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Entrepreneurs and Small-Scale Enterprises : Self Reported Health, Work Conditions, Work Environment Management and Occupational Health ServicesGunnarsson, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focused on factors contributing to improved work environment in small-scale enterprises and sustainable health for the entrepreneurs. In Study I, implementation of the provision of Systematic Work Environment Management (SWEM) with and without support was investigated. Two implementation methods were used, supervised and network method. The effect of the project reached the employees faster in the enterprises with the supervised method. In general, the work environment improved in all enterprises. However, extensive support to small-scale enterprises in terms of advice and networking aimed at fulfilling SWEM regulations had limited effect – especially considering the cost of applying these methods. Studies II, III, and IV focused on entrepreneurs’ health, work conditions, strategies for maintaining good health, and utilisation of Occupational Health Service (OHS). A closed cohort of entrepreneurs in ten different trades responded to two self-administered questionnaires on health and work conditions, with five years between the surveys: at baseline, 496 entrepreneurs responded, and 251 entrepreneurs responded at follow-up. Differences were tested by Chi2-test, and associations estimated with logistic regression analyses. Qualitative interviews on entrepreneurs’ strategies for maintaining good health were included. In Study II, the most frequently reported complaints, musculoskeletal pain and mental health problems, were associated with poor job satisfaction and poor physical work environment. In Study III, consistent self-reported good health, i.e. good health both at baseline and at follow up, was associated with self-valued good social life when adjusted for physical work conditions and job satisfaction. Entrepreneurs’ strategies for maintaining good health included good planning and control over work, flexibility at work, good social contact with family, friends and other entrepreneurs, and regular physical exercise. Study IV concerned entrepreneur’s utilisation of OHS. Entrepreneurs affiliated to OHS had either better or more adverse work conditions than non-affiliated entrepreneurs. Medical care and health check-ups were the services most utilised. Affiliation to OHS correlated with use of specific information sources and active work environment management. The entrepreneurs were not consistently affiliated to OHS over the five-year-period.
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Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : En arbetsgivares respektive arbetstagares ansvar för den psykosociala arbetsmiljön / Psychosocial working environment : Employers and employees responsibility for the psychosocial working environmentKarlsson, Anna, Nytomt, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
Arbetsmiljö är ”summan” av både fysiska, sociala och psykiska upplevelser som en arbetstagare möter i arbetslivet. Dessa upplevelser skapas eller formas av olika faktorer som arbetstagaren dagligen möter på sin arbetsplats. Då psykosocial arbetsmiljö idag är en relevant och aktuell fråga är uppsatsen inriktad på detta ämnesområde. I uppsatsen framställs den psykosociala arbetsmiljörätten ur tre olika perspektiv - rättsdogmatiskt, historiskt och empiriskt. Det rättsdogmatiska perspektivet är grunden för uppsatsen då det undersöks hur den psykosociala arbetsmiljön regleras i arbetsmiljölagstiftningen, samt vilket ansvar arbetsgivare respektive arbetstagare har gentemot den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och arbetsgivarna respektive arbetstagarnas ansvar regleras i Arbetsmiljölagen (1977:1160), i det följande AML, 3 kapitlet 1a, 2, 2a, 3 och 4 §§ samt föreskriften Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete (AFS 2001:1), i det följande SAM. Arbetsgivaren har tillsammans med arbetstagarna en skyldighet att samverka för att främja den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Arbetsgivaren har dock huvudansvaret att vidta alla åtgärder som krävs för att uppnå detta, bland annat att systematiskt genomföra undersökningar och riskbedömningar som beaktar de psykosociala aspekterna på arbetsplatsen. Arbetsgivaren ska dessutom tillgodose arbetstagarna med introduktion, instruktion och vid behov aktuell utbildning, allt för att arbetstagarna ska kunna vara aktiv i arbetsmiljöarbetet. Som komplement till den rättsdogmatiska undersökningen utfördes en empirisk undersökning i form av två kvantitativa studier. Där undersöktes hur arbetstagarna upplevde den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på arbetsplatsen. Det framgick inga alarmerande resultat som krävde någon större redovisning. Det psykosociala arbetsmiljöarbetet kan vara kostsamt samtidigt som det kan vara en framtida investering som i slutändan kan ge arbetsgivaren friska och mer tillfredsställda arbetstagare. Om kraft och energi läggs ned på goda arbetsförhållanden kan detta öka både trivseln och intresset hos arbetstagarna, som i sin tur ger resultat av en bättre ekonomi för verksamheten och därmed en attraktivare arbetsgivare.
