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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh zařízení pro demonstraci a testování produktu NCV7471 / Design of module for demonstration and testing of system basis chips NCV7471

Kresta, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Práce se zabývá návrhem automobilové elektronické řídicí jednotky (ECU) s funkcí partial networking definovanou normou ISO 11898-6. Cílem je navrhnout a vytvořit demonstrační ECU s použitím system basis chip NCV7471. Protože NCV7471 obsahuje standardní CAN transceiver, funkce partial networking je realizována pouze softwarem řídicí jednotky. Práce zvažuje možné způsoby realizace jak HW, tak SW části, tak aby byla zajištěna nízká spotřeba ECU v různých operačních módech, a snaží se sledovat současné trendy v automobilovém průmyslu.

Non-intrusive Logging and Monitoring System of a Parameterized Hardware-in-the-loop Real-Time Simulator / Icke-påträngande loggnings och övervakningssystem för en parametrerad hårdvara-in-the-loop realtidsimulator

Andung Muntaha, Muhamad January 2019 (has links)
Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is a crucial component in today’s vehicle. In a complete vehicle, there are many ECUs installed. Each of these controls a single function of the vehicle. During the development cycle of an ECU, its functionality needs to be validated against the requirement specification. The Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) method is commonly used to do this by testing the ECU in a virtual representation of its controlled system. One crucial part of the HIL testing method is an intermediary component that acts as a bridge between the simulation computer and the ECU under test. This component runs a parameterized real-time system that translates messages from the simulation computer to the ECU under test and vice versa. It has a strict real-time requirement for each of its tasks to complete.A logging and monitoring system is needed to ensure that the intermediary component is functioning correctly. This functionality is implemented in the form of low priority additional tasks that run concurrently with the high priority message translation tasks. The implementation of these tasks, alongside with a distributed system to support the logging and monitoring functionality, is presented in this thesis work.Several execution time measurements are carried out to get the information on how the parameters of a task affect its execution time. Then, the linear regression analysis is used to model the execution time estimation of the parameterized tasks. Finally, the time demand analysis is utilized to provide a guarantee that the system is schedulable. / Elektronisk styrenhet (ECU) är en viktig del i dagens fordon. I ett komplett fordon finns det många ECU installerade. Var och en av dessa kontrollerar en enda funktion hos fordonet. Under en utvecklingscykel för en ecu måste dess funktionalitet valideras mot kravspecifikationen. HIL-metoden (Hardware-in-the-loop) används vanligtvis för att göra detta genom att testa ECU i en virtuell representation av sitt styrda system. En viktig del av HIL-testmetoden är en mellanliggande komponent som fungerar som en bro mellan simuleringsdatorn och den ecu som testas. Denna komponent driver ett parametrerat realtidssystem som översätter meddelanden från simuleringsdatorn till ECU som testas och vice versa. Det har en strikt realtidskrav för att alla uppgifter ska kunna slutföras.Ett loggnings och övervakningssystem behövs för att den mellanliggande komponenten ska fungera korrekt. Denna funktionalitet är implementerad i form av extraordinära uppgifter med låg prioritet som körs samtidigt med de högsta prioritetsuppgifterna för översättningstjänster. Genomförandet av dessa uppgifter, tillsammans med ett distribuerat system för att stödja loggnings och övervakningsfunktionaliteten, presenteras i detta avhandlingararbete.Flera utförandetidsmätningar utförs för att få information om hur parametrarna för en uppgift påverkar dess körtid. Därefter används den linjära regressionsanalysen för att modellera exekveringstidestimeringen av de parametrerade uppgifterna. Slutligen används tidsanalysanalysen för att garantera att systemet är schemaläggbart.

Hardware in Loop Simulations of Electric Drives / Hårdvara i Loop Simuleringar av Elektriska Enheter

