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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Custo de capital de terceiros em empresas do segmento Novo Mercado de Governança Corporativa da BOVESPA no período de 2001 a 2005: uma comparação de formas de apuração / Cost of debt in companies from the segment New Market of Corporate Governance of Bovespa, between 2001 and 2005: a comparison of assessment methods

Queiroz, Lísia de Melo 25 February 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se há diferença significativa entre o custo do capital de terceiros (Ki) apurado com base nas Demonstrações Contábeis (DC) e, a partir das informações contidas nas Notas Explicativas (NE) das empresas do segmento Novo Mercado de Governança Corporativa (NMGC) da Bovespa, para o período de 2001 a 2005, além de identificar os fatores que as determinam. Faz-se, assim, uma comparação entre duas formas de apuração do Ki, uma que já é utilizada e outra proposta neste estudo. O segmento NMGC foi escolhido porque as empresas que o compõem comprometem-se a melhorar a qualidade das informações prestadas aos stakeholders. No Teste de Hipóteses realizado, H0 indica que não há diferenças significativas entre as duas formas de apuração; e H1, que há diferenças significativas entre elas. O Teste de Postos com Sinais de Wilcoxon indicou que há evidência insuficiente contra a hipótese nula, ou seja, não há evidência amostral para afirmar que há diferença entre as duas formas de apuração, (α = 5%). Apesar disso, a análise gráfica permite levantar algumas suposições acerca das divergências visualizadas: 1 - lançamentos herméticos das receitas e despesas financeiras; 2 - valores operacionais lançados nas despesas financeiras com a permissividade da lei; e 3 - a presença de instrumentos financeiros que interferem no total das despesas financeiras. Contudo, a apuração do Ki pelas NE apresenta-se mais satisfatória que pelas DC, pois eliminam-se as deficiências levantadas, e fornecem aos usuários informações compreensíveis, relevantes, confiáveis, comparáveis e sobretudo, úteis para a tomada de decisões. / The aim of this study is to verify whether there is any significant difference between the cost of debt (Ki), which was assessed based on Accounting Statements (AS), and that from the information contained in Explanatory Notes (EN) of the companies in the segment New Market of Corporate Governance (NMGC) of Bovespa, between 2001 and 2005. In addition, it also identifies the factors that determine this difference. Therefore, we are able to compare both methods of assessing Ki, one which is already used and another which is proposed in this study. The segment NMGC was chosen because the companies that constitute it are committed to improving the quality of information given to stakeholders. In the Hypothesis Test carried out, H0 indicates that there are no significant differences between the two assessment methods; on the other hand, H1 indicates that there are significant differences between them. The Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed that there is not enough evidence against the null hypothesis, that is, there is no evidence in the sample in order to state that there is any difference between the two ways of assessing (α = 5%). Despite that, the graphic analysis allows us to make some assumptions about the divergences that were brought up: 1 - hermetic revenue entries; 2 - operational values released on financial expenditure with permission from the law; and 3 - the presence of financial instruments which interfere in the total financial expenditures. However, assessing Ki through NE is more satisfactory than through DC, because the deficiencies raised are eliminated, and it offers the users understandable, relevant, reliable, comparable and, above all, useful information for the decision-making process.

Multidimensional projections for the visual exploration of multimedia data / Projeções multidimensionais para a exploração visual de dados multimídia

