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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Our Bodies Aren't Wonderlands : Disenchanting the MIS(sing)Representation of Women in Popular Music

McPeake, Zoe 11 September 2018 (has links)
Through an intersectional feminist lens using Critical Discourse Analysis, this thesis investigates the representations of four prominent women, their embodiments and their sexualities in the lyrics of their songs.


MICHELE ABREU VIVAS 31 May 2006 (has links)
[pt] O estudo focaliza o gênero Literatura Mulherzinha em tirinhas cômicas da série Mulheres Alteradas da cartunista argentina Maitena Inés Burundarena. Atualmente, especialmente a partir dos anos 90, muitas obras consideradas pela mídia como literatura de auto-ajuda das mulheres modernas vêm sendo publicadas. Do surgimento ao apogeu do Movimento Feminista na década de setenta é que encontramos o boom das publicações sobre o discurso feminino. Tratar das tirinhas da obra de Maitena nos possibilita fazer uma reflexão crítica sobre esse imaginário feminino que se torna cada vez mais popular. Com os pressupostos teóricos do discurso de opinião e a partir de uma abordagem de leitura como prática social procuro articular como se dão as leituras deste gênero, representado pelas tiras de Maitena. A leitura e interpretação das tirinhas é realizada, também, em uma relação dialógica com as teorias sobre gênero/sexo e a lingüística feminista. Os resultados apontam para diversas feminilidades em conflito nas tirinhas de Maitena, que se apresentam ora nos parâmetros das teorias essencialistas, ora nas construcionistas. É interessante perceber que Maitena aponta para tais feminilidades, em grande parte, a partir de recursos de indiretividade que acionam o deboche, a dissimulação e a ironia em seu discurso de opinião através do humor em suas Mulheres Alteradas. / [en] The study focuses the literary gender Chick Lit in comic strips series Women on the Edge by the Argentinean cartoonist Maitena Inés Burundarena. Nowadays, especially since the 90s, a lot of literary writings, considered by the media as literature of the modern women`s self-help, have been published. Since the appearance to the acme of the Feminist Movement in the decade of the seventies we can see the boom of publications on the feminine discourse. Discussing the strips of Maitena`s work it gives us the possibility to carry out a critical reflection on that feminine imaginary which becomes more and more popular. From the theoretical presumptions of the opinion discourse and starting from a reading approach, as social practice, I try to articulate, as the readings of this gender happen, presented by Maitena`s comic strips. The reading and interpretation of the strips is also done in a discourse relationship with the theories on gender /sex and the feminist linguistics. The results show us several aspects of the female universe in conflict, which we can be seen in Maitena`s strips, sometimes they are shown as parameters of the existentialist theories, sometimes as constructionists. It is interesting to notice that Maitena points out such femininities, mainly, based on resources of indirect approaches that awaken the mock, the dissimulation and irony in her opinion discourse through the humors in Women on the Edge. / [es] El estudio enfoca el género Literatura Mujercita en cómics de la serie Mujeres Alteradas de la humorista gráfica argentina Maitena Inés Burundarena. Actualmente, especialmente a partir de los años 90, muchas obras consideradas por la midia como literatura de autoayuda de las mujeres modernas están siendo publicadas. Del surgimiento al apogeo del Movimiento Feminista en la década de setenta es que encontramos el boom de las publicaciones sobre el discurso femenino. Tratar de los comics de la obra de Maitena nos posibilita hacer una reflexión crítica sobre ese imaginario femenino que se torna cada vez más popular. Con los presupuestos teóricos del discurso de opinión y a partir de un abordaje de lectura como práctica social procuro articular como se dan las lecturas de este género, representado por los cómics de Maitena. La lectura e interpretación de los cómics se realizan, también, en una relación dialógica con las teorías sobre género/sexo y la lingüística feminista. Los resultados señalan para diversas feminidades en conflicto en los cómics de Maitena, que se presentan unas veces en los parámetros de las teorías esencialitas, otras en las construccionistas. Es interesante percibir que Maitena señala para tales feminidades, en gran parte, a partir de recursos indirectos que accionan el escarnio, la disimulación y la ironía en su discurso de opinión a través del humor en sus Mujeres Alteradas.

