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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The importance of aligning managerial characteristics to functional strategy in public sector organisations: An empirical study of Dubai government.

Sebaa, Ali A. January 2010 (has links)
Managerial characteristics have an important influence on strategy implementation. Previous studies have looked at the alignment of managerial characteristics with strategic type and aspects of performance. In all cases, the focus has been on corporate strategy and, predominantly, in private sector organisations. This study combines these objectives and investigates alignment between managerial characteristics, strategy and perceived performance. It focuses on management at the functional level in a public sector setting and demonstrates that classical upper-echelon theory is also relevant when applied at the functional level of management. The Miles and Snow (1978) typology is applied to the functional strategy for Dubai government organisations, to investigate whether functional units pursuing strategies are led by functional managers with dissimilar attributes, and whether the alignment between managerial characteristics and strategy is related to performance of the functional unit. Based on the extant literature, a research model has been developed, which yields two types of hypothesis. Data was collected by means of interviews and surveys to obtain knowledge of strategy types, and demographic and psychological characteristics for the functional managers. Regression techniques have been used for data analysis rendering support for two types of hypothesis. Consequently, this study supports the view that Upper Echelon theory can also apply at the functional level, emphasising the role of the functional managers, at the lower management levels of the organisations, in strategy implementation.

Age and Corporate Social Responsibility : The effect of CEOs’ Age on CSR Performance and the moderating role of their national culture

Pangrazi, Francesca January 2019 (has links)
In the management literature, the debate on how Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming a priority. Several aspects of the CSR have already been studied, for example, what are the corporate motivations for engaging in responsible activities. Recently, following the Upper echelon theory, researchers are trying to understand what are the top management personal characteristics that influence their decision-making. This master thesis aims to demonstrate that the demographic feature “Age” of the CEOs is a crucial factor in influencing their propensity toward responsible behaviors. Moreover, this study will investigate if the importance that theoretically, the new generation gives to the social and environmental issues, find empirical evidence. Using the global Fortune 500 firms as a sample, the relationship between the age of the companies’ CEOs and their CSR performance have been tested. Additionally, the moderation role of their nationality has been studied using Hofstede’s dimensions. The findings show that the younger are the CEOs and the higher is the firm’s CSR score. Instead, contrary to the expectations, the moderating role of the nationality found no significance.


Niranjan, Suman 13 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Faktorer bakom adoption av styrmodeller : Tio svenska stora företag med olika strukturella attribut

Bodin Kristiansen, Malin, Johnson, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att beskriva och kartlägga hur adoptionen av styrmodeller kan se ut i stora företag och utifrån detta identifiera vilken betydelse olika faktorer karaktäriserade av individuella-, organisationella- och omvärldsaspekter som påverkar adoptionen. Detta för att öka kunskapen om vilka faktorer som kan ligga bakom adoptionen av styrmodeller och hur dessa påverkar. Vidare är syftet att explorativt finna mönster mellan påverkande faktorer och företags strukturella attribut för att se hur möjliga kopplingar till företagens strukturer kan se ut. Studien bidrar därmed iutvecklingen av ett mer holistiskt synsätt. För att uppnå syftet utgår studien från sju faktorer; rationella och effektiva, psykodynamiska, retoriska och mode, politiska, kulturella, tvingande samt härmande och trender som på olika sätt påverkar adoptionen inom företag. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tio stycken stora företag i Norrbotten med olika attribut inom ledartyp, ägarform och koncernförhållande. Företagens deltagare utgjordes av beslutsfattare med höga positioner inom företaget medinsikt i adoptionsprocessen som ingående kunde förklara händelser som påverkade adoptionen. Resultaten indikerar på att samtliga sju faktorer i olika grad påverkar företagens adoption av styrmodeller. Framförallt var de rationella och effektiva faktorerna klart framträdande som den faktor med högst påverkan inom samtliga företag eftersom att adoptionsbeslutet ofta grundade sig i någon form av problem eller kris. Resterande faktorer påverkade i olika utsträckning, där det fanns antydningar om mönster mellan faktorer och företagens strukturella attribut. Studien formulerade sex hypoteser kopplat till funna mönster mellan faktorer och företagens strukturella attribut. / The purpose of this thesis is to describe and map how the adoption of management practices works in large companies and to identify the importance of different factors characterized of individual, organizational and environmental aspects that can affect the adoption. This to increase knowledge about the underlying factors that might affect the adoption of management practices. Furthermore, the purpose is to exploratively find patterns between influencing factors and corporate structural attributes to identify how possible connections to corporate structures may exist. This study contributes to the development of a more holistic approach. To achieve the purpose, the study is based on seven different factors; Rational and effective, psychodynamic, rhetorical and fashion, political, cultural, forced-selection (coercive), and imitation (mimetic) and trends that affect business adoption in various ways. This study was conducted through qualitativeinterviews with ten large companies in Norrbotten with different attributes in the management type, ownership and corporate relationship. The companies’ participants consisted of high-level decision-makers within each company with insight into the adoption process, which could thus explain in detail the events that affected the adoption. The results indicate that all seven factors influence the companies’ adoption of management practices to a different extent. In particular, the rational and effective factors were clearly prominent as the factors with the highest impact within all companies, because the adoption decision was often based on some kind of problem or crisis. Remaining factors affected to varying degrees, where there were indications of patterns between factors and the company's structural attributes. The study formulated six hypotheses linked to found patterns between factors and the company's structural attributes.