Coimbra, Danilo Barbosa 17 June 2016 (has links)
The continuously advent of new technologies have made a rich and growing type of information sources available to analyses and investigation. In this context, multidimensional data analysis is considerably important when dealing with such large and complex datasets. Among the possibilities when analyzing such kind of data, applying visualization techniques can help the user find and understand patters, trends and establish new goals. Some applications examples of visualization of multidimensional data analysis goes from image classification, semantic word clouds, cluster analysis of document collection to exploration of multimedia content. This thesis presents several visualization methods to interactively explore multidimensional datasets aimed from specialized to casual users, by making use of both static and dynamic representations created by multidimensional projections. Firstly, we present a multidimen- sional projection technique which faithfully preserves distance and can handle any type of high-dimensional data, demonstrating applications scenarios in both multimedia and text docu- ments collections. Next, we address the task of interpreting projections in 2D, by calculating neighborhood errors. Hereafter, we present a set of interactive visualizations that aim to help users with these tasks by revealing the quality of a projection in 3D, applied in different high dimensional scenarios. In the final part, we address two different approaches to get insight into multimedia data, in special soccer sport videos. While the first make use of multidimensional projections, the second uses efficient visual metaphor to help non-specialist users in browsing and getting insights in soccer matches. / O advento contínuo de novas tecnologias tem criado um tipo rico e crescente de fontes de informação disponíveis para análise e investigação. Neste contexto, a análise de dados multidi- mensional é consideravelmente importante quando se lida com grandes e complexos conjuntos de dados. Dentre as possibilidades ao analisar esses tipos de dados, a aplicação de técnicas de visualização pode auxiliar o usuário a encontrar e entender os padrões, tendências e estabelecer novas metas. Alguns exemplos de aplicações de visualização de análise de dados multidimen- sionais vão de classificação de imagens, nuvens semântica de palavras, e análise de grupos de coleção de documentos, à exploração de conteúdo multimídia. Esta tese apresenta vários métodos de visualização para explorar de forma interativa conjuntos de dados multidimensionais que visam de usuários especializados aos casuais, fazendo uso de ambas representações estáticas e dinâmicas criadas por projeções multidimensionais. Primeiramente, apresentamos uma técnica de projeção multidimensional que preserva fielmente distância e que pode lidar com qualquer tipo de dados com alta-dimensionalidade, demonstrando cenários de aplicações em ambos os casos de multimídia e coleções de documentos de texto. Em seguida, abordamos a tarefa de interpretar as projeções em 2D, calculando erros de vizinhança. Posteriormente, apresentamos um conjunto de visualizações interativas que visam ajudar os usuários com essas tarefas, revelando a qualidade de uma projeção em 3D, aplicadas em diferentes cenários de alta dimensionalidade. Na parte final, discutimos duas abordagens diferentes para obter percepções sobre dados multimídia, em particular vídeos de futebol. Enquanto a primeira abordagem utiliza projeções multidimensionais, a segunda faz uso de uma eficiente metáfora visual para auxiliar usuários não especialistas em navegar e obter conhecimento em partidas de futebol.

A configuração da informação no contexto da convergência jornalística : uma análise do Nexo

Hoewell, Gabriel Rizzo January 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa identifica e analisa como o jornal nativo digital Nexo conforma editorial-mente a informação jornalística ao articular seções e temas, potencialidades da web, modalidades, gêneros e formatos jornalísticos. O quadro teórico se constitui com base na abordagem do cenário de convergência jornalística, tendo em vista processos de mu-danças estruturais e inovações. Reflete-se ainda sobre o jornal enquanto dispositivo, debatendo-se sobre as especificidades do ciberjornalismo e da conformação de um ci-berjornal. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados são a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental e a análise de conteúdo. O corpus de análise é composto por mate-riais coletados entre os dias 11 e 24 de setembro de 2017, com capturas de tela sempre às 23h, em cinco espaços – seções do site, home do site, página do Facebook, newslet-ters e matérias. Os resultados evidenciam uma nova proposta de enquadramento em seções e temas; diferentes abordagens para periodicidade, atualidade, universalidade e publicidade; uma articulação multiplataforma; a exploração de modalidades, formatos e gêneros diversos; o uso de hipertextualidade e memória para construir um jornalismo explicativo; e a utilização de multimidialidade e interatividade como possibilidades de inovação editorial. / The research identifies and analyzes how the digitally native newspaper Nexo editorially conforms its journalistic information by articulating sections and topics, web potentiali-ties, modalities, and journalistic genres and formats. The theoretical framework is based on the approach of journalistic convergence, structural changes and innovation process-es. It also reflects about the newspaper as a device, debating on the specificities of cyberjournalism and the conformation of a cyberjournal. The methodological proce-dures adopted are bibliographic research, documental research and content analysis. The corpus of the analysis is composed of material collected between September 11 and September 24, 2017, capturing the screen always at 11:00 PM, in five areas – the site sections, home page, Facebook page, newsletters and news stories. The results show a new proposal for framing sections and topics; different approaches to periodicity, topi-cality, universality and publicity; a multiplatform articulation; the exploration of diverse modalities, formats and genres; the use of hypertextuality and memory to construct an explanatory journalism; and the use of multimediality and interactivity as possibilities for editorial innovation.

