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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskriminering av invandrare i skolan : - En studie om upplevelser av diskriminering bland elever med afrikansktursprung

Tesfamichael, Henok Immanuel January 2022 (has links)
Sweden has become more and more multicultural where research indicate that several minority groups and people with a background other than European one, still experience stress about deviating from “the Swedish norm”. Previous research also shows that these people risk being subjected to special treatment, prejudice, and discrimination. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze the perceptions of second-generation immigrants about their social identity. To collect data, qualitative semi-structed interviews have been conducted with four respondents. The interviews have been analyzed using Goffman’s theory of Stigma and the results show that most respondents feel that their ethnicity and foreign background affect them in school. The results show that there is a certain degree of misunderstanding between ethnic Swedes and students with a foreign background. Furthermore, the respondents paint a gloomy picture about how their foreign descent has affected them in relation to how they develop in school and how their roles and identity are affected. The norms of being a Swedish is perceived as an ideal needed to succeed in Swedish society and for that reason it is disappointing to see how the exchange between the different ethnic seems to be small and the willingness to learn from other, is small from both groups.

Idrott och hälsa, ett ämne för alla? : En kvalitativ studie om flickor med utländsk bakgrund och deras resonemang kring ämnet idrott och hälsa

Pasha, Mohannad January 2021 (has links)
Research shows that girls with a foreign background do not participate to the same extent in club sports as girls of Swedish origin. How this is reflected about sports and health needs to be made visible and investigated. The study is aimed at girls with a foreign background and their motivation linked to the subject of physical education. This is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews.The purpose of this work is to investigate how girls with a foreign background witness and experience the subject of sports and health. My questions are “What are the reasons why girls with a foreign background participate or do not participate in sports lessons?” and "How can girls with a foreign background be motivated to participate in the sports lesson?”. The conclusion in this study presented that the reason why girls with foreign backgrounds participate less in physical education is due tosocio-economical factors. Furthermore, the culture and traditional approach which these girls originate from. / Forskning visar att flickor med utländsk bakgrund inte deltar i samma utsträckning i föreningsidrott som flickor med svenskt ursprung. Hur detta avspeglar sig inom ämnet idrott och hälsa behöver synliggöras och undersökas. Arbetet riktar sig mot flickor med utländsk bakgrund och deras motivation kopplat till ämnet idrott och hälsa. Detta arbete är en kvalitativ studie som grundar sig i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur flickor med utländsk bakgrund upplever och erfar ämnet idrott och hälsa. Mina frågeställningar är ”vilka skäl föreligger till att flickor med utländsk bakgrund deltar eller inte deltar på idrottslektionerna?” och ”på vilket sätt kan flickor med utländsk bakgrund motiveras till att vara delaktiga på idrottslektionen?”. Resultatet visade att anledningen till att flickor med utländsk bakgrund deltar mindre på idrottslektionerna beror på socioekonomiska faktorer samt kultur och traditioner som dessa flickor härstammar ifrån. Dessa anledningar i sin tur sänker motivationen till ett aktivt deltagande.

Accessibility to sports facilities for girls with foreign background : A mixed methods study exploring accessibility and experiences within the sports movement in Stockholm and Huddinge municipality

Holm, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
The thesis aims to explore accessibility to sports facilities for 10-20-year-old girls with foreign background and their experiences of being a prioritized group, as stated in political sports programs. The participation in sports is low for this group and in Stockholm municipality, where there is a shortage of sports facilities, there are few opportunities to practice. Doing mixed methods, integrating maps made in GIS and interviews, both spatial and spatial-temporal accessibility was explored in order to get a comprehensive understanding of accessibility to sports facilities. By interviewing their coaches, experiences regarding how they are prioritized and what obstacles they face are explored. Further, previous research of accessibility is mainly about proximity and distribution, therefore, I include time as an aspect, using time-geography as an analytical tool to understand the experiences. The result shows time plays an important role, that they don’t feel prioritized and that they experience problems regarding transportation. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the conflict of optimal sports facility use and inclusion, how planning practice can contribute to a more inclusive sports environment and some implications for change.

Den allmänna värnplikten som verktyg för ökad social integration : Upplevelser hos värnpliktiga med utländsk bakgrund

