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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'utilisation des simulateurs dans l'enseignement technique et professionnel au Gabon : cas des filières maintenance des systèmes motorisés

Ndoumatseyi Botongoye, Landry 26 October 2012 (has links)
Le développement de l'usage de simulateurs dans les formations techniques et professionnelles tend, pour des raisons économiques et de modernité, à se généraliser. Cette tendance est perceptible dans les établissements gabonais sans que l'on puisse savoir si cette introduction est justifiée, que l'on considère le point de vue didactique - qu'est-ce que leur introduction modifie dans le rapport au savoir ? – ou du point de vue de l'enseignement – qu'est-ce que cela modifie dans les pratiques des enseignants ? – ou encore du point de vue des élèves – quel impact ont-ils sur les apprentissages ? La thèse présentée vise à comprendre les conditions de légitimation de cet usage dans la formation des élèves de la filière maintenance des systèmes motorisés et dans quelles logiques de formation ils s'inscrivent. Paradoxalement, les résultats montrent que, d'une part, les simulateurs pallient dans une certaine mesure les déficits chroniques d'équipement des établissements gabonais. Mais, d'autre part, ces résultats soulignent toute l'ambiguïté que leur usage véhicule. En effet, cet usage impacte le processus d'enseignement apprentissage qui se déconnecte des besoins de formation. Pour les enseignants, les simulateurs ne sont que peu utilisés lorsqu'ils existent alors que ceux qui n'en ont pas ont tendance à leur prêter de nombreuses vertus pédagogiques. Cette tendance se retrouve à peu près à l'identique chez les élèves. / The development of the use of simulators in technical and vocational trainings tends to generalize, for economic and modernity reasons. This tendency is perceptible in the Gabonese schools without one being able to know if this introduction is justified, if we consider the didactic point of view - what does their introduction modify in the report with the knowledge ? - or from the point of view of teaching - what does that modify in the practices of the teachers ? - or from the point of view of the pupils - which impact have do on the learning ? The presented thesis aims at understanding the conditions of legitimation of this use in training of the pupils of the sector of the maintenance of the motorized systems and in which logics of formation they fit. Paradoxically, the results show that, on the one hand, the simulators mitigate to a certain extent the chronic deficits of Gabonese equipment of the vocational schools. But, in addition, these results underline all ambiguity that their use conveys. Indeed, this use impacts the process of teaching-learning which is disconnected from the needs for training. For the teachers, the simulators are little used when they exist whereas those which do not have any tend to lend many teaching virtues to them. This tendency is found about with identical at the pupils. In fact, the only equipment of the establishments is not enough ; it is clear that their introduction must be thought in terms of curricula, of teacher training and of acculturation of the pupils through the development of a technology education in their general education.

Vývoj elementárního školství v okrese Kladno (1869-1918) / The development of the elementary educational system in Kladno district (1869-1918)

Humrová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma work is meant as a historical study and is divided into three chapters. The first one is focused on the elementary development of the educational system in the Czech countries. Except of the description of the beginning of the education and the reform in the 19th century there are also essays about teachers education, school rules and school board. In the enclosure there is decribed in details the goal of the locals and towns schools. The main chapter is devoted to the history of the educational system in Kladno district since the proclamation of the Hasner's law to 1918. The chapter outlines the beginning of the education in our region, the rise of the District School Board in Kladno and it mentions about the activity of the school board and primary describes the particular schools. The third chapter presents the significant pedagogical personalities of the region whose teacher's beginnings are connected with some of the mentioned schools. Keywords The history of the educational system, the Hasner's law, local and town school, the school regional history and personalities.