Deshpante, Varad January 2023 (has links)
Electric drives are crucial components of powertrain of modern vehicles. They need to be controlled effectively to deliver a comfortable and efficient driving experience. The control unit needs to be robust to handle extreme operating conditions and faults in a safe manner. Hardware in Loop (HIL) setups can be used to develop such control units for majority of real-life test cases, without involving physical drives. Typical HIL setup includes the controller (hardware) under test connected to a high fidelity computer model of the controlled system (plant). Thanks to the efficient, inexpensive, consistent and nondestructive nature of HIL setups, they are widely used for research and development in the automotive industry. This thesis focuses on developing such a HIL setup for latest electric drive architecture at Scania CV AB. In this thesis, the plant models are programmed onto a field programmable gate array (FPGA). The HIL setup, plant models and the controller are continuously improved throughout the thesis to achieve higher fidelity and real time replication of the internal permanent magnet synchronous machine under consideration. Software in Loop (SIL) strategy, wherein all components are represented by computer models, is also applied for rapid developments. Several aspects like flux linkage-based and inductance-based machine models, choice of arithmetic, discretization methods, noise, delays, etc. are studied and optimised during the thesis. Validation is conducted for both SIL and HIL setups and above 95% correlation with physical drive’s performance is reported. Stable operation and repeatability of the developed HIL setup ensure that the framework is scalable to be applied to other drives and control units. / Elektriska drivenheter är centrala komponenter i drivlinan hos moderna elektriska fordon. Drivenheterna måste regleras effektivt för att ge en bekväm och effektiv körupplevelse. Regulatorn måste vara robust för att säkert hantera extrema driftsförhållanden och fel. Hardware in Loop (HIL) simuleringar kan användas för att utveckla sådana regulatorer för de flesta verkliga testfall, utan att involvera de fysiska komponenterna. En typisk HIL-installation inkluderar styrenheten (hårdvaran) som testas ansluten till en datormodell av det kontrollerade systemet (anläggningen). På grund av den effektiva, billiga, konsekventa och oförstörande naturen hos HIL simuleringar används de i stor utsträckning för FoU inom fordonsindustrin. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att utveckla en sådan HIL-modell för en elektrisk drivlina hos Scania CV AB. I detta examensarbete är anläggningsmodellerna programmerade på en programmerbar integrerad krets. HIL-inställningen, anläggningsmodellerna och styrenheten förbättras kontinuerligt under hela examensarbetet för att uppnå högre kvalitet och realtidsreplikering av den permanentmagnetiserade synkronmaskin som övervägs. En Software in Loop (SIL) strategi, där alla komponenter representeras av datormodeller, tillämpas också för snabb utveckling. Flera aspekter såsom flödesbaserade och induktansbaserade maskinmodeller, val av aritmetik, diskretiserings metoder, brus, fördröjningar etc. studeras och optimeras. Validering utförs för både SIL- och HIL-inställningar och över 95% korrelation med fysiska enhetsprestanda erhålls. Stabil drift och repeterbarhet av den utvecklade HIL-kretsen säkerställer att ramverket är skalbart för att kunna appliceras på andra enheter och regulatorer.

Entwicklungs- und Testunterstützung für Steuergeräte mit AUTOSAR Architektur

Englisch, Norbert 06 January 2023 (has links)
Die Einführung des AUTOSAR Standards in der Softwareentwicklung für Steuergeräte ermöglicht die Entwicklung von Kundenfunktionalitäten unabhängig von der Zielplattform. Eine AUTOSAR konforme Applikation wird anschließend für eine konkrete Zielplattform konfiguriert. Diese Flexibilität bringt auch neue Herausforderungen für den Test eines Steuergerätes mit sich. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen Ansatz, der sowohl durch statische Analysen von Konfigurationen und Quellcode, als auch durch dynamische Tests den Entwicklungsprozess von AUTOSAR Systemen unterstützt. Der dynamische Test überprüft auf der Zielplattform die Schichten der Basissoftware und der RTE und unterstützt bei der Fehlerlokalisierung. Der präsentierte Ansatz ist für alle Versionen der AUTOSAR Classic Plattform anwendbar und nutzt nur Methoden, die durch den AUTOSAR Standard erlaubt sind. Für diese Arbeit wurde eine Wissensbasis entworfen und umgesetzt, die das Architekturwissen des AUTOSAR Standards vorhält. In der Wissensbasis sind Schichten, Stacks und Basissoftwaremodule mit ihren Eigenschaften abgelegt. Durch die Arbeit konnten verschiedenen Projekte mit AUTOSAR Architektur überprüft, verglichen und optimiert werden.:1. Einleitung 2. Grundlagen 3. Stand der Technik 4. Konzept 5. Implementierung 6. Ergebnisse 7. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A. AUTOSAR Basissoftwaremodule in Wissensbasis / The introduction of the AUTOSAR standard in software development for electronic control units enables the development of customer functionalities independent of the target platform. An AUTOSAR-compliant application is configured for a specific target platform. This flexibility leads to new challenges for testing of electronic control units. This work presents an approach for supporting the development and test process of AUTOSAR systems by static analysis and dynamic tests. The dynamic test checks the different layers of the basic software and RTE on the target platform. Moreover, error localization is supported. The presented approach can be used for all versions of the AUTOSAR Classic platform and only uses methods that are permitted by the AUTOSAR standard. A knowledge base was designed and implemented for this work, which contains the architecture knowledge of the AUTOSAR standard. Layers, stacks and basic software modules with their properties are stored in the knowledge base. The work enabled various projects with AUTOSAR architecture to be checked, compared and optimized.:1. Einleitung 2. Grundlagen 3. Stand der Technik 4. Konzept 5. Implementierung 6. Ergebnisse 7. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A. AUTOSAR Basissoftwaremodule in Wissensbasis

