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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trendy ve vývoji zahraničních primárních škol / Latest Trends in Primary School Education

Třísková, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on problems which appear to be fundamental in primary school education. The work si centred on reading and readerś literacy in primary school. The work is also focused on issues that seem to be fundamental in European school education and current development of Czech primary school. Subject of this study is to present educational policy and educational system of Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom, which represent three different types of school structure. It provides a more comprehensive view of the current issues of educational policy - fairness in school education, language training, integration of troubled students, integration of immigrants and the position of teacher. The final section contains an analysis of the results of PIRLS in Germany, Sweden, Great Britain and the Czech Republic.

Vers un renouveau de la fonction éducative dans les sociétés postmodernes / Taking innovative approach to educational institution in post-modern societies

Chernyuk, Nataliya 28 June 2014 (has links)
Ce travail part du constat d’une crise persistante de l’institution scolaire française fondée sur le modèle républicain. Dès les années 1970, les sociologues « conflictualistes » ont disséqué et dénoncé les mécanismes qui font de l’école un facteur de reproduction des inégalités sociales. Au fil des gouvernements successifs ont été mises en œuvre de multiples politiques éducatives souvent au détriment de la cohérence et de l’efficacité. Les enjeux de la massification ont également pesé sur l’organisation et l’efficacité de l’école. De multiples indices révèlent une dégradation du climat scolaire ainsi qu’une baisse récurrente des performances scolaires des élèves, ainsi que le montrent notamment les enquêtes du Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA). L’école française, formatée sur les valeurs de la modernité, apparaît aujourd’hui en rupture avec l’environnement sociétal et en perte d’efficacité.Il est proposé une analyse du phénomène à la lumière du paradigme de la postmodernité. L’institution scolaire fonctionne selon un système de valeurs hérité de l’époque moderne, caractérisée par la rationalité et la verticalité, l’individu étant supposé se conformer à un modèle. Ces valeurs, à l’image des institutions républicaines traditionnelles, apparaissent saturées et ne fonctionnent plus. Or, l’époque postmoderne se caractérise par l’émergence d’une topique de l’horizontalité, une nouvelle conception de l’altérité, une éthique de l’instant, une nouvelle conception de l’altérité. On observe également une résurgence d’archaïsmes et des valeurs du sensible. Cet ensemble de phénomènes, caractéristique des tendances à l’œuvre dans les sociétés postmodernes, opère une mutation des mentalités et des représentations, notamment chez les jeunes. En restant imperméable à ce nouvel environnement sociétal, l’institution scolaire républicaine est en discordance avec les individus qu’elle est en charge de former, et de ce fait, se disqualifie, devient inadaptée et « imperformante ».Une mutation pédagogique s’est amorcée au cours du 20ème siècle, grâce aux apports de la psychologie, et en premier lieu du constructivisme, dans le sens d’une meilleure mobilisation des fonctions psychologiques de l’individu en faveur de l’apprentissage. A partir des années 1960, l’évolution de la pédagogie a pu s’appuyer sur les travaux des psychologues humanistes qui ont amélioré la compréhension les mécanismes de la motivation et mis en évidence l’importance de concepts tels que l’estime de soi. Ces concepts ont contribué à une mutation pédagogique, qui s’est par ailleurs appuyée sur les recherches « processus-produits » ainsi que sur les pratiques réflexives d’enseignants. Cependant il apparaît manifestement que les apports de la psychologie et les résultats de ces recherches sont insuffisamment intégrés concrètement dans le processus éducatif en France.En tout état de cause, il demeure que la mutation pédagogique est inachevée tant que l’école ne se met pas au diapason de l’environnement sociétal. Selon le paradigme des théories de Jung appliquées à l’éducation, nous mettons l’accent sur le caractère archétypal de la relation enseignant-élève. Nous soulignons en outre des convergences avec les théories sur l’imaginaire. Nous entendons démontrer que la mise en œuvre appropriée d’une éducation « archétypale », tirant parti de la sensibilité, de l’intuition, de l’empathie et de la mise en résonance constitue un puissant vecteur d’éducation. La voie recherchée est celle de l’initiation de l’élève à la connaissance et à la valorisation de ses potentiels personnels. L’instauration d’une telle relation éducative repose actuellement sur une démarche individuelle de l’enseignant. Elle implique de ce dernier un travail préalable d’auto analyse. En conclusion, l’incorporation de ces concepts dans l’organisation de l’institution éducative... / This research starts from the observation of an ongoing crisis of French educational institution based on the republican model. By the 1970s, the "conflictualists" sociologists have studied and denounced the mechanisms that make the school a factor of the continuation of social inequality. Previous governments have implemented numerous educational policies often at the expense of consistency and efficiency. The challenges of dealing with a massive system and efficiency of the school. There are indications of deterioration in the school climate as well as recurrent lower academic performance of students, as shown by surveys such as Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). French schools based on modern values at odds with the social environment and loss of efficiency.We propose to conduct an analysis of the French schools in the light of the paradigm of postmodernity. French educational institution operates on a system of values inherited from the modern era, characterized by rationality and verticality, (i.e. transfer of knowledge from the top down) the individual is expected to conform to a model. These values, like traditional republican institutions are obsolete and no longer work. However, the postmodern era is characterized by the emergence of a topical horizontality (i.e. learning from your peers and your teacher), a new concept of interpersonal relationships and communication with each other. There is also a resurgence of archaic and sensitive values. These are phenomena characteristic of trends in postmodern societies, influencing attitudes and representations, particularly among young people. Remaining impervious to the new social environment, the Republican school institution is in discordance with the people in which is in charge of training, and thus, becomes inadequate and "unperformant."Pedagogical transformation began in the 20th century, thanks to the contributions of psychology, including constructivism in the sense of a better mobilization of psychological functions of the individual. From the 1960s, the evolution of pedagogy in theory relies on the work of humanist psychologists who have improved the understanding of the mechanisms of motivation and highlighted the importance of concepts such as self-esteem. These concepts have contributed to educational changes, which have supported research on "process-product" and the reflective practices of teachers. However, it clearly appears that the contributions of psychology and the results of these studies are insufficiently integrated practice in the educational process in France.The fact remains that educational change is incomplete as the school is not attuned to the social environment. The paradigm theories of Jung applied to education, focused on the archetypal nature of the teacher-student relationship. In addition, we further stress, convergence with theories of imagination. We intend to demonstrate that the proper implementation of an "archetypal" education, leveraging the sensitivity, intuition, empathy and the “resonance” is a powerful contributor to education. The goal is to seat the connection between student knowledge and enhancement of personal potential. The establishment of such an educational relationship is currently based on an individual approach of the teacher including their own self analysis in order to improve the transfer of knowledge.In conclusion, the incorporation of these concepts in the organization of the educational institution would require a thorough overhaul of the educational process, but also the recruitment and training of teachers.

