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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender Difference in Role-Play : Male and Female Character Language in World of Warcraft

Skoglund, Jeanette January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this essay, I have investigated whether players of World of Warcraft change their language to suit the gender of the character they play. I have researched if there are gender differences that correspond to what is defined as male and female language in mixed-sex conversations. Chat-logs, collected during four participant observations, were used for making an analysis based primarily on research by Coates (1993) and Yale (2007). Seven features were selected for analysis: amount of participation, hedges, questions, directives and commands, taboo language, compliments and grammar. It was possible to discover gender differences, but these were not consistent in all areas of research. For example, female characters had a higher contribution than males, as well as a higher use of hedges and tag-questions among males, which contradicts previous research. The lack of consistency might be due to the fact that the participants do not specifically consider all areas as typically female or male, or their unawareness of these tendencies. We also need to consider disagreement in previous gender studies as well as folklinguistic belief. The explanation of the lack of consistent differences may be a more equal relationship between males and females in this context, or due to thepossibility that the participants, who are usually male, make use of their normal male language.</p>

Aktiv engelska- en studie av nybörjarundervisningen på English House i Hirtshals, Danmark. / Active English : a study of the education for beginners at English House in Hirtshals, Denmark.

Franzén, Maria AdV January 2000 (has links)
<p>Jag har gjort en studie av English House i Danmark, där danska skolklasser får veckolånga språkbad. Att enbart tala engelska med eleverna blir där möjligt genom att även utnyttja andra sätt att kommunicera, än det rent verbala. Jag har relaterat undervisningen på English House både till språkforskningen, och till de vanligaste språkinlärningsmetoder som används i skolan. Att språk handlar om kommunikation mellan människor är naturligt på English House. Metoderna som används är många, för att passa så många som möjligt, och stimuleraså många sinnen det går. Bland annat finns inslag av direktmetoden, The Funktional Notional Approach och Total Physical Respons. English House handlar främst om att uppleva ett helt kulturpaket innehållande t ex historia, samhällskunskap och kulturyttringar så som sånger, lekar, traditioner och berättelser, där språket är både mål och medel. De yngsta gästerna på English House får lära sig många nya ord under en vecka som är vitt skild från den vanliga undervisnigen. Med många skratt och fysiska övningar tillägnar de sig det engelska språket, och får ett ökat förtroende för den egna språkförmågan. Cheryl Strike, som är lärare där, är oerhört kunnig och kreativ. Hon har satt sin prägel på undervisningen. Hennes sätt att arbeta stämmer väl överens med hur modern språkforskning anser att undervisning i främmande språk bör bedrivas. Att erbjuda svenska skolklasser denna möjlighet till intensivveckor i engelska, är något som skulle bidra till höjd kvalitet på engelskundervisningen. Arbetssättet, som dock ställer höga krav på lärarens språkliga och kreativa förmåga, skulle bidra till att uppnå målen som kursplanerna i Lpo 94 sätter upp för engelskundervisningen i den svenska skolan.</p>

"Gender and Genre" : A Feminist Exploration of the <em>Bildungsroman</em> in <em>A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man</em> and <em>Martha Quest</em>

Brändström, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>The predominant focus on the male protagonist in the <em>Bildungsroman</em> genre has provoked feminist critics to offer a re-definition of the genre, claiming that the female protagonist's development differs in significant ways from the traditionally expected course of development (i.e. male). A feminist comparison between <em>A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man</em> and <em>Martha Quest</em> found, unexpectedly, that the female protagonist follows the traditional <em>Bildungsroman</em> trajectory in several respects, whereas the male protagonist deviates from it. <em>A Portrait</em> emphasizes the themes of childhood, formal education and religion, while in <em>Martha Quest</em> the themes of family relations, informal education, sexuality and marriage are treated at length. <em>Martha Quest </em>as an example of a female <em>Bildungsroman</em> deals specifically with the issues of role models, gender roles and gender inequality, which neither the traditional <em>Bildungsroman</em> nor <em>A Portrait </em>does.</p><p> </p>

Through a Piece of Colored Glass : An Analysis of Caddy Compson in The Sound and the Fury

