from the data, including 1) life barriers, 2) reflections of resiliency, 3) decision time, and 4) college education interpretation.
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Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy využitelné v praxi mateřské školy s dětmi ve věku tří až čtyř let / Methods and techniques of drama in education suitable in kindergarten praxis for children aged three to four yearsMusilová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
AND KEYWORDS This final thesis deals with "Methods and techniques of drama in education suitable in kindergarten praxis for children aged 3 to 4 years." It studies the suitability of selected techniques and methods when used in drama education of 3-4 year-old children. The thesis has a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part we try to outline related issues, taking a professional perspective and using scholarly resources. This creates a point of departure for the practical part, which begins by identifying goals, asking questions and choosing methods of study. As its primary method of study the thesis selects the analysis and evaluation of real drama education lessons. The practical part draws upon work according to the School Education Programme and Class Education Programme, and uses related literature (Hana Budínská: "Games for six senses"). It also utilizes books for children, analysing selected fairy-tales and poems. At the end the practical part summarizes all findings and evaluates the research questions. The conclusion discusses the new knowledge acquired through working on this thesis. The thesis tries to describe work with children aged between three and four years, in nursery school drama education lessons. Both theory and practice are taken into account. The focus is...
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Psychomotorika ve výuce plavání dětí předškolního věku / Psychomotricity in swimming education of preschool childrenKysela, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Psychomotricity in swimming education of preschool children" focuses on the use of psychomotor activities when teaching preschool children swimming. The theoretical part describes in detail, all according to available sources, the terms related to psychomotricity, development and swimming of a preschool child. The practical part of thesis focuses on the fact, whether it is beneficial and appropriate to apply psychomotor activities in swimming education. Further it strives to find out how big is the psychomotor awareness of Czech swimming instructors.
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Zmapování vhodných pražských parků a cyklostezek pro volnočasové aktivity se zaměřením na výuku in-line bruslení pro žáky 1. stupně / Mapping appopriate Prague parks and trails for leisure activities focused on in-line skating for the pupils of a primary schoolSuchý, Jan January 2011 (has links)
In the introduction of theoretical part, a sport discipline In line skating is described. Legislative aspect together with use of cycle paths is considered.The second chapter describes system of cyclopaths in the cities. Following chapters are describing the concept of parks and cyclopaths development in the rural area until 2020. Next, the work establishes criteria for evaluation of locations discussed in charter 5. Theoretical part of this work discusses in chapter six general rules for cyclopaths and park use. In chapter seven traffic signalization and in line skaters' equipment are discussed. Further chapters focus on sport and safety equipment. In the end of theoretical part of chapter ten and eleven I comment on particularities of in line skating education for children 7- 10 years old. Practical part describes mapping and evaluation of 10 selected cyclopaths located on the left side of Vltava River and close surroundings in chapter 12-13. Chapter 14 is dedicated to in-line skating and its categories. In the end of the practical part, the structure and methodology of teaching lesson of in-line skating is depicted together with description of basics of in line skating. Appendix consists of graphical comparison of results from public survey Keywords In-line skating, skating lessons, mapping of...
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Využití netradičních pomůcek v hodinách tělesné výchovy na 1. stupni ZŠ / Use of non-traditional aidsin physical education classes et elementary schoolPospíšilová, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
TITLE Use of non-traditional aids in physical education classes at elementary school AUTHOR Eliška Pospíšilová DEPARTMENT Department of Physical Education SUPERVISOR PaedDr. Ivan Přibyl ABSTRACT The diploma thesis deals with the use of non-traditional aids in physical education classes at primary school, both from the point of view of physical education teachers and primary school pupils. The theoretical part is focused on the definition of basic concepts on the given issue, the Framework Education Program for basic education and movement games using non-traditional aids. The practical part is based on a questionnaire survey with physical education teachers and interviews with pupils. The task of the research is to find out whether physical education teachers at the first level of primary schools in Prague 4 use non-traditional aids in their classes and if not, what are the reasons for doing so. The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the results of the research and to summarize the contribution and the negatives of using non-traditional aids in the classes of physical education for pupils. Part of the diploma thesis is "list of games with the use of non-traditional aids" which are verified in practice and supplemented by a final reflection. KEYWORDS: Non-traditional aids, traditional aids, physical...
