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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bild och begrepp : Heideggers läsning av Kant ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv / Image and indication : Heidegger's reading of Kant from a phenomenological perspective

Franzén, Nils January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores some key aspects of early Heidegger’s interpretations of Kant from a phenomenological perspective. In general terms, it analyzes Heidegger’s claim that Kant’s faculties share a common root in the transcendental imagination, as a critical development of motives found in Husserl’s phenomenology. More precisely, the thesis argues that the motive for deriving Kant’s first faculty, intuition, from the synthesis of imagination can be understood as an attempt to account for the receptivity of a finite subject, without yielding to a causal description of sensibility. Phenomenology shares this problem with Kant’s critical philosophy. Concerning the claim that the second faculty, understanding, originates from the transcendental imagination, Heidegger connects it to his ambition of liberating Kant from a Cartesian heritage, where understanding is conceived as an independent faculty, disconnected from time and sensibility. The thesis explores this motive in relation to Husserl’s claim that the independent use of understanding in the forming of judgments and concepts –is derived from its function in the service of intuition. The belonging together of intuition and understanding is a core aspect of phenomenology, present from its breakthrough in Husserl’s Logical Investigations to his last writings in The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. A general ambition of the thesis is, through a reading of Heidegger’s interpretations of Kant, to shed some light on this fact, and hopefully thereby – at least to some extent – to deepen our understanding of the phenomenological project as such.       Although the thesis’ primary concern is not polemical, on some occasions it criticizes other interpreters of Heidegger’s relation to Kant for neglecting or wholly rejecting the phenomenological point of departure of Heidegger’s interpretations.

Att stimulera elevernas intresse för filosofi : en studie inom PBL-undervisning

Kurmanbayeva, Nuriya January 2005 (has links)
Ämnesdidaktiken kräver kunnande i både ämne och pedagogik och en god förankring i praktisk verklighet. Varför, hur och vad brukar betecknas som de grundläggande didaktiska frågorna. Varför skall man lära sig filosofi? Hur - Vilka alternativa undervisningsstrategier finns? Vilka viktiga vägval ställs filosofiläraren inför? Hur stimulerar man elevernas intresse för ämnet filosofi? Hur väljer man ut ur filosofins stora skattkammare, ett stoff för undervisning i ämnet? Syftet med denna uppsats är diskutera de didaktiska frågorna i filosofiämnet utifrån ”Hur-frågan”. genomföra arbetsformer inom det problembaserade lärandet under ämnesblocket ”Etiska frågor”. analysera hur elevernas intresse för filosofi stimuleras och eventuella negativa attityder till ämnet förändras inom det problembaserade lärandet. / Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn först till "Nilel" och sedan till "Högman".

Foregrounding Background Theories in Wide Reflective Equilibrium / Bakgrundsteorier i brett reflektivit ekvilibrium i förgrunden

Blomberg, Olle January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with two species of a very well known and popular method of moral justification called the method of reflective equilibrium. These two species are narrow and wide reflective equilibrium (NRE/WRE). More specifically, the thesis looks at the roles so called background theories are expected to play in WRE. The use of background theories distinguishes WRE from NRE. Whether background theories can fulfil all these roles, and whether these roles are needed at all, is discussed. One conclusion is that whether WRE is preferable to NRE or not, depends to large degree on how the key concept of coherence is understood. Given a common understanding of coherence as something thicker than mere logical consistency though, WRE is clearly preferable to NRE as a method of justification.</p> / <p>Uppsatsen tar upp två varianter av en metod för rättfärdigande av moralteorier kallad reflektivt ekvilibrium-metoden. Dessa varianter är VPDOW respektive EUHWW reflektivt ekvilibrium. Framför allt undersöks den roll så kallade bakgrundsteorier förväntas spela i brett reflektivt ekvilibrium. Användning av bakgrundsteorier skiljer brett reflektivt ekvilibrium från smalt reflektivt ekvilibrium. Om bakgrundsteorier kan uppfylla alla de förväntningar som ställs på dem, samt om dessa förväntningar verkligen behöver uppfyllas, diskuteras. En slutsats är att huruvida brett eller smalt reflektivt ekvilibrium är att föredra är starkt kopplat till vilken förståelse av begreppet koherens som företräds. Givet en vanlig uppfattning av koherens som något fylligare än endast motsägelsefrihet så är dock brett reflektivt ekvilibrium att föredra.</p>

Foregrounding Background Theories in Wide Reflective Equilibrium / Bakgrundsteorier i brett reflektivit ekvilibrium i förgrunden