Plánování školských kapacit ve Středočeském kraji / Planning of school capacity in the Central Bohemia Region

Šornová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Planning of school capacity in the Central Bohemia Region Abstract The objective of this thesis is to show the connection among demographic trends and the development of the educational system in the Central Bohemia Region from a quantitative point of view. This thesis focuses on repletion of school facilities, availability of education at pre-primary and basic levels and the possibility to estimate the basic parameters of the education system in future years. The first part addresses issues of methodology and the education system in general and theoretical level. It focused on the literature and data sources on the subject, describing the educational system in the Czech Republic and the development of educational legislation, explaining the methodology used in the second part of the thesis. The second part deals with specific application to data from the Central Bohemia Region. This section shows the numbers of children in nursery schools, pupils in basic schools and repletion of school facilities found in the districts of the Central Bohemia Region. The spatial distribution of school facilities is shown by proportional symbol technique. Furthermore, differences were found within the districts of Central Bohemia Region in relation to early childhood education by statistic methods. In conclusion the numbers...

Výuka angličtiny ve školách waldorfského typu / English language teaching in Waldorf schools

Kellerová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the methodology of ELT in Waldorf lower secondary schools. The theoretical part focuses on the historical background and the philosophical premises of Waldorf pedagogy, as well as a general outline of this alternative educational approach. The subsequent chapters are dedicated to the anthroposophical concept of language and the Waldorf methodology of teaching both native and foreign languages. The goal of the practical part is to examine the distinctive features of ELT in this type of schools. The research study is based on the evaluation of the data obtained with the qualitative methods of lesson observation, namely in the 6th and the 8th forms, and interviews with the teachers. The thesis contains a survey of the Waldorf pupils' attitude towards English and the sources of their learning motivation.


EDILEIA DE CARVALHO SOUZA ALVES 23 February 2015 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa objetiva contribuir para o debate da emergente política de educação escolar quilombola a partir da trajetória política do quilombo Campinho da Independência - Paraty, RJ na luta por uma educação diferenciada. Nesse sentido, abordaremos o processo de resistência da comunidade enquanto um grupo social negro e rural, com saberes próprios e modos de vida específicos, que busca junto ao espaço escolar a valorização e o reconhecimento de sua cultura quilombola e de seus saberes étnicos. A opção teórico-metodológica utilizada para o desenvolvimento do trabalho de campo foi o estudo de caso aliado à observação participante e a entrevistas. A partir da pesquisa iniciada na referida comunidade, percebe-se que o processo de luta política vivenciada por essa parcela da população aponta dilemas e opções singulares para a reflexão acerca de como essa modalidade de educação tem sido pensada e construída pelos próprios quilombolas, antes mesmo da publicação dos respectivos textos legais. Em suma, compreendemos ser a educação escolar quilombola um projeto que pode ser situado na perspectiva da educação decolonial e o fazemos ao identificar o quanto o processo de luta pelo reconhecimento de seus saberes ancestrais, da epistemologia de sua resistência, das suas especificidades, culturas e modo de vida nos apresentam maneiras e possibilidades de desvio e de desafios às normas dominantes, principalmente quando aponta possibilidades de descolonização da educação escolar. / [en] This research aims to contribute for a debate concerning the new policies for Quilombola school education. This analysis is based on the political path of Quilombo Campinho-Independência-Paraty and its claims for a differentiated education. On these matters, we bring the community s resistance and requirements for recognition of its culture, original knowledge and ethnic values as a countryside black social group. As methods for this fieldwork, we selected case study, participant observation and interviews. As a result, we inferred that this community presents dilemmas and its particular options on reflecting how education has been thought and built by their own members, even before official Laws on this matter. As a conclusion, we bring that Quilombola school education is a project that can be proposed through decolonial education. We identified that recognizing Quilombola s knowledge, culture and ways of living introduces possibilities of defying the dominant settlements, especially when it aims at decolonization into school education.

