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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pyramider och pipelines : Om högskolesystemets påverkan på jämställdhet i högskolan / Pyramides and pipelines : The System of Higher Education and its Effect on Gender Equality

Silander, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
Research on gender equality in Swedish higher education shows an unequal gender balance. Women are consistently underrepresented at the highest levels of the academic hierarchy. The lack of gender equality in academia has been illustrated by metaphors such as a narrowing pyramid, a leaky pipeline and a black hole. Unlike other problems in the academic context, gender inequality in higher education is seldom considered from a system perspective. The system of higher education has undergone major changes during the 1990s in terms of scope (more students, more faculty, more institutions, etc.), differentiation (inclusion of new disciplines) and geographical distribution (establishing institutions in previously unserviced areas). In this thesis, theoretical expectations concerning the effect of these changes on gender equality are developed. The thesis investigates gender equality in higher education by developing an analytical framework to analyze the system level and its impact on gender equality. The empirical data consists of two sets. The first set contains cross-sectional data on registered students, doctoral entrants, doctors, post-doctoral fellows, lecturers and professors in Swedish higher education. The second set is derived from the longitudinal integration database for health insurance and labor market studies (LISA), which consists of anonymized data on all individuals in the Swedish labor market that hold doctoral degrees. The main finding of the thesis is that the system of higher education does have an impact on the gender equality in higher education. The vertical gender balance has increased during the expansion of Swedish higher education during the 1990s. The horizontal gender balance has also increased, but the increase is limited to the student category. On the other hand, the system of higher education has not had an impact on the gender equality measured in terms of exits from academia. Instead, the analysis shows that the rate of men that leave academia is higher than the rate of women, and that commonly used metaphors portraying academia as a narrowing pyramid, a leaky pipeline or a black hole serve poorly as illustrations of the gender equality in academia.

Reaktioner på en organisationsförändring : En kvalitativ studie om chefernas upplevelse av förändring

Zezovska, Viktoria, Rizvanovic, Mirsada January 2012 (has links)
Vi har kommit fram till att chefernas reaktioner inte beror på omorganisationen i sig utan hur förändringsprocessen har gått till. Deras reaktioner speglar ett motstånd mot sättet som förändringsprocessen har genomförts på. Det är personerna i organisationen och inte organisationsformen som är det viktiga för cheferna. Vi tycker att de faktorer som påverkar en lyckad förändringsprocess är medarbetarnas delaktighet, möjlighet till en bra dialog innan beslutet är taget, kommunikation samt känsla av sammanhang. / In our thesis, we concluded that the managers' reactions are not due to reorganization in itself but how the change has happened. Their responses reflect a resistance to the manner in which the change has been implemented. There are people in the organization and not organizational form that is important for managers. We think that the factors that influence a successful change is employee involvement, the opportunity for a good dialogue before the decision is taken, communication and sense of coherence.

Hemstatshinder inom EG-rätten : Med inriktning på de svenska personaloptionsreglernas förenlighet med EG-rätten / Home state obstacles in EC law : With focus on the Swedish employee stock option legislation’s compliance with EC law