Analítica da ação pedagógica : do discurso explicativo ao uso didático da linguagem

Zaslavsky, Alexandre January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma investigação em filosofia da educação, no contexto teórico da Teoria da Ação Comunicativa, de Jürgen Habermas. Trata-se de propor um conceito de ação pedagógica dentro das categorias habermasianas de análise da ação social, ou seja, uma analítica da ação pedagógica. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se uma revisão da literatura acerca do tema, bem como das breves menções do assunto nos textos de Habermas. Constata-se um ponto de clivagem na literatura, encaminhando a uma dicotomia entre identidade conceitual ou exclusão recíproca, quanto à relação entre ação pedagógica e ação comunicativa. Problematiza-se o conceito do pedagógico na teoria da ação comunicativa. O problema investigado é: o que é a especificidade da ação pedagógica e de que modo ela se estrutura segundo a ação comunicativa, apesar da assimetria entre os atores? No segundo capítulo, reconstrói-se brevemente o recorte conceitual da tese – a teoria habermasiana do discurso. Enfatiza-se a reflexividade da linguagem natural, propriedade central tanto para a ação comunicativa, quanto para o discurso e a ação pedagógica. Também o tema da aprendizagem é abordado. No terceiro e último capítulo, procede-se à analítica da ação pedagógica, seguindo o fio condutor das relações entre racionalidade e aprendizagem. De início, aponta-se o papel da aprendizagem na teoria habermasiana, estando localizada no discurso. Argumenta-se por um momento assimétrico do discurso, em que o sucesso na aprendizagem é condição para a obtenção de acordo. Propõe-se o discurso explicativo como o lócus específico da ação pedagógica, pois os problemas de inteligibilidade a tornam necessária e explícita. A ação pedagógica se inscreve ou co-realiza no discurso explicativo, cujas propriedades a possibilitam. Propõe-se a categoria de situação pedagógica, enquanto situação específica da ação pedagógica, necessária para a compreensão desta em um modelo comunicativo de ação. A questão da coordenação entre planos de ação docentes e discentes é colocada, encaminhando ao ponto central da tematização didática ou uso didático da linguagem, médium desta interação. Caracteriza-se os aspectos de engendramento e antecipação da tematização didática: o primeiro se refere à relação abstrata com o mundo, decorrente do uso explicativo da linguagem, e o segundo trata da compreensão das tomadas de posição fáticas dos interlocutores, mesmo não explícitas. Por fim, aborda-se a ação pedagógica, enquanto orientada à aprendizagem, quando se procura responder ao problema enunciado no início do trabalho. À questão do estratégico aparente, responde-se com a distinção entre a atitude objetivante da ação estratégica e a atitude hipotética do discurso, realizativa e objetualizadora simultaneamente. À questão da compatibilidade entre simetria comunicativa e assimetria pedagógica, responde-se, sob o ângulo dos meios da ação, pela subsunção da tematização didática na explicativa, e, sob o ângulo dos fins, pela subsunção da orientação à aprendizagem na orientação ao entendimento. Em síntese, a especificidade da ação pedagógica é a tematização didática, a qual se estrutura, segundo a ação comunicativa, através das propriedades do discurso explicativo. / The present work is an investigation on philosophy of education in the theoretical context of the Theory of Communicative Action, by Jürgen Habermas. It is a proposition of a pedagogical action concept within the Habermas’ categories of analysis over the social action, i.e. an analysis of the pedagogical action. The first chapter presents a literature review as well as brief mentions over this subject included in Habermas’ texts. It verifies a point of cleavage in the literature, concerning the relationship between pedagogical action and communicative action that leads towards a dichotomy between conceptual identity or mutual exclusion. The section discusses the concept of pedagogic action in the theory of communicative action. The problem investigated is: what is the specificity of the pedagogical action and how it is structured according to communicative action, despite the asymmetry between the actors? The second chapter reconstructs briefly the conceptual cutting of the Habermas’ Discourse Theory. It emphasizes the reflexivity of the natural language, the main characteristic for the communicative action, for the discourse and pedagogical action. The learning theme is also addressed in this part. The third and final chapter performs the analysis of the pedagogical action, following the thread of relations between rationality and learning. At first, it points out the role of learning in the Habermas’ theory which is located in the discourse. Also, it argues for an asymmetrical moment of the discourse, in which success in learning is a prerequisite for reaching any agreement. The study proposes the explanatory discourse as the specific lócus of the pedagogical action; the problems concerning the intelligibility make it necessary and explicit. The pedagogical action is included or happens together with the explanatory discourse whose properties make it possible. The analysis also proposes the category of pedagogical situation as a specific situation of pedagogical action which is necessary for the its understanding in a communicative model of action. The issue concerning the coordination between teachers and students’ action plans is presented in this part conducing to the focus of the didactic thematization or the didactic use of language, which is the médium of this interaction. It characterizes the aspects of the didactic thematization engendering and anticipation; the first one refers to the abstract relationship with the world due to the use of explanatory language, and the second deals with the understanding of the factual positions taken by the parties involved in the process, even if they are not explicit. Finally, it addresses the pedagogical action while oriented to the learning process when it tries to respond to the problem stated in the beginning of this work. The distinction between the objectifying attitude of the strategic action and hypothetical attitude of the discourse, simultaneously performative and objectifying, responds to the matter of the strategic apparent. To the question of the compatibility between communicative symmetry and pedagogic asymmetry it responds, from the perspective of the means of the action, through the subsumption of the didactic thematization in the explicative, and from the perspective of the ends, through the subsumption of the orientation to the learning process in the orientation to the understanding process. In summary, the specificity of the pedagogical action is the didactic thematization, which is structured according to the communicative action through the properties of the explanatory discourse.

