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Legislative Reforms In Turkey Between 1998-2005 In The Context Of Gender MainstreamingEray, Senay 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of the thesis is to investigate the process of the legislative reforms in Turkey between 1998 and 2005 in the context of gender mainstreaming. To illustrate the process, descriptively, the actors behind the amendments in the Turkish Constitution, Civil Code, Penal Code, Labor Law and the Law on the Protection of the Family are investigated based on the &ldquo / Gender and Development&rdquo / approach. The thesis exposes that international organizations (EU and UN), women&rsquo / s activism and state are incredibly influential in the process of the legislation stage of gender mainstreaming. The legislation stage of gender mainstreaming has been almost eventuated in Turkey, however, the second stage, which is institutionalization stage, has just started to be implemented.
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Gender Equality Guide for Policy Making in Higher Education InstitutionsGENOVATE partner institutions January 2016 (has links)
Yes / Higher Education [HE] policy makers play a major role in the application of international standards on
gender equality. Depending on the particular characteristics of each Higher Education organisation,
this responsibility is borne and/or shared by specific actors that may be located in Human Resources
departments, and/or could be strategically placed throughout the organisational structure. It also
rests on the actions and commitment of senior leaders and managers, who are visual and powerful
champions for structural change. Either way, policy actors are particularly involved in monitoring
and evaluation processes, and policy implementation, as well as legitimation of gender equality
standards. Therefore, it is fundamental to work with a clear roadmap to integrate gender equality
into organisational change, which would sustain context-specific, legally compliant and responsive
policies that meet international and national standards of gender equality and non-discrimination.
Accordingly, this resource offer a hands-on and transparent approach to gender mainstreaming in
Higher Education institutions, constituting a support tool for policy makers and actors involved in
policy development and implementation, which is key for regulating and legitimating organisational
transformation along gender sensitive, gender competent, gender balanced and gender equal
principles. / FP7
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What women cannot not want? : - a critical discourse analysis of Swedish gender equality policy in development cooperationJacobsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Gender equality is an important attribute in Sweden, much connected to the country’s selfimage. This thesis analyzes Swedish state policy strategies for Sweden’s works with gender equality abroad, in development cooperation. From a feminist postcolonial perspective, the thesis conducts a critical discourse analysis of the policy framework regulating Swedish development cooperation in relation to gender equality. The result show that women and men are constructed as discursively different in the policy framework. Further, the issue of gender inequality, as portrayed within the policy framework, constructs women as particular vulnerable and subordinated to men. A discursive construction which paradoxically reinforces the traditional, stereotypical gender norms which the policy framework aims to abolish. In line with this paradox the result also show that men are not recognized as responsible for gender inequalities nor are they lifted as agents of change in gender equality work. A result that suggests that women are both the ones in need of and the ones responsible for creating a gender equal future in developing nations according to the discourse of Swedish development cooperation policy.
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Ambitions v. Implementation : A case study on how the European Commission has affected the gender equality policies of PolandRating, Nikolina January 2021 (has links)
Considering the persisting issue of gender inequalities, this thesis aims to examine the European Commission’s role in the development of gender equality policies in member states. Illustrating the Commission’s role by conducting a case study on the development of equality policies in Poland during the years 2004 – 2020. The Commission’s influence was analysed using the three integration mechanisms: positive, negative, and framing integration through the application of the top-down Europeanization approach. The influence was thereafter measured by examining the extent of compliance to and implementing the Polish government's EU policy. The analysis indicated the Commission’s role as the supervisor of the implementation process as an important factor in transposing a number of EU directives on gender equality in Poland. Moreover, the pressure from the Commission in the form of Reasoned Opinions contributed to the advancement of gender equality policy from 2004 through 2015. The institution’s strategies on gender equality also resulted in compliance with EU objectives and necessary institutional changes. Resulting in instances of positive integration. The strategies also resulted in some framing integration, where some of the political and social debate on gender equality policy came to comply with the discourse of the Commission. Yet, the analysis also demonstrated that the transposing varied in level of compliance with the measures stated in the directives. The implementation of the policies also varied greatly. When the Law and Justice party formed a majority government in 2015 there was a significant regression of certain areas of gender equality policy and the former institutional changes of the national equality body. This development in Poland resulted in an infringement procedure and the first instance of negative integration. Demonstrating the Commission’s capability to directly affect national legislation that contradicts EU law. The main conclusion of this thesis is therefore that the Commission has had an important role in the development of gender equality policy in Poland, but the advancements in this policy area vary in levels of compliance and implementation.
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Doing Gender Mainstreaming in the Light of Intersectionality : An intersectional discourse analysis of gender mainstreaming strategy work and policy in Linköping and Norrköping municipalitiesKlinga, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Kvinnors politiska representation i Umeå 1913-1946 / Women's political representation in Umeå 1913-1946Åberg, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze women’s political representation in Umeå City Council from 1913 to 1946. By analyzing patterns in the representation, it is defined how the representation at a local level has changed over time and why. The article argues that female representation is affected by several factors, especially institutions, structures and actors. The analysis is based on these three, and how they interact. To determine continuity or change in the female presence a qualitativevariable analysis of patterns is applied. The representation is compiled and analyzedusing descriptive statistics and bar graphs. Female representation is continuously low throughout the period studied. The political role of women is characterized bythe male dominance of politics. Women represented in the political areas that were considered lighter, or stereotypical women's territories.
