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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synaptic vesicle recycling investigated by high-resolution microscopy in a conventional and a sensory synapse / Das synaptische Vesikelrecycling untersucht durch hochauflösende Mikroskopie in einer konventionellen und einer sensorischen Synapse

Kamin, Dirk 15 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Generalized Analytic Signal Construction and Modulation Analysis

Venkitaraman, Arun January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with generalizations of the analytic signal (AS) construction proposed by Gabor. Functional extensions of the fractional Hilbert Transform (FrHT) are proposed using which families of analytic signals are obtained. The construction is further applied in the design of a secure communication scheme. A demodulation scheme is developed based on the generalized AS, motivated by perceptual experiments in binaural hearing. Demodulation is achieved using a signal and its arbitrary phase-shifted version which, in turn translated to demodulation using a pair of flat-top bandpass filters that form an FrHT parir. A new family of wavelets based on the popular Gammatone auditory model is proposed and is shown to lead to a good characterization of singularities/transients in a signal. Allied problems of computing smooth amplitude, phase, and frequency modulations from the AS. Construction of FrHT pair of wavelets, and temporal envelope fit of transient audio signals are also addressed.

Digitální AM/FM vysílač / Digital AM / FM transmitter

Kováč, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the theoretical description and practical implementation of software defined transmitter. The main aim of this thesis was made the prototype of software defined transmitter in FM band. Theoretical part is determined to description of basic parts of equipment and working principles to understand the basic principle of digital transmitters and define the appropriate component base for construction. Discussed are used types of A/D and D/A converters, blocks of digital signal processing and the roles, which these components performs. The second part is focused practical. Specified are suitable types of components and block diagram is proposed for following electrical connection and printed circuit board in Eagle program as a plug-in modul for developmental platform Arduino. The main point is program, which sets and controls the transmitter. Next important part is impedance match and antenna tuning, which is explain in practical part of thesis. The result is prototype of software defined transmitter compatible with Arduino Uno platform.

Optimization of postharvest Technology for "Rojo brillante" Persimmon and Introduction of New Varieties in the Mediterranean Area

