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När autenticiteten utmanas : En föremålsundersökning och dess tänkbara konsekvenser för museiobjektet / When authenticity is challenged : Potential consequences of a close examination of a museum objectBackman, Anna January 2010 (has links)
This paper deals with an object donated by a group of members of the public to the Royal Armoury in Stockholm, Sweden. The donators claimed to own a horse bit that had been used by King Gustav II Adolf's mount in the battle of Lützen, where the King was killed. The bit was a gift to the donators' ancestor, the farmer and politician Petter Jönsson, from the King of Sweden, Oscar I, in the 1850's. In this paper, the donated bit is examined and found unlikely to be the bit used at Lützen. The examination also revealed that the bit now worn by the horse in its display is a prop, included in the group of objects in the 19th century, and that the original bit probably was lost in a fire in 1648. The examination also raises questions on why this bit was considered a valuable gift, what consequences the gift transaction of the bit had for giver and reviever. It ends with a discussion about the donated bit and the bit in the display, and their roles at the museum in the future.
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I skuggan av Preussen : Svenska officerares studieresor till Frankrike före första världskriget / In the shadow of Prussia : the study tours undertaken by Swedish officers before the First World WarSchöön, Urban January 2010 (has links)
In the decades leading up to the First World War, the Swedish army (as the rest of Swedish society) was greatly influenced by Germany (i.e. subject primarily to Prussian military influence). German equipment was purchased and German training methods and ways of organizing military units were copied. Apart from such easily discernible traces of German influence, the Swedish officer corps - according to earlier research - harboured sympathies for Germany and the German Army. But did the German influences, and the sympathies for Germany, also result in a professional bias – i.e. in a lack of professional objectivity? The purpose of this essay is to examine whether the officer corps of the Swedish army in the period 1900-1914 managed to achieve a level of professional objectivity, i.e. if it in a systematic way endeavoured to study the military development in other countries than Germany. Earlier research has shown that Swedish officers travelled to all major European countries in order to study a wide range of subjects. The essay connects on to these results but also strives to examine the study tours as well as the officers who undertook them in greater depth. The author examines reports written by Swedish officers who studied in France between 1900 and 1914 as well as contemporary army lists. In the essay two main questions are raised: 1. Which were the subjects for Swedish military study tours to France before the First World War? 2. Which categories of officers (rank, posting, career etc.) undertook such tours? The following main results are presented: A very wide range of subjects were studied – all relevant to Swedish military development of that time. The coverage of subjects was probably due to a systematic approach from the army authorities responsible for the approval of money for the tours. The officers who studied abroad were drawn from various units and backgrounds. The result of the examination of contemporary army lists shows that a high percentage of them later enjoyed successful military careers (e.g. what seems to be a higher than average percentage were later promoted to the rank of full colonel) – and that the army put the knowledge acquired abroad to use. An indication of the latter is that many of them, after having studied abroad, were given postings with a connection to the subjects they had studied in France. All in all, the results indicate that the Swedish officer corps achieved a level of professional objectivity in spite of the strong German influences of that time.
