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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En motståndskraftig äldreomsorg : En kvantitativ studie om resiliens och dess samband med femfaktorteorin hos chefer inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen / A resilient eldercare : A quantitative study regarding resilience and its relation to the five-factor model of personality among managers in municipal eldercare

Pagling, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Termen resiliens definieras som förmågan att mentalt eller känslomässigt hantera och återhämta sig efter stressfyllda situationer. Tidigare forskning inom området tyder på att det finns en korrelation mellan särskilda personlighetsdrag i femfaktorteorin och den individuella graden av resiliens. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka detta samband hos chefer inom äldreomsorgen, ett yrke som omfattar en tung arbetsbelastning inom en redan stressfylld sektor i arbetslivet. I studien undersöktes även relationen mellan tiden som chef inom äldreomsorgen och den individuella graden av resiliens. En enkätstudie utfördes med deltagare som besitter chefsroller inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen (n=58, Målder=48,77, SD=9,54). Data analyserades med två multipla regressionsanalyser, och korrelationen mellan faktorerna analyserades med Pearsons korrelationskoefficient. Efter Bonferroni-korrigering var de enda signifikanta faktorerna samvetsgrannhet och neuroticism. Resultatet av studien påvisar att samvetsgrannhet har en signifikant positiv korrelation och neuroticism har en signifikant negativ korrelation med resiliens. Angående sambandet mellan tiden som chef inom äldreomsorgen och resiliens, så påvisar undersökningen att det inte fanns någon signifikant korrelation. De starkaste personlighetsdragen för att predicera en hög grad av individuell resiliens hos chefer inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen var samvetsgrannhet och neuroticism. Antalet år som chef inom äldreomsorgen och dess påverkan på resiliens överensstämde inte med tidigare studier, där antalet år som chef borde ha ökat den individuella graden av resiliens. Kunskapen om personlighet och erfarenhets samband med resiliens kan potentiellt bidra till att öka resiliens inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen. / The term resilience is defined as the ability to mentally and emotionally cope from stressful events. Research has shown that there is a correlation between some of the personality traits in the five-factor model, and the individual level of resilience. The purpose of this study was to examine this relationship in nursing management, an occupation which involves heavy workloads in an already stressful sector. This study also examined the relationship between time spent as an eldercare manager and the individual level of resilience. A survey was conducted with participants who are in managerial positions in the municipal eldercare (n=58, Mage=48,77, SD=9,54). The data were analyzed using two multiple regressionanalyses, and the correlation between the factors was analyzed with the use of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. After Bonferroni-correction the only significant factors were conscientiousness and neuroticism. The result corresponds with current research, which proposes that conscientiousness has a significant positive correlation, and neuroticism has a significant negative correlation with resilience. Regarding the relationship between time spent as an eldercare manager and resilience, the results showed that there was no significant correlation. The traits conscientiousness and neuroticism were the strongest to predict a higher level of individual resilience amongst municipal eldercare managers. Time spent as an eldercare manager and its impact on resilience did not correspond with previous studies, were time spent as an eldercare manager should raise the individual level of resilience. Knowledge of the relationship between personality, experience and resilience might contribute to increased resilience in municipal eldercare.

Är en introvert revisor mer oberoende än en extrovert? : en kvantitativ studie beträffande sambandet mellan revisorers personlighetsdrag och oberoende / Is an introvert auditor more independent than an extrovert? : a quantitative study regarding the relationship between auditors’ personality traits and independence

