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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La valorisation de l'entreprise citoyenne / Promoting responsible actions of companies

Bonnafos, Vincent de 13 November 2018 (has links)
Qu’est-ce qu’une entreprise citoyenne ? Comment se distingue-t-elle d’une entreprise classique ? Le droit as-t-il un rôle à jouer dans ce processus de distinction ? Qu’en est-il de l’éthique et de la RSE ? Une entreprise peut-elle prendre un engagement citoyen ? Est-il légitime qu’une entreprise citoyenne valorise ses engagements citoyens ? Par quels leviers ? Voici quelques-unes des questions abordées dans notre thèse. L’entreprise citoyenne est celle qui effectue des engagements citoyens. En dehors de toute règle obligatoire, elle agit de manière volontaire, non centrée sur son intérêt restreint et de court terme en direction de ses cocontractants ou de tiers (ses salariés, des organismes sans but lucratif), afin de les placer dans une meilleure situation que si elle n’était pas intervenue. Une telle entreprise doit pouvoir valoriser ses engagements citoyens avec l’aide du droit, auprès du public, de ses clients et investisseurs. Les possibilités de l’entreprise citoyenne sont vastes ! / What is a responsible company? How do such companies differ from standard companies? What role does law play in ascertaining whether a company is responsible or not? What about ethics and CSR? Can a company engage in responsible actions? Should a company seek to enhance and promote such responsible actions? How should such enhancement and promotion take place? These questions will be answered in our thesis which is a study under French law. A responsible company is one that engages in responsible actions. In the absence of any legal requirement, the responsible company will voluntarily act beyond its strict short-term interest to reach out to contracting parties as well as third parties (e.g. employees, suppliers and non-profit organisations) and place them in a better situation, had the company not taken any action. Law should enable such companies to promote their responsible actions and enhance their attractiveness with stakeholders

"Får vi bara rätt förutsättningar så kan ju varenda en prestera ..." : Lärares beskrivningar av arbetet med extra anpassningar, dess förutsättningar och organisation

Vennberg Modig, Anna, Öhlund, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Research in inclusive education lacks studies in examining how teachers experience their work. The aim of the study was to contribute knowledge regarding teachers’ own perspective on the work with additional adaptations and the prerequisites to meet students’ different needs from classes year 7-9. The data collection method was semi structured interviews and nine interviews were conducted with teachers. The interviews were transcribed in full and empirical evidence condensed by qualitative content analysis. The result showed that teachers describe their work based on different themes; complexity, tacit knowledge and relational skills. The result also showed that the prerequisites that teachers receive in their work with additional adaptations are different types of support structures and that the organization around this work is different in different schools. We found that categorical, relational and the dilemma perspective were represented in teachers descriptions of their work with additional adaptations and that none of the perspectives dominated the empirical evidence. In organization with clear structure and procedures, principal prioritises collegial learning, competence development and support as conditions for the work the relational perspective dominated. Conversely, in organisation lacking support from principal and student health and teachers lack of knowledge in their work with additional adaptions, the categorical perspective dominated.

Novos modelos na escala TeV para a hierarquia de Gauge e das massas dos férmions / New TeV Scale Models for the Gauge and Fermion Mass Hierarquies