Les transitions formation-emploi des jeunes professionnels actifs : une contribution à l'analyse de la representation du métier au cours de la transition dans les contextes du Gabon et de la France / The transitions training-employement of the young people active professionals : a contribution to the analysis of the representation of the trade during the transition in the contexts from Gabon and France

Avomo Engo, Bertille 16 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel de mutation, les dispositifs d'insertion professionnelle peuvent aider les jeunes cadres dans leur adaptation aux mutations liées aux pratiques institutionnelles, tout comme l'université a un rôle de facilitateur de l'inclusion des enseignants stagiaires à travers les dispositifs pédagogiques de formation mis en place. Le processus de socialisation et de professionnalisation proposée dans notre recherche sont à rapprocher de la conception de Claude Dubar et de Perez-Roux (1998 ; 2010 ; 2012) pour qui l'identité professionnelle se construit durant une double socialisation anticipatrice (formation) et organisationnelle (insertion) à travers une approche systémique des conduites du sujet évoluant dans différents contextes. Cette identité peut être spécifique de la fonction exercée, notamment celle des enseignants. Dans le cadre d'une double approche comparative et interculturelle, l'objectif de notre recherche propose de prendre en compte ces éléments de professionnalisation à travers un double objectif qui consiste à analyser et à décrire l'évolution du rapport au travail des jeunes cadres durant leur primo insertion professionnelle. Il s'agit également de décrire et d'analyser les dispositifs et pratiques pédagogiques d'enseignement en France et au Gabon avec une attention particulière portée aux difficultés rencontrées et décrites par les apprenants, en vue de renseigner les conditions de construction des dispositifs éducatifs de formation des formateurs dans un contexte culturel donné. L'étude a été réalisée auprès de quatre groupes de population constitués pour la première approche comparative de 60 étudiants français issus de Master 2 professionnel et 34 jeunes cadres qui exercent en France d'un coté. Pour la seconde approche comparative il s'agit de 60 enseignants stagiaires en formation en alternance dans des écoles supérieures de professorat en France (30 sujets) et au Gabon (30 sujets). Le recueil de données s'appuie sur une approche descriptive / quantitative (Questionnaire) complétée par une approche qualitative/ analytique (questions ouvertes ; entretiens semi directifs). Une adaptation des outils de recueil des données pour chaque population a été nécessaire. Les résultats mettent en évidence d'une part l'existence d'un rapport au travail variable et évoluant au cours de la transition formation emploi. En effet, la confrontation à la réalité du monde professionnel explique une diminution du rapport au travail observé au cours de la socialisation organisationnelle chez les jeunes cadres. A travers les entretiens réalisés, il a en effet été facile de déterminer et de comprendre ce qui, au-delà de la satisfaction globale observée due, au fait d'avoir trouvé un premier emploi, amenait les jeunes cadres à développer un rapport au travail moins affirmé que celui des étudiants. Outre la rémunération fortement mentionnée, le besoin de se sentir compris, encouragé et soutenu par son management s'est révélé être un facteur déterminant dans le rapport au travail développé au cours de cette phase critique qu'est « l'entrée au travail ». D'autres part, les résultats confirment le malaise existant au sein des systèmes éducatifs gabonais et français tant au niveau de la perception des stagiaires des pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants qu'au niveau des conditions matérielles d'apprentissage, qu'ils décrivent comme précaires et insuffisants selon les contextes. Les apprenants revendiquent systématiquement une véritable inclusion de l'université (changement des dispositifs). Cependant, l'identité professionnelle enseignante en construction semble fondée sur une détermination et un positivisme qui ne semble pas ébranlée par les réalités du milieu. / In the current changing environment, the employability devices can help young professionals in adapting to the changes related to institutional practices, as the university has a facilitating role in the inclusion of trainee teachers