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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rapport au travail, mobilité professionnelle et parcours de vie : le cas de jeunes infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires d'un centre de santé et de services sociaux

Côté, Nancy 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, qui s’inscrit dans un programme de doctorat en sciences humaines appliquées, s’est d’abord construite en réponse à un problème concret, celui du roulement des infirmières et des infirmières auxiliaires dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux. En cours de route, il est toutefois apparu nécessaire d’élargir le questionnement à la question du rapport au travail des jeunes infirmières pour être en mesure de saisir les dynamiques sociales plus larges qui conditionnent certains choix professionnels, dont la décision de quitter son emploi. Cette thèse poursuit donc deux grands objectifs. D’une part, elle s’attarde à cerner l’ensemble des processus qui conduisent les jeunes infirmières à faire le choix de quitter leur emploi. D’autre part, elle vise à mieux comprendre comment a évolué leur rapport au travail dans le temps. La perspective théorique retenue s’appuie sur deux approches complémentaires, soit celles de la perspective des parcours de vie et de divers courants en sociologie de l’individu qui ont comme point commun d’accorder une place importante au contexte social, aux contraintes structurelles, de même qu’à l’autonomie des acteurs et à leur capacité d’agir sur leur parcours de vie. Ces approches s’avèrent particulièrement pertinentes dans le cadre de notre étude puisqu’elles permettent de rendre compte des liens complexes entre le contexte social plus global, les différents contextes de vie d’un individu et ses comportements en emploi. Elles invitent à conceptualiser le rapport au travail comme un processus qui évolue dans le temps à travers lequel plusieurs éléments de la vie d’un individu et de ses proches se combinent pour donner une orientation particulière aux trajectoires professionnelles. Vu sous cet angle, la décision de quitter se présente également comme un processus qui se construit dans un laps de temps plus ou moins long où entrent en jeu plusieurs dimensions de la vie d’un individu. La perspective adoptée dans le cadre de cette thèse permet de combler des lacunes dans ce champ de recherche où peu d’études se sont attardées à comprendre les différents processus qui façonnent le rapport au travail dans le temps et qui conduisent les infirmières à la décision de quitter leur emploi. Pour répondre aux objectifs de recherche, une étude qualitative a été menée. Des entrevues individuelles de type récit de vie ont été effectuées pour comprendre, du point de vue des participantes, comment a évolué leur rapport au travail et les processus qui les ont amenées à quitter leur emploi. Une étude de cas a été effectuée dans un centre de santé et de services sociaux de la province de Québec qui affichait un taux de roulement particulièrement élevé. L’étude visait les infirmières et les infirmières auxiliaires, groupe professionnel fortement touché par le roulement de la main-d’œuvre. Des entretiens en profondeur, d’une durée de 2h30 à 3 heures, ont été réalisées auprès de 42 infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires. Les résultats de la recherche sont présentés à travers la production de trois articles scientifiques. Le premier article, Pour une compréhension dynamique du rapport au travail: la valeur heuristique de la perspective des parcours de vie, a pour objectif de faire ressortir l’intérêt que présentent les principes analytiques associés à cette perspective dans l’étude du rapport au travail. Dans cet article, nous démontrons que le rapport au travail est le résultat d’un processus complexe où les aspirations des individus, leurs conditions concrètes d’emploi et les événements qui surviennent dans leur vie personnelle et familiale entretiennent des liens dynamiques et interdépendants qui façonnent le rapport au travail tout au long de la vie. Cet article apporte des éléments de réflexion à la question posée par plusieurs chercheurs : par quel moyen saisir ce qu’il en est du rapport au travail des jeunes? Le deuxième article, Rencontre entre l’idéaltype de travailleur et l’idéal de travail : le cas de jeunes infirmières en début de vie professionnelle, vise à rendre compte de la manière dont s’est faite la rencontre entre les attentes que les infirmières nourrissent à l’égard du travail et leur réalité concrète de travail à une période précise de leur trajectoire professionnelle, soit celle de leur insertion en emploi et des premières années de pratique. L’article démontre que trois dimensions du rapport au travail sont affectées par les nouvelles normes managériales qui prévalent dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux : 1) la place souhaitée du travail dans la vie, 2) la réalisation de soi par le travail et 3) le sens au travail. Cet article apporte une contribution dans la compréhension du rapport au travail de jeunes professionnelles qui exercent un métier de relation d’aide dans le contexte spécifique du réseau québécois de la santé et des services sociaux. Le troisième article, Comprendre le roulement comme un processus lié au cycle de la vie : le cas des infirmières, traite plus spécifiquement de la question du roulement de la main d’œuvre infirmière. Quatre parcours de départs sont présentés qui possèdent des caractéristiques distinctes relatives à la rencontre entre les attentes et la réalité concrète de travail, l’interaction entre le travail et la vie hors travail et la manière dont s’est construite dans le temps la décision de quitter son emploi. Les résultats démontrent que la décision de quitter se présente comme un processus qui se construit dans un laps de temps plus ou moins long, qui implique différentes dimensions de la vie d’un individu et qui est intimement lié à la quête de réalisation de soi au travail et dans les autres domaines de la vie. Cet article propose une façon d’appréhender le phénomène du roulement qui se distingue des modèles dominants qui abordent cette question à partir d’une lecture essentiellement individualisante et psychologisante des départs. La contribution de cette thèse à l’avancement des connaissances réside principalement dans le fait qu’elle appréhende autrement la question du rapport au travail et celle du roulement de la main-d’œuvre en recourant à la perspective des parcours de vie et à la sociologie de l’individu. L’approche que nous avons préconisée permet de saisir les