Lima, Leonardo de 15 April 2013 (has links)
O Modelo Padrão (MP) da física de partículas fornece uma descrição extremamente bem sucedida de todos os dados experimentais atuais. No entanto, temos razões para esperar que ele não seja válido até escalas de energia arbitrariamente altas. No MP a massa do bóson de Higgs é quadraticamente sensível a correções radiativas, sofrendo de grandes problemas de ajuste fino. Isso gera o chamado problema da hierarquia de gauge, cuja solução natural requer nova física na escala TeV. O MP também não fornece nenhuma explicação para a grande hierarquia de massas e ângulos de mistura dos férmions. Os problemas de hierarquia podem ser resolvidos naturalmente em teorias com uma dimensão extra curva. No entanto, a sua versão mais simples viola sabor a nível árvore, em conflito com os dados. Nesta tese investigaremos modelos quadridimensionais que descrevem a física na escala TeV obtidos da discretização de teorias em cinco dimensões no espaço AdS5, segundo o procedimento de desconstrução dimensional. As hierarquias de gauge e das massas dos férmions são geradas naturalmente como no modelo extra-dimensional, satisfazendo ainda os vínculos de sabor e de precisão eletrofraca. Estudaremos também um modelo desconstruído em que o Higgs é um pseudo bóson de Nambu-Goldstone, a fim de obter um Higgs naturalmente leve e dinamicamente localizado / The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics provides an extremely successful description of all current experimental data. However, we have reasons to expect that it cannot be valid up to arbitrarily high energy scales. In the SM the Higgs boson mass is quadratically sensitive to radiative corrections and, hence, suffers from a severe fine-tunning problem. This creates the so-called gauge hierarchy problem, the natural solution of which requires new physics at the TeV scale. The SM also doesnt provide any explanation for the large hierarchy of fermion masses and mixing angles. The hierarchy problems can be naturally solved in theories with a warped extra dimension. However, their simplest version violates flavor at tree level, conflicting with experimental data. In this thesis we investigate four dimensional models that describe physics at the TeV scale obtained from a coarse discretization of five dimensional theories in AdS5 space, by the dimensional deconstruction procedure. The gauge as well as the fermion mass hierarchies are naturally generated in the same manner as in the extra-dimensional model, while also satisfying bonds from flavor physics and precision electroweak data. We also study a deconstructed model in which the Higgs is a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson, with the motivation of obtaining a naturally light and localized Higgs.

Avaliação do tratamento ortopédico com mini-implantes como ancoragem esquelética em pacientes Classe III com retrusão do terço médio da face / Evaluation of orthopedic treatment using mini-implants as anchorage in Class III patients with retrusion of the middle third of the face

Souza, Ricardo Alves de 27 April 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a hipótese nula de que pacientes com maloclusão de Classe III esquelética por deficiência do terço médio da face poderiam ser tratados ortopedicamente utilizando mini-implantes ortodônticos convencionais como apoio de elásticos intermaxilares durante a protração da maxila. No grupo mini-implantes (MI) foram selecionados 12 cranças, nas quais foram instalados dois mini-implantes convencionais na região próxima à mesial das raízes dos primeiros molares permanentes e, outros dois na distal das raízes dos caninos inferiores. Foi orientado que as crianças utilizassem elásticos intermaxilares ¼\" médio, durante 24 horas por dia e força de 200g. No grupo máscara facial (MF) foi realizado o protocolo de expansão rápida da maxila e uso de máscara facial em 13 criancças. Todos os participantes estavam em fase de crescimento, e tinham entre 7 e 12 anos de idade. Através dos dados cefalométricos iniciais e finais dos casos foram realizadas análises estatísticas com Teste t de Student e Mann-Whitney para comparação de amostras independentes, Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas, e nível de significância foi de 5%. Foi possível confirmar que ambos os grupos apresentaram melhora no perfil facial com aumento da convexidade facial e correção da sobressaliência negativa na maioria das crianças, mostrando avanço da maxila, pelas superposições cefalométricas, com diferenças entre T0 e T1 significativas nas medidas SNA, ANB, Wits, Co-A, Co-Gn, NAP, A-Npog, overjet e relação molar, além de Sn-linha H, 1-NB para o grupo MI. Não houve diferença significativa estatisticamente intergrupos nas medidas cefalométricas avaliadas, mas o tempo de tratamento foi significante, sendo mais rápido para o grupo MI. Como conclusão geral, a hipótese nula foi aceita, sendo possível afirmar que mini-implantes convencionais associados a elásticos intermaxilares podem ser uma opção para tratamentos de pacientes Classe III com retrusão maxilar, principalmente em casos de falta de colaboração com o uso da máscara facial, e com reduzido grau de intervenção cirúrgica, que é característica do protocolo de instalação dos mini-implantes. / The aim of this study was to test the null hypothesis that patients with Class III skeletal malocclusion due to deficiency of the middle third of the face could be treated orthopedically with the use of conventional orthodontic mini-implants and support of intermaxillary elastics during protraction of the maxilla. In the mini-implants group (MI) with n = 12, two conventional mini-implants were inserted in the region close to the mesial area of the permanent first molar roots and another two, in the distal area of the mandibular canine roots. The children were instructed to use ¼\" medium intermaxillary elastics, throughout almost 24 hours per day and force of 200g. In the facial mask group (MF) with n = 13, the rapid maxillary expansion protocol and facial mask were performed. All participants were in the growth phase, and were between 7 and 12 years of age. Statistical analyzes were performed using the Student\'s t-test and the Mann-Whitney test for comparison of independent samples, Wilcoxon for paired samples, and a significance level of 5% was used for the initial and final cephalometric data. It was possible to confirm that both groups presented improvement in the facial profile with increase of the facial convexity and correction of the negative overjet in the majority of the children. Advancement of the maxilla was shown by means of cephalometric superimpositions, with significant differences between T0 and T1 in the following measurements: SNA, ANB, Wits, Co-A, Co-Gn, NAP, A-Npog, overjet and molar relationship, in addition to Sn-line H, and 1-NB for Group MI. There was no statistically significant intergroup difference in the cephalometric measurements evaluated, but the time of treatment was significant, as it was faster for Group MI. As a general conclusion, the null hypothesis was acepted, because it was possible to affirm that conventional mini-implants associated with intermaxillary elastics could be an option for the treatment of Class III patients with maxillary retrusion, particularly in cases of lack of cooperation with the use of the face mask. In addition, the degree of surgical intervention was reduced, which is characteristic of the protocol for the insertion of mini-implants.

