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兒童氣質.父母教養方式與兒童社會能力關係之研究王珮玲 Unknown Date (has links)
1 兒童氣質之適應性好,注意力分散度低,堅持度高的孩子,則其社會能力愈好。此外,活動量愈大、情緒強度愈高的孩子,則其工作能力愈不好;但趨避度愈高的孩子,除主動性外,其他社會能力也愈好。
2 不同程度的兒童氣質在教師評量之兒童社會能力上皆有顯著差異存在。
1 父親愈採拒絕、命令、忽視、物質懲罰的教養方式時,相對的,兒童的社會能力也愈不好。而母親愈採忽視和物質懲罰教養方式,則兒童的禮貌愈不好。
2 不同程度的父母教養方式在教師所評量之兒童社會能力上無顯著差異存在。
1 兒童氣質與父母教養方式對教師所評量兒童社會能力的的預測力,以兒童氣質變項的聯合預測力最大,其中尤以堅持度、活動量和趨避度三者,解釋力最大。
2 兒童氣質與父母教養方式對兒童同儕所評量社會能力區別作用,以兒童氣質對兒童同儕所評量社會能力較具顯著區別作用。
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蒙特梭利教育、華德福教育及其相關因素與幼兒氣質、社會能力之研究 / The study of Young Children's Temperament and Social Competence with Montessori Education, Waldorf Education and the Related Factors張頴瑜, Cheong, Weng U Unknown Date (has links)
一、 不同性別之幼兒在幼兒氣質中,活動量、情緒強度與注意力分散度表現不一,其中男生之表現皆高於女生。
二、 不同家庭社會地位之幼兒在幼兒氣質中活動量表現不一,其中低家庭社會地位之幼兒高於高、中家庭社會地位之幼兒。
四、 接受不同幼教課程模式(蒙特梭利教育、華德福教育)之幼兒在幼兒氣質中趨近性表現不一,其中接受蒙特梭利教育之幼兒較接受華德福教育之幼兒高。
五、 接受不同幼教課程模式(蒙特梭利教育、華德福教育)之幼兒在社會能力中人際互動表現不一,其中接受華德福教育之幼兒較接受蒙特梭利教育之幼兒高。
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時尚雜誌中的性別角色區隔---男性雜誌與女性雜誌之比較白育珮, Pai, Yu-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
研究建議後續相關的研究方向應可納入雜誌編輯的意見,以利更加明確的瞭解時尚雜誌行文編輯中運用以描繪性別角色之策略;另外,對閱聽人解讀效果的研究也利綜覽整個時尚雜誌性別角色呈現的傳播過程及其影響。 / To realize the differences of sex roles displayed between men's and women's fashion magazine, this study analyzed the headlines, pictures and contents in the interview articles of famous persons in both men's and women's magazines by quantitative content analysis. Based on the role theory, concepts of stereotype, and theories of communication, the study investigated how fashion magazines try to make distinction between male and female characters.
The results of this study suggest 4 conclusions. 1) In men's magazines, male character is often described as serious and rational. Besides, by segregating from any feminine inference, men's magazines portray male character as "absolute masculinity". 2) In men's magazines, female character is simplified, and implied with sexual meaning. Moreover, female's occupational role is rarely mentioned, which is a strategy following stereotyped paradigm.
3) In women's magazines, male character is allowed to show part of unaccustomed image, but only limited to outward behaviors. Most contents still reproduce stereotyped sex roles. 4) Compared with men's magazines, women's magazines tend to grant the female character most non-stereotyped images in their displays. Internally, the female character is often described as staid and professional, while the external focus still centers on dressing, appearances and body shape. In effect, combining these two dimensions above is the strategy adopted by women's fashion magazines in order to fulfill commercial requests.
This study also points out some potential issues for following researches. For example, the opinions of magazine editors could be involved to deepen the understanding of the sex-role displaying strategies. Moreover, exploring the effects of audience's interpretation also helps to overview the whole communicating process of sex-role concepts between readers and fashion magazines, and its upcoming influence.
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青少年氣質與父母管教態度對親子關係之影響 / The Effects of Adolescent Temperament and Parenting on Parent-Child Relationships賴嘉凰, Lai, Chia-Huang Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據研究結果提出家庭教育中父母管教態度與子女氣質適配,以及未來研究方向的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of adolescent temperament and parenting on parent-child relationships. The samples of this study include 578 subjects from ten junior-high schools in Taipei area. Three study instruments are adolescent temperament scale, parenting questionnaires, and parent-child relationships questionnaires. Analyses include ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The major findings are: no matter what boys or girls they are, parent's induction, adolescent task orientation and permissiveness temperament can predict effectively parent-child relationships; boy's Intensity and adaptability temperament can predict effectively parent-child relationships, so can girl's distractibility and mood. Simultaneously, interaction beween types of temperament and types of mother's parenting affect remarkably parent-child relationships; adolescent with vigorous temperament type and mother with power assertion or induction parenting, parent-child relationships would be better; adolescent with constant temperament type and mother with love withdrawal or induction parenting, parent-child relationships would be better; and adolescent with any other temperament types and mother with induction parenting, parent-child relationships would be better. And also, types of temperament are remarkably difference in parent-child relationships, as well as types of parenting are remarkably difference in parent-child relationships.
According to the results of this study, fits for parenting and adolescent temperament in family education, and suggestions in future study are proposed.
