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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fiscalité et promotion de l'investissement privé dans les états membres de l'UEMOA : le cas du Burkina Faso / Taxation and investment promotion in states members of UEMOA : case study of Burkina Faso

Guire, Brahima 18 February 2011 (has links)
Désavantage par sa position géographique qui en fait un pays enclave, le Burkina Faso a très tôt fait de développer des initiatives pour fixer les investissements locaux et attirer les investissements étrangers. au plan fiscal, ces initiatives ont essentiellement pris la forme de mesures incitatives fiscales (exonérations temporaires de droits de douanes et d’impôts). cependant, le bilan reste mitige au regard des résultats atteints. aussi, est-il temps d’envisager une autre approche consistant a faire en sorte que la fiscalité ne soit pas un frein au développement de l’investissement prive. cela passe nécessairement par une amélioration de la gouvernance fiscale et des aspects techniques du système fiscal / Disadvantaged by its geographical position of opened up country, Burkina Faso had early develop initiatives for fixing local investments and bringing foreign investments. on fiscal hand, these initiatives had basically taken the form of tax incentives (temporary exemptions form customs duties and taxes). however, the balance is mixed considering the reached resultats. consequently, it is time to consider another approach in ensuring that taxation could not be an obstacle for the private investmen development. so, it is necessary to improve the fiscal governance and the technical aspects of the tax system

Legal Exoneration: A Case Study through the Life History of John Thompson

Lofton-Bagert, Celeste 14 May 2010 (has links)
The term "exonerated"‖refers to a legal acquittal of a former conviction due to the introduction of new evidence. Since 1989, the number of legal xonerations has increased dramatically due to DNA and other new evidentiary technologies that can demonstrate innocence of formally convicted persons. This research focuses on the lived experience of exoneration and its aftermath through a life history of John Thompson (JT), a New Orleans native, convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 1985. In 2003, after eighteen years in Angola, the Louisiana State Penitentiary, fourteen on death row, JT was exonerated. Exoneration theoretically removes the official stigma of conviction and restores full civil rights on former prisoners such as JT. Yet ―exonerees‖ face all the social, political, and personal problems that characterize the post-release experience of convicted felons. JT‘s experience is an important case of exonerees‘ quest for the restoration of standing, justice and compensation.

La TVA en République de Guinée : un dessin inachevé / The VAT in Republic of Guinea : an unachieved draw

Diallo, Mamadou Dian 03 March 2017 (has links)
Impôt général de consommation qui frappe la dépense ou la consommation, ainsi que l’introduction en Guinée de biens ou de services, la TVA est un impôt propice à une maximisation des recettes fiscales dont l’État a besoin pour financer son développement. Ses nombreux avantages et qualités, notamment sa productivité financière, sa neutralité économique, ses possibilités à moderniser un système fiscal, etc., qui ont motivé la Guinée à opter pour ce mode de taxation, en 1996, sont remis en cause. Le système de la TVA en Guinée gagnerait à être réexaminé. Des mécanismes plus rigoureux permettraient de mieux intégrer la TVA au système fiscal et de promouvoir un environnement économique et budgétaire favorable en République de Guinée : l’instauration du taux de la TVA réduit jusqu’à zéro à la place des exonérations, l’élimination de la limitation de droit à déduction, ou encore la définition de normes de reversement de la taxe pour certaines catégories de contribuables et la gestion efficace de la retenue à la source sont des démarches, parmi tant d’autres, à mettre en œuvre pour soulager les entreprises et améliorer le système de la TVA en Guinée / General tax of consumption that applies on expense or consumption, as well as import of goods and services to Guinea, the VAT is a tax tool to maximize tax revenues needed by the State to finance its development. Its many advantages and quality, such as its financial productivity, economic neutrality, possibility of financial system modernization, etc. that motivated Guinea to opt for that tax mode, in 1996, are now contested. The Guinean VAT system will gain to be revisited. Rigorous mechanisms will allow the integration of the VAT in the tax system, and promote a better economic and budget environment in Republic of Guinea: The instauration of a VAT with a lowered rate to near zero, to replace exonerations; the suppression of limitation for tax deductions; or the definition of norms of tax return for some categories of taxpayers, and the efficient management tax collected at the source, are processes amount many others, to implement in order to give some relieve to businesses and improve the VAT system in Guinea

