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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le care a ses raisons que la raison ignore : l’attention chez Adorno et dans les éthiques du care

Michaud, Delphine 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à explorer le thème de l’attention au sein de deux corpus théoriques : la philosophie de T.W. Adorno et les éthiques du care. L’attention est ici à comprendre comme une notion à la fois épistémique et morale, comme le moment de connaissance de l’autre et de ses besoins, qui vise et permet une réponse adéquate. Dans un premier temps, nous explorons le concept chez trois penseuses : Simone Weil, dont la notion d’attention a été influente dans les théories du care, qui s’y réfèrent fréquemment, puis Nel Noddings et Joan Tronto, deux éthiciennes du care. Malgré leurs différences, nous défendons que ces trois conceptions se rejoignent sur deux points : 1. l’attention y est considérée comme une disposition morale importante et 2. elle se caractérise par une attitude subjective de détournement de soi, de réceptivité et d’ouverture. Dans un second temps, nous retraçons les thèmes de la pensée d’Adorno à même d’esquisser ce en quoi consiste une attention juste aux besoins d’autrui. Plus précisément, nous abordons ses considérations sur les rapports de connaissance entre sujet et objet, et nous offrons une lecture de ses thèses sur le besoin. Par-là, nous entendons défendre que la philosophie adornienne offre des nuances intéressantes à la manière dont le thème de l’attention est théorisé dans le corpus du care : elle invite à une réflexion critique du sujet attentif sur lui-même, et à une compréhension du besoin comme pointant vers les relations sociales qui le produisent. Ainsi, elle approfondi le potentiel critique d’une théorie de l’attention. / This master’s thesis explores the theme of attentiveness within two theoretical corpuses: the philosophy of T.W. Adorno and the ethics of care. Attentiveness is to be understood here as both an epistemic and a moral notion, as the moment of knowledge of another and of his or her needs, which aims and allows for an adequate response. First, I explore the concept in three thinkers: Simone Weil, whose notion of attentiveness has been influential in care theories, which frequently refer to it, and then Nel Noddings and Joan Tronto, two care ethicists. Despite their differences, I argue that these three conceptions converge in two respects: 1. attentiveness is regarded as an important moral disposition; and 2. it is characterized by a move away from the self, a subjective attitude of receptivity and openness. Secondly, I retrace themes in Adorno's thought which may be relevant in outlining what constitutes a just attentiveness to the needs of others. More specifically, I address his considerations on the relation of knowledge between subject and object, and offer a reading of his theses on need. By so doing, I intend to argue that Adorno’s philosophy offers interesting nuances to the way in which the theme of attentiveness is theorized in the corpus of care: it invites to a critical reflection of the attentive subject on itself, and to an understanding of needs as pointing towards the social relations producing it. In this way, it deepens the critical potential of a theory of attentiveness.

Teoría del cuidado en el arte del siglo XXI. Propuestas de creación artística y gestión cultural en el sur de Europa durante el periodo 2000-2023