through the educational training systems already in place. The socialization and professionalization process proposed in our research are similar to the design of Claude Dubar and Perez-Roux (1998 ; 2010 ; 2012) to which professional identity is constructed in a double anticipatory socialization (training) and organizational (insertion) through a systemic approach to the subject lines evolving in different contexts. This identity may be specific to the function performed, notably that of teachers. As part of a double comparative and intercultural approach, the objective of our research proposes to consider these elements of professionalization through a dual objective to analyze and describe the evolution in relation to the work of young professionals during their first-professional insertion. It also aims to describe and analyze the pedagogical teaching systems and practices in France and Gabon with particular attention to the difficulties encountered and described by learners, with a view to inquire the educational construction conditions for for the trainers training in a given cultural context.The study was conducted among four population groups constituted for the first comparative approach from 60 French students from Master 2 Professional and 34 young executives exercising in France on the one hand. For the second comparative approach it is linked to 60 teacher trainees in alternating training in colleges of professorship in France (30 subjects) and (30 subjects) in Gabon. Data collection is based on a descriptive / quantitative approach (Questionnaire) completed by qualitative / analytical approach (open questions, semi-structured interviews). An adaptation of the data collection tools for each population was neccessary. The results bring to light  on the one hand the existence a report to flexible working and evolving during the transition between training and employment. Indeed, the confrontation with the reality of the professional world explain a decrease in the report observed at work during the organizational socialization among young professionals. Other hand, the results confirm the existing malaise in Gabonese and French education systems both in terms of the perception of trainees teaching practices at the level of conditions learning material, they describe as inadequate and insecure in different contexts. Learners always claim a real inclusion of the university (change devices). However,  teacher professional identity in construction, seems based on a determination and positivism that does not seem shaken by the realities of the environment.

Production et contrôle qualité dans l'enseignement des langues : quel rôle pour l'inspecteur de français en Algérie? / What role the educational inspector is called to play in the production and the quality control on teaching?

Abbas, Moussa 03 December 2015 (has links)
Après avoir gagné le défi de la scolarisation, le système éducatif algérien est engagé depuis dix ans dans une réforme structurelle et pédagogique pour améliorer la qualité de ses enseignements. L’analyse statistique et qualitative des résultats obtenus à des examens de fin de cycle obligatoire semble indiquer, à l’aune des épreuves, des programmes et des manuels de français, que ce pari n’est pas encore gagné. Dans la dynamique de cette transformation, l’inspecteur pédagogique de français est appelé à jouer un rôle plus décisif dans la production et le contrôle qualité des enseignements.A partir d’une enquête de terrain, qui établit un état des lieux sans complaisance des conditions d’exercice de cette fonction, cette étude propose un nouveau rôle et de nouvelles pistes d’amélioration de la qualité dans ce domaine. / After winning the challenge of schooling, the algerian educational system has been engaged for ten years in structural and teaching method reform to improve the quality of its teaching. The statistical and qualitative analysis of the results obtained at the end of the compulsory cycle exams, with regard to the tests, programs and french textbooks, suggets that this bet isn’t yet won. In the dynamic of this transformation, french educational inspector is called to play a more decisive role in the production and the quality control of teaching.From a field survey that establishes an uncompromising survey of the conditions to exercise this function, this study proposes a new role and new ways for improving quality in this field.