Do auditors communicate financial misstatement risk in audit report? Evidence from subsequent accounting restatements in China

YEUNG, Hau Yi 31 August 2018 (has links)
Regulators worldwide are considering expanding current audit reporting model to include key audit matters (KAM). Proponents argue that current audit reports are standardized and uninformative to financial statement users. Auditors in current reporting regime can choose to add explanatory notes in audit reports, however, few current studies have investigated the information content of these explanatory notes. This thesis conducts a textual analysis of explanatory notes in auditor reports and examines the predictability of auditors’ explanatory notes consisting of both unqualified and qualified opinions in determining the incidence of subsequent restatements. I hand collect material accounting restatements disclosed by the public companies in China from 2003 to 2017 and obtain modified audit reports from the CSMAR database during the period between 2003 and 2015. Based on a sample of 22,850 firm-years from 2003 to 2015 in China, I find that modified audit opinions, in general, can communicate financial misstatement risks, and the probability of such risks increases when the type of audit opinion is more severe. I also find that compared with unmodified audit opinion, modified ones containing explanatory notes have a higher possibility of subsequently being restated. Further, the predictive power is not the same across different types of explanatory notes. I have shown that explanatory notes including notes emphasizing contingencies and uncertainties and those relating to audit scope limitations have greater predictive power in explaining subsequent accounting restatements. My findings are robust with a set of additional tests. The findings of this thesis indicate that auditors do communicate financial misstatement risks in modified audit opinions (MAOs). Moreover, the findings are consistent with and provide evidence to support policy changes in developing new enhanced auditor reports introduced by the standard setters in China.