L’éducation à la sexualité humaine au Liban : avancées et difficultés / Human sex education in Lebanon : progress and challenges

Yammine, Assaad 05 September 2011 (has links)
Après avoir présenté la situation au Liban, les principaux concepts de didactique utilisés puis les différentes méthodologies mises en œuvre, une première série de résultats compare les conceptions d'enseignants libanais et français sur la sexualité et l'éducation à la sexualité (ES), à partir de leurs réponses au questionnaire du projet européen Biohead-Citizen. Les conceptions des enseignants libanais diffèrent très significativement de celles de leurs collègues français, montrant une certaine unité entre eux quelle que soit leur religion, mais corrélées à un grand degré de croyance et de pratique religieuse : moins favorables à l'avortement en toute situation, moins favorables au « safer sex », contre l'introduction de la plupart des thèmes de l'ES aux enfants du primaire et même aux adolescents. L'importance politique des confessions au Liban, y compris dans le système scolaire, nous a amené à recenser les positions des différentes religions sur l'ES : d'une part à partir d'une approche bibliographique sur leurs positions officielles, d'autre part à partir d'interviews de responsables socio-religieux impliqués dans le système éducatif au Liban. Cette seconde série de résultats montre des convergences quant au cadre et la finalité de l'exercice de la sexualité, et quant à la nécessité et la façon de contrôler le système éducatif libanais ; mais elle montre aussi de petites nuances avec des positions catholiques très strictes dans le refus de certains thèmes reliés à l'ES comme la contraception, l'avortement et l'insémination artificielle (les positions musulmanes concernant ces thèmes étant moins rigides). Ces nuances s'étendent à l'ES : l'Islam considère plus le texte religieux comme référence tandis que le Christianisme établit une approche détaillée de l'ES impliquant les parents. Enfin, une troisième série de résultats amorce une analyse de l'état des lieux de la réalité actuelle de l'ES dans les établissements scolaires libanais à partir de trois approches. En conclusion, notre travail permet d'émettre des hypothèses sur plusieurs filtres, freins et obstacles qui s'opposent à l'implémentation de l'ES au Liban. Les résistances de nombreux acteurs du système éducatif libanais (directeurs d'école, corps enseignant, pouvoirs socio-religieux) semblent avoir pour origine la méconnaissance de la nature, de la visée et des conséquences d'une ES / After presenting the situation in Lebanon, the main didactic concepts and the different methodologies implemented, a first set of results compares the conceptions on sexuality and sex education (SE) of Lebanese and French teachers, using their responses to the questionnaire of the European project Biohead-Citizen. Lebanese teachers' conceptions differ very significantly from those of their French colleagues, showing some unity between them regardless of their religion, but correlated to a large degree of belief and religious practice: less favorable to abortion in any situation, less supportive of "safer sex" and against introducing of most of the themes of the SE. The political importance of confessions in Lebanon, including in the school system, led us to identify the positions of different religions on the SE: firstly from a bibliographical approach to their official positions, then from interviews with socioreligious leaders involved in the Lebanese educational system. This second set of results shows convergence on the framework and purpose of teaching human sexuality, and about the need and the way to control the Lebanese education system, but it also shows little nuances with strict Catholic positions in the refusal of some topics related to human sexuality as contraception, abortion and artificial insemination (Muslim positions on these topics are more flexible). These nuances extend to the SE: Islam considers the religious text as the reference for SE while Christianity establishes a detailed approach involving the parents. Finally, a third set of results is revealed by an analysis of the status of the current reality of the SE in Lebanese schools, using three approaches. In conclusion, our work can speculate on several filters, brakes and obstacles to the implementation of the SE in Lebanon. Many actors in the Lebanese education system (school principals, teachers, social and religious authorities) seem to misunderstand the nature, aim and the consequences of SE

Reformas do ensino superior brasileiro e seu impacto nas demandas do Cone Sul: a questão do reconhecimento de diplomas de pós-graduação obtidos na região / Reforms in high education and its impact on the Southern Cone demands: the question of recognition of postgraduate diplomas obtained in the region.