Investigating Exoneration Patterns Among Juveniles

Mahan, Kristin 01 May 2025 (has links) (PDF)
Exoneration from crime has been studied among adults, but exoneration of juveniles (i.e., persons under age 18) has not been analyzed as a separate entity, despite distinct legal systems and developmental considerations. Wrongful conviction, while not always indicative of innocence, devastates lives of convicted individuals and their families, while increasing public mistrust and sometimes failing to convict truly guilty individuals. This devastation, as well as vulnerability to wrongful conviction, is significantly increased for youth who miss out on crucial developmental years, milestones, and opportunities. In the current study, I examined differing and intersecting contributors (i.e., individual characteristics, crime characteristics, legal system processes) associated with juvenile exoneration. My sample, retrieved in August of 2023 from the National Registry of Exonerations (NRE, 2023b), included 293 juvenile exonerees. Interesting findings regarding sentence length emerged, with significant associations with age and race. Older exonerees and Black and other racially minoritized exonerees typically received lengthier sentences. Future research analyzing sentencing decisions is warranted to promote equitable treatment of all navigating legal systems. Similarly, Black exonerees were more likely to experience mistaken witness identification, which is in line with previous research. Contrary to prediction on false confessions, 17-year-old exonerees were more likely to falsely confess than younger counterparts, raising questions about what factors make youth more susceptible to falsely confess in real-world settings. Additionally, interesting findings emerged for time before exoneration, with violent crimes tending to endure longer periods before exoneration than sexual and other non-violent crimes. Considerations related to exoneration and crime type are discussed. Geographic location was also analyzed, and US regions were significantly associated with time before exoneration, official misconduct, and false confessions. Interestingly, the Northeast and Midwest regions tended to be associated with more negative outcomes (i.e., longer time before exoneration, more official misconduct, more false confessions). Official misconduct was further analyzed, with significant relationships between crime type and witness tampering, crime type and interrogation misconduct, age and interrogation misconduct, crime type and prosecutorial misconduct, and age and prosecutorial misconduct. Discussion on these relationships with official misconduct are included, as well as implications for future research.

The Influence of Population on Wrongful Convictions

Whittington, Kari 12 1900 (has links)
With criminal cases continuing to be exonerated across the United States, research must be done on the subject to advance current practices to reduce its occurrence in the future. This study combines county population data with the National Registry of Exonerations to analyze the contributing factors to wrongful convictions and the possible effect of population on their frequency. The objective of this study was to identify specific policy changes based on the five contributing factors to wrongful convictions that could be applied to population specific areas. The results yielded multiple patterns that are discussed thoroughly. These findings allowed the introduction of policy changes and proposals for future research.

Incentivo fiscal ambiental: parâmetros e limites para sua instituição à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988 / Fiscal environment incentive: parameters and boundaries for implementation in line with the 1988 Federal Constitution