processus sociaux et la multiplicité des éléments à prendre en considération dans l’étude du rapport au travail des jeunes infirmières et de la décision de quitter son emploi. Elle met en exergue l’importance de considérer le contexte social plus global dans lequel s’inscrit tout individu qui, dans les sociétés contemporaines, doit s’engager dans un travail de construction identitaire tout au long de la vie. / This doctoral thesis in applied social sciences first set out to address a very concrete problem, namely turnover among nurses and nursing assistants in the health and social services system. Along the way, however, it became apparent that there was a need to broaden our investigation to include the issue of young nurses’ relationship with work so as to grasp the broader social dynamics behind some work-related decisions, including the nurses’ decision to leave their jobs. This thesis therefore pursued two main goals. First, it sought to identify all the processes that lead young nurses to decide to leave their jobs. Second, it aimed to better understand how young nurses’ relationship with work evolves over the course of their lives. The theoretical perspective chosen was based on two complementary approaches, that is, the life course perspective and various streams of sociology of the individual which all place great importance on the social context and structural constraints as well as the autonomy of actors and their capacity to take action to influence their life course. These approaches proved to be particularly fruitful for our study because they made it possible to consider the complex relationships between the more general social context, the particular contexts involved in individuals’ lives, and their employment behaviours. Thus, the relationship with work was conceptualized as a process that evolves over time and through which different aspects of individuals’ lives and of the lives of their loved ones combine to guide their professional trajectories. Viewed from this perspective, the decision to leave one’s job involves a process that is constructed over a relatively long period of time and involves several dimensions of one’s life. The perspective adopted in this thesis addresses some gaps in this field since few studies have examined – from the point of view of the actors themselves – the various processes that shape individuals’ relationship with work over time and lead to the decision to leave their jobs. To meet the goals of this research, a qualitative study was conducted. Individual life-narrative interviews were carried out to investigate – from their own point of view – how the participants’ relationship with work evolved and the processes that led them to leave their jobs. A case study was undertaken in a health and social services centre in the province of Quebec which had a particularly high turnover rate. It involved nurses and nursing assistants, a professional group affected by a high rate of turnover. In-depth interviews lasting from 2½ to 3 hours were conducted with 42 nurses and nursing assistants. The study results were presented in three scientific articles. The first, Pour une compréhension dynamique du rapport au travail: la valeur heuristique de la perspective des parcours de vie (For a dynamic understanding of the relationship with work: the heuristic value of the life course perspective) aims to bring out the usefulness of the analytical principles associated with the life course perspective for the study of the relationship with work. This article shows that individuals’ relationship with work involves a complex process wherein their aspirations, concrete working conditions and the events that occur in their personal and family lives are dynamically and interdependently linked and shape their relationship with work throughout their lives. This article reflects on a question posed by researchers, that is, how best to grasp the factors involved in young people’s relationship with work? The second article, Rencontre entre l’idéaltype de travailleur et l’idéal de travail: le cas de jeunes infirmières en début de vie professionnelle (Encounter between the ideal type of worker and the ideal of work: the case of young nurses at the start of their working lives) explores how nurses’ expectations regarding work came up against the concrete realities of their work at a specific time in their professional trajectory, that is, their initial integration into the job and their first years on the job. The article shows that three dimensions of the nurses’ relationship with work were affected by the new managerial practices prevailing in the health and social services system: 1) the desired role of work in their lives 2) the ability to self-actualize through work, and 3) the meaning given to work. This article makes an important contribution to the understanding of the relationship with work of young professionals practising a helping profession in Quebec’s health and social services system. The third article, Comprendre le roulement comme un processus lié au cycle de la vie: le cas des infirmières (Understanding turnover as a lifecycle process : the case of nurses), more specifically examines turnover among nurses. It presents four turnover trajectories with distinct characteristics related to the mismatch between the nurses’ expectations regarding work and the realities of their work, the interaction between work and life outside of work and the way the nurses’ decision to leave their jobs developed over time. The results show that the nurses’ decision to leave their jobs involved a process that developed over a shorter or longer period of time, involved various dimensions of their lives, and was intimately tied to the quest for self-actualization through work and in other spheres of their lives. This article proposes a way to grasp turnover that differs from the dominant models, which approach this issue from an essentially individualizing and psychologizing perspective. The contribution of this thesis to the advancement of knowledge mainly resides in its innovative way of examining the relationship with work and employee turnover, that is, by applying the life course perspective and sociology of the individual to these issues. Our approach aimed to grasp the social processes and many other aspects that need to be taken into consideration when examining young nurses’ relationship with work and their decision to leave their jobs. It highlights the importance of considering the broader social context affecting all people in modern societies who must construct their identity over the course of their lives.

