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Reposicionamento in silico de fármacos para doenças negligenciadas com ênfase no metabolismo energético de Leishmania spp e apicoplasto de Plasmodium falciparum / In silico drug repositioning for neglected tropical diseases with emphasis on energy metabolism of Leishmania spp and Plasmodium falciparum apicoplastSilva, Lourival de Almeida 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-05-18T10:58:40Z
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Tese - Lourival de Almeida Silva - 2015.pdf: 2573495 bytes, checksum: 0eee1e3d91463a3f757ecdc4fe7126ce (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-05-18T11:02:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese - Lourival de Almeida Silva - 2015.pdf: 2573495 bytes, checksum: 0eee1e3d91463a3f757ecdc4fe7126ce (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-18T11:02:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese - Lourival de Almeida Silva - 2015.pdf: 2573495 bytes, checksum: 0eee1e3d91463a3f757ecdc4fe7126ce (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease responsible for physical, economic and
social damages. Even though malaria is not classified as a neglected tropical disease, is
responsible for high morbidity and mortality, especially in African countries. Current
treatments for both diseases face several drawbacks, including the evolution of drugresistant
parasites, the high cost of major drugs and the high toxicity of others. For these
reasons, there is an urgent need to develop new drugs that minimize these downsides
and, consequently, help eradicate these diseases. To overcome these difficulties, both
academics and pharmaceutical companies are increasingly employing the so-called
“drug repositioning strategy”. Drug repositioning aims to find new applications for
drugs approved for other indications, and has proven valuable for decreasing research
costs as well as to decrease the time required to market the "new" drug. In the present
study, we used bioinformatics to identify and analyze molecular targets of the energy
metabolism of Leishmania spp and of the P. falciparum apicoplast. The energy
metabolism of Leishmania and the apicoplast metabolism have various enzymes that
can be targeted by specific drugs, leading to lower toxicity and more promising
therapies for humans. Using the TDR Targets database, we were able to identify 94
genes and 93 Leishmania energy metabolism targets. We identified 44 positive targets
in these databases, and for 11 of these targets we found drugs already approved for use
in humans. We used a similar strategy to identify antimalarial drugs that acted
specifically against the apicoplast metabolism. The GeneDB database of the P.
falciparum genome was used to compile a list of 600 proteins with apicoplast signal
peptides. Each of these proteins was treated as a potential drug target and its predicted
sequence was used to interrogate three different open access databases (DB TTD,
DrugBank and STITCH ). We identified many drugs with the potential to interact with
47 peptides allegedly involved in apicoplast biology in P. falciparum. Fifteen of these
hypothetical targets are predicted to interact with drugs are already approved for
clinical use, but were never evaluated against malaria parasites. Our results suggest that
the drugs identified here show potential activity against leishmania parasite and malaria,
but need experimental validation to confirm their effectiveness. / As leishmanioses são parasitoses negligenciadas responsáveis por prejuízos físicos,
econômicos e sociais. A malária, embora não seja classificada como negligenciada, é
responsável por altos índices de morbidade e mortalidade, principalmente nos países
africanos. Ao longo dos anos, o tratamento dos infectados tem sido a forma mais eficaz
de controle dessas endemias. Entretanto, os efeitos tóxicos, o alto custo dos fármacos e
a resistência dos parasitos têm sido os maiores desafios enfrentados pela terapêutica das
leishmanioses e da malária. Sendo assim, é urgente a necessidade de desenvolver novos
fármacos que minimizem esses transtornos e contribuam para erradicação dessas
parasitoses. Diante disso, laboratórios acadêmicos, governos e organizações não
governamentais têm apoiado projetos voltados para o reposicionamento de fármacos
aprovados com vistas a reduzir custos e tempo de produção de novos antiparasitários.