Brandão, Renata Figueiredo 11 June 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objeto a formulação de limites jurídicos à instituição de incentivos fiscais ambientais. Partindo da constatação de que a crise ambiental ora em voga requer que sejam adotados diversos instrumentos para conter a poluição e inibir a escassez dos ativos ambientais, geradas pelo atual padrão de produção e consumo, envereda-se pela análise da tutela constitucional da questão ambiental. Examina-se, com destaque, a parte final do comando contido no art. 170, VI, da Lei Maior, cuja norma (inserida no rol dos princípios da ordem econômica) estabelece um tratamento diferenciado de produtos e serviços, bem como dos seus processos de produção, de acordo com o critério de proteção ambiental. Ademais, é conferida ênfase ao conteúdo plasmado no art. 225 da CF/88, segundo o qual a preservação e a defesa do meio ambiente consubstanciam um dever do Poder Público e da Sociedade, sendo o meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado um direito das presentes e futuras gerações. Diante dos robustos comandos que ressaltam o dever de todos de promover, no país, um desenvolvimento sustentável, investigam-se as formas de atuação do Estado na economia e os fundamentos que embasam intervenções de tal ente sobre as condutas dos particulares, com vistas a induzir comportamentos ambientalmente orientados. Nesta trilha e considerando que nos Estados atuais a tributação consubstancia a sua maior fonte de receita, envolvendo, portanto, considerável parcela da riqueza da nação, analisa-se o alcance da tributação extrafiscal no que concerne à concessão de incentivos fiscais para o fomento de atividades que impactem positivamente o meio ambiente. Por ser o Brasil um Estado Democrático e Social de Direito, regido por uma Carta Política que alberga inúmeros interesses, bens e princípios conflitantes, a investigação das fronteiras para a instituição dos estímulos tributários em comento é pautada pela análise ponderada dos mais diversos desígnios constitucionais. Busca-se identificar, à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, balizas que irão permitir que a lei tributária instituidora do incentivo fiscal ecológico consubstancie instrumento hábil a induzir condutas ambientalmente orientadas, sem restringir desproporcionalmente outros fins, princípios e valores constitucionais, a exemplo da igualdade e da livre concorrência. Neste compasso, pretende-se demonstrar que a criação do instituto em tela, realizada com base nos parâmetros ora sistematizados, constitui significativo instrumento voltado à construção de uma economia baseada nos pilares da sustentabilidade. Assim, espera-se, em última análise, contribuir para que os entes tributantes veiculem, com maior segurança e propriedade, estímulos fiscais de viés ambiental, disseminando-se diplomas legais que efetivamente concretizam a defesa do meio ambiente. / The purpose of this thesis is to define legal boundaries in order to establish environmental fiscal incentives. It required an analysis of the matter concerning environment constitutional management, due to the fact that the existing environment crisis demands the implementation of several tools to restraint pollution and inhibit the shortage of environment assets caused by current production and consumption standards. It is pointed out the final item of the command contained in the Art. # 170 of the Federal Constitution, whose norm included within the roll of the Economical Order principles directs towards differentiate handling of products and services, besides their related production processes in line with environment protection criteria. Also, the Art. # 225 of the 1988 Federal Constitution - included under the Title concerning Social Order - emphasizes the fact that both Government and Society are accountable for the preservation and defense of the environment and that an ecologically balanced environment is the right to present and future generations. Considering the stressed commands that refer to the general responsibility to support sustainable development in the country, this thesis assesses the way the State acts in the economy and the basis for intervening in the conduct of private citizens, aiming at promoting environment-oriented behavior. Following this line of thought and taking into account that taxes represent the States major source of income, thus absorbing large part of the country wealth, it is analyzed the extra-fiscal taxation range related to the concession of fiscal incentives to promote activities involving positive impact on the environment. Therefore, since Brazil is a Democratic and Social of Right State, ruled by a political Federal Constitution that comprehends several conflicting interests, goods and principles, the investigation of the boundaries to implement the fiscal incentives, in which this thesis is focused, is based upon thorough analysis of a great variety of constitutional directives. Its target is to identify, under the Brazilian judicial point of view, the foundations to allow that the fiscal law to support the ecological fiscal incentive substantiates an appropriate instrument to encourage environment-oriented actions, without restraining other constitutional objects, principles and values disproportionately, as equality and free competition principles, among others. As a consequence, based on the analyzed parameters, this thesis intends to demonstrate that the establishment of the institute therein proposed represents relevant tool to construct an economy founded on sustainability. Therefore, the expectation is that, at least, this work might contribute to the tax offices to promote more solid and accurate environmental fiscal incentives, and issue legal norms in order to consolidate the environment defense efficiently.

Incentivo fiscal ambiental: parâmetros e limites para sua instituição à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988 / Fiscal environment incentive: parameters and boundaries for implementation in line with the 1988 Federal Constitution