Retence učitelů a asistentů v MŠ se speciální péčí / Retention of teachers and assistants in kindergarten with special care

Štěpančíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the retention of teachers and teaching assistants in a specific kindergarten with special care. It searches for the reasons the employees have for staying in their current position and the ones for leaving it. The thesis then continues to research what can be done by this schools management to hold onto quality teachers and teaching assistants. The work observes possible connections of individual aspects of the job with the employees satisfaction and their tendencies to stay in said organization. Among the aspects that influence the employees satisfaction, we can find for example the working conditions, workload, work organization, the ability of professional development, rewards, interpersonal relations in the workplace, communication, the managements leading style or care for employees. In the theoretical part, I've searched through the available literature for connections between job (dis)satisfaction, work behavior patterns and employees turnover. I based my work on literature mostly focusing on psychology and sociology of management, social psychology, social psychology in a workplace, human resources management, management and school management. In the research, I was looking for answers to the research questions, specifically for the links between the...

Rapport au travail, mobilité professionnelle et parcours de vie : le cas de jeunes infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires d'un centre de santé et de services sociaux

Côté, Nancy 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, qui s’inscrit dans un programme de doctorat en sciences humaines appliquées, s’est d’abord construite en réponse à un problème concret, celui du roulement des infirmières et des infirmières auxiliaires dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux. En cours de route, il est toutefois apparu nécessaire d’élargir le questionnement à la question du rapport au travail des jeunes infirmières pour être en mesure de saisir les dynamiques sociales plus larges qui conditionnent certains choix professionnels, dont la décision de quitter son emploi. Cette thèse poursuit donc deux grands objectifs. D’une part, elle s’attarde à cerner l’ensemble des processus qui conduisent les jeunes infirmières à faire le choix de quitter leur emploi. D’autre part, elle vise à mieux comprendre comment a évolué leur rapport au travail dans le temps. La perspective théorique retenue s’appuie sur deux approches complémentaires, soit celles de la perspective des parcours de vie et de divers courants en sociologie de l’individu qui ont comme point commun d’accorder une place importante au contexte social, aux contraintes structurelles, de même qu’à l’autonomie des acteurs et à leur capacité d’agir sur leur parcours de vie. Ces approches s’avèrent particulièrement pertinentes dans le cadre de notre étude puisqu’elles permettent de rendre compte des liens complexes entre le contexte social plus global, les différents contextes de vie d’un individu et ses comportements en emploi. Elles invitent à conceptualiser le rapport au travail comme un processus qui évolue dans le temps à travers lequel plusieurs éléments de la vie d’un individu et de ses proches se combinent pour donner une orientation particulière aux trajectoires professionnelles. Vu sous cet angle, la décision de quitter se présente également comme un processus qui se construit dans un laps de temps plus ou moins long où entrent en jeu plusieurs dimensions de la vie d’un individu. La perspective adoptée dans le cadre de cette thèse permet de combler des lacunes dans ce champ de recherche où peu d’études se sont attardées à comprendre les différents processus qui façonnent le rapport au travail dans le temps et qui conduisent les infirmières à la décision de quitter leur emploi. Pour répondre aux objectifs de recherche, une étude qualitative a été menée. Des entrevues individuelles de type récit de vie ont été effectuées pour comprendre, du point de vue des participantes, comment a évolué leur rapport au travail et les processus qui les ont amenées à quitter leur emploi. Une étude de cas a été effectuée dans un centre de santé et de services sociaux de la province de Québec qui affichait un taux de roulement particulièrement élevé. L’étude visait les infirmières et les infirmières auxiliaires, groupe professionnel fortement touché par le roulement de la main-d’œuvre. Des entretiens en profondeur, d’une durée de 2h30 à 3 heures, ont été réalisées auprès de 42 infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires. Les résultats de la recherche sont présentés à travers la production de trois articles scientifiques. Le premier article, Pour une compréhension dynamique du rapport au travail: la valeur heuristique de la perspective des parcours de vie, a pour objectif de faire ressortir l’intérêt que présentent les principes analytiques associés à cette perspective dans l’étude du rapport au travail. Dans cet article, nous démontrons que le rapport au travail est le résultat d’un processus complexe où les aspirations des individus, leurs conditions concrètes d’emploi et les événements qui surviennent dans leur vie personnelle et familiale entretiennent des liens dynamiques et interdépendants qui façonnent le rapport au travail tout au long de la vie. Cet article apporte des éléments de réflexion à la question posée par plusieurs chercheurs : par quel moyen saisir ce qu’il en est du rapport au travail des jeunes? Le deuxième article, Rencontre entre l’idéaltype de travailleur et l’idéal de travail : le cas de jeunes infirmières en début de vie professionnelle, vise à rendre compte de la manière dont s’est faite la rencontre entre les attentes que les infirmières nourrissent à l’égard du travail et leur réalité concrète de travail à une période précise de leur trajectoire professionnelle, soit celle de leur insertion en emploi et des premières années de pratique. L’article démontre que trois dimensions du rapport au travail sont affectées par les nouvelles normes managériales qui prévalent dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux : 1) la place souhaitée du travail dans la vie, 2) la réalisation de soi par le travail et 3) le sens au travail. Cet article apporte une contribution dans la compréhension du rapport au travail de jeunes professionnelles qui exercent un métier de relation d’aide dans le contexte spécifique du réseau québécois de la santé et des services sociaux. Le troisième article, Comprendre le roulement comme un processus lié au cycle de la vie : le cas des infirmières, traite plus spécifiquement de la question du roulement de la main d’œuvre infirmière. Quatre parcours de départs sont présentés qui possèdent des caractéristiques distinctes relatives à la rencontre entre les attentes et la réalité concrète de travail, l’interaction entre le travail et la vie hors travail et la manière dont s’est construite dans le temps la décision de quitter son emploi. Les résultats démontrent que la décision de quitter se présente comme un processus qui se construit dans un laps de temps plus ou moins long, qui implique différentes dimensions de la vie d’un individu