Dahlin, Daniel, Kvicklund, Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>I uppsatsen utreds de svenska personaloptionsreglernas förenlighet med EG-rätten. I 10 kap. 11 § 2 st. 2 p. IL framgår att då en i Sverige obegränsat skattskyldig person upphör att vara bosatt eller att stadigvarande vistas i Sverige likställs flytten med att personaloptionen utnyttjas och skall därför beskattas. Beskattning sker av ännu inte realiserade tillgångar med anledning av utflyttningen. Den typen av beskattning som följer av personaloptionsreglerna är ett exempel på en så kallad exit-skatt.</p><p>Första steget i utredningen består i att bestämma huruvida personaloptionsreglerna kan utgöra ett otillåtet hinder för den fria rörligheten för arbetstagare och kapital inom unionen. Då hindret uppställs av hemvistlandet är det enligt vår terminologi att ses som ett hemstatshinder då det kan avskräcka landets medborgare eller bosatta från att utnyttja rätten till fri rörlighet. Vi har kommit till slutsatsen att de svenska personaloptionsreglerna utgör ett otillåtet hemstatshinder för den fria rörligheten för arbetstagare och kapital.</p><p>Andra steget utgörs av att utreda huruvida de svenska personaloptionsreglerna kan rättfärdigas genom fördraget eller rule of reason-testet. Vad det gäller fördragets bestämmelser om avsteg från principen om fri rörlighet i artiklarna 39 och 58 EG anser vi inte att dessa kan berättiga exit-skatt-bestämmelsen i personaloptionsreglerna. Under rule of reason-testet prövas rättfärdigandegrunderna skattesystemets inre sammanhang, effektiv skattekontroll och behovet av att förhindra skatteflykt i förhållande till personaloptionsreglerna. Med hänsyn till praxis från EGD och analysen i uppsatsen synes personaloptionsreglerna inte kunna rättfärdigas genom dessa.</p><p>Då vi anser att bestämmelsen i 10 kap. 11 § 2 st. 2 p. IL inte kan berättigas vare sig genom fördraget eller rule of reason-testet utgör regeln således ett otillåtet hemstatshinder för den fria rörligheten för arbetstagare och kapital. Konsekvensen av att ett hinder anses otillåtet är att regeln inte får tillämpas av medlemsstaten.</p> / <p>The aim of the thesis is to analyse the Swedish employee stock option legislation’s compliance with EC law. Chapter 10 section 11 subsection 2 of the Swedish income tax act states that when a person subject to unlimited tax liability ceases to be domiciled or permanently resident in Sweden, the change of residence is deemed equal to the redemption of the employee stock options and shall therefore be taxed. Due to the emigration, not yet realized assets are taxed. The kind of taxation present in the Swedish employee stock option legislation is an example of an exit tax.</p><p>The first part of our analysis consists of determining whether the Swedish employee stock option legislation may constitute an unlawful obstacle for the free movement of workers and capital within the internal market. According to our terminology, an obstacle put up by the home state, capable of deterring citizens or residents of that country from exercising their right to free movement is considered a home state obstacle. We have reached the conclusion that the Swedish employee stock option legislation constitutes an unlawful home state obstacle for the free movement of workers and capital.</p><p>The second part of this study consists of investigating whether the Swedish employee stock option legislation can be justified under the EC treaty or under the rule of reason test. Concerning the possibilities stated in articles 39 and 58 EC to depart from the principle of free movement, we would like to suggest that the exit taxation provision found in the Swedish employee stock option legislation cannot be justified through neither of them. The rule of reason justification grounds coherence of the tax system, effectiveness of fiscal supervision and the need to prevent tax avoidance are tried in relation to the Swedish employee stock option legislation. By reference to case law from the ECJ and the analysis in the thesis, none of the three seems to be able to justify the Swedish employee stock option legislation.</p><p>The Swedish employee stock option legislation cannot, according to our analysis, be justified neither through the treaty nor the rule of reason test. In our opinion, it therefore constitutes an unlawful home state obstacle for the free movement of workers and capital. The consequence of an unlawful obstacle is that the member state may not apply that rule.</p>

Taiwanese university students’ beliefs about language learning and strategy use in an EFL exit test environment