Renata Figueiredo Brandão 11 June 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objeto a formulação de limites jurídicos à instituição de incentivos fiscais ambientais. Partindo da constatação de que a crise ambiental ora em voga requer que sejam adotados diversos instrumentos para conter a poluição e inibir a escassez dos ativos ambientais, geradas pelo atual padrão de produção e consumo, envereda-se pela análise da tutela constitucional da questão ambiental. Examina-se, com destaque, a parte final do comando contido no art. 170, VI, da Lei Maior, cuja norma (inserida no rol dos princípios da ordem econômica) estabelece um tratamento diferenciado de produtos e serviços, bem como dos seus processos de produção, de acordo com o critério de proteção ambiental. Ademais, é conferida ênfase ao conteúdo plasmado no art. 225 da CF/88, segundo o qual a preservação e a defesa do meio ambiente consubstanciam um dever do Poder Público e da Sociedade, sendo o meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado um direito das presentes e futuras gerações. Diante dos robustos comandos que ressaltam o dever de todos de promover, no país, um desenvolvimento sustentável, investigam-se as formas de atuação do Estado na economia e os fundamentos que embasam intervenções de tal ente sobre as condutas dos particulares, com vistas a induzir comportamentos ambientalmente orientados. Nesta trilha e considerando que nos Estados atuais a tributação consubstancia a sua maior fonte de receita, envolvendo, portanto, considerável parcela da riqueza da nação, analisa-se o alcance da tributação extrafiscal no que concerne à concessão de incentivos fiscais para o fomento de atividades que impactem positivamente o meio ambiente. Por ser o Brasil um Estado Democrático e Social de Direito, regido por uma Carta Política que alberga inúmeros interesses, bens e princípios conflitantes, a investigação das fronteiras para a instituição dos estímulos tributários em comento é pautada pela análise ponderada dos mais diversos desígnios constitucionais. Busca-se identificar, à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, balizas que irão permitir que a lei tributária instituidora do incentivo fiscal ecológico consubstancie instrumento hábil a induzir condutas ambientalmente orientadas, sem restringir desproporcionalmente outros fins, princípios e valores constitucionais, a exemplo da igualdade e da livre concorrência. Neste compasso, pretende-se demonstrar que a criação do instituto em tela, realizada com base nos parâmetros ora sistematizados, constitui significativo instrumento voltado à construção de uma economia baseada nos pilares da sustentabilidade. Assim, espera-se, em última análise, contribuir para que os entes tributantes veiculem, com maior segurança e propriedade, estímulos fiscais de viés ambiental, disseminando-se diplomas legais que efetivamente concretizam a defesa do meio ambiente. / The purpose of this thesis is to define legal boundaries in order to establish environmental fiscal incentives. It required an analysis of the matter concerning environment constitutional management, due to the fact that the existing environment crisis demands the implementation of several tools to restraint pollution and inhibit the shortage of environment assets caused by current production and consumption standards. It is pointed out the final item of the command contained in the Art. # 170 of the Federal Constitution, whose norm included within the roll of the Economical Order principles directs towards differentiate handling of products and services, besides their related production processes in line with environment protection criteria. Also, the Art. # 225 of the 1988 Federal Constitution - included under the Title concerning Social Order - emphasizes the fact that both Government and Society are accountable for the preservation and defense of the environment and that an ecologically balanced environment is the right to present and future generations. Considering the stressed commands that refer to the general responsibility to support sustainable development in the country, this thesis assesses the way the State acts in the economy and the basis for intervening in the conduct of private citizens, aiming at promoting environment-oriented behavior. Following this line of thought and taking into account that taxes represent the States major source of income, thus absorbing large part of the country wealth, it is analyzed the extra-fiscal taxation range related to the concession of fiscal incentives to promote activities involving positive impact on the environment. Therefore, since Brazil is a Democratic and Social of Right State, ruled by a political Federal Constitution that comprehends several conflicting interests, goods and principles, the investigation of the boundaries to implement the fiscal incentives, in which this thesis is focused, is based upon thorough analysis of a great variety of constitutional directives. Its target is to identify, under the Brazilian judicial point of view, the foundations to allow that the fiscal law to support the ecological fiscal incentive substantiates an appropriate instrument to encourage environment-oriented actions, without restraining other constitutional objects, principles and values disproportionately, as equality and free competition principles, among others. As a consequence, based on the analyzed parameters, this thesis intends to demonstrate that the establishment of the institute therein proposed represents relevant tool to construct an economy founded on sustainability. Therefore, the expectation is that, at least, this work might contribute to the tax offices to promote more solid and accurate environmental fiscal incentives, and issue legal norms in order to consolidate the environment defense efficiently.

