Spelling suggestions: "subject:"litteraturundervisning.""
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När klassrummet försvinner : En kvalitativ studie om hur distans- och fjärrundervisning påverkar lärarens professionella ledarskap / When the classroom disappears : A qualitative study about how distance learning affects teachers' professional leadershipSandberg, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This study means to examine and map out teachers' professional leadership and how distance learning has affected the quality of that leadership in the situation of having the physical classroom removed and new practical and social conditions to rule the everyday school life, caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic. To get a more nuanced insight in the different kinds of classrooms, teachings and the leadership that surrounds them I have studied both the teachers and students perspectives on the situation to compare them. It’s a qualitative study with a focus on reaching teachers and students personal experiences and thoughts through semi structured interviews as its main method. I limited my study to being on teachers and students from different high schools in the Blekinge and Kronoberg regions and used personal interviews with the teachers and small group interviews with the teachers' respective students. The overall results of my study shows that the conditions for effective leadership had been limited in several aspects. The most prominent being different social aspects of leadership, classroom management and teaching. The general experience were difficulties in communication and the ability to build and maintain relations and also problems with the ability of teachers to read their class’ different needs and respond to them efficiently due to missing body language and facial expressions of distance learning. The students'needs boiled down to adjustments in response to their increasing lack of motivation in their studies and need for further and easier contact with their teachers for questions and help. The study also revealed that the teaching situations needed to be a bit more fun and interactive to help restore the social needs but that the best for all would be to return to the normal physical classroom as soon as possible to ensure improvements in wellbeing and ability to learn for the majority of people.
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Historieundervisningen under covid-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ studie om covid-19s inverkan på historieundervisningen. / History education during the covid-19 pandemic : A qualitative study on the impact of covid-19 on history education.Nyberg, Simon January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyze how the practice of teaching history in Swedish upper secondary school was impacted by the covid-19 pandemic. The study used qualitative interviews with five history teachers to gain an understanding about how they felt that the pandemic came to affect them and their teaching. To analyze the result the frame factor theory, and frame factory frames: pandemic and remote teaching have been used. The result of the study shows that online education and the pandemic effected most aspects of teaching, especially the social collaboration between students’ and students and their teacher. All five teachers reported that not being able to read their students’ body language and alertness during their lectures was an issue, since they were unable adapt their lesson after their students' needs. The teachers believe that these issues resulted in a lower quality learning environment. Remote teaching also increased the workload for teachers, especially when they needed to develop their technical skills to meet the demands of remote teaching. The teachers preferred to teach in classrooms with their students present, but they also saw the value in their own professional development during this challenging period. Despite the challenges, the teachers’ view of remote teaching is positive and they see several advantages with the tool. One example of this is that certain group of students that tend to stay at home and avoid school, performed better during remote teaching period. Another example is that teachers had an easier time having deeper and more meaningful conversations with their students. However, the main take away from the study is that the teachers recognize the importance of remote teaching as a tool in case something similar, like the covid pandemic, should occur in the future.
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Gymnasiekemi under den globala pandemin COVID-19 läsåret 2020/2021 : Hur lärande och kemiundervisning påverkats utifrån ett lärar- och elevperspektiv / High School Chemistry during the Global Pandemic COVID-19 2020/21Ehrenborg Williams, Cecilia, Eivinsson, Catarina January 2021 (has links)
När coronapandemin slog till våren 2020 var kemiundervisningen på gymnasieskolorna i Sverige planerad huvudsakligen som närundervisning och få skolor och lärare var förberedda på den snabbt beslutade omställningen till fjärrundervisning. Under vår VFU-period under vårterminen 2021 uppstod en unik chans att undersöka hur ett antal erfarna kemilärare ställde om och hanterade denna speciella situation av undervisning med förutsättningar som ständigt ändrades med kort varsel beroende på smittoläget i Sverige. Lärarna blev tvungna att använda digitala verktyg i sin kemiundervisning under perioderna när eleverna inte fick komma till skolan utan satt hemma framför sina datorer. Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån ett lärar- och elevperspektiv undersöka pandemins effekter på kemiundervisningen på gymnasiet som bedrivits i en hybrid delvis på distans, delvis i klassrummet samt ibland till och med båda samtidigt. En huvudsakligen kvalitativ undersökning har genomförts med data från semistrukturerade intervjuer av kemilärare på gymnasiet samt från elevenkäter som analyserades med tematisk analys. Analysresultatet pekar på att lärarna själva medger att de haft stora utmaningar med fjärrundervisningen som de upplever inte gett samma lärande som närundervisning. Trots denna försvårande omständighet upplevde lärarna att de generellt lyckades nå kursmålen tack vare ständiga omplaneringar, merarbete och med extrastöd till eleverna åstadkomma ett lärande i kemi i slutet på läsåret på ungefär samma nivå som tidigare år med enbart närundervisning. Elevernas uppfattning var att det var svårare att lära sig under distansperioderna vilket medförde stora tapp i motivation och de gav uttryck för att de hade föredragit att få vara mer i skolans lokaler för att lära sig mer av eget laborerande och kunna interagera lättare och mer med både lärare och klasskamrater. / A mainly qualitative survey was conducted using insights from semi-structured interviews of high school chemistry teachers and thematically-analyzed student surveys. The teachers admitted there were major challenges with using online methodologies and tools for education that had not provided the same level of learning as the traditional classroom environment. Despite the aggravating circumstances disrupting their classes, the teachers managed to generally achieve the course goals. However, it required continuous planning, additional time and extra support for them to help students reach the course goals at the same levels as previous years. The students perceived this initial period of remote learning to be more difficult which led toa reduction in motivation. They claimed that lab work was more conducive at school where they could interact more easily and engage with teachers and fellow classmates.