Gestão democrática e gestão financeira: o Programa de Transferência de Recursos Financeiros - PTRF - da cidade de São Paulo de 2006 a 2010 / Democratic management and financial management: the Transfer Program of Financial Resources PTRF of the city of São Paulo from 2006 to 2010

Souza, Nilson Alves de 17 December 2012 (has links)
Em meados de 2005, o governo municipal de São Paulo sancionou a Lei nº 13.991 que criou o Programa de Transferência de Recursos Financeiros (PTRF), que consistia em transferir recursos financeiros do orçamento público por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SME) para as Associações de Pais e Mestres (APM). Essa política atendia o princípio, presente na LDB/96, de estabelecer para as escolas progressivo grau de autonomia de gestão financeira como meio para implementação da gestão democrática. O PTRF foi criado com a justificativa de ser um instrumento de ampliação da autonomia, de descentralização da administração e de participação da comunidade escolar nas tomadas de decisão nas escolas. Partindo do questionamento se o programa de fato fomentou a autonomia das escolas e em que medida criou meios para o fortalecimento da gestão democrática, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar o PTRF da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, no período de 2006 a 2010, buscando atingir dois objetivos específicos: 1) analisar se e como o PTRF pode ser uma forma de incentivo à democratização da gestão escolar e quais as repercussões do programa no cotidiano escolar e sua relação com as tomadas de decisão e 2) analisar os usos dos recursos para viabilizar o projeto político pedagógico e a relação do planejamento pedagógico com o planejamento dos gastos dos recursos. Como fundamentação teórica a pesquisa apoiouse em autores que debatem conceitos de democracia e gestão democrática, principalmente Bobbio (2009), Paro (2002), Coutinho (2000) e Benevides (1994). O estudo, de caráter qualitativo, contou com revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas em três escolas da rede municipal de São Paulo uma creche, uma pré-escola e uma escola de ensino fundamental. O estudo permitiu traçar um panorama do Programa dentro da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo e considerações sobre a implementação do mesmo em escolas da rede. Foi possível constatar que, no período estudado, o Programa não teve grande representação dentro do orçamento da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (menor que 1%), sendo a taxa de crescimento dos recursos financeiros destinados para o programa inferior à taxa de crescimento dos recursos para a educação no município. As análises documentais das escolas e as entrevistas com seus profissionais demonstraram que os recursos descentralizados ajudam no desenvolvimento de suas atividades, mas são insuficientes para atender suas necessidades. Destaca-se ainda que os tramites burocráticos e a insuficiência do quadro de profissionais das escolas são dificultadores para utilização dos recursos. / In the middle of 2005, the city hall of São Paulo signed law 13,991 that established the Transfer Program of Financial Resources (PTRF). This program was to transfer funds from the public budget by the Municipal Secretariat Education to the Parent-Teacher Associations and served the principle present in Education Law (LDB/96), to establish schools for progressive degree of autonomy of financial management as a way to implement democratic management. The PTRF was created as a justification to be an instrument of expansion of autonomy, decentralization of administration and school community participation in decision making in schools. Thus, this research questioned: the program actually promoted the autonomy of schools? And to what extent has created means for strengthening the democratic management? The overall objective was to analyze PTRF of Sao Paulo in the period 2006 to 2010 to examine two specific goals: 1) as the PTRF can be a way to encourage the democratization of school management, its impact and its relationship to decisions in everyday school 2) the uses of resources to enable the teaching plan and its relation with the planning of the expenditures of funds. To achieve these objectives this research consisted of a literature review, document analysis and semi-structured interviews in three public schools in the city of São Paulo (a daycare, a preschool and an elementary school) and relied on authors mainly Bobbio (2009), Paro (2002), Coutinho (2000) and Benevides (1994) as theoretical debate on the concepts of democracy and democratic management. Therefore this research drew a picture of the PTRF City Department of Education of Sao Paulo and made considerations about the scope of PTRF in municipal schools. It was found that in the period studied, the PTRF not had great representation in the budget of the Municipal Education (less than 1%), and the rate of growth of financial resources earmarked for the program was less than the growth rate of financial resources for education in the county and the result of the analysis of school documents and interviews with its employees demonstrated that decentralized financial help in the development of their daily activities, but they are insufficient to meet their needs. In conclusion still stands that bureaucratic procedures and lack of professional staff in schools are obstacles to the use of financial resources.

Financiamento da educação e gestão democrática: um estudo acerca do Conselho do FUNDEF, no âmbito da União. / Education financing and democratic governance: a study on the Council of FUNDEF at the national level.

