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Det låter pretty najs : En undersökning av mellanstadieelevers attityder till engelska lånord / That sounds 'pretty najs' : A study of middle school students' attitudes towards English loanwords in SwedishHeinonen, Susanne January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker unga människors attityder till att använda enstaka ord ochfraser på engelska i svenska meningar. Forskning visar att engelskt inflytande är högre iyngre åldrar än hos äldre. Fenomenet att använda engelska ord i det svenska språket desenaste decennierna har ökat alltmer och det finns flera faktorer som pekar på attengelskan har fått ett allt större inflytande inom flera samhällsområden. Dessa språkligaförändringar speglas av samhällets kultur och attityd till engelskan. Förutom den litteratursom jag hänvisar till i den här uppsatsen har jag valt att genomföra en intervju- ochenkätundersökning med yngre individer för att ta reda på deras attityd till att växla mellansvenska och engelska när de talar.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att en majoritet av informanterna använder engelskai sitt vardagsspråk och att attityden till att använda ord och fraser på engelska i det svenskaspråket är mycket positiv samt att sociala faktorer som till exempel samhörighet spelar enstor roll. Dessutom visar resultatet att attityden till att använda engelska ord är något merpositiv hos flickor än hos pojkar. Resultatet visar även att informanterna i undersökningenanvänder engelska ord som screena, softa och King när de talar om fritidsaktiviteter samtatt de entusiastiskt uttrycker engelska adjektiv som cool, pretty, nice eller najs, ibland isin engelska form och ibland anpassat till svenskan.
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Inter- and intralingual errors in Chinese students' compositions : A case study / Förstaspråks- och målspråksfel i kinesiska studenters uppsatser : En fallstudieBjörkegren, David January 2018 (has links)
In this quantitative study, time controlled written English compositions by 39 Chinese university majors of English were analyzed by means of Error Analysis (EA) in order to find out what grammatical errors were made. It investigates errors made by more than one fifth of the participants, in order to see whether they can be ascribed to either interlingual or intralingual influence. An error taxonomy based on previous research was created specifically for the errors encountered in the EA. The following grammatical errors were analyzed in the error analysis: article errors, noun number errors, prepositions errors, and verb errors. The results of the error analysis showed that while Chinese learners of English make mistakes due to both interlingual and intralingual influence, the vast majority are due to interlingual influence. These findings strengthen previous notions that when the target language belongs to another language family than the L1, errors are due more often to interlingual influence (also referred to as negative transfer) than to intralingual influence. / I den här kvantitativa studien har en felanalys gjorts på tidskontrollerade engelskuppsatser skrivna av 39 kinesiska universitetsstudenter med engelska som huvudämne. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka typer av grammatiska fel som är vanligast. Den undersöker vilka fel som är frekventa hos studenterna och om de kan hänföras till förstaspråks- eller målspråksinterferens. En felanalys baserad på tidigare forskning utarbetades specifikt för de kategorier som påträffades i felanalysen. Följande grammatiska fel analyserades: artikelfel, fel i substantivets singular- och pluralform, prepositionsfel och verbfel. Resultaten visade att medan kinesiska studenter tenderar att göra misstag som är grundade i både förstaspråks- och målspråksinterferens, så beror de flesta felen på förstaspråksinterferens. De här resultaten styrker tidigare forskning som visar att när målspråket tillhör en annan språkfamilj än förstaspråket, uppstår felen oftare på grund av förstaspråksinterferens (även kallat negativ transfer) än av målspråksinterferens.
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Läsförståelse i engelska som främmande språk : Avkodning är flaskhalsen för elever i lässvårigheter / Reading Comprehension in English as a Foreign Language : Decoding is the Bottleneck for Students in Reading DifficultiesLindqvist, Christel, Gustafsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka, beskriva och analysera variationer och samband gällande språkförståelse, avkodning och läsförståelse på svenska och engelska och utröna vilken betydelse dessa komponenter har för elever som lär sig engelska som främmande språk. Studien utgick från The Simple View of Readingsamt The Linguistic Coding Differences Hypothesis,vilka ligger till grund för beskrivning och tolkning av studiens empiri. I studien medverkade 24 elever i lässvårigheter och 30 typiska läsare. De gick i årskurs 4 i åtta skolor belägna i södra Sverige. Dessa elever genomförde sex deltest; tre på svenska och tre på engelska. Resultatet visadeatt elever i lässvårigheter presterade signifikant sämre än typiska läsare på samtliga test, utom det test som prövade språkförståelse på svenska. Studien visar att en individs avkodningsförmåga är avgörande för läsförståelsen i engelska som främmande språk. Detta gäller såväl typiska läsare som elever i lässvårigheter, vilket även tidigare forskning i andra länder visat. Studiens slutsats är att samtliga elever måste ges möjlighet att träna på och utveckla sin avkodningsförmåga på engelska för att uppnå god läsförståelse på engelska. / The purpose of this study was to investigate, describe and analyze variations and relationships regarding language comprehension, decoding and reading comprehension in Swedish and English and determine the importance of these components for students who learn English as a foreign language. The study was based on The Simple View of Readingand The Linguistic Coding Differences Hypothesis, which form the basis for the description and interpretation of the study's results. Twenty-four students in reading difficulties and thirty students with typical reading ability participated in the study. They were in the fourth grade and went to eight different schools located in the south of Sweden. These students conducted six tests; three in Swedish and three in English. The results showed that students in reading difficulties performed significantly worse than typical readers on all tests, except for the one that tested language comprehension in Swedish. The study shows that an individual's decoding ability is crucial for reading comprehension in English as a foreign language. This applies to both typical readers and students in reading difficulties, as also shown in previous research in other countries. The study's conclusion is that all students must be given the opportunity to practice and develop their decoding skills in English to achieve a good reading comprehension in English.