Measuring Culture Change as an Evaluation Indicator: Applying Cultural Consensus Analysis to Cultural Models of Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti

Simpson, Kelly M 17 November 2008 (has links)
Introduction: This project explores the links between shared cultural beliefs in the illness domain, specific to lymphatic filariasis, and a support group program implemented in three Haitian towns. The purpose is to introduce an innovative approach to evaluation, the cultural model evaluation technique (CM Evaluation), as well as gain an understanding of the shifting cognitive belief structure around the cultural domain of lymphatic filariasis in the Haitian setting as associated with a support group intervention. Method: The sample population was comprised of 241 women across three sites in Haiti: Archaie, Cabaret, and La Plaine. Data were collected from longitudinal surveys in 2003, baseline, and 2005, outcome. Descriptive statistics and CM Evaluation were utilized to assess the success of the support group program. CM evaluation is a two-pronged approach, comprised of cultural consensus analysis (CCA) and cultural consonance analysis (CC), that differs from standard evaluation tools in that it measures beliefs and behaviors at the shared community level and is culturally contextualized. Results: At baseline, most participants were not single (59%), Catholic (49%), literate (57%), relatively poor (71%), and engaged in selling at home or the market (46%). In the reduced model longitudinal CM comparisons, intervention and control groups, the intervention group had the highest rate of consensus (ER=4.71), significant changes in the culturally correct answer key (chi-sq=5.1, df=1, p<.02) and cultural competence (t=3.63, p<.0006). Alternately, controls exhibited no significant differences in the culturally correct answer key (Fisher’s Exact two-tailed p<1.00) or cultural competence (t=.62, p<.5407) from baseline to outcome. Conclusion: Evidence suggests that support group participation does significantly impact the shared illness beliefs surrounding lymphatic filariasis, and that this format is appropriate for resource poor settings lacking clinical support. Also, this study suggests that the CM evaluation approach is an appropriate and effective evaluation indicator for assessing changes in shared belief, cultural consensus analysis, resulting from public health interventions while the behavioral piece, cultural consonance, requires further refinement.

Remembering without storing: beyond archival models in the science and philosophy of human memory

O'Loughlin, Ian 01 July 2014 (has links)
Models of memory in cognitive science and philosophy have traditionally explained human remembering in terms of storage and retrieval. This tendency has been entrenched by reliance on computationalist explanations over the course of the twentieth century; even research programs that eschew computationalism in name, or attempt the revision of traditional models, demonstrate tacit commitment to computationalist assumptions. It is assumed that memory must be stored by means of an isomorphic trace, that memory processes must divide into conceptually distinct systems and phases, and that human remembering consists in inner, cognitive processes that are implemented by distinct neural processes. This dissertation draws on recent empirical work, and on philosophical arguments from Ludwig Wittgenstein and others, to demonstrate that this latent computationalism in the study of memory is problematic, and that it can and should be eliminated. Cognitive psychologists studying memory have encountered numerous data in recent decades that belie archival models. In cognitive neuroscience, establishing the neural basis of storage and retrieval processes has proven elusive. A number of revised models on offer in memory science, that have taken these issues into account, fail to sufficiently extricate the archival framework. Several impasses in memory science are products of these underlying computationalist assumptions. Wittgenstein and other philosophers offer a number of arguments against the need for, and the efficacy of, the storage and retrieval of traces in human remembering. A study of these arguments clarifies the ways that these computationalist assumptions are presently impeding the science of memory, and provides ways forward in removing them. We can and should characterize and model human memory without invoking the storage and retrieval of traces. A range of work in connectionism, dynamical systems theory, and recent philosophical accounts of memory demonstrate how the science of memory can proceed without these assumptions, toward non-archival models of remembering.