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"Alla lär ju känna varandra" : En studie för att undersöka om en serie med sex filosofiska samtal ökar känslan av delaktighet hos elever på en högstadieskolaJonsson Nilsson, Catharine, Rautila, Simon January 2020 (has links)
In an everchanging world where information flows freely and we are continually awash with new truths, we need to equip our children and our youth with the ability to face it with confidence and knowledge. To understand values such as democracy and the equal value of all, reflection and argumentation must take place in the room. Our young people must be able to communicate, critically examine and take a position on arguments. Our young people also need to be able to create trusting relationships and develop other pro-social skills. The school is an arena that has the mission to educate and equip our young people with these skills. The educational system must therefore create opportunities for our pupils to become part of their word not just a person in the world. Key to philosophical dialogue as a method, on which this intervention study is based, is the common exploration of different perspectives and arguments. To listen to and show respect for the thoughts and opinions of others but still, in a constructive way, dare to challenge each other's thoughts and ideas. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a series of six conversations, based on the model of philosophical dialogue, contributed to students experiencing an increased sense of participation in conversations with each other and the teacher. To investigate this, the special education authority's (SPSM) definition of participation was used through the six aspects of the participatory model (Delaktighetsmodellen), accessibility, belonging, autonomy, recognition, engagement, and co-operation. The study involved two intervention groups and two control groups; the two intervention groups participated in the philosophical dialogue series. Before the intervention started, the groups conducted a pre-survey and after the intervention was completed, a final survey was carried out. The results of the surveys were analyzed and after that a respondent validation was carried out with some of the participants. In comparison with previous studies, this study is considered a short intervention. The results of this study showed that even a short series of philosophical dialogue had a bearing on students' sense of participation. Not for the intervention group as a whole but for some of the participants. Participants described that with these dialogues they have gotten to know each other better and gained an increased sense of security. The participants also told us that it has been fun to talk to each other and to listen to other people's opinions and share their own with others. / I en föränderlig värld där informationen flödar fritt och vi översköljs av nya sanningar kontinuerligt krävs det att vi rustar våra barn och ungdomar att möta den med tillförsikt och kunskap. För att förstå värden som demokrati och allas lika värde måste reflektionen och argumentationen ta plats i rummet. Våra unga måste kunna kommunicera, kritiskt granska och ta ställning till argument. Våra unga behöver också kunna skapa tillitsfulla relationer och utveckla andra prosociala färdigheter. Skolan är en arena som har uppdraget att utbilda och rusta våra unga med dessa färdigheter. Skolan måste därför skapa möjligheter för våra elever att bli delaktiga i sin omvärld. Centralt för metoden filosofiska samtal, som denna interventionsstudie bygger på, är det gemensamma utforskandet av olika perspektiv och argument. Att lyssna till och visa respekt för andras tankar och åsikter men ändå, på ett konstruktivt sätt, våga utmana varandras tankar och idéer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om en serie på sex samtal, baserade på modellen filosofiska samtal, bidrog till att eleverna upplevde en ökad känsla av delaktighet i samtal med varandra och läraren. För att undersöka detta användes specialpedagogiska skolmyndighetens definition av delaktighet genom Delaktighetsmodellens sex aspekter, tillgänglighet, tillhörighet, autonomi, erkännande, engagemang, och samhandling. I studien deltog två interventionsgrupper och två kontrollgrupper, de två interventionsgrupperna deltog i den filosofiska samtalsserien. Innan interventionen startade gjorde grupperna en förenkät och efter att interventionen avslutades genomfördes en slutenkät. Resultatet av enkäterna analyserades och efter det genomfördes en respondentvalidering med några av deltagarna. I jämförelse med tidigare forskning är denna studie att betrakta som en kort intervention. Resultatet av denna studie visade att även en kort serie med filosofiska samtal har betydelse för elevers känsla av delaktighet. Inte för interventionsgruppen som helhet men hos några av deltagarna. Deltagare beskrev att de i och med dessa samtal hade lärt känna varandra bättre och fått en ökad känsla av trygghet. Deltagarna berättade också att det var roligt att få samtala med varandra och att få lyssna på andras åsikter och få delge sina egna till andra.
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En resa från det ordlösa : en kartläggning av ett personligt yrkeskunnandeLjungberg, Roland January 2008 (has links)
A Journey from the Wordless is a study of the development of the author’s own professional knowledge. After an introductory chapter on theory and method, there are four chapters treating of the author`s academic training as an artist (Ch. 2), a presentation and analysis of his own exhibitions (Ch. 3), a chapter on a cooperative effort entitled Pompeii in Time and Space (Ch. 4), and a concluding discussion of the nature of personal knowledge (Ch. 5). Questions are addressed concerning artistic knowledge; how it is built and transferred and how it is developed and transformed. Since the author`s own professional knowledge is the object of the research, special perspectives on personal experience emerges that otherwise would be difficult to articulate. The thesis is also a contribution to the debate surrounding artistic research in the visual arts, focusing on the importance of reflection and analysis in art education and creative art work.