La gauche révolutionnaire et la question carcérale : une approche des années 70 italiennes / The revolutionary Left and the prison issue : an approach for Italian's 70

Santalena, Elisa 08 December 2014 (has links)
Notre thèse porte sur la question carcérale et la gauche révolutionnaire en Italie dans les années 1970 et 1980.La question carcérale devient centrale, en Italie, à partir des années 1970 : ce sont des années de révolte et de revendications de masse, mais aussi la période des mouvements de lutte armée. À ce moment-là, l'État se retrouve confronté à un double problème : d'une part, celui de la réforme du système pénitentiaire, avec des prisons vétustes et des règlements archaïques hérités de la période fasciste, et d'autre part la montée en puissance des mouvements extra-parlementaires et de la lutte armée, qui ne cessent d'augmenter la population carcérale.Cette étude vise à analyser le rôle joué par le système carcéral pendant cette période de crise pour la jeune République italienne, et ceci selon plusieurs points de vue. Nous analysons, d'une part, le mouvement revendicatif des détenus de droit commun, qui se politisent au contact des jeunes extra-parlementaires arrêtés après leurs manifestations. D'autre part, nous étudions la montée en flèche de la violence révolutionnaire qui s'oppose à un État qui, de son côté, accroît l'intensité de la répression et met en place des mesures d'urgence pour contrer la dissidence. Cette confrontation donne naissance à une période particulièrement violente, où la prison fini par assumer une fonction de gestion du conflit politique.À travers la description d'un corpus très varié (articles de journaux, tracts, documents théoriques, documents militants de revendication, archives ministérielles, archives de l'administration pénitentiaire) mais aussi des textes historiographiques et des témoignages directs, cette étude pose la question plus générale du rôle central de l'univers carcéral, comme une véritable clé de lecture sociopolitique des années 70 et 80 italiennes. / Our thesis focuses on the prison issue and the revolutionary Left in Italy during the 1970s and 1980s.The prison question becomes central in Italy from the 1970s: these are the years of revolt and mass claims, but also the period of the armed struggle. At that time, the State faces a double problem: first, the necessary reform of the prison system, with prisons in dilapidated state and archaic regulations inherited from the fascist period ; and secondly the rise of extra-parliamentary movements and armed struggle, which are both increasing the prison population.This study aims at analyzing the part played by the prison system during this crisis period in the young Italian Republic, according to several points of view. We analyze, on the one hand, the protest movement of the common criminals who politicize themselves in contact with the young extra-parliamentary people arrested after their demonstrations. On the other hand, we study the soaring revolutionary violence that opposes the State which, in turn, increases the intensity of repression and sets up emergency measures to counter dissidence. This confrontation gives rise to a particularly violent period in which the prison finally takes up a role of political conflict management.Through the description of a varied corpus (newspaper articles, pamphlets, theoretical documents, activists claim, ministerial archives, archives of the prison administration) as well as historical texts and eyewitness accounts, this study raises the more general question of the prison system as a central key to sociopolitical reading of the Italian Seventies and Eighties.