Muniz, Antônio Walber Matias 24 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar os impactos causados no ambiente da integração regional, com a opção feita pelo governo brasileiro de promover reformas na educação superior a partir de 1995. Em vista disso, analisa-se o dilema criado pela dificuldade de qualificar de imediato no Brasil quase 40 mil docentes com a titulação de mestres e doutores, e as repercussões advindas de um modelo de pós-graduação criado em instituições de ensino superior da Argentina e do Paraguai não equiparado ao modelo brasileiro. Como consequência, observam-se os entraves que impedem o reconhecimento pelo Brasil dos diplomas lá obtidos por docentes em busca obrigatória de qualificação. Busca-se, também demonstrar que essas reformas contribuíram para melhorar os níveis de ensino e a qualidade dos docentes na pós-graduação; que há diálogo entre os sistemas de pós-graduação do Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai; que as exigências da CAPES são, em boa parte, equiparadas com as exigências ou critérios utilizados pela CONEAU e ANEAES; e que a questão do reconhecimento de diplomas obtidos em países do cone sul tem gerado discussão em todo o país. A metodologia utilizada assenta-se nas estratégias de investigação: análise bibliográfica e documental e pesquisa de campo. Esta tese classifica-se como pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, centrada na análise das respostas às entrevistas e questionários aplicados com estudantes, professores e autoridades públicas em universidades. As respostas obtidas revelam questões regionais, administrativas, jurídicas e políticas vinculadas ao problema do reconhecimento dos diplomas de pós-graduação em análise. / The aim of this research is to study the impacts on regional integration environment, from the choice made by the Brazilian government to promote reforms in higher education since 1995. From there, the dilemma created by the difficulty to qualify immediately in Brazil almost 40,000 teachers with the titration of masters and doctors, and events resulting from a graduate model created in higher education institutions in Argentina and is analyzed Paraguay, not equivalent to the Brazilian model. As a result, it is observed the barriers to the recognition by Brazil of diplomas Obtained there by teachers in compulsory search for qualification. Specifically, we seek to demonstrate that these reforms helped to improve levels of education and the quality of teachers in graduate school; there is dialogue between graduate systems in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay; that the requirements of CAPES are largely comparable with those requirements or criteria used by CONEAU and ANEAES; and that the question of recognition of diplomas obtained in the Southern Cone countries has generated discussion across the country. The methodology is based on the forms of bibliographic research, documentary and field research. The interviews and questionnaires reveal regional, administrative, legal and political issues linked to the problem of recognition of postgraduate diplomas. This thesis is classified qualitative research, whose analyzes are more dissertational, although not exempt from the explanation of the phenomena and quantitative results, as well as the help of primary sources for its enrichment.

Interfaces da vida loka: Um estudo sobre jovens, tráfico de drogas e violência em São Paulo / Interfaces loka of life: a study on young drug trafficking and violence in Sao Paulo

