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Élaboration d'une approche de biosurveillance humaine pour évaluer l'exposition aux métaux et éléments traces de la population libanaise et son association avec la consommation d'eau potableNasser Eddine, Nessrine 08 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte libanais, les infrastructures de traitement et d’approvisionnement en eau potable ne sont pas optimales et il existe un manque de connaissances sur l’association entre la consommation d’eau et les niveaux d’exposition aux métaux et éléments traces. La présente étude est une première tentative faisant état de l'exposition aux métaux et aux éléments traces dans des sous-groupes de la population libanaise en utilisant une approche de biosurveillance multi-matrices. Les concentrations en 11 métaux et éléments traces (aluminium (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chrome (Cr), cuivre (Cu), fer (Fe), plomb (Pb), manganèse (Mn), sélénium (Se), uranium (U), zinc (Zn)) ont été mesurées dans des échantillons d'urine, de cheveux et d'ongles d’orteils d'un groupe de la population et les niveaux ont été comparés en fonction de l'âge, du sexe, du tabagisme, du statut économique, de la zone géographique et de la source d'eau potable. Alors que la plupart des concentrations urinaires et d'ongles n'étaient pas statistiquement différentes entre les hommes et les femmes, les concentrations mesurées d'éléments dans les cheveux étaient statistiquement plus élevées chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Les concentrations urinaires d'Al, Cu, Se et Zn étaient statistiquement plus élevées chez les enfants comparativement aux adolescents et aux adultes. Les concentrations de plusieurs éléments dans les cheveux et les ongles (As, Cd, Pb, Mn, Se dans les cheveux et les ongles plus Al, Fe dans les ongles d’orteils) étaient significativement plus élevées chez les enfants que chez les adolescents et/ou adultes (MG chez les enfants vs. les adolescents vs. les adultes dans les cheveux: 0,009 vs 0,009 vs. 0.005 µg As/g (p<0,01); 0,046 vs. 0,016 vs. 0,022 µg Cd/ g (p<0,05); 1,16 vs. 0,580 vs. 0,627 µg Pb/g (p<0,1); 0,305 vs. 0,168 vs. 0,275 µg Mn/g (p<0,1); 0,365 vs. 0,370 vs. 0,217 µg Se/g (p<0,05) et dans les ongles d’orteils : 17,0 vs. 14,3 vs. 7,31 µg Al/g et 56,9 vs. 46,0 vs. 23,8 µg Fe/g (p<0,05). Le statut tabagique n’a aucune influence sur les concentrations de As, cd et Pb. Les niveaux de Cd, Pb et Mn étaient également statistiquement plus élevés dans les échantillons des sous-groupes ayant un statut économique inférieur (Cd et Pb dans les 3 matrices urines, cheveux et ongles d’orteils respectivement de 0,223 µg Cd/L(p<0,1); 0,062 µg Cd/ g (p<0,05) et 0,038 µg Cd/ g (p<0,01); 1,16 µg Pb/L(p<0,05); 1,84 µg Pb/ g (p<0,01) et 0,840 µg Pb/ g (p<0,01) et Mn dans les cheveux et ongles d’orteils respectivement de 0,434 µg Mn/ g (p<0,05); 0,689 µg Mn/g (p<0,05). Les mêmes tendances ont été observées pour la stratification en fonction de la zone géographique, mais la différence n'était pas statistiquement significative, sauf pour le Pb dans l'urine où les participants de Beyrouth centre avaient des niveaux urinaires significativement moins élevés que les autres zones (0,560 µg Pb/L(p<0,01). Très peu de corrélations ont été identifiées entre les sources d’eau potable et les concentrations des métaux et éléments traces dans les urines, cheveux et ongles d’orteils. Cependant, une corrélation a été trouvée entre les niveaux d’As, Cd et Pb dans les cheveux et les ongles d’orteils respectivement (r = 0,4, p<0,05); (r = 0,310, p<0,05) et (r = 0.,270, p<0,1). Dans l’ensemble, les résultats ont montré que la population était exposée à des concentrations plus élevées de certains métaux que les autres populations, une attention particulière doit être accordée à l'exposition aux As, Cd et Pb, Mn et