Ferriols Montañana, Ana 23 March 2024 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral aborda la relación existente entre teoría del cuidado y práctica artística. La desigualdad en las labores reproductivas y de mantenimiento con relación al género ha sido puesta en evidencia desde la década de 1970. A partir de la reclamación de la importancia de este tipo de trabajo, y de su posición central en las estructuras sociales, surge la ética del cuidado, pensamiento que se desarrolla especialmente en el ámbito filosófico y político. La investigación llevada a cabo pone de manifiesto que existe una fuerte influencia del pensamiento y las prácticas del cuidado en la creación artística del siglo XXI, especialmente en la zona del sur de Europa. Para abordar esta conexión se plantea un estudio dirigido a profesionales en España, Francia, Portugal e Italia, siendo los ámbitos profesionales objeto de estudio, los relacionados con el comisariado y la gestión cultural, las instituciones culturales y, por último, artistas y colectivos de artistas. Las respuestas obtenidas sobre prácticas laborales con relación al cuidado han sido analizadas y contextualizadas. Asimismo, se estudian y analizan diferentes casos paradigmáticos que presentan una notable vinculación con las prácticas del cuidado como son el Centro HUARTE en España, la bienal Manifesta 12 en Italia o el trabajo de la artista Céline Condorelli en Francia, entre otros. A partir de los mismos se constata que la influencia de la teoría del cuidado desempeña un protagonismo relevante en el ámbito artístico desde la década de 2010. Se aborda también el papel de los comunes urbanos como espacios de generación de infraestructuras de cuidado y los puntos esenciales que definen una estética del cuidado. Finalmente, se concluye que se confirma la hipótesis planteada y se realiza una clasificación de las orientaciones temáticas que el cuidado adopta en el ámbito expositivo contemporáneo. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral aborda la relació existent entre teoria de la cura i pràctica artística. La desigualtat en les labors reproductives i de manteniment en relació amb el gènere ha sigut posada en evidència des de la dècada de 1970. A partir de la reclamació de la importància d'aquesta mena de treball, i de la seua posició central en les estructures socials, sorgeix l'ètica de la cura, pensament que es desenvolupa especialment en l'àmbit filosòfic i polític. La investigació duta a terme posa de manifest que existeix una forta influència del pensament i les pràctiques de la cura en la creació artística del segle XXI, especialment en la zona del sud d'Europa. Per a abordar aquesta connexió es planteja un estudi dirigit a professionals a Espanya, França, Portugal i Itàlia, sent els àmbits professionals objecte d'estudi, els relacionats amb el comissariat i la gestió cultural, les institucions culturals i, finalment, artistes i col·lectius d'artistes. Les respostes obtingudes sobre pràctiques laborals en relació amb la cura han sigut analitzades i contextualitzades. Així mateix, s'estudien i analitzen diferents casos paradigmàtics que presenten una notable vinculació amb les pràctiques de la cura com són el Centre HUARTE a Espanya, la biennal Manifesta 12 a Itàlia o el treball de l'artista Céline Condorelli a França, entre altres. A partir dels mateixos es constata que la influència de la teoria de la cura exerceix un protagonisme rellevant en l'àmbit artístic des de la dècada de 2010. S'aborda també el paper dels comuns urbans com a espais de generació d'infraestructures de cura i els punts essencials que defineixen una estètica de la cura. Finalment, es conclou que es confirma la hipòtesi plantejada i es realitza una classificació de les orientacions temàtiques que la cura adopta en l'àmbit expositiu contemporani. / [EN] This thesis addresses the relationship between care theory and artistic practice. Since the 1970s, inequality in reproductive and maintenance tasks in relation to gender has been highlighted. The ethics of care arises from the claim of the importance of this type of work, and its central position in social structures, it is a thought that is developed especially in a philosophical and political field. The research carried out shows that there is a strong influence of care thinking and practices on the artistic creation of the 21st century, especially in southern Europe. To address this connection, a study aimed at professionals in Spain, France, Portugal and Italy is proposed. The professional fields under study are those related to curating and cultural management, cultural institutions and, finally, artists and artist collectives. The responses obtained on work practices in relation to care have been analysed and contextualized. Likewise, different paradigmatic cases that present a notable connection with care practices are studied, such as the HUARTE Center in Spain, the Manifesta 12 biennial in Italy or the work of the artist Céline Condorelli in France, among others. From these cases it is confirmed that the influence of care theory has played a relevant role in the artistic field since the 2010s. It is also addressed the role of urban commons as spaces generating care infrastructures and essential points that define an aesthetics of care. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed hypothesis is confirmed, in addition to a thematic classification of the ways in which care is adopted in the contemporary exhibition field. / Ferriols Montañana, A. (2024). Teoría del cuidado en el arte del siglo XXI. Propuestas de creación artística y gestión cultural en el sur de Europa durante el periodo 2000-2023 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203127

The experiences of female principals of school discipline

Kallie, Melanie 02 1900 (has links)
For many years the South African educational platform has been the target of international and national criticism for its apartheid ideals. Since 1994 the former Model C high school has endured a changing landscape characterised by the ideals of educational transformation. However, the current face of the former Model C high school has been marred by the challenge of learner ill-discipline. This research aimed to explore the challenges experienced by female principals in a former Model C high school. A literature review focussed on female leadership and school discipline through the lens of a theoretical framework based on the ethics of care and transformational leadership theories. Using a qualitative case study design, data were collected and analysed. The analysis revealed that school discipline was a major challenge to the principal personally and professionally, and to the school. It further highlighted the strong need for support by the Department of Education. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Palabras femeninas que nombran la injusticia en los cuidados familiares

Yago Alonso, Carmen 19 September 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis se inscribe en una trayectoria de pensamiento libre de la diferencia sexual para nombrar en femenino la injusticia. Estudia específicamente lo negativo que encierra la creación y la gestión de la casa, el trabajo, el matrimonio y la maternidad. Teniendo en cuenta la teoría psicosocial sobre la percepción de injusticia y siguiendo la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento de la justicia, la investigación profundiza en la representación de la injusticia en lengua materna. Participan 95 mujeres de la Región de Murcia narrando el trabajo y los cuidados en el ámbito doméstico y familiar. Se han utilizado varias metodologías y teorías de investigación: teoría feminista, teoría basada en los datos y psicología discursiva. La hipótesis de trabajo principal es que las palabras de las mujeres trascienden el sentido corriente de la injusticia de un modo inaudito. Los resultados re-significan los denominados paradigmas populares de la justicia. / The present study focuses on the meaning of injustice for women from the thinking of sexual difference. The negative about household labor is studied. In response to psychosocial theory on the perception of injustice and to continue with justice knowledge, this research explores the representation of injustice for 95 women from Region of Murcia. These female participants were invited to narrate work and care in their families. It have been used several research methodologies and theories: feminist theory, Grounded theory and discursive psychology. The strongest support is for the hypothesis that suggests that women's words transcend the ordinary sense of injustice in a way unheard of. Findings give a new meaning of justice for social sciences.

