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White Privilege in Environmental Policy: An Analysis of Hazardous Waste Management and Operations in Southeast Los AngelesChen, Lindsey 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis takes an unconventional approach to environmental racism. Through the lens of white privilege and racial capitalism, I analyze hazardous waste procedures, work site dynamics, and governmental enforcement. Southeast Los Angeles encompasses 26 neighborhoods and the communities racial demographic is 85.8% people of color. The region is home to an abundance of hazardous waste generators, and the area is disproportionately burdened by pollution compared to the rest of LA County. I chose white privilege as a framework because more often than not, discrimination in the workplace is unintentional and covert. White privilege manifests through hazardous waste management in four forms: devaluation of worker training, lack of language accommodations, disenfranchisement of employees of color, and enforcement-heavy regulation. The four factors listed impact facility operations and risk health and safety of personnel, especially employees of color working in closest proximity to toxic chemicals. To prioritize the needs of workers of color, I recommend creating a free hazardous waste consultation service modeled after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s service. Ineffective online instruction must be eliminated and replaced with learner-centered empowerment training. Finally, generator management must facilitate a more supportive culture that empowers employees of color as agents of change in the workplace.
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En kritisk diskursanalys av Europa 2020 strategins förhållningssätt till hållbar utveckling. : Ur perspektiven ekologisk modernisering och miljörättvisa. / A critical discourse analysis of the Europe 2020 strategy's approach to sustainable development. : From the perspective of ecological modernization and environmental justice.Andréasson, Robin January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Med inspiration från Maarten A. Hajer (1995) kommer detta arbete att analysera och försöka klarlägga hur miljö och rättvisefrågor kommer till uttryck i den utvecklingspolitik som sker ur ett samtida perspektiv på EU-nivå. I detta fall med ett fokus på EUROPA 2020, ”En strategi för smart och hållbar tillväxt för alla”. Vilket analyseras via en kritisk diskursanalys efter Faircloughs tredimensionella modell efter frågeställningen: Vilken eller vilka diskurser framträder i ”Europa 2020” med avseende på ekonomisk utveckling i relation till miljö och rättvisa, och; vilka sanningar/hegemonier framträder med avseende på miljö och utveckling i denna kommunikativa händelse? Analysen bidrog till klarläggandet av ett flertal framträdande diskurser, sanningar/hegemonier vilka beskrivs konstituerade och likväl reproducerande av en större ideologisk social praktik. Tillväxtsdiskursen ses som den regerande diskursen för vilket alla lägre stående diskurser rättar sig efter. Dess förverkligande ses som en förutsättning till hållbar utveckling och social samanhållning. Detta vilket förverkligas genom ekologisk modernisering som verktyg att koppla isär miljöförstörelse och skapa nya marknader och konkurrensfördelar och därmed välfärd uttryckt i tillväxt. I relation till uppsatsens syfte att se huruvida den hållbarhetsdiskurs EU för används som en maktdiskurs framgår det i relation till tidigare forskning och kritiken till ekologisk modernisering att vissa rättviseperspektiv och intressen exkluderas i denna diskursiva praktik. / Abstract Inspired by Maarten A. Hajer (1995), this work will analyze and attempt to clarify how environmental and equity issues are reflected in the development policies that takes place from a contemporary perspective at EU level. In this case, with a focus on the Europe 2020, “A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” Which are analyzed through a critical discourse analysis after Fairclough’s three dimensional model in relation to the research question: Which discourse/discourses appears in the “Europe 2020” in terms of economic development in relation to the environment and justice, and; What truths/hegemonies emerges in relation to the environment and development in this communicative event? The analysis contributed to the clarification of a number of prominent discourses, truths/hegemonies described constituted and likewise reproduce the larger ideological social practice. Growth discourse is seen as the reigning discourse for which all inferiors discourses comply. Its realization is seen as a prerequisite for sustainable development and social shared stance. This thus realized through ecological modernization as a tool to decouple environmental degradation and create new markets and competitive advantages and thus prosperity in terms of growth. In relation to the essays purpose to see whether the EU sustainability discourse is used as a power discourse, it is clear in relation to previous research and critique of ecological modernization that some equity perspectives and interests are being excluded in this discursive practice.