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Förändringar i synen på bokprat för barn och unga. En diskursiv läsning av artiklar i Biblioteksbladet 1930-2007 / Changing viewpoints of booktalk aimed at kids and youngsters. A discursive reading of articles in Biblioteksbladet 1932-2007Kamienski, Per-Jakob January 2010 (has links)
My thesis is a study of how the perception of booktalk aimed at kids and youngsters in the Swedish educational system has changed between 1932 and 2007. A discursive reading of articles in the magazine Biblioteksbladet provides the basis for my investigation. The thesis argues that an older "authoritaritan" and "traditional" discourse has given way for a more modern, "anti-authoritaritan" and "lust"-directed discourse. The older discourse was designed to make sure that young people were provided with a certain well-defined quantity of "approved" literature. The new discourse stresses the importance of fostering kids and youngsters with a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards reading in general. However the new discoruse is not without conflicts of its own, som e of which are addressed in this thesis. In order to provide for a basis of method concerning the making of a discursive reading of the articles of Biblioteksbladet included in the investigation are several discourse analytical perspectives such as amongst others that of Michel Foucault discussed in the thesis.
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Väst möter Transsylvanien i svenska reseskildringar : <em>Med fokus på befolkning och omgivning, 1930–2000-talet</em>Paatere, Heidi January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Om dödens betydelse eller icke-betydelse : – En läsning av epikurismens förhållande till döden, utifrån Lucretius <em>Om tingens natur</em> / About Deaths being or not being : - a reading of Lucretius <em>De rerum natura</em>Tollstedt, Mia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen tar upp frågan om döden inom den epikureiska filosofin. Det visar sig att frågan kan delas upp i flera frågor. Dessa delfrågor kring döden är kopplade till olika rädslor. Uppsatsen tar även upp hur frågan kring döden blir bron mellan metafysiken och etiken inom den epikureiska filosofin. Uppsatsens huvudpunkt är utredningen av Lucretius, <em>De rerum natura</em>. Uppsatsen följer Lucretius argumentation kring naturen, världen och universums uppbyggnad , gudarnas förehavanden och till slut döden som en icke-händelse och därför inget att frukta.</p><p>För att förstå Lucretius bör man även studera Epikuros originaltexter.</p><p>Frågan är om<em> </em>Lucretius argument tillför någonting nytt inom den epikureiska filosofin, eller om Lucretius endast omformulerar och ger nya liknelser kring det som redan står att finna i Epikuros originaltexter.</p><p>Uppsatsens slutsats blir att Lucretius egentligen inte tillför någonting nytt och att Epikuros argument om döden som en icke-händelse står sig bra.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to examine the question of death within the epicurean philosophy. The main question can be divided into part questions. These part questions are connected to different fears. The essay also discusses how the question of death becomes the bridge between metaphysics and ethics within the epicurean philosophy. The essay’s main focus is the examination of Lucretius, <em>De rerum natura.</em> The essay follows Lucretius argumentation about the construction of nature, the word and universe, the whereabouts of the gods and finally death as a non-event and therefore nothing to fear.</p><p>To understand Lucretius one also has to study the original texts written by Epicurus. The question is if Lucretius argument adds anything new to the epicurean philosophy, or if Lucretius only rephrases and comes up with new metaphores about what already is found in the original texts by Epicurus.</p><p>The essay’s conclusions are that Lucretius doesn’t add anything new, and that Epicurus original argumentation about death as a non-event is strong.</p>
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En ny kvinna eller en dubbel slavinna : En studie om arbetarkvinnan under mellankrigstiden ur ett kommunistiskt perspektiv / A new woman or a double female slave : A studie of the working woman during the interwar years from a Communist perpectiveBerntsson, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay is about the Swedish working woman in the early 1930s. The empirical data consists mainly of Arbetarkvinnornas Tidning (AKT), a Swedish Communist magazine which was launched in December 1929. A qualitative discourse method has been used. Texts, articles, letters to the editor and reports about social conditions in Sweden and Soviet during the years 1929-1932 has been examined. Soviet women models and ideal types are compared with the image of the Swedish working woman. How was the Swedish working woman and her everyday life presented out of a Communist perspective? How was the Soviet woman ideal imaged? Was the Soviet ideal determinative for the Swedish communism?</p> / <p>Denna uppsats handlar om den svenska arbetarkvinnan under det tidiga 1930-talet. Empiriska materialet består huvudsakligen av Arbetarkvinnornas Tidning (AKT), en svensk kommunistisk tidskrift som startades i december 1929. En kvalitativ diskursiv metod har använts. Texter, artiklar, insändare och reportage som handlar om svenska och sovjetiska förhållanden under åren 1929-1932 har undersökts. Kvinnliga sovjetiska förebilder och idealtyper jämförs med bilden av den svenska arbetarkvinnan. Hur framställdes den svenska arbetarkvinnan och hur såg hennes vardagsliv ut ur ett kommunistiskt perspektiv? Hur såg den kvinnliga sovjetiska idealbilden ut? Var de sovjetiska idealen styrande för den svenska kommunismen?</p>
