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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Challenging Gender Roles within Humanitarian Crisis : Predominant Patriarchal Structures before the Humanitarian Crisis and its Relation to the Identity and Experiences of Women refugees during and after the Humanitarian Crisis. A Case Study of Syria.

Skeiker, Amer January 2015 (has links)
One purpose of this study is to examine how predominant patriarchal practices can affect the experiences of women refugees. This study also examines how the gender roles and patriarchal practices may change during a conflict. A theoretical framework was constructed to examine the patriarchal practices through radical feminism approach. Also, possible ways of social change within a conflict is examined. Empirically, the Syrian conflict is selected for the case study. In order to answer the research questions, 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted to track any possible social change in the patriarchal practices in Syria during the conflict in comparison to before the conflict. The main two findings of this study are that a change did occur in the patriarchal practices in which women did achieve more freedom and more independence during the conflict in Syria. However, there were increased patriarchal practices when women became refugees outside Syria, in which there was less freedom and less independence for Syrian women, especially the less educated women.

CYPERNFRÅGAN : En fallstudie av Cypern med fokus på etnicitet och fredsförslaget Annanplanen

Beso, Leila January 2011 (has links)
Cypernfrågan handlar om en etnisk konflikt mellan grek- och turkcyprioterna som uppstod direkt efter öns självständighet. Parterna hade väldigt svårt att samarbeta med varandra vilket ledde till att Cypern delades i två delar. Sedan dess har grupperna levt åtskilda med egna administrationer och strävan efter självbestämmande, den grekcypriotiska befolkningen strävade efter enosis, att hela ön införlivas med Grekland medan den turkcypriotiska befolkningen strävade efter taksim, att den norra delen av ön förenas med moderlandet Turkiet. FN har agerat som tredjepart för att försöka nå en fredslösning och lyckades lindra konflikten men många problem förblev olösta. I min uppsats har jag försökt komma fram till varför fredsförslaget Annanplanen, som upprättades av FN:s dåvarande generalsekreterare, blev avvisad av den grekcypriotiska befolkningen samt vad kan vara den största orsaken bakom den långvarige konflikten. Jag har använt mig av Lijphart demokratimodellen consociational democracy för att se om det skulle kunna vara en bra lösning för Cypern och har kommit fram till att det finns både för- och nackdelar med lösningsmodellen. Hänsyn har även tagits till federalism, etnicitet, primordialism samt socialkonstruktivism.

Does Safe Base From Parents Moderate The Association Between Ethnic Harassment And Self-Esteem In Immigrant Adolescents / Kan säker anknytning från föräldrar moderera relationen mellan etniska trakasserier och självförtroende hos ungdomar som immigrerat

Isaksson, Ida, Ólafsdóttir Lundqvist, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose for our study was to see whether reporting mothers and fathers safe base separately protects adolescents who are ethnically harassed from developing low self-esteem. To examine this, we use secondary longitudinal data with immigrant adolescents. In addition to bivariate correlations we ran two moderation regression analyses to test if perceived safe base from mothers or fathers could affect the link between ethnic harassment and self-esteem. Moreover, we wanted to see if perceiving safe base with either parent could change the level of self-esteem within the adolescent. The results showed significance when mothers safe base was tested as a moderator. However, this was not the case for the fathers. The findings in our study were discussed and compared to previous research. / Syftet med vår studie var att se om mammors och pappors säkra anknytning skyddar ungdomar som är etniskt trakasserade från att utveckla lågt självförtroende. För att undersöka detta använde vi longitudinell data med invandrarungdomar. Utöver bivariata korrelationer har vi genomfört två moderationsanalyser för att testa om en uppfattad säker anknytning till mammor eller pappor kan påverka sambandet mellan etniska trakasserier och självförtroende. Utöver detta ville vi se om uppfattad säker anknytning med ena föräldern kan ändra graden av självförtroende hos ungdomarna. Resultaten visade signifikanta resultat när mammors säkra anknytning testades som en moderator. Men detta var inte fallet för papporna. Resultaten i vår studie diskuterades och jämfördes med tidigare forskning.

Ethnic Minorities’ Heritage and Archaeological Resources Management : Roma people in Sweden since 1999 / Etniska minoriteters kulturarv och arkeologi i förmedling och förvaltning : exemplet romer i Sverige sedan år 1999