Fathi Najafabadi, Ayoub 02 September 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En las últimas dos décadas, la producción de caqui en España ha aumentado exponencialmente y la superficie de cultivo se ha multiplicado casi por ocho. En la actualidad, la producción de caqui está centralizada en el cultivar 'Rojo Brillante', que es mundialmente apreciado. Sin embargo, esta centralización supone una importante limitación comercial. En la presente Tesis se abordan dos objetivos principales: 1) Optimización de la tecnología pre y postcosecha con el fin de garantizar la calidad del caqui 'Rojo Brillante' durante la frigoconservación y el transporte a mercados internacionales. 2) Evaluación del comportamiento bajo condiciones mediterráneas de variedades introducidas de otras regiones productoras con el fin de ampliar el rango varietal de caqui. El primer objetivo de esta Tesis se logró a través de los estudios presentados en los Capítulos I al V. El segundo objetivo se abordó en los Capítulos VI y VII. En el Capítulo I se esclarecieron las causas del pardeamiento interno del fruto en los envíos a los mercados internacionales. La temperatura a la que se expone la fruta inmediatamente tras la aplicación del tratamiento de desastringencia con altas concentraciones de CO2 se identificó como el principal factor implicado en esta alteración. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que esta alteración se puede evitar mediante la implementación de un período de atemperado de 24 h después del tratamiento con CO2, antes de conservar las frutas a bajas temperaturas. En el Capítulo II se evaluó la eficacia de un tratamiento de desastringencia recientemente patentado basado en la aplicación de una nueva cera que contiene etanol en su formulación. Los resultados mostraron que esta cera podría ser una alternativa al tratamiento convencional de desastringencia con altas concentraciones de CO2 cuando la fruta se envía a mercados lejanos a bajas temperaturas. La aplicación de la nueva cera antes de conservación en frío provocó la pérdida de astringencia de la fruta tras 30 días a 0 °C, preservando la firmeza y la calidad interna. Los resultados del Capítulo III demostraron que la realización de dos aplicaciones de ácido giberélico (AG) en precosecha permite retrasar el proceso de maduración de la fruta en el árbol con respecto a una sola aplicación. La combinación de AG en precosecha y 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) en postcosecha resultó en una mayor calidad del fruto durante la frigoconservación en comparación con la aplicación únicamente de 1-MCP. Además, la fruta tratada con múltiples aplicaciones de AG mostró una firmeza ligeramente mayor tras de conservación a baja temperatura. En el Capítulo IV se demostró que, paralelamente al retraso de la maduración, el tratamiento con AG también retrasa la senescencia del cáliz, incrementando la calidad externa del fruto. La senescencia del cáliz durante la maduración del fruto se relacionó con una disminución de los parámetros de fluorescencia de clorofila (Fo, Fm y Fv/Fm). En el Capítulo V se estudiaron las condiciones óptimas de almacenamiento del caqui producido bajo cultivo ecológico. Según los resultados, no se deben almacenar los frutos cosechados con firmeza inferior a 30 N. La calidad del fruto durante la conservación dependió de las condiciones de almacenamiento, momento de aplicación del tratamiento de deastringencia y estado de madurez inicial. Por último, en los Capítulos VI y VII se abordó la evaluación bajo condiciones mediterráneas de 14 variedades de caquis no-astringentes procedentes de otros países. Se identificaron las variedades tempranas y tardías que pueden ser potencialmente interesantes para ampliar el período de cosecha en nuestra región. Los estudios postcosecha mostraron que todas las variedades estudiadas presentan una buena aptitud para ser comercializadas en los mercados nacionales y europeos. Sin embargo, la sensibilidad a los daños por frío que presentaron algunas de las variedades estudiadas podría limitar su comercialización a países de ultramar. Además, se observó que la respuesta al tratamiento con 1-MCP, para el control de los daños por frío, dependió en gran medida de la variedad. / [CA] En les últimes dues dècades, la producció de caqui a Espanya ha augmentat exponencialment i la superfície de cultiu s'ha multiplicat quasi per huit vegades. En l'actualitat, la producció de caqui està centralitzada en el la cultivar 'Rojo Brillante', que és mundialment apreciat. Malgrat això, aquesta centralització suposa d'una banda una important limitació comercial, ja que la producció es concentra en un període de collita relativament curt i, d'altra banda implica un alt risc fitosanitari. En la present Tesi s'aborden dos objectius principals: 1) Optimització de la tecnologia pre i postcollita amb la finalitat de garantir la qualitat del caqui 'Rojo brillante' durant la frigoconservació i el transport a mercats internacionals. 2) Avaluació del comportament de varietats introduïdes d'altres regions productores sota condicions mediterrànies amb la finalitat d'ampliar el rang varietal de caqui. En el Capítol I es van esclarir les causes de l l'enfosquiment intern. La temperatura a la qual s'exposa la fruita immediatament després de l'aplicació del tractament de desastringència amb altes concentracions de CO¿ es va identificar com el principal factor implicat en aquesta alteració. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar que aquesta alteració es pot evitar mitjançant la implementació d'un període de temperat de 24 h després del tractament amb CO¿, abans de transferir la fruita a baixes temperatures. En el Capítol II es va avaluar l'eficàcia d'un tractament de desastringència recentment patentat basat en l'aplicació d'una nova cera que conté etanol en la seua formulació en caquis 'Rojo Brillante' i 'Triumph'. Els resultats van mostrar que aquesta cera podria ser una alternativa al tractament convencional de desastringència amb altes concentracions de CO¿ quan la fruita s'envia a mercats llunyans a baixes temperatures. L'aplicació de la nova cera abans de conservació en fred va provocar la pèrdua d'astringència de la fruita després de 30 dies a 0 °C, preservant la fermesa i la qualitat interna. Els resultats del Capítol III van demostrar que l'aplicació de dos tractaments d'àcid giberèlic (AG) en precollita permet retardar el procés de maduració de la fruita en l'arbre respecte a una sola aplicació. La combinació de AG en precollita i 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) en postcollita va incrementar la qualitat del fruit durant la frigoconservació en comparació amb l'aplicació únicament de 1-MCP. A més, la fruita tractada amb múltiples aplicacions de AG va mostrar una fermesa lleugerament major després de conservació a baixa temperatura; no obstant això, una sola aplicació de AG també va ser eficaç per a previndre la manifestació de danys per fred en la fruita. En el Capítol IV es va demostrar que, paral·lelament al retard de la maduració, el tractament amb AG també retarda la senescència del calze, incrementant la qualitat externa del fruit. La senescència del calze durant la maduració del fruit es va relacionar amb una disminució dels paràmetres de fluorescència de clorofil·la (Fo, Fm i Fv/Fm). En el Capítol V es van estudiar les condicions òptimes d'emmagatzematge del caqui produït baix cultiu ecològic. