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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I Mannens Skugga : En Kvalitativ Studie Kring Afghanska Kvinnors Erfarenheter av att Leva Under Patriarkala Levnadsförhållanden / In the Man’s Shadow : A Qualitative Study of Afghan Women’s Experiences of Living under Patriarchal Living Conditions

Popal, Amina January 2023 (has links)
Med underlag av en kvalitativ ansats är studiens syfte att skapa en förståelse kring varför en del afghanska kvinnor inte lönearbetar eller behärskar det svenska språket trots att de bott flera år i Sverige. Studiens frågeställningar fokuserar på kvinnans roll i familjen, hur de patriarkala strukturerna kommer till uttryck samt hur kvinnornas syn på kultur påverkar deras sätt att leva. Det empiriska materialet består av semistrukturerade intervjuer av sex gifta afghanska hemmafruar som bott i Sverige i mer än 15 år och som än inte behärskar det svenska språket eller lönearbetar. Studiens teoretiska grund baseras på begrepp kopplat till patriarkat, kultur, och symbolisk våld. Tidigare forskning visar hur kvinnors underordning är utformad för att komplettera männens överordning samtidigt som tystnad är ett redskap kvinnor använder sig av för att göra motstånd mot de patriarkala levnadsförhållandena de lever under. Denna studie resulterar i att den patriarkala strukturen i kvinnornas liv främst kommer till uttryck i den privata sfären där männen drar nytta av kvinnornas underordning samtidigt som kvinnorna ser på den afghanska kulturen som en sorts patriarkal maktutövning.Fast samhället ofta ser på kvinnorna som en grupp som inte anses vara medvetna om sin situation så kan vi med denna studie dra slutsatsen att kvinnorna är väl medvetna om sin verklighet och gör motstånd i det tysta / Based on a qualitative approach, the purpose of the study is to create an understanding of why some Afghan women do not work or speak the Swedish language despite having lived in Sweden for several years. The study's questions focus on the woman's role in the family, how the patriarchal structures are expressed and how the women's view of culture affects their way of life. The empirical material consists of interviews with six married Afghan housewives who have lived in Sweden for more than 15 years and who do not yet have a command of the Swedish language or are in paid employment. The study's theoretical basis is based on concepts linked to patriarchy, culture, and symbolic violence. Previous research shows how women's subordination is designed to complement men's supremacy, while silence is a tool women use to resist the patriarchal living conditions they live under. This study results in the fact that the patriarchal structure in women's lives is mainly expressed in the private sphere where the men benefit from the women's subordination while the women see the Afghan culture as a kind of patriarchal exercise of power. Although society often sees women as a group that is not considered to be aware of their situation, with this study we can conclude that the women are aware of their reality and resist in silence.

VFR Leisure Experiences of Italians and Chinese in Sweden  : A New Study Approach to Migrants’ Personal Networks Influence on Place Participation During (im)mobility Times

Licata, Sara Fiorella Viviana January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the Visit Friends and Relatives (VFR) tourism experiences of highly skilled first-generation Italians and Chinese in Sweden. It focuses on personal networks influence on migrant hosts’ interaction and participation in the place and how the Covid-19 global immobility has changed the dynamics and the feelings towards the place. Data are collected through semi-structured interviews with a participative target sociogram as memory recollection and visualization tool. Results showed that VFR is mainly a within network experience and the interaction with the place and the society is marginal and influenced by hosts’ mediation, their local network structure and composition. The VFR aspect of sharing quality time emerges as central element. The local dimension shapes place interaction and participation dynamics: the migrant host personal relation to the local place, their local network structure and composition, and the difference of having a native member in the network are crucial elements.

An Internal ‘Press’-ing Divide : Power Dynamics Within the EU as Evidenced Through New Pact on Migration and Asylum Discourses