Le, Stina, Nilsson, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Revisorns oberoende är sedan länge ett omdiskuterat ämne. Brist på oberoende har tidigare orsakat flera större företagsskandaler och lett till att allmänheten förlorat förtroende för revisionsprofessionen. Därefter har ett flertal förändringar skett genom att olika regleringar har införts, vilka bland annat har syftat till att stärka oberoendet. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara huruvida det finns ett samband mellan revisorers personlighetsdrag och deras förmåga att bibehålla oberoendet. Denna studie undersöker hypoteser som har skapats utifrån befintlig teori och har därmed en kvantitativ ansats. För att undersöka revisorers personlighetsdrag har femfaktormodellen använts, som består av fem olika dimensioner vilka undersöker en individs grundläggande personlighetsdrag. För att undersöka oberoendet har tre vinjettfrågor tillämpats. Vinjettfrågorna lyckades inte mäta graden av oberoende tillsammans och således bör studiens resultat tolkas med försiktighet.  Resultaten av denna studie indikerar att personlighetsdragen neuroticism, öppenhet för erfarenhet och vänlighet skulle kunna ha en påverkan på revisorers förmåga att bibehålla oberoendet. Sambanden som återfinns är emellertid svaga. Vidare återfinns inga samband mellan extraversion samt samvetsgrannhet och oberoendet, vilket talar för att personlighetsdragen påverkar oberoendet i mycket låg utsträckning. Slutligen är revisorers personlighetsdrag ett forskningsområde som kan vidareutvecklas. / The independence of the auditor is since a long time a debated topic. Lack of independence has earlier caused several major corporate scandals and led to the public losing trust in the audit profession. Afterwards, several changes have been made through implementation of various regulations which among other things aim to strengthen the independence. The purpose of this paper is to explain whether there is a relationship between auditors’ personality traits and their ability to remain independent. This study tests hypotheses which have been created through existing theory and thus, has a quantitative approach. To examine auditors’ personality traits, the five-factor model of personality traits has been used which consists of five dimensions that explain an individual's fundamental personality traits. To examine the independence, three vignette questions have been used. The vignette questions did not manage to measure the level of independence together and consequently, the study’s results need to be interpreted with caution.  The findings of the study indicate that the personality traits neuroticism, openness to new experience and agreeableness might have an impact on the auditors’ ability to maintain the independence. However, the found relationships are weak. Furthermore, no relationships can be found between extraversion, conscientiousness and the independence which suggests that personality traits affect the independence to a very low extent. Lastly, the auditors’ personality traits are a research area that can be further developed.

Potential und Grenzen des Fünf-Faktoren-Modell basierten Prototypenansatzes: Potential und Grenzen des Fünf-Faktoren-Modell basiertenPrototypenansatzes

Herzberg, Philipp Yorck 07 June 2011 (has links)
Ausgehend von den klassischen vier Paradigmen zur Messung individueller Differenzen wird die dominierende variablenzentrierte Forschungsausrichtung in der Differentiellen Psychologie hinterfragt und dafür plädiert, diese um einen personenzentrierten Ansatz zu ergänzen. Die Operationalisierung des personenzentrierten Zugangs erfolgt durch einen Prototypenansatz, der auf dem Fünf-Faktoren-Modell der Persönlichkeit basiert und dessen Potential und Grenzen in dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden. Zuerst wurde die Anzahl der Prototypen untersucht und diese Prototypenlösung anschließend validiert. Die auf Basis von zwei bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Stichproben sowie einer umfangreichen Internetstichprobe durchgeführten Analysen konnten übereinstimmend zeigen, dass anhand der ausgewählten multiplen Entscheidungskriterien eine Fünf-Cluster Lösung anderen Clusterlösungen vorzuziehen ist. Die Replizierbarkeit der Prototypen über unterschiedliche Stichproben verschiedenen Alters, Geschlechts, regionaler Herkunft, Bildungshintergrund, sozioökonomischem Status, Gesundheit (Allgemeinbevölkerung, Patientenstichproben), Erhebungsinstrumente (Selbst- und Fremdbeurteilungsverfahren, Fragebogen, Adjektivlisten, Papier-Bleistift-Verfahren und internetbasiert) und Extraktionsverfahren (Clusteranalyse, Mischverteilungsmodelle) zeigt, dass Persönlichkeitstypen eine Möglichkeit der Klassifikation von Personen nach der Ähnlichkeit ihrer Persönlichkeitsprofile darstellen. In vier Validierungsstudien konnten die Befunde zu emotionalen, kognitiven, verhaltensbezogenen und gesundheitsbezogenen Unterschieden zwischen den Prototypen im Erwachsenenalter repliziert und erweitert werden. Wie im Kindes- und Jugendalter zeigt auch der resiliente Prototyp im Erwachsenenalter die beste psychosoziale Anpassung. Für den über- und unterkontrollierten Prototyp lassen sich die Befunde einer hohen psychischen Belastung ebenfalls ins Erwachsenenalter übertragen. Der zuversichtliche und der reservierte Prototyp nehmen eine mittlere Position im Kontinuum der psychosozialen Anpassung zwischen dem resilienten und dem über- und dem unterkontrollierten Prototyp ein. Weiterhin wurden der variablenzentrierte und der personenzentrierten Ansatz hinsichtlich seiner Prädiktionsleistung verglichen. Anhand von zwei umfangreichen und heterogenen Stichproben konnten konsistente Zusammenhänge zwischen der Zugehörigkeit zu einem Persönlichkeitsprototyp und einer Vielzahl relevanter Straßenverkehrskriterien bestätigt werden. Abschließend wurde das Potential der Prototypen als Moderatoren geprüft. Es konnte demonstriert werden, dass die Prototypen den Zusammenhang zwischen dem CRP-Wert und der täglich verwendeten Dosis Prednisolon zur Behandlung der Symptome einer rheumatoiden Arthritis moderieren.