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts, no s'han d'emmagatzemar els fruits collits amb fermesa inferior a 30 N. La conservació del fruit va dependre de les condicions d'emmagatzematge, moment d'aplicació del tractament de desastringència i estat de maduresa de la fruita. Finalment, en els Capítols VI i VII es va abordar l'avaluació de 14 varietats de caquis no-astringents. Es van identificar les varietats primerenques i tardanes que poden ser potencialment interessants per a ampliar el període de collita. D'altra banda, els estudis postcollita van mostrar que totes les varietats estudiades presenten una bona aptitud per a ser comercialitzades en els mercats nacionals i europeus. No obstant això, la sensibilitat als danys per fred que van presentar algunes de les varietats estudiades podria limitar la seua comercialització a països d'ultramar. A més, es va observar que la resposta al tractament amb 1-MCP, per al control dels danys per fred, va dependre en gran manera de la varietat. / [EN] In the last two decades, persimmon production in Spain has increased exponentially and the cultivation area has expanded almost eight-fold. The current production of persimmon is focused on the cultivar 'Rojo Brillante', which is appreciated worldwide due to the high quality of the fruit. Nevertheless, centralized production of this single cultivar implies a major commercial limitation as its high volume of production is concentrated in a relative short harvesting period. Furthermore, it also implies a high phytosanitary risk. In this context, this Thesis addresses two main objectives: 1) Optimization of pre- and postharvest technology in order to guarantee the quality of 'Rojo Brillante' persimmon after cold storage and transportation to overseas markets. 2) Evaluation of the behavior of foreign varieties of persimmon under Mediterranean conditions in order to extend the varietal range. The first objective of this Thesis was tackled through the studies presented in Chapters I to V. The second objective was covered in Chapters VI and VII. Chapter I dealt with the causes of internal browning disorder manifested after cold shipment of 'Rojo Brillante' persimmons to overseas markets. The temperature to which fruit is exposed immediately after CO2 deastringency treatment was identified as the main factor involved in this alteration. Our results showed that this disorder can be avoided by implementing an attemperation period of 24 h after the CO2 treatment, before transferring fruit to cold storage. In Chapter II, the effectiveness of a recently patented deastringency treatment based on applying a new wax containing ethanol was assayed in 'Rojo Brillante' and 'Triumph' persimmons. The use of this new ethanol-based wax could be a potential alternative to the conventional CO2 deastringency treatment when the fruit are sent to distant overseas markets at low temperatures. Application of the new wax before cold storage led to loss of fruit astringency after 30 days at 0 °C while preserving fruit firmness and internal quality. The results of Chapter III demonstrated that two applications of gibberellic acid (GA) made it possible to delay the fruit maturity process on the tree more than with just a single application. The combination of GA and 1-methylciclopropene (1-MCP) preserved the fruit quality better than with the application of 1-MCP alone during cold storage. Moreover, the fruit treated by multiple GA applications showed a slightly higher firmness after cold storage. However, a single GA application was also effective in preventing the manifestation of chilling injury (CI) in fruit. Chapter IV demonstrated that in parallel to delaying maturity, the GA treatment also delayed calyx senescence, which meant that the fruit preserved a good appearance. The calyx lobe senescence during fruit ripening was linked to a decrease in all Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging (CFI) parameters (Fo, Fm, and Fv/Fm). Chapter V addressed the optimization of storage conditions for organic persimmons. According to our results, fruit harvested with a firmness lower than 30 N must not be stored. Fruit harvested with a higher level of firmness could be stored for up to three weeks depending on the storage conditions, the moment of application of the CO2 deastringency treatment, and the stage of fruit maturity. The longest storage period (3 weeks) was achieved when fruit were harvested with a firmness of around 45 N, submitted to CO2 treatment and then stored at 15 °C. Finally, 14 foreign varieties grown under Mediterranean conditions were evaluated to identify early- and late-season varieties with potential to extend the harvesting period. This is presented in Chapters VI and VII. In general, all the evaluated varieties fulfilled the quality criteria to be commercialized in domestic and European markets. However, sensitivity to CI was variety dependent and response to 1-MCP treatment was also observed to depend on the variety. / This study has been supported by the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria de España (INIA) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the projects RTA 2013-00043-C02-01 and RTA2017-00045-C02-01. In addition, it has been supported by the Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research (Project N° 51910). This study has also been founded by the Consellería de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte de la Comunidad Valenciana (project GV/2016/183). Ayoub Fathi Najafabadi thanks the INIA for grant FPI-INIA #43 (CPD2015-0151). The authors thank Fomesa Fruitech S.L.U. and Natural Hand S. L. for their technical support, Cooperativa Agrícola Ntra Sra de Loreto for its technical support and for making the plots and fruit used in this study available and Plant Production Department (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias) for providing the fruit weight data and the photographs of the different varieties. / Fathi Najafabadi, A. (2021). Optimization of postharvest Technology for "Rojo brillante" Persimmon and Introduction of New Varieties in the Mediterranean Area [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171252 / Compendio