Se. Bien que la source d'eau n'ait pas contribué à la différence dans les niveaux d'exposition, les niveaux de certains métaux et éléments traces différaient selon l'âge, le sexe, les zones géographiques de résidence et le statut économique. Il pourrait être pertinent d'étendre ce type d'enquête à une initiative de biosurveillance humaine à grande échelle dans la population libanaise afin de valider et de généraliser les résultats et d'observer les tendances temporelles dans le temps. / In the Lebanese context, drinking water treatment and supply infrastructures are not optimal and
it exists a lack of knowledge on the association between water consumption and levels of exposure
to metals and trace elements. The present study is a first attempt reporting exposure to metals and
trace elements in subgroups of the Lebanese population using a multi-matrix biomonitoring
approach. Concentrations of 11 metals and trace elements (aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium
(Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), uranium
(U), zinc (Zn)) were measured in urine, hair and toenail samples from a population group and the
levels were compared according to the age, gender, smoking status, economic status, geographic
area, and source of drinking water. While most urinary and nail concentrations were not
statistically different between men and women, measured element concentrations in hair were
statistically higher in women than in men. Urinary concentrations of Al, Cu, Se and Zn were
statistically higher in children compared to adolescents and adults. Concentrations of several
elements in hair and nails (As, Cd, Pb, Mn, Se in hair and toenails plus Al, Fe in toenails) were
significantly higher in children than in adolescents and/or adults (MG in children vs. adolescents
vs. adults in hair: 0.009 vs. 0.009 vs. 0.005 µg As/g (p<0.01); 0.046 vs. 0.016 vs. 0.022 µg Cd/g
(p< 0.05), 1.16 vs. 0.580 vs. 0.627 µg Pb/g (p<0.1), 0.305 vs. 0.168 vs. 0.275 µg Mn/g (p<0.1),
0.365 vs. 0.370 vs. 0.217 µg Se/g (p<0.05) and in the nails: 17.0 vs. 14.3 vs. 7.31 µg Al/g and 56.9
vs. 46.0 vs. 23.8 µg Fe/g. Smoking status has no influence on the concentrations of metals and
trace elements. The levels of Cd, Pb and Mn were also statistically higher in the samples of the
subgroups with a lower economic status (Cd and Pb in the 3 matrices urine, hair and toenails
respectively of 0.223 µg Cd/L (p<0, 1);0.062 µg Cd/g (p<0.05) and 0.038 µg Cd/g (p<0.01);1.16
µg Pb/L(p<0.05);1.84 µg Pb/ g (p<0.01) and 0.840 µg Pb/g (p<0.01) and Mn in hair and toenails
respectively 0.434 µg Mn/g (p<0.05), 0.689 µg Mn/g (p <0.05). The same trends were observed
for stratification according to geographical area, but the difference was not statistically significant,
except for Pb in urine where participants from central Beirut had significantly lower urinary levels
than the others zones (0.560 µg Pb/L (p<0.01). Very few correlations have been identified between
the sources of drinking water and the concentrations of metals and trace elements in urine, hair
and toenails. However, a correlation was found between As, Cd and Pb levels in hair and toenails
respectively r = 0.4, p<0.05), r = 0.310, p<0.05) and r = 0.270, p<0.1). Overall, the results showed
that the population was exposed to higher concentrations of some metals than other populations, particular attention should be paid to exposure to As, Cd and Pb, Mn and Se. Although water
source did not contribute to the difference in exposure levels, levels of some metals and trace
elements differed by age, sex, smoking status, geographic areas of residence, and economic status.
It might be relevant to extend this type of investigation to a large-scale human biomonitoring
initiative in the Lebanese population in order to validate and generalize the results and to observe
temporal trends over time.
