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Perspective of risk in childbirth, women’s expressed wishes for mode of delivery and how they actually give birthKringeland, Tone January 2009 (has links)
Aims: The main aim of this thesis was to study a perspective of women`s expressed wishes for mode of delivery and how they actually give birth. Additional aims were to examine the notion of risk applied to childbirth, to examine what characterizes women who want to give birth as naturally as possible without painkillers or intervention and the characteristics of women who would, if possible, choose to have a cesarean section. Material and methods: The notion of risk was examined in an essay. Self-rating instruments were completed by 55,858 MoBa participants during week 30 of their pregnancy and available from The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) by April, 2007. Individually reported information on socioeconomic factors, lifestyle factors, feelings related to childbirth, factors concerning psychosocial health, physical, psychological and sexual harassment and information on satisfaction with antenatal care health services were collected from a MoBa questionnaire. Data on the mother’s age, parity, physical health before and during the pregnancy, previous cesarean sections and actual mode of delivery were collected through a linkage to the The Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Findings: General perspectives on risk differ depending on both the person and the profession. More and more childbearing women are in danger of being considered deficient and in the danger zone. Figures on risk are not objective values, and the association between risk and security is socially and culturally determined. Personal symbols can be basic assumptions about the life one leads, and the childbearing woman has preferences of her own. Interest in natural childbirth was expressed by 72 percent and a wish for caesarean section was expressed by ten percent of the women. Positive experience from previous childbirths, first birth or third or later birth, no dread of giving birth, and reporting positive intra-psychic phenomena are significantly associated with the wish for natural birth. Negative experiences from previous childbirths and fear of giving birth are two of the strongest factors associated with a wish for a caesarean section.Overall, 47 percent of the women who wanted ”as natural a birth as possible” had their preference fulfilled. The figures differed largely for primiparas and multiparas; the risk of acute caesarean sections was high among primiparas and the effects of the predictors of natural birth were stronger for primiparas than for multiparas. Conclusions:The factors that influence the chance of having a natural birth are different for primiparas and multiparas. The high rate of non-natural births among first time mothers who actually want to have a vaginal birth without interventions should call attention to the increasing incidence of cesarean section in Norway. The chance of actually having a natural birth for women with a preference for a natural birth is much larger for multiparas. Negative experiences from previous childbirths and cesarean section are, however, important factors associated with non-natural birth and should be taken into consideration in public health / Mål: Det overordna målet for denne avhandlingen var å studere perspektiv omkring hvordan kvinner uttrykker at de ønsker å føde og hvordan de faktisk føder. I tillegg var målet å undersøke risikobegrepet anvendt innen fødselsomsorg, undersøke hva som karakteriserer kvinner som ønsker å føde så naturlig som mulig uten smertestillende eller intervensjon og undersøke hva som karakteriserer kvinner som ville valgt å ta keisersnitt dersom det var mulig. Materiell og metode: Avhandlingen inkludere fire artikler. Risikobegrepet drøftes i første artikkel som er et essay. De 3 andre inkluderer data fra Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen. Data