Reduction of the antenna coupling in a bi-static, FM-CW radar system

Malan, Frederich T 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A well-known problem with FM-CW radar systems is the leakage of transmitter power into the receiver which leads to the making of close-in targets, and can severely limit the system dynamic range performance. This thesis considers two solutions to this radar system problem for a low frequency radar operating in the VHF band. The first method to suppress coupling is using separate transmit and receive antennas designed in such a way as to reduce coupling between them. The second is to design a negative feedback loop as part of the radar receiver where the feedback loop adaptively reduces the amount of transmitter leakage through to the receiver. This project details the realisation of these two solutions. A number of antenna designs are modelled in software and simulated to determine their characteristics of which the transmit-to-receive coupling is the key parameter. As no low coupling configuration could be found a simple configuration is chosen and practical measurements are taken. These antennas are then used in the radar system that is to be built. An FM-CW radar system is designed and simulated using software with a negative feedback loop being designed and implemented into the radar simulation. A practical radar system is then made inclusive of the feedback loop. Measurements are then taken to determine the efficacy of the feedback loop. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ʼn Bekende probleem met FM-CW radar stelsels is die lekkasie van versender krag tot in die ontvanger wat lei tot die maak van nabye teikens en kan die stelsel se dinamiese sendbereik steng beperk. Hierdie tesis oorweeg twee oplossings tot hierdie probleem vir ʼn lae frekwensie radar wat in die VHF band werk. Die eerste metode wat na gekyk word om die koppeling te onderdruk is om die twee antennas van die radar stelsel so te ontwerp sodat die hoeveelheid koppeling tussen hulle verminder is. Die tweede is om ʼn negatiewe terugvoerlus as deel van die ontvanger te ontwerp. Hierdie terugvoerlus sal die versender lekkasie sein aanpassend in die ontvanger verminder. In hierdie projek word die realisering van bogenoemde oplossings uiteengeset. ʼn Paar verskillende antenna ontwerpe word gemodelleer in sagteware en word gesimuleer om hul karakteristieke te bepaal. Die belangrikste van hierdie faktore is die versender na ontvanger koppeling. Sienend dat geen ontwerp met ʼn lae genoeg koppeling gevind kon word nie, is ʼn eenvoudige ontwerp gekies en praktiese metings daarvan geneem. Hierdie antennas word dan gebruik in die radar stelsel wat gebou sal word. ʼn FM-CW radar stelsel word ontwerp en gesimuleer in sagteware. Die negatiewe terugvoerlus word ook ontwerp en geïmplementeer in die radar simulasie. ʼn Praktiese radar stelsel word dan gemaak insluitend die terugvoerlus. Metings word dan geneem om die effektiwiteit daarvan te bepaal.