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Arkiverande studenter : Om arkivhanteringen vid studentnationerna i Uppsala / Archiving students : On the archival management at the Student Nations in UppsalaLarsson, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study has been to examine the archival management at the 14 Student Nations in Uppsala. This may be relevant to study to extend the research in the field that Berndt Frediksson calls “empirical archival science”. Another reason is that the Student Nations hold a unique position as organisations and their archivists holds a unique position from a professional point of view as they mostly consist of students without professional archivist training. I have mainly focused on why the archival management at the Nations looked as they did. The main method that was used in the study was semi-structured interviews where I interviewed the archivists at all of the Nations.</p><p>The functions of the archives of the Nations were the same as for other societies, with the exception that these archives also were used by officials and other members as a support for finding ideas about how to run the Nation today in several ways. The archival regulations and practices that were generally followed by the Nations were the same as for societies in general, that is, among other things, the use of “Allmänna arkivschemat” (the Swedish standard archival finding aid subject heading system) and other Swedish archival standards. Many Nations also had articles specifying the tasks of their archivists. The methods used in the archival management varied to some degree between different Nations. Concerning how well the archives was being managed they were generally managed a little defectively, even if this varied between the Nations. This was because the archivists were not professionals, and this was probably inevitable because the Nations like many other societies probably cannot afford to consult skilled professionals for this. Despite this there were a few things that could be made better. The unique position held by the Nations as organisations could generate new perspectives on archival management, and not only concerning societies.</p><p>This is a one year master’s thesis in archival science.</p>
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Musana och Sundi-Lutete missionsstationer : - Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete / The Mission stations of Musana and Sundi-Lutete : - the work of arranging and cataloging archivesKarabay, Joanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>I have for my one year master's thesis worked on arranging and cataloging the archives from the missions stations of Musana, Congo-Brazzaville and Sundi-Lutete, Congo-Kinshasa, belonging to the Swedish Missions Church (Svenska Missionskyrkan). The archives contained records written in Swedish, French and Kikongo, from primarily the years 1910 until 1961. Records have though been found that adhere from both prior to and after these years. These archives are deposited at the Swedish National Archive and it was therefore important to take the opinions and regulations of both parties into consideration, as well as relying onto archival theory.</p><p>The archives were initially scattered and had in some parts been organized by an archivist without formal schooling. The major difficulties in this work has therefore been to establish the provenance – to which creator the documents belonged to, and also to decide to which degree the principle of the original order should play a part. After considering different theories, I decided to respect the secondary order for the correspondence, since rearranging it would disrupt the concordance in the work already done by researchers.</p><p>To still make the archives accessible for the users in its existing order it required me to be aware of whom the user of the archive is, probable areas of research and how these archives are used. This information was then used when writing the archival description and the scope notes in the inventory. I have also taken decisions based on what is practically possible; it has because of regulations not been possible to physically bring the archive to one unit. Also, the circumstances of a shared custody of the archives also determined, in practice, how the inventory could be written.</p><p>This is a one year master's thesis in Archival Science, at the university of Uppsala, Spring semester of 2010.</p>
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