Gil, I-Juca-Pirama Camargo 20 August 2007 (has links)
As políticas educacionais, no Brasil, vêm buscando alternativas para solucionar questões elementares, como o acesso, para todos, a um ensino de qualidade nas escolas públicas. Uma medida de grande impacto, neste sentido, foi a implantação do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério (FUNDEF), o qual vigorou, em todo o país, entre os anos de 1998 e 2006. Esta tese focalizou sua atenção nos trabalhos do Conselho de Acompanhamento e Controle Social do FUNDEF, no âmbito da União, sendo este um órgão colegiado com a participação de membros do Poder Público e de entidades representativas do setor educacional. Este Conselho foi tomado como uma estrutura de intermediação das relações entre o Estado e a sociedade civil, num contexto em que as formas de participação proporcionadas pela Democracia Representativa, através das eleições, não contemplariam mais todas as expectativas dos cidadãos. Assim, estes buscariam alternativas no sentido de reforçar o seu poder de vigilância sobre as ações dos governantes. Com base nestes pressupostos, e tendo como referências a legislação e a produção científica sobre o assunto, foram analisadas as atas de todas as reuniões realizadas pelo referido Conselho, por serem estes os documentos oficiais disponíveis acerca dos trabalhos do órgão. Pretendeu-se verificar desde questões organizacionais, como a periodicidade das reuniões e a presença dos conselheiros a estas, até aspectos relativos aos conteúdos dos trabalhos empreendidos. Entre estes figurariam o intercâmbio de informações, os debates, suas ações e omissões. Examinaram-se as atribuições do Conselho do FUNDEF, em âmbito da União, tanto através dos aspectos legais quanto por intermédio das atividades desenvolvidas pelo órgão. A este respeito, foram discutidas as lacunas quanto à interpretação, teórica e prática, do que viriam a constituir as funções de acompanhamento, controle social e fiscalização. E, no intuito de melhor se compreender as intervenções deste colegiado, mostrou-se importante considerar também os trabalhos de alguns dos demais atores institucionais com atribuições complementares ou concorrentes. Para isso, investigaram-se as ações de duas estruturas do organograma do Ministério da Educação que atuaram em diversas questões tangentes ao FUNDEF: a chamada \"Equipe do FUNDEF\" e a Câmara de Educação Básica do Conselho Nacional de Educação. / In Brazil, educational policies have been trying to solve basic issues, such as access to quality public education for all. One measure of great impact was the implementation of the Fund for Maintenance and Development of Elementary School and for the Valuing of the Teaching Career ( FUNDEF), in place all over the country between 1998 and 2006. This dissertation focuses on the work of the Council of Accompanying and Social Control of the FUNDEF at the national level. This Council is a collegiate organ with the participation of members of the government and other organizations representative of the educational sector. It was considered a structure of intermediation between the State and the civil society, on the context in which the means of participation in a representative democracy (i.e. free elections) do not contemplate the expectations of the citizens anymore. Therefore, people would look for alternative ways to reinforce their power of vigilance over the actions of the government. Based on these assumptions, and using the legislation and the scientific production about the topic as references, this study analyzes the reports of all the meetings held by the Council, since these are the only documents available about its work. This study looks at both the organizational aspects, such as frequency of the meetings and the presence of the council members in them, as well as aspects related to the contents of their work. Among these are the exchange of information, debates, their concrete actions and omissions. The duties of the Council of FUNDEF were examined at the national level, not only throughout the legal aspects but also the activities developed by the organization. In this matter, this study discusses the lack of practical and theoretical interpretation of what would be the meaning of accompanying, social control and inspection. Also, aiming at better understanding the interventions of this collegiate, this dissertation also considered the work of some of the other institutional actors with complementary or concurrent attribution. For this, the actions of the two bodies of the Ministry of Education that had some relationship with FUNDEF were investigated: the so-called \"Equipe do FUNDEF\" (FUNDEF team) and the chamber of Elementary Education of the National Council of Education.

A inserção de alunos imigrantes africanos negros na rede estadual de ensino na cidade de São Paulo (2014-2016) / The insertion of black immigrant students in the state educational system of São Paulo in São Paulo city (2014-2016)

