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Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of Banks in the United StatesGbadamosi, Waidi Alani 01 January 2016 (has links)
Corporate social responsibility has evolved as a business strategy, but the business worth of voluntary social conduct has not been well understood. The contradictory research findings mean that social performance is not maximized, which constrains economic growth and sustainable development. Grounded by stakeholder theory, this correlational study was aimed at examining the effect of social responsibility factors on the market-based Fama-French cost of capital. Within a sample of 71 United States banks, the publicly available ethical ratings, financial data, and stock market data were analyzed using multiple regression models. Contrary to the positive effect of social conduct on financial performance common in the literature, this study revealed no significant effect of social factors on the accounting returns, and, consequently, the shareholders perceived the social activities as risky and therefore demanded higher returns. The study also showed that governance, diversity, and employee relation were positively related to accounting returns while product and community factors were negatively related to profits. The implied higher cost of raising equity finance following engagement in social activities is a lesson for corporate managers to exercise caution in their social conduct and carry the investors along. Such inclusive policy could help to minimize investor bias and moderate their consequential adverse reactions to well-intentioned corporate actions. This research contributes to positive social change by assisting the bank managers, directors, investors, regulators, and government in improving the discharge of their respective roles to ensure optimal allocation of resources to competing social activities in a manner that may maximize performance and improve the overall stakeholder wellbeing.
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Managing Security Objectives for Effective Organizational Performance Information Security ManagementGutta, Ramamohan 01 January 2019 (has links)
Information is a significant asset to organizations, and a data breach from a cyberattack harms reputations and may result in a massive financial loss. Many senior managers lack the competencies to implement an enterprise risk management system and align organizational resources such as people, processes, and technology to prevent cyberattacks on enterprise assets. The purpose of this Delphi study was to explore how the managerial competencies for information security and risk management senior managers help in managing security objectives and practices to mitigate security risks. The National Institute of Standards and Technology framework served as the foundation for this study. The sample was made up of 12 information security practitioners, information security experts, and managers responsible for the enterprise information security management. Participants were from Fortune 500 companies in the United States. Selection was based on their level of experience and knowledge of the topic being studied. Data were collected using a 3 round Delphi study of 12 experts in information security and risk management. Statistical analysis was performed on the collected data during a 3 round Delphi study. The mean, standard deviation, majority agreement, and ranges were used to determine the final concensus for this research study. Findings of this study included the need for managerial support, risk management strategies, and developling the managerial and technical talent to mitigate and respond to cyberattacks. Findings may result in a positive social change by providing information that helps managers to reduce the number of data breaches from cyberattacks, which benefits companies, employees, and customers.
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The Relationship between Corporate Social Performance and Financial PerformanceMiller, Dawn P. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Business leaders lack consistent information to make and support strategic budgetary decisions while supporting corporate social responsibility initiatives. Grounded in stakeholder and contract theory, this correlation study examined the relationship between Fortune reputation scores and return on asset, return on equity, and earnings per share, while controlling for total assets. Archival data were collected from 25 corporate websites of U.S. banks included in Fortune Most Admired Companies listing from 2011 to 2013. For 2011 there was a moderate positive partial correlation between Fortune reputation index (FRI) and return on equity (ROE) while controlling for total assets, r = .47, p < .05, with higher levels of FRI associated with higher levels of ROE. For 2012 there was a moderate positive partial correlation between FRI and ROE while controlling for total assets, r = .48, p < .05, with higher levels of FRI associated with higher levels of ROE. Correspondingly, there was a moderate positive partial correlation between FRI and EPS, r = .56, p < 0.5 with higher levels of FRI associated with higher levels of ROE in 2012. For 2013, there was also a moderate positive, but not statistically significant, partial correlation between FRI and EPS, r = .41, p > .05, with higher levels of FRI associated with higher levels of EPS. The implications for positive social change include greater support for socially responsible business strategies to promote sustainability and more business leaders promoting the provision of social benefits for stakeholders.