No presente trabalho, utilizamos a bioinformática para identificar, buscar e analisar
alvos moleculares do metabolismo energético de Leishmania spp e do apicoplasto de P.
falciparum, visando o reposicionamento in silico de fármacos. Utilizando a base de
dados TDR Targets, identificamos 94 genes e 93 alvos do metabolismo energético de
Leishmania. Em seguida, utilizando a sequência peptídica de cada alvo, interrogamos as
bases de dados Drug Bank e TTD na busca de fármacos. Nossa busca resultou em 44
alvos positivos, dos quais 11 interagiam com 15 fármacos aprovados para uso em
humanos. Utilizamos estratégia semelhante para identificar fármacos antimaláricos que
atuassem especificamente contra o metabolismo do apicoplasto. A base de dados
GeneDB do genoma de P. falciparum foi usada para compilar uma lista de cerca de 600
proteínas com peptídeos sinais do apicoplasto. Cada uma dessas proteínas foi tratada
como potencial alvo de fármaco e sua sequência prevista foi usada para interrogar três
diferentes bases de dados de acesso livre (TT DB, DrugBank e STITCH ) Identificamos
fármacos com potencial de interagir com 47 peptídeos supostamente envolvidos na
biologia do apicoplasto do P. falciparum. Quinze desses alvos hipotéticos são previstos
interagir com fármacos já aprovados para uso clínico, mas que nunca foram avaliados
contra os parasitos da malária. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os fármacos aqui
identificados apresentam potencial para tratamentos das leishmanioses e da malária,
mas que necessitam de validação experimental para confirmar sua eficácia.
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Estudos de SAR e QSAR para um conjunto de triazolopirimidinas inibidores da enzima diidroorotato desidrogenase de Plasmodium falciparumMacedo, Karlla Gonçalves de 05 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2015-10-23T17:15:13Z
No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Karlla Gonçalves Macedo - 2014.pdf: 3559333 bytes, checksum: be77b4325f787c0048a0c9a15e8c800b (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2015-10-23T17:16:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Karlla Gonçalves Macedo - 2014.pdf: 3559333 bytes, checksum: be77b4325f787c0048a0c9a15e8c800b (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-23T17:16:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Karlla Gonçalves Macedo - 2014.pdf: 3559333 bytes, checksum: be77b4325f787c0048a0c9a15e8c800b (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-05 / Drug discovery and development process requires high investments of both time and money. Strategies for drug design aided by computers, CADD (Computer-Aided Drug Design) have gained prominence over the last decades, in order to minimize the impact of those costs. CADD techniques also allow the exploration of a greater number of biological targets and promising molecules. Malaria is an endemic disease in Africa and in South American caused by the protozoa of the genus Plasmodium. In 2012, 207 million cases and 627,000 deaths were estimated, according to the World Health Organization. The enzyme dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) catalyzes the fourth step of the pyrimidine biosynthesis, and consists in a validated target for the design of new antimalarial agents. The aim of this study was to develop structure-activity relationships (SAR) rules and to generate quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) models using a set of triazolopyrimidines described in the literature as inhibitors of DHODH from P. falciparum (PfDHODH). SAR rules were established using methods of clustering, activity cliffs and activity landscapes. In addition, several models of 2D-QSAR and hologram QSAR (HQSAR) were developed and validated. The SAR analyses allowed the understanding of the basic structural requirements for the antimalarial activity of triazolopyrimidines, like alkyl halides substituents on the triazolopimidinic ring, hydrophobic substituents in the para position on the benzene ring, all in agreement