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Chick Lit och Existentialismen. : En undersökning kring Chick Lit -hjältinnan / Chick Lit and existentialism. : A study concerning the Chick Lit -heroineBoyd, Emilie January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to try and bring clarity to the question, what is Chick Lit and which factors make it so popular. My thesis endeavors to explain that it is not only the promise of light entertainment that draws the reader, but also the possibility that in an easy way they can read about existential questions such as self-development and life -choices. As well as mapping out Chick Lit´s specific characteristics, followed by previous research on the subject and the litterateur’s history, I have found it interesting to discuss the female characters, their personalities and life choice’s against a backdrop of existentialistic philosophy. In my research of this form of literateur I have discovered that chick lit often deals with existential universal problems, and that in order to be entertaining these books must contain a serious element.
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Sekretesslagen 7 kap. 16§. En rättsfallsstudieEriksson, Birgitta January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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I huvudet på Garibaldi : En studie kring skildringen av Garibaldi i biografier / In the head of Garibaldi : A study about the portrayal of Garibaldi in biographiesJonsson, Cristoffer January 2010 (has links)
This essay is called In the head of Garibaldi – a study about the portrayal of Garibaldi in biographies and focuses on the literary portrayal of Garibaldi in biographies published in the early 20th century and the early 21st century. The purpose of the essay is to describe the possible changes in the way of portraying Garibaldi in biographies and compare the portraying to the portrayal of Garibaldi that Garibaldi himself gives in the American translation of his memoirs, which were published in New York 1859.I have in this study used a constructivist approach with focus on the attributes, ideals and roles of Garibaldi. Research and thoughts from a wide field of science has been used, for example the works on nationalism by Elie Kedourie and Ernest Gellner. The thoughts on biographies as a scientific genre as described in the anthologies Att skriva människan (Ambjörnsson, Ringby & Åkerman red.) and Med livet som insats (Rosengren & Östling red.) has also been of the utmost importance of the study.The results of the study shows that there has been changes in the way of portraying Garibaldi in biographies, as showed in the more unbiased portrayals in the newer biographies. A larger focus on criticism of the sources is also apparent in the newer biographies. In a comparison between the biographies and Garibaldi‟s memoirs it stands clear that the memoirs and the biographies portrays and depicts the myth of Garibaldi, with more or less focus on fiction.
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Ett förslag till undervisning i etik på teknikprogrammetLundmark, Thomas January 2018 (has links)
De elever som väljer teknikprogrammet i sina gymnasieval ska enligt läroplanen ges en utbildning som bygger på ett etiskt och ansvarsfullt förhållningssätt till teknik och teknikutveckling. Detta ska säkerställas genom att lärarna behandlar det kunskapsinnehåll som berör etik i de olika kursplanerna inom teknikprogrammet. Men både egna erfarenheter samt forskning på området indikerar att så inte är fallet i många av Sveriges gymnasieskolor. Detta tycks dels ha sin grund i en upplevd okunskap om etik hos tekniklärarna och dels i en nästan total brist på undervisningsunderlag, exempelvis i form av kursböcker med relevant innehåll. I ett försök att hitta en möjlig väg att som tekniklärare ta sig an det nämnda kunskapsinnehållet så har jag utforskat dialogbaserad undervisning tillsammans med ett utforskande förhållningssätt till etik. Effekten av denna undervisning har sedan utvärderats genom två skriftliga prov. Ett inledande diagnostiskt prov och ett prov vid momentets slut. Samtliga resultat visar också att denna kombination av pedagogisk metod och syn på etik ger en positiv utveckling för eleverna i deras kunskaper att kunna identifiera, samt resonera kring, etiska dilemman.
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Att förstå och leva i ett samhälle präglat av mångfald : Tre filosofiska perspektiv på valda delar av ämnesplanen i religionskunskapNyberg, Linn January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att, genom en komparativ ideologianalys, analysera tre valda filosofiska modeller och uttolka vilka implikationer dessa kan ha vad gäller religionsämnets syftesbeskrivning ur LGY11; att eleverna ska "förstå och leva i ett samhälle präglat av mångfald." Studien syftar inte till att argumentera för någon specifik modell. De modeller som analyserats är hämtade ur verk författade av Charles Taylor, Seyla Benhabib samt Martha Nussbaum. Analysen påvisade såväl skillnader som likheter mellan de olika modellerna. Analysen påvisade att kristendomens särställning som "förvaltare av den svenska värdegrunden" kan vara en problematisk aspekt av läroplanen då kristendomen kan tas som neutral, objektiv eller tolkas som innehållande en "god" essentiell kärna. Ett annat resultat vilket uttolkades av de analyserade modellerna var att förståelse för de andra, måste föregås av en kritisk granskning av, eller medvetenhet om, den egna utgångspunkten. Detta tolkades som ytterst relevant i en religionsundervisning vilken syftar till att uppnå förståelse för mångfald
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Gåvan 2.0 : En museologisk studie av förmålsdonationer och dess bakomliggande motivFjellström, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
The Gift 2.0 - A Museological Study of donations of Objects and its Underlying Motives, is a study in order to explain why people choose to donate items for museums, rather than any other alternative.The empirical study consists of qualitative, semi-structured research-interviews conducted with seven selected curators from various museums, with extensive experience of the subject acquisition. I have chosen to only examine Swedish cultural-historical museums. The hypothesis that I assumed was first and foremost that the heritage sphere is what Pierre Bourdieu calls a field. The reason that people would donate objects to museums, is that the donation itself brings cultural capital to the donor, from people with the same habitus. Since I felt that Bourdieus theory of field, capital and habitus could not explain all the reason why people donate items to museum, my second hypotheses was that certain objects are what Annette Weiner called inalienable possessions, objects that at any cost may not be sold or bartered away. It is precisely the ability to keep the object outside of the commercial sphere that is the essential for an inalienable possession. Linked to this hypothesis I argued that museums act like a bastion of inalienable possessions, in which the donor can continue to keep the object while it has been given. My source material consists of the research interviews and secondary material that I have acquired during the study, consisting of literature, deed of gift and e-mail correspondence. I have analyzed both primary and secondary source material using my hypotheses. The results of this study verify that my hypothesis is valid to use as a musicological theory of gifts. The study is a two year master´s thesis in Museum and Heritage Studies.
