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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fritidshemsbarnens lek – en studie om uppfattningar, engagemang och rum för lek på fritidshemmet / Children´s play in after-school centers - a study of perceptions, commitment and space forplay in after-school centers

Halane, Ahmed Shekh Muhumed January 2020 (has links)
This study treats with The significance and meaning of playing among children in the leisure centers. An overview presents some of the research concerning childrens play in schoolyards. Usual questions among researchers in the field: how does the schoolyard function as a room for play? What role does the staff play? Should you monitor free play, stimulate / initiate or participate yourself? How should the educator handle problems with exclusion and bullying? The study also contains an interview with three groups of children at a leisure center outside Stockholm. The children were between eight and eleven years old. The questions were semistructered and open. Following questions was asked to the children: What do the children play at the leisure center? How do the children perceive the staff's commitment? How does the schoolyard function as a room for play? The children gave a two-part view of the role ofthe educator.  The study finally discusses the requirement that you as a staff must evaluate the importance of playing, which places demands on planning and commitment at the same time as the educator must find his role as both supervisor and participant. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka Lekens betydelse och specifikt på ett fritidshem i ett område utanför Stockholm.  Forskningen om barnens lek kretsar kring följande frågor: Vad leker barnen på fritidshemmet? Hur uppfattar barnen personalens engagemang? Hur fungerar skolgården som rum för lek? Ska de vuxna främja den fria leken där pedagogerna lämnar barnen själva att leka eller ska de ha ambitionen att styra lekarna med inslag av lärande? En övergripande fråga inom forskningen är just vilken roll pedagogen ska inta till barnens lek. Ska man övervakaden fria leken, stimulera/initiera eller delta själva? Hur ska pedagogen hantera problem vid exkludering och mobbning?  Resultatet redovisar intervjuer med tre grupper i åldern mellan åtta och elva år. Gruppintervjuerna var semistrukturerade och därmed öppna för följdfrågor. I resultatet visar barnen hur olika lekar fungerar. De ger samtidigt en tudelad uppfattning i synen på pedagogens roll. Dels var man positiv till att de plockade fram lekutrustning men ställde sig tveksamma till att de deltog i lekarna. Man var samtidigt kritisk till att det var vanligt att personalen var passiva under rasternas lek och ägnade sig åt mobilen eller samtalade med varandra.  I uppsatsen diskuteras slutligen kravet på att man som personal måste uppvärdera lekens betydelse vilket ställer krav på planering och engagemang samtidigt som pedagogen måste finna sin roll som både övervakare och deltagare.

“Welcome to my unlikely existence” : En kvantitativ dataanalys av incel-forumet incels.net

Kjaer, Elvira, Fröberg, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att studera onlineforumet incels.net för att undersöka huruvida medlemmarna vid forumet har liknande bakgrund och/eller gemensamma erfarenheter. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av på förhand utvalda variabler baserade på risk- och skyddsfaktorer tagna från riktlinjer inom socialtjänsten. Tidigare forskning har kunnat kartlägga en specifik rådande diskurs bland incels och uttryck av psykisk ohälsa hos gruppen men inte kunnat visa på gemensamma erfarenheter på kvantitativ nivå. Studien använder sig av en kvantitativ dataanalys som metod. Den vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är kritisk realism, social exkludering och stämplingsteori. I diskussion av resultaten har social exkludering och stämplingsteori använts. Studien utfördes genom granskning av totalt 12 700 inlägg på online-forumet incels.net. I studien ingick granskning av 111 medlemmar på onlineforumet incels.net. Dessa medlemmars inlägg granskades för att sedan föras in i ett statistiskt sammanställt ark för att se vilka variabler som uppfylldes av vardera medlem. Det insamlade materialet undersöktes sedan genom olika typer av statistiska analyser såsom korstabulering med Chi2-test och korstabeller för att kunna urskilja samband. Vid utförandet av de statistiska jämförelserna användes programmet Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Resultatet av studien visade på en förhöjd andel psykisk problematik hos medlemmarna på forumet vilket sedan diskuterades och jämfördes med övrig befolkning. Resultatet visade även på ett samband mellan dåliga familjeförhållanden och psykisk problematik hos medlemmarna på incels.net.

Vad vet vi egentligen om inkludering och exkludering på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie av hur fritidspedagoger arbetar med inkludering och exkludering

Assali, Lina, Kaze, Clarisse January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of our study was to investigate how leisure educators at two different leisure homes work with inclusion and exclusion in the indoor environment. In order to answer the purpose, the study was based on the following questions: How do leisure educators work with inclusion and exclusion? What opportunities and obstacles do leisure educators see in their work on inclusion and exclusion? How do children include and exclude each other in the leisure home? What significance does the environment have for inclusion and exclusion in the leisure home? The empirical study is conducted at two different leisure centers where interviews and observations have been used as a method. Two educated leisure educators were interviewed to find out how they view inclusion and exclusion and how they work on this. The analysis has been done from a socio-cultural perspective. The study found that inclusion is about belonging, security and community in which all students are involved. The educators explained how important it is to see all students and create a good climate in the group where everyone can be heard and seen. The study found various reasons that lead to exclusion that it may depend on hierarchy in the children's group. Exclusion can also occur in the game where some students do not belong to a community or are involved. Obstacles that have been highlighted by leisure educators to achieve an inclusive way of working are staff shortages, time, local design, large groups of children and that they need access to more tools. The result shows that the educators work inclusively by, among other things, taking advantage of the students' interest and needs in planning to make the students want to participate in the activities. The results also show that there are educators who believe that exclusion is complex. There are varying views on the concept of exclusion.