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How Social Consciousness and the Development of Social Responsibility Can Grow Through the Meaning-Making Processes of Collaboration and ArtmakingNelson, Meaghan Brady 24 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Routine Sight Testing And The Management Of Eye Disease By Primary Care Optometrists In England, UKSwystun, Alexander G. January 2021 (has links)
Previous research has reported that inequalities exist in uptake of NHS sight tests in relation to socio-economic status, and that community optometric services have potential to improve system efficiency.
The current research found inequalities in sight test outcome related to socio-economic status and the type of practice that a patient visits (multiple, or independent). Patients attending multiples were more likely to receive a ‘new or changed prescription’ relative to ‘no prescription’ compared to patients that attended independent opticians (36-71% more likely). Those living in the least deprived areas were also less likely to receive a new prescription (1-12%) and those aged <16 years were less likely to be referred (9%). The study examining the need for a Minor Eye Condition Service in Leeds and Bradford found it would produce theoretical cost savings, whilst maintaining high patient satisfaction. Subsequently, a MECS was commissioned in Bradford. The study attempting to collect data from MECS across all areas of England found that data is not routinely collected, or shared. The limited data available typically showed that 73-83% of patients were retained in optometric practice with 12-18% receiving a hospital referral. A prospective evaluation of a COVID urgent eye care service found that teleconsultations frequently did not resolve patients’ eye problems (27%). These telephone consultations failed to detect some serious conditions such as scleritis, wet macular degeneration, retinal detachment.
The results from the thesis support the view that the current method of delivering eye care in England is contrary to the public health interest.
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Whether you think you can, or you can’t - it’s true. / Locus of control in status reproductionBohmann, Sandra 26 October 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Relevanz von Kontrollüberzeugungen in der intergenerationalen Transmission von sozialem Status. Motiviert ist die Arbeit von der Frage nach der Möglichkeit Chancengerechtigkeit durch die Verringerung herkunftsbedingter Unterschiede in Kontrollüberzeugungen zu erhöhen.
Nach einer Einführung des zentralen Konstruktes werden im theoretischen Teil durch die Zusammenführung soziologischer und sozialpsychologischer Theorien potentielle Transmissionsmechanismen erörtert. Der empirische Teil prüft den postulierten Transmissionskanal anhand längsschnittlicher Daten. Um die Möglichkeit der Verringerung herkunftsbedingter Unterschiede in Kontrollüberzeugungen abzuschätzen wurde mit Hilfe von Zwillingsdaten und einer randomisiert kontrollierten Interventionsstudie untersucht wie stark Kontrollüberzeugung genetisch determiniert sind beziehungsweise von sozialen Faktoren innerhalb und außerhalb des familiären Kontextes beeinflusst werden.
Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Kontrollüberzeugungen den Einfluss des Herkunftsstatus auf den eigenen Status teilweise mediieren. In Übereinstimmung mit bisherigen Studien weisen die Ergebnisse der Zwillingsstudien darauf hin, dass Kontrollüberzeugungen in hohem sozial determiniert sind. Die Interventionsstudie indiziert ,dass Kontrollüberzeugungen gezielt verändert werden können. Im konkreten Fall konnten externe, fatalistische Kontrollüberzeugungen durch ein Mentoringprogramm verringert werden.
Abschließend wird die gesellschaftliche Norm zur Internalität kritisch betrachtet. Sowohl internale als auch externale Kontrollüberzeugungen können adaptiv sein, sofern sie auf realistischen Einschätzungen der tatsächlich vorhandenen Kontrollmöglichkeiten basieren. Die Grenzen der tatsächlich vorhanden Kontrollmöglichkeiten zu erforschen und zu benennen wird als wichtiges Ziel soziologischer Forschung in diesem Bereich herausgestellt. / This dissertation aims to assess the role of locus of control (LoC) in the intergenerational transmission of social status as well as the potential to raise fair equality of opportunity by reducing the social gradient in LoC. After the core concept of locus of control is introduced, the theoretical part explicates the mechanisms through which social status is likely to be reproduced via LoC across generations.