Wong, Wing Kwan January 2020 (has links)
At the end of 1999, the Swedish government adopted two European Union conventions to protect ethnic minorities, and Roma people were recognized as a national ethnic minority of Sweden. Approaching the 20th year mark after the recognition, this research aims to develop an in-depth and inclusive database for Roma people’s heritage and archaeological resources management. Analyzation of the collected data is based on the number, nature, and responsible organizations for the events. As a result, 48 events were recorded in the database under such a framework. A significant increase in events happened in the second decade (2010 to 2019) of the research period. 14 out of 21 counties in Sweden have participated in the topic and three excavations have been done in the past 20 years. Former Roma people’s settlements have been discovered in the western and eastern counties of middle Sweden. Therefore, it can be suggested that counties such as Södermanland and Västmanland have the geographic advantage to further discover new traces that have yet to be recorded. This thesis analyses the Bohuslän Museum’s exhibition Möt Resandefolket! as a case study due to its uniqueness as the only permanent exhibition about Roma people in the country. It includes a spatial analysis under Moser’s framework (2010) and experience analysis using the thick descriptive approach suggested by Geertz (1973). The interview with the museum’s archaeologist Kristina Lindholm connects the perspective from the exhibition curators and heritage mediators, while 3D modelling is also developed and used as a tool to understand the spatial context and the effectiveness of idea communication in the exhibition. As a result, the case study identifies two challenges in communicating Roma people’s heritage and culture: the limited resources in the material culture and the alienness raised in the exhibition. The causes and possible confrontations of these matters are discussed, followed by suggestions on how to improve the excavation agenda, digital preservation for intangible heritage, and new representation and presentation methods. There is also potential in turning alienness into a positive motivation which enables the exhibition to further fulfil its curiosity- and self-education attainment purpose. This thesis suggests that these ways of interpretation are effective means to illustrate and emphasize the uniqueness of a culture and to further appreciate the values in the ethnic minorities. / I slutet av 1999 antog den svenska regeringen två EU-konventioner för att skydda etniska minoriteter och romerna erkändes som en av Sveriges nationella etniska minoriteter. Denna forskning fokuserar på de 20 år, 1999–2019, som gått sedan erkännandet, och syftar till att utveckla en djupgående och inkluderande databas för romers kulturarv och arkeologiska resurshantering. Analysen av insamlade data baseras på antal, typer och ansvarande organisation för genomförda romska evenemang. 48 sådana registrerades i databasen och en betydande ökning av evenemang inträffade under decenniet 2010 till 2019. Baserat på de 48 företeelserna hade 14 av 21 län i Sverige deltagit i olika aktiviteter och tre arkeologiska utgrävningar hade genomförts under perioden. Eftersom före detta romska bosättningar har upptäckts i såväl öst som väster om län som ligger i Sveriges södra mitt, föreslås att län som Södermanland och Västmanland skulle ha en geografisk fördel till att upptäcka ytterligare nya spår av romsk kulturarv, som ännu inte registrerats. Denna uppsats analyserar Bohusläns museums utställning Mot Resandefolket! som en fallstudie på grund av dess unikum som den enda permanenta utställningen om romer i landet. Den inkluderar en rumslig analys utifrån Mosers ramverk (2010) och gör även en erfarenhetsanalys med hjälp av den metod som kallas ”thick description” (från Geertz [1973]). Intervjun med museets arkeolog Kristina Lindholm kopplar samman perspektivet från utställningens kurator och förmedlare av kulturarv, medan en 3D-modellering också används som ett verktyg för att förstå det rumsliga sammanhanget och effektiviteten i idékommunikation i utställningen. Som ett resultat identifierade fallstudien två utmaningar när det gäller att kommunicera romers kulturarv: de begränsade resurserna i den materiella kulturen och den främmande komponenten, s k ”alienness”, som uppstod i utställningen. Orsakerna till och möjliga konfrontationer av dessa frågor diskuterades vidare, följt av förslag för att förbättra utgrävningsagendan, digital bevarande för immateriellt arv och nya representations- och presentationsmetoder. Det lyftes också fram att det finns en potential att vända det främmande, ”alienness”, till något positivt, som en motivation som gör det möjligt för utställningen att ytterligare stimulera till både nyfikenhet och självutbildning. Denna uppsats visar även att tolkningsmetoder är effektiva medel för att illustrera och betona kulturers unikum och att ytterligare uppskatta denna etniska minoritet många värden.

What can Art Teach us about Integration? : The role of art in postmigrant integration: cases from Germany, Sweden and Luxembourg

Couronne, Céline January 2020 (has links)
The term integration became a buzzword and is omnipresent in the current European discourses. Despite its broad definitions, there is a tendency in migration studies and the political narrative to focus exclusively on migrants and their descendants while upholding the vision of  a fixed “host society”, with an established national culture, in which migrants should integrate. The present study aims to reframe the concept of integration by adopting a postmigrant approach and by analyzing the contribution of art projects in this regard. To do so, the study draws on two current theoretical approaches to integration in the social sciences, Stuart Hall’s conceptualization of national culture, the postmigration concept and the societal impact of art as theoretical framework. First, the notion of integration has been positioned theoretically in current postmigrant debates. The content analysis demonstrates that the conceptualization of postmigrant integration takes distance from the notion of assimilation and looks beyond the topic of migration. Second, eight semi-structured interviews have been conducted with project team members and project participants of the art projects “Newcomers”, “Leben, Erzählen, Schreiben”, “Hela Bilden”, and the organization “Alter &amp; Ego”. The thematic analysis of the interviews showed the necessity to address the “host population”, i.e. individuals without experience of forced migration, to overcome monolingualism and to concentrate on societal diversity which contributes to the theorization of postmigrant integration. The present thesis indicates the importance of the arts regarding their societal impact and agency to provide alternative narratives on migration and integration. It also stresses the necessity of integration policies and the European migration regime to take part in the reframing of current migration discourses by directly addressing the “host population” and acknowledging today’s context of plural societies in which everyone should integrate. / <p>This thesis has been written as part of the EuMIGS double degree programme in the field of Migration Studies. </p>