Social Innovation för Demokrati? - en kvalitativ studie om Dramalogens användning av kultur som redskap för inkludering

Kindblad, Fabiola January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to understand within the field of IMER the importance that cultural workers at Dramalogen suggest that the use of aestethic culture – and drama – may have for the inclusion of cultural and ethnic groups, which run the risk of becoming marginalized in society. The research question focuses on the use of drama to highlight social problems concerning particular groups in local society. The methods employed were qualitative interviews, three participant observations and collection of documents. The empirical result shows that Dramalogen identify social changes and problems, from the standpoint of inclusive and democratic values, and use aesthetic culture and drama as a tool in an attempt to include cultural and ethnic groups, which risk to become marginalized. The analytical concept social exclusion and the dramaturgical theory of Goffman, were used to analyse the empirical material. The analysis suggests that their use of drama works as a mirror that reflects social problems, and - based on values of inclusion and democracy - also triggers a change in the public, although it is not possible to affirm within the study that this actually happens. The study also evaluate whether Dramalogens way of using aesthetic culture – and drama pedagogy – can be seen as a social innovation, and address the relevance for questions of revitalizing democracy.

The Paradox of Kenyan Slum Upgrading Programme - An interpretative case study about socio-spatial exclusion in the informal settlement of Kibera

Rupprecht, Melina January 2020 (has links)
This interpretative case study examines the ways in which socio-spatial exclusion is main-tained though urban planning designs in the informal settlement of Kibera in Kenya. It ap-plies the theoretical and analytical framework of T. Mitchell and A. Church, M. Frost, K. Sullivan to investigate how the urban design of the Kenyan Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP) contributes to the maintenance of socio-spatial hierarchies that allow for the ex-clusion of Kibera’s urban residents. This investigation is a reaction to the lacking considera-tion of implanted structural violence in place and urban development.The study found that persisting socio-spatial exclusion of residents in Kibera is in-deed sustained through KENSUP. The built environment functions as power medium that excludes some people based on their socio-spatial status in the city. The applied framework confirmed that the urban planning programme KENSUP maintains existing forms of eco-nomic, physical, and geographic exclusion, besides the exclusion from facilities through the built environment.The findings suggest that urban planning designs require a shift from the focus on the built environment towards the focus on human rights and inclusive participation in order to reduce the structural influence of socio-spatial city hierarchies.


Franzén, Alexandra, Brandt, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur skolkuratorer upplever socialt utanförskap bland barn i åldrarna 7–12 år. Det empiriska materialet som ligger till grund för studiens resultat och analys är sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av kodning. Det analyserade materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning, begreppen KA-SAM samt risk- och skyddsfaktorer, Goffmans stigmateori och Bowlbys anknytningsteori. Resultatet visar att skolkuratorer aktivt arbetar med att främja socialt arbete genom att nå ut till barn och elever som kan befinna sig i socialt utanförskap i skolan. De flesta skolor som skolkuratorer arbetar på arbetar främst med rastaktiviteter, enskilda samtal och välbefinnande och jämställdhetsundersökningar.Skolkuratorerna försöker också aktivt förhindra att eleverna stigmatiseras i vuxenlivet genom att informera eleverna om vikten av att ha en fullföljd skolgång och sömn och matrutiner. Utöver detta arbetar skolkuratorerna och annan skolpersonal för att förhindra psykisk ohälsa bland eleverna, eftersom det är ett växande problem i Sverige. / This study aims to investigate how school counselors experience social exclusion among children aged 7-12. The empirical material that forms the basis of the study's results and analysis are six semi-structured interviews with school counselors. The material has then been analyzed using coding. The analyzed material has then been analyzed with the help of previous research, the concepts KASAM as well as risk and protection factors, Goffman's stigma theory and Bowlby's connection theory. The result shows that school counselors work actively with promoting social work through outreach of children who can be in social exclusion at school. Most of the schools that the school counselors work on primarily work with school breaks individual conversations and well-being and equal treatment surveys.The school counselors also try to actively prevent the pupils from being stigmatized in adulthood by informing the pupils about the importance of having completed schooling and sleep and food routines. In addition to this, the school counselors and other school staff work to prevent mental illness among the students, as this is a growing problem in Sweden.