Chaffee, Isabella January 2023 (has links)
When managing the reception and relocation of refugees within the EU, it is unsurprising that negotiating common policy and burden-sharing schemes are complex, contentious tasks (Thielemann 2003; Naurin 2015). Indeed, the individual geographic, political and economic positioning of member states are reflected in larger power dynamics within the EU, further complicating resolution on solidarity initiatives in asylum policy (Duarte and Pascariu 2017, Basile and Olmastroni 2020, Bauböck 2018). Within this thesis, I argue that these power dynamics are evidenced along EU core and periphery lines (i.e., states with external borders and those with primarily internal borders) and within negotiation discourses (Jäntti and Klasche 2021; Zaun 2018). By conducting a critical discourse analysis (CDA) with statements from the French and Greek national parliaments, as well the EU Commission statement, this project is able to pursue a comparative analysis of discursive approaches and highlight differences in discourses and power positionings. This, in turn, can also help us to examine why standstills in asylum policy negotiation proceedings persist. The structure of this thesis is in line with previous research which has examined how power and agency of member states is constructed through linguistic framing (Mainwaring 2014), and literature investigating complications that emerge with common immigration policy within the EU and the supranationally (Omelaniuk 2012, Hampshire 2013, Bauböck 2018).

Att vara svart kvinna i Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om vardagsrasism / To be a black woman in Sweden : A qualitative study on everyday racism

Barth, Julius F. January 2021 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis is an effort to understand how black women in Sweden experience 'race' and racism in everyday life. The theoretical framework includes a postcolonial theory from Sara Ahmed, with the concept of 'race' as a key element. Additional to that, Judith Butler’s gender performativity theory contributes to a broader understanding of the informants’ situation. The material consisting of interviews with four young black women implies that everyday racism is present in Swedish society to that extent that 'race' is a major aspect of these women’s life. In everyday encounters with the white majority of the society, they often feel different, marginalized, objectified and exotified. Furthermore, the informants experience that their skin color and phenotypic markers are a magnet for white people’s fetish and fantasies, but also an obstacle to obtain legitimacy in interactions with them. To those reasons, the informants are considering migrating to a country where black people are forming a larger minority in society than it is the case in Sweden. That opens up the possibility to interact with more black people who have similar experiences of being exposed to everyday racism.

Flyktingars upplevelser från flyktingläger : Påverkan på individer orsakade utav omgivningen / Refugees experience from refugee camps

Wroblewska, Wiktoria, Lindgren, Celie January 2022 (has links)
Varje år flyr tusentals människor sina hem på grund av olika anledningar, år 2018 var 70,8miljoner människor på flykt. Många av dessa människor bor i olika typer av flyktingläger, ochutsätts dagligen för olika prövningar. Sverige tar emot omkring fem tusen människor varje årpå flykt från sina hem. Studiens fokus undersöker genom semi strukturerade intervjuer hur sjurespondenter påverkats av sin flykt till Sverige. Hur har respondenternas resa och dessutmaningar påverkat respondenterna fysiskt och psykiskt. Samt hur har miljön och omgivningi flyktingläger bidragit till denna påverkan. Studien redogör för sju unga mäns resa till Sverigeoch beskriver huruvida respondenterna levt i en trygg miljö eller inte. Studien beskriver om deunder vistelse och själva resan känt en koppling till de platser de vistats på. Studien presenterautmaningar respondenterna mött, deras känslor och identifierar hur miljö och omgivningpåverkat dem och andra runt omkring dem.

Violence, Resistance and the Border Regime: Shedding Light on the Reality at the Patras Settlement : Daily Struggles of People on the Move Through the Eyes of Volunteers

Rebeyrolle, Alexia January 2023 (has links)
The securitisation and externalisation of Europe's borders have had devastating consequences for people trying to cross them. As Greece is on the periphery of the European Union, its role in this process and in the journey of people on the move is crucial. This thesis focuses on the situation in the city of Patras (Northern Peloponnese) and the informal camp set up by people on the move there. Drawing from interviews with volunteers working in Patras and previous research related to Patras or other Greek refugee camps, this thesis applies the concept of borderscapes in order to understand the situation in Patras. The aspect of resistance that people on the move create against borders is central to the thesis, as it lies at the heart of the relationship that people on the move have with the borders they face. Furthermore, analysis through the conceptual lens of borderscapes explains how the border, like Patras itself, is a violent place in many different ways. Finally, I will highlight the paradoxical role that volunteers play in this system of bordering and how the mobility and visibility of people on the move are linked to European policies and strategies to selectively restrict certain types of migration.