Blomberg, Olle January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with two species of a very well known and popular method of moral justification called the method of reflective equilibrium. These two species are narrow and wide reflective equilibrium (NRE/WRE). More specifically, the thesis looks at the roles so called background theories are expected to play in WRE. The use of background theories distinguishes WRE from NRE. Whether background theories can fulfil all these roles, and whether these roles are needed at all, is discussed. One conclusion is that whether WRE is preferable to NRE or not, depends to large degree on how the key concept of coherence is understood. Given a common understanding of coherence as something thicker than mere logical consistency though, WRE is clearly preferable to NRE as a method of justification. / Uppsatsen tar upp två varianter av en metod för rättfärdigande av moralteorier kallad reflektivt ekvilibrium-metoden. Dessa varianter är VPDOW respektive EUHWW reflektivt ekvilibrium. Framför allt undersöks den roll så kallade bakgrundsteorier förväntas spela i brett reflektivt ekvilibrium. Användning av bakgrundsteorier skiljer brett reflektivt ekvilibrium från smalt reflektivt ekvilibrium. Om bakgrundsteorier kan uppfylla alla de förväntningar som ställs på dem, samt om dessa förväntningar verkligen behöver uppfyllas, diskuteras. En slutsats är att huruvida brett eller smalt reflektivt ekvilibrium är att föredra är starkt kopplat till vilken förståelse av begreppet koherens som företräds. Givet en vanlig uppfattning av koherens som något fylligare än endast motsägelsefrihet så är dock brett reflektivt ekvilibrium att föredra.

The Concepts of Health, Well-being and Welfare as Applied to Animals : A Philosophical Analysis of the Concepts with the Regard to the Differences Between Animals / Begreppen hälsa, välbefinnande och välfärd tillämpade på djur : En filosofisk analys av begreppen med hänsyn tagen till variationer bland djur

Lerner, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is an analysis of the use and definition of the concepts health, well-being and welfare within the field called “the science of animal health and welfare”. The materials used are a literature survey of the field, qualitative interviews with Swedish veterinary surgeons and a study of the concepts in legislation concerning animals in England, Germany and Sweden. The main emphasis has been on theoretical definitions explicitly stated in the different texts or in the interviews. Two ways of distinguishing between animals are used: according to species and according to the role that animals have for humans. As a result it becomes salient whether the definitions have limits with regard to species or role. In the thesis a great number of definitions of the three concepts are interpreted, compared and criticised. As a result a limited number of definitions have been categorised and collected into clusters which fulfil minimal requirements of consistency and practicability. The analysis supports the use of all three concepts – health, well-being and welfare – since they are all needed for making crucial distinctions in the science of animal health and welfare.

Intellectual Property Rights : A Barricade to Technological Development. An Ethical Analysis on the Less Developed Countries

Ahamadu, Ibrahim January 2003 (has links)
<p>Debate over Intellectual Property Rights ‘IPRs’ particularly patent and copyrights is mainly on forward-looking industries in computer software. As part of a trade deal reached in 1994, the member nations of the World Trade Organisation must adhere to a global agreement known as TRIPS, for the Trade- Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights.</p><p>This study is to analyse the ethical conception of Intellectual Property Rights and in particular its implications on the developing countries in relation to TRIPS. The approach will be to analyse a broad philosophical theories of property to see if there is any justification for a software program to be treated as private property and also argue base on John Rawls two principles of justice in relation to TRIPS Agreement. Some reflections will be put on the use of open-source software by less developing countries.</p><p>From the study it was asserted that, strong IPRs protection would hinder technological transfer and indigenous learning activities in the early stage of industrialisation when learning takes place through reverse engineering. And policy makers should consider differentiation in terms of the level of economic and industrial development, if protection and enforcement of IPRs is intended to enhance technological development.</p>

Informationssökningsprocess på Internet i studiesituationer

Dzonlic, Muris January 2010 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen presenterar hur högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen (killar respektive tjejer) hanterar informationssökning och källkritik på Internet i samband med studier. Syftet med studien är att se skillnader och likheter i tre sökaspekter (informationsbehov, sökstrategi och källkritik). Sedan vill jag se hur tre sökaspekter används av båda könen bland högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever. Undersökningen är en både kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie. Det kvantitativa inslaget bygger på enkätfrågor och öppna frågor medan det kvalitativa inkluderar intervjufrågor. Teoretisk referensram består av litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar som ger teoretiskt stöd åt ett operationaliseringsschema och ger grund åt hela studien. Studien begränsas till högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen som går medieinriktade studier, oberoende av årskursnivå. Ett oväntat resultat som studien visade är, att både högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen tittar mest på sina träffar ”Till mitten pålistan”. I studien upptäcktes att högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen har kunskap om källkritik, men det stora problemet hos båda grupperna är ”Tidsbrist” och ”Har inte lust”, så att de undviker granska källor på Internet. Högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen är medvetna om konsekvenserna som kan uppstå om de inte kritisk granskar källor på Internet. Det sökmönster som högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen använder är att de först söker med bred sökning och sedan med smal sökning. Deras val av sökverktyg är ”Google” och de söker mest med sökord.</p>