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Synergonomi och arbetsbelysning för sjuksköterskor inom avancerad hemsjukvårdHåkansson, Malin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The main aim of this master thesis was to examine the visual ergonomics and the systematic work environment management concerning lighting issues for nurses within domiciliary care. Further aims were to examine a few existing lighting solutions, to come up with ideas for future possible lighting solutions, and to evaluate if the legal regulations for lighting is satisfying and if the regulations are obeyed in domiciliary nursing.</p><p>The methods used were a questionnaire completed by 55 nurses, field studies of used lightings in cooperation with a student in industrial esign, test of ten existing lighting solutions in a laboratory environment, and a field test of five existing lighting solutions tested by nine nurses in the home of the patient.</p><p>The result indicates that 40 % of the asked nurses were dissatisfied with the working light in the patient’s homes. All respondents reported poor working light close to the patient, 50 % reported that this problem occurred daily. One third reported that they had to work in uncomfortable working postures due to insufficient working light, and 15 % reported risk of making mistakes due to the same reason. The respondents were most disturbed by insufficient working light when handling medicine, inserting cannulae, taking blood samples, wound care, and patient evaluation. Visual discomfort was reported by 60 % of the nurses. The results showed a significant correlation between visual discomfort and headache, neck discomfort, and symptoms from the shoulders. There was a strong tendency to a reversed correlation between visual discomfort and social support.</p><p>Regular evaluation of the work environment in the patient’s home were rarely performed on initiative by the employer. Few nurses reported that they had a checklist for examining the work environment in the patient’s home, and lighting was not mentioned on the few checklists that in fact existed. The studied group did not meet the legal regulations concerning systematic work environment management for lighting issues. Neither did any of the tested, existing lighting solutions met all the requirements that our group stated for a suitable lighting solution for medical care in the home environment. The content of the legal regulations concerning lighting at domiciliary nursing are found to be sufficiently written, the main problem seems to be that these regulations regarding lighting are not followed within domiciliary nursing.</p><p>Conclusions: Working light and the systematic work environment management needs improvement within domiciliary nursing. There is a need for specially designed lighting solutions for domiciliary nursing and home care.</p> / <p>Denna magisteruppsats i ergonomi, som handlar om synergonomi och arbetsbelysning för sjuksköterskor inom den avancerade hemsjukvården, gjordes på initiativ av Arbetsmiljöverket.</p><p>Syftet var att undersöka synergonomin, det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet kring belysningsfrågor för sjuksköterskor inom den avancerade hemsjukvården, utvärdera några befintliga belysningslösningar, föreslå framtida möjliga belysningslösningar samt utvärdera om de lagstadgade kraven är tillräckliga, och om de efterlevs inom den avancerade hemsjukvården.</p><p>Metod: en synergonomienkät besvarades av 55 sjuksköterskor (svarsfrekvens cirka 50 %), analys av befintliga belysningar och test av 10 befintliga belysningar i laboratorieliknande miljö och test av fem befintliga belysningar hos patienten, samt samarbete med en student inom industridesign som håller på att utveckla en belysningsprodukt speciellt anpassad för vård och omsorg i hemmet.</p><p>Resultat: cirka 40 % av de tillfrågade sjuksköterskorna var missnöjda med arbetsbelysningen i det enskilda hemmet. Alla angav att det förekom för lite ljus vid patienten, och hälften angav att det upplevdes som en brist dagligen. En tredjedel angav att de dagligen fick inta obekväma arbetsställningar p.g.a. dålig belysning, och 15 % rapporterade att de dagligen riskerade att göra fel p.g.a. dålig belysning. De stördes mest av dålig belysning vid läkemedelshantering, provtagning, skötsel/sättande av nål, sårvård och vid bedömning av patienten. Ögonbesvär förekom hos 58 % av de svarande. Signifikanta samband sågs mellan ögonbesvär och huvudvärk, nackvärk och besvär i axlar/skuldror. En tydlig tendens till ett omvänt samband sågs mellan ögonbesvär och socialt stöd.