王文煌, WANG, WEN-HUANG Unknown Date (has links)
至目前為止,研究地下經濟的文獻雖已可謂汗牛充棟,但均僅限於租稅逃漏之理論與 實證或地下經濟之實證估計。由於租稅逃漏並不能涵蓋整個地下經濟的範圍,因而為 進一步瞭解地下經濟對經濟政策所造成的影響,有必要對地下經濟作較完整的理論分 析。再者,近年來地下經濟的估計方法已有進一步的發展,因此亦有必要對我國的地 下經濟規模作更合理與精確度較高的估計。 本文共分五章,主要內容如下: 第一章緒論,說明研究動機、方法、限制等,並定義本文所探討之「地下經濟」。 第二章理論與估計方法之回顧,簡要說明租稅逃漏理論與地下經濟之估計方法的演進 。 第三章基本模型,將地下經濟活動分別導入租稅逃漏模型與簡單總體模型,探討地下 經濟對經濟政策的含義。 第四章實證估計,使用DYMIMIC 模型,配合EM反覆法估計民國51年至74年的地下經濟 規模。 第五章結論。

La communication d'élèves malentendants intégrés en classe ordinaire au Québec

Cloutier, Alexandra 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 80, les systèmes d’éducation à travers le monde recommandent l’intégration des élèves malentendants en classe ordinaire. Malgré l’utilisation d’aides auditives et de système MF, les élèves vivent des périodes où l’amplification reçue est insuffisante ou non optimale. Ces périodes sont causées par des facteurs influençant leurs conditions de communication et cela peut nuire à leurs apprentissages. Pourtant, les études sur ces situations vécues par les élèves ont très peu considéré leur point de vue. L’étude présentée vise à 1) de documenter les perceptions des situations de communication en classe mentionnées par des élèves malentendants intégrés, appareillés et ayant un système MF décerné ou rapportées à des professionnels; 2) de comprendre le contexte dans lequel des conditions non optimales de communication surviennent; 3) d’identifier les stratégies compensatoires rapportées par l’élève ou son locuteur ou déployées lors de leur participation aux activités de classe. Cette étude de cas multiples combine des données qualitatives et quantitatives recueillies à partir d’entrevues en profondeur auprès de huit élèves malentendants, de courtes entrevues avec leur enseignant et leur intervenant principal et une session d’observation en classe au cours de laquelle le niveau de bruit a été mesuré et les positions de l’enseignant ont été notées. Les données ont été analysées de manière longitudinale afin de décrire les participants et transversale afin de les comparer. Les résultats montrent que les élèves malentendants parlent de leurs situations de communication en classe, surtout les plus difficiles en associant toutes leurs difficultés au locuteur ou au milieu et non à eux-mêmes. Pour ce qui est du contexte, des niveaux élevés de bruit ont été mesurés et les positions des enseignants montrent qu’ils sont généralement loin de l’enfant malentendant ou qu’ils ne lui font pas face. Par ailleurs, les enseignants mentionnent ne pas avoir assez d’informations pour bien venir en aide à ces élèves. Enfin, les élèves et leurs enseignants utilisent différentes stratégies de communication, mais celles-ci ne sont pas toujours efficaces pour faciliter la communication. Toutes ces constatations mènent à des pistes de solutions visant à améliorer les situations de communication en classe et le contexte dans lequel les élèves apprennent, notamment l’accroissement des connaissances des divers acteurs et de leur collaboration entre eux. / For more than three decades, school authorities have encouraged the education of children with hearing loss in inclusive settings. Despite the use of technologies such as hearing aids and FM systems and because of a series of factors influencing verbal communication conditions, hearing-impaired students integrated in mainstreamed classes experience periods of non-optimal amplification that can hamper learning activities. Only a few studies have been conducted by taking the students’ points of view into consideration. This study aims at 1) documenting the perceptions that mainstreamed hearing-impaired students using amplification and allowed to a FM system have or have reported to professionals of their communication situations in class, 2) describing the context in which communication conditions occur, 3) identifying the compensatory strategies known or used by students and speakers while they participate in class activities. This multiple-case study combines qualitative and quantitative data collected from in-depth interviews with eight hearing-impaired students, from short interviews with each student’s teacher and main professional, and from observation sessions during which the level of noise in the classroom were measured and the positions of the teacher were noted. The data were analyzed longitudinally to describe the students and transversely to compare the students. The results showed that hearing-impaired elementary school students can talk about their classroom communication situations; often, for the most difficult ones, students relate all of their difficulties to the speaker and the environment, and not to themselves. As for the context, the results showed that teachers were mostly far from the students and not facing them, that formal teaching was not often done, and that classrooms were noisy. Furthermore, teachers mention that they didn’t have enough information in order to fully help these students. Teachers and students also use different communication strategies, but these strategies are not always efficient in improving communication. All of these results point to solutions for improving classroom communication and the context in which students learn by increasing knowledge and collaboration between the different actors.