Estudo sobre processos de obten??o de extratos de Achyrocline satureioides (LAM) DC. e sua potencialidade na perfumaria

Barroso, M?urean Salli Tavares 05 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:58:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 435352.pdf: 1328330 bytes, checksum: 1ab78f3333dabdd8c83b32bc552e53f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-05 / Achyrocline satureioides, also known as Marcela is an aromatic herb widely used in Brazil and other South American countries, due to its medicinal properties. The marcela presents in its composition phenolic substances which are attributed antioxidant activity and volatile components. In this work we studied the processes of distillation by steam distillation and supercritical extraction, to evaluate the use of these techniques in obtaining the non-volatile and volatile extracts of marcela from its aerial parts, in order to obtain new products with aromatic notes. The extraction of essential oil of marcela was performed by employing the technique of steam distillation in five pressures (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 bar), and is performed for each experimental condition the determination of the yield curve of essential oil versus time. For the extracts obtained by this technique, essential oils, the analysis was performed on the chemical composition of the extract through chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In relation to non-volatile extracts, they were obtained through the use of supercritical extraction process in four pressures (90, 100, 110 and 120 bar) at two temperatures (303.15 and 313.15 K) and each condition also yield curves were generated versus time. The extracts were assessed for their aromatic potential by assessing olfactometric. For both processes was carried out mathematical modeling of the curves, using models based on mass transfer consistent with the extraction technique that successfully represented the curves for both techniques. Regarding the assessment olfactometric both extracts volatile and non volatile aromatic potential presented, highlighting the sample extracted by steam distillation at 2.5 bar. / Achyrocline satureioides, tamb?m conhecida como marcela ? uma ervaarom?tica muito usada no Brasil e em outros pa?ses da Am?rica do Sul, devido as suas propriedades medicinais. A marcela apresenta em sua composi??osubst?ncias fen?licas as quais se atribuem atividade antioxidante e componentes vol?teis. Neste trabalho foram estudados os processos de destila??o por arraste a vapor e extra??o supercr?tica, visando avaliar o uso destas t?cnicas na obten??o dos extratos vol?teis e n?o vol?teis da marcela a partir de suas partes a?reas, a fim de se obter produtos com novas notas arom?ticas. A extra??o do ?leo essencial de marcela foi executada atrav?s do emprego da t?cnica de arraste a vapor em cinco press?es (1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 e 3,0 bar), sendo realizada para cada condi??o experimental a determina??o da curva de rendimento de ?leo essencial versus tempo. Para os extratos obtidos por essa t?cnica, os ?leos essenciais, foi realizada a an?lise da composi??o qu?mica do extrato via cromatografia gasosa acoplada com o espectr?metro de massas (CG/EM). Em rela??o aos extratos n?o vol?teis, os mesmos foram obtidos atrav?s do uso do processo de extra??o supercr?tica em quatro press?es (90, 100, 110 e 120 bar) em duas temperaturas (303,15 e 313,15 K)e para cada condi??o tamb?m foram geradas curvas de rendimento versus tempo.Os extratos obtidos foram avaliados quanto ao seu potencial arom?tico atrav?s de uma avalia??o olfatom?trica. Para ambos os processos foi realizada a modelagem matem?tica das curvas, utilizando modelos baseados na transfer?ncia de massa condizente com a t?cnica de extra??o que representaram com ?xito as curvas para ambas as t?cnicas. Em rela??o ? avalia??o olfatom?trica, tanto os extratos vol?teis como os n?o vol?teis apresentaram potencial arom?tico, destacando a amostra extra?da por arraste a vapor a 2,5 bar.