The representation of male and female celebrities on e+ Magazine covers and how it might influence teenagers living in the UAE

Madlela, Khulekani 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how male and female celebrities are represented on the 24 covers of e+, a weekly entertainment magazine that was published by Dubai-based Al Nisr Publishing. This cross-sectional, exploratory study used a qualitative visual semiotic analysis and quantitative content analysis to examine how male and female celebrities are constructed and represented on covers published between October 2010 and September 2011. In addition, the study explored whether the myths and ideologies found on the covers made an impression on the perceptions and tastes of teenagers living in the UAE. A subsequent self-administered questionnaire was completed by 30 teenagers living in the UAE aged between 16 and 19 with the purpose of determining how teenagers experienced representations of celebrities. Furthermore, to gain a deeper understanding of how teenagers experienced celebrity culture, three focus-group interviews, each comprising of six participants, are conducted. The study found that both male and female celebrities were represented in gender stereotypical roles. Results showed that male celebrities were represented as active, strong, decisive and dominant. Male celebrities were associated with success, fast cars and dangerous weapons. On the other hand, female celebrities were predominantly represented as submissive. The representations of female celebrities focused on beauty and fashion. The survey and focus-group results revealed that celebrity culture does have an influence on teenagers. Participants reported that they bought products that they saw celebrities wearing or using, emulated the celebrities’ behaviour and copied hairstyles and make-up looks. However, the study found that, in addition to celebrity culture, teenagers’ perceptions are also shaped by their peers, parents and other people they interact with such as teachers. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication Science)

Home of the Japanese Heart : Socio-historical Contextualization of Gender Politics, Commodity Animism and Super State-Nationalism of Japanese Modernity through the Indigenous Faith

Crown, Juno January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to contextualize gender politics, nationalism, and animism as interconnected cultural patterns reflecting 19th century acculturation and post-WWII national reconstruction of Japan. In particular, state-nationalism, hegemonic femininity, commodity animism, uniform fetishsm, and power structure are analyzed through the symbolisms and discourse of the Japanese indigenous faith: Shinto, female practitioners, and followers. There are two points of ideological and linguistic rupture in modern Japan: late-19th century and mid-20th century, in which a large part of this thesis is dedicated to for a holistic contextualization in accordance to historical narrative and events. Materials for this thesis were collected through three separate occasions of field research: winter of 2016 to 2017, summer of 2017, and the spring of 2018 where participant- observation, semi-structured interviews across different platforms, internet ethnography, and archival data analysis were combined. The thesis is separated into three parts: super state- nationalism, gender politics, and commodity animism, and each chapter has its own thematic focus for analysis while the ideological shifts are explained largely based on Ideological State Apparatus and subjectivity. The development of the several thousand year old faith is the preoccupation of this thesis in an attempt to interpret the collective identities, tendencies, and patterns of Japanese modernity.

Žena Bible ve spektru civilizací : Role ženy pohledem českých křesťanek / Woman of the Bible in the Spectrum of Civilizations - How Czech Christian Women View Womanhood

WINSTED, Margareta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns scientific, philosophical and religious views of womanhood. Its main focus is the nature of biblical womanhood, based on the papal apostolic letter Mulieris dignitatem and contemporary studies of American biblists, concerning biblical manhood and womanhood. The practical section consists of qualitative research among Czech Christian women. It examines how Christian women view their role and practically implement principles of biblical womanhood in their family, society and church. The aim of this thesis is not to evaluate controversial issues, such as women?s ordination, homosexuality, or other questions regarding womanhood. Nevertheless, it seeks to explore biblical womanhood in practice, as well as the concerns and struggles of real Christian women. Of no less importance, this research tries to identify how Christian women, who are a minority in the Czech Republic, develop their views on biblical womanhood, the sources from which they draw, as well as the models, which influence them.

”Appearance, det är det enda som gäller” : Personliga tränares uppfattningar om olika kroppar och kroppsideal i gymkontext / “Appearance, that’s the only thing that applies”: : personal trainers’ perceptions of different bodies and body ideals in gym context