A natureza jurídica da dispensa e da restituição do pagamento de impostos: análise do caso do IPVA - Lei nº 13.296/2008, SP

Csillag, João Carlos 26 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:19:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Carlos Csillag.pdf: 1195315 bytes, checksum: ef2341bbe96f17decc266ab7d6e5a244 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-26 / This study aims to determine the legal nature of the figures tax exemption and tax refund, which are among the exoneration institutes used by the State in its three levels federal, state and municipal to relieve certain taxpayers or certain situations from taxes to which otherwise they would be subject. It is noted, however, that these institutes are not provided for in the Constitution, nor in the Tax Code. Hence, our motivation to investigate the tax matters and at the end of this study determine the legal nature of these two tax relief institutes, as well as examine the possibility of such institutes having the same status of other existing exoneration institutes. This study will start by examining the national tax system, turning into the analysis of legal norms, its structures and logical construction, also using the Rule Matrix of Taxation, which is an essential tool for studying the mechanism of legal rules. Further, the ultimate kind of legal rules, constitutional principles, will be unveiled, examining those considered most relevant in relation to the exoneration tax phenomena and that therefore have a strong influence on the granting of tax benefits. We will undertake an analysis of the key tax relief figures, from its features and operating mechanisms, to then compare the institutes of tax exemption and tax refund with each of them in order to determine the legal nature of these last two. We will undertake a careful analysis of the law that deals with the Tax on the Ownership of Motor Vehicles (IPVA) of São Paulo, with the help of its Rule Matrix of Taxation, since this law provides for the granting of tax benefits through these two exoneration institutes. We will then apply the conclusions regarding the legal nature of the two exoneration figures chosen, to the case presented by the law of IPVA of São Paulo, aiming to prove the correctness of those conclusions / Este trabalho objetiva determinar a natureza jurídica das figuras exonerativas de tributos dispensa de pagamento e restituição, que estão entre os institutos exonerativos utilizados pelo Estado em suas três esferas federal, estadual e municipal para exonerar determinados contribuintes ou determinadas situações de tributos que, de outra maneira, sobre eles incidiriam. Constata-se, porém, que essas figuras não estão previstas na Constituição Federal, nem no Código Tributário Nacional. Daí decorre nossa motivação para pesquisar a matéria tributária e ao final deste estudo determinar a natureza jurídica desses institutos exonerativos tributários, bem como examinar a hipótese desses institutos terem a mesma natureza jurídica de outros existentes. O presente estudo analisa inicialmente o sistema tributário nacional, observando as normas jurídicas, suas estruturas e construção lógica, também utilizando a Regra Matriz de Incidência, instrumento indispensável para o estudo do mecanismo das normas jurídicas. Na sequência, desvelaremos a espécie suprema das regras jurídicas, os princípios constitucionais, examinando aqueles considerados mais relevantes em relação aos fenômenos exonerativos tributários e que por isso têm forte influência na concessão desses benefícios fiscais. Empreenderemos a análise das principais figuras exonerativas, a partir de suas características e mecanismos de funcionamento, para em seguida comparar as figuras da dispensa de pagamento e da restituição com cada uma delas, visando a determinar a natureza jurídica dessas duas últimas. Realizaremos uma análise detida da lei paulista que trata do Imposto sobre a Propriedade de Veículos Automotores (IPVA), com o auxílio da sua Regra Matriz de Incidência, uma vez que essa lei dispõe sobre a concessão de benefícios fiscais, por meio desses dois institutos exonerativos. Aplicaremos então as conclusões alcançadas relativamente à natureza jurídica das duas figuras exonerativas escolhidas ao caso concreto apresentado pela lei paulista do IPVA, com o objetivo de comprovar o acerto dessas conclusões

Le tiers en droit de la responsabilité administrative. / The third party in law of administrative responsability