Universitetsstudenters hemberedskap : relaterat till personlighetsdimensioner, demografiska variabler och attityd till egen hemberedskap

Reutlert, Joakim, Karlberg, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Världen har i nuläget ett sämre säkerhetsläge än på länge, där Sverige kan behöva förbereda sig för en eventuell samhällskris. Hemberedskap är därmed ett begrepp som blir alltmer relevant i vardagen. Forskning inom området har belyst hur beteenden samt attityder som utövas under samhällskriser relaterar till femfaktormodellens personlighetsdimensioner, med varierande resultat. Denna studie undersökte relationen mellan hemberedskap och femfaktormodellen, demografiska variabler och attityd till egen hemberedskap samt skillnaden mellan attityd till egen hemberedskap och aktuell hemberedskap. I studien deltog 124 studenter som besvarade en enkät bestående av demografiska frågor, en skala för hemberedskap samt en skala för femfaktormodellens personlighetsdimensioner. Materialet undersöktes med korrelationer, regressionsanalys samt variansanalys. Resultatet visade ej på signifikanta relationer mellan personlighetsdimensioner och hemberedskap utan enbart tendenser. Däremot föreligger signifikanta samband mellan hemberedskap och variablerna ålder och boendestatus. Ålder, kön samt boendestatus visade sig vara signifikanta för att predicera hemberedskap.  Slutsatsen i studien blev att demografiska variabler är bättre både för att se samband med och för att predicera hemberedskap. En signifikant skillnad existerade även mellan attityd till egen hemberedskap och aktuell hemberedskap hos universitetsstudenter vilket innebär att de tenderar att överskatta sin förmåga till hemberedskap.

Caracter?sticas de personalidade e depend?ncia nicot?nica em universit?rios / Personality features and nicotine dependence in college students

Fujita, ?ngela Tamye Lopes 11 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angela Tamye Lopes Fujita.pdf: 2091772 bytes, checksum: 808af13e69106afabd1647d85111c570 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-11 / Tobacco dependence consists in a complex behavior, which involves physical and psychological dependency. Beyond neurological understanding on nicotine effects, others factors of social, familial and individual nature have been investigated, among these, personality traits can also play animportant role in dependence initiation and it?s maintenance. This study proposed to investigate the existence of differences in personality traits among academic students, which were divided into two separate groups, non-smokers and smokers, and also considering possible influences from sex and level of nicotine dependence variables. The overall sample consisted of 93 college students from a private institution of higher education in the state of S?o Paulo, of which 75 were women and 18 men with a mean age of 21 years. Participants were divided into two groups (smokers and nonsmokers), according to results presented at the Fagerstr?m Test for Nicotine Dependence (TFDN). The Personality Factor Battery (BFP) was answered by all participants, yielding scores on the five major personality factors and facets. From a nonparametric statistical test, Mann-Whitney test, was observed that with respect to the influence of the variable group (smokers and nonsmokers) in personality factors and facets of the group of nonsmokers obtained significantly higher scores on Vulnerability, Pro- sociality Trusts in people, Socialization, and Commitment. Have the smoker group had significantly higher scores in novelty seeking and Openness. The results of the Mann-Whitney statistical teste regarding the influence of level of nicotine dependence (addiction mild group and moderate dependence group) indicated statistically significant differences only on the facet Trust in people with higher average obtained by the group with mild dependence on nicotine. In the analysis of the influence of gender, which was obtained by the Quisquare test,was observed that the group of women obtained significantly higher scores on the facet of Pro- Sociability and Socialization in general factor, whereas men had significantly higher scores on the facets of Openness to ideas, Liberalism, Searching for News and Openness factor. It is expected that these results can be used to favor the improvement of professionals working in the area of smoking and understanding of personality traits that show the different between dependent and non-dependent individuals. / O tabagismo consiste em um comportamento complexo que envolve a depend?ncia f?sica e psicol?gica. Al?m do entendimento neurol?gico dos efeitos da nicotina, diversos outros fatores de natureza social, familiar e individual tamb?m v?m sendo estudados, podendo-se destacar, dentre eles, os tra?os de personalidade, os quais podem exercer papel importante no processo de depend?ncia, assim como na sua manuten??o. Diante do exposto, esse estudo tem como objetivo investigar a exist?ncia de diferen?as de caracter?sticas de personalidade em estudantes universit?rios, divididos em dois grupos: n?o fumantes e fumantes, considerando-se ainda a influ?ncia das vari?veis sexo e n?vel de depend?ncia (no grupo de fumantes).A amostra geral foi composta por 93 estudantes universit?rios de institui??o particular do ensino superior do interior do estado de S?o Paulo, da qual 75 eram mulheres e 18 homens, com idade m?dia de 21 anos. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos (n?o fumantes e fumantes), de acordo com o resultado apresentado no Teste de Fagerstr?m para Depend?ncia de Nicotina (TFDN). A Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade (BFP) foi respondida por todos os participantes, dando origem a pontua??es nos cinco grandes fatores da personalidade e suas facetas. A partir de teste estat?stico de Mann-Whitney foi observado que com rela??o ? influ?ncia da vari?vel grupo (fumantes e n?o fumantes) nos fatores e facetas de personalidade o grupo de n?o fumantes obteve escores significativamente maiores em Vulnerabilidade, Pr?-sociabilidade, Confian?as nas pessoas, Socializa??o, e Empenho. J? o grupo fumante apresentou escores significativamente maiores em Busca por novidades e Abertura. Os resultados referentes ? an?lise da influ?ncia do n?vel de depend?ncia nicot?nica (grupo depend?ncia leve e grupo depend?ncia moderada), obtidos a partir de teste de Mann-Whitney,apontaram para diferen?a estatisticamente significativa apenas na faceta Confian?a nas pessoas, com m?dia maior obtido pelo grupo com depend?ncia de nicotina leve. A an?lise estat?stica realizada com o teste do Qui-quadrado sobre a influ?ncia da vari?vel sexo observou-se que o grupo das mulheres obteve escores significativamente maiores na faceta de Pr?-Sociabilidade e no fator geral Socializa??o, enquanto os homens apresentaram escores significativamente maiores nas facetas de Abertura a id?ias, Liberalismo, Busca por Novidades e no fator Abertura. Espera-se que os resultados apresentados possam ser utilizados no sentido de favorecer o aperfei?oamento dos profissionais atuantes na ?rea do tabagismo e na compreens?o dos tra?os de personalidade que se mostram diferentes entre indiv?duos dependentes e n?o dependentes.