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Litígios estratégicos ambientais e justiça participativa: o caso do desmatamento nos projetos de assentamento de reforma agrária na Amazônia Legal / Strategic environmental litigation and public participation: the case of deforestation in agrarian reform settlement projects in Legal AmazonAlbuquerque, Carolina de 17 March 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se pela interdisciplinaridade e tem como eixo integrador o desmatamento em Assentamentos de Reforma Agrária na Amazônia Legal, sob responsabilidade do INCRA, com foco na atuação do Grupo de Trabalho Amazônia Legal - GTAL, do Ministério Público Federal - MPF e na percepção jurídico-ambiental dos assentados no Estado de Rondônia. As metodologias utilizadas foram: estudo de caso, pesquisa documental, análise de conteúdo, pesquisa de campo, entrevistas com questionários abertos e fechados e análise estatística. As principais bases teóricas utilizadas foram: Aplicação Seletiva dos Direitos Sociais, Princípio da Proporcinalidade, Justiça Ambiental Participativa, Litígio Estratégico e Voluntarismo Político. Conclui-se que as atividades do GTAL, do MPF, do INCRA e do Poder Judiciário, até o momento, neste caso específico, não envolveram os assentados, do que decorre a necessidade de maior participação desses stakeholders para ampliação de resultados positivos em casos difíceis ambientais, no manejo de litígio estratégico. / This research is characterized by interdisciplinarity and focus the deforestation in Agrarian Reform Settlements, in the Legal Amazon, under the responsibility of INCRA, in order to examine the function of the Legal Amazon Working Group (GTAL), the Federal Public Prosecutor (MPF) and the legal and environmental perception of the settlers in the State of Rondônia. The methodologies used were: case study, documentary research, content analysis, field research, interviews with open and closed questionnaires and statistical analysis. The main theoretical bases used were: Selective Application of Social Rights, Principle of Proportionality, Participatory Environmental Justice, Strategic Litigation and Political Voluntarism. It is concluded that the activities of the GTAL, Public prosecutor, INCRA and the Judiciary, so far, in this specific case, did not involve the settlers, resulting in the need for greater participation of these stakeholders to increase positive results in difficult environmental cases, in litigation management strategic.
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Urban environmental problems: social and environmental injustices in solid waste management in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of CongoKubanza, Nzalalemba Serge January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, September 2016. / The purpose of this research was to investigate the concepts of social and environmental justice in the context of solid waste management in Kinshasa and the critical factors accounting for injustice in this context. The investigation followed an examination of the relevant theoretical framework(s) and mechanisms that would facilitate the attainment of social and environmental justice in the city of Kinshasa, DRC. It was argued that social justice and environmental justice are a global challenge, and that efforts to address these challenges are usually biased towards employing eurocentric frameworks that are unfit to deal with the reality of environmental problems in a developing country scenario. The use of eurocentric urban development and planning approaches, which in most cases are outdated, have significantly propagated issues of spatial inequality in the distribution of solid waste burdens and have contributed to worsening justice concerns in many cities in developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
It has been illustrated in this study that social justice and environmental justice in the context of solid waste management must be seen as intrinsically connected, as both concepts emphasise the need for empirical understandings grounded in local contexts. Social and environmental justices play fundamental roles in the theoretical construction of principles that can contribute to a sustainable community, thereby ensuring that the rights and needs of individuals in a society are met. In the context of solid waste, the concepts of social justice and environmental justice are compelling because of their focus on ensuring equal service delivery in solid waste collection and disposal, while simultaneously redressing previous imbalances. Walker (2009) argues that the principles of environmental and social justice and sustainable development are more generally in their infancy in sub-Saharan Africa, and few implementing agencies and practitioners have a clear understanding of how to translate these
global principles into practice. It is not surprising, therefore, that unresolved issues around sustainable development and environmental justice have emerged in a period during which implementation and the real implications of following a justice pathway have overwhelmed many urban managers in sub-Saharan African cities (Patel 2009).
Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods together with system thinking and system dynamics modelling principles as integral frameworks in understanding the complexity in solid waste management, it has been demonstrated that solid waste management in Kinshasa, like in many Congolese cities, is a duty entrusted to publicly-funded municipal authorities. There is a clear divide and evidence in the manner by which solid waste is managed between the rich and poor neighborhoods of the city. The rich neighbourhoods seem to enjoy well-formulated systems of service delivery, in contrast with high-density areas, where almost 80% of the population in Kinshasa resides. This state of affairs is a result of inequalities that exist between the more powerful wealthy class and the disempowered poor people of the urban society in Kinshasa. Furthermore, cultural theory paradigms and conceptual System Dynamics (SD) modelling principles were employed to establish how the stakeholders in the form of four social solidarities (fatalist, hierarchist, individualist and egalitarian) influence solid waste management in the city and how they interact with each other dynamically. Based on this inter-linkage, interaction and causal feedback relations, a politico-cultural mechanism was evolved to enable changes to social and environmental injustices in solid waste management in Kinshasa, DRC. It was argued that a cultural theory inspired participative and collaborative mechanisms could result in the incorporation of a majority of the stakeholders in the decision making and implementation of solid waste management, adoption of technologies and innovative ways of managing solid
waste, which could prompt social and environmental justice in solid waste management in Kinshasa, DRC.
The findings of the study have both theoretical and practical implications. They provide a thorough discourse on environmental justice in solid waste management and how cultural theory paradigm can offer a new dimension to the theories behind stakeholder’s participation in local development and management matters, particularly with respect to social and environmental injustice in solid waste management in sub-Saharan African cities. They also explicitly show how the various social solidarities could work dynamically in an integrated manner, and enable development of policy intervention mechanisms to resolve the solid waste management challenges and attain social and environmental justice through their effective collaboration, and participation, although this may be through compromises and tradeoffs in place of consensus. This paradigm could assist government agencies like municipalities to develop appropriate policy interventions and implementation strategies to resolve solid waste management challenges in sub-Saharan African cities in general and in the Democratic Republic of Congo in particular.
Keywords: Cultural theory, environmental justice, social justice, solid waste management, urban environmental problem, Kinshasa / LG2017
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Reaching for sustainability: ecological modernisation and environmetal justice in South African energy policy and practiceLong, Dianne Patience January 2017 (has links)
A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Humanities University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
April 2017 / Sustainable development is one of the major discourses of the twenty first century. In many instances sustainable development has been synonymous with the discourse of ecological modernisation. Ecological modernisation, as a discourse, has been proposed as an entreating means to reach the ideal of development that is sustainable, but has by and large only been tested within developed nations. There is, however, a prominent academic debate centred on the potential social and environmental justice concerns that may emanate from the promotion of ecological modernisation in environmental policy. This research project aimed to understand the degree to which ecological modernisation has been embraced in South Africa, and the environmental justice implications of this adoption. This was in an attempt to build an environmental justice policy framework for ecological modernisation in a bid to address environmental justice concerns. South African energy policy and practice was investigated in order to do this. Civil society hold an esteemed position in ecological modernisation, and as such in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a number of civil society activists who are involved in a range of campaigns for environmental justice. Their insights and solutions to potential environmental justice concerns that would result from using ecological modernisation were investigated. This was done in an attempt to build a list of environmental justice principles that can possibly be used to inform policies based on ecological modernisation in order to ensure just development. These criteria address the role of government, the role of society at large, as well as industry, and for the most part seek to understand if the disparate power dynamics that exist amongst these three actors can potentially be addressed. South African energy policies were analysed for evidence of these justice principles. It was found that South African energy policies do not address environmental justice in any measure that would truly allow for justice to be put into the practice of governing the environment. Therefore, by incorporating these environmental justice principles into ecological modernisation, ecological modernisation can potentially be stronger in approach to sustainable development than it presently is. / MT 2018
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Justiça ambiental nas atribuições de responsabilidade compartilhada: o caso do direito de acesso à coleta seletiva no Município de São Paulo / Environmental justice in shared responsibility attributions: the case of the right of access to selective collection in the city of São PauloSampaio, Marli Aparecida 07 August 2018 (has links)