Rosdal, Erik January 2024 (has links)
In the discussion of different integration solutions in Sweden, conscription usually appears. In Sweden, the conscription was disused from the year 2010 to the year 2017. When it was reintroduced in the year 2017 the conscription returned in a different context. Despite the argumentation for the conscription as a tool to increase social integration there have been no studies in Sweden examining this nor how people with foreign background experience the conscription in Sweden. Therefore this study aims to examine how people with foreign backgrounds experience conscription in Sweden and if and how they experience it as social integrative. The aim is also to examine if conscription can be used as a tool to increase social integration. Four interviews with Swedes who have foreign backgrounds and have completed the conscription constitute the empirical material. Socialization and social integration are the theoretical frameworks in this study. The material was analyzed with the thematic analytical method. The findings of the study revealed that two of the respondents experienced suspicion connected to their background during the muster. The respondents also expressed that they had unclear expectations of what the conscription would be like since they had no people in their closest circle who had completed the Swedish conscription. This may have led to a slight disadvantage during the beginning of the conscription. But overall the respondents had no negative experience during the conscription connected to their background and only positive experiences were highlighted. Furthermore, the findings of the study indicate that conscription in Sweden can be a tool to increase social integration. This was shown by the way the conscripts were treated equally and how they were formed to value the collective the highest. This also showed through the socialization process that the respondents underwent during conscription which had clear effects after the conscription as well.

Utan folklig kontroll? : En deskriptiv studie om representation av personer med utomeuropeisk bakgrund på svenska debattsidor

Rydberg, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Since the 1990s, many countries have become more ethnically diverse. The structure of the people, the demos, is changing. According to Robert Dahl’s fourth criterion of what a democratic process is, the people should have control over the political agenda. Previous research has shown a significantly lower political participation and representation of immigrants in the political and media sphere in Sweden. Do the people really control the agenda? This thesis examines the representation of people with a foreign background from outside Europe on Swedish debate pages by collecting a sample of writers' names from three established Swedish newspapers; Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, and Aftonbladet, during the time period 1992–2022. Using a name algorithm to determine country of origin, the results show an increase in representation to the point of 2002. From 2002 to today, the representation of non-European foreign background on Swedish debate pages has decreased.

Språk och integration

Abed El Rehman, Zolfa January 2014 (has links)
Abstract In general, language is the key to the community, to self-sufficiency and independence. Being able to speak the Swedish language is a part of the community integration. Integration also has a practical aspect that includes everyday life and affects one's opportunities in the labor market. Therefore, we have selected in this paper to focus on the language and integration but inevitably we will also discuss the education you need on the labor market. The purpose of this study is to describe how the staffs at the Language Café Nobel works for an increased integration in Malmo, and examine the significance of Language Café Nobel have for their participants. In order to fulfil the purpose we used a qualitative method, which involves semi-structured interviews and participant observations. To interpret and gain a deeper understanding of the informants' answers, we used a hermeneutical approach as an analysis method. Based on informant’s answers, the results showed that Language Café Nobel has helped them to develop their communicative Swedish language, which has made their life become easier. For some, the information from Language café has been beneficial for the participants because it has led to integration into the society. This shows that the Language Café Nobel is working for a better integration in Malmo.

En kommuns integration på lokal nivå : En kvalitativ studie om hur en enskild kommun arbetar för att etablera personer med utländsk bakgrund på arbetsmarknaden

Edsvik, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva hur man arbetar med att integrera personer med utländsk bakgrund på arbetsmarknaden och vilka problem som kan uppstå. Problemformuleringen grundar sig i hur en enskild kommun ska kunna komma att lösa matchningen av en viss grupp av personer som står utanför arbetsmarknaden med företag på arbetsmarknaden. Personer med utländskbakgrund har det svårt att komma in på arbetsmarknaden trots att personal behövs inom olika yrkesgrupper. Det är in denna uppsats intressant att undersöka hur kommunen arbetar för att etablera dessa personer på arbetsmarknaden. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat via fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med personer inom tre olika områden. Resultatet delas upp i flera olika teman, bland dessa finns kategorierna ”validering”, ”språk och kompetens” samt de olika perspektiven ”arbetstagare” och ”arbetsgivare”. Resultatet visar på hur projektet som undersöks och socialförvaltningen arbetar med etablering av nyanlända på arbetsmarknaden. Resultatet har delats upp i tre delar utefter de informanter som varit med och vad som anses vara relevant för att besvara syftet. Ett genomgående tema som framkommer visar på att språk och kompetens betyder mycket för både arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Dessutom uppmärksammas validering av kompetens och hur detta fungerar i kommunen i empirin. Sammanfattningsvis beskrivs etableringsprocesser som råder, de problem som existerat på arbetsplatsen och vid rekrytering samt vikten av att ett samarbete mellan aktörer sker. Slutsatserna av resultatet är dels att varje enskild del i etableringen av denna grupp av människor är viktigt. Dels att det är ytterst viktigt att kunna tillämpa helhetsperspektivet när delproblem uppstår. / The purpose of the essay is to describe how the municipality of Luleå works to integrate people with foreign backgrounds in the labor market and why. The problem formulation is based on establishing persons with foreign background in the labor market in the municipality of Luleå. This group of people has difficulties entering the labor market despite this. It is in this essay interesting to examine how the municipality works to establish these people in the labor market. The empirical material is collected through four qualitative interviews with adult people in three different areas. The essay results in several different categorizations, among which are the categories "validation", "language and competence" and the different perspectives "workers" and "employers". The results show how the project under investigation and social administration works with the establishment of new arrivals in the labor market. The result has been divided into three parts, according to the informants and what is considered relevant to answer the purpose. A comprehensive theme that appears shows that languages and competences mean a lot to both employers and employees. In addition, the validation of competence is recognized and how this works in the municipality and in the social administration. In summary, the establishment processes that prevail, the problems in the workplace and recruitment and the importance of cooperation between actors are described. The conclusion of the result is that each individual part of the establishment of this group of people is important, and that it is extremely important to be able to apply the holistic approach when some problems arise.