Kao, Tung-Wei 19 November 2012 (has links)
To understand learners’ beliefs about language learning and strategy use in an EFL exit test environment, this study investigated Taiwanese university students’ language learning beliefs; EFL exit test beliefs; language learning, test-preparation, and test-taking strategies; the relationships among their beliefs and strategy use; and the differences in students’ beliefs and strategy use according to their major, gender, grade level, entrance exam English score, and EFL exit test experience. A total of 518 Taiwanese university students participated in the questionnaire study. Two major instruments were developed and used to measure students’ beliefs and strategy use in the Taiwanese EFL exit test context: (1) the Belief about Language Learning in an EFL Exit test Context (BALLIEETC), and (2) the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning in an EFL Exit test Context (SILLEETC). Analysis of the questionnaire data involved descriptive statistics, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance. The questionnaire results suggested the following: (1) students believed in the importance of speaking English well, repeating and practicing, learning vocabulary words, acquiring excellent pronunciation, and correcting errors; (2) students primarily used memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, test-preparation, and test-taking strategies to learn English, prepare for the EFL exit test, and take the test; (3) students’ beliefs were associated with their strategy use; (4) English majors had stronger beliefs and higher levels of strategy use than non-English majors; (5) students with higher entrance exam English scores had stronger beliefs and higher levels of strategy use than those of lower scores; (6) college seniors believed more in foreign language aptitude and use test-taking strategies more often than freshmen; (7) students who had taken and passed an EFL exit test had stronger beliefs and higher levels of strategy use than those who had not taken a test. The results of this study support an association between learners’ beliefs and strategy use. Understanding students’ beliefs about language learning and the EFL exit test, as well as their use of language-learning, test-preparation, and test-taking strategies, may enable EFL teachers to help students develop effective language learning, test-preparation, and test-taking strategies and improve their English abilities and EFL exit test performance. The field of second language acquisition may also benefit from insights into students’ beliefs and their use of strategies in an EFL exit test environment. The EFL exit test may affect students’ beliefs about language learning and strategy use, such as their having stronger beliefs about the importance of vocabulary and higher levels of memory strategy use. / text

Sparse graph-based coding schemes for continuous phase modulations / Schémas codés pour modulation de phase continue à l'aide de codes définis sur des graphes creux

Benaddi, Tarik 15 December 2015 (has links)
L'utilisation de la modulation à phase continue (CPM) est particulièrement intéressante lorsque le canal de communication comporte une forte non-linéarité et un support spectral limité, en particulier pour la voie aller, lorsque l'on dispose d'un amplificateur par porteuse à bord du satellite, et pour la voie retour où le terminal d'émission travaille à saturation. De nombreuses études ont été effectuées sur le sujet mais les solutions proposées reposent sur la démodulation/décodage itératif des CPM couplées à un code correcteur d'erreur de type convolutif ou bloc. L'utilisation de codes LDPC n'a pas été à ce jour abordée de façon précise. En particulier, il n'existe pas à notre connaissance de travaux sur l'optimisation des codes basés sur des graphes creux adaptés à ce type de schémas. Dans cette étude, nous proposons d'effectuer l'analyse asymptotique et le design d'un schéma Turbo-CPM basé sur des graphes creux. Une étude du récepteur associé comportant les fonctions de démodulation sera également effectuée. / The use of the continuous phase modulation (CPM) is interesting when the channel represents a strong non-linearity and in the case of limited spectral support; particularly for the uplink, where the satellite holds an amplifier per carrier, and for downlinks where the terminal equipment works very close to the saturation region. Numerous studies have been conducted on this issue but the proposed solutions use iterative CPM demodulation/decoding concatenated with convolutional or block error correcting codes. The use of LDPC codes has not yet been introduced. Particularly, no works, to our knowledge, have been done on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes adapted for the context described here. In this study, we propose to perform the asymptotic analysis and the design of turbo-CPM systems based on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes. Moreover, an analysis on the corresponding receiver will be done.