Effektivitet och kvalitet – Den demografiska mångfaldens påverkan på strategiska beslut : En kvantitativ studie om den demografiska mångfaldens påverkan på strategiska beslut i ledningsgruppen / Efficiency and quality – The impact of demogaphic diversity on strategic decisions : A quantitative study of the influence of demographic diversity on strategic decisions in the management team

Karat, Alma, Malik, Adila January 2020 (has links)
Studien omfattar 50 observationer av bolag inom First North och undersöker två hypoteser relaterade till demografisk mångfald inom ledningsgrupper och strategiska beslut. I studien förväntades demografisk mångfald ha en negativ påverkan på effektiva strategiska beslut och en positiv påverkan på strategiska beslut av kvalitet. Hypoteserna accepterades delvis och studien konstaterade att endast en del av de demografiska karaktärsdragen har en påverkan på strategiska beslut. / The study contains 50 observations of companies in First North and examine two hypothesises related to demographic diversity in top management teams and strategic decisions. The study expected demographic diversty as having a negative impact on effective strategic decisions and have a positive impact on quality of strategic decisions. The hypothesises showed partial support and found that only some of the demographic characteristics had an impact on strategic decisions.

Revisionens värde ur ett klientperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om gapet mellan klientens förväntningar ochupplevelse med en revision / The value of the audit from a client perspective : A qualitative study of the gapbetween clients expectations and perceived value associated with an audit

Arvidsson, Fredrik, Erlandsson, Tommy January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revision har en framstående roll ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv, och har under sin framväxt möjliggjort samhällets ekonomiska framfart. Men i samband med denna framväxt har ett gap uppstått mellan klienters förväntningar och upplevt värde med en revision. Tidigare litteratur belyser inte vad som föranleder dessa förväntningar, eller vems förväntningar revisorn ska utgå ifrån. Författarna ämnar således att bidra med en ökad förståelse inom forskningsområdet. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för gapet mellan klientens förväntningar och upplevt värde med en revision. Metod: Denna kvalitativa uppsats karaktäriseras med en deduktiv forskningsansats, där semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio chefer för ekonomiavdelningen (finansdirektör), en VD samt en pilotstudie utgjorde det empiriska materialet. För att analysera detta material har en tematisk analys nyttjats. Slutsats: Av uppsatsens rön framgår det att det föreligger ett gap mellan klienters förväntningar och upplevelser i samband med en revision. Detta gap manifesterar sig främst i revisorers tillkortakommanden gällande deras förståelse för verksamheten, som följd av revisionsbranschens upplevda överflöd av oerfarna juniorer. Klienters utbildning och erfarenhet visar sig, tillsammans med det reviderade bolagets storlek och bransch, föranleda deras förväntningar. Uppsatsen visar även att det kan föreligga skillnader mellan vad en VD och finansdirektör förväntar sig av en revision, beroende på hur företagsstrukturen ser ut. Således kan det vara nödvändigt att göra en distinktion av vem som utgör klienten inom företagsledningen. Uppsatsen bidrar med att visa nödvändigheten av en distinktion av vem som utgör klienten inom företagsledningen och vad som kan föranleda förväntningar. / Background: Auditing has a prominent role from a socio-economic perspective, and during its rise has made society's economic progress possible. But in connection with this growth, a gap has emerged between clients' expectations and perceived value of an audit. Previous literature does not shed light on what prompts these expectations, or whose expectations theauditor should assume. The authors thus intend to contribute with an increased understanding within the research area. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to increase understanding of the gap between clientexpectations and perceived value with an audit. Method: This qualitative essay is characterized by a deductive research approach, wheresemi-structured interviews with ten CFO:s, a CEO and a pilot study constituted the empirical material. To analyze this material, a thematic analysis has been used. Conclusion: From the essay's findings, it appears that there is a gap between clients' expectations and perceived value in connection with an audit. This gap manifests itself mainly in auditors' shortcomings regarding their understanding of the business, as a result of the audit industry's perceived abundance of inexperienced juniors. Clients' education and experience, along with the audited company's size and industry, appear to drive their expectations. The essay also shows that there can be differences between what a CEO and CFO expect from an audit, depending on how the company structure looks. Thus, it may be necessary to make a distinction of who constitutes the client within the company management. The essay contributes by showing the necessity of a distinction of who constitutes the client within the top management team and what can cause expectations.