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Hur arkiverar Sveriges byggföretag? : Ett försök att finna arkiveringspraxis i en för kulturarvet viktig företagsbransch / How are the Swedish Building Corporations building up their archives? : An attempt to find an archive building custom in a line of business of importance for the cultural heritageHögman, Nils January 2010 (has links)
<p>What traces of their actions are the Building Corporations in Sweden leaving in their archives and are they followingsome archival policies? This thesis is trying to answer that question. For that reason 25 archives fromSwedish Building Corporations have been investigated concerning their size, contents and age. Furthermore apoll performed by the Swedish National Archives in cooperation with the Swedish Employers’ Confederationhas been analyzed. As a complement to these investigations some people responsible for the archives at SwedishBuilding corporations have been interviewed about their companies’ archival policies.The result of this study is, sadly enough, that the Swedish Building Corporations are neglecting their archives.Most of the archives that were studied are very small, less than half a running metre. A few builders of thegeneration born in the late nineteenth century have left more or less extensive archives, but they were very poorlyorganized. But generally the will to build up archives for the need of the future researchers and for the culturalheritage seems to be very poor in the Building Corporations, even poorer than in the Swedish companies in general.Almost no archival strategies could be discerned, other than that most companies preserve their record onlyfor that time the law and their own immediate needs prescribe. That is a shame, concerning the Building Corporations’importance for the cultural heritage in that that the buildings they are making are forming our culturalenvironment.This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.</p>
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När autenticiteten utmanas : En föremålsundersökning och dess tänkbara konsekvenser för museiobjektet / When authenticity is challenged : Potential consequences of a close examination of a museum objectBackman, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper deals with an object donated by a group of members of the public to the Royal Armoury in Stockholm, Sweden. The donators claimed to own a horse bit that had been used by King Gustav II Adolf's mount in the battle of Lützen, where the King was killed. The bit was a gift to the donators' ancestor, the farmer and politician Petter Jönsson, from the King of Sweden, Oscar I, in the 1850's. In this paper, the donated bit is examined and found unlikely to be the bit used at Lützen. The examination also revealed that the bit now worn by the horse in its display is a prop, included in the group of objects in the 19<sup>th</sup> century, and that the original bit probably was lost in a fire in 1648. The examination also raises questions on why this bit was considered a valuable gift, what consequences the gift transaction of the bit had for giver and reviever. It ends with a discussion about the donated bit and the bit in the display, and their roles at the museum in the future.</p>
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Elektronmusikstudion : : ett förteckningsarbete / The Electronic Music Studio of Stockholm : the archival process.Bjurman, Jens January 2010 (has links)
<p>The electronic music studio ”Elektronmusikstudion” (EMS) inStockholm was initiated in 1963. It has had several different managers throughout the years. EMS soon became a rather costly project. Furthermore there have been several conflicts among staff and users wich has contributed to EMS fairly turbulent history. One main conflict concerns the issue wether EMS should be a research facility or a studio for composers. The many different managers of EMS have contributed to a rather unstructured filing of records. To facilitate the understanding of the documents in this archive, and because there is very little written about EMS history, I’ve included a rather comprehensive description of EMS organizational history.</p><p>The subject of this one year master’s thesis is to describe and examine difficulties I’ve encountered in the archival process. My main issues comprise the organization and separation of some of the documents, especially those concerning the conception and organization of EMS and also the abundant technical documentation. Also the question of office of origin has been a concern.</p>
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Karl-Anders Wollters filmsamling på filmarkivet i GrängesbergKrohn, Johannes January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim with this archive guide is to give a guide to Karl-Anders Wollter’s film collection at Grängesberg Film archive. Karl-Anders Wollter worked between 1962–1993 for the State Department and mainly outside Sweden. The film collection consists of 67 films regarding his work, holidays and family life. In his work as a diplomat Wollter visited a lot of different places around the world, but he also travelled and made some trips with hisfamily. The collection also consists of footage from state visits, installations, negotiations in conflicts and inter-national conferences with politicians. Altogether the film collection gives not only a good view of how the life as a diplomat might be, but also of the development of the society and footage over villages and minor villages both in Sweden and other countries. This archive guide could thus serve as a guide both to those who are interested in the life as a diplomat, politic – and civic life and for those who are interested in cities and minor village’s devel-opment over time. This archive guide can also serve as a guide for those who are looking for film footage for various documentaries.</p>
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