Utvärdering av den svenska gasmarknadsmodellen

Cederborg, Max, Heumann Bauer, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport syftar till att utvärdera de för- och nackdelar den svenska gasmarknadsmodellen har relativt de shippermodeller som finns i Europa, där modellernas lämplighet att stimulera ökad konkurrens i synnerhet beaktas. Därtill behandlas de krav som nuvarande och kommande EU-lagstiftning ställer och vilka konsekvenser detta får för Sveriges del. Studien ska ge underlag för en bedömning om den svenska modellen är välfungerande eller om en förändring kan motiveras, och i så fall i vilken riktning. Till fördel för nuvarande svenska modell lyfts lättförståelighet och lägre motpartsrisk vid kapacitetsbokning fram. Även pristransparensen bedöms vara bättre till följd av att gas och transport faktureras separat. Transportkostnad fram till den svenska gränsen ingår likväl fortfarande i gaspriset. En shippermodell å andra sidan, bedöms skapa bättre förutsättningar för konkurrens och därmed öka incitamenten för utländska aktörer att ta sig in på den svenska marknaden. Dels ges aktörerna möjlighet att konkurrera om transport, dels skulle modellen överenstämma med de modeller utländska aktörer har på sina hemmamarknader. Många aktörer menar att den svenska modellen fungerar tillfredsställande i sin nuvarande utformning och att val av marknadsmodell inte är viktigast för utvecklandet av naturgasmarknaden. Mot bakgrund av detta samt de fördelar modellen har och den svenska marknadens ringa storlek, så framstår det som ett rimligt alternativ att behålla den. Vad gäller EU:s harmoniseringsarbete är det två nätkoder som i nuläget är mest aktuella, CMP och CAM, där CAM får konsekvenser för kapacitetsbokning i gränspunkter ellanentry/exit-zoner. Gränspunkten mellan Sverige och Danmark är i nuläget undantaget från CAM men åsikterna om huruvida detta är möjligt framöver eller inte går isär, ytterligare införselpunkter kan komma att skapa problem. Därtill vet vi inte i nuläget vilka konsekvenser kommande lagstiftning kan få för Sverige. Ett modellbyte kan således bli oundvikligt i slutändan. Vid ett byte är vår rekommendation är att undersöka möjligheten att övergå till en hel shippermodell, där både transmissions- och distributionsnät inkluderas i entry/exitzonen. Att ha en avvikande modell är tidskrävande, primärt för Energimarknadsinspektionen och Swedegas, till följd av EU:s harmoniseringsarbete som utarbetas för en shippermodell då detta är den vanligaste lösningen i Europa i allmänhet. Vi tror dessutom att en sådan lösning skulle gynna konkurrensen på marknaden, inte minst på hushållsmarknaden till följd av att kunden enbart får en kontaktpunkt oavsett om gasleverantör och distributionsbolag befinner sig inom samma koncern eller inte. / This report aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the Swedish gas market model in comparision to shipper models, which are common in the EU in general. The models’ suitability to stimulate competition is especially considered. In addition, the requirements of present and future EU legislation sets and the resulting consequences for Sweden are covered in the report. The study will provide a basis for assessing whether the Swedish model is well functioning or if a change is needed, and if so in which direction. Advantages of the Swedish model are that it is easy to understand and that it has a lower counterparty risk when it comes to capacity reservation. Also, the price transparency is considered to be better since the gas and transport charges are invoiced separately. Transportation cost to the Swedish border is nevertheless still included in the gas price. A shipper model on the other hand, is expected to create a more competitive market and to increase incentives for foreign players to enter it. The players are given the opportunity to compete for transportation and the model would also match the models foreign players face in their home markets, thus lowering the entry barriers. Many respondents think that the Swedish model works well in its present form and that the choice of market model is not of highest importance for the development of the natural gas market. In light of this, the benefits of the current model and the Swedish market's small size, it seems like a reasonable option to keep it. As for the EU harmonization, there are two network codes that are currently most relevant, CMP and CAM. The CAM network code has implications for capacity reservation in the cross-border points between different entry/exit-zones. The point between Sweden and Denmark is currently excluded from CAM, but opinions regarding whether this is possible in the future or  not differ. Additional entry points might create problems. In addition, at this point we do not know what impact future legislation may have. A model change can thus be inevitable in the  end.   If changing, our recommendation is to investigate the possibility of switching to a full shipper model where both the transmission and distribution networks are included in the entry/exit-zone. Having a model that differs from the rest of EU is time consuming, primarily for EI and Swedegas, since the harmonization efforts made by the EU are tailored for a shipper model since this is the prevailing system in Europe in general. We also believe that such a solution would benefit market competition. This is particularly true for the residential market because the customer only gets one contact point, whether gas suppliers and distribution companies are in the same Group or not.