Introdução- A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS -Lei 12.305/2010 e Decreto Federal 7.404/2010) traz na responsabilidade compartilhada seu principal instrumento para mitigar os impactos do lixo na saúde humana e qualidade ambiental. Visando alcançar a meta da disposição e destinação final ambientalmente adequadas de resíduos sólidos e rej eitos, a PNRS elegeu a coleta seletiva sua ferramenta essencial, determinando que a União Federal disponibilize recursos para sua implantação. Nesse contexto a Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, mesmo alijando parcela significativa de sua população do direito de acesso à coleta seletiva, divulgou no curso do ano de 2016, a universalização do sistema de coleta seletiva em seus 96 distritos e publicou em Diário Oficial o cumprimento das metas da PNRS e do seu \'\'Programa de Metas 2013/2016\" com a expansão da coleta seletiva por todo o município, mediante utilização de verbas federais. Objetivo-O estudo de caso analisa a eficácia social da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos no sistema de coleta seletiva implantado no Município de São Paulo, entre 2013/2016, e sua compatibilidade com a ordem jurídica brasileira vigente. A análise é feita sob a ótica da justiça ambiental na distribuição de bens globais como a saúde humana e qualidade ambiental. Método - Construída a argumentação teórica, fundada na problemática apresentada, os dados da fase empírica foram obtidos por ordem judicial e por perguntas diretas enviadas a órgãos públicos através da Lei de Acesso à Informação. Na fase da análise critica os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao escrutínio da argumentação teórica e legislação vigente, resultando em conclusões e recomendações. Resultados- O estudo mostrou que no período entre 2013/2016, a Prefeitura de São Paulo, utilizando verbas federais, considerou implantada em 100% a coleta seletiva em 52 distritos, do total de 96. Dos 44 distritos que tinham implantação parcial do sistema (variando entre 99% a 1%), 41 se localizavam em áreas que abrigavam segmentos populacionais apontados pelo Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS-20 1 O) como mais pobres e vulneráveis. Esses 41 distritos também são apontados no Mapa da Desigualdade (20 16) como os piores, considerando indicadores de áreas como emprego, renda e moradia. Comparando dados de implantação da coleta seletiva entre junho 2016 e maio de 2018, verificou-se uma redução da implantação em dez das 31 Subprefeituras que contavam com 100%, e ampliação em apenas sete. O índice de coleta seletiva em 2016 foi de 2,11 %, tendo 97,89% do total coletado destinado a aterro sanitário. No ano de 2017, comparado a 2016, o índice de coleta seletiva variou para menos sendo 2,09%. Conclusões - Analisando o sistema de coleta seletiva do Município de São Paulo, entre os anos de 2013/2016, verificou-se que o sistema não está universalizado no município, mas sim expandido; que a mera expansão da coleta seletiva descumpre a meta da disposição ambientalmente adequada prevista na PNRS; que cercear o acesso a programas de prevenção contra riscos ambientais, como a coleta seletiva, desafia a ordem jurídica vigente, expondo riscos à saúde humana, à qualidade ambiental e viola preceitos de justiça ambiental. / Introduction - The National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS - Law 12.305/2010 and Federal Decree 7.404/201 O) brings the shared responsibility the main instrument to mitigate waste impacts on human health and environmental quality To aim to reach the goal of disposition and environmentally adequate disposal of solid wastes, the PNRS chose selective collection as its essential tool, determining that the Federal Union provides resources for its implementation. In this context, the City Hall of the Municipality of São Paulo, even removing a significant portion of its population from the right of access to selective collection, announced in the course o f 2016 the universalization of the selective collection system in its 96 districts and published the fulfillment of its \" Program of Goals 2013/2016 \"with the expansion of selective collection throughout the municipality, through the use of federal funds. Objective - The case study analyzes the social effectiveness of the National Solid Waste Policy in the selective collection system implemented in the city of São Paulo, between 2013/2016, and its compatibility with the current Brazilian legal system, from the point of view of environmental justice in the distribution of global goods such as human health and environmental quality. Method - Built the theoretical argument, based on the presented problem, the data of the empirical phase were obtained by legal action and direct questions sent to public agencies through the Access to Information Act. The criticai analysis, when submitting the data to the scrutiny of the theoretical argument and current legislation, produced results, conclusions and recommendations Results - The study showed that in the period between 2013/2016, the City of São Paulo, using federal funds, considered 100% of the selective collection in 52 districts, out of a total of 96. Of the 44 districts that had partia! implantation of the system (ranging from 99% to 1% ), 41 were located in areas that were inhabited by the Paulista Social Vulnerability Index (IPVS-2010) as the poorest and most vulnerable. These 41 districts are also mentioned in the Map oflnequality (2016) as the worst, considering indicators of areas such as employment, income and housing. Comparing data from the implementation ofthe selective collection between June 2016 and May 2018, there was a reduction o f the implantation in ten of the 31 Subprefeituras that counted on 100%, and expansion in only seven. The selective collection index in 2016 was 2.11%, with 97.89% of the total collected for landfill. In 2017, compared to 2016, the selective collection index changed to less being 2.09%. Conclusions - Analyzing the selective collection system of the Municipality of São Paulo, between 2013/2016, it was verified that the system is not universalized in the municipality, but expanded; that the mere expansion of selective collection does not meet the goal of the environmentally adequate provision in PNRS; that curtail access to environmental risk prevention programs, such as selective collection, challenges the current legal order, exposing risks to human health, environmental quality and violates the precepts o f environmental justice.