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學齡兒童氣質、家庭氣氛與學業成績之關係 / The relationship among middle childhood temperament , family atmosphere and academic achievement李美瑩, Lee, Mei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討學齡兒童氣質、家庭氣氛與學業成績間的關係,並比較不同的氣質類型在學業成績上的差異情形。研究工具為「學齡兒童氣質量表」、「兒童家庭氣氛量表」及國語、數學、社會、自然四科的月考成績平均。研究樣本為臺灣省五所國民小學708 名四、五年級的孩子。
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台灣與韓國大學生外表打扮氣質差異及其影響因素探討-以台灣國立政治大學與韓國延世大學為例李恩泰, Lee, En Tai, Unknown Date (has links)
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五大人格特質、工作價值觀和工作滿意三者相互關係之研究朱慶龍, Chu, Ching-Long Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:五大人格特質、工作價值觀、工作滿意、中介變項、氣質 / For decades, the debate over the issue of whether personalities and behaviors of human beings are determined by Nature or Nurture has been one of the major research interests of psychologists. However, it was not until the past ten years that industrial/organizational psychologists started to notice the dispositional sources of and their effects on job satisfaction and work values. In line with this trend, the present study aimed to investigate the relationships between the Five Factor Model of Personality (FFM, also known as the Big Five), work values, and job satisfaction.
The study sampled 568 employees from one of the state-operated enterprises in Taiwan, and the Big Five was found to be related to job satisfaction, which could be predicted by Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Agreeableness, respectively. The influence of the Big Five over intrinsic satisfaction was higher than that over extrinsic satisfaction. In addition, the researcher provided empirical data to substantiate the notion that the Big Five could predict work values effectively, accounting for 45% of the variance. The finding of a strong association between work values and job satisfaction was consistent not only with other research results obtained from eastern countries such as Taiwan and Korea, but also with those obtained in the West. Most important of all, terminal and instrumental work values were found to be the mediator between Conscientiousness and intrinsic satisfaction, as well as that between Extraversion and general satisfaction. However, only terminal work values served as the mediator between Agreeableness and general satisfaction.
Summing up the results and discoveries of the present study, the limitations of it were pointed out, and directions for further investigation were suggested. Trying to construct a model by integrating the dispositional sources of job satisfaction and work values into a framework, the researcher wished to provide a footstone of future research for other industrial/organizational psychologists as well as organizational behaviorists.
Keywords:Five Factor Model of Personality;FFM;Big Five;disposition;work values;job satisfaction;mediator
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愛倫坡作品中之魑魅陽剛與同性慾望 / Gothic Masculinity and Same-Sex Desire in the Works of Edgar Allan Poe徐千惠, Hsu, Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
同性情慾如何在美國戰前文學中隱沒/現身。 / The present study engages three works written by Edgar Allan Poe to contextualize the construction of masculinity and same-sex desire in antebellum sensation fictions. While ample analyses have been dedicated to Poe’s depictions of
femininity, the interrelation between masculinity and incipient homoeroticism in his stories proves to be significantly understudied. By examining the negative affects of Poe’s male protagonists—respectively fear in “The Black Cat,” paranoia in “William Wilson,” and melancholia in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, this project aims to provide a queer reinterpretation of these texts.
Structurally, the thesis consists of five chapters. The second chapter délinéâtes the Victorian separate spheres ideology to explore its significance in the formation of
normative manhood in “The Black Cat.” By underscoring the homoerotic Relationship between the narrator and Pluto, the study thereby sees the conclusion of the story as a
testimonial to the unattainable ideals of Jacksonian manhood and its oppressive continuum with the heterosexual domestic sphere. In so doing, the study is able to
substantiate a connection between the narrator’s perverseness with a homosocial desire that is subjected to heteronormative cultural silencing.
The third chapter is an attempt to establish a linkage between Gothic doubling, narcissism, and male paranoia in “William Wilson.” While exhaustive studies have
been taken upon to validate the readings wherein the second Wilson is treated as the narrator’s super-ego, the present study further argues that Gothic doubling finds expression in this tale in the form of capitalist competitiveness. Building on this observation, the project examines Poe’s doubling in relation to the narrator’s paranoia and his conscious disengagement from the patriarchal social order. Through a reassessment of the gentlemanly edifices of Poe’s male characters, this study explores the constructedness of antebellum manhood and discovers a concurrence of onanism
and homosexuality in Poe’s time, thereby establishing a connection between Wilson’s narcissistic desire and its homoerotic potentialities.
Lastly, the fourth chapter demonstrates how unconsummated mourning over the loss of same-sex ties in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket functions as an integral part of Jacksonian normative male identity. Focusing on the queer connotations of Pym’s break from patronymic ties, this study contends that becoming the antebellum subject entails a preclusion of homosexual attachments. Reconsidering the protagonist’s inability to mourn Augustus Barnard’s death and the crew’s cannibalism, this study sees Arthur Gordon Pym as the Butlerian melancholic subject
who is unable to perform the work of mourning for his beloved object. Read in tandem with Freud’s conception of primordial parricide, the fraternal revolt that works at the center of the story can be viewed as a form of gender nonconformity which foregrounds melancholia in the abandonment of familial bonds.
As such, the project excavates the instability, constructedness, and finally—the Gothicness that underlie Poe’s representations of masculinity. Reappraising the failed manhood of Poe’s men, this thesis concludes that the affective dynamics between Poe’s male characters are inextricably bound up with their broken masculinity and
queer homoerotics.
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