Structural equation modeling is used to assess the substantive importance of LoC in the intergenerational reproduction of social status using data from the British Cohort Study 1970. The evidence suggests that LoC partly mediates the influence of parents’ status on own status attainment: Children from low-SES households are less likely to be endowed with the type of LoC that benefits status attainment later in life. Hence LoC is a potential lever for reducing intergenerational status persistence. As the potency of this lever depends on the degree to which LoC is socially formed rather than genetically determined another aim was to provide evidence on the contribution of genetic inheritance and different social actors at different points in the life-span. Towards this end, information from a multi-cohort twin study and a randomized controlled intervention study were analyzed. The evidence suggests that extra-familial influences become more important in determining locus of control across age, and that a low-intensity mentoring program can reduce fatalistic LoC in low-status children, but not their overall locus of control. The overall discussion reflects upon a general social norm of internality. It is argued that internality and externality are functional if they are based on a realistic assessment of the boundaries of control. Providing empirical evidence for these boundaries is endorsed as an important goal for social scientific research.
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Cultural factors and academic achievement of secondary school female learnersMasiyazi-Ngorima, Frederick Mateu Chinemwi 25 August 2009 (has links)
The aim of this quantitative study was to determine whether there were significant relationships between cultural factors and academic achievement of secondary school female learners in the Chimanimani district of Manicaland in Zimbabwe. According to literature, home environment variables, school environment variables and learner variables influence academic achievement of learners. The home environment includes family's expectations, the family's socio-economic status, exposure to role models and child-rearing practices. The school environment includes teacher's attitudes and the curriculum. Learner variables encompass self-concept, gender role concepts as well as the learner's attitude and aspirations.
The empirical research found significant correlations between all cultural factors and academic achievement, particularly in English and at times in mathematics. These correlations were low but positive. The investigation also revealed that diverse age groups did not differ significantly in academic achievement in mathematics or in English. However, females from diverse socio-economic backgrounds differed significantly in their academic achievements. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed.(Psychology of Education)
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Parental involvement in primary schools : a case study of the Zaka district of ZimbabweChindanya, Andrew 10 1900 (has links)
There is compelling evidence that parental involvement positively influences children’s academic achievement. Its benefits occur across all socio-economic classes. In spite of its significance, parental involvement has received scant attention in Zimbabwe. This qualitative study sought to establish how parents in a materially poor rural district of Zimbabwe were involved in their children’s education. Barriers to their involvement were investigated with the view to overcoming or mitigating them for the benefit of the affected primary school pupils. The attribution theory was used not only to substantially explain the status of parental involvement in Zaka District, but also to generate strategies to promote parents’ participation in their children’s school education. Observation, semi-structured interviews (for school heads), focus group interviews (for parents) and the open-ended questionnaire (for teachers) were used in this qualitative study covering ten primary schools. Respondents were selected through the use of chain reference sampling and sampling by case. A total of one hundred and forty (140) participants were selected. It emerged from the research that parents, teachers and school heads/principals had very limited understanding of parental involvement. They generally thought that it was confined to activities done at school such as payment of school fees and levies, providing labour for the construction or renovation of school buildings and providing teaching/learning resources. Most teachers, school heads/principals and parents believed that parents were too poor and too lowly educated to meaningfully be involved in their children’s education. However, there were a few parents who believed that their socio-economic status did not prevent them from participating in their children’s education. They actually indicated useful ways in which they could be involved. The research also revealed that parents, school teachers and school heads/principals made wrong attributions about themselves and each other in connection with limited parental involvement in their schools. Both school staff and parents, after identifying barriers to involvement, were willing to learn about how they could overcome or mitigate the barriers. They believed that the challenges they were facing regarding parental involvement were capable of resolution. / Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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An investigation of factors responsible for the dropout rates at Gert Sibande FET CollegeMasemola, Tebogo Percians Portia 06 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the factors that are responsible for student dropout rates at Gert Sibande FET College. A random sampling method was used to select participants for this study. A quantitative approach was used in this study. Accordingly, data were collected using a questionnaire designed in a Likert scale format. The study was limited to students at Gert Sibande FET College’s two campuses, namely, Evander and Sibanesetfu. Subsequently, the findings revealed that socio-economic factors, institutional policies and funding strongly explain the prevalent dropout rates at these two campuses. It is recommended that, adoption of student centred funding model, cultivation of relationships between lecturers and students as well as restructuring learning schedules be factored in during policy development. The findings confirmed that these recommendations would help reverse continuous dropouts currently experienced at Gert Sibande FET College. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Home factors related to poor academic performance in North West primary schoolsMonyela, Esther Diboaneng 11 1900 (has links)
A literature and an empirical study were undertaken to investigate home factors affecting the
academic performance of a group of learners in three primary schools in the Brits district.