Structural Processes and Local Meaning: Explanatory Models, Political Economy, and Chagas Disease in Tropical Bolivia

Forsyth, Colin James 20 November 2014 (has links)
This project describes and analyzes explanatory models of Chagas disease among people in a highly endemic area of eastern Bolivia, and examines the role that cultural and structural factors play in shaping explanatory models of this disease. Dressler (2001) characterizes medical anthropology as divided between two poles; the constructivist, which focuses on the "meaning and significance that events have for people," and the structuralist, which emphasizes the relationships between the components of a given society. This project endeavors to synthesize structuralist and constructivist perspectives by understanding the interaction between structural processes and explanatory models of Chagas disease. The research took place in the spring of 2013, in collaboration with the Centro Medico Humberto Parra, a non-profit clinic servicing low income populations in Palacios, Bolivia and surrounding communities. Semistructured interviews (n=68) and consensus analysis questionnaires (n=48) were administered to people dealing with Chagas disease, and free lists of possible treatments were collected. Overall, participants largely accepted the biomedical model, but also emphasized the emotional and social aspects of Chagas disease. The consensus analysis procedure indicated a clear shared model of Chagas disease, with coherent social, vector, symptoms, and ethnomedical domains. Furthermore, the model differed between groups based on ethnicity, gender, income and occupation. Significant differences were found in cultural knowledge of the disease based on community of residence and occupation status, two clear markers of how people are tied into the global economy. In the interviews, participants associate their Chagas disease with structural factors including poverty, rural living and traditional housing. They describe substantial barriers to getting biomedical care for their disease despite the existence of a free treatment program in Bolivia. However, participants reported numerous ethnomedical treatments; the study identified 39 ethnomedical treatments for Chagas disease and 66 for its cardiac symptoms. In sum, explanatory models include structural processes that shape disease, and are in turn influenced by these processes. In Bolivia, although structural constraints limit the scope of biomedical treatment, ethnomedical approaches to the disease are in a process of dynamic growth. The methods used here for assessing the structural component of the explanatory model of Chagas disease can be replicated in future research on explanatory models or political economy of health.

Ubåtsjaktförmågans utveckling under 1980-talet : ett resultat av yttre hot eller interna intressen? / Development of Swedish anti-submarine warfare capability in the 1980s : A result of external threats or internal interests?

Edling, Per January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att förklara drivkrafterna bakom utvecklingen av den svenska ubåtsjaktförmågan under 1980-talet. Detta sker genom att utvecklingen studeras ur två olika perspektiv med avsikt att utröna vilket av dem som har bäst förklaringskraft. Perspektiven underbyggs av varsin statsvetenskaplig förklaringsmodell, som båda är hämtade från Graham Allisons <em>Essence of Decision. </em>Modellerna<em> </em>benämns i detta arbete det rationella aktörsperspektivet respektive det interna maktkampsperspektivet. Till vart och ett av perspektiven lämnar Allison ett antal rekommenderade frågeställningar och med hjälp av dessa utvecklas två analytiska nät. Näten används sedan för att söka igenom empirin för att skapa underlag för ett besvarande av studiens frågeställningar.</p><p>Studiens resultat är att det rationella maktkampsperspektivet, där betraktaren utgår från att Sverige agerade ändamålsenligt då hon utsattes för ett främmande undervattenshot och därför utvecklade ubåtsjaktförmågan, har goda möjligheter att på egen hand förklara det skedda. Däremot kan inte det interna maktkampsperspektivet, som utgår från att det var försvarsgrenarnas kamp om resurserna som var den egentliga drivkraften, ensamt förklara orsakerna till ubåtsjaktförmågeutvecklingen. Inte ens om perspektiven tillåts vara varandra komplementära kan någon positiv inverkan från det interna maktkampsperspektivet påvisas. Istället var det medvetna val grundade i viljan att upprätthålla den nationella suveräniteten som var drivkraften bakom utvecklingen av ubåtsjaktförmågan.</p> / <p>The present study aims to explain what where the driving forces behind the development of Swedish submarine hunting skills during the 1980s by studying the development from two different perspectives and ask which one of them has the best explanatory power. The approach is supported by two separate scientific explanations; rational actor and governmental politics, both of them taken from Graham Allison <em>Essence of Decision</em>. Allison supplies the researcher with a number of recommended questions to dwell upon when developing analytical networks to be drawn through the empirical study when creating a basis for answering the survey questions.</p><p>The result of the study is that the rational actor perspective, in which the viewer assumes that Sweden was acting rationally when subjected to an underwater threat and thus developed her ASW-capability has good possibility to explain the course of events. Arguments that the governmental politics perspective, which assumes that it was the struggle for resources between the different Swedish armed services alone was the real driving force behind the development of the ASW-capability, have however not been found. Even if the perspectives are allowed to be complementary to each other no real impact from the internal power struggle perspective can be confirmed. Hence the driving force behind the development was the deliberate choices based on a will to preserve the national sovereignty.</p>