Estudo comparativo de diferentes classificadores baseados em aprendizagem de m?quina para o processo de Reconhecimento de Entidades Nomeadas

Santos, Jadson da Silva 09 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-01-24T22:42:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JadsonDisst.pdf: 3499973 bytes, checksum: 5deaf9020f758e9c07f86e9e62890129 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-24T22:42:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JadsonDisst.pdf: 3499973 bytes, checksum: 5deaf9020f758e9c07f86e9e62890129 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-09 / The Named Entity Recognition (NER) process is the task of identifying relevant termsintextsandassigningthemalabel.Suchwordscanreferencenamesofpeople, organizations, and places. The variety of techniques that can be used in the named entityrecognitionprocessislarge.Thetechniquescanbeclassifiedintothreedistinct approaches: rule-based, machine learning and hybrid. Concerning to the machine learningapproaches,severalfactorsmayinfluenceitsaccuracy,includingtheselected classifier, the set of features extracted from the terms, the characteristics of the textual bases, and the number of entity labels. In this work, we compared classifiers that use machine learning applied to the NER task. The comparative study includes classifiers based on CRF (Conditional Random Fields), MEMM (MaximumEntropy Markov Model) and HMM (Hidden Markov Model), which are compared in two corpora in Portuguese derived from WikiNer, and HAREM, and two corporas in English derived from CoNLL-03 and WikiNer. The comparison of the classifiers shows that the CRF is superior to the other classifiers, both with Portuguese and English texts. This study also includes the comparison of the individual and joint contribution of features, including contextual features, besides the comparison ofthe NER per named entity labels, between classifiers andcorpora. / O processo de Reconhecimento de Entidades Nomeadas (REN) ? a tarefa de iden- tificar termos relevantes em textos e atribu?-los um r?tulo. Tais palavras podem referenciar nomes de pessoas, organiza??es e locais. A variedade de t?cnicas que podem ser usadas no processo de reconhecimento de entidades nomeadas ? grande. As t?cnicas podem ser classificadas em tr?s abordagens distintas: baseadas em regras, baseadas em aprendizagem de m?quina e h?bridas. No que diz respeito as abordagens de aprendizagem de m?quina, diversos fatores podem influenciar sua exatida?, incluindo o classificador selecionado, o conjunto de features extra?das dos termos, as caracter?sticas das bases textuais e o n?mero de r?tulos de entidades. Neste trabalho, comparamos classificadores que utilizam aprendizagem de m?quina aplicadas a tarefa do REN. O estudo comparativo inclui classificadores baseados no CRF (Condicional Random Fields), MEMM (Maximum Entropy Markov Model) e HMM (Hidden Markov Model), os quais s?o comparados em dois corporas em portugu?s derivados do WikiNer, e HAREM, e dois corporas em ingl?s derivados doCoNLL-03 e WikiNer. A compara??o dos classificadores demonstra que o CRF ? superior aos demais classificadores, tanto com textos em portugu?s, quanto ingl?s. Este estudo tamb?m inclui a compara??o da contribui??o, individual e em conjunto de features, incluindo features de contexto, al?m da compara??o do REN por r?otulos de entidades nomeadas, entre os classificadores e os corpora.