et qui est intimement lié à la quête de réalisation de soi au travail et dans les autres domaines de la vie. Cet article propose une façon d’appréhender le phénomène du roulement qui se distingue des modèles dominants qui abordent cette question à partir d’une lecture essentiellement individualisante et psychologisante des départs. La contribution de cette thèse à l’avancement des connaissances réside principalement dans le fait qu’elle appréhende autrement la question du rapport au travail et celle du roulement de la main-d’œuvre en recourant à la perspective des parcours de vie et à la sociologie de l’individu. L’approche que nous avons préconisée permet de saisir les processus sociaux et la multiplicité des éléments à prendre en considération dans l’étude du rapport au travail des jeunes infirmières et de la décision de quitter son emploi. Elle met en exergue l’importance de considérer le contexte social plus global dans lequel s’inscrit tout individu qui, dans les sociétés contemporaines, doit s’engager dans un travail de construction identitaire tout au long de la vie. / This doctoral thesis in applied social sciences first set out to address a very concrete problem, namely turnover among nurses and nursing assistants in the health and social services system. Along the way, however, it became apparent that there was a need to broaden our investigation to include the issue of young nurses’ relationship with work so as to grasp the broader social dynamics behind some work-related decisions, including the nurses’ decision to leave their jobs. This thesis therefore pursued two main goals. First, it sought to identify all the processes that lead young nurses to decide to leave their jobs. Second, it aimed to better understand how young nurses’ relationship with work evolves over the course of their lives. The theoretical perspective chosen was based on two complementary approaches, that is, the life course perspective and various streams of sociology of the individual which all place great importance on the social context and structural constraints as well as the autonomy of actors and their capacity to take action to influence their life course. These approaches proved to be particularly fruitful for our study because they made it possible to consider the complex relationships between the more general social context, the particular contexts involved in individuals’ lives, and their employment behaviours. Thus, the relationship with work was conceptualized as a process that evolves over time and through which different aspects of individuals’ lives and of the lives of their loved ones combine to guide their professional trajectories. Viewed from this perspective, the decision to leave one’s job involves a process that is constructed over a relatively long period of time and involves several dimensions of one’s life. The perspective adopted in this thesis addresses some gaps in this field since few studies have examined – from the point of view of the actors themselves – the various processes that shape individuals’ relationship with work over time and lead to the decision to leave their jobs. To meet the goals of this research, a qualitative study was conducted. Individual life-narrative interviews were carried out to investigate – from their own point of view – how the participants’ relationship with work evolved and the processes that led them to leave their jobs. A case study was undertaken in a health and social services centre in the province of Quebec which had a particularly high turnover rate. It involved nurses and nursing assistants, a professional group affected by a high rate of turnover. In-depth interviews lasting from 2½ to 3 hours were conducted with 42 nurses and nursing assistants. The study results were presented in three scientific articles. The first, Pour une compréhension dynamique du rapport au travail: la valeur heuristique de la perspective des parcours de vie (For a dynamic understanding of the relationship with work: the heuristic value of the life course perspective) aims to bring out the usefulness of the analytical principles associated with the life course perspective for the study of the relationship with work. This article shows that individuals’ relationship with work involves a complex process wherein their aspirations, concrete working conditions and the events that occur in their personal and family lives are dynamically and interdependently linked and shape their relationship with work throughout their lives. This article reflects on a question posed by researchers, that is, how best to grasp the factors involved in young people’s relationship with work? The second article, Rencontre entre l’idéaltype de travailleur et l’idéal de travail: le cas de jeunes infirmières en début de vie professionnelle (Encounter between the ideal type of worker and the ideal of work: the case of young nurses at the start of their working lives) explores how nurses’ expectations regarding work came up against the concrete realities of their work at a specific time in their professional trajectory, that is, their initial integration into the job and their first years on the job. The article shows that three dimensions of the nurses’ relationship with work were affected by the new managerial practices prevailing in the health and social services system: 1) the desired role of work in their lives 2) the ability to self-actualize through work, and 3) the meaning given to work. This article makes an important contribution to the understanding of the relationship with work of young professionals practising a helping profession in Quebec’s health and social services system. The third article, Comprendre le roulement comme un processus lié au cycle de la vie: le cas des infirmières (Understanding turnover as a lifecycle process : the case of nurses), more specifically examines turnover among nurses. It presents four turnover trajectories with distinct characteristics related to the mismatch between the nurses’ expectations regarding work and the realities of their work, the interaction between work and life outside of work and the way the nurses’ decision to leave their jobs developed over time. The results show that the nurses’ decision to leave their jobs involved a process that developed over a shorter or longer period of time, involved various dimensions of their lives, and was intimately tied to the quest for self-actualization through work and in other spheres of their lives. This article proposes a way to grasp turnover that differs from the dominant models, which approach this issue from an essentially individualizing and psychologizing perspective. The contribution of this thesis to the advancement of knowledge mainly resides in its innovative way of examining the relationship with work and employee turnover, that is, by applying the life course perspective and sociology of the individual to these issues. Our approach aimed to grasp the social processes and many other aspects that need to be taken into consideration when examining young nurses’ relationship with work and their decision to leave their jobs. It highlights the importance of considering the broader social context affecting all people in modern societies who must construct their identity over the course of their lives.