</p><p>Arbetsmiljöriskerna i det enskilda hemmet undersöktes inte av vårdgivarna i någon större utsträckning. Få hade en checklista vid undersökning av arbetsmiljön, och belysning var inte med på den listan. Gällande belysning levde de inte upp till kraven på systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Ingen av de testade befintliga belysningarna uppfyllde alla de krav och önskemål vi ställt upp för en lämplig belysning inom hemsjukvården. Sammantaget bedöms kraven i de olika arbetsmiljöföreskrifterna tillsammans tillräckliga för att kunna få till en bra arbetsbelysning i det enskilda hemmet. I de studerade verksamheterna fanns det brister i hur man levde upp till dessa föreskrifter.</p><p>Slutsatser: Arbetsbelysningen och det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet behöver förbättras inom den avancerade hemsjukvården. Behov finns för specialanpassade belysningslösningar vid vård och omsorg i hemmet.</p>
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Synergonomi och arbetsbelysning för sjuksköterskor inom avancerad hemsjukvårdHåkansson, Malin January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this master thesis was to examine the visual ergonomics and the systematic work environment management concerning lighting issues for nurses within domiciliary care. Further aims were to examine a few existing lighting solutions, to come up with ideas for future possible lighting solutions, and to evaluate if the legal regulations for lighting is satisfying and if the regulations are obeyed in domiciliary nursing. The methods used were a questionnaire completed by 55 nurses, field studies of used lightings in cooperation with a student in industrial esign, test of ten existing lighting solutions in a laboratory environment, and a field test of five existing lighting solutions tested by nine nurses in the home of the patient. The result indicates that 40 % of the asked nurses were dissatisfied with the working light in the patient’s homes. All respondents reported poor working light close to the patient, 50 % reported that this problem occurred daily. One third reported that they had to work in uncomfortable working postures due to insufficient working light, and 15 % reported risk of making mistakes due to the same reason. The respondents were most disturbed by insufficient working light when handling medicine, inserting cannulae, taking blood samples, wound care, and patient evaluation. Visual discomfort was reported by 60 % of the nurses. The results showed a significant correlation between visual discomfort and headache, neck discomfort, and symptoms from the shoulders. There was a strong tendency to a reversed correlation between visual discomfort and social support. Regular evaluation of the work environment in the patient’s home were rarely performed on initiative by the employer. Few nurses reported that they had a checklist for examining the work environment in the patient’s home, and lighting was not mentioned on the few checklists that in fact existed. The studied group did not meet the legal regulations concerning systematic work environment management for lighting issues. Neither did any of the tested, existing lighting solutions met all the requirements that our group stated for a suitable lighting solution for medical care in the home environment. The content of the legal regulations concerning lighting at domiciliary nursing are found to be sufficiently written, the main problem seems to be that these regulations regarding lighting are not followed within domiciliary nursing. Conclusions: Working light and the systematic work environment management needs improvement within domiciliary nursing. There is a need for specially designed lighting solutions for domiciliary nursing and home care. / Denna magisteruppsats i ergonomi, som handlar om synergonomi och arbetsbelysning för sjuksköterskor inom den avancerade hemsjukvården, gjordes på initiativ av Arbetsmiljöverket. Syftet var att undersöka synergonomin, det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet kring belysningsfrågor för sjuksköterskor inom den avancerade hemsjukvården, utvärdera några befintliga belysningslösningar, föreslå framtida möjliga belysningslösningar samt utvärdera om de lagstadgade kraven är tillräckliga, och om de efterlevs inom den avancerade hemsjukvården. Metod: en synergonomienkät besvarades