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Performance Evaluation Of Self-Backhaul For Small-Cell 5G SolutionsHellkvist, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the possibility of using millimeter waves of frequency 28GHz for the use of wireless backhaul in small cell solutions in the coming fifth generation mobile networks. This frequency band has not been used in preceding mobile networks but is undergoing a lot of research. In this thesis simulations are performed to evaluate how the high frequency waves behave inside a three dimensional grid of buildings. The simulations use highly directive antenna arrays with antenna gains of 26dBi. A main results of the investigation was that a high bandwidth of 800MHz was not enough to provide 12Gbps in non line-of-sight propagation within the simulations. Furthermore, without interference limiting techniques, the interference is probable to dominate the noise, even though the high diffraction losses of millimeter waves propose that interference should be very limited in urban areas.
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Swedish Blogs and English Borrowings : An Investigation / Swedish Blogs and English Borrowings : An Investigation into the Role of Swedish Blogs for Introducing and Establishing English Loans in SwedishWestergren, My January 2009 (has links)
This paper investigates the role of Swedish blogs as a channel for introduction and establishment of English loans. The direct loans, covering both single-word loans and phrasal loans, were collected from nine blogs at three points in time: 2000, 2004 and 2008. The dimensions of frequency, distribution, formal integration and establishment in Swedish normative dictionaries were used to analyze the samples as unintegrated, interim or established loans in accordance with Chrystal (1988). A newspaper corpus was used to compare the borrowings’ time of appearance to see whether the blogs have a more active role in introducing borrowings than newspapers have. Of the single-word loans accounted for, 24 were unintegrated, 19 interim and 5 established. The phrasal loans showed 27 unintegrated, 30 interim and 1 established borrowing. When compared to the newspaper corpus, 10 single-word loans and 32 phrasal loans occurred only in blogs or in blogs before they occurred in the corpus, while 38 single-word loans and 26 phrases occurred in the corpus before or at the same time as in the blogs. Nine of the unintegrated or interim loans in the blogs were subsequently established in a Swedish dictionary. The results indicate that blogs do have a role in introducing and establishing borrowings in Swedish, but from this qualitative investigation it is not possible to determine the magnitude of their influence.
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Translation Norms, Strategies and Solutions in Lagerlöf's The Further Adventures of Nils (1911) : A Comparative Analysis of Proper Nouns and Lexical Items for Natural PhenomenaBäckström, Elin January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine translation norms, strategies and solutions in chapter XIII Westbottom and Lapland in The Further Adventures of Nils (Lagerlöf, 1911). In the foreword to the English translation of the novel, the translator writes that some of the purely geographical matter has been eliminated in the translation, and that cuts have been made where the descriptive matter is only of local interest. This statement raised questions about the intended readerships and the purposes of the original novel and the translation, respectively. Are these the same in the two texts, or are they different? Further questions were raised regarding the initial norm of the translator. Has she aimed for domestication or foreignization in the text? In this paper, two domains were chosen as fields of study: proper nouns and the lexical fields of water, heights and flat land. Through an analysis of coupled pairs from the chosen domains, it was concluded that the translator’s initial norm was foreignization, but that there are also many examples of domestication in the text. It was also shown that while the original novel has two clearly stated purposes, namely of being a geography book for Swedish school children as well as a novel with high literary standards, the educational purpose is not as pronounced in the translation. However, the inclusion of a Table of Pronunciation displayed an educational addition to the translation, which is not part of the original novel. Keywords: translation, Lagerlöf, English, Swedish, initial norm, domestication, foreignization.