Loheac-Derboulle, Philippine 18 June 2012 (has links)
Le tiers étant communément défini comme la personne qui est étrangère à un groupe ou à une situation, l’on pourrait croire que le droit n’a aucune raison de s’y intéresser et qu’il ne lui consacre, dès lors, aucune place. L’étude relative au tiers en droit de la responsabilité administrative révèle pourtant le contraire. Cette thèse a ainsi pour objet de démontrer que, bien qu’il soit particulièrement difficile de l’identifier et, par là même, d’en donner une définition, le tiers y occupe une véritable place et y joue un rôle indéniable : celui-ci est susceptible d’exercer une influence sur la responsabilité encourue, devant le juge administratif, par l’administration (ou par toute personne qui est y assimilée). Une distinction doit, toutefois, être opérée selon la situation du tiers par rapport au dommage. Il existe en effet une pluralité de tiers qu’il convient de répartir en deux catégories : tiers victimes et tiers auteurs ou coauteurs. Des conséquences juridiques spécifiques s’attachent bien à l’identification du tiers victime. La reconnaissance d’une telle qualité étant notamment susceptible de conduire à l’application d’un régime juridique présentant des particularités par rapport à celui qui est habituellement appliqué aux autres catégories de victimes, se pose même la question de l’existence d’un droit de la responsabilité administrative du fait des dommages causés aux tiers. Le caractère relatif de la spécificité de cette matière, conjugué à l’absence d’unité de celle-ci, conduisent cependant à y apporter une réponse négative.Quant au tiers auteur ou coauteur, il peut également influer sur la responsabilité de l’administration. Le juge administratif est effectivement susceptible de prendre en considération l’intervention d’une tierce personne dans la production du dommage en cause et, par conséquent, de faire varier la part de responsabilité de la personne poursuivie. Il peut le faire de manière immédiate, c’est-à-dire dans les rapports entre celle-ci et la victime, lorsqu’il met notamment en œuvre la théorie du fait du tiers. Il peut encore le faire de manière différée, à savoir dans le cadre des rapports entre les coauteurs et/ou les coresponsables du dommage, lorsqu’il s’agit de répartir entre eux la charge finale de la dette de réparation. Dans un souci de protection de la victime et à l’instar du principe appliqué en droit civil, la prise en compte différée du rôle du tiers dans la réalisation du dommage doit cependant être préférée à sa prise en compte immédiate. / The third party is commonly defined as the person who is foreign to a group or a situation; therefore we might think that the law has no reason to be focused on it and that it then devotes no space to him. The study on the third party in law of administrative responsibility yet reveals the opposite. This thesis aims to demonstrate that, while it is particularly difficult to identify it and, thereby, to define it, the third party is real and play an undeniable role: it is likely to exert influence on incurred liability, before the administrative law judge, by the administration (or by any person who is y equated). However, a distinction must be made according to the situation of the third party in relation to the damage. There is indeed a plurality of third parties. They are nevertheless likely to be divided into two categories: third parties victims and third parties authors or co-authors. Specific legal consequences are actually attached to the identification of the third party victim. Recognition of such quality is particularly likely to lead to the application of a legal regime with features compared to the one which is usually applied to the other categories of victims. Therefore, the question of the existence of a law of administrative responsibility for the damages caused to third parties arises. The relative nature of this topic’s specificity, combined with the lack of unity; however lead to a negative answer.The third party author or co-author, may also affect the responsibility of the administration. The administrative judge is actually likely to take into account the intervention of a third party in the production of the damage and, consequently, to vary the share of responsibility of the person prosecuted. This can be done immediately, i.e. as part of the relationship between it and the victim, in particular when the administrative judge implements the third’s act theory. This can also be done later, i.e. as part of the relationship between the co-authors and/or the co-responsible for the damage, when it comes to apportion among themselves the final burden of debt relief. However, in the interest of the victim’s protection and as applied in civil law, to take account of the role of the third party in the realization of the damage in a deferred way must be preferred to its immediate consideration.

Blogging in Defense of Themselves: Social Media Implications for Rhetorical Criticism and the Genre of Apologia

Wheeler, Ramona Dee 19 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The advent of social media has provided an arena where barriers to entry are low. Individuals may persuade, question others and defend both their philosophies and their actions. This study examines the classic role of rhetorical criticism as it may apply in new media venues. A blog written by a public figure was examined through a synthesis of rhetorical criticism analyses derived from Ware and Linkugel, Vartabedian, and Downey. Four strategies and associated positioning in the practice of apologia were identified in selected blog posts, indicating the genre of apologia applies to social media apologies and extends the genre of apologia. Rhetorical criticism was found to be an effective tool in identifying rhetorical postures and strategies used in social media.

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