with the chemical space inside the active site of the PfDHODH. The HQSAR and 2D-QSAR models showed good statistical parameters and good predictive ability. The HQSAR contour maps were also consistent with the chemical space of the active site of the enzyme. The results of this study could serve as guide for the design of new antimalarials with higher potency. / O processo de planejamento e desenvolvimento de novos fármacos é um trabalho complexo, que demanda elevados investimentos de tempo e dinheiro. Estratégias de planejamento de fármacos auxiliadas por computador, CADD (Computer-Aided Drug Design) vêm se destacando, pois minimizam gastos e tempo, além de poder explorar um número maior de alvos biológicos e moléculas promissoras. A malária é uma doença endêmica grave na África e América do Sul, causada por protozoários do gênero Plasmodium. Em 2012 foram estimados 207 milhões de casos e 627.000 mortes, de acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde. A enzima diidroorotato desidrogenase (DHODH) atua na quarta etapa da biossíntese de pirimidinas, é um alvo validado para o planejamento de novos agentes antimaláricos. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi desenvolver regras de relação entre estrutura e atividade (SAR) e modelos robustos e preditivos de relações quantitativas entre estrutura e atividade bidimensionais (QSAR-2D), utilizando um conjunto de triazolopirimidinas descritas na literatura como inibidores da DHODH de P. falciparum (PfDHODH). Foram desenvolvidas regras de SAR utilizando os métodos de análise de agrupamentos, cliffs de atividade e landscapes de atividade. Além disso, desenvolveu-se e validou-se vários modelos de QSAR–2D e de holograma QSAR (HQSAR). As análises de SAR, permitiram estabelecer requisitos estruturais essenciais para a atividade antimalárica das triazolopirimidinas, como substituintes haletos de alquila no anel triazolopimidínico, substituintes hidrofóbicos na posição para no anel benzênico, todos de acordo com o espaço químico da cavidade de interação da PfDHODH. Os modelos de HQSAR e QSAR-2D apresentaram bons parâmetros estatísticos e boa capacidade preditiva. Os mapas de contribuição de HQSAR também estão de acordo com o espaço químico da cavidade de interação da PfDHODH. Os dados obtidos servem como guia para o planejamento de novos antimaláricos com maior potência.
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Protein trafficking and host cell remodeling in malaria parasite infection / Le trafic des protéines et le remodelage de la cellule hôte dans l'infection par le parasite du paludismeCurra, Chiara 05 July 2010 (has links)
Pour assurer ses besoins de croissance, multiplication, et survie, Plasmodium modifie sa cellule hôte, l'érythrocyte, après l'invasion. Le parasite met en place ainsi un système d'échanges (import/export) avec sa cellule hôte et le milieu extérieur. Nous avons identifié dans la base de données de Plasmodium berghei, le parasite de rongeurs, une famille de gènes, sep, correspondant à la famille etramp chez Plasmodium falciparum. Cette famille de gènes code pour des petites protéines exportées, et conservées dans tout le genre Plasmodium. Les protéines SEP (13?16 kDa) contiennent en N-terminal un peptide signal prédit, un domaine hydrophobe interne, et elles diffèrent au niveau des régions C-terminal et 3' UTR. Toutefois, les protéines SEP sont exprimées à différents moments du cycle de Plasmodium. Durant le cycle érythrocytaire, PbSEP1 et PbSEP3 sont exprimées à partir du stade trophozoïte, et la même quantité de protéine est détectée au stade schizonte et gamétocyte, pendant que PbSEP3 est hautement détectée dans les trophozoïtes mûrs et les gamétocytes. Chez le moustique, PbSEP1 et PbSEP3 sont détectées seulement chez les ookinètes, alors que PbSEP2 est très abondante dans les ookinètes, oocystes, et sporozoïtes des glandes salivaires. Les protéines SEP ont également des localisations différentes. Dans l'érythrocyte, PbSEP1 est localisée dans la membrane de la vacuole parasitophore, alors que PbSEP2 et PbSEP3 sont exportées au-delà de cette vacuole, et sont ainsi localisées dans la cellule hôte, en association avec des structures vésiculaires. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié les signaux d'adressage des protéines SEP dans la vacuole parasitophore et dans la cellule hôte, chez Plasmodium berghei. L'autre partie du travail, effectuée à l'Université de Montpellier II, a consisté à étudier la localisation de deux protéines du squelette sous- membranaire de l'érythrocyte, la dématine, et l'adducine, durant le développement intra-érythrocytaire de Plasmodium falciparum. Le but de cette étude étant d'identifier un mécanisme potentiel d'internalisation des composants du squelette sous-membranaire de l'érythrocyte dans le parasite. Des études d'immuno-localisation ont montré que la dématine et l'adducine sont internalisées à partir du stade trophozoïte, et sont localisées probablement à la vacuole parasitophore (membrane et/ou lumière). Cette internalisation a été confirmée par des études de fractionnement cellulaire et d'accessibilité à la protéinase K, montrant que la dématine est totalement internalisée, alors l'adducine ne l'est que partiellement, suggérant une localisation de la protéine à la périphérie du parasite. / Plasmodium endurance depends on the ability of the parasite to reorganize the cytosol of the erythrocyte, a terminally differentiated cell, and remodel its skeleton membrane immediately after invasion. In this way the parasite can organize the import/export of the molecules necessary to its survival. The comprehension of cellular trafficking mechanisms which occur during Plasmodium infection is a very important step and fundamental contribute to understand the biology of the malaria parasite.We identified in database of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei the gene family sep, corresponding to etramp in P. falciparum, encoding small exported proteins conserved in the genus Plasmodium. SEP proteins (13?16 kDa) contain a predicted signal peptide at the NH2-terminus, an internal hydrophobic region while they differ in their C-terminal region; the genes share the upstream regulative region while differ in the 3' UTR. Despite this, we showed that SEPs have a different timing of expression and a different localization: in the erythrocytic cycle PbSEP1 and PbSEP3 start to be expressed at trophozoite and the same amount of protein is detected also in schizonts and gametocytes, while PbSEP2 is highly detected in mature trophozoites and even more in gametocytes. In mosquitoes stages PbSEP1 and PbSEP3 are expressed only in ookinetes, while PbSEP2 is very abundant in ookinetes, oocysts and in sporozoites of the salivary glands. SEPs also have a different localization in the iRBC: PbSEP1 is targeted to the membrane of the parasitophorous vacuole, while PbSEP2 and 3 are exported beyond the parasite membrane and translocated to the host cell compartment in association with vesicle-like structures. In this study we identified the specific signals necessary for the correct timing of expression and to direct SEP proteins to the vacuolar membrane and to the host cell compartments.The second part of the work was carried out in Montpellier II University and aims to identify the localization of two RBC membrane skeleton components, dematin and adducin, during Plasmodium falciparum infection. Our purpose is to recognize a possible mechanism of internalization of host cytoskeleton components to the parasite compartments. In fact, IFA experiments carried on iRBCs showed that dematin and adducin start to be internalized at trophozoite stage and localize at the periphery of the parasite, most probably at the parasitophoruos vacuole (PV) membrane/lumen. Dematin and adducin internalization during Plasmodium infection is also demonstrated by subcellular fractionation and proteinase K assay: while dematin is fully internalized, adducin is partially protected and suggesting a localization of the protein at the periphery of the parasite where it can be exposed to PK degradation.