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Effects of Information Technology Risk Management and Institution Size on Financial PerformanceBarrett, Shaun D'olene Kecia 01 January 2016 (has links)
A negative relationship exists between unmanaged IT risk and financial performance of institutions of varying sizes. The purpose for this quantitative correlation study was to examine the relationship between IT risk management, institution size, and the financial performance of credit unions in Jamaica. Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) risk IT model provided the theoretical framework for the study. Audited financial statements and a web-based survey provided data for this study. One hundred and thirty employees from 13 credit unions in Jamaica participated in the study. Results of the multiple regression tests confirmed a statistically significant relationship between IT risk management, institution size, and the financial performance of Jamaican credit unions, F (2, 99) = 46.861, p = 0.000, R2 = .486. Institution size was a statistically significant predictor of financial performance (beta = -.637, p = .000). IT risk management initiatives did not provide any significant variation (beta = .139, p = .074) in financial performance. Research findings may lead to more effective and efficient operations of Jamaican credit unions and improvement in their financial performance, which could result in positive social change through the increases in corporate social contributions, the payment of dividends, and the offer of affordable product and services for over 1 million Jamaican credit union members.
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When CSR meets the stock market : the role of investor attention / Responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise et performance financière : quel rôle pour l'attention des investisseursEl aouadi, Amal 23 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de trois essais empiriques qui étudient le rôle de l’attention des investisseurs comme étant un déterminant de la relation entre la performance sociale de l’entreprise (PSE) et sa performance financière (PFE). Notre objectif étant de repenser la littérature controversée sur les répercussions financières des activités de l’entreprise en matière de RSE, nous émettons un nouveau postulat – l’attention des investisseurs joue un rôle important dans la relation PSE-PFE. En effet, en complément à l’attrait de l’attention des investisseurs sur les marchés financiers tel que suggéré par un bon nombre d’articles académiques, une littérature émergente mais conséquente a récemment souligné le rôle de la visibilité de l’entreprise ainsi que celui de l’attention des différentes parties prenantes comme étant des facteurs pertinents de la relation entre la PSE et la PFE. Par conséquent, nous avons jugé utile de revisiter les retours sur investissements de la PSE, tout en intégrant l’effet de l’attention des investisseurs.Un important courant de la littérature empirique sur la PSE témoigne d’une forte cohésion entre l’entreprise socialement responsable et ses différentes parties prenantes telles que les consommateurs, les employés, les fournisseurs, les investisseurs les analystes financiers ainsi que les militants et activistes, cette cohésion étant encore plus forte, pour les entreprises bénéficiant d’une attention plus accrue de la part des différentes parties prenantes. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous poursuivons dans une telle logique et plus particulièrement, nous mettons en œuvre une analyse plus fine de ce constat, à savoir, nous évaluons le rôle de l’attention des investisseurs, en tant que ressource cognitive rare et limitée, dans la relation PSE-PFE. Cette thèse comporte quatre chapitres. Un chapitre préliminaire passe en revue la littérature existante sur la valeur marché de la PSE. En particulier, nous identifions trois courants de recherche principaux portant sur cette question et discutons du rôle des mécanismes internes et externes qui affectent la réaction des marchés financiers à la performance sociale. Plus important encore, nous accordons une attention particulière à la littérature sur le rôle de la visibilité de l’entreprise pour traduire la PSE en PFE. Ce dernier constat ouvre le débat sur la pertinence probable de l’attention de l’investisseur comme un déterminant clé de la relation PSE-PFE. Ainsi, dans une deuxième partie, nous portons un intérêt particulier à la littérature antérieure sur l’attention, le traitement de l’information et la prise de décision sur les marchés financiers. Puis, après avoir correctement défini l’attention et présenté son rôle sur les marchés financiers, nous essayons dans la dernière section de ce chapitre, d’établir le lien entre la littérature sur l’attention des investisseurs et celle sur l’impact financier de la PSE afin de déceler les perspectives de recherche futures. En dernier lieu, nous concluons et donnons le ton à la question de recherche complexe et stimulante que nous essayons d’élucider tout au long des trois essais de cette thèse à savoir, comment l’attention des investisseurs transforme la PSE en PFE. [...] / This thesis consists of three empirical essays investigating the role of investor attention as a determinant of the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and financial performance. Our aim is to rethink the controversial literature on the financial implications of CSR activities by exploring a new premise – investor attention may shape the financial returns on corporate social impact. Since a growing stream of literature has highlighted the role of firm visibility as well as stakeholder attention to connect CSP to financial performance in addition to the complementary