fra 55,858 MoBa informanter var ferdigregistrert april 2007 og omfatter individuell informasjon om sosioøkonomiske faktorer, livsstilsfaktorer, følelser/opplevelser relatert til fødsel, faktorer som omhandler psykososial helse, fysiske, psykiske og seksuelle overgrep og informasjon om tilfredshet med offentlig svangerskapsomsorg. Tidligere keisersnitt og hvordan kvinnene faktisk fødte i dette svangerskapet ble hentet fra en link til Medisinsk Fødselsregister. Funn: Generelt perspektiv på risiko er forskjellig, avhengig av både person og profesjon. Stadig flere gravid/fødekvinner står i fare for å bli betraktet som utsatte/mangelfulle og i faresonen. Kalkulasjoner av risiko er ikke objektive verdier og assosiasjonen mellom risiko og sikkerhet er sosialt og kulturelt bestemt. Subjektive symbol kan være grunnleggende antagelser/forståelser i forhold til det livet en lever og blivende mødre har sine egne preferanser. Syttito prosent av kvinnene uttrykte ønske om å føde så naturlig som mulig og ti prosent av kvinnene ønsket å ta keisersnitt. Positive erfaringer fra tidligere fødsler, det å være førstegangsfødende eller ha født mer en ett barn tidligere, ikke være redd for å føde, samt å rapportere positivt i forhold til intrapsykiske fenomen, er signifikant assosiert med ønske om å føde så naturlig som mulig. Negative erfaringer fra tidligere fødsler og redsel for å føde er de to faktorene som er sterkest assosiert med ønske om keisersnitt. Samlet sett fikk 47 prosent av de kvinnene som ønsket så naturlig fødsel som mulig, oppfylt ønskene sine. Resultatet var svært ulikt mellom førstegangsfødende og fleregangsfødende; risikoen for akutt keisersnitt var høg blant førstegangsfødende og effekten av prediktorene for naturlig fødsel var sterkere i forhold til førstegangsfødende enn for fleregangsfødende. Konklusjon: Faktorene som influerer sjansen til å føde så naturlig som mulig er ulike for førstegangsfødende og for fleregangsfødende. Den høge tallet på fødsler med intervensjon hos førstegangsfødende som egentlig ønsker å føde vaginalt uten intervensjon burde fått større oppmerksomhet. Dette bør også sees i sammenheng med en stadig økende innsidens for keisersnitt i Norge. Muligheten for å få en så naturlig fødsel som mulig er mye større for fleregangsfødende. Negative erfaringer fra tidligere fødsler og tidligere keisersnitt er, likevel, viktige faktorer assosiert med ikke-naturlig fødsel og bør reflekteres over/tas i betraktning i et folkehelseperspektiv.
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Porovnání mapových dovedností žáků v Česku a na Slovensku / Comparison of map skills of students in Czechia and SlovakiaKačo, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the extent of the acquired map skills of pupils in Slovak primary and secondary schools in three age categories (11, 15 and 18 years old); and then to compare the results with similar research conducted in the Czechia. The individual characteristics such as age, gender, and mark are taken into account whilst evaluating the results. These affected the overall performance of students in the test of their map skills. The thesis is firstly describing theoretical views of skills and then describes specific pupils' map skills. Then it characterizes curricular documents of Slovakia and compares them with curricular documents of the Czechia. Furthermore, it also concentrates on results of content analysis of map skills contained in the Slovak and Czech curricular documents, embodiments Hanus (2012). The following section specifies the didactic test of map skills and is dedicated to the analysis of respondents. The research part of the thesis has research sample which is evaluated from a number of indicators such as gender, age, grade, popularity of the subject of Geography, and the type of school attended. The practical part describes the use of a statistical model to verify the data collected. Moreover, it also interprets the results and compares the results from...