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”Det är lite skolbaserat” : Umesamiskalärares röster om fjärrundervisningen i umesamiska och samarbetet med svenskämnet / "It's a bit school-based" : Voices of Ume Sami teachers about remote education in Ume Sami and cooperation with the subject of SwedishLindelöf, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Åhpadibmien ulmmie leä máhttuob akttasadtjen jah meälggadeåhpadibmien bijrra váddiet ubmejensámien unnibelåhkkuongiällije nïnnuodit. Vuaduo jah uhttsalibmie uvddale sjiehties máhttuo vuösiete jah ájáj mah leäh guaruos guh dannie åhpadibmie urra diediedibmien bijrra váddiet. Almmas åhpadibmien vuöhkien tjarra leä máhttielis åhpadibmien ulmieb ráriestit jah uhttsalimmij gehtjelvassijde vásstieduvvh. Diedietimmijde leä tjåggáme ubmejesámien liärruobåddijde geähttadit jah ubmejesámien liärratïjjijde siärra vuöhkkiene gehttjadit. Teorïjjan vuaduo sociokultuvran teorïjjub ävkkije guh máhttielisvuahtta giälliije buerest ussjadallat guh ájnas veähkkie liärruomen meht. Buhtasijde vuösiete meälggadeåhpadibmie vuöhkkiene leä dárbies nåváj dåjbmá. Meälggadeåhpadibmien hástalassh bühth jiänamus liärruomen byjrramiste, ïllak vánnie ubmejesámien bïjkuos liärruogirjieh jah liärruobåddah gåvnnijeäh, plänemij tjualbmah jah vánies lágiediebmie jïjtja skuvlaste. Hållijeäh áj sávvatassub subsasth dáruon ábnasijne skuvlane ekttijne barggat. Sïjjan bargguo die álggiebe sjaddá jah liäruokij giällaidentiteta nïnnuotuvvá. Skuvlla jah unniebelåhkkuogiälij åhppatimmie leäh ájnnash eäljjuodibmien giälij uvdste. Åhppatibmie vuösiete leä eŋŋe jiäna bargguo dáruon vuaduoskuvlane jüs galggá ubmejesámiengiälub nïnnuodit. Åhppatibmie vuösiete leä eŋŋe jiäna bargguo dáruon vuaduoskuvlane jüs galggá ubmejesámiengiälub nïnnuodit. / Denna studie har som syfte att bidra med kunskap om samarbetet med svenskämnet och fjärrundervisningens möjligheter för att stärka minoritetsspråket umesamiska. Bakgrunden och den tidigare forskningen presenterar relevant kunskap likväl som att den visar på det forskningsglapp denna studie bidrar med ny information om. Genom kvalitativ fallstudie som metod kan studiens syfte diskuteras och forskningsfrågor besvaras. Som datainsamlingsmetod har både ostrukturerade icke-deltagande observationer av umesamiskalektioner och semistrukturerade djup-intervjuer med umesamiska lärare används. Som teoretisk bas används den sociokulturella teorin som ger möjlighet att fokusera på språket som ett viktigt redskap för lärande. Resultaten visar att fjärrundervisningen som metod är såväl nödvändig som fungerande. Utmaningarna med fjärrundervisning handlar till övervägande om utifrån som lärmiljön, avsaknaden av offentliga läromedel på umesamiska, otillräcklig undervisningstid, schematiska problem och bristande engagemang från den ordinarie skolan. Informanterna uttryckte även en önskan av ett samarbete med svenskämnet både för att underlätta sitt arbetet samt för att stärka umesamiskan och stärka elevernas språkliga identitet. Skolan och undervisningen av minoritetsspråk är viktiga i revitaliseringen av hotade språk. Studien visar på att det fortsatt finns mycket att göra i den svenska grundskolan för att stärka det umesamiskaspråket. / The study aims to bring knowledge about the possibilities to strengthen the Umesámi language through collaboration and remote education. The background and the previous research show the research gap that exists and that this study will give new information about. Through a qualitative case study as a method the aim of the study can be discussed, and the research questions can be answered. Unstructured non-participating observations of Umesámi lessons and semi structured in-depth interviews with Umesámi teachers are this study’s chosen data collection methods. The study investigates the possibilities to strengthen the Umesámi language. Sociocultural theory is functioning as the theoretical base of this study, and it is making it possible to focus on the language as a valuable tool for learning. The results display that remote education is not only a necessary method but also a method that works. Most of the challenges with remote education come from the learning environment, the non-official existing teaching materials in Umesámi, the lack of teaching time, schematic problems, and lack of commitment from the ordinary school. The informants expressed a wish to collaborate with the Swedish subject, both to facilitate the work burden and strengthen the Umesámi language and the pupils’ linguistic identity. Both school and the education of minority languages play an important part in the revitalization of endangered languages. The study shows that there still is a lot to do in the Swedish elementary school to strengthen the Umesámi language.
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