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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undocumented immigrants in Sweden stonewalled from accessing services: Professionals’ perspective

Guillén, Ana, Kebede, Simret January 2021 (has links)
The social exclusion of undocumented immigrants is a global phenomenon that concerns the social work profession. Despite laws that protect human rights, undocumented immigrants in many countries are facing multiple challenges associated with a lack of legal status, including in Sweden. This study aims to examine how the legal and other associated barriers act as exclusion mechanisms against undocumented immigrants in Sweden when accessing services. Data collection through a qualitative method, involving semi-structured interviews with professionals engaged in supporting this group, was carried out. The results were analyzed by using a deductive thematic analysis, applying the social exclusion theory, as well as using earlier research on the subject. The findings revealed the existence of structural barriers that exclude undocumented immigrants regarding accessing services; where civil society has intervened to give support. The findings also reflect that it has been difficult for social workers to act on the situation.

”ATT MOTIVERA UNGDOMARNA ATTÖVERHUVUDTAGET GÖRA NÅGOT ANNAT ÄN DETDE GÖR IDAG” -En studie om nio kommuners arbete med det kommunalaaktivitetsansvaret

David, Rooth, Anna, Ågren, January 2021 (has links)
This essay is based on a societal problem related to the exclusion that arises when young peopledo not reach upper secondary school eligibility, and how low education can have consequencesfor society over time. The thesis focuses on the municipalities' work and responsibility towardsthe individuals who make up the current target group, 16-19 year olds who do not study or havean employment. The study is concretized by these issues: • How do the municipalities in question describe the problem of young people who do not have uppersecondary school qualifications? • What measures are the municipalities taking and do they have stated goals? • Do the municipalities use united actions with public actors and other municipalities in the region tofind common solutions? The results of the thesis are mainly based on a questionnaire answered by representativesworking with the target group from nine different municipalities, where they were asked toanswer questions related to the purpose of the study. The study also used a secondary empiricismin the form of documents to strengthen the answers in terms of goals and measures. Theconclusions we came to were that all municipalities believe that lack of upper secondary schoolqualification entails great future risks for individuals, which in turn has consequences for society.An overwhelming majority of the municipalities have goals and measures linked to the law theyneed to comply with, which includes trying to motivate young people to return to some form ofeducation. United actions occurs in all municipalities, and with an increased understanding of thecomplexity of united action as a theoretical concept, the conclusions are based on the fact thatvarious forms of united actions also imposes different requirements. It can therefore beexperienced both as an asset and a challenge among the participating actors.

The Social Exclusion of Homeless Menstruators within the Sanitary Dignity Framework and its Implementation

Ramafalo, Katleho 16 March 2022 (has links)
The Sanitary Dignity Framework (2019) is a policy that aims to preserve and maintain indigent girls' and women's dignity during menstruation. In South Africa, the term “sanitary dignity”, can be equated to what the rest of the world recognizes as menstrual hygiene management (MHM). Sanitary dignity or MHM is centred around the provision of menstrual health hygiene products (MHPs) such as tampons and sanitary pads to anyone who menstruates and cannot afford to purchase MHPs for themselves. Limited of access to MHPs, water and sanitation facilities, and privacy make it impossible for vulnerable menstruators to achieve sanitary dignity. This policy excludes street-based homeless menstruators as it only makes provisions for those who have access to state-funded institutions such as; quintile 1, 2, and 3 schools, mental institutions, hostels, places of care, and prisons. Street-based homeless menstruators are marginalized twofold; they reside on the streets and they menstruate. This dissertation discusses how the social exclusion of street-based homeless menstruators within the Sanitary Dignity Framework strips them of their fundamental right to dignity by denying them access to the sanitary dignity they are entitled to.

Integration: en fråga om mänskliga rättigheter? : En kritisk studie av Sveriges integrationsstrategi från ett etiskt människorättsperspektiv

Parmlind, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
I denna masteruppsats genomförs en kritisk granskning av den svenska integrationsstrategin och dess förenlighet med en etisk förståelse av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Genom en textanalytisk granskning av de statliga propositioner och dokument som ligger till grund för integrationsstrategin analyseras hur väl denna tillgodoser och skyddar flyktingars mänskliga rättigheter. Analysen genomförs med hjälp av två teoretiska perspektiv: ett integrations-perspektiv för att fastställa vilken förståelse av integration som kan återfinnas i strategin och ett etiskt människorättsperspektiv för att göra en bedömning av dess förenlighet med den etiskaförståelsen av de mänskliga rättigheterna som drivs i denna studie. Resultatet visar att strategin har en stadig grund med ett imperativ om flyktingars lika mänskliga värde och lika rätt till rättigheter som medborgare, men att detta inte får gehör i det faktiska genomförandet av strategin. Istället för att bryta flyktingars utanförskap finns det element i strategin som bidrar till att förtryckande strukturer upprätthålls och flyktingars rättighetsskydd försvagas. Även om det inte kan återfinnas någon uttalad avsikt till detta i de granskade texterna är utfallet densamma, vilket gör att strategin inte bedöms vara förenlig med en etisk förståelse av de mänskliga rättigheterna. För att strategin ska kunna bedömas vara förenlig måste starkare åtgärder vidtas än vad som redan görs för att stärka flyktingars rättighetsskydd och lika möjligheter att delta i samhället. / In this master’s thesis a critical study of the Swedish integration strategy and its combability with an ethical understanding of human rights is conducted. By using a text analytical review of the government bills and documents that form the basis of the integration strategy, the study analyzes how well it provides for and protects the human rights of refugees. The analysis is carried out using two theoretical perspectives: an integration perspective in order to determine the understanding of integration that can be found in the strategy, and an ethical human rights perspective to make an assessment of its compatibility with the ethical understanding of human rights that is used in this study. The results show that the strategy has a solid foundation with an imperative about refugees’ equal human value and equal right to have rights as citizens, however this is not carried out in the actual implementation of the strategy. Instead of working against the exclusion of refugees there are elements present in the strategy that contribute to maintaining oppressive structures and weakening the protection of refugees’ rights. Although there cannot be found any pronounced intent to this in the texts examined, the outcome is the same, and with this the strategy is not considered compatible with an ethical understanding of human rights. For the strategy to be deemed compatible, stronger measures must be taken than are already in place to strengthen protection of refugees’ rights and equal opportunities to participate in the society.