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Aktiv engelska- en studie av nybörjarundervisningen på English House i Hirtshals, Danmark. / Active English : a study of the education for beginners at English House in Hirtshals, Denmark.Franzén, Maria AdV January 2000 (has links)
Jag har gjort en studie av English House i Danmark, där danska skolklasser får veckolånga språkbad. Att enbart tala engelska med eleverna blir där möjligt genom att även utnyttja andra sätt att kommunicera, än det rent verbala. Jag har relaterat undervisningen på English House både till språkforskningen, och till de vanligaste språkinlärningsmetoder som används i skolan. Att språk handlar om kommunikation mellan människor är naturligt på English House. Metoderna som används är många, för att passa så många som möjligt, och stimuleraså många sinnen det går. Bland annat finns inslag av direktmetoden, The Funktional Notional Approach och Total Physical Respons. English House handlar främst om att uppleva ett helt kulturpaket innehållande t ex historia, samhällskunskap och kulturyttringar så som sånger, lekar, traditioner och berättelser, där språket är både mål och medel. De yngsta gästerna på English House får lära sig många nya ord under en vecka som är vitt skild från den vanliga undervisnigen. Med många skratt och fysiska övningar tillägnar de sig det engelska språket, och får ett ökat förtroende för den egna språkförmågan. Cheryl Strike, som är lärare där, är oerhört kunnig och kreativ. Hon har satt sin prägel på undervisningen. Hennes sätt att arbeta stämmer väl överens med hur modern språkforskning anser att undervisning i främmande språk bör bedrivas. Att erbjuda svenska skolklasser denna möjlighet till intensivveckor i engelska, är något som skulle bidra till höjd kvalitet på engelskundervisningen. Arbetssättet, som dock ställer höga krav på lärarens språkliga och kreativa förmåga, skulle bidra till att uppnå målen som kursplanerna i Lpo 94 sätter upp för engelskundervisningen i den svenska skolan.
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Får man ta en bulle? : En undersökning av elevers översättning av pronomenet man till engelska / May I Take a Bun? : A Study of Swedish Students' Translation of the Pronoun Man into EnglishOtter, Harriet January 2008 (has links)
Ett av målen i skolans läroplan är att eleverna utvecklar en kommunikativ och social kompetens. Enligt kursplanen för engelska B kurs, skall eleverna bland annat ha utvecklat en förmåga att kunna anpassa språket beroende på den situation eleven befinner sig i. Det indefinita pronomenet man är vanligt förekommande i det svenska språket. Att översätta detta ord fordrar en förståelse av situation såväl som av register. Undersökningen går ut på att ta reda på hur eleverna hanterar översättningen av man och om de vet när situationen fordrar formellt eller informellt språk. Resultatet visar att de kan hantera översättningen i de flesta avseenden även om de inte fått mycket undervisning om problemet. Valet av you som motsvarighet till man är dock övervägande och eftersom detta val signalerar informalitet kan kommunikationen påverkas. / One of the goals of the Swedish national curriculum is that students develop a communicative and social competence. According to the English B-level syllabus, the students should among other things develop their ability to adjust language use to the situation. The indefinite pronoun man is a frequent occurrence in the Swedish language. Translating this word requires an understanding of situation as well as register. The study examines how the students handle the translation of man and if they know when the situation requires formal or informal language. The result shows that they can handle the translation in most cases even though they have not been given much instruction on the problem. However, the choice of you as a correspondence to man is predominant, and since this choice signals informality communication might be affected.
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eTwinning in relation to the Swedish national curriculum : A study of three eTwinning projects in Swedish upper secondary schoolsScott, Ann January 2009 (has links)
With the introduction of computers and Internet access at many schools, a whole new world of opportunities has opened up within the area of education. In 2005 the European Union eLearning programme introduced an action called eTwinning, which provides an opportunity for schools in the Member States of the European Union to register international partnerships and engage in ICT-based projects. The object of eTwinning is to promote school collaboration across the borders. The introduction of eTwinning provides many educational opportunities for teachers and students, but the inclusion of ICT-based projects also brings pedagogical challenges for teachers. This paper looks at how three Swedish upper secondary schools have used eTwinning as a teaching tool in their classroom to enhance the students’ English skills and include multicultural awareness studies as part of the curriculum, and also how they have incorporated course criteria from the national curriculum in these international projects. The analysis of the qualitative data will take into account pedagogical approaches that the teachers have used in the projects. The final discussion focuses on best practice ideas for eTwinning projects, based on the national course criteria in combination with pedagogical theory. One intention is with this paper is to encourage further studies on how eTwinning can be used as an integrated part of classroom activities based on the participating countries’ national curricula.
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Teaching literature in upper-secondary English class : A qualitative study of Swedish teachers' approaches and experiencesGranath, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The reasons for incorporating literature in foreign language classrooms range from increased language proficiency and gaining cultural experience to increasing literary knowledge. In Swedish upper-secondary school, literature inclusion is advocated by the course curriculum, but with few specifics as to how teachers should approach it. This study investigates how teachers approach literature teaching, what their ideals for their teaching are, and what difficulties they experience when teaching. These questions were addressed in semi-structured interviews with seven upper-secondary school teachers. The data was analyzed using Content Analysis. The results show that the teachers viewed the role of literature as a way to enhance students’ social and cultural awareness, as well as their language proficiency. The teachers emphasized maintaining and cultivating students’ interests by choosing literature that contain themes relatable and interesting to students, as well as by enthusing students when introducing the texts. When working with the texts the most common assignments and exercises were based on literary analysis and subjective student reflection. The biggest constraint perceived by the teachers were unmotivated and uninterested students. A possible conclusion to be drawn from the research is that it is increasingly important for teachers to connect to students’ needs and interests when incorporating literature. A suggestion for further research is therefore to investigate students’ perceptions and experiences with literature in English class. In addition, the efficiency of literature teaching approaches needs to be researched, as this area is fairly unexplored.
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