Jewell, Arwen January 2008 (has links)
<p>The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s story of the Compson family’s downfall in the American South during the early 20th century. The novel illustrates the impact on the cultural identity of the South of strictly defined social roles and the tension they created in the aftermath of slavery and defeat in the Civil War. In my analysis, I have chosen to focus on gender issues, especially in their Southern manifestation. The Compsons’ daughter, Caddy, figures prominently in the sons’ narratives, but is only portrayed through their perceptions and memories. My aim is to determine Caddy’s significance in the novel by exploring her relationships with her brothers, as seen through their eyes, and how she is characterized by them. In Benjy’s narrative, I examine her actions as a little girl in light of the Eve myth and the icon of the virgin mother. Quentin’s obsession with Caddy's sexuality as a teenager reveals the implications of associating female sexuality with death, the role of language in reproducing and combating established gender power structures, and the impact of traditional gender roles on women and men. Jason’s binary categorization of women as virgins or whores turns the few glimpses of Caddy as a mother into that of a woman treated as a commodity of exchange. In each of their narratives, Caddy is a dynamic character whose words, body, and actions expose prevailing social and gender power struggles. By conjuring her presence through her absence, her brothers reveal the depth and destructiveness of the social imperatives that underlie their attempts to control her. I suggest that Caddy’s role in the novel is to disrupt the brothers’ narratives and challenge the underlying Southern social and gender constructs that imbue them.</p>

I Say 'tomeydo', You Say 'tomahto': American and British English pronunciation in EFL Learning

Norlin, Helena January 2006 (has links)
<p>Within the last few hundred years, English has gone from being a rather small peripheral language to what it is today – a world language, spoken by millions of people worldwide. The best-known dialects to Swedish learners of English are British English (RP, Received Pronunciation) and American English (GA, General American). Traditionally, British English has been the variety taught in Swedish schools, but due to the recent and growing influence of American English, more and more pupils are using the American dialect. The purpose of this essay is to determine which of these dialects is more common among students in one Swedish school. I have also investigated if the teachers’ English pronunciation and their opinions of the different dialects, as well as the students’ own, have an impact on what variety the students choose to use.</p><p>The results of the study show that although all students mixed both dialects, American features were predominant. A small number of students spoke mainly British English. A majority of the students claimed to be influenced more by the media than by their teachers. When it comes to the students’ opinions of the two dialects it appeared that the students who used more features from one dialect proved to be more positive towards that dialect. Many students found British English to be snobbish. It was also seen as slightly more classy and beautiful than GA. American English was generally considered cool but cocky. It was not considered as intelligent-sounding as RP, but instead more friendly and reliable.</p>

British vs American English : Pronunciation in the EFL Classroom

Östlund, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Today English is a world language; it is spoken by millions both as first and second language almost all over the world. The varieties best known to Swedish pupils are the varieties British and American English. Another variety of English, which is spoken by both native and non-native speakers, is a mixture of British English and American English called Mid-Atlantic English. As long as the English language has been a part of the Swedish curriculum, the leading variety taught has been British English, but lately American English has influenced Swedish teenagers because of its prominent status in media. Since both British English and American English are used in Swedish schools, different attitudes can be perceived among pupils and teachers towards these two varieties. The aim of this paper is to determine if Swedish pupils are using British or American English or if they mix these two varieties. Attitudes and prejudice amongst pupils and their teachers towards these two varieties are looked into as well as whether the pupils speak the variety of English they claim they speak. The question of why the pupils speak the variety they do is also investigated. The results show that most pupils mix British and American English and that American English features predominate in the mix. According to this investigation, teachers and pupils find British English to be a bit “snobbish” while American English can sound a bit “cocky” to them. This investigation concludes that the two major influences on the pupils are their teachers and different kind of media.</p>

Video Game Vocabulary : The effect of video games on Swedish learners‟ word comprehension

Laveborn, Joel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Video games are very popular among children in the Western world. This study was done in order to investigate if video games had an effect on 49 Swedish students‟ comprehension of English words (grades 7-8). The investigation was based on questionnaire and word test data. The questionnaire aimed to measure with which frequency students were playing video games, and the word test aimed to measure their word comprehension in general. In addition, data from the word test were used to investigate how students explained the words. Depending on their explanations, students were categorized as either using a “video game approach” or a “dictionary approach” in their explanations.</p><p>The results showed a gender difference, both with regard to the frequency of playing and what types of games that were played. Playing video games seemed to increase the students‟ comprehension of English words, though there was no clear connection between the frequency with which students were playing video games and the choice of a dictionary or video game approach as an explanation.</p>