Ecofeminism and Environmental Ethics

Kronlid, David January 2003 (has links)
<p>This study focuses on ecofeminist ethical theory. A first aim is to clarify ecofeminist views on five central issues in the field of environmental ethics. These issues are: (1) Views of nature, (2) social constructivism and nature, (3) values of nature, (4) ethical contextualism, and (5) ethical pluralism. A second aim is to compare ecofeminist standpoints with certain standpoints within nonfeminist environmental ethical theory. A third aim is to critically discuss some of the main standpoints in ecofeminism. The analysis focuses on the works of Karen Warren, Sallie McFague, Chris Cuomo, and Carolyn Merchant. Other important sources are the environmental philosophers and ethicists J. Baird Callicott, Paul Taylor, Irene Klaver, Bryan G. Norton, Christopher Stone, Eugene Hargrove, Holmes Rolston III, Per Ariansen, Don E. Marietta, and Bruno Latour.</p><p>The result of this study is that there are no main differences between ecofeminism and nonfeminist environmental ethics regarding the main standpoints on the five issues. Rather, the significant differences are found within these main standpoints. In addition, one important characteristic of ecofeminist ethics is its "double nature," that is, the fact that it is rooted in feminism and environmentalism. The double nature of ecofeminism results in a foundation out of which ecofeminism as an environmental philosophy has a unique potential to handle some of the theoretical tensions that environmental ethics creates.</p><p>From the perspective that environmental problems consist of complex clusters of natureculture- discourse and that environmental ethical theory ought to be action guiding, it is argued that ecofeminist ethical theory has an advantage compared to nonfeminist environmental ethics. This standpoint is explained by the fact that ecofeminism holds a variety of views of nature, kinds of social constructivism and contextualism, and conceptions of values and of the self, and from the presumption that this variety reflects the reality of environmental problems. However, in order for ecofeminist ethical theory to fulfill its promise as an acceptable environmental ethical theory, its theoretical standpoints ought to be explicated and further clarified.</p>

Ecofeminism and Environmental Ethics

Kronlid, David January 2003 (has links)
This study focuses on ecofeminist ethical theory. A first aim is to clarify ecofeminist views on five central issues in the field of environmental ethics. These issues are: (1) Views of nature, (2) social constructivism and nature, (3) values of nature, (4) ethical contextualism, and (5) ethical pluralism. A second aim is to compare ecofeminist standpoints with certain standpoints within nonfeminist environmental ethical theory. A third aim is to critically discuss some of the main standpoints in ecofeminism. The analysis focuses on the works of Karen Warren, Sallie McFague, Chris Cuomo, and Carolyn Merchant. Other important sources are the environmental philosophers and ethicists J. Baird Callicott, Paul Taylor, Irene Klaver, Bryan G. Norton, Christopher Stone, Eugene Hargrove, Holmes Rolston III, Per Ariansen, Don E. Marietta, and Bruno Latour. The result of this study is that there are no main differences between ecofeminism and nonfeminist environmental ethics regarding the main standpoints on the five issues. Rather, the significant differences are found within these main standpoints. In addition, one important characteristic of ecofeminist ethics is its "double nature," that is, the fact that it is rooted in feminism and environmentalism. The double nature of ecofeminism results in a foundation out of which ecofeminism as an environmental philosophy has a unique potential to handle some of the theoretical tensions that environmental ethics creates. From the perspective that environmental problems consist of complex clusters of natureculture- discourse and that environmental ethical theory ought to be action guiding, it is argued that ecofeminist ethical theory has an advantage compared to nonfeminist environmental ethics. This standpoint is explained by the fact that ecofeminism holds a variety of views of nature, kinds of social constructivism and contextualism, and conceptions of values and of the self, and from the presumption that this variety reflects the reality of environmental problems. However, in order for ecofeminist ethical theory to fulfill its promise as an acceptable environmental ethical theory, its theoretical standpoints ought to be explicated and further clarified.

Intellectual Property Rights : A Barricade to Technological Development. An Ethical Analysis on the Less Developed Countries

Ahamadu, Ibrahim January 2003 (has links)
Debate over Intellectual Property Rights ‘IPRs’ particularly patent and copyrights is mainly on forward-looking industries in computer software. As part of a trade deal reached in 1994, the member nations of the World Trade Organisation must adhere to a global agreement known as TRIPS, for the Trade- Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights. This study is to analyse the ethical conception of Intellectual Property Rights and in particular its implications on the developing countries in relation to TRIPS. The approach will be to analyse a broad philosophical theories of property to see if there is any justification for a software program to be treated as private property and also argue base on John Rawls two principles of justice in relation to TRIPS Agreement. Some reflections will be put on the use of open-source software by less developing countries. From the study it was asserted that, strong IPRs protection would hinder technological transfer and indigenous learning activities in the early stage of industrialisation when learning takes place through reverse engineering. And policy makers should consider differentiation in terms of the level of economic and industrial development, if protection and enforcement of IPRs is intended to enhance technological development.

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