The influence of personality traits and ICT use on the boundary management of home-based teleworkers

Evans, Hannah January 2018 (has links)
This mixed methods study contains two studies that are linked together sequentially to explore the work/nonwork boundary management of home-based teleworkers through the overarching research question: Do personality traits and ICT use influence how teleworkers manage their work-nonwork boundary? Mobile ICT s such as smartphones are becoming increasingly more important for work and they can have a boundary blurring effect on the work-nonwork boundary as they may be used at anytime and anywhere. However, the issue of how personality traits influence ICT use and work-nonwork boundary management has been neglected, particularly in a teleworking context. As people manage their work-nonwork boundaries differently and some people work better at home than others, it is not known to what extent personality traits play a role in boundary management and ICT use. Study One explores the relationships between the big five personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion and neuroticism, the facet level traits of dutifulness, gregariousness, and impulsiveness and work/nonwork boundary interruptions. It also explores the relationships between these traits and frequency of technology use for work purposes and the relationship of ICT s (smartphones, tablets and laptops) to work/nonwork boundary interruptions. Data was collected via an online survey, with recruitment from social media sites and Local Authorities totalling 391 usable responses. Conscientiousness was found to be negatively related to work-nonwork and nonwork-work interruptions, dutifulness negatively related to nonwork-work interruptions, neuroticism positively related to work-nonwork interruptions and impulsiveness positively related to nonwork-work interruptions. Personality traits were found to have small correlations to boundary interruptions which was a new finding, although it was expected that the correlations might have been larger than they were found to be. Extraversion was positively related to frequency of laptop use and extraversion and gregariousness were positively related to frequency of smartphone use, neuroticism was negatively related to frequency of smartphone use which were new findings in a work context. Frequency of ICT use was positively related to work-nonwork interruptions, with smartphones showing the highest correlation, followed by tablet and then laptop displaying a stepped effect. This finding of a stepped effect was new and suggests that the portability of smartphones makes them much easier to connect to work out of hours, than laptops and tablets. The second study included interviews from 20 participants who had completed the survey, four from each of five boundary management groups (Strong Segmentors, Strong Integrators, Moderate Managers, Work Boundary Protectors and Family Boundary Protectors). The groups were derived from scores from the survey data, in order to investigate in more depth, other factors that influenced boundary management interruptions that were not picked up in Study One and specifically the idiosyncrasies of ICT use between groups. The qualitative data was analysed via Template Analysis and the final themes in the template were Boundary Management, Crafting Work, Individual Differences, Telework and Interruptions. The theme of Boundary Management was dealt with in this study. Some key findings were that Study Two built upon Study One by finding that proactivity was a key theme and that this trait may be particularly active while individuals are teleworking due to the context. ICT s were used in a way that reflected the wide ranging boundary management preferences of the individuals using them.