Bento, Tâmara Rigo Guimarães de Macedo 14 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TAMARA RIGO GUIMARAES DE MACEDO BENTO.pdf: 1144359 bytes, checksum: 0f21c578090159f6f762c7c8bd1b417f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / The intense increase of aggressions against the nature goods has terrified the humanity, since mankind has faced the uncertainty of its fate in the nature, experiencing disastrous environmental tragedies. Therefore, the human conscious concerns around this issue has reached the juridical conscious as well through the normalization, which is sometimes fragile and sometimes solid, however, clearly attempting to follow the transformations and the society perspectives. Thus, with the scope of ensuring and give effectiveness to the environment dictates, focusing on its preservation and protection for the present and future generations, the State, undoubtedly, develops a non substitutable role as far as environmental management is concerned. Thereby, the Public Power, as the tutor of the environment, endues itself with attributes and mechanisms the allows it to ensure the environmental safety, which qualifies themselves in powers that when inserted in the positive law create to the State special acting rights related to the public right. Such prerogative consists on the police power, which is a Public Power activity that has the goal of establishing limits and disciplines rightness, interests and freedom, ruling the acts or omissions, in order to promote the public interests and environmental preservation. As far as concerned to this aspect, when it comes to an environmental damage, no matter how deteriorated the nature is, affecting the collectiveness, it will require the State to take direct actions for the purpose of preserving the public interests, through the police power actions. Although, when the State doesn t act diligently, attending to the environmental juridical desiderata of promoting the natural resources protection, in other words, committing some arbitrariness that doesn t match to the finality being pursued, the State could then respond to the damage caused, administratively as well as in the civil and penal spheres. Therefore, the State will be characterized as the indirect polluter, since it hasn t shown any actions to avoid or put away the environmental damages. Furthermore, the extra contractual State blameworthiness causes some juridical consequences, such as the objective responsibility appliance and the State joint liability to the real damage causer (direct polluter). / A intensificação das agressões aos bens da natureza assombra a humanidade, haja vista a incerteza do destino do homem no espaço natural, diante de desastrosas consequências causadas por diversas tragédias ambientais. Assim, a preocupação despertada pela consciência humana alcançou a consciência jurídica, por meio de normatização, ora frágil ora sólida, mas com a nítida tentativa de acompanhar as transformações e perspectivas da sociedade. Destarte, com escopo de assegurar e dar efetividade aos ditames relativos ao meio ambiente, com vistas a preservação e proteção deste para as presente e futuras gerações, o Estado exerce, sem dúvida, papel insubstituível na gestão ambiental. Dessa forma, o Poder Público, na qualidade de tutor do meio ambiente se reveste de atributos e mecanismos que lhe permite assegurar a proteção ambiental. Tais se qualificam em poderes, os quais, inseridos no direito positivo, revestem o Estado de prerrogativas especiais inerentes ao direito público. Tal prerrogativa, consiste no poder de polícia, sendo atividade do Poder Público que tem por objetivo limitar ou disciplinar direito, interesse ou liberdade, regulando a prática de ato ou abstenção de fato, com vistas ao interesse público e a preservação ambiental. Nessa vertente, ao se deparar com um dano ambiental, qual seja a degradação da natureza, que afeta toda a coletividade, este demandará uma atuação direta do Estado para resguardar o interesse público, por meio do exercício do poder de polícia. Todavia, quando o Estado não atua de forma diligente no cumprimento do desiderato jurídico ambiental de proteção dos recursos naturais, ou seja, comete alguma arbitrariedade que não condiz com a finalidade colimada, este poderá ser responsabilizado pelo dano causado, nas esferas administrativa, cível e penal. Logo, este figurará como poluidor indireto, haja vista que não atuou no sentido de afastar a lesão ao meio ambiente. Ademais, a responsabilização extracontratual do Estado enseja algumas consequências jurídicas, tais como a aplicação da responsabilidade objetiva, bem como a responsabilidade solidária deste para com o verdadeiro causador do dano (poluidor direto).

Remunera????o do executivo vinculada a objetivos de longo prazo e a gera????o de valor ao acionista