Venture Capital - Investeringsprocessen i ett startup : En undersökning av investeringsprocessen och de viktigaste urvalskriterierna när ett venture capital bolag investerar i ett startup

Pfeiffer, Carl Gustav, Sehlberg, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nya bolag är en viktig del i ett lands ekonomiska kretslopp. Det är där nya arbetsplatser, innovation och tillväxt skapas. Nya och unga företag kallas ofta för startup-bolag och startas av en eller flera grundare. En viktig källa för finansiering av dessa företag är s.k. venture capital. Investeringsprocessen och de urvalskriterierna, samt det stödet som en venture capitalist kan komma att erbjuda är av fundamental betydelse för hur industrin fungerar och utvecklas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera vilka steg som kännetecknar VC-bolagens investeringsprocess och de kriterier som portföljbolagen måste uppfylla för att ha en chans att attrahera riskkapital. Vidare ämnar studien att analysera hur VC-bolagen jobbar för att utveckla sina portföljbolag genom utökat engagemang och involvering i post-investmentfasen, samt deras exit ur ett investeringsobjekt. Genomförande: Studien har baserats på tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet som sedan analyserats via en deduktiv ansats. Information har inhämtats från kvalitativa undersökningar i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kända aktörer inom venture capital-industrin. Slutsats: Studien fastställer att alla VC:s genomför en sekventiell investeringsprocess för att upptäcka intressanta objekt. Av störst betydelse i investeringsbeslutet är faktorer kopplade till humankapitalet, dock finns det även ytterligare kriterier som produkt, marknad och genomförbarhet som påverkar beslut om investering. VC:s tenderar att aktivt arbeta med sina portföljbolag och avslutar sitt engagemang med en exit. Studien finner inte att investerare arbetar med en fördefinierad exitstrategi. / Background: New enterprises are an important cog in the machinery of the economy. Newly founded companies are often referred to as startups and compile of one or more entrepreneurs. An important source of financing for these enterprises is venture capital. The investment process, the criteria’s used by investors and the support that they can come to provide are essential for the venture capital industries operation. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the process that VC-companies use when searching for potential investments. Furthermore, the study intends to give an overview of the criteria’s used by VC:s in their final decision making and what measures are taken to develop the portfolio company in the post-investment phase. The study also touches upon the exit-strategies implemented by the investors. Implementation: The essay uses a qualitive and deductive approach, where earlier concluded research is analyzed and compared to the interviews conducted during the study. Conclusion: The study finds that VC:s implement a process that is comprised of sequential steps to identify interesting companies. During the evaluation investors put emphasis on the quality of the entrepreneur and managerial team. However, they also consider other factors related to product, market and viability of the project. Investors try to add value to their portfolio companies in the post-investment phase. The investment is completed through an exit, or cashing-out from the portfolio company. The study does not conclude that investors follow a predefined exit strategy.

Vad händer efter exit? Entreprenörens perspektiv på entreprenöriell överlåtelse i små och medelstora företag : En kvalitativ studie av sex svenska, entreprenöriella, små och medelstora företag som genomgår en företagsöverlåtelse

Chirino Cabrera, Diana, Gilck, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
An entrepreneurial exit achieved through sale is the goal for many entrepreneurs and is often portrayed as a finish line. In reality, however, it marks the starting point of a business transfer process that can span several years. This study examines business transfers from a process perspective within the context of entrepreneurial small and medium-sized enterprises and from the entrepreneur's point of view. This is an area that is still considered unexplored and is referred to as entrepreneurial transfer in this study. The aim of the study is to contribute valuable empirical evidence to develop the subject, shed light on the area within the context of entrepreneurial small and medium-sized enterprises, and encourage further research. Six entrepreneurs have been interviewed in a semi-structured interview study, and the empirical data has been analyzed phenomenographically. The study identifies several patterns in how the process of entrepreneurial transfers occurs according to the entrepreneur, as well as how the entrepreneur perceives the process to be influenced by factors related to business transfers and small and medium-sized enterprises. The study provides valuable knowledge for both researchers and entrepreneurs by highlighting deficiencies and identifying gaps in existing research, serving as a basis for entrepreneurs to make informed decisions regarding an entrepreneurial transfer. / En entreprenöriell exit via försäljning är en målsättning för många entreprenörer och framställs ofta som ett målsnöre. I verkligheten är detta dock startskottet för en företagsöverlåtelse som kan vara i flera år. Denna studie undersöker företagsöverlåtelser ur ett processperspektiv i kontexten för entreprenöriella små och medelstora företag och ur entreprenörens perspektiv. Detta är ett område som ännu är att anses outforskat och i denna studie benämns som entreprenöriell överlåtelse.  Studien syftar till att bidra med värdefull empiri för att utveckla ämnet, belysa området i kontexten för entreprenöriella små och medelstora företag och uppmana till vidare forskning. Sex entreprenörer har intervjuats i en semistrukturerad intervjustudie och det empiriska underlaget har analyserats fenomenografiskt. Studien identifierar ett antal mönster för hur processen för entreprenöriella överlåtelser sker enligt entreprenören samt hur entreprenören anser processen påverkas av faktorer kopplade till företagsöverlåtelser och små och medelstora företag. Därtill bidrar den med värdefull kunskap för både forskare och entreprenörer genom att belysa brister och identifiera hål i befintlig forskning samt agera underlag för entreprenörer att ta informerade beslut inför en entreprenöriell överlåtelse.