A facet and domain-level analysis of two trait models of personality: Relationship with subjective well-being

McKay, Derek A. 03 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.


朱慶龍, Chu, Ching-Long Unknown Date (has links)
人之性格與行為到底是由與生俱來的先天因素(nature)抑或環境行為等後天因素(nurture)決定呢?這方面的爭議是心理學家數十年來的興趣。然而,近十年中工業與組織心理學家才開始注意到,工作滿意與工作價值觀之氣質(disposition)源起與影響程度。本研究之目的,即在探討「五大人格特質」、「工作價值觀」、「工作滿意」三者間的關係。 本研究所使用的樣本乃為台灣之某一國營企業員工,有效樣本共568位。研究結果發現:五大人格特質與工作滿意是有所關係的,其中嚴謹自律性、外傾支配性、和善性分別對工作滿意具有預測力。五大人格特質對於內在滿意的影響則高於外在滿意;此外,研究者亦提出實徵數據佐證五大人格特質是可以有效地預測工作價值觀,解釋量約為45%;而且工作價值觀也會影響工作滿意且關係密切,與西方或是東方之台灣與韓國的研究相當一致。最重要的是本研究也發現工作價值觀(之工作目的性價值觀與工作手段價值觀均)為五大人格中之嚴謹自律性與內在滿意以及外向性與一般滿意之中介變項。此外,工作手段價值觀僅為五大人格中之和善性與一般滿意之中介變項。 綜合本研究結果與發現,研究者指出本研究之限制與未來研究方向,嘗試整合工作滿意之人格氣質緣起的架構並建立模式。以供工業與組織心理學家以及組織行為學者作為參考。 關鍵字:五大人格特質、工作價值觀、工作滿意、中介變項、氣質 / For decades, the debate over the issue of whether personalities and behaviors of human beings are determined by Nature or Nurture has been one of the major research interests of psychologists. However, it was not until the past ten years that industrial/organizational psychologists started to notice the dispositional sources of and their effects on job satisfaction and work values. In line with this trend, the present study aimed to investigate the relationships between the Five Factor Model of Personality (FFM, also known as the Big Five), work values, and job satisfaction. The study sampled 568 employees from one of the state-operated enterprises in Taiwan, and the Big Five was found to be related to job satisfaction, which could be predicted by Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Agreeableness, respectively. The influence of the Big Five over intrinsic satisfaction was higher than that over extrinsic satisfaction. In addition, the researcher provided empirical data to substantiate the notion that the Big Five could predict work values effectively, accounting for 45% of the variance. The finding of a strong association between work values and job satisfaction was consistent not only with other research results obtained from eastern countries such as Taiwan and Korea, but also with those obtained in the West. Most important of all, terminal and instrumental work values were found to be the mediator between Conscientiousness and intrinsic satisfaction, as well as that between Extraversion and general satisfaction. However, only terminal work values served as the mediator between Agreeableness and general satisfaction. Summing up the results and discoveries of the present study, the limitations of it were pointed out, and directions for further investigation were suggested. Trying to construct a model by integrating the dispositional sources of job satisfaction and work values into a framework, the researcher wished to provide a footstone of future research for other industrial/organizational psychologists as well as organizational behaviorists. Keywords:Five Factor Model of Personality;FFM;Big Five;disposition;work values;job satisfaction;mediator

Sociodemografické a osobnostní charakteristiky žen a matek závislých na návykových látkách / Socio-demographic and personal characteristics of women and mothers with drug addiction

ŽIŽKOVÁ, Blanka January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Ondersoek na die persoonlikheidsprofiel van slagoffers van afknouery

Du Preez, Frederika Elizabeth 30 November 2007 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The goal of the research is to explore the personality profile of aggressive victims of bullying in a special school. Qualitative, applied research of an explorative and descriptive nature was followed. In order to address the problem, namely that the personality profile of children can lead to aggressive victims, the researcher undertook a literature study to describe bullying in middle childhood with the focus on aggressive victims, the Five Factor Model of Personality, bullying in special schools and organismic selfregulation within Gestalt therapy. The researcher's knowledge of the Five Factor Model of Personality enabled her to compile the interview schedules for the semi-structured interviews. Purposeful sampling was conducted to identify respondents for the interviews. The interviews were conducted with four aggressive victims of bullying, their parents, as well as their class teachers. During the analysis of data, themes were identified. These themes were verified with literature and recommendations were made. / Social work / M.Diac.(Play therapy)

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