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Identification et validation de marqueurs moléculaires de la résistance de Plasmodium falciparum à la doxycycline / Identification and validation of molecular markers of resistance of plasmodium falciparum to doxycyclineGaillard, Tiphaine 04 November 2015 (has links)
La doxycycline est l’une des molécules recommandées par l’OMS en prophylaxie pour les voyageurs dans les zones d’endémie palustre, en particulier dans les zones de multirésistance. Une étude récente avait suggéré que les isolats de P. falciparum présentaient différents niveaux de sensibilité à la doxycycline et que l’augmentation du nombre de copies de deux gènes, pfmdt ou pftetQ, pouvait être associée à une baisse de sensibilité.Le premier objectif de ce travail a consisté à valider ce modèle à partir d’un nouvel échantillonnage d’isolats africains. Le second objectif était d’évaluer le nombre de copies de ces deux gènes sur des isolats originaires de Thaïlande. Le troisième objectif a consisté à rechercher d’autres sources de résistance en investiguant le polymorphisme des gènes codant l’ARN ribosomal plasmodial potentiellement impliqués dans la résistance in vitro à la doxycycline.Les résultats nous ont permis de confirmer que le nombre de copies des gènes pfmdt ou pftetQ pouvait être impliqué dans la résistance in vitro à la doxycycline en Afrique. Les résultats concernant les isolats Thaï n’ont pas permis de corréler le nombre de copies des gènes pfmdt et pftetQ au phénotype CI50. Ces éléments montrent que ce mécanisme de résistance seul est insuffisant pour expliquer la résistance à la doxycycline ; les résultats sont en faveur d’une résistance médiée par plusieurs gènes.La recherche de points de mutation sur le gène pfssrRNA codant pour la petite sous-unité ribosomale de l’ADN plasmodial n’a pas abouti. D’autres cibles moléculaires sont en cours d’étude pour expliquer les mécanismes de résistance de P. falciparum à la doxycycline. / Doxycycline is currently one of the recommended chemoprophylactic regimens for travellers visiting malaria-endemic, particularly in countries with a high prevalence of resistance to chloroquine and multiresistance. A previous study suggested that increased pfmdt or pftetQ copy number could be associated with a lower susceptibility to doxycycline.The first aim of this study was to validate the pre-established model involving these two molecular markers with other African isolates. The second was to evaluate these markers in P. falciparum isolates coming from a multiresistance area in Thaïland. The third was to investigate the eventual association between the polymorphism in genes encoding ribosomal rRNA and in vitro resistance to doxycycline.The results confirm that pfmdt or pftetQ copy numbers should be involved in in vitro susceptibility to doxycycline in African P. falciparum isolates. The results concerning the Thai isolates indicate that there is no correlation between the pfmdt and pftetQ genes copy numbers and the belonging to the high doxycycline IC50 phenotype; this implies that this mechanism of resistance is not enough by itself to explain resistance to doxycycline; it augurs that the resistance to doxycycline should be controlled by multiple genes, and that these genetic markers could be continent-dependent. The search for points of mutation in isolates from the different doxycycline IC50 phenotypic groups has not resulted with pfssrRNA. Other therapeutic targets are being considered to explain P. falciparum resistance to doxycycline.
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Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase From Plasmodium falciparum - Indigenous Vs ImportedDhanasekaran, S 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Role of human gamma-delta T lymphocytes in the instruction of the adaptive immune response against Plasmodium falciparum infection. / Rôle des lymphocytes T gamma delta dans l’induction de la réponse immunitaire adaptative dans un contexte d’infection par Plasmodium falciparum.Howard, Jennifer Ruth 16 July 2015 (has links)
Les phosphoantigènes (P-Ag) de P. falciparum (P.f.) induisent une forte activation et une expansion des lymphocytes T (LT) Vγ9Vδ2 par un mécanisme encore mal décrit. Les LT Vγ9Vδ2 actives inhibent le cycle sanguin de P. f. par des médiateurs cytotoxiques solubles, inhibant ainsi la capacité invasive des mérozoites. Il a été montre in vitro que des LT Vγ9Vδ2 activés par les P-Ag peuvent présenter des antigènes et activer les LT αβ, agissant ainsi comme des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APC). Cette fonction n’a cependant pas été démontrée dans un contexte physiopathologique. Le but de ce projet est i) d’étudier les mécanismes d’activation des LT Vγ9Vδ2 par les stades sanguins P. f. et ii) d’evaluer le potentiel APC des LT Vγ9Vδ2 stimules par P. f. Nous montrons que l’activation