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Die Abhängigkeit der Patientenzufriedenheit vom Ausbildungsstand der prämedizierenden Anästhesiologen. Eine prospektive Patientenbefragung im Bereich einer universitären Prämedikationsambulanz.Reuter, Ulrike 01 November 2016 (has links)
Patientenzufriedenheit spielt eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle im Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen. Die ärztliche Empathie gilt dabei als ein wesentliches Element, um eine hohe Patientenzufriedenheit zu generieren. Vor dem Hintergrund abnehmender ärztlicher Empathie während der Aus- und Weiterbildung wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht, inwieweit Assistenzärzte im Vergleich zu Fachärzten die Patientenzufriedenheit in einer anästhesiologischen Prämedikationsambulanz beeinflussen. In einem prospektiv-beobachtendem Studiendesign wurden die Zufriedenheit der Patienten, deren demografische und medizinische Daten, deren vorhandene Vorinformationen sowie organisatorische und logistische Faktoren mithilfe eines selbst erstellten ZUF-8 adaptierten Fragebogens erhoben und anhand des Ausbildungsstandes des prämedizierenden Arztes der Assistenz- oder Facharztgruppe zugeteilt. Dabei zeigten sich Gesamtzufriedenheitswerte auf durchgehend hohem bis sehr hohem Niveau. Feine Unterschiede zugunsten der Assistenzärzte wurden in den Items Gesprächsqualität, Allgemeinzufriedenheit und Freundlichkeit gefunden. Im Bereich der organisatorischen und logistischen Faktoren ergaben sich u.a. länger empfundene Wartezeiten bei den Assistenzärzten. Abschließend macht diese Arbeit deutlich, dass Assistenzärzte im Vergleich zu Fachärzten trotz abnehmender ärztlicher Empathie eine gleichweg hohe Patientenzufriedenheit generieren können. Eine Verbesserung der organisatorischen Abläufe könnte eine weitere Optimierung der Patientenzufriedenheit versprechen.
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Socioeconomic, Demographic, Attitudinal and Involvement Factors Associated with Math Achievement in Elementary School.White, Jennifer N. 01 August 2001 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which socioeconomic factors, demographic factors, parent and student attitudes, and parent involvement were associated with math achievement. Students in Grade 5 were selected as the population for this study. Random sampling procedures were used to select the sample. Students in the sample completed a modified version of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scales. Normal Curve Equivalent Scores (NCEs) from the math scales on the TerraNova Standardized Achievement Test were obtained for all students from the individual school records. Parents of the students also participated by answering questions pertaining to their attitudes toward math, their level of involvement in the classroom, and questions that pertained to socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.
The findings from this study suggested that each of the six scales used from the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scales were all significantly associated with the math, computation, and composite scores of the TerraNova Standardized Achievement Test. Family annual income, parents' educational level, and parent involvement were also significantly associated with math achievement. Four of the six attitudinal scales; the Mathematics as a Male Domain, Confidence in Learning Mathematics, Parent, and Mathematics Anxiety Scales, were significantly related to parents' educational level, family's annual income, and gender. Socioeconomic and attitudinal factors were the most powerful predictors of math achievment, while gender and parent involvement were not strong predictors.
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Double-Sealing Recycled Paper Parcels in Sustainable Marketing & Consumer Decision-Making Factors. : The case Study of PostNord Logistics and Customers.Kebede, Abel, Shafique, Zunair January 2023 (has links)
Abstract: - This Master’s Thesis explains the relevancy of sustainable marketing, sustainability, e-commerce, circular economy of recycled paper packaging in the correlation of consumer perception, consumer decision making factors towards recycling and sustainability benefits. Although the paper discusses sustainable marketing in a circular economy aspect potential in regards to recycled paper parcels, the research will mainly focus on the postal carrier company named PostNord based in Nordic countries; the paper will emphasise how the double-sealing recycled paper could increase the number of customers and sustainability ofthe company and consumer perception towards these type of packaging as a parcel. The concept of Sustainability Marketing and Consumer Behaviour has been around for awhile. Since its emergence in the 1980s, the idea has evolved. Much research has been done regarding sustainability marketing, also known as green marketing. As the world is becoming environmentally polluted, many industries propagate it, and consumers need more sustainable products and services. Due to this reason and other respective consumer needs, companiesfrom the manufacturing and service industry have made a strategy to implement short andlong-term to become sustainable companies by becoming carbon-free. Accordingly, postal carrier companies worldwide have developed various sustainable marketing strategies and technological tools to reduce carbon emissions. They simultaneously promote sustainability marketing based on consumer behaviour and perception. The research paper mainly focuses on sustainable marketing, sustainable marketing in the circular economy, and consumer perception and factors affecting consumers’ purchase intention regarding the broad applicability and benefits of double-sealing recycled paperparcels for packaging in the postal service industry. For this particular Master’s thesis paper, the research has taken PostNord as a case study and developed an alternative sustainablemarketing and consumer perspective concerning: Circular economy through the use of recycled paper parcels, organisational resource utilisation, increased current & new customer,consumer perception towards recycled paper parcels, Consumer purchase intention towardsRecycled paper parcels & E-commerce with packaging. The research paper is developed and has referred to various scholarly articles such as Escursell (2021), Kotler (2012) and several other scholars, including yearly sustainability reports of PostNord. The annual sustainability reports of PostNord have mainly focused on increasing its sustainability through technological tools, transportation systems, service and customer relations. This research paper is developed through a cross sectional research method study provided that PostNord is the case study related to using double-sealing recycled paper parcels as an alternative product to its current and potential consumers while increasing their sustainability.