Nascimento, Ana Cristina Russo 04 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Elba Lopes (elba.lopes@fecap.br) on 2015-12-21T14:12:16Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Ana_Cristina_Russo_Nascimento.pdf: 9067895 bytes, checksum: f5d0854e1572e991b963b73b2414e563 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-21T14:12:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Ana_Cristina_Russo_Nascimento.pdf: 9067895 bytes, checksum: f5d0854e1572e991b963b73b2414e563 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-04 / It has been a challenge for companies and scholars the issue of alignment of interest between owners and executives, called agency problems. Among its various views and administrative tools, created with the purpose of mitigating these problems the salary of the executive which can be a tool of encouragement when it is compensated in a variable way linked to purposes which set challenges to add value to the companies and thus a higher return to stockholders. There are claims in this context that the remuneration models which determine long-term goals are more appropriate, once they enable measure tangible results for organizations. Thereforeaim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the presence of variable remuneration linked to long-term goals and business performance as well as the behavior of that financial performance by business sector. One hundred fifty-fivepublicly traded companies were analyzed in 2010, which information has been extracted from References Forms (FR). The indicators used were Enterprise Value, EBITDA and Total Return to Shareholders (TRS), constructed with data provided by the Econom??tica System, for the period from 2010 to 2013. The significance of variables was tested using the method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), and the figure which was carried out showed statistical significance the impact on the type of remuneration on the financial performance of the sample only for the indicator Enterprise Value, the results suggested that the long-term goal linked to the remuneration can positively influence the company's performance. / A quest??o do alinhamento de interesse entre acionistas e executivos, denominada problemas do agente-principal, tem sido um desafio para empresas e estudiosos. Dentre seus diversos aspectos e ferramentas administrativas, criados com o prop??sito de mitigar esses problemas, est?? a remunera????o do executivo que pode ser instrumento de incentivo, quando paga de modo vari??vel atrelada a finalidades que estabele??am desafios para agregar valor ??s empresas e, assim, maior retorno aos acionistas. Nesse contexto, h?? afirma????es de que os modelos de remunera????o que determinam metas de longo prazo s??o mais adequados, uma vez que possibilitam aferir resultados concretos para as organiza????es. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo ?? verificar a rela????o entre a presen??a de remunera????o vari??vel atrelada a metas de longo prazo e o desempenho empresarial, bem como o comportamento do referido desempenho financeiro por setor de atividade. Foram analisadas 155 empresas de capital aberto no ano de 2010, cujas informa????es foram extra??das dos Formul??rios de Refer??ncias (FR). Os indicadores empregados foram Valor da Empresa, LAJIDA e Retorno Total ao Acionista (RTA), constru??dos com dados fornecidos pelo sistema Econom??tica, para o per??odo de 2010 a 2013. A signific??ncia das vari??veis foi testada recorrendo ao m??todo dos M??nimos Quadrados Ordin??rios (MQO), e as estimativas realizadas mostraram signific??ncia estat??stica do impacto do tipo de remunera????o sobre o desempenho financeiro da amostra apenas para o indicador Valor da Empresa, cujos resultados sugeriram que o objetivo de longo prazo vinculado ?? remunera????o pode influenciar positivamente o desempenho da empresa.

Desenvolvimento de m?todo para consulta em linguagem natural de componentes de software / Development of method for natural language research of software components

Domingues, Paulo Eduardo 28 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:31:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Eduardo Domingues.pdf: 2694773 bytes, checksum: 8954b221ccf920e889584da2390badf6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-28 / The development based on components allows to create inter-operable components, with well defined interfaces, reducing the complexity in the software development. In this scene, the library of software components plays an important role in corporate level, supporting documentation, specification, storage and recovery of components. Inside organizations, a components library supplies infrastructure for components lifecycle management. This work considers the storage and the recovery of components of software with the use of an interface in natural language. A method to generate a representation form is described, to be stored in the library, for the texts that describe the characteristics of the components that live in the library. The text of the research generated for the user also is represented of similar form to allow the comparison between the descriptions of the components of the library and the question of the user. Additionally the method is presented to determine the similarity between parts of the representations of the text of the characteristics with the text of the research, of form to return as resulted in sequence decreasing indication from priority the components that better take care of the research of the user. / O desenvolvimento baseado em componentes permite criar componentes inter-oper?veis, com interfaces bem definidas, reduzindo a complexidade no desenvolvimento de software. Neste cen?rio, a biblioteca de componentes de software exerce um papel importante em um ambiente corporativo, suportando a documenta??o, especifica??o, armazenamento e recupera??o de componentes. Dentro das organiza??es, uma biblioteca de componentes fornece uma infra-estrutura para o gerenciamento do ciclo de vida dos componentes. Este trabalho prop?e o armazenamento e a recupera??o de componentes de software com a utiliza??o de uma interface em linguagem natural. ? descrito um m?todo para gerar uma forma de representa??o, a ser armazenada na biblioteca, para os textos que descrevem as caracter?sticas dos componentes que integram a biblioteca. O texto da consulta gerada pelo usu?rio tamb?m ? representado de forma semelhante para permitir a compara??o entre as descri??es dos componentes da biblioteca e a quest?o do usu?rio. Adicionalmente, ? apresentado o m?todo para determinar a semelhan?a entre partes das representa??es do texto das caracter?sticas com o texto das consultas, de forma a retornar como resultado a indica??o em ordem decrescente de prioridade os componentes que melhor atendem a consulta do usu?rio.

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