Data Injection and Partial ECUSimulation : Modifying CAN and UART messages for testing of ECUs / Datainjektion och partiell ECU-simulering : Ändring av CAN- och UART-meddelanden för testing av ECUer

Flink, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Modern vehicles contain lots of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that control different systems. They communicate with each other and other components through communication interfaces such as Controller Area Network (CAN) and Local Interconnect Network (LIN) buses or simple Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interfaces. Testing of ECUs is an important part of the vehicle development process. Testing can be performed in multiple levels, where ECUs are first tested individually and communication with other ECUs is simulated. At a later stage, multiple ECUs are integrated and communicate autonomously with each other. Testing at a lower abstraction level with simulated systems gives the tester a lot more control and ability to test edge cases while testing at a higher abstraction level with real systems is more realistic. This thesis project investigates a new testing concept, where ECUs are partially simulated by modifying CAN messages that are sent between connected ECUs in real time to answer the research question ”Can better or easier testing of ECUs be enabled by combining concepts and tools from different levels of testing?”. This is done by developing two different testing tool prototypes. One based around a computer, the CANoe software and a Vector CAN interface. One consisting of an embedded system with a simple Human-Machine Interface (HMI). A method for minimizing delay for data injection in a UART interface using a Multiplexer (MUX) is also proposed, implemented and tested. Prototypes are developed and tested with both generated input data and with real systems at Scania. Developers and testers at Scania are also interviewed to get their opinions on the prototypes, the general concept and future use cases. The results indicate that the partial simulation concept has potential to be useful and lead to better or easier testing as well as development of ECUs. Some future work is suggested for further development of the prototypes as well as for additional research into the subject. / Moderna fordon innehåller många elektroniska styrenheter, så kallade ECUer, somstyr olika system. Dessa kommunicerar med varandra via olika gränssnitt såsom Controller Area Network (CAN)- och Local Interconnect Network (LIN)-bussar eller enklare Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)-gränssnitt. Testning av ECUer är en viktig del av utvecklingsprocessen för fordon. Testning kan utföras på flera nivåer, där ECUer först testas individuellt och kommunikation med andra ECUer simuleras. Senare integreras flera ECUer och kommunicerar autonomt med varandra. Testning på en lägre abstraktionsnivå med simulerade system ger testaren bättre kontroll över testerna och möjliggör att enkelt testa olika specialfall, medan testning på en högre abstraktionsnivå med riktiga system är mer realistisk. Detta examensarbete undersöker ett nytt testningskoncept, där ECUer simuleras partiellt genom att modifiera CAN-meddelanden som skickas mellan sammankopplade ECUer i realtid, för att svara på forskningsfrågan ”Kan bättre eller enklare testning av ECUer möjliggöras genom att kombinera koncept och verktyg från olika testnivåer?”. Detta görs genom att utveckla två olika prototyper för ändring av CAN-meddelanden. Den ena baseras på en dator, mjukvaran CANoe och ett CAN-interface från Vector. Den andra utgörs av ett inbyggt system med ett enkelt användargränssnitt. En metod för att minimera fördröjningen när data injiceras i ett UART-gränssnitt med hjälp av en Multiplexer (MUX) föreslås, implementeras och testas också. Prototyper utvecklas och testas både med genererad indata och med riktiga system på Scania. Utvecklare och testare på Scania intervjuas också för att samla in deras åsikter om prototyperna, det generella konceptet samt möjliga framtida användningsfall. Resultaten indikerar att partiell simulering som koncept har potential att vara användbart och leda till bättre eller enklare testning samt utveckling av ECUer. En del utökningar och ytterligare utveckling av de framtagna prototyperna föreslås tillsammans med förslag på ytterligare forskning inom området.