Rosa, Édina dos Santos 14 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-01-26T11:05:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Édina dos Santos Rosa.pdf: 1550328 bytes, checksum: 0ef2d4ec9bcdaddf36337032c43686dd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-26T11:05:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Édina dos Santos Rosa.pdf: 1550328 bytes, checksum: 0ef2d4ec9bcdaddf36337032c43686dd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo - SEE / This work analyses the insertion of black immigrant students in a secondary school of the state educational system of São Paulo, in São Paulo city, SP, Brazil, among the years of 2014 and 2016. That choice is based on the professional position occupied by the researcher, who works for the same state education system specifically with its racial relations issues. The research aims to describe and evaluate the insertion of those students in the school routine, through identifying the relations among the black African immigrant students, the other students, the teachers, the school administrators and the school staff in general, as well as the relations among cultures in the school environment. To reach those aims, the researcher observed the classes, free times, entrance and leaving of students, how they arrange themselves in the workrooms, the activities realized during the class times and the teacher’s and administrator’s meetings and activities. The purpose was to note in all those situations the presence or absence of actions of discrimination and/or prejudice and of conflicts and barriers directed to the black immigrant students in the scholar environment and routine. It was also analyzed the following documental fonts: documentation from the Centre of Register of the Education Secretary of the State of São Paulo, the document of the pedagogical plan of the school and the laws from union, state and municipal spheres relevant to the insertion of immigrant students and to the racial relations in school. The main authors adopted as theoretical support for this work are the following: Dominique Julia and António V. Frago, for the analysis of the scholar culture; Jacques A. Sayad, Stuart Hall e Pierre Bourdieu, for immigration; Valter Silvério, Nilma L. Gomes e Kabengele Munanga, for racism and racial prejudice. The analysis has shown that the insertion of the black African immigrant students in the secondary school of the state educational system of São Paulo is limited to the right of being registered, that there is no pedagogical politics to assure the proper appreciation of the cultures of immigrants and that the school environment is permeated by discrimination, prejudice and racism, which favors conflictive relations among black immigrant students, non-immigrant students, teachers and school staf / O presente trabalho analisa a inserção de alunos imigrantes africanos negros no Ensino Médio, em uma escola da rede estadual de ensino de São Paulo, na cidade de São Paulo, no período de 2014 a 2016. Tal escolha se justifica pelo envolvimento profissional da pesquisadora com as questões étnico-raciais na Secretaria da Educação do estado. A pesquisa objetiva descrever e avaliar como se estrutura a inserção desses alunos no cotidiano escolar, identificando as relações que se estabelecem entre os alunos imigrantes africanos negros, os outros alunos, os professores, os gestores e os demais funcionários da escola, bem como as relações entre as culturas no ambiente escolar. Para alcançar tais objetivos, foram observadas as aulas, os intervalos, a entrada e saída de alunos, a disposição de alunos em sala de aula e as atividades e reuniões de professores. Em todas estas situações, foram observadas a presença ou não de atitudes discriminatórias e/ou preconceituosas e de conflitos no cotidiano escolar relacionados à presença dos alunos imigrantes africanos negros. Foram ainda analisadas as seguintes fontes documentais: dados do Centro de Matrícula da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, a proposta pedagógica da escola selecionada e a legislação federal, estadual e municipal relacionada ao imigrante e às relações raciais na escola. Os autores que embasam teoricamente este trabalho são: Dominique Julia e Antonio V. Frago, para análise da cultura escolar; Pierre Bourdieu, Jacques A. Sayad e Stuart Hall, para a imigração; Valter Silvério, Nilma L. Gomes e Kabengele Munanga, para o racismo e o preconceito. A análise mostrou que a inserção dos alunos imigrantes africanos negros na rede estadual de ensino no Ensino Médio se realiza apenas no direito à matricula, não existindo uma política pedagógica que garanta a valorização da cultura dos mesmos; a discriminação, o preconceito e o racismo estão presentes no ambiente escolar, gerando conflitos nas relações entre alunos imigrantes, alunos não imigrantes, professores e demais funcionários da escola

Desafios para construção da autonomia dos sistemas municipais de ensino de Catanduva, Lins e Mauá /

Souza, Silvia Cristina de. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Sylvia Simões Bueno / Banca: José Marcelino Rezende Pinto / Banca: José Luiz Guimarães / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal buscar compreender como se deu o processo de organização dos sistemas de ensino municipais de administração petista a partir da análise da experiência de três municípios paulistas. A criação de sistemas de ensino municipais, respaldada pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, apresenta-se como uma nova possibilidade de busca de autonomia municipal, no que tange a gestão do ensino. A prerrogativa pela criação dos sistemas de ensino municipais surgiu concomitante as recentes inovações da área educacional, principalmente àquelas ligadas a descentralização do ensino. Neste sentido, o estudo apresenta uma discussão sobre as políticas públicas de descentralização dos serviços sociais, em especial a educação, bem como uma análise da trajetória da municipalização no Estado de São Paulo, apontando dados e alguns resultados da política imposta. Aborda, ainda, a questão da formulação e implementação de políticas públicas e as relações político-partidárias estabelecidas no processo. Analisa, ainda, a trajetória do Partido dos Trabalhadores enfatizando as concepções de educação, democracia e participação presentes em seu discurso e expressas em sua atuação. Finalmente, analisa a experiência de municipalização e criação de sistemas de ensino dos municípios de Catanduva, Lins e Mauá. / Abstract: This paper has as its main goal try to understand how the local educational system of cities ruled by PT was organized. The research was done in three cities in the state of São Paulo. The creation of local educational systems, supported by the 1988 Federal Constitution and by the National Education Guidelines Law, presents a new possibility in the search of local autonomy when talking about educational system. Its origin is linked to innovations in the educational field such as the education decentralization. Thinking in this way, this paper presents a discussion about the public politics of social work decentralization, specially education, as well an analysis of the course of getting those state schools into local schools in the state of São Paulo, presenting data and some results of the present change. It also deals with the public-politics issues regarding formulation and completion of work. Partido dos Trabalhadores is also studied acoording to its view towards education , democracy and participation. Finally, it presents local evaluation in cities such as Catanduva, Lins and Mauá. / Mestre