Rozvoj lidských zdrojů ve strategii malých a středních podniků

ATTLOVÁ, Irena January 2018 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is focused on human resource development in strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises. Human resource development is conceptualized very widely in the thesis, because the thesis is concerning with issues still less frequently investigated in relation to human resource development, especially the compliance with the principle of equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination in employment relations. Traditional division into theoretical and practical part is respected in the thesis. Theoretical part contains literature review, broadly describing fundamental disciplinary knowledge, which was elaborated on the basis of long-term studying the scientific writings of many domestic and foreign authors. Theoretical part of the thesis was initial for composing the practical part of the thesis; it was used as a base for the research objectives defining (Chapter 3), served as a guideline on scientific methodology studying and subsequent appropriate methodology and methods selection (Chapter 4), which continues with three practical research topics: staff motivation, employee turnover and job satisfaction in SMEs, and discrimination at the workplace and in staffing regard to SMEs. These areas are meant to be potential barriers of human resource development, unless managed carefully with erudition. Potential occurrence of discrimination in labour law issues brings a risk of sanctions and pecuniary penalty for employers. Research questions, which were formulated according to above mentioned basis by author of this doctoral thesis in the practical part within set research topics, were tested on empirical data by way of both quantitative and qualitative research in two research samples. First of them was gained within team research project GA JU 039/2013/S (investigator doc. Ing. Darja Holátová, Ph.D.) and comprised of 295 SMEs, which were investigated through questionnaire survey; subsequently motivation, employee turnover and job satisfaction on collected data were investigated by author of doctoral thesis. The second sample was investigated by author of this thesis at her own research activity and consisted of 1600 advertisements demanding applicants for 2981 working places at 846 entities, which were announced by regional bureau of Employment Service of the Czech republic for district České Budějovice via the Integrated Portal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech republic (2016) on the webpage portal.mpsv.cz; the prevalence of discriminatory reasons through content analysis was explored and the findings were consequently compared with the survey of the Public Defender of Rights realized in 2011. Finally, the inquiry for the participation of SMEs in announcing job advertisements where discriminatory nature could not be excluded from in studied period was carried out through selecting gender as discriminatory reason. A discovery of the range of employee benefits provided in SMEs, employee turnover rate calculated by author, additionally including voluntary departures of employees, as well as obtained findings about managers' or enterprise owners' attitudes and subjective rating of job satisfaction in studied SMEs were analysed by author of the thesis. The findings have also revealed an insufficient strategic attitude of some approached managers or enterprise owners towards making plans and setting the goals in the area of job satisfaction. Additionally, it was found that SMEs participated in announcing job advertisements where discriminatory nature could not be excluded in studied period along to the criterion of Czech Public Defender of the Rights in the issue of direct discrimination by reason of a gender. On the basis of acquired findings the conclusions and recommendations were formulated. The thesis brings theoretical, practical and pedagogical contribution. In conclusion, the objectives set in the thesis, were, in the author's opinion, accomplished.