Lundin, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Personliga tränare (PT) har en nyckelfunktion på gymmet, i och med sin uppgift att guida klienter till en bättre fysik och hälsa. Många gymutövare har PT som förebild både vad gäller hälsa och kroppsligt utseende. På gymmet finns dock en problematik med förekomst och reproducering av genuskodade kroppsideal, vilket bland annat kan bidra till ohälsosamma kost- och träningsbeteenden. Syftet med studien är att utforska vilka kroppar och kroppsideal i gymkontext som synliggörs i personliga tränares diskussioner. Vidare är syftet att belysa om och i så fall på vilket sätt maskuliniteter och femininiteter framträder i personliga tränares diskussioner om kroppar och kroppsideal. Totalt medverkade 19 PT i sju fokusgruppsintervjuer, som analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en abduktiv ansats. Connells teoretiska begrepp hegemonisk maskulinitet och betonad femininitet samt Bauman och Mays perspektiv kring kropp användes under analysprocessen. Resultatet visade att PT talar om den perfekta kroppen, den överdrivna fitnesskroppen, den extremt magra kvinnokroppen och den feta kroppen. I PTs diskussioner går att utläsa hur den perfekta kroppen värderades högre än de andra kropparna, genom deras beskrivningar av övriga kroppar i negativa och nedlåtande ordalag. De övriga kropparna ansågs avvikande både vad gäller utseende och hälsa. Den perfekta kroppen kan därför tolkas stå för den hegemoniska maskuliniteten och betonade femininiteten, genom sin överordnade position på gymmet. Konsekvensen av denna kroppshierarki kan bli att klienter som inte har kroppar som anses ideala, kan uppleva sig exkluderade från gymarenan.


LUCIANE GARCIA MOREIRA 30 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] Esse estudo pretende analisar a imprensa feminina brasileira na década de 1960. Para tanto escolhemos concentrar-nos na coluna Em dia com a moda, veiculada na revista A Cigarra entre outubro de 1963 e junho de 1968. Com base na análise das cinquenta e sete edições da coluna, procuramos destacar como, aliado a um conjunto de características próprias da jornalista Walda Menezes, se formou um discurso capaz de difundir conceitos relacionados aos anos 60, como o culto à juventude, nova exposição do corpo através da moda e liberação sexual. Mais do que relacionar as transformações exemplificadas nas imagens publicadas n A Cigarra, importou-nos articular uma relação entre o final do século XIX e a década em questão, dois momentos em que os papeis femininos foram questionados. Passando pela representação da feminilidade no Brasil Colonial, chegamos à sua representação nas páginas de A Cigarra, para investigar de que maneira se cria identificação ou não entre a leitora e a publicação. / [en] This study aims to analyse the Brazilian women s press in the 1960s. We chose to concentrate on the column Keeping up with fashion, conveyed in A Cigarra magazine between October 1963 and June 1968. Based on the analysis of the fifty-seven editions of the column, we observe how, under the influence of journalist Walda Menezes, a new speech was formed, capable of spreading the concepts related to the 60 s, as the cult of youth, the new way of exhibiting the body through fashion and sexual liberation. Rather than report the changes depicted in images published in A Cigarra, we chose to portray a relationship between the late nineteenth century and the decade in question, two periods of time when the female roles were under scrutiny. Through the image of femininity in colonial Brazil, we came to their image in the pages of A Cigarra, to investigate how identity is created or not between reader and publication.

Tecnologias do lar e pedagogias de gênero: representações da “dona de casa ideal” na revista Casa & Jardim (anos 1950 e 1960)

Padilha, Ana Caroline de Bassi 28 February 2014 (has links)
CAPES / Neste trabalho, temos como objetivo investigar as associações entre tecnologias domésticas e tipos de feminilidades na revista Casa & Jardim como mídia de pedagogias de gênero. O recorte de estudo tem como foco os discursos textuais e imagéticos sobre tecnologias do lar veiculados na revista Casa & Jardim durante as décadas de 1950 e 1960. Neste período, as revistas direcionadas para públicos femininos buscavam criar uma identificação das mulheres com o espaço e o consumo domésticos, apresentando as tecnologias do lar, especialmente os eletrodomésticos, como recursos capazes de garantir o conforto doméstico, facilitando as rotinas das donas de casa e proporcionando maior bem-estar às famílias. Neste registro, as tecnologias do lar tanto favoreciam quanto glamourizavam as atividades cotidianas. Contudo, em paralelo, os padrões de limpeza, organização e administração do lar também tornaram-se significativamente mais exigentes. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza interpretativa, visamos compreender como eram configuradas as representações da “dona de casa ideal” na revista Casa & Jardim. Percebemos que, nos discursos do periódico, as tecnologias do lar assumiram um papel importante na construção de expectativas sociais acerca das práticas de consumo das donas de casa das camadas médias, cuja identidade social estava estreitamente vinculada às imagens de esposa e mãe. / This paper proposes to investigate the associations between domestic technologies and types of femininity in the magazine Casa & Jardim (House & Garden) as gender pedagogies media. The outline of the study focuses the discourses of textual and image about domestic technologies in the magazine Casa & Jardim during the 1950s and 1960s. In this context, the magazines aimed at female audiences sought to create an identification of women with space and domestic consumption, presenting the home technologies, especially appliances, as resources that could ensure domestic comfort, facilitating the daily routines of housewives and providing more welfare families. In this record, the household technologies both favored as charmed everyday activities. However, in parallel, the standards of cleanliness and organization of homes also become significantly more demanding. From a qualitative interpretative approach, will understand how they were configured representations of "ideal housewife" in the magazine Casa & Jardim. We point out that the discourses in the magazine of the household technologies played an important role in the generated expectations regarding the middle class modern housewife role, whose social identity was closely tied to images of wife and mother.