Analysis, modelling, design and implementation of fast-response digital controllers for high-frequency low-power switching converters / Analyse, modélisation, conception et mise en œuvre de contrôleurs numériques à réponse rapide pour des convertisseurs de commutation à haute fréquence et de faible puissance

Abbas, Ghulam 27 June 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de concevoir des compensateurs discrets qui permettent de compenser les non-linéarités introduites par les différents éléments dans la boucle de commande numérique, tout en maintenant des performances dynamiques élevées, des temps de développement rapide, et une structure reconfigurable. Ces compensateurs discrets doivent également avoir des temps de réponse rapide, avoir une déviation de la tension minimale et avoir, pour un étage de puissance donné, un temps de récupération rapide de la tension. Ces performances peuvent être atteintes par des compensateurs discrets conçus sur la base de techniques de contrôle linéaires et non linéaires. Pour obtenir une réponse rapide et stable, la thèse propose deux solutions : La première consiste à utiliser des techniques de contrôle linéaires et de concevoir le compensateur discret tout en gardant la bande passante la plus élevée possible. Il est communément admis que plus la bande passante est élevée, plus la réponse transitoire est rapide. L‘obtention d’une bande passante élevée, en utilisant des techniques de contrôle linéaires, est parfois difficile. Toutes ces situations sont mises en évidence dans la thèse. La seconde consiste à combiner les techniques de contrôle linéaires avec les techniques de contrôles non linéaires tels que la logique floue ou les réseaux de neurones. Les résultats de simulations ont permis de vérifier que la combinaison des contrôleurs non-linéaires avec les linéaires ont un meilleur rendement dynamique que les contrôleurs linéaires lorsque le point de fonctionnement varie. Avec l'aide des deux méthodes décrites ci-dessus, la thèse étudie également la technique de l’annulation des pôles-zéros (PZC) qui annule la fonction de transfert du convertisseur. Quelques modifications des techniques classiques de contrôle sont également proposées à partir de contrôleurs numériques afin d’améliorer les performances dynamiques. La thèse met également en évidence les non-linéarités qui dégradent les performances, propose les solutions permettant d'obtenir les meilleures performances, et lève les mystères du contrôle numérique. Une interface graphique est également introduite et illustrée dans le cas de la conception d'un convertisseur abaisseur de tension synchrone. En résumé, cette thèse décrit principalement l'analyse, la conception, la simulation, l’optimisation la mise en œuvre et la rentabilité des contrôleurs numériques. Une attention particulière est portée à l'analyse et l'optimisation des performances dynamique à haute fréquence et pour de faibles puissances des convertisseurs DC-DC abaisseur de tension. Ces convertisseurs fonctionnent en mode de conduction continue (CCM) à une fréquence de commutation de 1 MHz et s’appuie sur des techniques de contrôle linéaires et non linéaires de façon séquentielle. / The objective of the thesis is to design the discrete compensators which counteract the nonlinearities introduced by various elements in the digital control loop while delivering high dynamic performance, fast time-to-market and scalability. Excellent line and fast load transient response, which is a measure of the system response speed, with minimal achievable voltage deviation and a fast voltage recovery time for a given power stage can be achieved through the discrete compensators designed on the basis of linear and nonlinear control techniques. To achieve a stable and fast response, the thesis proposes two ways. One way is to use linear control techniques to design the discrete compensator while keeping the bandwidth higher. It is well-known fact that the higher the bandwidth, the faster is the transient response. Achieving higher bandwidth through linear control techniques sometimes becomes tricky. All those situations are highlighted in the thesis. The other way is to hybridize the linear control techniques with the nonlinear control techniques such as fuzzy logic or neural network based control techniques. Simulation results verify that hybridization of nonlinear controllers with the linear ones have better dynamic performance over linear controllers under the change of operating points. Along with using the two methodologies described above, the thesis also investigates the pole-zero cancellation (PZC) technique in which the poles and zeros of the compensator are placed in such a way that they cancel the effect of the poles or zeros of the buck converter to boost the phase margin at the required bandwidth. Some modifications are also suggested to the classical control techniques based digital controllers to improve the dynamic performance. The thesis highlights the nonlinearities which degrade the performance, a cost-effective solution that achieves good performance and the mysteries of digital control system. A graphical user interface is introduced and demonstrated for use with the design of a synchronous-buck converter. In summary, this thesis mainly describes the analysis, design, simulation, optimization, implementation and cost effectiveness of digital controllers with particular focus on the analysis and the optimization of the dynamic performance for high-frequency low-power DC-DC buck converter working in continuous conduction mode (CCM) operating at a switching frequency of 1 MHz using linear and nonlinear control techniques in a very sequential and comprehensive way.