L’impact de la rémunération variable sur l’intention de rester via l’engagement organisationnel : étude longitudinale dans le secteur des TIC

Gendron-Boulanger, Aurélie 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Determinants of turnover intentions of librarians at the city of Johannesburg libraries : implications on provision of library services

Masenya, Selatswa Johannes 05 January 2021 (has links)
Organisations are confronted with the challenges of managing, controlling and putting in place retention strategies to mitigate against high turnover intention. This is also the case with public libraries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of the turnover intention of public librarians at the City of Johannesburg Libraries (COJLIS) in the Gauteng province of South Africa, with a view to developing a retention strategy. Turnover intention can bring devastation to the organisation and can also lead to negative consequences such as decreased morale and productivity, shortage of skilled and qualified librarians, direct and indirect costs to library organisation and loss of knowledge. This quantitative research study utilised the conceptual framework to investigate demographic, personal and organisational factors influencing turnover intentions of librarians. The conceptual framework for the present study incorporated aspects of a theory or theories, concepts from the literature, personal experiences, knowledge of the context and models The aspects of theory or theories and concepts from the literature on employee turnover “content” and “process” models such as Mobley (1977), Jerome (2017), Nair, Mee & Cheik (2016), Perez (2008), Spector (2005), Spector (1997), Price and Mueller (2000) and Price (2001)were modified to suit this study for public librarians at COJLIS. Mobley’s (1977) turnover process model was germane to this study, as it theorises a linear sequence consisting of the following: “dissatisfaction, thoughts of quitting, evaluation of subjective expected utility of job search and costs of quitting, search intentions, evaluation of alternatives, comparison of alternatives and present job, intentions to quit and quitting”. The constituents of the conceptual framework are demographics factors (age, tenure and job designation level), personal factors (job satisfaction and organisational commitment) and organisational factors (payment and fringe benefits, location of workplace, working environment: flexi working hours, perceived alternative employment opportunity, promotion and recognition, personal interaction, supervision and leadership, training and opportunity to utilise skills) as well as turnover intention. This study employed the census method and adopted the cross-sectional survey design method to collect data from 174 librarians working in 89 public libraries and three support sections at COJLIS. Data collection involved the use of a closed-ended questionnaire, as well as analysis documents such as strategic plans and human resource policies. Quantitative data were analysed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) according to the objectives of the study. The researcher conducted a linear regression test to find the instance of correlation between personal and organisational variables, and librarians’ intention to leave their workplace. The findings revealed that demographic determinants (age, tenure and job designation level) are significantly related to turnover intention. Tenure was a highly significant predictor of turnover intention. The major findings to this study were a negative and significant relationship between payment and fringe benefits, working environment: flexi working hours (work-life balance) promotion and recognition towards turnover intention. The study concludes that COLIS may be able to reduce turnover intention through the improvement of factors such as payment and fringe benefit, working environment: flexi working hours (work-life balance) promotion and recognition which would lead to increased job satisfaction and organisational commitment. It is recommended that in order to mitigate turnover intention and increase retention, the talent retention policy, strategy and initiatives should be developed which could incorporate the variables (e.g. payment and fringe benefits, promotion and recognition and training to develop and utilise new skills) of the suggested conceptual talent retention model for COJLIS. A further study to validate a newly developed retention model in COJLIS is recommended. / Information Science / M. Inf.

Fluktuace a retence zaměstnanců ve vybrané společnosti / Employee Turnover and Retention in a Selected Company

Koláčková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on employee turnover and retention in a selected company. The theoretical part defines terms that are related to this issue. This part focuses on the causes and consequences of employee turnover, on people resourcing and retention of current employees. This theoretical knowledge is used in the analytical part during analyzing and evaluating the current state of the company. Based on the findings, recommendations that would support effective recruitment and selection process of suitable employees, support retention and reduce employee turnover in the company are provided.

Behålla medarbetare inom revisorsprofessionen : En kvalitativ studie ur två perspektiv – hur revisionsbyråerna arbetar och vad revisorsassistenterna anser betydande.