"I would never risk being stuck in that hell again" : Dual citizenship and Syrians/Assyrians in Sweden

Yildiz, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Since the fate of the Syrian/Assyrian minority that has fled Turkey has not received much attention in research, this thesis is made to recognize the group and their experiences as refugees, Christians, and citizens in their old and new countries of Turkey and Sweden. When talking about dual citizenship, in terms of previous research, researchers often argue about how migrants prefer to keep their former citizenship when moving to another country. According to scholars and policymakers, dual citizenship is a benefit since it, for instance, helps immigrants to naturalize into their country of settlement. However, this is not always the case. By interviewing nine Syrians/Assyrians from Turkey, who either hold dual citizenship (Swedish and Turkish citizenship) or only Swedish citizenship (former Turkish citizens), this thesis will focus on how the minority thinks, feels, reasons, and argues about dual citizenship. Because of a history filled with oppression, discrimination, violence, and death (the Syrian/Assyrian genocide in 1915) in Turkey, many Syrians/Assyrians did not want to keep the bond to their country of origin when migrating to Sweden. In the sense of security and safety, belonging, naturalization and integration, and loyalty, this study will focus on what dual citizenship means for the Syrian/Assyrian participants who came to Sweden in the 1970s and if they make use of the possibility to hold more than one citizenship. The main finding is that the minority feels safe and at home in Sweden and not in Turkey. Because of their lack of protection and rights as Christians in their country of origin, Sweden is, as they call it, their new home. Even if some of them hold dual citizenship, while others only have Swedish citizenship, the majority of the Syrian/Assyrian people do not feel any sense of attachment, feeling, or loyalty toward Turkey today. However, there are exceptions. By holding dual citizenship, those Syrians/Assyrians who misses the food, the climate, or the culture can visit their country of origin, whenever they want to, as citizens.

FOOTBALL: MORE THAN A SPORT : What is the impact that football can make in the social integration of refugees?

Pallas, Petros January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Syrian Secondary Migration : A study on push and pull factors behind the irregular migration of Syrians from Turkey to Europe

Kouider, Mohamad January 2021 (has links)
This research aims to gain a detailed understanding of the push and pull factors that lead many Syrians in Turkey to migrate to Europe. Syrians are pushed to migrate for various reasons, including socio-economic difficulties in Turkey. It explores the Syrians’ experiences in Turkey and the elements that have deterred them from gaining the fundamental rights of accommodation, access to the labor market, and refugee status. The pull factors refer to the gains that the Syrians might achieve when migrating to Europe. These gains are socio-economic gains that assure a better future for them in Europe in comparison to their presence in Turkey. In this case, this research also explores how the Syrians plan to migrate to Europe by employing the influence of their social networks to conduct their secondary migration. This qualitative study uses seven semi-structured interviews and analyzes the experiences of the interviewees in order to reach concrete conclusions. The results of this study, according to the interviewees’ experiences, show that restrictive Turkish policies and procedures have pushed many Syrians to migrate. At the same time, the Syrians are attracted to migrating to Europe for better protection for them and their children. The findings also demonstrate that social ties influenced Syrians in their decision to migrate to Europe and avoid being deported to Syria.

“No one knows who refugees really are” Discourses around the ‘refugee crisis’ in Poland : Analysis of selected mainstream media articles published from 2014 to 2017

Jonas-Kowalik, Matylda January 2020 (has links)
The so-called refugee crisis was among the most significant events affecting European political and social structures during the previous decade. Previous research proves that the questions regarding refugee reception had instigated a rise of ethno-nationalistic and exclusionary sentiments across Europe. The Polish context has been a clear example. This study aims to analyze the ways in which Polish media produced and reproduced the discourse pertaining to the refugee crisis and subsequently the perceived representation of refugees. Based on the review of literature and theories of discourse, mediatization, politicization and Othering, selected mainstream media articles from 2014 to 2017 were analyzed. The findings illustrate that an exclusionary discourse and Islamophobic notions were prevalent during this period. Moreover, the results indicate that a discursive shift regarding the representation of refugees has occurred, significantly altering the manner in which Polish society perceives both refugees and the refugee crisis more generally.

Integration Practitioners Perspectives on the Integration Process of Newly Arrived Refugees in Malmö, Sweden.

Maviga, Tawanda January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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