Digital control strategies for DC/DC SEPIC converters towards integration

Li, Nan 29 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The use of SMPS (Switched mode power supply) in embedded systems is continuously increasing. The technological requirements of these systems include simultaneously a very good voltage regulation and a strong compactness of components. SEPIC ( Single-Ended Primary Inductor Converter) is a DC/DC switching converter which possesses several advantages with regard to the other classical converters. Due to the difficulty in control of its 4th-order and non linear property, it is still not well-exploited. The objective of this work is the development of successful strategies of control for a SEPIC converter on one hand and on the other hand the effective implementation of the control algorithm developed for embedded applications (FPGA, ASIC) where the constraints of Silicon surface and the loss reduction factor are important. To do it, two non linear controls and two observers of states and load have been studied: a control and an observer based on the principle of sliding mode, a deadbeat predictive control and an Extended Kalman observer. The implementation of both control laws and the Extended Kalman observer are implemented in FPGA. An 11-bit digital PWM has been developed by combining a 4-bit Δ-Σ modulation, a 4-bit segmented DCM (Digital Clock Management) phase-shift and a 3-bit counter-comparator. All the proposed approaches are experimentally validated and constitute a good base for the integration of embedded switching mode converters

Contributions à l'étude des petites machines électriques à aimants permanents, à flux axial et à auto-commutation électronique / Contributions to the study of small electronically-commutated axial-flux permanent-magnet machines

Pop, Adrian Augustin 15 December 2012 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse concernent les petites machines à aimants permanents, à flux axial et à auto-commutation électronique ayant la topologie d’un rotor intérieur discoïdal avec des aimants Nd-Fe-B montés en surface et de deux stators extérieurs identiques, chacun avec enroulement triphasé distribué dans des encoches. Après l’examen des topologies candidates pour applications d’entraînement direct basse-vitesse, une modélisation électromagnétique analytique de pré-dimensionnement d’un prototype de telles machines est réalisée. Ensuite, une approche numérique originale est développée et couplée à l’optimisation géométrique des aimants rotoriques en vue de réduire les harmoniques d’espace de l’induction magnétique dans l’entrefer et aussi les ondulations du couple électromagnétique. Des nombreux tests expérimentaux sont effectués sur le prototype de machine pour vérifier son dimensionnement ainsi que pour valider la stratégie d’auto-commutation électronique et de contrôle de base / The research work presented in this thesis is concerned with small electronically-commutated axial-flux permanent-magnet (AFPM) machines having the double-sided topology of an inner rotor with surface-mounted Nd-Fe-B magnets, sandwiched between two outer slotted stators with distributed three-phase windings. After reviewing the small double-sided AFPM machine candidate topologies for low-speed direct-drive applications, the thesis hinges on the size equations and the analytical electromagnetic design of the inner-rotor AFPM (AFIPM) machine topology under study. Original methods of modelling and design optimization of a small prototype AFIPM machine are then proposed with the view to reducing the airgap flux density space-harmonics and the torque ripple by rotor-PM shape modification. Extensive experimental tests are carried out on the small three-phase AFIPM machine prototype in order to validate its proper design and to check its electronic commutation and basic control technique

Génération d'ondes millimétriques et submillimétriques sur des systèmes fibrés à porteuses optiques stabilisées / Generation of millimeter and submillimeter on fiber systems with stabilized optical carriers