From the literature it became evident that the early years of an individual's life are critical for
development, especially cognitive development. Parents, as a child's primary educators have an
important role to play in their child's cognitive development. By establishing a
challenging and stimulating environment in which the child is exposed to a variety of
experiences, the parents can enhance their child's cognitive development and by implication
his/her later academic performance. Various other factors such as parental involvement,
expectations, parenting style and home background were found to affect a child's academic
In the empirical study a group of academic achievers and underachievers were compared with regards
to early cognitive stimulation received, degree of parental involvement and the quality of
their homes. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)
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Absenteeism, an indicator of the health status of school children in the middle schools of the Molopo region in the North-West ProvinceHlonipho, Maria Molebogeng 01 1900 (has links)
Health related absenteeism was identified as a problem in the schools in the
Molopo region, needing a multi-disciplinary approach which included the
A conceptual framework on absenteeism was used as a guideline for the
descriptive research design. Using a convenience sampling technique 426 absentees,
22 teachers and 2 school nurses filled in three separate questionnaires in
ten schools selected to determine the extent of absenteeism due to health related
and other problems, the control measures taken and the awareness of school
Health problems were identified as the main reasons for absenteeism. Inadequate
communication between the schools and parents as well as lack of guidelines on
the control of absenteeism, were other problems identified.
Recommendations made related to the provision of school health services that
promote the health status of the pupils based on Primary Health Care principles,
parental involvement in school health matters and the formulation of policies
aimed at controlling absenteeism in schools. / Health Sciences / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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An investigation of parenthood policy among student parents in a Kenyan public university : a socio-educational perspectiveMwangi-Chemnjor, Charity 06 1900 (has links)
This research is set within the context of the Kenyan Public Universities, where with
the changing student population dynamics, students are increasingly choosing to
combine parenting with studies. Many of these student parents both male and
female have had to negotiate the academic requirements as well as the burden of
parenthood. Such a study is important at this time of privatization and liberalization
of higher education in order to open up public discourse on the provision of higher
education and the effect on the socio-economic status of the students. Using
qualitative research analysis based on socio-educational, socio cultural as well as
socio-economic status (SES), a study was designed and conducted with the question
posed: What are the socio-educational approaches of public universities with respect
to student parents. Eighteen (18) interviews of ten (10) university officials and eight
(8) student parents formed the research sample. Qualitative research questions
were prepared in an in-depth interview guide and a focus group questioning route.
Data revealed that there are students both male and female who are actively
parenting in the public university and that they face role conflict and financial
challenges which impacts on retention and completion rates of students in the public
university. The research argues that there is need to create awareness of socioeconomic
status (SES) in the university approach to inclusiveness of all students as
well as student parents. Recommendations based on this study should be helpful as
guidelines for a model on guidance for student parents as well as documentation of a
clear policy on approaches or support for student parenthood in the public university. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)
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