Resultatjustering genom goodwill / Profit adjustment through goodwill

Alvarsson, Isabelle, Izetovski, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
När IFRS 3 gavs ut 2005 innebar detta att företag årligen skall pröva nedskrivningsbehovet enligt IAS 36 och överge den gamla avskrivningsmetoden. Detta innebar att företagsledare nu skulle bedöma huruvida det fanns ett nedskrivningsbehov för företagets goodwill, och bedömningen företagsledare skall utföra enligt IAS 36 medför subjektivitet och således även godtycke. Det subjektiva utrymmet kan användas av företagsledare för att manipulera resultatet opportunistiskt, något som kan påverkas av företagsledares löneincitamen, b.la. från aktier, och karaktärsdrag. Resultaten i tidigare forskning är inte enhetliga gällande sambandet mellan aktieinnehav hos verkställande direktörer och goodwillnedskrivning, samtidigt som könet ser ut att spelar roll då tidigare studier visar att kvinnor tenderar att använda mer konservativ redovisning och justerar resultatet i lägre omfattning. Studiens syfte är således att undersöka om vd:ns aktierelaterade löneincitament påverkar goodwillnedskrivning, samt huruvida vd:ns kön har en modererande effekt på sambandet. En kvantitativ metod tillämpas i studien, där data inhämtas manuellt från företags årsredovisningar och genom Refinitiv under perioden 2016–2021. Studiens resultat visar ett positivt samband mellan aktieinnehavet hos verkställande direktörer och goodwillnedskrivningar. Vidare påvisar resultatet i studien dessutom ett förstärkande positivt samband när vd:ns kön inkluderas som modererande variabel för storleken på goodwillnedskrivningen, däremot visar studien ett insignifikant resultat gällande beslutet att skriva ned goodwill när vd:ns kön inkluderas som modererande variabel. / When IFRS 3 was issued in 2005, this meant that companies must annually test the need for impairment according to IAS 36 and abandon the old depreciation method. This meant that company managers would now assess whether there was a need to write down the company's goodwill, and the assessment that company managers must perform according to IAS 36 entails subjectivity and thus also discretion. The subjective space can be used by company managers to manipulate the result opportunistically, something that can be influenced by company managers' salary incentives, i.a. from stocks, and character traits. The results in previous research are not uniform regarding the relationship between shareholdings of managing directors and goodwill write-downs, while gender appears to play a role as previous studies show that women tend to use more conservative accounting and adjust the results to a lesser extent. The purpose of the study is thus to investigate whether the CEO's share-related incentives affect goodwill impairment, and whether the CEO's gender has a moderating effect on the relationship. A quantitative method is applied in the study, where data is collected manually from companies' annual reports and through Refinitiv during the period 2016–2021. The results of the study show a positive relationship between the shareholding of CEOs and goodwill write-downs. Furthermore, the results in the study also demonstrate a reinforcing positive relationship when the CEO's gender is included as a moderating variable for the size of the goodwill write-down, in contrast, the study shows an insignificant result regarding the decision to write down goodwill when the CEO's gender is included as a moderating variable.