Financiamento da educação e gestão democrática: um estudo acerca do Conselho do FUNDEF, no âmbito da União. / Education financing and democratic governance: a study on the Council of FUNDEF at the national level.

I-Juca-Pirama Camargo Gil 20 August 2007 (has links)
As políticas educacionais, no Brasil, vêm buscando alternativas para solucionar questões elementares, como o acesso, para todos, a um ensino de qualidade nas escolas públicas. Uma medida de grande impacto, neste sentido, foi a implantação do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério (FUNDEF), o qual vigorou, em todo o país, entre os anos de 1998 e 2006. Esta tese focalizou sua atenção nos trabalhos do Conselho de Acompanhamento e Controle Social do FUNDEF, no âmbito da União, sendo este um órgão colegiado com a participação de membros do Poder Público e de entidades representativas do setor educacional. Este Conselho foi tomado como uma estrutura de intermediação das relações entre o Estado e a sociedade civil, num contexto em que as formas de participação proporcionadas pela Democracia Representativa, através das eleições, não contemplariam mais todas as expectativas dos cidadãos. Assim, estes buscariam alternativas no sentido de reforçar o seu poder de vigilância sobre as ações dos governantes. Com base nestes pressupostos, e tendo como referências a legislação e a produção científica sobre o assunto, foram analisadas as atas de todas as reuniões realizadas pelo referido Conselho, por serem estes os documentos oficiais disponíveis acerca dos trabalhos do órgão. Pretendeu-se verificar desde questões organizacionais, como a periodicidade das reuniões e a presença dos conselheiros a estas, até aspectos relativos aos conteúdos dos trabalhos empreendidos. Entre estes figurariam o intercâmbio de informações, os debates, suas ações e omissões. Examinaram-se as atribuições do Conselho do FUNDEF, em âmbito da União, tanto através dos aspectos legais quanto por intermédio das atividades desenvolvidas pelo órgão. A este respeito, foram discutidas as lacunas quanto à interpretação, teórica e prática, do que viriam a constituir as funções de acompanhamento, controle social e fiscalização. E, no intuito de melhor se compreender as intervenções deste colegiado, mostrou-se importante considerar também os trabalhos de alguns dos demais atores institucionais com atribuições complementares ou concorrentes. Para isso, investigaram-se as ações de duas estruturas do organograma do Ministério da Educação que atuaram em diversas questões tangentes ao FUNDEF: a chamada \"Equipe do FUNDEF\" e a Câmara de Educação Básica do Conselho Nacional de Educação. / In Brazil, educational policies have been trying to solve basic issues, such as access to quality public education for all. One measure of great impact was the implementation of the Fund for Maintenance and Development of Elementary School and for the Valuing of the Teaching Career ( FUNDEF), in place all over the country between 1998 and 2006. This dissertation focuses on the work of the Council of Accompanying and Social Control of the FUNDEF at the national level. This Council is a collegiate organ with the participation of members of the government and other organizations representative of the educational sector. It was considered a structure of intermediation between the State and the civil society, on the context in which the means of participation in a representative democracy (i.e. free elections) do not contemplate the expectations of the citizens anymore. Therefore, people would look for alternative ways to reinforce their power of vigilance over the actions of the government. Based on these assumptions, and using the legislation and the scientific production about the topic as references, this study analyzes the reports of all the meetings held by the Council, since these are the only documents available about its work. This study looks at both the organizational aspects, such as frequency of the meetings and the presence of the council members in them, as well as aspects related to the contents of their work. Among these are the exchange of information, debates, their concrete actions and omissions. The duties of the Council of FUNDEF were examined at the national level, not only throughout the legal aspects but also the activities developed by the organization. In this matter, this study discusses the lack of practical and theoretical interpretation of what would be the meaning of accompanying, social control and inspection. Also, aiming at better understanding the interventions of this collegiate, this dissertation also considered the work of some of the other institutional actors with complementary or concurrent attribution. For this, the actions of the two bodies of the Ministry of Education that had some relationship with FUNDEF were investigated: the so-called \"Equipe do FUNDEF\" (FUNDEF team) and the chamber of Elementary Education of the National Council of Education.