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Utvecklas modelleringsförmågan nu? : Elevers potentiella utveckling i att modellera inom en specifik modelleringsmodul anpassad för kursen Matematik 5 på gymnasiet. / Is the modelling competence developing now? : Students´ potential development in mathematical modelling within a specific modelling module adapted to the course Mathematics 5 in upper secondary school.Fernström, Mikael January 2019 (has links)
Matematisk modellering är en av de förmågor eleverna ska ges möjlighet att utveckla på gymnasiet. Det är dock inte helt självklart bland lärare vad modellering innebär och frågan är om de undervisningsaktiviteter som används i relation till undervisning av modellering idag verkligen är ändamålsenliga. Denna studie undersöker elevernas potentiella utveckling i att modellera inom en lektionsserie, en så kallad modelleringsmodul, riktad mot kursen Matematik 5 på gymnasiet. Elevernas potentiella utveckling studeras utifrån deras involvering i de olika delprocesser som anses utgöra modelleringsprocessen i sin helhet. Resultatet indikerar att modelleringsmodulen tycks involvera eleverna i samtliga dessa delprocesser. Samtidigt visar resultatet att detta inte är en självklarhet och att vissa delprocesser tycks vara svårare att involvera eleverna i än andra. / Mathematical modelling is one of the competences students will have the possibility to develop in upper secondary school. However, it is not entirely obvious among teachers what modelling really means and it is questionable if the learning activities that are being used in relation to modelling education today really are effective. This study focuses on the students’ potential development within a series of lessons, a so-called modelling module, adapted for the course Mathematics 5 in upper secondary school. The students’ potential development is studied based on their involvement in the various sub-processes that are considered to be the modelling process as a hole. The result indicates that the modelling module involves students in all of these sub-processes. At the same time, the results show this is not self-evident and some of the subprocesses seem to be harder to involve the students in than others.
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O professor e a divulgação científica: apropriação e uso em situações formais de ensino / The teacher and the science communication: appropriation and use in formal educational situation.Lima, Guilherme da Silva 08 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a interação do professor de ciências com suportes de divulgação científica (DC). A DC não é produzida visando atingir o ensino formal, todavia é um recurso frequente em aulas de ciências. A inclusão da DC em situações formais de ensino requer preparo e criatividade do professor, de modo que antes de ser utilizado, este deve conhecer o suporte e adequá-lo aos objetivos educacionais e propósitos de ensino. Esse processo ocorre em duas etapas principais, a primeira delimitada pelo acesso e consumo da DC e a segunda pelo uso em situações de ensino, que ocorre após a apropriação da DC como ferramenta cultural. Desse modo, o objetivo desse trabalho é investigar a apropriação da DC por professores de ciências. Para isso, o trabalho investiga um curso de especialização de professores por meio de perspectivas socioculturais e metodologias quantitativas e qualitativas. A investigação analisa 400 sequências didáticas produzidas por professores de ciências do estado de São Paulo, buscando evidenciar quais os principais suportes de DC utilizados, bem como os propósitos de ensino para as atividades que usam esse recurso. Além disso, realiza-se um estudo de caso que investiga as situações de uso de suportes de DC em uma sala de aula do nono ano do ensino fundamental. Nessa investigação, as aulas foram registradas em áudio e vídeo e os episódios analisados com base nas contribuições do círculo de Bakhtin. Os resultados de nossas análises possibilitaram encontrar os principais propósitos de ensino para o uso de DC, bem como os principais suportes utilizados pelos professores de ciências. Além disso, observamos e caracterizamos as principais formas de utilização da DC em situações de ensino, no caso, o professor por meio de diferentes estratégias compõe a narrativa por meio do discurso alheio, usufruindo de diversas tipologias de discurso citado, dentre principais, o discurso direto; discurso indireto e discurso indireto-livre. / This study investigates the interaction of the science teacher with public understanding of science (PUS). The PUS is not produced aimed at achieving formal education, but it is frequently used in science lessons. The inclusion of PUS in formal teaching situations requires training and creativity of the teacher, so that prior to use, he must access the material and adapt it to educational goals and to teaching purposes. This process occurs especially in two stages, the first delimited by the access and consumption of PUS and the second by using it in teaching situations, that occurs after the appropriation of PUS as a cultural tool. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the appropriation of PUS by science teachers. Hence, this work also investigates a specialization course for science teachers through sociocultural approaches using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The research analyzes 400 didactic sequences produced by science teachers of the state of São Paulo, seeking for evidence of the main PUS media used as well as the teaching purposes for the activities that use these media. In addition, a case study has been developed in which one investigates the situations of using PUS in a classroom of the ninth year of elementary school. For this study case, lessons have been recorded on audio and video, and the episodes were analyzed based on contributions of the Bakhtin Circle. The results of our analysis allowed to find the main teaching purposes for the use of PUS and the main media used by science teachers. In addition, we characterize the main modes of using PUS in teaching situations, in this case, the teacher through different strategies makes up the narrative through alien discourse, applying different typologies of reported discourses, in which the main are the direct, indirect and quasi-direct.