To Identify With a Memory : A Case Study on Nubian Post-Displacement Ethnic Identity in Contemporary Egypt

Saleh, Yahia January 2023 (has links)
More than one generation of Nubians have been living dispersed in various locations in Egypt. Decades after the latest 1964 displacement and the memory of the lost homeland does not seem to fade. Focusing on the memory of Old Nubia among younger generations, this research examines how they (re)construct their ethnic identity away from their ancestral homeland. Through in-depth interviews, the study uncovers the complex process of ethnic identity development among Nubians. The findings emphasize the profound influence of memory and imaginaries of homelands on Nubians' ethnic identity, contributing to a deeper understanding of contemporary Nubian community. Furthermore, the research sheds light on the interplay between displacement, diaspora, and memory, offering valuable insights for studies of ethnic minorities in the Middle East and North Africa. By exploring the intersections of diaspora, memory, and ethnic identity, this study illuminates the resilience and cultural continuity of the Nubian community despite geographical dispersal.

En Kvalitativ Studie om HVB-hem Personalens Upplevelser av Ensamkommande Flyktingbarn från Afghanistan som Lidit av Psykisk Ohälsa (2015–2018) / A Qualitative Study on HVB Home Staffs Experiences of Unaccompanied Refugee Children from Afghanistan who Suffered from Mental Illness (2015–2018)

Nosrat Noor, Bida Ibrahim January 2023 (has links)
Studien är en undersökning av personalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av psykisk ohälsa hos ensamkommande flyktingbarn. För att kunna genomföra undersökningen har individer som idag arbetar eller har arbetat på HVB-hem intervjuats.Studien har använts sig av två olika teorier, den ena är Antonovsky (2005) i form av KASAM och den andra av Lazarus (1999) i form av Coping för att kunna analysera empirin, det vill säga intervjuerna.För att kunna genomföra undersökningen och för att det ska vara tillförlitligt har kvalitativ forskningsintervju tillämpats. De intervjupersoner som intervjuas har eller har haft erfarenhet av att arbeta med ensamkommande flyktingbarn från Afghanistan med psykisk ohälsa. Totalt har fem intervjupersoner intervjuats.Resultatet av studien visar att samtliga intervjupersoner har haft erfarenhet av ensamkommande flyktingbarn med psykisk ohälsa. Deras psykiska ohälsa har uttryckt sig på olika sätt, det kan vara i form av olika känslor i form av aggression, isolering, gråt samt distansering från HVB-personalen. Resultatet visar även att HVB-personalen upplever att de ställs inför dagliga utmaningar eftersom de ensamkommande flyktingbarnen inte delar med sig om sina känslor och stänger in sig istället för att dela med sig sina känslor med personalen. I och med de distanserar sig och isolerar sig från personalen finns andra stöd som de ensamkommande flyktingbarnen kan få, bland annat hjälp från BUP.

Irregulation Migration : A case study of third-country nationals in Sweden

Olayiwola, Olawale Isaac January 2023 (has links)
This paper aims to shed light on the issue of irregular migration in Sweden, which has become an increasingly pressing concern for policy makers and the public. This study examines the various factors that contribute to irregular migration and the situation of irregular migrants. It explores the various risks that migrants face after entering Sweden such as documentation, challenges, well-being, exploitation, abuse, shelter, and insecurity etc. Additionally, it discusses why some immigrants choose unauthorized migration as a strategy to move, stay, or survive in an illegal situation in Sweden. This study examines and analyses academic literature on irregular migration, including definitions, theories, and methods. Terminology and methods of measuring irregular migration are briefly discussed, and analysis of some of the basic determinants of irregular migration and Swedish government’s policies and initiatives to address this issue and their effectiveness. Literature on migration has been used to frame the discourse and empirical research, i.e., to frame the theoretical framework. Thus, mixed-methods research is used to draw empirical information by combining quantitative and qualitative methods (e.g., semi-structured interview) to obtain results that cannot be achieved by using only one method. An evaluation of empirical evidence is conducted using neoclassical theory and social network theory to assess the 'current' state of irregular migration in Sweden

”Man måste ju börja någonstans” : En fallstudie av Upplands Väsby biblioteks arbete med de nationella minoriteterna / "You have to start somewhere" : A case study of Upplands Väsby library's work with national minorities