Paulo Artur Malvasi 29 February 2012 (has links)
O tráfico de drogas é reconhecido pela Saúde Pública como um dos principaisfatores de risco e de vulnerabilidade a que os jovens brasileiros são expostos desde,pelo menos, a década de 1980. Este estudo objetiva descrever e analisar a vidacotidiana de jovens (de 15 a 29 anos) moradores de bairros periféricos de São Paulo,em que há a coincidência entre o comércio varejista de drogas feito em suas ruas,relações comuns de vizinhança e ações combinadas e intensivas das forças derepressão, aliadas às de assistência e às de atenção governamentais. Um bairro nacidade de São Paulo e outro no entorno da capital paulista foram assim identificadose escolhidos para que o estudo fosse realizado. Ao todo vinte e sete jovensparticiparam do estudo baseado no método etnográfico; o pesquisador permaneceudurante dois anos (2009 e 2010) acompanhando o cotidiano dos jovens nos doisbairros por meio da observação participante e da realização de entrevistas emprofundidade. Na pesquisa de campo, o entorno do tráfico de drogas se caracterizoupela justaposição de três instâncias de saber e poder: uma dimensão territorial,simbólica e existencial a quebrada; um ambiente de mercado o tráfico de drogas disparador de práticas e, também, inserido em um marco discursivo o mundodo crime; e um sistema político-estatal voltado para atender adolescentes emconflito com a lei, organizador de discursos e de tecnologias sobre crime e drogas o socioeducativo. O trabalho observa as manifestações do poder na ação de umadiversidade de jovens, no agir reiterado e na linguagem que delineiam os modos devida constituídos nas dobraduras do tráfico de drogas. Estes jovens da periferianavegam em uma dinâmica social complexa, fluida e porosa e, no anonimato doespaço político que ocupam, eles se relacionam com diferentes modos de regulaçãoda vida cotidiana. A vida loka surge no dialeto das quebradas como uma noçãocapaz de unificar a diversidade de experiências dos jovens, demarcando o campo dacomunicação e ação cotidiana entre eles dialeto que baliza as interpretações sobre avida. Nas zonas de contato entre a quebrada, o crime e o socioeducativo desenrolamse relações e dinâmicas, intersticiais, que atuam nos processos de construção dasubjetividade dos jovens e incidem nos problemas de vida e morte que elesenfrentam / Drug trafficking is recognized by the Public Health as one of the main factors of risk and vulnerability that young Brazilians are exposed to, at least since the 1980s. This study aims to describe and analyze the daily lives of young people (15-29 years) living in the urban periphery the poor neighborhoods of Sao Paulo City, where there is coincidence between the retail trade of illicit drugs on their streets next to neighborhood relations, and on the other hand the intensive forces of repression combined with care and attention of the government. A neighborhood in Sao Paulo City and another in a city surrounding the metropolis were thus identified and chosen in order that the study was conducted. Altogether twenty-seven young persons participated in the study based on ethnographic method. The researcher stayed for two years (2009 and 2010) following the daily lives of young people in two poor neighborhoods conducting in-depth interviews with study participants. In the field research, the environment of drug trafficking was characterized by the juxtaposition of three levels of knowledge and power: a territorial dimension, symbolic and existential a quebrada (urban ghetto); a market environment drug trafficking that practices trigger and also inserted in a discursive parameter the criminal world, and a political system designed to meet adolescents offenders, organizer of discourses and technologies of crime and drugs the social-educational system. The paper aims the manifestations of power in the action of a diversity of young people, in the reiterated action and in the language that outline ways of life made in the dobraduras (folds) of the drug trafficking. These youths from the periphery navigate in a complex social dynamic, fluid and porous and, in the anonymity of the (non) political space they occupy, they relate themselves to laws variety from state, from crime, from streets. The vida loka (crazy life) comes from the dialect from quebradas (urban ghettos) as a concept capable of unifying the different experiences of young people, demarcating the field of everyday communication and action between them it targets interpretations of their lifes. In areas of contact between the quebrada (urban ghetto), the crime and socio-educacional unfold relationships and dynamics, interstitials, which act in the process of construction of the subjectivity of young people and focus on the problems of life and death that permeates drug trafficking