av 55 sjuksköterskor (svarsfrekvens cirka 50 %), analys av befintliga belysningar och test av 10 befintliga belysningar i laboratorieliknande miljö och test av fem befintliga belysningar hos patienten, samt samarbete med en student inom industridesign som håller på att utveckla en belysningsprodukt speciellt anpassad för vård och omsorg i hemmet. Resultat: cirka 40 % av de tillfrågade sjuksköterskorna var missnöjda med arbetsbelysningen i det enskilda hemmet. Alla angav att det förekom för lite ljus vid patienten, och hälften angav att det upplevdes som en brist dagligen. En tredjedel angav att de dagligen fick inta obekväma arbetsställningar p.g.a. dålig belysning, och 15 % rapporterade att de dagligen riskerade att göra fel p.g.a. dålig belysning. De stördes mest av dålig belysning vid läkemedelshantering, provtagning, skötsel/sättande av nål, sårvård och vid bedömning av patienten. Ögonbesvär förekom hos 58 % av de svarande. Signifikanta samband sågs mellan ögonbesvär och huvudvärk, nackvärk och besvär i axlar/skuldror. En tydlig tendens till ett omvänt samband sågs mellan ögonbesvär och socialt stöd. Arbetsmiljöriskerna i det enskilda hemmet undersöktes inte av vårdgivarna i någon större utsträckning. Få hade en checklista vid undersökning av arbetsmiljön, och belysning var inte med på den listan. Gällande belysning levde de inte upp till kraven på systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Ingen av de testade befintliga belysningarna uppfyllde alla de krav och önskemål vi ställt upp för en lämplig belysning inom hemsjukvården. Sammantaget bedöms kraven i de olika arbetsmiljöföreskrifterna tillsammans tillräckliga för att kunna få till en bra arbetsbelysning i det enskilda hemmet. I de studerade verksamheterna fanns det brister i hur man levde upp till dessa föreskrifter. Slutsatser: Arbetsbelysningen och det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet behöver förbättras inom den avancerade hemsjukvården. Behov finns för specialanpassade belysningslösningar vid vård och omsorg i hemmet.
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Arbetsmiljöarbete och ansvarsförhållanden enligt arbetsmiljölagen / Work environment management and liabilities by the Work Environment ActAugustsson, Petra, Skoglund, Mia January 2006 (has links)
This study deals with work environment from a legal perspective. The study includes legislative history, legislation today and one empirical study. The legislation that concerns work environment (health and safety) in Sweden today is found in the Swedish Work Environment Act (WEA), the Work Environment Ordinance (WEO), Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, related legislations and also collective agreements. The WEA, passed by the parliament in 1977, came into force on the 1st of July 1978 and it defines the framework for Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, which is an authority superintended by the Swedish government. These Provisions contain more detailed stipulations and obligations with reference to the working environment. The WEO contains certain supplementary rules. The Work Environment Authority supervises the obedience to the legislation. The first work environment act was created in 1889 because of too many work accidents. By the year of 1929 the work environment act was focused on work diseases in consequence of dangerous substances such as asbestos and silicosis. Partly because of the legislation, there are no big problems in the physical work environment today. Sweden has one of the most physically safe work environments in the world today. The present problem is instead the psychosocial work environment because it is experienced individually. An empirical interview study shows that employers and employees are satisfied with the work environment at Karlstad University.
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ES žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / Implementation of EU green procurement policy in LithuaniaRudžionytė, Veronika 26 June 2008 (has links)
Žalieji pirkimai – tai tokie pirkimai, kurie integruoja aplinkosauginius reikalavimus į viešojo pirkimo sąlygas, siekdami sumažinti neigiamą poveikį aplinkai. Žalieji pirkimai yra nauja sfera viešojo administravimo studijose. Nors koncepcija teoriškai yra pagrįsta ir analizuota, tačiau praktiniai jos įgyvendinimo aspektai literatūroje nėra plačiai analizuoti, kadangi Lietuvoje žaliųjų pirkimų tiesioginis reglamentavimas pradėtas 2007 m. antroje pusėje.
Darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimą teisinio reglamentavimo, instituciniu, finansiniu aspektu, išskiriant įgyvendinimą įtvirtinančius instrumentus.
Darbas sudarytas iš penkių dalių, kurios pagal analizės objektą suskirstytos į smulkesnius skyrelius. Pirmajame skyriuje aptariamas viešosios politikos ciklas, kurio vienas iš etapų yra įgyvendinimas, aprašomi galimi įgyvendinimo mechanizmai ir instrumentai, kuriais remiasi žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimas. Antrajame skyriuje analizuojama ES reguliacinė politika, kurią pasitelkiama įgyvendinant žaliuosius pirkimus, bei Komisijos vaidmuo įgyvendinimo etape; teisinė bazė – ES direktyvos, jų perkėlimas į LR įstatymus, svarbiausios ES ir Lietuvos strategijos, programos, skirtos žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimui. Trečiajame skyriuje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos institucijos, dalyvaujančios įgyvendinimo procese ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų veikla. Kadangi žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimas yra lėšų reikalaujanti sritis, apžvelgiami įgyvendinimo finansiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Green procurement is a way of public procurement, which integrates environmental considerations in public procurement process, seeking to reduce negative influence on environment. The relevancy of this paper is determined by novelty of green procurement policy in public administration studies. Even the concept is theoretically grounded but practical aspects of implementation are not strongly analysed, because reglamentation in Lithuania was started in second part of 2007.
The subject of this paper focuses on analysis of green procurement policy reglamentation, institutional, financial aspects, and exclusion instruments of implementation.
The paper is composed of the five main parts which are divided into smaller sections depending on the analyzing subject. The system of public policy cycle, which includes implementation stage and instruments of implementation, which are used in green procurement policy are analysed in the first part. EU regulation policy and Commission role in implementation of green procurements are analysed in the second part. This part of paper reveals policy reglamentation in EU directives and transfer of it to Lithuanian legislation. The most important are EU and Lithuanians strategies, programs, which implement green procurements. Lithuanian institutions and NGO are analysed in the third part of paper. This part focuses on financial instruments, because green procuremement is financal resources required policy... [to full text]
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Industrial perspectives on the implementation of the Air Quality Act (AQA) (Act No. 39 of 2004)Barnwell, Liesl. January 2009 (has links)
The Air Quality Act (AQA) Act No.39 of 2004 promulgated in 2004 follows the outdated
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (APPA) (Act No.45 of 1965). The legislative approach
shifted from a source- based, end of pipe, command and control, guideline principle to
ambient air quality management and improvement of compliance to standards through a
consultative process.
The AQA’s management framework incorporates a co-operative and integrated approach
with government, communities and polluters to look at the holistic management of ambient
air quality and the identified roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders. The AQA branched
from the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) 107 of 1998, which is the first
piece of legislation formalizing the principles of the Integrated Pollution Waste Management
(IPWM) Policy published in 2000 and the Bill of Rights.
Government and Industry have a role to play in the implementation of the AQA.
Government’s role covers the management and enforcement aspects, whilst industries’ role
includes the management of air emissions and compliance reporting to improve the overall
ambient air quality.
The AQA’s industrial requirements range from compliance and reporting by ensuring
emission licenses are in place, compliance with standards set by different spheres of
government and the management of these emissions. The management of these
requirements includes understanding the legislation, its implications and the provision of
other financial, human and technological resources. Industry needs to consider the impacts
of these legislative changes and how it may impact business as a whole.