des LT Vγ9Vδ2 par des globules rouges parasites par P. f. (GRP) intacts ne dépend ni d’un contact cellulaire, ni de l’expression de butyrophiline par le GRP. Les LT Vγ9Vδ2 sont activés par des molécules contenues dans les surnageants de culture de GRP, ayant les caractéristiques de P-Ags et étant libérées lors de la rupture des GRP. In vitro, les LT Vγ9Vδ2 stimules par les GRP expriment des marqueurs de surface associés à un rôle d’APC et cross-présentent un antigène modèle à une lignée T CD8 spécifique. In vivo, nous montrons une expression augmentée des marqueurs APC à la surface de LT Vγ9Vδ2 de patients infectés par P. falciparum. L’ensemble de ces données suggèrent que les P-Ag libérés par les GRP dans le milieu extracellulaire pourraient activer les LT Vγ9Vδ2 à distance, et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives quant au rôle des LT Vγ9Vδ2 dans la réponse immunitaire adaptative anti-palustre. / P. falciparum derived phosphoantigens (P‐Ag) induce potent activation and expansion of Vγ9Vδ2 T-cells by a poorly described mechanism. Activated Vγ9Vδ2 T cells inhibit the Plasmodium falciparum blood cycle through soluble cytotoxic mediators, abrogating merozoite invasion capacity. In vitro, P-Ag activated Vγ9Vδ2 T lymphocytes have been shown to present antigens and induce αβ T lymphocyte responses, i.e. to act as an antigen presenting cell (APC). Whether this activity can be involved in a pathophysiological context is unknown. The aim of this PhD project is to a) investigate the mechanisms of Vγ9Vδ2 T cell activation by blood stage P. falciparum and b) assess the potential of P. falciparum activated Vγ9Vδ2 T cells to display APC functionality. We show that Vγ9Vδ2 T-cell activation by intact iRBCs is independent of iRBC contact and butyrophilin expression. Blood stage culture supernatants can potently activate Vγ9Vδ2 T-cells and bioactivity is found to be attributable to P-Ags released at the time of parasite egress from the RBC. In vitro iRBC stimulated Vγ9Vδ2 T cells up-regulate surface expression of APC associated markers and can cross-present a model antigen to specific CD8 T cell responders. In vivo we demonstrate an increase in surface expression of APC makers on Vγ9Vδ2 T cells from P. falciparum infected patients.Altogether, these data outline a framework whereby P‐Ag release by iRBC into extracellular milieu can promote activation of distant Vγ9Vδ2 T cells, and opens the door to a new aspect of Vγ9Vδ2 T cell contribution to P. falciparum adaptive immune responses.
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Análise de seqüências var de populações naturais de Plasmodium falciparum da Amazônia Brasileira / Analysis of var sequences from natural parasite populations of Plasmodium falciparum in the Brazilian AmazonKarin Kirchgatter 06 March 2002 (has links)
Os genes var de Plasmodium falciparum codificam a proteína PfEMP1 expressa na superfície de eritrócitos infectados e que medeia os fenômenos de citoaderência e \"rosetting\". Ambos os fenômenos estão diretamente associados à malária grave, e seu domínio mais N-terminal, DBL1alfa, media especificamente \"rosetting\". Análise de seqüências DBL1alfa de isolados brasileiros e de outros países revelou que a similaridade entre elas não pode predizer origem geográfica. Com o objetivo de determinar se existem seqüências DBL1alfa associadas à malária grave, analisamos as seqüências DBL1alfa expressas em parasitas obtidos de pacientes brasileiros com esta manifestação clínica e encontramos que as seqüências predominantemente expressas apresentavam uma ou duas deleções de cisteínas. Significativamente, apesar de freqüentes no genoma de parasitas de pacientes com malária não grave, essas seqüências foram raramente expressas. Esses dados demonstram a primeira associação de seqüências PfEMP1 expressas e malária grave em pacientes da Amazônia Brasileira. / Plasmodium falciparum var genes code for PfEMP1, a protein expressed on the surface of infected erythrocytes, and which mediates cytoadherence and rosetting. Both phenomena are directly associated with severe malaria and the most N-terminal domain, DBL1alfa, specifically mediates rosetting. DBL1alfa sequence analysis from Brazilian and worldwide isolates revealed that sequence similarities cannot predict geographical origin. To determine whether there are DBL1alfa sequences associated with severe malaria, we examined expressed var DBL1alfa sequences in patients with severe malaria from the Brazilian Amazon and found that the predominantly expressed DBL1alfa sequences from these parasites lacked 1-2 cysteine residues. Significantly, these sequences were amply found on the genomic repertoire of parasites from patients with mild malaria and yet they were rarely expressed. These data demonstrate the first association of particular PfEMP1 expressed sequences and severe malaria in patients from the Brazilian Amazon.