English as a Foreign language in Brazil and Sweden : A comparative study

Sklar, Fabiana January 2009 (has links)
<p>In Brazil, English is studied from first grade of elementary school. For some reason after eleven years of study, students in general have problems communicating orally and in writing. Swedish students, on the other hand, seem to be able to communicate quite proficiently in English, even though it is also considered to be foreign language learning. The purpose of this comparative study is to discover what differs in the Brazilian and Swedish learning and teaching that makes the Swedish results superior. The purpose was to compare English learning as a foreign language in Sweden and in Brazil, and questionnaires were distributed to teacher and students. Of the many possibilities raised as hypotheses for the effective English learning in Sweden, teacher’s educational background, working hours per week, number of students per teacher, were found to be more problematic in Brazil, according to the teachers’ questionnaire. When it comes to students, it appears that Brazilian students show a lack of commitment to their learning tasks and awareness of the importance of learning English. In addition, several social aspects have to be taken into account when judging the educational situation of a country, but the importance of a good education can never be overlooked.</p>

Narrating Gypsies, Telling Travellers : A Sudy of the Relational Self in Four Life Stories

Shaw, Martin January 2006 (has links)
<p>To say that Gypsy and/or Traveller and/or Romany life stories have existed on the periphery of literary studies can be considered an understatement. In this study of the relational self, <i>Narrating Gypsies, Telling Travellers</i>, examines the discursive and structural complexities involved in the practices of writing and speaking in the production process and narrative trajectories of the life stories of Gordon Sylvester Boswell (1970), Nan Joyce (1985), Jimmy Stockins (2000), and Jess Smith (2002 and 2003).</p><p>The study emphasizes relational aspects of self-construction, which includes links to the national (hi)stories of Scotland, Ireland and England. Beginning with an eighteenth-century scaffold confession and moving through colonial, post-colonial, national and internal colonial narratives, the study follows a discursive path that re-emerges and reverberates in the spoken and/or written words of the story narrators. The study problemetizes the effectiveness of resistance as the historical depth and relationally produced dual-nature of domination is analysed. Above all the study positions modes of domination and self-domination within processes of forgetting forged through consensual, subtle and coercive practices related to points of view and the taken-for-granted.</p>

The Invasion of the Zebra Mussel - Effects on Phytoplankton Community Structure and Ecosystem Function

Naddafi, Rahmat January 2007 (has links)
<p>Biological invasion has become a major threat to economy, ecology, global biodiversity and ecosystem function of aquatic ecosystems. The main aim of the thesis was to study the effects of the zebra mussel <i>(Dreissena polymorpha)</i>, a versatile invasive species, on phytoplankton dynamics and ecosystem function of lakes. </p><p>In a first attempt, I compared the density of <i>Dreissena</i> and the physicochemical data of ecosystems that it invaded among North American and European lakes to identify important factors in its invasion success. Secondly, I investigated the impact of zebra mussels on phytoplankton community composition in a natural lake. Thirdly, I evaluated whether zebra mussel feeding behavior were affected by the presence of predatory waterborne cues. Finally, I examined the effect of <i>Dreissena</i> on seston stoichiometry.</p><p>A Generalized Additive Model revealed that a joint effect of surface area, mean depth, total phosphorus and calcium concentrations can explain the variability in <i>Dreissena</i> density. Selective grazing by zebra mussels varied in relation to seasonal phytoplankton dynamics. Risk cues released by predators affected both feeding rate and prey selection of the mussels and had cascading indirect effects on phytoplankton biomass and community structure. I found that the flux in nutrients caused by differences in zebra mussel consumption lead to a variation in phytoplankton nutrient limitation.</p><p>The flexibility of zebra mussel feeding behavior and variation in susceptibility among phytoplankton groups to mussel ingestion indicate that invading zebra mussels could alter phytoplankton community composition of lakes and have important ecosystem consequences. The results of this thesis contribute to the growing evidence that predators indirectly affect resource dynamics and food web structure through their non-lethal effects on consumers. The results suggested that zebra mussel can indirectly both reduce and increase the energy transfer efficiency from primary producers to upper trophic levels in the pelagic and benthic food webs, respectively. </p>

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