The aim of this study is to analyze the industrial perspectives of the AQA and its
implementation through the use of a questionnaire. Open-ended questionnaires were
administered to a total of forty industrial companies in the chemical, petrochemical, energy
and mining sectors in the Gauteng, North West and Durban industrial areas. Industries were
identified as those which have scheduled process certificates or companies that will be
impacted by the impending changes as a result of the AQA.
The overall outcome of the industrial responses revealed poor general knowledge of the
principles, purpose and the reasons for the transition from APPA to AQA. Few industries had
insight into the type of challenges they may face from the AQA’s listed control measures and
the control measures that would apply to their particular industry. There is a general concern
surrounding the government’s lack of support and the essential enforcement that is required
to ensure ambient air quality compliance. These challenges and recommendations are
discussed in the thesis. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2009.
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Analysis of the decentralization of environmental management in RwandaNsabimana, Patrick 25 August 2016 (has links)
The aim of this case study is to draw a picture about the present situation and highlight constraints
and challenges to the implementation of National Environment Policy (NEP) in Rwanda by
identifying limits and prospects for improving the ongoing implementation process. we found that
environmental management at the local level is subject to the compounded effects of the obstacles
faced by the local administration, the complex nature of environmental management, and the lack
of assimilation of environmental issues at the national level. Environmental conditions suffer as a
result, and there is a need for substantial modifications to improve the situation. Improved
functions should lead to the enhancement of the local environment through: Higher investments
from the regulated community subjected to more targeted enforcement, Private investments in
infrastructure through the privatization of functions traditionally borne by the District, Pollution
prevention through forward-looking planning, Greater efficiency in using available resources and
justified requests to the central budget / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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Políticas empresariais privadas de responsabilidade socioambiental: estudo de casosTrindade, Josefa Delma da 13 June 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Marcio Emanuel Paixão Santos (marcio.santos@ucsal.br) on 2017-02-17T21:58:45Z
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-13 / Esta pesquisa consiste no estudo das políticas empresariais privadas de responsabilidade socioambiental, através de práticas e ações de preservação e conservação ambiental, indicando os benefícios em termos ambientais, sociais e mercadológicos delas decorrentes. Os objetos de estudo apresentados são projetos ecológicos, trabalhos de preservação e conservação ambiental, desenvolvidos por empresas de grande e médio porte. Tendo como objeto empírico a Morais de Castro Comércio e Importação de Produtos Químicos Ltda., empresa comercial de médio porte que tem desenvolvido em sua gestão ações sistemáticas e planejadas de conservação ambiental na região metropolitana de Salvador, Estado da Bahia. E como objetos de estudo desenvolvidos por empresas de grande porte, são apresentados trabalhos ecológicos e de prevenção da poluição ambiental, tais como: Deten Química S.A e Instituto Corredor Ecológico Costa dos Coqueiros – INCECC, composto por um Conselho de Administração com cinco membros associados (Comitê de Fomento Industrial de Camaçari COFIC, Central de Tratamento de Efluentes Líquidos CETREL, Fazenda Praia do Forte e Sauípe S.A.), unidades situadas no Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari/BA. Os trabalhos estão sendo feito com diferentes abordagens, porém, com um mesmo objetivo, que é de beneficiar a biodiversidade do planeta e melhorar os resultados das empresas executantes. Nesta pesquisa, são mostrados aspectos importantes de como o meio ambiente tem figurado nos discursos e práticas organizacionais das empresas brasileiras. / This research consists on the study of private enterprise policies of Socioenvironmental responsibility, by means of environmental preservation and conservation practices and actions, by indicating their environmental, social and marketing benefits in consequence. The objects of study presented are some ecology projects, works of environment preservation and conservation as developed by enterprises of large and medium size. Morais de Castro Comércio e Importação de Produtos Químicos Ltda. was taken as an empiric object, which is a medium size commercial enterprise that has developed a management of systematic and planned actions of environmental conservations, in the area of Salvador, State of Bahia. As for the study objects developed by large size enterprises handling some ecologic works and of prevention against environment pollution, we presented: Deten Química S.A and Instituto Corredor Ecológico Costa dos Coqueiros – INCECC, composed by a Board of Administration with five associated members (Comitê de Fomento Industrial de Camaçari COFIC, Central de Tratamento de Efluentes Líquidos CETREL, Fazenda Praia do Forte and Sauípe S.A.), units located at the Polo Petroquímico of Camaçari/BA. The works are differently approached, however in the same purpose, which is to benefit the biodiversity of the planet, and improving the results of the executive enterprises. In this research we show the important aspects in the way environment has appeared in the speeches and organizational practices of some Brazilian enterprises.