Emancipação no cotidiano: iniciativas igualitárias em sociedades de controle / Emancipation in everyday life: equalitarian initiatives in control societies

Cedeño, Alejandra Astrid León 23 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese ALEJANDRA ASTRID LEON CEDENO.pdf: 2109192 bytes, checksum: 8ffba45e5d87f9cc991ca39f3d9a1102 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-23 / Is it possible for equalitarian initiatives to work in unequal societies? And if it is, how does it happen? This question guided a dialogue between academic and activist voices in the process of doing this work. Through the academic voices, Chapter 1 presents a way of understanding power and emancipation nowadays. Chapter 2 presents the situated knowledge episthemological view (Haraway, 1995), and with this base, the constructive exchange method. As a part of the activist voices, chapter 3 discusses coexistance through two experiences with an equalitarian interest in Catalonia: the Les naus squat and Coop57 Ethical and solidarity financing cooperative. Chapter 4 relates the collective life of two equalitarian experiences in Venezuela - the Santo Domingo Brazil Cooperative and People 94.5 FM Community Radio . After that encounter, the research question is revisited. First, a temporary and situated understanding of power and emancipation is presented: Of power, trying to comprehend some dynamics that initiatives like these must take care of, so they avoid staying trapped in them; and of emancipation, to understand how can they do it and create new forms of life. Chapter 5, consequently, uses chapter 1 to review of the concepts of power, domination and control. Through this, it proposes power-domination-control as a way of capturing collective potencial, aiming to touch everything and everybody in everyday life, and to do this in multiple and complex ways, which could seem as incoherent between them. It tends to operate ungrounded, without having a center and expanding itself to all of society, and that is what justifies the importance of situating it. Chapter 6 proposes emancipation as a process, or a micro-process of squatting (not invading, but occupying what was ours and was taken from us). Squatting spaces of endless possibilities, that can articulate themselves in ways of struggle in a bigger scale, are constructed in resistance processes in an everyday practical way, in molecular revolution experiences (Guattari, 1984). It is proposed to look at everyday life, place, action and time in an active way, and also defends the importance of anarchist practices in constructing emancipation. For a possible conclusion, chapter 7 discuss initiatives as an alternative of the hegemonic words of group and organization ; it then proposes four methods, or key practices which could serve temporarily to answer the question of how equalitarian initiatives work in control societies, by looking at these very different experiences of four initiatives to get an overall understanding / É possível que iniciativas igualitárias funcionem em meio a sociedades desiguais? E se é, como acontece? Essa indagação guiou um diálogo entre vozes acadêmicas e ativistas no percurso desta tese. Dentre as vozes acadêmicas, a tese apresenta , no capítulo 1, uma compreensão sobre os âmbitos do poder e a emancipação na atualidade. No capítulo 2, apresenta a epistemologia dos conhecimentos situados (Haraway, 1995) e, com essa base, o método da troca construtiva. Dentre as vozes ativistas, relata-se a convivência com quatro experiências de preocupação igualitária: duas na Catalunha o Centro Social Okupado Les nauS e Coop57, Cooperativa de Financiamento Ético e Solidário, narradas no capítulo 3- e duas na Venezuela - a cooperativa Santo Domingo Brasil e a rádio comunitária Gente 94.5 FM, que aparecem no capítulo 4. A partir desse encontro, a pergunta de pesquisa é revisitada. Primeiramente, apresenta-se um olhar provisório e situado sobre o poder e a emancipação. Do poder, tentando entender dinâmicas das quais as iniciativas devem se cuidar para não ficarem presas a elas; da emancipação, para compreender como podem fazê-lo e criar vida nova. No capítulo 5, depois de revisar os conceitos de poder, dominação e controle, é proposto o poder-dominação-controle como forma de captura da potência coletiva, que cresce em extensão e intensidade, buscando atravessar tudo e a todos/as no dia-a-dia, de formas múltiplas e complexas que podem parecer incoerentes entre si. Tende a se desterritorializar, a funcionar sem centro e a diluir-se por todo o corpo social, e justamente isso justifica a importância de situá-lo. No capítulo 6, propõe-se a emancipação como processo ou microprocesso de okupar (não invadir e sim ocupar o que era nosso e nos foi tomado). Okupar espaços de possibilidades liberadoras, que podem se articular em formas de luta a maior escala, que se constroem em processos de potência e resistência, de forma cotidiana e fractal, em experiências de revolução molecular (Guattari, 1984). Propõe-se uma compreensão ativa do cotidiano do lugar, da ação e do tempo, bem como a importância das práticas libertárias na construção da emancipação. Para uma conclusão possível, no capítulo 7, discute-se a noção de iniciativas como alternativa às palavras hegemônicas grupo e organização , e propõem-se também quatro jeitos de fazer ou práticas-chave que poderiam servir temporariamente para responder a pergunta de como iniciativas igualitárias funcionam em sociedades de controle, ajudando a que experiências tão diferentes quanto estas quatro sejam inteligíveis entre si