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Justiça ambiental nas atribuições de responsabilidade compartilhada: o caso do direito de acesso à coleta seletiva no Município de São Paulo / Environmental justice in shared responsibility attributions: the case of the right of access to selective collection in the city of São PauloMarli Aparecida Sampaio 07 August 2018 (has links)
Introdução- A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS -Lei 12.305/2010 e Decreto Federal 7.404/2010) traz na responsabilidade compartilhada seu principal instrumento para mitigar os impactos do lixo na saúde humana e qualidade ambiental. Visando alcançar a meta da disposição e destinação final ambientalmente adequadas de resíduos sólidos e rej eitos, a PNRS elegeu a coleta seletiva sua ferramenta essencial, determinando que a União Federal disponibilize recursos para sua implantação. Nesse contexto a Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, mesmo alijando parcela significativa de sua população do direito de acesso à coleta seletiva, divulgou no curso do ano de 2016, a universalização do sistema de coleta seletiva em seus 96 distritos e publicou em Diário Oficial o cumprimento das metas da PNRS e do seu \'\'Programa de Metas 2013/2016\" com a expansão da coleta seletiva por todo o município, mediante utilização de verbas federais. Objetivo-O estudo de caso analisa a eficácia social da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos no sistema de coleta seletiva implantado no Município de São Paulo, entre 2013/2016, e sua compatibilidade com a ordem jurídica brasileira vigente. A análise é feita sob a ótica da justiça ambiental na distribuição de bens globais como a saúde humana e qualidade ambiental. Método - Construída a argumentação teórica, fundada na problemática apresentada, os dados da fase empírica foram obtidos por ordem judicial e por perguntas diretas enviadas a órgãos públicos através da Lei de Acesso à Informação. Na fase da análise critica os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao escrutínio da argumentação teórica e legislação vigente, resultando em conclusões e recomendações. Resultados- O estudo mostrou que no período entre 2013/2016, a Prefeitura de São Paulo, utilizando verbas federais, considerou implantada em 100% a coleta seletiva em 52 distritos, do total de 96. Dos 44 distritos que tinham implantação parcial do sistema (variando entre 99% a 1%), 41 se localizavam em áreas que abrigavam segmentos populacionais apontados pelo Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS-20 1 O) como mais pobres e vulneráveis. Esses 41 distritos também são apontados no Mapa da Desigualdade (20 16) como os piores, considerando indicadores de áreas como emprego, renda e moradia. Comparando dados de implantação da coleta seletiva entre junho 2016 e maio de 2018, verificou-se uma redução da implantação em dez das 31 Subprefeituras que contavam com 100%, e ampliação em apenas sete. O índice de coleta seletiva em 2016 foi de 2,11 %, tendo 97,89% do total coletado destinado a aterro sanitário. No ano de 2017, comparado a 2016, o índice de coleta seletiva variou para menos sendo 2,09%. Conclusões - Analisando o sistema de coleta seletiva do Município de São Paulo, entre os anos de 2013/2016, verificou-se que o sistema não está universalizado no município, mas sim expandido; que a mera expansão da coleta seletiva descumpre a meta da disposição ambientalmente adequada prevista na PNRS; que cercear o acesso a programas de prevenção contra riscos ambientais, como a coleta seletiva, desafia a ordem jurídica vigente, expondo riscos à saúde humana, à qualidade ambiental e viola preceitos de justiça ambiental. / Introduction - The National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS - Law 12.305/2010 and Federal Decree 7.404/201 O) brings the shared responsibility the main instrument to mitigate waste impacts on human health and environmental quality To aim to reach the goal of disposition and environmentally adequate disposal of solid wastes, the PNRS chose selective collection as its essential tool, determining that the Federal Union provides resources for its implementation. In this context, the City Hall of the Municipality of São Paulo, even removing a significant portion of its population from the right of access to selective collection, announced in the course o f 2016 the universalization of the selective collection system in its 96 districts and published the fulfillment of its \" Program of Goals 2013/2016 \"with the expansion of selective collection throughout the municipality, through the use of federal funds. Objective - The case study analyzes the social effectiveness of the National Solid Waste Policy in the selective collection system implemented in the city of São Paulo, between 2013/2016, and its compatibility with the current Brazilian legal system, from the point of view of environmental justice in the distribution of global goods such as human health and environmental quality. Method - Built the theoretical argument, based on the presented problem, the data of the empirical phase were obtained by legal action