Navigating the challenges of international business: an analysis of factors influencing the exit of multinational corporations.

Lini, Miriam, Binta Arman, Naiymie January 2023 (has links)
ABSTRACT   Date: [2023-05-30] Level:  Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University  Authors:  Naiymie Binta Arman   Miriam Lini       (00/02/27)    (02/05/06) Title:    Navigating the Challenges of International Business: An Analysis of     Factors Influencing the Exit of Multinational Corporations. Supervisor:    Edward Gillmore  Keywords:    Multinational Enterprises, Market Exit, Transaction Cost Theory,      Institutional Theory, Isomorphism, Legitimacy, Entry modes      (internationalization), Exit modes, Institutional distance, Institutional &amp;     Infrastructural hassle factors  Research question:   What are the internal and external characteristics that drive market exit?  Purpose:    The aim of this study is to investigate the internal and external factors that contribute to the exit of MNEs from foreign markets, and to provide insights for firms operating in foreign markets. Problematization:   The scarcity of research on the predominant factors influencing the exit of     MNEs from established foreign markets highlights the need to understand effective strategies for minimizing financial losses and preserving reputation. Method:   Qualitative research paper; Thematic analysis using semi-structured interviews and secondary data.  Conclusion:    The researchers aimed to explore the factors driving market exit for     Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). They identified internal factors such as financial performance, lack of proper financial guidance, and inadequate resource allocation as key drivers for Company X's market exit. External factors included economic differences, high competition, and regulatory constraints in the Swedish market, leading to contract termination for     Company X.

Bouncing back to the global market : How international heritage affects the re-internationalization process of Portuguese and Swedish SMEs

Nanninga, Florian, Costa, Fábio January 2016 (has links)
Globalization has driven the internationalization of both SMEs and large enterprises and has caused new opportunities and challenges to emerge. As a result of these new challenges, such as increased foreign competition, or due reasons such as lack of international experience, change in strategy, or dissatisfaction about their performance, many internationalized firms withdraw from their international operations. Permanent exit of international markets may not always be the best option. Re-entering these markets can be rewarding as the intangible resources gained from their initial internationalization experience may facilitate their international market re-entry, thereby having an advantage over newly internationalizing firms.   The main purpose of this study is to contribute to the concept of the re-internationalization process. This is done by exploring the relationship between international heritage and the different stages of the re-internationalization process, which consists out of: the initial internationalization experience, de-internationalization, the international time-out stage and the firm’s international market re-entry.   Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that SMEs apply international heritage differently, based on their level of resource commitment to the international market. This study shows that firms with a higher level of resource commitment tend to apply their international heritage on a global level, whereas firms that commit less resources only apply their international heritage in the market in which the international heritage was gained. Furthermore, while the disruptiveness of the market exit varied between the case companies, all four firms continued to commit resources to the exited market, albeit to varying degrees. Lastly, the empirical findings show that the role of international heritage is not a facilitating one, but that it causes the firm to be more careful.

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