Estudo do fenômeno de expansão dos sedimentos da Formação Libertad (Quaternário): metodologia de avaliação e mapeamento na região de Montevidéu - Uruguai / Expansive sediments of Libertad Formation (Quaternary) research: engineering geological mapping and evaluate methodology in suburban area of Montevideo city, Uruguay

Musso Laespiga, Marcos Andrés 17 April 2001 (has links)
O estudo do fenômeno de expansão em solos argilosos tem-se restringido, na maioria das vezes, a estudos laboratoriais referentes ao comportamento mecânico do solo e as correlações com as propriedades índices e as classificações geotécnicas. Poucos são os estudos na área de mapeamento geotécnico em média e grande escala, existindo um vazio nas metodologias de mapeamento geotécnico no que se refere a esta classe de solos. Durante o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa sobre as características expansivas da Fm. Libertad, Quaternário (Uruguai), foram combinados os produtos obtidos das técnicas de mapeamento com os propriedades identificadas nos ensaios de caracterização e as medidas de expansão. A técnica de avaliação de terreno usando Landforms para separar unidades homogêneas, resultou em um grande auxílio permitindo direcionar os trabalhos e observações de campo e diminuir o numero de amostras a serem coletadas. O ensaio de caracterização da Capacidade de Troca Catiônica (CTC) da fração argila, usando a técnica de Azul de Metileno, mostrou-se coincidente com a identificação de argilo-minerais usando Difração de Raios X (DRX). Esses dados, associados aos valores de Pressão de Expansão e Expansão livre de amostra indeformadas, com umidade natural e secas ao ar, e de amostras compactadas com diferentes massas específicas seca (pd) e umidade constante (w=15%) permitiram identificar unidades com diferentes potenciais de expansão na Fm. Libertad. A combinação desses dados permitiu a produção da Carta de Potencial de Expansão do Solos, numa região de desenvolvimento urbano no Município de Montevidéu, Uruguai. Este documento fornece aos planejadores do uso e ocupação da área o conhecimento dos diferentes graus de restrição que devem ser levados em conta devido à presença de solos potencialmente expansivos. Elaborou-se uma proposta metodológica para a execução de trabalhos de mapeamento geotécnico de solos expansivos. / The swelling phenomenon of the clay soils has been studied mainly in laboratory with the objective of undestand the behavior of the soil and the correlations with the index properties and with the geotechnical classifications. In Engineering Geotechnical Mapping there is a lack of methodology about swell soil mapping in medium or large scale. In this research the swelling characteristics of the Libertad Formation (Uruguay) were studied by combination of the information obtained in the Engineering Geotechnical Mapping (scale 1:10.000) and the soil properties identified in the characterization and swelling tests. The technique of land evaluation using Landforms to separate homogeneous units, it resulted in a great aid allowing to guide the works and field observations and to reduce the number of samples to be collected. The characterization tests of cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of the clay, using the technique of adsorption of methilene blue, it was shown coincident with the identification of clay using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The swelling potentials of the Libertad Formation were determined based in the information of the values of swelling pressure and free swelling from undisturbed samples, both with natural moisture contents and air dried, besides the samples compacted with different apparent specific gravity (pd) and with constant moisture content (w= 15%). This procedure allowed the production of the Swelling Potential Chart of the soil in an suburban area of Montevideo City, Uruguay. This document can supply the information to the management of the area taken in account the different swelling potential of the soils. Finally it is presented a methodology to carry out Engineering Geological Mapping of the swelling soils.