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An evaluation of an instructor-led and self-managed computer software training courseFalkenberg, Ryan James 11 1900 (has links)
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of an instructor-led and a self-managed computer
training course. A sample of forty nine (n=49) previously disadvantaged South African adult
learners was used. Half the sample was randomly assigned to the instructor-led course, while the
other half was assigned to the self-managed course.
Data dealing with the course content and design, subject demographics, previous computer
experience, preferred learning style, and learning potential was collected prior to each course.
After the course, the ability to create key outcomes using the learned software was assessed, as
well as subject perceptions of the course and various support and performance system factors. The
results showed that there was no significant difference between the performance on the
competence assessment of the students from the two groups. The data did, however, indicate a
stronger preference for the self-managed approach. A number of limitations to the study were also
noted. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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台灣與世界各國生育率的比較 / A Study of Fertility Comparison of Taiwan to Other Countries朱伯長, Chu, Bo-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區生育率逐年下降,從1985年起總生育率即低於替代水準2.1;近幾年更快速下降,2005年降至空前的1.12,僅有1960年的1/6。為瞭解台灣地區生育率的未來趨勢,本文研究婦女生育年齡、勞動參與率、教育程度及胎次生育率,與世界各國比較,以分析生育率的變化。我們發現近年台灣、日本及法國各年齡組對生育率的貢獻幾乎相同,但法國的總生育率卻有2的水準。比較台灣地區大專以上及高中以下教育程度的婦女,兩者的生育情況在早期是有所差別的,但近年兩者的生育行為非常接近;大學以上及高中以下的婦女生育率均同時降低,生育率的下降似乎和婦女教育程度關係不大。除了以年齡別的角度進行分析,本文也在胎次別生育率的研究上探討及驗證過去的模型與理論,提出模型以修正Feeney的胎次進級模型,從台灣地區資料的計算結果來比較,兩者相差不大,建議在資料允許的情況下可以使用我們提出的計算方法。 / The fertility rates in Taiwan decline rapidly. The total fertility rate has been lower than the replacement level 2.1 since 1985 and it reached to 1.12, the historical low in 2005, only 1/6 of which in 1960. In order to explore the fertility trend in Taiwan, several variables were used to compare with countries in the world, including women fertility rate by age groups, female labor force participation rate, fertility of women with different educational attainments and fertility rate by birth order. We found that Taiwan, Japan and France share a similar fertility pattern, unlike in the U.S., while the young female groups still have significant contribution on fertility.
For the variable of highest education attained, the group of senior high school and below have higher fertility before 1970’s comparing to that of education with college and higher. However, the gap narrowed down in recent years. Also, for the fertility rates by birth order, we proposed a new model estimation for the parity progression model. We found that the results of proposed method are almost identical to those of the original method, but the computation is much easier.