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Když politika není pouze jedna: institucionální a finanční zabezpečování české politiky rovnosti žen a mužů / When There Is Not Just One Policy: Institutional and Financial Background of the Czech Gender Equality PolicyHondlíková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the institutional and financial security of the gender equality policy from 1998 to the present in the background of the interactions and relationships between its key actors - Gender Equality Unit (Office of the Government of the Czech Republic), Gender Equality Advisory bodies (Office of the Government of the Czech Republic), Department of Family and Ageing Policy (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), Division of Gender Equality Projects (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) and Gender Equality Nonprofit Organizations (Gender Equality NGO). Theoretical support of this thesis is the state/market feminism theory and theoretical concepts policy and governance. The outcomes of the analysis and expert interviews show the institutional and financial security of the gender equality policy is continual, horizontal and fragmented process created by internally and externally different actors. These actors implement their gender equality policies differently and their work is parallel. However, at the same time they are mutually dependent through different sources thereby different interactions (both cooperation and coaction) and relationships (both formal and informal) as well as tension and problems arise. Negotiations about funding of the policy measures and...
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Skattelättnader för hushållstjänster– Prioriteras jämställdhetspolitik utifrån ett genusperspektiv? : En diskursanalytisk studie av Rut-avdragets förarbete med inriktning genuskonstruktion / Tax relief for household services – Is equality prioritized from a gender perspective? : A discourse analysis of the preparatory work of the Rut-deduction focusing on the gender constructionZakariasson, Clara January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats har behandlat aktiva policydokument under införandet av skattelättnader för hushållstjänster. Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att studera den genuskonstruktion som kan tolkas genom en diskursiv framställning av proposition 2006/07:94 om skattelättnader för hushållstjänster - där fortsättningen av detta syfte har varit att undersöka hur denna genuskonstruktion samt hur andra sociala relationer ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv, kan tolkas ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Studien har haft sin utgångpunkt från Carol Bacchis analysmetod – What’t the problem represented to be? Denna metod utgår från hur problemet framställs genom att studera vilken lösning som presenteras. Samt vilka effekter och subjektspositioner som skapas igenom hur problemrepresentationen läggs fram. Bacchis forskningsfrågor har varit den ledande mallen för konstruktionen av analysen. Analysen har skett inom en nyliberal diskurs sammankopplad till en könsdiskurs. Detta för att kunna kartlägga den genuskonstruktion som skapas igenom de subjektspositioner som artikuleras i propositionen. Malin Rönnbloms teori menar att artikulerade av en policy skapar ett ”görande” av politik. Analysprocessen har därmed undersökt hur propositionen ”gör” jämställdhetsbegreppet och vilken sätt ”görandet” påverkar subjekten inom diskurserna. Genom att noggrant koda av och analysera empirin har jag funnit att den genuskonstruktion som skapas: är den hushållsnära kvinnan kopplad till det traditionella kvinnoarbetet. Samt att de traditionella könsrollerna stärks då propositionen reproducerar kvinnan igenom att artikulera ”kvinnligt” inom traditionella hushållssysslor. Analysen visar även att jämställdhetsbegreppet som beskrivs i propositionen inte öppnar upp för någon form av maktanalys. Varken ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv och inte heller ur ett genusperspektiv. Utifrån dessa förutsättningar påverkar regeringen inte heller det rådande genussystemet som skapar genuskonstruktioner. / This essay has examined the current policy document for the implementation of tax reliefs for household services. The purpose was to study the gender construction that could be interpreted by a discourse exposition of proposal 2006/07:94 on tax relief for household. Thus, this thesis studies how the gender construction – and other social relations form an intersectional perspective – can be discussed from a gender perspective. Therefore, the study is based on Carol Bacchi’s analysis “What’s the problem represented to be? The method is based on how the problem is portrayed by studying the presented solution and also what effect and subject positions that are created through how the problem representation is presented. Bacchi’s research statement has been the model for the structure of the analysis – made within a neoliberal discourse linked to a gender discourse – in order to chart the gender construction that is created through the subject position that are presented in the proposal. Malin Rönnblom’s theory claims that articulating a policy creates a “doing” of politics. The analysis process therefore examined how the proposal “makes” the concept of equality and the way the “doing” affects subjects within the discourse. My conclusion is that the gender construction that has been created is the household women linked to the typical women’s work. The traditional gender roles are strengthened when one reproduces the women through the articulation of “feminine” within traditional household chores. The analysis also shows that the concept of equality, described the proposal, does not open up for any form of power analysis, not from an intersectional perspective and neither form a gender perspective. The final conclusion is that there is no possibility to affect the prevailing gender system that creates gender constructions.