Hallal, Ayman 24 January 2017 (has links)
Je rapporte dans ce manuscrit une étude théorique et expérimentale d’une source compacte, fiable et bas coût d’ondes électromagnétiques continues et cohérentes de 30 Hz de largeur de raie, accordables de 1 GHz à 500 GHz par pas de 1 GHz. Ces ondes sont générées par un photo-mélange de deux diodes lasers DFB (Distributed Feedback) très accordables autour de 1550 nm, stabilisées avec des polarisations orthogonales sur une même cavité Fabry-Perot optique fibrée. J’ai conçue des électroniques de correction très rapides pour chaque laser permettant d’avoir une bande passante d’asservissement de 7 MHz limitée par la longueur de la boucle. Je démontre des suppressions de bruit de phase jusqu’à -60 dBc/ Hz à 1 kHz et de -90 dBc/Hz à 100 kHz d’écart d’une porteuse électrique à 92 GHz. Je mesure aussi une dérive de fréquence de ~170 kHz d’un battement à 10 GHz à long terme sur 7,5 heures de verrouillage continu. Je montre une conception optimisée d’une boucle d’asservissement intégrée de quelques dizaines de cm de longueur qui réduit le bruit de phase de 18 dB à 1 MHz d’écart à la porteuse optique et des couplages phase-amplitude réduits dans la cavité d’un facteur 50 par rapport à ceux estimés expérimentalement. L’ajout d’un troisième laser DFB stabilisé en phase sur un oscillateur local permettrait d’avoir une source continûment accordable sur 1 THz. La source d’ondes continues permettrait également de générer à partir de fibres hautement non linéaires et dispersives des impulsions pico- ou femtosecondes à un taux de répétition fixe en remplacement les lasers DFB par des lasers plus stables. Je calcule par simulation une gigue temporelle de 7,2 fs sur un temps d’intégration de 1 ms à 40 GHz de taux de répétition. / I report in this manuscript a theoretical and experimental study of a compact, reliable and low cost source of 30 Hz linewidth, continuous and coherent electromagnetic waves tunable from 1 GHz to 500 GHz in steps of 1 GHz. These waves are generated by photomixing two distributed feedback (DFB) laser diodes at 1550 nm which are frequency stabilized with orthogonal polarizations on the same optical fibered Fabry-Perot cavity. I have designed very fast electronic control filters for each laser allowing a 7 MHz servo bandwidth limited by the loop length. I demonstrate phase noise suppressions down to -60 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz and -90 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset frequencies from a 92 GHz electrical carrier. I also measure a ~170 kHz frequency drift of the beat note at 10 GHz on the long term over a continuous 7.5 hour locking period. I show an optimized design of an integrated servo loop of few tens of cm length which reduces the phase noise by 18 dB at 1 MHz optical carrier offset frequency and the phase-amplitude couplings in the cavity by a factor of 50 compared to the experimental one. The addition of a third DFB laser phase stabilized on a local oscillator allows the possibility to have continuously tunable source over 1 THz. The continuous wave source also makes it possible to generate fixed repetition rate pico- or femtosecond pulses from highly non-linear and dispersive fibers, replacing the DFB lasers by further stable lasers. I have calculated by simulation 7.2 fs temporal jitter at 40 GHz repetition rate over a 1 ms integration time.

Studium elektronického řízení a reálného chování variabilních filtračních a oscilačních aplikací moderních aktivních prvků / Study of Electronic Control and Real Behavior in Variable Filtering and Oscillating Applications of Modern Active Elements

Šotner, Roman January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with electronically adjustable and configurable applications of the modern active elements. In the field there were presented various active elements in applications of the analog filters and oscillators which stem from basic and more or less similar principles of circuit synthesis and design. However, there is not provided study of real behavior in detail and in most cases electronic control of the various parameters in application is not verified. In the precise design of application is very important to identify problematic features and determine how much it influences functionality of the device. In this work several filtering structures based on common and modified synthesis principles (integrator loops) are compared in the view of multifunctionality, configurability, variability, kind of used electronic control and impact of influences of real elements on behavior. There are used standard methods like adjusting of variable transconductance, intrinsic value of current input resistance and not so common method based on variable current gain in design of modified and improved multifunctional filtering circuits. The last method of mentioned control enabled to find quite unique filter which allows continuous electronic change of transfer from band-reject to all-pass filter of the 2nd order without reconnection. It is much simpler than previous and more common integrator loops. Larger part of this work is focused on electronically controllable oscillators mainly on quadrature types. There is presented several very simply and elementary realizations which require minimal number of active and passive elements. There are also slightly or more complicated solutions which remove some drawbacks of mentioned simpler variants. First of all there is given attention on study of real behavior which make obvious different problems with mutual dependence of oscillation condition and oscillation frequency, dependence of produced amplitudes (quadrature types) on parameter which is controlling oscillation frequency, influence of this parameter on oscillation condition, etc. In the framework of this part of the thesis there was introduced a novel modification of current conveyor transconductance amplifier (CCTA) so called current-gain-controlled current conveyor transconductance amplifier (CGCCCTA). Requirements for novel applications in the field of oscillators for newly developed controllable current amplifier and digitally controllable current amplifier (DACA) at the Department of Telecommunication FEEC BUT lead to creation of several chapters of this work where mentioned active elements can be used. The important contribution of this work (for practical approach) is also experimental testing of most of designed circuits and determination of exact design equations and rules which take into account real behavior of circuits and confirm results obtained from experiments.

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