Fjellström, Maja, Irevall, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Att börja sin karriär som revisorsassistent på revisionsbyrå är eftertraktat hos många nyexaminerade studenter. De stora revisionsbyråerna i Sverige anställer årligen många nyexaminerade studenter till juniora roller så som revisorsassistent. Att anställa revisorsassistenter har därför visat sig vara enkelt men att behålla revisorsassistenter en längre period har visat sig mer problematiskt. Detta leder till att det finns en erkänt hög personalomsättning inom yrket vilket innebär att revisionsbyråerna behöver arbeta med att behålla medarbetare på byrån. Med hänsyn till problematiken är syftet med denna studie således att skapa förståelse för det arbete revisionsbyråerna vidtar för att behålla medarbetare och vad revisorsassistenterna anser betydande för att stanna inom byrån samt det förväntningsgap som finns däremellan. För att uppfylla studiens syfte och besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en dokumentstudie som studerade års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar hos två av de största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige, detta för att skapa förståelse hur de arbetar med att behålla medarbetare. Utöver dokumentstudien genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med nuvarande samt tidigare revisiorsassistenter för att skapa förståelse för vad som är viktigt för att stanna på byrån utifrån deras perspektiv. Studiens viktigaste slutsatser är att förväntningsgapet mellan vad revisionsbyråerna arbetar med och vad revisiorsassistenterna efterfrågar till största del består av avsaknad av balans mellan privat-och arbetsliv som går hand i hand med den kultur som råder följt av mer verklighetstrogna förväntningar och i minst utsträckning utbildning och karriär. Utöver det kan studien även dra slutsatser kring varför det identifierade förväntningsgapet återfinns. Det studien har funnit är att det finns olika utgångspunkter till varför det återfinns en hög personalomsättning inom professionen mellan revisionsbyråer och revisorsassistenter. Detta leder till olika syn kring hur arbetet med att behålla medarbetare ska utformas. Utöver detta återfinns också skilda intressen mellan grupperna så som vinstintresse, resultat och balans i livet. / Starting your career as an audit associate at an auditing firm is sought after by many newly graduated students. The large auditing firms in Sweden annually employs many newly graduated students for junior roles such as audit associates. Hiring audit associates has therefore proved to be easy but retaining audit associates for a longer period has proved to be more problematic. This leads to a recognized high employee turnover in the profession, which means that the auditing firms need to work on retaining employees at the firm. Regarding the difficulties, the purpose of this study is thus to create an understanding of the work that the audit firms do to retain employees and what the audit associates consider significant for staying within the firm and the expectation gap that exists between them. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study and answer the research questions, a document study was conducted. Annual - and sustainability reports at two of the largest auditing firms in Sweden was studied, in order to create an understanding of how they work to retain employees. In addition to the document study, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with current and former audit associates to create an understanding from their perspective and what they think is important to stay at the agency. The study's most important conclusions are that the expectation gap between what audit firms work with and what audit associates demand largely consists of work-life balance that goes hand in hand with a high-performing culture followed by more realistic expectations and to a lesser extent education and career. In addition, the study can also draw conclusions about why the identified expectation gap exists. The study has found that there is a different starting point to why there is a high employee turnover in the profession between auditing firms and auditing associates. This leads to different views on how the work of retaining employees should be constructed. In addition to this, there are also different interests between the groups, such as profit interest, results and work- life balance.

Morgondagens arbetsmarknad är här : En kvalitativ studie om varför generationerna Millennials och Gen Z byter arbetsplats oftare än tidigare generationer och vad organisationen bör göra för att behålla dem / The labour market of tomorrow is here  : A qualitative study of why Millennials and Gen Z generations are changing jobs more  often than previous generations and what the organization should do to maintain them