and direct questions sent to public agencies through the Access to Information Act. The criticai analysis, when submitting the data to the scrutiny of the theoretical argument and current legislation, produced results, conclusions and recommendations Results - The study showed that in the period between 2013/2016, the City of São Paulo, using federal funds, considered 100% of the selective collection in 52 districts, out of a total of 96. Of the 44 districts that had partia! implantation of the system (ranging from 99% to 1% ), 41 were located in areas that were inhabited by the Paulista Social Vulnerability Index (IPVS-2010) as the poorest and most vulnerable. These 41 districts are also mentioned in the Map oflnequality (2016) as the worst, considering indicators of areas such as employment, income and housing. Comparing data from the implementation ofthe selective collection between June 2016 and May 2018, there was a reduction o f the implantation in ten of the 31 Subprefeituras that counted on 100%, and expansion in only seven. The selective collection index in 2016 was 2.11%, with 97.89% of the total collected for landfill. In 2017, compared to 2016, the selective collection index changed to less being 2.09%. Conclusions - Analyzing the selective collection system of the Municipality of São Paulo, between 2013/2016, it was verified that the system is not universalized in the municipality, but expanded; that the mere expansion of selective collection does not meet the goal of the environmentally adequate provision in PNRS; that curtail access to environmental risk prevention programs, such as selective collection, challenges the current legal order, exposing risks to human health, environmental quality and violates the precepts o f environmental justice.
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La gestion des déchets par les sociétés industrielles au regard de la problématique environnementale : enjeux éthiques, sociaux et politiques / Environment and waste management in industrialized societies : ethical, social and political implicationsLarroque, Claire 20 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse examine les questions éthiques, sociales et politiques posées par la gestion des déchets mise en place par les sociétés industrielles. La réflexion prend son point de départ dans le constat qu’en philosophie l’analyse de la gestion des déchets se limite à une approche symbolique des rapports que nous entretenons avec eux. Il s’agit de montrer qu’une telle approche occulte l’arrière-plan politique et social du problème et qu’elle ne fait pas de la gestion des déchets l’objet d’un questionnement sur le rapport entre l’homme et la nature, reléguant l’enjeu environnemental posé par les déchets au domaine technique. Ce travail propose de dépasser la logique dualiste selon laquelle il reviendrait aux techniciens de prendre en charge le traitement physique des déchets et aux philosophes de s’occuper de l’examen d’une signification symbolique (intrasociale). Il s’agit de démontrer que loin d’être circonscrite à la sphère technico-économique, la gestion des déchets par les sociétés industrielles est en interaction permanente avec le monde social et soulève des problèmes de justice. Dans cette perspective, le problème environnemental soulevé par les déchets ne peut être saisi que si l’on adopte une conception de la nature comme communauté : les déchets en atteignant (de façon inégale) l'environnement des populations affectent également celles-ci parce qu'elles entretiennent avec lui une relation d’interdépendance. Afin de déterminer les principes normatifs d’une justice détritique et de penser une juste gestion des déchets, la thèse soutient alors une conception culturelle des inégalités environnementales. / This thesis aims at examining the ethical, social and political issues raised by waste management of industrialized societies. Philosophical analyses of waste management generally adopt a symbolic approach that tends, in one hand, to ignore political and social issues and, on the other hand, to disregard the human-nature relation since environmental issues of waste management are limited to technical sphere. Yet, I suggest that this dual approach must be criticized and question the idea that technicians should deal with the waste treatment while philosophers (or sociologists) should only considerer the symbolic significance. This work argues that waste management of industrialized societies is not only a technical issue since its continuously in relation with the social sphere and among other things raises issues of justice. In this regard, I support that the environmental issue caused by waste management can only be grasped if we assume a conception of nature as community: when wastes affect (unevenly) the environment in which people live, wastes also have an impact on the populations because people nurture interdependent relationship with their environment. Once this has been established, I demonstrate that a cultural vision of environmental inequalities should be defended in order to identify and determine normative principles of waste justice.