Gestão democrática e gestão financeira: o Programa de Transferência de Recursos Financeiros - PTRF - da cidade de São Paulo de 2006 a 2010 / Democratic management and financial management: the Transfer Program of Financial Resources PTRF of the city of São Paulo from 2006 to 2010

Nilson Alves de Souza 17 December 2012 (has links)
Em meados de 2005, o governo municipal de São Paulo sancionou a Lei nº 13.991 que criou o Programa de Transferência de Recursos Financeiros (PTRF), que consistia em transferir recursos financeiros do orçamento público por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SME) para as Associações de Pais e Mestres (APM). Essa política atendia o princípio, presente na LDB/96, de estabelecer para as escolas progressivo grau de autonomia de gestão financeira como meio para implementação da gestão democrática. O PTRF foi criado com a justificativa de ser um instrumento de ampliação da autonomia, de descentralização da administração e de participação da comunidade escolar nas tomadas de decisão nas escolas. Partindo do questionamento se o programa de fato fomentou a autonomia das escolas e em que medida criou meios para o fortalecimento da gestão democrática, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar o PTRF da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, no período de 2006 a 2010, buscando atingir dois objetivos específicos: 1) analisar se e como o PTRF pode ser uma forma de incentivo à democratização da gestão escolar e quais as repercussões do programa no cotidiano escolar e sua relação com as tomadas de decisão e 2) analisar os usos dos recursos para viabilizar o projeto político pedagógico e a relação do planejamento pedagógico com o planejamento dos gastos dos recursos. Como fundamentação teórica a pesquisa apoiouse em autores que debatem conceitos de democracia e gestão democrática, principalmente Bobbio (2009), Paro (2002), Coutinho (2000) e Benevides (1994). O estudo, de caráter qualitativo, contou com revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas em três escolas da rede municipal de São Paulo uma creche, uma pré-escola e uma escola de ensino fundamental. O estudo permitiu traçar um panorama do Programa dentro da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo e considerações sobre a implementação do mesmo em escolas da rede. Foi possível constatar que, no período estudado, o Programa não teve grande representação dentro do orçamento da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (menor que 1%), sendo a taxa de crescimento dos recursos financeiros destinados para o programa inferior à taxa de crescimento dos recursos para a educação no município. As análises documentais das escolas e as entrevistas com seus profissionais demonstraram que os recursos descentralizados ajudam no desenvolvimento de suas atividades, mas são insuficientes para atender suas necessidades. Destaca-se ainda que os tramites burocráticos e a insuficiência do quadro de profissionais das escolas são dificultadores para utilização dos recursos. / In the middle of 2005, the city hall of São Paulo signed law 13,991 that established the Transfer Program of Financial Resources (PTRF). This program was to transfer funds from the public budget by the Municipal Secretariat Education to the Parent-Teacher Associations and served the principle present in Education Law (LDB/96), to establish schools for progressive degree of autonomy of financial management as a way to implement democratic management. The PTRF was created as a justification to be an instrument of expansion of autonomy, decentralization of administration and school community participation in decision making in schools. Thus, this research questioned: the program actually promoted the autonomy of schools? And to what extent has created means for strengthening the democratic management? The overall objective was to analyze PTRF of Sao Paulo in the period 2006 to 2010 to examine two specific goals: 1) as the PTRF can be a way to encourage the democratization of school management, its impact and its relationship to decisions in everyday school 2) the uses of resources to enable the teaching plan and its relation with the planning of the expenditures of funds. To achieve these objectives this research consisted of a literature review, document analysis and semi-structured interviews in three public schools in the city of São Paulo (a daycare, a preschool and an elementary school) and relied on authors mainly Bobbio (2009), Paro (2002), Coutinho (2000) and Benevides (1994) as theoretical debate on the concepts of democracy and democratic management. Therefore this research drew a picture of the PTRF City Department of Education of Sao Paulo and made considerations about the scope of PTRF in municipal schools. It was found that in the period studied, the PTRF not had great representation in the budget of the Municipal Education (less than 1%), and the rate of growth of financial resources earmarked for the program was less than the growth rate of financial resources for education in the county and the result of the analysis of school documents and interviews with its employees demonstrated that decentralized financial help in the development of their daily activities, but they are insufficient to meet their needs. In conclusion still stands that bureaucratic procedures and lack of professional staff in schools are obstacles to the use of financial resources.

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