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Dimorfismo alélico na proteína de superfície MSP-6 de merozoítos de Plasmodium falciparum. / Allelic dimorphism in Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-6 (MSP-6).Rogério Lauria da Silva 29 August 2008 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de uma vacina contra malária causada por P. falciparum é prejudicado pelo alto nível de polimorfismo apresentado pelos antígenos desse parasito. O dimorfismo alélico é um padrão no qual os alelos observados de um gene se encontram divididos em duas famílias. A proteína dimórfica MSP-6 se associa à proteína MSP-1 (também dimórfica) na superfície do merozoíto. Genes de msp-6 de 21 isolados obtidos de pacientes do Brasil, mais 2 isolados da Tanzânia, África, foram seqüenciados para estudo da diversidade nucleotídica e distribuição geográfica dos alelos. As duas famílias possuem distribuição global. Não foi verificada associação entre o dimorfismo de MSP-1 e MSP-6. O gene ortólogo de msp-6 em P. reichenowi, grupo irmão de P. falciparum, foi seqüenciado para estudos evolutivos. Os alelos dimórficos de MSP-6 aparentam ter surgido de uma população ancestral polimórfica, tendo sido mantidos no presente por seleção balanceada. O alto grau de conservação encontrado dentro de cada família alélica torna MSP-6 um potencial alvo de uma vacina contra a malária. / The development of a vaccine against malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum has been hampered by the high level of antigen polymorphism exhibited by this parasite. Allelic dimorphism is a pattern in which every observed allele of a gene is clearly grouped into one of two families. The dimorphic protein MSP-6 forms a complex with MSP-1 (also dimorphic) on merozoite surface. The msp-6 genes were sequenced in isolates obtained from 21 patients from Brazil, plus 2 isolates from Tanzania, Africa, to study nucleotide diversity and geographic distribution of alleles. Both families are globally distributed. Moreover, no association was observed between the MSP-1 and MSP-6 allelic types. Orthologous gene of msp-6 in P. reichenowi, chimpanzee parasite and sister group of P. falciparum, was sequenced for evolutionary studies. Dimorphic alleles of MSP-6 seem to have originated from an ancestral polymorphic population and are maintained by balancing selection. The high degree of conservation observed within each allelic family makes MSP-6 an promising target for vaccine development.