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MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN AND LEVEL OF EDUCATIONA : Cross-Sectional Study from Ullensaker, Norway / Muskelsmerter og utdanningsnivå : En tverrsnittsstudie fra Ullensaker i NorgeLal, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
This cross-sectional postal survey explores the relationship between musculoskeletal painand level of education in Ullensaker municipality. We used a Standard Nordic Questionnaire(SNQ) to register self-reported musculoskeletal pain in 3325 persons in 2004 (participationrate 55 %). We registered educational level and a series of other demographic and life-stylevariables as well as functional ability and subjective health complaints. We found in thisstudy that educational level and musculoskeletal pain is associated. People with loweducational levels are prone to have more musculoskeletal pain than persons with highereducation. When it comes to musculoskeletal pain that is limiting persons in their daily tasksthe difference is even larger between persons with low educational level and persons withhigher education / I en postal tverrsnittstudie har vi undersøkt forholdet mellom muskelsmerter ogutdanningsnivå i Ullensaker kommune. Vi brukte et standardisert spørreskjema ommuskelsmerter (også kalt Ørebro-skjemaet) og fikk svar fra 3325 personer (svarprosent55%). Vi registrerte utdanningsnivå og en rekke andre demografiske- og livsstilsvariablesamt funksjonsevne og subjektive helseplager. Vi fant i denne studien ensammenheng mellom utdanningsnivå og muskelsmerter. Personer med lavtutdanningsnivå har mer muskelsmerter enn personer med høyere utdanning. Når detgjelder å bli hindret i sine daglige aktiviteter av smertene er forskjellene enda størremellom de med lav utdanning og de med høy utdanning / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-43-6</p>
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An evaluation of an instructor-led and self-managed computer software training courseFalkenberg, Ryan James 11 1900 (has links)
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of an instructor-led and a self-managed computer
training course. A sample of forty nine (n=49) previously disadvantaged South African adult
learners was used. Half the sample was randomly assigned to the instructor-led course, while the
other half was assigned to the self-managed course.
Data dealing with the course content and design, subject demographics, previous computer
experience, preferred learning style, and learning potential was collected prior to each course.
After the course, the ability to create key outcomes using the learned software was assessed, as
well as subject perceptions of the course and various support and performance system factors. The
results showed that there was no significant difference between the performance on the
competence assessment of the students from the two groups. The data did, however, indicate a
stronger preference for the self-managed approach. A number of limitations to the study were also
noted. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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Modelling Factors Affecting Academic Performance in Swedish Schools with Multiple Linear Regression / Modellering av faktorer som påverkar studieresultat i svenska skolor med multipel linjär regressionBreivold, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines factors affecting the academic performance in Swedish schools. Specifically, the average qualification point among ninth grade students in schools in Stockholm municipality during the academic year 2021-2022 are studied. Multiple linear regression is used to identify individual, social, and school specific factors which have a significant impact on the average qualification point in schools. The purpose is to identify factors affecting the academic performance, and by that contribute to the knowledge base constituting the foundation for the work to improve the academic performance and provide equal opportunities for all students. The Swedish grading system, previous research on factors affecting students' performance, and the Swedish school in a societal perspective are also discussed. The findings indicate that the background of the students, the parents' level of education, and the number of students per teacher are good predictors for academic performance. / Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker faktorer som påverkar studieresultatet i svenska skolor. Specifikt studeras det genomsnittliga betyget bland elever i årskurs nio i Stockholms kommuns skolor under läsåret 2021-2022. Multipel linjär regression används för att identifiera individfaktorer, sociala faktorer och skolspecifika faktorer som har en signifikant inverkan på skolors genomsnittliga betyg. Syftet är att identifiera faktorer som påverkar studieresultatet och därmed bidra till kunskapsbasen som utgör grunden för arbetet med att förbättra studieresultat och tillhandahålla lika möjligheter för alla elever. Det svenska betygssystemet, tidigare forskning kring faktorer som påverkar elevers studieprestation samt den svenska skolan i ett samhälleligt perspektiv diskuteras också. Resultatet tyder på att elevernas bakgrund, föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå och antalet elever per lärare är bra prediktorer för akademisk prestation.
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