literature of investor attention and stock prices, we expect that controlling for firm-specific investor attention would provide novel insights to the literature on the potential financial effects of CSP.A consistent strand of literature has provided interesting evidence of a strong relationship between the firm CSP and its stakeholders such as consumers, employees, suppliers, investors, analysts, activists and communities, and regulators, with the benefits being stronger, the greater the attention to and salience of social activities among stakeholders. We complement and extend this literature by implementing a more granular analysis and particularly we focus on the relevance of investors’ attention, a scarce and limited cognitive resource.This research is divided in four chapters. The first chapter is a survey of prior theoretical and empirical literature on the controversial debate of the relation between CSR and financial outcomes. We have particularly reviewed potential mechanisms that allow CSP to translate into CFP. Most importantly, we rely on studies claiming that firm visibility is a crucial factor to connect social impact to financial performance. Another argument of great appeal is the stakeholder attention theory as proposed by Madsen and Rodgers (2015) from which our research question draws its full legitimacy. Then, we have connected the literatures on attention, information, decision making and CSR to remake the CSP-CFP puzzle and highlight potential research hypotheses. A more readable view is provided by Figure 1 (later in this document) which integrates and synthesizes key predictors, outcomes, mediators, and moderators of the CSP-CFP relation by focusing on studies related to CSR and firm visibility thereby introducing the role of investor attention. Figure 1 is not an exhaustive conceptualization of all the intervening variables in this relationship but rather meant as a multilevel lens and guiding framework to which other variables can be added in the future. However, despite all the advancements in assessing the returns on CSR investments, this debate remains unsettled and has yielded conflicting results. Thus, we conducted three empirical essays on the relation between CSP and financial performance and particularly provide new and unique evidence on the role of investor attention to shape this controversial empirical issue. Therefore, in the first essay, we conduct a multi-country event study and investigate the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) news headlines on the shareholder wealth. We find that investors do not value positive ESG news headlines but negatively react to negative ESG news headlines. This result is consistent with the idea that social responsibility and irresponsibility are not the two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, evidence reveals that shareholders only react to negative corporate governance related headlines. This suggests that investors may be especially prone to attend to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives that directly impact their own interests as previously suggested by T. M. Jones et al. (2007). Most importantly, investor attention was found to shape the punishment and reward of CSP, after controlling for the additional role of firm’s internal moderators such as firm size and advertising expenditure. [...]
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Le rôle des déterminants de la performance financière en assurance : étude sur les sociétés d'assurance françaises / The role of the determinants of the financial performance in insurance : study on the French insurance companiesDayoub, Issam 11 July 2014 (has links)
L’industrie de l’assurance engage actuellement différentes réformesréglementaires au niveau européen. Celles-ci visent à améliorer le fonctionnement desassureurs et à garantir la stabilité dans les marchés financiers. Les compagnies d’assurancedoivent respecter des nouvelles exigences en fonds propres ainsi que des règlementationsconcernant la transparence dans la communication financière. Dans ce contexte, les assureursont besoin de déterminer les indicateurs qui peuvent leurs servir comme outils pour atteindreune performance financière qui répond aux attentes de toutes les parties concernées.L’objectif de cette thèse est de définir les déterminants de la performance financière enassurance, leurs indicateurs et leurs rôles dans l’aboutissement de celle-ci. Cette thèse proposeun modèle conceptuel de la performance financière des compagnies d’assurance françaisesdurant la période (2000-2009) selon une démarche quantitative. Les résultats empiriquesdémontrent que la structure de capital, la solvabilité ainsi que la rentabilité d’une compagnied’assurance sont les principaux déterminants de sa performance financière. / The insurance industry currently witnesses various regulatory reforms at the Europeanlevel. These reforms aim to improve the functioning of insurers and to guarantee the stability in thefinancial markets. Insurance companies must comply with these new regulations such as capitalrequirements and the financial reporting transparency regulations. In this context, insurers need toidentify the indicators that can help to achieve a financial performance that meets the expectations ofall stakeholders. The aim of this thesis is to define the determinants of financial performance ininsurance, their indicators and their role in it. This thesis proposes a conceptual model for the financialperformance of French insurance companies in the period of (2000-2009) through a quantitativemethod. The empirical results show that the capital structure, the solvency and the profitability of aninsurance company are the main determinants of its financial performance.