Discrete Event Simulation for Aftermarket Supply Chain

Albors Marques, Laura, Jayakumar, Jagathishvar January 2020 (has links)
The planning of an Aftermarket Supply Chain is a very complex task. This is due to an unpredictable demand which is driven by the need for maintenance and repair. This drive translates to a high variety of lead times, a large number of stock-keeping units (SKUs) and the capacity to deliver spare parts during its full lifecycle. With all these complexities in place, optimizing and parametrizing the planning process is a difficult and time-consuming task. Moreover, the current optimization tool focuses only on one node (each warehouse individually) of the whole Supply Chain, without considering the information such as inventory levels of the other nodes. Hence, the Supply Chain is not completely connected, making it difficult to get a better understanding of the system performance to identify cost draining areas. This leads to capital being tied up in the upper stream of the Supply Chain and later adding unnecessary costs like high inventory costs, rush freight costs, return or scrapping cost. In this study, Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is explored as an additional optimization tool that could analyse and improve the performance of the whole Supply Chain. To do that, the functioning of a node is modelled by replicating the logics behind the flow of material, which includes analysing some manual workflows which are currently present. In Addition, all the information needed from the orders, order lines and parts are mapped. The later part of the study aims to connect all the nodes to form a whole overview of the Supply Chain and further perform optimizations globally.  As an outcome, Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization has been performed on the whole Supply Chain after connecting all the nodes and thus getting an overview. Furthermore, the impact of different parameters has been studied on the whole model to understand the sensitivity of parameters such as variations in lead time and demand. Finally, different what-if scenarios such as COVID and problems with delay in suppliers were studied, which could help understand the impact of unforeseen situations. / Planeringen av en eftermarknadskedja är en mycket komplex uppgift. Detta beror på en oförutsägbar efterfrågan som drivs av behovet av underhåll och reparation. Enheten översätter till många olika ledtider, ett stort antal lagerhållningsenheter (SKU) och kapacitet att leverera reservdelar under hela dess livscykel. Med alla dessa komplexiteter på plats är optimering och parametrering av planeringsprocessen en svår och tidskrävande uppgift. Dessutom fokuserar det nuvarande optimeringsverktyget bara på en nod (varje lager separat) i hela leveranskedjan utan att beakta informationen som lagernivåerna för de andra noderna. Därför är försörjningskedjan inte helt ansluten, vilket gör det svårt att få en bättre förståelse för systemets prestanda för att identifiera kostnadsavtappningsområden. Detta leder till att kapital binds i den övre strömmen i försörjningskedjan och senare lägger till onödiga kostnader som höga lagerkostnader, snabba fraktkostnader, retur- eller skrotningskostnader. I denna studie undersöks Discrete Event Simulation (DES) som ett ytterligare optimeringsverktyg som kan analysera och förbättra prestanda för hela försörjningskedjan. För att göra det modelleras en nods funktion genom att replikera logiken bakom materialflödet, vilket inkluderar analys av några manuella arbetsflöden som för närvarande finns. Dessutom kartläggs all information som behövs från beställningar, orderrader och delar. Den senare delen av studien syftar till att ansluta alla noder för att bilda en hel översikt över försörjningskedjan och ytterligare utföra optimeringar globalt. Som ett resultat har Multi-Echelon Lageroptimering utförts i hela försörjningskedjan efter att alla noder har anslutits och därmed fått en översikt. Dessutom har effekterna av olika parametrar studerats på hela modellen för att förstå känsligheten hos parametrar som variationer i ledtid och efterfrågan. Slutligen studerades olika tänkbara scenarier som COVID och problem med förseningar hos leverantörer, vilket kan hjälpa till att förstå effekterna av oförutsedda situationer.

Multi-objective optimization of a two-echelon vehicle routing problem with vehicle synchronization and "grey Zone" customers arising in urban logistics

Anderluh, Alexandra, Nolz, Pamela, Hemmelmayr, Vera, Crainic, Teodor Gabriel January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
We present a multi-objective two-echelon vehicle routing problem with vehicle synchronization and "grey zone" customers arising in the context of urban freight deliveries. Inner-city center deliveries are performed by small vehicles due to access restrictions, while deliveries outside this area are carried out by conventional vehicles for economic reasons. Goods are transferred from the first to the second echelon by synchronized meetings between vehicles of the respective echelons. We investigate the assignment of customers to vehicles, i.e., to the first or second echelon, within a so-called "grey Zone" on the border of the inner city and the area around it. While doing this, the economic objective as well as negative external effects of transport, such as emissions and disturbance (negative impact on citizens due to noise and congestion), are taken into account to include objectives of companies as well as of citizens and municipal authorities. Our metaheuristic - a large neighborhood search embedded in a heuristic rectangle/cuboid splitting - addresses this problem efficiently. We investigate the impact of the free assignment of part of the customers ("grey Zone") to echelons and of three different city layouts on the solution. Computational results show that the impact of a "grey Zone" and thus the assignment of these customers to echelons depend significantly on the layout of a city. Potentially pareto-optimal solutions for two and three objectives are illustrated to efficiently support decision makers in sustainable city logistics planning processes.