Tecnologias do lar e pedagogias de gênero: representações da “dona de casa ideal” na revista Casa & Jardim (anos 1950 e 1960)

Padilha, Ana Caroline de Bassi 28 February 2014 (has links)
CAPES / Neste trabalho, temos como objetivo investigar as associações entre tecnologias domésticas e tipos de feminilidades na revista Casa & Jardim como mídia de pedagogias de gênero. O recorte de estudo tem como foco os discursos textuais e imagéticos sobre tecnologias do lar veiculados na revista Casa & Jardim durante as décadas de 1950 e 1960. Neste período, as revistas direcionadas para públicos femininos buscavam criar uma identificação das mulheres com o espaço e o consumo domésticos, apresentando as tecnologias do lar, especialmente os eletrodomésticos, como recursos capazes de garantir o conforto doméstico, facilitando as rotinas das donas de casa e proporcionando maior bem-estar às famílias. Neste registro, as tecnologias do lar tanto favoreciam quanto glamourizavam as atividades cotidianas. Contudo, em paralelo, os padrões de limpeza, organização e administração do lar também tornaram-se significativamente mais exigentes. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza interpretativa, visamos compreender como eram configuradas as representações da “dona de casa ideal” na revista Casa & Jardim. Percebemos que, nos discursos do periódico, as tecnologias do lar assumiram um papel importante na construção de expectativas sociais acerca das práticas de consumo das donas de casa das camadas médias, cuja identidade social estava estreitamente vinculada às imagens de esposa e mãe. / This paper proposes to investigate the associations between domestic technologies and types of femininity in the magazine Casa & Jardim (House & Garden) as gender pedagogies media. The outline of the study focuses the discourses of textual and image about domestic technologies in the magazine Casa & Jardim during the 1950s and 1960s. In this context, the magazines aimed at female audiences sought to create an identification of women with space and domestic consumption, presenting the home technologies, especially appliances, as resources that could ensure domestic comfort, facilitating the daily routines of housewives and providing more welfare families. In this record, the household technologies both favored as charmed everyday activities. However, in parallel, the standards of cleanliness and organization of homes also become significantly more demanding. From a qualitative interpretative approach, will understand how they were configured representations of "ideal housewife" in the magazine Casa & Jardim. We point out that the discourses in the magazine of the household technologies played an important role in the generated expectations regarding the middle class modern housewife role, whose social identity was closely tied to images of wife and mother.

Kognitivní predispozice dané mírou maskulinity a femininity mozku / Cognitive predispositions affected by degree of brain masculinity and femininity

PIXA, David January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with gender-related differences of cognitive predispositions. Findings could be utilized predominantly in human resource management, pedagogy and psychology. The research was proceeded as a case study of 45 undergraduate students. Individual degree of masculinity/femininity (gender) was indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), while cognitive preferences were measured and described by Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI). Another data were obtained by means of qualitative research methods, such as participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Besides, in general features were surveyed hand-lateral-preference, professional orientation and attention capability. All probands were divided into 6 categories according to gender and degree of MF. Synthesis of MMPI and HBDI results showed significant congruence between the gender-categories and a dominant preference of the HBDI{\crq}s cognitive styles: Masculine men {--} a dominant preference of A-mode (analytical thinking). Feminine men {--} a dominant preference of D-mode (imaginative thinking). Masculine women {--} a dominant preference of B-mode (sequential thinking). Feminine women {--} a dominant preference of C-mode (interpersonal thinking). This findings were in accordance with a professional orientation of the probands (regardless of the field of study they have choosen). Right-brain dominant students (mostly feminine men) were not well-adjusted to a classical passive teaching metods.

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