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Uticaj informacionih tehnologija na organizacione performanse preduzeća u SrbijiMitić Siniša 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Disertacija se bavi utvrđivanjem smera i intenziteta<br />uticaja informacionih tehnologija na pojedine<br />organizacione i poslovne performanse u preduzećima<br />u Srbiji. Pri tme su posmatrane sledeće performanse:<br />zadovoljstvo poslom, zadovoljstvo komunikacijom, organizaciona posvećenost, međusobno poverenje na<br />poslu, organizacionoo učenje, finansijske<br />performanse i profesionalni respekt prema lideru.<br />Istraživanje je realizovano u preduzećima u Srbiji,<br />tako što su ispitanici (srednji menadžeri) popunili<br />upitnike. Za istraživanje su korišćeni odgovori od<br />ukupno N = 380 srednjih menadžera iz 102<br />preduzeća. Najvažniji rezultati istraživanja su sledeći:<br />1. Utvrđen je postojeći nivo savremenosti i primene<br />informacionih tehnologija, kao i nivo pažnje koja se<br />poklanja informacionim tehnologijama, u<br />preduzećima u Srbiji. 2. Utvrđeno je stanje<br />informacionih tehnologija u zavisnosti od nekoliko<br />kriterijuma: pol CEO, godine CEO, vlasnička<br />struktura preduzeća, finansijske performanse, profesionalni respekt prema lideru i poverenje u<br />akcije menadžmenta. 3. Utvrđeno je da su<br />informacione tehnologije pokazatelj nivoa<br />posmatranih organizacionih i poslovnih performansi.<br />4. Utvrđeno je da postoji statistički značajan uticaj<br />informacionih tehnologija na posmatrane<br />organizacione i poslovne performanse. 5. Ispitana su i<br />definisana moderatorna dejstva tri moderatora:<br />Profesionalni respekt prema lideru, Poverenje u<br />akcije menadžmenta i Vlasnička struktura preduzeća, na odnos informacionih tehnologija i zadovoljstva<br />komunikacijom i organizacionog učenja. 6. Definisane su preporuke za lidere i menadžere u vezi<br />sa tim kako unaprediti performanse preduzeća,<br />posmatrano iz perspektive informacionih tehnologija<br />i njihove primene.</p> / <p>The dissertation deals with determining the direction<br />and intensity of the impact of information<br />technologies on individual and organizational<br />performance of companies in Serbia. Observed are<br />the following performances: job satisfaction,<br />communication satisfaction, organizational<br />commitment, mutual trust at work, organizational<br />learning, financial performance and professional<br />respect for the leader. The survey was conducted in<br />companies in Serbia, by the respondents (middle<br />managers) completing questionnaires. For the study<br />there were used responses from a total of N = 380<br />middle managers from 102 companies. The most<br />important results of the research are as follows: 1.<br />Defined is the current level of modernity and<br />application of information technologies, as well as the<br />level of attention paid to information technologies in<br />companies in Serbia. 2. Defined is the situation of<br />information technologies depending on several<br />criteria: gender of the CEO, age of the CEO, the<br />ownership structure of the company, financial<br />performance, professional respect for the leader and<br />trust in the actions of management. 3. It is found that<br />information technologies are an indicator of the level<br />of the observed organizational and business<br />performance. 4. It is found that there is a statistically<br />significant impact of information technologies on the<br />observed organizational and business performance. 5. Tested and defined are the moderating effects of three<br />moderators: professional respect for the leader, trust<br />in the action of management and ownership structure<br />of the company, on the relationship of information<br />technologies and communication satisfaction and<br />organizational learning. 6. There are defined<br />recommendations for leaders and managers in this<br />regard to improve the performance of the company,<br />from the perspective of information technologies and<br />their application.</p>
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An empirical study into factors influencing the use of value-based management toolsSakunasingha, Benjalux Unknown Date (has links)
For management to perform its functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling effectively, a control process has to be in place. This control process should incorporate a target or standard measures and compares performance with the standard, evaluates results and takes any necessary corrective action. Hence, the introduction of the control process, including the measurement and evaluation of performance, has been recognized as a significant progression to ensure organizations achieve their objectives and goals.There are a number of performance measurement tools for management to select but one that stands out as possibly the preferred method is Value-based management (VBM). Value-based management, a relatively new concept, offers management a better way to measure performance in today’s business environment. The application of VBM links business strategy, finance, performance measurement and management processes all together to create value. VBM tells how the value of an organization is maximized, while developing corporate value is the best long-term measure to show how good the present management is doing its job. Therefore, VBM indicates the current situation as well as future