Mendonça, Lázara Lisboa da Costa 06 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:53:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LAZARA LISBOA DA COSTA MENDONCA.pdf: 6318501 bytes, checksum: f7d701995ac14034c29e5144729183a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-06 / The theme of democratic school management, the subject of this dissertation has been debated by several scholars in the educational field, who investigate the fundamentals, the dynamics and process of implementing of this model in educational systems and institutions. In this work, it is intended to grasp the following problem: which are the instituted and instituting concrete conditions in public schools in the City School System in Goianésia-GO, for the development of democratic school management? As the main aim, it is cited: to analyze the understanding of leaders about the concrete conditions existing in the public schools of the Municipal Education System (MES) in Goianésia-GO, in order to implement democratic management practices that favor the guarantee of the right to social quality education. Other goals were listed to support the achievement of the main objective, namely: a) to map the instruments which govern the management process undertaken in public schools of MES in Goianésia-GO; b) to recogne which space, time and the forms of participation provided to different segments in the decisions regarding the organization and functioning of the school, c) to identify conceptions of leadership with regard to the relationship between the practices of democratic school management and ensuring the right to education. Thus, with this work, it is intended to collaborate with the studies and debates about the systems and the teaching units of municipal school systems have instituted the process of democratic management. The method used was the historical dialectic materialism. It was adopted a qualitative approach to the analysis of official documents and the questionnaire with leaders of MES in Goianésia-GO, as instruments of data collection. The MES in Goianésia-GO develops initiatives facing the democratic management, since it is an ongoing process of gradual implementation of direct elections for choosing school leaders and the establishment of school boards. It is possible, however, to infer based on empirical research, that there is a long way for the consolidation of management practices in the system, considering that they remain in daily school organization, personalist, authoritarian and clientelistic practices that hinder critical and conscious participation of different segments that constitute the definition of its direction, to ensure the right to education of social quality for all. / O tema gestão democrática da escola, objeto desta dissertação, tem sido debatido por vários estudiosos do campo educacional, que investigam os fundamentos, a dinâmica e o processo de implementação desse modelo nos sistemas e nas instituições educacionais. Neste trabalho, pretende-se apreender o seguinte problema: quais são as condições concretas instituídas e instituintes nas escolas públicas do Sistema Municipal de Ensino de Goianésia-GO, para o desenvolvimento da gestão escolar democrática? Como objetivo principal, cita-se: analisar a compreensão dos dirigentes acerca das condições concretas existentes nas escolas públicas do Sistema Municipal de Ensino (SME) de Goianésia-GO, para a implementação de práticas de gestão democrática que favoreçam a garantia do direito à educação de qualidade social. Outros objetivos foram elencados a fim de subsidiar o alcance do objetivo principal, quais sejam: a) mapear os instrumentos que regulam o processo de gestão empreendido nas escolas públicas do SME de Goianésia-GO; b) reconhecer quais os espaços, tempos e as formas de participação assegurados aos diferentes segmentos nas decisões sobre a organização e o funcionamento da escola; c) identificar a concepção dos dirigentes no que se refere à relação entre as práticas de gestão escolar democráticas e a garantia do direito à educação. Desse modo, com este trabalho, pretende-se colaborar com os estudos e debates sobre como os sistemas e as unidades de ensino dos sistemas municipais de ensino têm instituído o processo de gestão democrática. O método utilizado foi o materialismo histórico dialético. Adotou-se a abordagem qualitativa na análise de documentos oficiais e o questionário com dirigentes do SME de Goianésia-GO, como instrumentos de coleta de dados. Na análise e interpretação das informações, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. O SME de Goianésia-GO desenvolve iniciativas voltadas à gestão democrática, visto que está em curso um processo gradual de implantação da eleição direta para escolha de dirigentes escolares e a implantação dos conselhos escolares. Pode-se inferir, porém, com base na pesquisa empírica, que existe um longo caminho à consolidação das práticas de gestão democrática no Sistema, haja vista que permanecem, no cotidiano da organização escolar, práticas personalistas, autoritárias e clientelistas, que dificultam a participação crítica e consciente dos diferentes segmentos que a constituem na definição de seus rumos, no sentido de garantir o direito à educação de qualidade social para todos.