Ubåtsjaktförmågans utveckling under 1980-talet : ett resultat av yttre hot eller interna intressen? / Development of Swedish anti-submarine warfare capability in the 1980s : A result of external threats or internal interests?

Edling, Per January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att förklara drivkrafterna bakom utvecklingen av den svenska ubåtsjaktförmågan under 1980-talet. Detta sker genom att utvecklingen studeras ur två olika perspektiv med avsikt att utröna vilket av dem som har bäst förklaringskraft. Perspektiven underbyggs av varsin statsvetenskaplig förklaringsmodell, som båda är hämtade från Graham Allisons Essence of Decision. Modellerna benämns i detta arbete det rationella aktörsperspektivet respektive det interna maktkampsperspektivet. Till vart och ett av perspektiven lämnar Allison ett antal rekommenderade frågeställningar och med hjälp av dessa utvecklas två analytiska nät. Näten används sedan för att söka igenom empirin för att skapa underlag för ett besvarande av studiens frågeställningar. Studiens resultat är att det rationella maktkampsperspektivet, där betraktaren utgår från att Sverige agerade ändamålsenligt då hon utsattes för ett främmande undervattenshot och därför utvecklade ubåtsjaktförmågan, har goda möjligheter att på egen hand förklara det skedda. Däremot kan inte det interna maktkampsperspektivet, som utgår från att det var försvarsgrenarnas kamp om resurserna som var den egentliga drivkraften, ensamt förklara orsakerna till ubåtsjaktförmågeutvecklingen. Inte ens om perspektiven tillåts vara varandra komplementära kan någon positiv inverkan från det interna maktkampsperspektivet påvisas. Istället var det medvetna val grundade i viljan att upprätthålla den nationella suveräniteten som var drivkraften bakom utvecklingen av ubåtsjaktförmågan. / The present study aims to explain what where the driving forces behind the development of Swedish submarine hunting skills during the 1980s by studying the development from two different perspectives and ask which one of them has the best explanatory power. The approach is supported by two separate scientific explanations; rational actor and governmental politics, both of them taken from Graham Allison Essence of Decision. Allison supplies the researcher with a number of recommended questions to dwell upon when developing analytical networks to be drawn through the empirical study when creating a basis for answering the survey questions. The result of the study is that the rational actor perspective, in which the viewer assumes that Sweden was acting rationally when subjected to an underwater threat and thus developed her ASW-capability has good possibility to explain the course of events. Arguments that the governmental politics perspective, which assumes that it was the struggle for resources between the different Swedish armed services alone was the real driving force behind the development of the ASW-capability, have however not been found. Even if the perspectives are allowed to be complementary to each other no real impact from the internal power struggle perspective can be confirmed. Hence the driving force behind the development was the deliberate choices based on a will to preserve the national sovereignty.

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