prospects of an organization. Further, VBM helps managers and employees to obtain a sharper focus of the corporate vision and objectives based on one leading measurement indicator – that is to enhance corporate value. Unlike many performance measurement tools that may focus on many objectives, which may cause the lack of single focus for accountability for shareholder value, VBM provides a clearer objective focusing on the financial objectives across the organization. More importantly, VBM includes the cost of all capital required, while many performance measurement tools still provide incomplete information about cost.The purpose of this research is to study what organization factors influence the choice of performance measurement tools, such as VBM selected by management. This research also studies the manner in which the selection and the use of VBM might affect the performance of organizations in Thailand. A number of studies were made in the past dealing with the effectiveness of VBM.These studies analyzed how VBM assisted management in their administration and measurement of organizational activities. These researches add significantly to the body of knowledge and advance the concept of VBM. However, most researchers ignored an important aspect and that is, what factors influence the management to select and utilize VBM tools in their organization. This research attempts to address this knowledge gap, and answer the following questions: • What are the organization factors that could influence the selection and the use of VBM tools to measure organization performance? Then importantly,• Do the selection and the use of VBM tools improve organization performance?To examine and to properly evaluate the above questions, this research study identifies four key objectives. First, factors that influence management in selecting value based management tools to measure performance and set standards are to be identified. Second, identify the relationship between organization performance, the use of VBM and certain organization factors such as organization size, market share position and product life cycle stages. Third, study the impact of VBM on organization performance in the Thai environment. Fourth, provide information on how VBM is selected and used in the electrical and electronic industry in Thailand.The following three hypotheses were proposed to study the behaviour of variables:Hypothesis 1: Organization factors are not the determining factors for selecting and using VBM tools for performance measurement.Hypothesis 2: VBM tool selected and used by an organization do not influence its organization performance.Hypothesis 3: The relationship between organization factors and organization performance are not mediated by the VBM tools selected and used by an organization to measure organization performance.To test the hypotheses empirically, a mailed-survey questionnaire was used to collect data. A stratified sampling technique on a population of 462 Head of Finance/Accounting Departments of the Electrical and Electronics Industry of Thailand was employed. The above hypotheses were tested using several analytical techniques including regression model, correlation coefficient and factor analysis.The result of this research indicates that none of the chosen organization factors studied directly influences the selection and the use of VBM tools. In addition, the findings indicated a significant relationship between independent variables, which are organization size and market share position. But these two factors do not establish significantly relationship with the VBM or an organization performance. Further, although the product life cycle stage was not a factor that influenced the selection and the use of VBM tools, it showed a significant negative relationship with organization performance. This was regardless of whether or not the organization selected and used VBM tools. This indicates that the selection and the use of VBM tools are less preferable when the product of an organization is at the early stages such as emerging and growth stages. On the other hand, VBM tools are more preferred by an organization when its product reaches maturity. Finally, these research findings demonstrate that the selection and the use of VBM tools are significantly related to an improvement in organization performance. In other words, the performance of an organization improved with the use of the VBM tool.It is believed that this research is a first attempt to delineate factors that influence management to select and utilize VBM tools in their organizations. One nation, Thailand and one Industry, the electrical and electronic industry were used as the laboratory to test the hypotheses. It is hoped that future research will replicate this study in other industries and countries that would help to confirm the results of this study. Such studies will not only substantiate this research but also offer new insights into understanding the factors influencing the selection and the use of VBM tools. Different organizational factors, different performance measurement tools, and/or different methodologies in conducting the research showed further contribute to knowledge in this area. The research opportunities are considerable, especially in relation to cross-country comparisons based on performance measurements, using VBM tools and it is this type of research that will improve our understanding of the subject and lead to adoption of these measures in organizations.