Dystanazie jako manipulace s přirozenou smrtí / Dysthanasia as manipulation with natural death

KADLECOVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the ethical problems contemporary dying and relationships society to death. One is devoted to issue dysthanasia, that approached as manipulation with death. Work looks for sources of dysthanasia and one finds is in contemporary attitudes medicine and patients to deaths, dehumanization of medicine and diversion from traditions. That also looks for pathway to prevention of dysthanasia. One sees is in repeated humanization of medicine, in accept the concept futile treatment and the capabilities to distinguish ordinary and extraordinary means. This work offers the alternative of dysthanasia palliative care and seeks for a position of social worker in it.

The experiences of female principals of school discipline

Kallie, Melanie 02 1900 (has links)
For many years the South African educational platform has been the target of international and national criticism for its apartheid ideals. Since 1994 the former Model C high school has endured a changing landscape characterised by the ideals of educational transformation. However, the current face of the former Model C high school has been marred by the challenge of learner ill-discipline. This research aimed to explore the challenges experienced by female principals in a former Model C high school. A literature review focussed on female leadership and school discipline through the lens of a theoretical framework based on the ethics of care and transformational leadership theories. Using a qualitative case study design, data were collected and analysed. The analysis revealed that school discipline was a major challenge to the principal personally and professionally, and to the school. It further highlighted the strong need for support by the Department of Education. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Understanding through stories: leadership experiences of Trinidadian women of color

Washington, Crystal 27 May 2021 (has links)
Existing literature about women in positions of power and leadership is extensive and varied, including popular sectors such as finance, politics, and education. However, previous work has only focused on higher education and homogenized female leadership experience. One of the main issues in our knowledge of female leadership is the lack of diverse perspectives and experiences. This failure to recognize differences among women gives an inaccurate whole picture of how women lead within different contexts. Therefore, using the Ethics of Care as the guiding conceptual framework and social constructivism as its worldview, this narrative inquiry critically examined and concurrently discovered the lived experiences of four Trinidadian women of color who previously held a principal leadership position earlier in their lives. More specifically, the participants were retired primary and secondary school principals representing varying locations across the Caribbean island. Assuming the position of storyteller, participants narrated their approach to leading as storied descriptions of their lived experiences to the researcher. The findings of this study support existing literature on gender inequality female leaders often confront in their workplace and the emotional labor they engage in. The findings also indicated that participants tended to practice transformative leadership. Most importantly, the findings also highlighted existing class-based bias related to colonialism and patriarchal norms. This study contributes to the overall understanding of leadership experiences of Caribbean women of color and adds to the limited literature on this topic within the Caribbean region. Lastly, the findings of this study can support further extensive research on this group of leaders and perhaps inform policies and practices of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago / Graduate

The stories women tell: living with cancer and care

Harrington, Michelle 01 January 2002 (has links)
This research was aimed at listening to the care stories of people living with cancer in remission. The participants spoke about relationships with their families, medical professionals and their spirituality, thereby giving a voice to personal experiences of cancer as part of family life. Postmodern social construction discourse guided the explaining of how cancer invades and affects people's Jives and relationships. This participatory action research was situated in a contextual practical theology. Narrative conversations with the participants spoke about experiences of both care and communication by medical professionals, their struggles in communicating with their partners and families, their spiritual search and longing for pastoral care to sustain and guide them. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Etické aspekty práce pracovníků Charitní pečovatelské služby Oblastní charity Klatovy / Ethical aspects of the work of in the Charity care service of Klatovy Regional Charity

MAJEROVÁ, Stanislava January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on caring facilities and service, specifically the Charity care service of the regional charity of Klatovy. The Master thesis points out how necessary and at the same time demanding is the work of caregivers. The Master thesis also includes the characteristics of the clientele with whom Caritas care facility most often cooperates - seniors. It also contains an analysis of ethical dilemmas and problems which arose from semi-structured interviews with respondents,who are employees of specific centers of Caritas care service. The thesis also contains improvement suggestions and coments of the ethical dilemmas and problems which are made using 4 ethical theories - utilitarianism, deontology, ethic of care and situational ethic.

Etické otázky při sociální práci s Romy ve vybraných zařízeních v Českých Budějovicích / Ethical questions in social work with Roma in selected organizations in České Budějovice

ŠVECOVÁ, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the ethical issues that arise during work with Roma families. In the first chapters of the text, the work deals with the Roma, their culture, family, traditions, historical origin. The following text presents organizations that work with the Roma in the territory of the city České Budějovice, their value foundation, principles, requirements for social workers etc. These were the Sociálně aktivizační služby pro rodiny s dětmi Sasanka, Oddělení sociálně - právní ochrany dětí and Jihočeská rozvojová o.p.s. Ethical issues have resulted freely from a critical reflection of the three compared facilities working with Roma families. In the following text there are presented two ethical theories by which the selected ethical questions are further processed, deontology and ethics of care. In the last part of this work, ethical questions are further elaborated using both ethical theories.

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