Upplevelsen av att få en ADHD-diagnos som vuxen : En kvalitativ studie / The experience of getting an ADHD diagnose as an adult

Jörgensen, Signe Rie Friis, Karaman, Mahir January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the study is to see how different it can be to live with an ADHD, as well as how different it is to manage to get an ADHD diagnosis in adulthood. The information is gathered through several qualitative interviews with open questions. The thesis is based on a qualitative study and is based on five interviews with participants, who have been diagnosed in adulthood. The results show that the participants have different experiences of the symptoms and difficulties associated with the diagnosis. The usual symptoms such as attention disorders, impulsivity and hyperactivity are described in different ways by the different participants. Also, how different participants have experienced getting the diagnosis, and the importance of getting help. The conclusion is that the diagnosis manifests itself differently depending on the individual, and that more knowledge is needed and the subject needs attention. / Abstrakt   Syftet med undersökningen är att se hur olika det kan upplevas att leva med en ADHD, samt hur olika det är att hantera att få en ADHD diagnos i vuxen ålder. Informationen är insamlad genom ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer med öppna frågor. Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ undersökning och bygger på fem intervjuer med deltagare, vilka har diagnostiserades i vuxen ålder. Resultatet visar att deltagarna har olika upplevelser av de symtom och svårigheter som förknippas med diagnosen. De vanliga symtom som uppmärksamhetsstörningar, impulsivitet och hyperaktivitet beskrivs på olika sätt av de olika deltagarna. Även hur olika deltagarna har upplevt att få diagnosen, samt vikten av att få hjälp. Slutsats blir att diagnosen yttrar sig olika beroende på individen, samt att mer kunskap behövs och ämnet behöver uppmärksammas.

Répartition sexuée du travail dans les entreprises congolaises. Entre inégalités, exclusion sociale, respect des coutumes et engagement pour le développement.

Wetshodima Yole Yalonga, Vo 08 February 2021 (has links) (PDF)
La question de la parité et singulièrement de la répartition sexuée du travail a été toujours au cœurde débats passionnants.En R. D. Congo l’opposition entre les sexes masculin et féminin dans le monde du travail esttoujours d’actualité.Cette opposition entraine par voie de conséquence de la discrimination, de l’exclusion et par de là,des inégalités sociales.Dans cette étude, nous voulons montrer le fait que ces irrégularités est une suite logique desreprésentations sociales en dépourvu de l’un ou de l’autre sexe. Car elles prennent pour point dedépart les traditions et les coutumes souvent immuables. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

“Je Cherche La Vie!”: Women's Labour Politics in Masisi's Artisanal Coltan Mines

Furniss, Allison 10 August 2021 (has links)
In considering how women navigate the complexity and gendered aspects of the artisanal mining industry, this study seeks to unpack women's labour at step one of the global supply chain of coltan, in the post-conflict context of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Female miners are largely excluded from mine work by blurry regulatory frameworks, gendered social norms and financial disparities, however they manage to remain active labourers in the artisanal mining industry. Within a broader socio-political context of poverty, political instability and rural livelihoods, women maintain access to mine work through strategies, often premised on a gendered solidarity, such as organizing into collectives, engaging in small group collaborations and employing creative ruses to maintain the secrecy of their labour. This thesis seeks to analyze women's exclusions from mine work and the subsequent strategies they employ to circumvent those exclusions and maintain work in the mines. Based on three months of ethnographic fieldwork at artisanal coltan mine sites in Masisi Territory in the province of North Kivu, this study employs ethnographic observations, focus group and interview methodologies.

Media representations of reporting techniques of four news houses related to two mediated events during the Trump administration

Bassier, Qanita January 2020 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Media representations, embedded in reported media events, play a pivotal role in the propagation of beliefs, ideologies and establishing the status quo. The media events are given coverage by news reports on newsworthy topics, and in this case, politics. In this mini-dissertation, two particular media events, namely the Travel Ban instituted by President Donald Trump, and making Jerusalem the official capital of Israel, were analysed based on the different viewpoints writers portrayed on the same media events. Being contemporary political events related to the current President of America, it was evident that a standard news structure was common and spatial positioning of texts was a noticeable key feature of news report. The use of pronouns as the subject in headlines, including nominalisations, clause embedding and speech acts, clarified implicit and underlying meanings of the text. The linguistic choices made by the writers had a direct link to the text, which propagated Trump’s social and political ideologies positively and negatively based on these choices. The textual construct of four online news reports from four American-based newspapers presented both positive and negative revelations about Trump’s political aims. The stance of writers pronounced subjective views in three of the four the news reports. The contentious issue of Jerusalem proved to be sensitive one, in that the religious sensibilities played a major role in the dispute of Palestinian lands. The linguistic choices most utilised were non-cohesive use of grammar rules as opposed to other texts; linguistic techniques, such as the discourse of exclusion; and the choice of wording, particularly understood within the Political Discourse Analysis (PDA) framework.

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