ALMEIDA, Elza Oliveira de Souza 31 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:25:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elza oliveira.pdf: 753681 bytes, checksum: b12ca4a1fefab138edf7c4c7c94c0724 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-31 / This research aims to promote reflection on the distortion of the gospel music of the Pentecostal movement in Goiania. For this purpose, will discuss the interaction between music and Radio Paz FM 89.5, considering the impact of globalization and, more specifically, the cultural industry in the expansion of the musical style known today as gospel. This study also examines the integration and the similarity of the Gospel song with the music called pop, that is developed out of religious grounds, pointing out similarities in the instrumentation, arrangements, musical, performances, radio broadcasting, television and public reception. The systematization of the research occurs in three chapters, each one makes a specific approach, based on the methods of critical by Imbert: historic and sociologist as well as the considerations of Guy Debord, in relation to the show. The observation with regard to Radio Paz FM 89.5 lasted twenty months. The theoretical framework was constructed from the results of responses obtained in interviews. The first chapter is focused on the historical field, addressing the development of religious music in the Old and New Testament Bible, the establishment of the Church in the Middle Ages and the religious reforms according to Grout Palisca, Collins Price and Stamps. The second chapter explores the Gospel, from its origins to the present time based on the reflections of Friendland, Baggio, Muggiati and Calado. The first part of the third chapter discusses the musicality of religion in Brazil and in Goiás , more specifically the history of Pentecostalism and the musical development of this segment supported by the authors of the social sphere: Mariano, Freston and Weber. Achieving the goals of this research, the second part presents Radio Paz FM 89.5, relating to the current context, called postmodern, based on various researchers - Featherstone, Lyotard, Harvey and others - within the globalization process, including the issue of globalization, the spectacle and consumption. Conclude that Gospel music is the great current phenomenon. You can ensure that this research represents only the beginning of the study of this phenomenon that tends to arouse more and more the interest of religious communities, evangelical or not. / A presente pesquisa objetiva promover uma reflexão sobre a descaracterização da música evangélica do movimento pentecostal em Goiânia. Para tanto, será discutido o processo de interação entre a música e a Rádio Paz FM 89,5, considerando o impacto da Globalização e, mais especificamente, a Indústria Cultural na expansão do estilo musical conhecido atualmente como gospel. Esse estudo analisa ainda a integração e a similaridade da canção gospel com a música denominada pop, esta que é desenvolvida fora dos recintos religiosos, apontando semelhanças quanto à instrumentação, arranjos musicais, performances, difusão radiofônica, televisiva e recepção pública. A sistematização da pesquisa ocorre em três capítulos, sendo que cada um perfaz uma abordagem específica, com base nos métodos de crítica de Imbert: histórico e sociológico e também nas considerações de Guy Debord, no que se refere ao espetáculo. A observação no que diz respeito à Rádio Paz FM 89,5 teve a duração de vinte meses. A fundamentação teórica foi construída a partir dos resultados das respostas obtidas nas entrevistas. O primeiro capítulo está voltado ao campo histórico, abordando o desenvolvimento da música religiosa no Antigo e Novo Testamento bíblico, o estabelecimento da Igreja na Idade Média e as reformas religiosas conforme Grout Palisca, Collins Price e Stamps. O segundo capítulo explora o Gospel, desde a sua origem até a contemporaneidade, com base nas reflexões de Friendlander, Baggio, Muggiati e Calado. A primeira parte do terceiro capítulo aborda a musicalidade religiosa no Brasil e em Goiás, mais especificamente a trajetória do pentecostalismo e o desenvolvimento musical deste segmento apoiados nos autores da esfera social: Mariano, Freston e Weber. Atingindo os objetivos desta pesquisa, a segunda parte apresenta a Rádio Paz FM 89,5, relacionando-a ao contexto atual, denominado pós-moderno, baseado em vários pesquisadores - Featherstone, Lyotard, Harvey e outros - dentro do processo de globalização, abrangendo a questão da globalização, o espetáculo e consumo. Conclui-se que a música gospel é o grande fenômeno atual. Pode-se assegurar que essa pesquisa representa apenas o início do estudo desse fenômeno que tende a despertar cada vez mais o interesse das comunidades religiosas, evangélicas ou não.

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