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Papel das quinases PfPK7, PfNEK2, PfNEK3, PfMAP1 e PfelK1 na transdução de sinal de melatonina no desenvolvimento do ciclo celular intraeritrocítico de Plasmodium falciparum. / The role of the kinases PfPK7, PfNEK2, PfNEK3, PfMAP1 e PfeIK1 in signal transduction of melatonin in development of intraerytrocyte cell cycle of Plasmodium falciparum.Ramira Yuri Ribeiro 29 September 2010 (has links)
Estudamos o papel de quinases de Plasmodium na modulação, via derivados de triptofano, no ciclo celular do parasita. Foram realizadas análises com melatonina, N-acetilserotonina, triptamina e serotonina, avaliadas através de microscopia e citometria de fluxo. Parasitas deficientes para as proteínas PfNEK2, PfNEK3 e PfMAP1 apresentaram respostas similares ao parasita selvagem enquanto pfpk7- e pfeik1- não apresentaram resposta aos compostos indólicos. Estes dados sugerem envolvimento das quinases PfPK7 e PfeIK1 na transdução de sinal via compostos derivados de triptofano na modulação do ciclo intraeritrocítico em P. falciparum. Ensaios de medidas de cálcio intracelular mostraram que a ausência de pfpk7- leva a uma atenuação na liberação de cálcio promovida por melatonina, sugerindo que a ativação desta quinase é importante no aumento de cálcio citosólico. Estes resultados ampliaram a compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares que regulam resposta a melatonina. / We evaluated the role of Plasmodium kinases in the modulation, via tryptophan derivatives, of the parasite cell cycle. We performed analysis with melatonin, N-acetylserotonin, tryptamine and serotonin through blood smears and flow cytometry analyzes. Parasites deficient in the proteins PfNEK2, PfNEK3 and PfMAP1 showed similar responses to the wild type while pfpk7- e pfeik1- did not respond to the indolic compounds. This data suggest the involvement of the kinases PfPK7 and PfeIK1 in melatonin signal transduction for cell cycle modulation in P.falciparum. Intracellular calcium measurement assays showed that pfpk7- diminished the ability of melatonin to rise cytosolic calcium concentration, suggesting that this kinase is involved with cytosolic calcium increase. These results expand the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate melatonin-dependent cell cycle modulation.
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Fatores de Plasmodium falciparum envolvidos na fosforilação de eIF2α em resposta a melatonina. / Plasmodium falciparum factors involved in eIF2α phosphorylation in response to melatonin.Fahyme Costa da Silva Almeida 17 February 2016 (has links)
A malária é causada por parasitas Plasmodium falciparum, e embora vários aspectos ainda sejam desconhecidos, é sabido que a regulação do ciclo intraeritrocítico é crítica para a compreensão do ciclo celular e patogênese. A melatonina modula o ciclo de P. falciparum promovendo a sincronização, mas, o mecanismo de transdução de sinal é parcialmente caracterizado, envolvendo variações citosólicas de cálcio, AMPc e ativação da PKA. Modificações pós-traducionais participam na via de sinalização, e diversas proteínas quinase podem estar envolvidas na sinalização por melatonina. eIF2α fosforilado é capaz de ativar a tradução de mRNAs em resposta a situações desfavoráveis. O genoma de P. falciparum codifica três quinases cujo substrato é eIF2α: PfeIK1, PfeIK2 e PfPK4. Investigamos o papel da PfeIK1 na via de transdução de sinal de melatonina usando cepas nocaute para PfeIK1. Além disso, os efeitos de metabólitos da degradação do heme sobre a fosforilação de eIF2α. Sugerimos que o mecanismo de fosforilação e defosforilação de eIF2α possam ser relevantes para a resposta do parasita a hemina ou biliverdina. Nossos dados indicam a PfeIK1, juntamente com a PfK7 e PKA, como quinases-chaves no controle do desenvolvimento durante o ciclo intraeritrocítico. / Malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum parasites, and although some aspects are still unknown, its established that the intraerythrocytic cycle regulation is critic for understanding the cell cycle and pathogenesis of the parasite. Melatonin modulates the cycle of P. falciparum promoting synchronization; however, the signal transduction mechanism is partially characterized, and it contains cytosolic variations of calcium, AMPc and PKA activation. Post-translational modifications participate in this signal pathway, and several kinase proteins may be involved in melatonin signaling pathway. Phosphorylated eIF2α is able to activate mRNAs translation in stress conditions. The genome of P. falciparum encodes three kinases whose substrate is eIF2α: PfeIK1, PfeIK2 e PfPK4. We investigate the role of PfeIK1 in melatonin signaling pathway by using knockout strains for PfeIK1. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of heme degradation metabolities in eIF2α phosphorylation. We suggest that the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation mechanisms of eIF2α may be relevant for parasite response to heme and billiverdin. Our data indicates PfeIK1, PfK7 and PKA as key kinases for the development control during intraerythrocytic cycle.
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