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Lärandet om arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa och arbetsmiljöarbete : - En kvalitativ studie om personalvetares uppfattning om arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa och arbetsmiljöarbeteRingström, Frida, Eriksson, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
Abstract This study aims to bring knowledge about human resources specialists perception and experiences of poor work-related mental health through different channels of learning, how they feel that work environment management is visible and how they get involved in it in organizations. This work environment management is largely regulated by the Work Environment Act, which was undergoing a correction in 2016. Research has shown that the developed guidelines are difficult to implement and evaluated in the real working life, due to lack of commitment from employer, and the increased requirement of individuals to acquire knowledge have increased, and then primarily focused on organizations efficiency. The theoretical framework used for the study is the lifelong learning, and aims to explain how the acquisition of knowledge about poor work-related mental health has taken place, and how these skills are used in the daily working life. The material for the study was collected through eight interviews and the results were presented through a thematic analysis. The results showed that formal education is often difficult to put in a real context, that the poor work-related mental health is often difficult to handle, and that it is through the informal learning that the informants learned to meet the phenomenon. It was found that the distinction between the physical and the psychosocial work environment was experienced as difficult to separate, and that the psychosocial work environment is often not seen to the same extent as the physical. The results also showed that occupational health services, and their cooperation with workplaces helped to make the work environment management visible for the employees. The role of the boss was crucial for the visualization, and also the sense of incentive in the work environment management. Informal learning proved to be of great importance to informants ability to be able to handle factors in the working life, but there is a lack of non-formal learning or formal learning that confirms the knowledge gained from informal learning. / Sammanfattning Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att undersöka yrkesverksamma personalvetares uppfattning om arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa och om det arbetsmiljöarbete som bedrivs i förebyggande syfte mot arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa på deras arbetsplats. Arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa är ett växande fenomen som orsakas av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Arbetsmiljöarbetet är till stor del lagreglerat i arbetsmiljölagen, som genomgick en korrigering under 2016. Forskning visar dock att de riktlinjer som framtagits är svåra att implementera och utvärdera i det verkliga arbetslivet, att det råder brist på engagemang från arbetsgivaren, samt ett ökat krav på individer att förvärva kunskaper för att främst öka organisationers effektivitet. De teoretiska ramverk som använts för studien är det livslånga lärandet, och ämnar att förklara hur förvärvandet av kunskaper om arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa gått till, och dessa kunskaper används i arbetslivet. Studien utgick från åtta intervjuer och resultaten presenterades genom en tematisk analys. Det visade sig att formell utbildning många gånger är svårt att sätta i en verklig kontext, att fenomenet arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa ofta är svårbemött, och att det är genom det informella lärandet som informanterna lärde sig att bemöta det. Det visade sig även att särskiljandet av den fysiska och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön upplevdes som svåra att separera, och att den psykosociala arbetsmiljön då ofta inte synliggjordes i samma utsträckning som den fysiska. Resultaten visade även på att samarbetet med företagshälsovården på arbetsplatser hjälpte till att synliggöra ett arbetsmiljöarbete. Chefens roll var avgörande många gånger för synliggörandet samt känslan av ett inkulderande i arbetsmiljöarbetet. Det informella lärandet visade sig vara av stor betydelse för informanternas möjlighet att kunna hantera faktorer i arbetslivet, men att det finns en avsaknad av icke-formellt lärande eller formellt lärande i arbetslivet, som bekräftar den kunskap som kommer från det informella lärandet.
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