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A configuração de novos locais e práticas pedagógicas na escola: o museu escolar, os laboratórios e gabinetes de ensino do Colégio Marista Arquidiocesano de São Paulo (1908-1940)Bocchi, Luna Abrano 20 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims to investigate the configuration of suitable places for teaching
science in the early twentieth century, more specifically, how this process occurred at
Colégio Marista Arquidiocesano de São Paulo, between the years 1908 and 1940. Both
elementary and middle-school levels were analyzed and it was acknowledged that they
had very different trajectories. However, these segments had in common the concern
with the development of the senses of both children and young adults. In middleschool
level the main concern can be related to science education and practical
proposals. On the other hand, the elementary school was based on intuitive teaching.
The observation, practical work and experimentation have been included among the
dally activities of the school and should take place in appropriate locations, where it
would be possible to keep teaching materials, as well as to propose practical situations
with students. In this context, there were the establishment of school museums,
cabinets and laboratories inside the school. These development were not only an
indication that Colégio Marista Arquidiocesano de São Paulo followed the government
guidelines but also the proof that they were a symbol of modern pedagogy. It could
also be considered as advertising for the school / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a configuração de locais próprios
para o ensino de ciências no início do século XX, mais especificamente, como esse
processo ocorreu no Colégio Marista Arquidiocesano de São Paulo, entre os anos de
1908 e 1940. Foi abarcado o ensino primário e o secundário e, mesmo reconhecendo
que tiveram trajetórias bem diversas, esses segmentos de ensino tiveram em comum
uma preocupação com a educação dos sentidos das crianças e dos jovens. Se no
secundário essa preocupação pode ser relacionada com o ensino de ciências e as
propostas práticas e experimentais, no primário foi marcada pela proposta do ensino
intuitivo. A observação, o trabalho prático e a experimentação foram incluídos dentre
os fazeres da escola e deveriam acontecer em locais apropriados, onde seria possível
tanto manter os materiais de ensino, quanto propor situações práticas com os alunos.
Neste contexto, foram criados os museus escolares, os gabinetes e laboratórios de
ensino. Estes locais, além de serem um indício de que o Colégio Arquidiocesano seguia
as orientações governamentais, também eram símbolo de uma pedagogia moderna e
serviam, inclusive, de propaganda da instituição escolar
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Poesia audiovisual: narrativas poéticas no cinema documentário de Werner HerzogPenney, Paola Prestes 27 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:11:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study investigates the processes through which poetic narratives are
constructed in documentary cinema and their results. In order to do so, the question
of the audiovisual poetry that is formed through images, sounds, and words will be
analyzed. In its turn, this analysis will serve as the basis of the proposition of this study,
the creation of poetic languages, and the mapping of new discernible frontiers of
communication and perception in the context of the production of documentary
cinema. Three documentaries by the German filmmaker Werner Herzog are analyzed
Fata Morgana (1971), Lessons of darkness (1992), and The wild blue yonder (2005)
which, in the context of this dissertation, constitute a poetic trilogy. Based on these
works and documental material on the director, this project aims to elucidate Herzog s
creative processes and their transformations in each phase of realization of those
films, from the choices in conceptual approach to the editing, by comparatively
analyzing the way text, image, and sound are worked together. To this end, the study
of these three works is founded in two moments: the realization (technical analysis)
and the result (analysis of the poetic or artistic language). This methodology satisfies
technical criteria as much as it does sensibility criteria, and when combined with
Gaston Bachelard s, Arlindo Machado s, and Gilles Deleuze s concepts of image, this
study reveals the processes of audiovisual language creation in documentary cinema
that transcend the limits of the genre / Este estudo investiga os processos de construção de narrativas poéticas em cinema
documentário e seus resultados. Para tanto, será analisada a questão da poesia
audiovisual que é construída por meio de imagens, sons e palavras. Esta análise servirá
como base para se estabelecer a questão proposta neste estudo, a criação de
linguagens poéticas e o mapeamento de novas fronteiras de comunicação e percepção
sensíveis no contexto da produção de cinema documentário. Três documentários do
cineasta alemão Werner Herzog são estudados: Fata Morgana, de 1971, Lições da
escuridão, de 1992 e Além do azul selvagem, de 2005, que, no contexto desta
dissertação, compõem uma trilogia poética do diretor. Com base nessas obras e
material documental sobre o diretor, a pesquisa procura trazer um entendimento dos
processos criativos de Herzog e as transformações desses processos, em cada etapa de
realização dos filmes, da escolha de dispositivos à montagem, analisando
comparativamente de que maneira são articulados texto, imagem e som. Para tanto, o
estudo destas três obras está estruturado em dois momentos: a realização (análise
técnica), e o resultado (análise da linguagem poética ou artística). A metodologia de
análise adotada atende a critérios técnicos sensíveis. A fundamentação teórica engloba
Gaston Bachelard, Arlindo Machado e Gilles Deleuze, com o objetivo de revelar os
processos de criação de linguagem audiovisual em cinema documentário que
transcende os limites do gênero
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