Clavertz, Linda, Asiimwe, Elizabeth January 2022 (has links)
Dagens organisationer möter nya villkor och krav från de yngre generationerna Millennials och Gen Z på arbetsmarknaden. Med de yngre generationernas nya villkor och krav har organisationen fått det svårare att behålla dem på sin arbetsplats. De har bidragit till en högre personalomsättning än vad tidigare generationer har gjort och denna studie har till syfte att undersöka vad det beror på och vad organisationen bör göra för att behålla dem. Det är även syftet att ta reda på om faktorerna som får Millennials och Gen Z att byta arbetsplats skiljer sig  åt eller om det är samma. Studien genomförde två olika insamlingsmetoder, en kvantiativ och en kvalitativ, som sedan analyserades och tolkades med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Analysen visade att Millennials byter arbetsplats för att; det är brist på balans mellan deras arbetsliv och privatliv, att de inte får den utveckling, utbildning eller befordran de förväntar sig samt för att de känner sig osäkra i sin anställning eller med sin lön. Resultatet visade även att  Gen Z byter arbetsplats på grund av; att de känner sig osäkra i sin anställning eller i sin lön, att det är brist på balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv samt att de inte kan lita på eller vara stolt över sina ledare/ chefer. Dessutom visade resultatet att organisationer behöver ta reda på vad de yngre generationernas förväntningar är på dem och arbetsplatsen för att kunna behålla dem som  anställda. De behöver veta även att Millennials och Gen Z som anställda skiljer sig åt i sina  förväntningar och behov, samt att de faktorer som dem prioriterar när de väljer arbetsplats inte är samma faktorer som får dem att lämna. / Today's organisations are facing new conditions and demands from the younger generations of  Millennials and Gen Z in the employee market. With the new conditions and demands of the  younger generations, organizations are finding it more difficult to retain them in the workplace. They have contributed to a higher employee turnover rate than previous generations and the aim is to study what it depends on and what organizations should do to retain them. It also aims to  find out if the factors that cause Millennials and Gen Z to change jobs are different or if it is the  same. The study carried out two different collection methods, a quantitative and a qualitative  one, which were then analyzed and interpreted with a qualitative approach. The analyze revealed that Millennials change workplaces because; there is a lack of work-life balance, they  do not get the development, education or the promotion they expect and because they feel insecure in their employment or with their salary. The results also showed that Gen Z changed jobs because; they feel insecure in their employment or salary, there is a lack of work-life balance and that they cannot trust or be proud of their leaders/managers. In addition, the results  showed that organisations need to find out what the younger generations' expectations are of  them and the workplace in order to retain them as employees. They need to know that  Millennials and Gen Z as employees differ in their expectations and needs, and that the factors that they prioritize when choosing a workplace are not the same factors that cause them to leave

Социально-психологические аспекты текучести кадров в организации : магистерская диссертация / Socio-psychological aspects of staff turnover in the organization

Миргородская, О. А., Mirgorodskaya, O. A. January 2018 (has links)
The object of the research was the employees of the "Linkom" branch of the city of Yekaterinburg. The subject of the study was the individual psychological characteristics of the staff (the type of personality corresponds to the organizational environment, the level of stress-resistance of the staff, the level of communication skills, the level of personality conflict, the psychological climate in the organization). The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of literature (58 sources) and 11 applications, including summary tables of research data and forms of methodologies. The volume of the master's thesis is 86 pages. In the introduction, the urgency of the research problem is revealed, the goal and objectives of the research are set, the object and the subject of the research are determined, the basic and additional hypotheses are formulated, the methods and the empirical basis are specified, as well as the stages of the research, the scientific novelty, the theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of the study, a description of the factors of staff turnover. Socio-psychological aspects of staff turnover are separately examined. Conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It contains a description of the sample, organization, methods and results of the study, obtained from the seven methods used: 1) the questionnaire of professional self-determination by J. Holland; 2) questionnaire "Determining the type of future profession" E.A. Klimova; 3) questionnaire "Assessment of the level of conflictual personality" Rogova V..I; 4) questionnaire "Assessment of the psychological climate in the organization" Lutoshkina L.N.; 5) questionnaire "Professional stress" Golovatskoy S.L; 6) questionnaire "Communicative propensities" Sinyakovskiy V.V. and Fedorishina B.A.; 7) questionnaire to determine the degree of satisfaction with their profession and work for N. Zhirin and E. Ilyin. Statistical analysis used the analysis of means. The conclusions of Chapter 2 include the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, are presented in a generalized form, the practical significance of the study is substantiated and possible prospects for further development of this problem are described. / Объектом исследования сотрудники подразделения ООО «Линком» г. Екатеринбурга. Предметом исследования стали индивидуально-психологические особенности персонала (соответствие типа личности организационной среде, уровень стрессоустойчивости сотрудников, уровень сформированности коммуникативных навыков, уровень конфликтности личности, психологический климат в организации). Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (58 источника) и 11-ти приложений, включающих в себя сводные таблицы данных исследования и бланки методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 86 страниц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительная гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования, описание факторов текучести кадров. Отдельно рассматриваются социально-психологические аспекты текучести кадров. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание выборки, организации, методов и результатов исследования, полученных по семи использованным методикам:1) опросник профессионального самоопределения Дж. Голланда; 2) опросник «Определение типа будущей профессии» Е.А. Климова; 3) опросник «Оценка уровня конфликтности личности» Рогова В.И.; 4) опросник «Оценка психологического климата в организации» Лутошкина Л.Н.; 5) опросник «Профессиональный стресс» Головацкой С.Л.; 6) опросник «Коммуникативные склонности» Синяковского В.В. и Федоришина Б.А.; 7) опросник на выявление степени удовлетворенности своей профессией и работой по Н. Жирину и Е. Ильину. При статистической обработке использовался анализ средних. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики.

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