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Från explicit till implicit maskulinitet : En studie av Jämställdhetsmyndighetens maskulinitetskonstruktion / From explicit to implicit masculinity : A study of the Swedish Gender Equality Agency’s construction of masculinityOlsson, William January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the discursive construction of masculinities of the Swedish Equality Agency. By using the WPR analysis strategy to examine underlying problematizations in the agency’s perspective on masculinity, the study seeks to generate an understanding of the direction in which the agency wishes masculinity to develop as a cultural phenomenon. The paper critiques that the new masculinity is primarily implicit and aims to make the new masculinity more explicit to enable proactivity. The study highlights the transition from an explicit masculinity to an implicit one and the effects of this ”implicitness”. The new masculinity is more implicit in terms of life advice, normativity, and ideals, making it more concealed and harder to follow, compared to a traditional masculinity and its values. The paper also explores the cultural ideal established by policy. The objectives primarily result in the ideals of everyone’s equal opportunities and rewards for studies and work, the sharing of household chores equally, and obtaining consent before engaging in anything that has to do with others bodily integrity. The reconstruction of masculinity can be seen as an attempt to insert cultural ideals into multiple masculinities or establish an upper masculinity, thus achieving a less polarized society. The study further explores the idea of that the current approach may be perceived to place more value on criticizing than implementing, making masculinity, like the problem of violence, reactive rather than a proactive factor. The concluding discussion suggests that masculinity is a tool, a frame of reference to relate to, and perhaps there is a need for guiding principles, commandments, and ideals to live up to. In the discussion I also suggest the implementation of the term ”submasculinity” to prevent holistic establishing and assemblage of negative aspects. The paper suggests in the concluding discussion that society can shape a new, explicit, and more identifiable masculinity and thus a meaningful, more explicit path to follow.
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Lyčių lygių galimybių politikos įgyvendinimas: Lietuvos ir Suomijos atvejis / Gender equality policy implementation: the case of Lithuania and FinlandCikotaitė, Sandra 10 June 2011 (has links)
Lyčių lygybė reiškia, kad abi lytys turi būti vienodai matomos, turi turėti vienodus
įgaliojimus, ir teises, taip pat ir galimybes vienodai dalyvauti visose gyvenimo srityse. Pastaraisiais
dešimtmečiais nemažai pasiekta šioje srityje, tačiau praktika rodo, kad nelygybė vis dar egzistuoja
ir primena, kad tobulėti vis dar yra kur. Todėl šiame darbe nagrinėjamas lyčių lygių galimybių
politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje ir Suomijoje.
Suomija pasirinkta kaip palyginamasis atvejis pasirinkta dėl kelių priežasčių. Pirma,
Suomija yra viena Baltijos regiono šalių. Antra, Suomija, kaip ir Lietuva, yra viena iš šiandieninių
ES šalių. Trečia, Suomija – tai šalis, kurios pasiekimai lyčių lygybės įgyvendinimo srityje 2008 m.
pripažinti geriausiais tarp ES narių.
Darbo objektas - lyčių lygių galimybių politikos įgyvendinimas
Darbo tikslas – atskleisti Suomijos ir Lietuvos lyčių lygių galimybių politikos
įgyvendinimo ypatumus.
Darbo uždaviniai:
• Aptarti lyčių lygių galimybių politikos įgyvendinimo aspektus Lietuvoje
• Analizuoti lyčių lygių galimybių politikos įgyvendinimą Suomijoje
• Ištirti Lietuvos ir Suomijos lyčių lygių galimybių politikos įgyvendinimo panašumus ir
Darbe buvo naudoti šie tyrimo metodai:
1. Mokslinės literatūros apžvalga.
2. Teisės aktų analizė.
3. Statistinių duomenų analizė.
4. Lyginamasis ir atvejo tyrimo metodas.
Taigi Suomijos, kaip vienos iš efektyviausiai įgyvendinančių lyčių politiką, lyginimas
su Lietuva, padėjo atrasti skirtumų ir panašumų, kuriuos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Gender equality means that both sexes should be equally visible, must have the same
powers and rights, as well as opportunities to participate equally in all spheres of life. In recent
decades, significant progress in this area, but practice shows that inequality still exists and points
out that the improvement is still everywhere. Therefore, this work deals with gender equality policy
implementation in Lithuania and Finland.
Finland has chosen as a comparable case for the few reasons. First, Finland is one of the
state of the Baltic region. Secondly, Finland, as well as Lithuania, is one of the EU member states.
Third, Finland is a country whose achievements in the field of gender equality in 2008 are
recognized as the best among the EU's members.
Object - Gender equality policy implementation
The aim - to reveal the Finnish and Lithuanian gender equality policy features.
• To discuss the gender aspects of policy implementation in Lithuania
• Analyze the gender equality policy in Finland
• Investigate the Lithuanian and Finnish gender equality policy on the similarities and
The following methods was used at the paperwork:
1. The scientific literature review.
2. Legislative Analysis
3. Statistical analysis of data.
4. And comparative case study method.
Finland Therefore, as one of the most implementing gender policy in comparison with
Lithuania, helped discover the differences and similarities and assessed to achieve better results in
terms of gender... [to full text]
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