Interfaces da vida loka: Um estudo sobre jovens, tráfico de drogas e violência em São Paulo / Interfaces loka of life: a study on young drug trafficking and violence in Sao Paulo

Malvasi, Paulo Artur 29 February 2012 (has links)
O tráfico de drogas é reconhecido pela Saúde Pública como um dos principaisfatores de risco e de vulnerabilidade a que os jovens brasileiros são expostos desde,pelo menos, a década de 1980. Este estudo objetiva descrever e analisar a vidacotidiana de jovens (de 15 a 29 anos) moradores de bairros periféricos de São Paulo,em que há a coincidência entre o comércio varejista de drogas feito em suas ruas,relações comuns de vizinhança e ações combinadas e intensivas das forças derepressão, aliadas às de assistência e às de atenção governamentais. Um bairro nacidade de São Paulo e outro no entorno da capital paulista foram assim identificadose escolhidos para que o estudo fosse realizado. Ao todo vinte e sete jovensparticiparam do estudo baseado no método etnográfico; o pesquisador permaneceudurante dois anos (2009 e 2010) acompanhando o cotidiano dos jovens nos doisbairros por meio da observação participante e da realização de entrevistas emprofundidade. Na pesquisa de campo, o entorno do tráfico de drogas se caracterizoupela justaposição de três instâncias de saber e poder: uma dimensão territorial,simbólica e existencial a quebrada; um ambiente de mercado o tráfico de drogas disparador de práticas e, também, inserido em um marco discursivo o mundodo crime; e um sistema político-estatal voltado para atender adolescentes emconflito com a lei, organizador de discursos e de tecnologias sobre crime e drogas o socioeducativo. O trabalho observa as manifestações do poder na ação de umadiversidade de jovens, no agir reiterado e na linguagem que delineiam os modos devida constituídos nas dobraduras do tráfico de drogas. Estes jovens da periferianavegam em uma dinâmica social complexa, fluida e porosa e, no anonimato doespaço político que ocupam, eles se relacionam com diferentes modos de regulaçãoda vida cotidiana. A vida loka surge no dialeto das quebradas como uma noçãocapaz de unificar a diversidade de experiências dos jovens, demarcando o campo dacomunicação e ação cotidiana entre eles dialeto que baliza as interpretações sobre avida. Nas zonas de contato entre a quebrada, o crime e o socioeducativo desenrolamse relações e dinâmicas, intersticiais, que atuam nos processos de construção dasubjetividade dos jovens e incidem nos problemas de vida e morte que elesenfrentam / Drug trafficking is recognized by the Public Health as one of the main factors of risk and vulnerability that young Brazilians are exposed to, at least since the 1980s. This study aims to describe and analyze the daily lives of young people (15-29 years) living in the urban periphery the poor neighborhoods of Sao Paulo City, where there is coincidence between the retail trade of illicit drugs on their streets next to neighborhood relations, and on the other hand the intensive forces of repression combined with care and attention of the government. A neighborhood in Sao Paulo City and another in a city surrounding the metropolis were thus identified and chosen in order that the study was conducted. Altogether twenty-seven young persons participated in the study based on ethnographic method. The researcher stayed for two years (2009 and 2010) following the daily lives of young people in two poor neighborhoods conducting in-depth interviews with study participants. In the field research, the environment of drug trafficking was characterized by the juxtaposition of three levels of knowledge and power: a territorial dimension, symbolic and existential a quebrada (urban ghetto); a market environment drug trafficking that practices trigger and also inserted in a discursive parameter the criminal world, and a political system designed to meet adolescents offenders, organizer of discourses and technologies of crime and drugs the social-educational system. The paper aims the manifestations of power in the action of a diversity of young people, in the reiterated action and in the language that outline ways of life made in the dobraduras (folds) of the drug trafficking. These youths from the periphery navigate in a complex social dynamic, fluid and porous and, in the anonymity of the (non) political space they occupy, they relate themselves to laws variety from state, from crime, from streets. The vida loka (crazy life) comes from the dialect from quebradas (urban ghettos) as a concept capable of unifying the different experiences of young people, demarcating the field of everyday communication and action between them it targets interpretations of their lifes. In areas of contact between the quebrada (urban ghetto), the crime and socio-educacional unfold relationships and dynamics, interstitials, which act in the process of construction of the subjectivity of young people and focus on the problems of life and death that permeates drug trafficking

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