Optimisation Multi-échelon du stock avec incertitude sur l'approvisionnement et la demande / Multi-echelon Inventory optimization under supply and demand uncertainty

Firoozi, Mehdi 03 December 2018 (has links)
Des stratégies d'approvisionnement pérennes sont nécessaires pour les gestionnaires de la chaîne d'approvisionnement afin de faire face aux incertitudes d’approvisionnement et de demande. La diminution des niveaux de service et l'augmentation simultanée des coûts de stockage sont les impacts les plus importants de ces incertitudes. Les perturbations peuvent être causées par des discontinuités de l’approvisionnement, de l'instabilité politique, des catastrophes naturelles et des grèves des employés. Elles pourraient avoir un effet important sur la performance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Pour faire face à de telles perturbations, les modèles d'optimisation des stocks doivent être adaptés pour couvrir une structure de réseau multi-échelons et envisager des stratégies d'approvisionnement alternatives telles que le transport latéral (lateral transshipment) et plusieurs sources d’approvisionnement. Dans ce travail, une approche de modélisation basée sur des scénarios est proposée pour résoudre un problème d'optimisation multi-échelons des stocks. En prenant en compte la demande stochastique et les incertitudes sur les capacités de production, le modèle minimise le coût opérationnel total (coûts de stockage, de transport et de retard) tout en optimisant la gestion des stocks et les flux des marchandises. Afin de faire face aux incertitudes, plusieurs échantillons de scénarios sont générés par Monte Carlo et les exemples correspondants d'approximation (SAA) des programmes sont résolus pour obtenir une politique de réponse adéquate au système d'inventaire en cas de perturbations. De nombreuses expériences numériques sont menées et les résultats permettent d'acquérir des connaissances sur l'impact des perturbations sur le coût total du réseau et le niveau de service. / Supply Chain Management (SCM) is an important part of most companies and applying the appropriate strategy is essential for managers in competitive industries and markets. In this context, Inventory Management plays a crucial role. Different inventory systems are widely used in practice. However, it is fundamentally difficult to optimize, especially in multi-echelon networks. A key challenge in managing inventory is dealing with uncertainties in supply and demand. The simultaneous decrease of customer service and increase of inventory-related costs are the most significant effects of such uncertainties. To deal with this pattern, supply chain managers need to establish more effective and more flexible sourcing and distribution strategies. In this thesis, a “framework to optimize inventory decisions in multi-echelon distribution networks under supply and demand uncertainty” is proposed. In the first part of the research work, multi-echelon distribution systems, subject to demand uncertainty, are studied. Such distribution systems are one of the most challenging inventory network topologies to analyze. The optimal inventory and sourcing policies for these systems are not yet unknown. We consider a basic type of distribution network with a single family product through a periodic review setting. Based on this property, a two-stage mixed integer programming approach is proposed to find the optimal inventory-related decisions considering the non-stationary demand pattern. The model, which is based on a Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) approach, minimizes the expected total cost composed of the fixed allocation, inventory holding, procurement, transportation, and back-ordering costs. Alternative inventory optimization models, including the lateral transshipment strategy and multiple sourcing, are thus built, and the corresponding stochastic programs are solved using the sample average approximation method. Several problem instances are generated to validate the applicability of the model and to evaluate the benefit of lateral transshipments and multiple sourcing in reducing the expected total costs of the distribution network. An empirical investigation is also conducted to validate the numerical findings by using the case of a major French retailer’s distribution network. The second part of the research work is focused on the structure of the optimal inventory policy which is investigated under supply disruptions. A two-stage stochastic model is proposed to solve a capacitated multi-echelon inventory optimization problem considering a stochastic demand as well as uncertain throughput capacity and possible inventory losses, due to disruptions. The model minimizes the total cost, composed of fixed allocation cost, inventory holding, transportation and backordering costs by optimizing inventory policy and flow decisions. The inventory is controlled according to a reorder point order-up-to-level (s, S) policy. In order to deal with the uncertainties, several scenario samples are generated by Monte Carlo method. Corresponding sample average approximations programs are solved to obtain the adequate response policy to the inventory system under disruptions. In addition, extensive numerical experiments are conducted. The results enable insights to be gained into the impact of disruptions on the network total cost and service level. In both parts of the research, insights are offered which could be valuable for practitioners. Further research possibilities are also provided.

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