Öberg, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur de nationella minoriteterna synliggörs på ett svenskt folkbibliotek samt hur bibliotekets arbete kan förstås utifrån R. David Lankes teoretiska ramverk för The New Librarianship. Enligt tidigare studier är det flera av Sveriges folkbibliotek som idag inte uppfyller det lagstadgade uppdraget gentemot de nationella minoriteterna. Uppdraget ska realiseras av olika aktörer i samhället, däribland biblioteken och bibliotekarier. Hur uppdraget utförs verkar vara beroende av resurser men framförallt av professionens kunskap och kompetens vilket sannolikt är något som påverkar målgruppens synliggörande på biblioteken. Det avser både på individnivå och institutionell nivå. Det skapar en ojämlikhet i samhället och är problematiskt ur flera aspekter men främst på grund av att man inte uppfyller lagstiftningen om demokratiska, mänskliga rättigheter. Lisa Hussey (2010) menar att det sätt som professionella inom biblioteks-och informationsvetenskap tillhandahåller tjänster kan stärka positiva sociala strukturer men det kan också förstärka orättvisor.  Metod och teori: Undersökningen är en kvalitativ fallstudie av Upplands Väsby biblioteks arbete gentemot de nationella minoriteterna i Sverige. Det empiriska materialet består av en semistrukturerad intervju med två respondenter, en observationsstudie av biblioteksrummet och en textanalys av Upplands Väsby kommuns biblioteksplan 2021–2024. För analys av studiens resultat, används utvalda delar av R. David Lankes teoretiska ramverk The New Librarianship. Material och resultat: Genom studier av den semistrukturerade intervjun, observationsstudien och närläsning av Upplands Väsby biblioteksplan framkom det sju teman som resultatet delades in i. I undersökningen framgår det att den enskilda bibliotekariens engagemang, kunskap och kompetens spelar en viktig roll för bibliotekets arbete med att stärka och främja de nationella minoriteterna. Det framgår även att det är en politisk fråga och en fråga om resurser som påverkar hur målgruppen synliggörs i samhället. I resultatet lyfts även vikten av samverkan fram, dels med minoriteterna själva, dels med andra aktörer i samhället. Slutsatser: På Upplands Väsby bibliotek drivs det ett medvetet och riktat arbete för de nationella minoriteterna. Det kan ses som en utveckling av uppdraget och en ny bibliotekarieroll, som med rätt kompetens och kunskap har utrymme att bedriva ett värderingsstyrt biblioteksarbete. Med begränsade resurser behöver prioriteringar göras och man kan även med små medel synliggöra och samverka på olika sätt. Genom omvärldsbevakning och att vara i samtal med andra kan man vidga sin kunskap. De delarna tillsammans och att verka för mångfald av människor, litteratur och programverksamhet kan ändå åstadkomma viss skillnad i bibliotekens arbete gentemot de nationella minoriteterna. / Problem and purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the national minorities are made visible in a Swedish public library and how the library´s work can be understood from R. David Lankes theoretical framework The New Librarianship. According to previous studies, several of Sweden’s public libraries do not fulfill their statutory mission towards the national minorities. The mission must be realized by various actors in society, including libraries and librarians. How the assignment is carried out seems to depend on resources, but above all by the librarian’s knowledge and competence, which is likely something that affects the visibility of the target group in the libraries. This applies both at the individual level and at the institutional level. It creates an inequality in society and is problematic from several aspects, but mainly due to not complying with the legislation on democratic, human rights. Lisa Hussey (2010) argues that the way library and information science professionals provide services can reinforce positive social structures but also reinforce injustice. Method and theory: The survey is a qualitative case study of Upplands Väsby library’s work towards the national minorities in Sweden. The empirical material consists of a semi structured interview with two respondants, an observation study of the library room and a text analysis of Upplands Väsby municipality library plan 2021-2024. For analysis of the study’s result, selected parts of R. David Lankes theoretical framework The New Librarianship are used. Materials and results: Through studies of the semi-structured interview, the observation study and a close reading of Upplands Väsby’s library plan, seven themes emerged which the result were divided into. The survey shows that the commitment, knowledge, and competence of the individual librarian play an important role in the library’s work to strengthen and promote the national minorities. It also appears that it is a political issue and a matter of resources that affect how the target group is made visible in society. The result also highlights the importance of cooperation with the minorities themselves and with other actors in society. Conclusions: At Upplands Väsby’s library, a conscious and targeted work is carried out for the national minorities. It can be seen as a development of the mission and a new librarian role, which with the right skills and knowledge has room to carry out value-driven library work. With limited resources, priorities need to be set, but even with small funds you can collaborate with and make the national minorities visible in different ways. By observing the world around you and being in conversations with other, you can expand your knowledge. Those parts together and working for a diversity of people, literature and program activities can still make a certain difference in the work of the libraries for the national minorities.

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