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從環境面探討通訊產業的技術創新與績效之關係吳怡靜, Wu, I-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
綜上所述,我們可看出通訊產業內廠商除應瞭解本身所屬專業領域特質、所處子產業細部環境的變動情況,更應慎選合適的技術創新策略組合,以為企業謀取最大、最佳的績效表現。 / Communication Industry has become the leading industry in 21st century in Taiwan ever since the deregulation of telecommunication in Taiwan.
In order to investigate the relationship between the technology innovation strategy conducted by the Communication Industry and firm's performance, as well as the impact of environment as a moderator to the relationship between technology innovation strategy and performance, we have conducted the research by case study. As the widespread coverage of Communication Industry, we roughly classify the industry into six categories including communication chip, microwave communication, mobile communication, broadband communication, fiber communication and telecommunication service based on the way of transmission and vertical relationship in industry. However, mobile communication was not interviewed due to reasons. In addition to the findings from case study, we also collect the specific industry information for cross reference. Research findings are described as follows:
1. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry conduct numerous portfolio of technology innovation strategy. There are three types of portfolio formed, which are adventurous, aggressive and conservative type. The findings show that the financial performance will be better than the industry average when companies adopt adventurous or aggressive portfolio.
2. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry face various types of competitive environment; we find four types of environment formed. The environment are measured by three dimensions including dynamism, hostility, and heterogeneity which impact are distinguished into three levels, high, moderate, and low separately. The first type is high in three dimensions. The second is the same as the first one except its heterogeneity is moderate. The third is high in dynamism, moderate in hostility and in heterogeneity. The fourth is all-moderate.
3. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry have various types of competitive environment;therefore they have to conduct different portfolio of technology innovation strategy for best performance. The findings show that companies adopt the adventurous portfolio under the first and the third type of environment, and companies adopt the aggressive portfolio under the second and fourth type will have better financial performance.
To sum up, we suggest the Communication Industry know clearly about the competitive environment and its characteristics before conducting an appropriate portfolio of technology innovation strategy to acquire the best financial performance.
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企業文化與知識管理類型對企業智慧資本構成之關聯性研究賴冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果亦顯示企業文化及人力資本、創新資本均與財務績效有顯著的關聯性。本研究結果所發現企業文化、知識管理、智慧資本以及財務績效四者間的關係,隱喻企業文化是企業推行知識管理及提昇經營效能的關鍵,亦即企業在推行知識管理前應先檢視本身的企業文化。此外,揭露具認知重要性之智慧資本各構面衡量指標似有助於傳遞企業隱藏價值給投資人。 / Measuring and managing intellectual capital through knowledge management (KM) has been perceived the most important issue in knowledge-intensive companies. It has been suggested that a supportive corporate culture cornerstones not only a successful implementation of KM system but also the effectiveness of an organization. It is essential therefore to enhance our knowledge in interrelationships among corporate culture, KM, intellectual capital and operating performance. Using a sample of firms listed in TSE and OTC and a questionnaire as research tool, this thesis explores the typologies of corporate culture and KM, and their impacts on intellectual capital and financial performance.
The empirical evidence indicates that the attributes of corporate culture are significantly associated with the attributes of KM activities. Both corporate culture and KM shed significant impacts on cognitive importance of intellectual capitals. Firms with distinct corporate culture, placing more foci on human resource development, innovation and market competition tend to have more intensive knowledge management activities, information technology utilization, and exchange and lash of knowledge between the members of the organization. Compared to firms with low innovative-bureaucratic culture, firms with high effective-supportive culture concentrate more on all aspects related to human capital and innovation capital.
Compared to other firms in the sample, firms with high flexibility-high degree of knowledge management activities focus more on human capital, innovation capital, and process capital. Compared to firms with high control-low degree knowledge management activities, companies characterized with humanistic-medium degree knowledge management activities emphasize more on innovation capital.
The findings also show that both corporate culture attributes and components of human capital and innovation capital are significantly associated with financial performance. The results thus suggest that corporate culture is important to company success in implementing knowledge management system and business performance. It implies that companies may need to nurture a more supportive corporate culture prior to implementing a knowledge management system. The intellectual capital indicators suggested in the study may also be helpful in disclosing the hidden value of the firm to their investors.
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