Rethinking Youth as Means for Political Stability A qualitative content analysis of the sociopolitical situation in Lebanon from the perspective of empowerment theory

Tannous, Pamela January 2018 (has links)
Youth exclusion in a society is a major issue in many parts of the globe, and particularly in the Arab world. It limits the succession of social movements leading to political stability and leaves a relevant part of the society alienated from political processes. For this reason, this thesis aims to introduce and highlight youth as a source for political and social development, using Lebanon as a case study through the theoretical lens of empowerment theory. The work carried out understands empowerment theory as a useful theoretical framework in Political Science, and its contribution to the case under scrutiny will rest upon three interrelated categories: individual empowerment, collective empowerment, and social and political change as a subsequent. The research focuses on the capacity development of young Lebanese people through their participation in a UNDP program. Using content analysis of a UNDP report and semi-structured interviews conducted with youth (20-28) as well as with the youth focal point in UNDP, the thesis systemically examines and evaluates the extent to which Lebanese youth are feeling empowered by the UNDP for creating social change and reducing political instability. The results and findings of the research suggest that if organizations such as the UNDP place more attention on youth, they are likely to have a greater political and social impact on social and political development.

The Zazas in Crisis: A qualitative study on the influence of the Turkish political discourse on the Zaza Identity

ASLAN, JOHANNA January 2020 (has links)
Författaren till denna uppsats har under en fältresa till Turkiet gjort en undersökning om Zazas, en mellangrupp människor som ofta faller i den etniska kategorin kurder eller turk, och som där samlade essensiellt akademiskt innehåll och individuella åsikter från lokalbefolkningen som intervjuades. Skälen bakom försummelsen av Zazas och förtrycket mot dem orsakade av Turkiets nationalistiska diskurs utforskas och det lärs ut att när Zazas försummades sitt språk, hade de officiellt uteslutits från hela nationens samhällsstrukturer. Deras språk är nu mycket hotat, på väg att glömmas bort. Denna forskning presenterar Zazas och deras hotade ställning på grund av en stor identitetsförlust orsakad av ett nationalistiskt statligt beslut, vilket främst har påverkat Zazas genom de språkbegränsningar som påtvingats dem. / The author of this essay has during a field trip to Turkey done research about the Zazas, an inbetweener group of people who often fall into the ethnic category of Kurds or Turks, gathering essential academic content and individual views from locals who were interviewed. The reasons behind the neglection of Zazas and the oppression against them caused by the nationalist discourse of Turkey are explored and it is taught that when the Zazas were neglected their language, they officially became excluded from all the nation’s societal structures. Their language is now highly endangered, on a path to be forgotten. This research presents the Zazas and their endangered position due to a great identity loss caused by a nationalist state ruling, which has mainly affected the Zazas by the language restrictions forced upon them.

Queer Migration Perspectives: Identity construction and experiences of social inclusion and exclusion of LGBTQ refugees in Sweden

Korten, Zoe January 2019 (has links)
Research within the field of migration studies has become increasingly interested in asylum seekers and refugees over that last decade. However, there is a large gap in migration literature regarding LGBTQ migrants and LGBTQ asylum seekers and refugees in general. By adopting a queer perspective through the voices of LGBTQ refugees, this paper confronts the heteronormativity of migration studies. Two LGBTQ refugees in Sweden were interviewed in-depth about the relationship between their sexual orientation or gender identity and the concepts of identity construction and social inclusion/exclusion. Their insights reveal the strategies used in navigating the intersections of their identity and the challenges faced with regard to seeking inclusion in various aspects of society. The analysis reveals the potential for deeper mechanisms at work within these constructs. Furthermore, this study includes statements from the participants regarding how to address the needs of LGBTQ individuals within the asylum process so that others may face fewer challenges in the future. Although this study only examines the experiences of two LGBTQ refugees, it does provide insight that can be useful for future work involving this population.

Interpreting the Past : The 3D Impact

Kaiser, Maja January 2020 (has links)
Using 3D methods in the archaeological field makes way for a number of new possibilities. However, how these methods affect the interpretation of the past is a rather unexplored subject and this thesis investigates the matter by viewing 3D usage within both fieldwork and analytic circumstances. It explains how the utilization of 3D works to minimize bias data collection, and also how open access in relation to digital 3D data creates more possibilities for the interpretation of archaeological data.

Osamění / Loneliness

Kalhousová Pernicová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Theme of loneliness generates in most of us negative feelings of fear and emptiness, while rarely on Loneliness, is regarded as positive, life takes effect. The actual problem is a taboo, hides in the background of the more popular social topics, so we usually lack information that would allow us to approach him other than "emotional" attitude. However, it is linked to a number of fundamental questions, whether by death, the awareness of one's own being, and as a result, it is also about taking responsibility for himself and perception of normality, individuality and conformity. For this reason, I believe that the relationship that we create to loneliness, forms then our relationship to ourselves, our close relationship and subsequently the functioning of the whole society.

Social exclusion and intimate partner violence: The impact of belongingness needs on tolerance of abusive behaviors in a romantic relationship

Trujillo, Alejandro 19 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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