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A conveniência da implementação da Diretiva Quadro da Água no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro como medida efetiva de justiça ambiental: o caso da exploração do Nióbio em CatalãoBranco Filho, Thelmo de Carvalho Teixeira 09 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-05-26T12:11:22Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Thelmo de Carvalho Teixeira Branco Filho.pdf: 8694807 bytes, checksum: e1252561376dd05406ca6512edf52d8a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-26T12:11:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Thelmo de Carvalho Teixeira Branco Filho.pdf: 8694807 bytes, checksum: e1252561376dd05406ca6512edf52d8a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-05-09 / This thesis will address the convenience of implementing the Water Framework Directive
(WFD) in the Brazilian legal system, as a measure of effective environmental justice. In line
with the focus of this investigation, it is also considered damages, benefits and conflicts that
take place in the Municipality of Catalão, State of Goiás, Brazil, where Niobium is extracted.
One of the major sources of conflict therein is water, since the extraction of minerals causes
the silting of springs, among other problems.
This study has the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the regulation and
effectiveness of environmental protection, departing from a popular conflict, which basically
involves water. This research leads us to contemplate how the pressure related to social
conflicts in Catalao has helped to redefine protection strategies that would secure greater
effectiveness of environmental laws. The research hypothesis will be grounded on legal and
other scientific theories, including environmental, social and legal diagnoses, which ensure
the interdisciplinary nature of the study.
The methods employed were the case study and the inductive method, since this research
relies on specific data on mining exploration in the Municipality of Catalão, although aiming
at looking for premises that could be applied wherever this type of activity may occur. We are
seeking answers to "how" and/or "why" the social phenomena combined with the legal one
are operating. Mineral resources are the passion of the 21st century, since they are closely
associated with the technological age and exacerbated consumption. This fact should be
observed with caution, since there is a need for concern with future generations, since those
are non-renewable goods.
The major challenge of the WFD is the access to information, transparency and participation
of citizens as well as all stakeholders in the various stages of the decision-making process, as
well as the control on diffuse emissions based on best environmental practices, which in
Brazil leave to be desired. Consequently, the existence of this tool in national territory will
strengthen other institutes such as environmental responsibility, environmental licensing and
the use of best available techniques / A presente tese abordará a conveniência da implementação da Diretiva Quadro da Água
(DQA), no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, como medida de efetiva justiça ambiental, bem
como a respeito de danos, benefícios e conflitos ocorridos no município de Catalão, Estado de
Goiás, onde se extrai o Nióbio, foco desta investigação. Um dos maiores eixos de conflito é a
água, já que a extração dos minerais ocasiona o assoreamento de nascentes, dentre outros
problemas. Este estudo visa contribuir para melhorar a regulamentação e a eficácia da
proteção ambiental, a partir do conflito popular, envolvendo essencialmente a água. O estudo
leva-nos a refletir sobre como a pressão e os conflitos sociais em Catalão têm colaborado para
redefinir as estratégias de proteção, a fim de garantir maior efetividade às leis ambientais. A
hipótese de pesquisa será edificada pelas teorias jurídicas e demais teorias científicas,
perpassando por diagnósticos ambientais, sociais e jurídicos, salvaguardando o viés
interdisciplinar do estudo. Os métodos utilizados nesta pesquisa serão o estudo de caso e o
método indutivo, uma vez que partimos de dados particulares, como a exploração da
mineração no município de Catalão, em busca de premissas que possam ser aplicadas onde
ocorrer este tipo de atividade. A metodologia será aplicada visando investigar “como” e/ou
“por que” os fenômenos sociais agregados aos jurídicos são atuantes. Os recursos minerais
são a coqueluche do século XXI, já que estão intimamente ligados à era tecnológica e ao
consumo exacerbado, o que deve ser observado com certa cautela, haja vista a preocupação
com as futuras gerações e por se tratar de bens não renováveis. O grande desafio da DQA é o
acesso à informação, a transparência e a participação dos cidadãos e de todas as partes
interessadas nas várias fases do processo de decisão, além dos controles nas emissões difusas
baseados nas melhores práticas ambientais, o que no Brasil deixa a desejar. Por conseguinte, a
existência desta ferramenta em território nacional reforçará outros institutos como a
responsabilidade ambiental, os licenciamentos ambientais e a utilização das melhores técnicas
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O princípio da precaução em conflitos socioambientais por recursos hídricos e mineração: estudo comparativo entre o Brasil e o Peru / The precautionary principle in socio-environmental conflicts by water resources and mining: a comparative study between Brazil and PeruRodriguez, Zenaida Luisa Lauda 31 July 2018 (has links)
Diferente da maioria dos conflitos socioambientais por recursos hídricos e mineração, nos últimos anos, têm surgido casos de conflitos cujas ações de resistência foram pautadas não pelos impactos ambientais gerados pela mineração, mas pela preocupação das populações com os possíveis riscos que geraria o projeto minerador nos seus territórios. Nestes casos, as comunidades se opuseram aos empreendimentos antes da implantação ou início de qualquer atividade da mineradora, ainda que as empresas contassem com licenças ambientais outorgadas pelas autoridades competentes. Para isso, além de atos de resistência, estas populações recorreram à judicialização do conflito com a invocação, entre outros argumentos, do Princípio da Precaução por possíveis graves e irreversíveis danos que o projeto minerador poderia causar sobre os recursos hídricos e os ecossistemas. Tais são os casos do projeto de mineração de fosfato de Anitápolis em Santa Catarina Brasil, e o projeto de mineração de ouro Conga em Cajamarca Peru. Devido à complexidade teórica do Princípio da Precaução, o objetivo deste trabalho é entender qual é a incidência e as implicações da invocação deste princípio no contexto de conflitos socioambientais por recursos hídricos e mineração. Para responder a este objetivo, este trabalho aborda o tema dos riscos e o princípio da precaução, assim como os instrumentos que materializam este princípio nos ordenamentos jurídicos do Brasil e no Peru, e propõe sua articulação teórica com três teorias que nos ajudam a entender a questão dos conflitos socioambientais: a ecologia política, a justiça ambiental e o póscolonialismo/decolonialidade. Através deste quadro analítico este trabalho mostra a conexão entre estas teorias e revela a importância deste tipo de conflitos iniciados pela percepção dos riscos contra projetos mineradores, aos quais denominamos como conflitos socioambientais precautórios. Em base a esta análise, este trabalho aponta os problemas das desigualdades de poder nos conflitos socioambientais por recursos hídricos e mineração, assim como a inclusão de um novo fator de conflitos baseado na percepção dos riscos, que merece especial tratamento pela dificuldade da sua análise. Todos estes elementos são observados nos dois casos de conflitos por recursos hídricos e mineração que são expostos em forma comparativa para revelar a incidência destes fatores e sua similaridade tanto no contexto peruano quanto brasileiro. / Unlike most socio-environmental conflicts over water resources and mining, in recent years there have been several cases of conflicts whose actions of resistance were based not on the environmental impacts generated by mining but on the population\'s concern with the possible risks that the mining project would generate in their territories. In these cases, the communities opposed to the projects prior to their implementation or commencement of any activity by mining company, even if the companies had the required environmental licenses. In addition to acts of resistance, these populations resorted to the judicialisation of the conflict with the invocation, among other arguments, of the Precautionary Principle due to possible serious and irreversible damage that the mining project could cause on water resources and ecosystems. Such are the cases of the Anitápolis phosphate mining project in Santa Catarina - Brazil, and the Conga gold mining project in Cajamarca - Peru. Due to the theoretical complexity of the Precautionary Principle, the objective of this work is to understand the incidence and implications of its invocation in the context of socio-environmental conflicts for water resources and mining. In order to achieve it, this work addresses the topic of risks and the precautionary principle, as well as the instruments that materialize this principle in the legal systems of Brazil and Peru, and proposes its theoretical articulation with three theories that help us to understand the environmental conflicts: political ecology, environmental justice and postcolonialism / decoloniality. This analytical framework shows the connection between these theories and reasserts the relevance of this type of conflicts initiated by the perception of the risks against mining projects, which we call \"social-environmental precautionary conflicts\". Based on this framework, this work points out the problems of power inequalities in socio-environmental conflicts for water resources and mining, as well as the inclusion of a new conflict factor, based on the perception of risks, that deserve special treatment due to its difficult analysis. All these elements are observed in the two cases of water and mining conflicts, that has been exposed comparatively in order to reveal the incidence of these factors and their similarity in both Peruvian and Brazilian contexts.
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