The sound of silence : En kvalitativ studie om framställningen av misstänkta med utländsk bakgrund i frivårdens personutredningar / The sound of silence. : A qualitative study of the presentation of suspects of foreign background in personal case studies by the Swedish prohitition authority.

Muth, Kristoffer, Svanberg, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Our aim in this essay was to find if suspects of foreign and Swedish background were presented differently in personal case studies made by the probation authority. We have conducted a content analysis of the personal case studies with male assault offenders in the range of 18-23 years old. The study showed that the suspects of foreign background were presented differently in comparison to the suspects of Swedish background. The differences were noticeable foremost in the description of the suspects relationship to family and friends, but also in the description of the suspects possible criminal values. The personal case studies differed in the way that the suspects of Swedish background had more of a detailed description of relationships to family and friends, but they were also given the opportunity to value their own experience of their relationships. While the description of relationships to the suspects of foreign background consisted more of a mapping of family members and friends with no description of how the suspect experienced the relationships. The presentation of the suspects possible criminal values differed in the way that in the personal case studies of the suspects of Swedish background included a professional statement about their non-criminal values, but the suspects of foreign background had no such statement nor that they had criminal values. Although this haven´t affected the final statement that the probation officer has done. We have argued that the lack of relationship description and statement of criminal values had made the presentation of the foreign suspect as someone who could be perceived as an impersonal stranger with unknown criminal values where preconceived ideas can grow and lead to stigmatizing processes.

Utmaningar i rekryteringsprocessen för arbetssökande som är utrikesfödda. / The difficulties in the recruitment process for foreign-born candidates.

Mattisson, Tatiana January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka de svårigheter och hinder som kan uppstå för utrikesfödda kandidater i rekryteringsprocessen i Sverige samt att försöka belysa fördelar med att ha en utländsk bakgrund.  En kvalitativ studie genomfördes med hjälp av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med utrikesfödda personer där respondenternas uppfattning och erfarenheter om möjliga hinder eller fördelar i samband med jobbsökningen var i fokus. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med en induktiv tematisk analys. Huvudresultatet påvisade att kandidater utifrån sin utländska bakgrund och perspektiv upplevde både för- och nackdelar. Informanternas svar kategoriserades för att analysera helheten av problemet och trots flera variationer fanns det många  gemensamma drag. Flera respondenter rapporterade hinder och svårigheter men märkte att det också fanns fördelar som kan användas för att förstärka sin position på arbetsmarknaden. Fördelar som sannolikt används för att söka jobb i de företag som har gemensam geografisk affärsinriktning eller samma bakgrund som kandidaten: kultur,  språk eller annat. Resultaten visade också att utmaningarna för de utrikesfödda arbetssökande både bestog av synliga hinder och mindre synliga hinder. Detta kan också ha en betydelse i etableringsprocessen i det svenska samhället för utrikesfödda individer/invandrare. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what difficulties and obstacles may arise for foreign-born candidates in the recruitment process in Sweden and make an attempt to highlight the benefits of having a foreign background. A qualitative study was conducted with six semi-structured interviews with foreign-born people where the interviewers' perception and experience of possible obstacles or benefits in situations with the job search was in focus. The collected material was finally analyzed using an inductive thematic analysis. The main result indicated that candidates based on their foreign background and perspective experienced both advantages and disadvantages. The respondents' answers were categorized to analyze the entire problem and although there were several variations, there were many common features that occurred. Several respondents reported obstacles and difficulties and noticed that there are also benefits that can be used to strengthen their position on the labour market. Benefits most likely used for the application to get the job from the company having the common geographical business direction or background with the candidate: a culture, a language or another specific feature. The results also showed that the challenges for foreign-born candidates consisted of both visible and less visible obstacles. It may have importance as well for the establishment process in Swedish society for foreign-born individuals/immigrants.

Nätverkets betydelse för några Kosovoalbaners karriärval

Lindstrand, Olivia, Murati, Besa January 2020 (has links)
Att skaffa arbete i ett nytt land kan inte vara enkelt, för människor med utländsk bakgrund som migrerat till Sverige består ofta de första åren av någon biståndsform. Det sociala nätverket är en viktig kanal för att komma ut i arbetslivet och med tanke på problematiken med att få arbete som människor med utländsk bakgrund utan nätverk har uppsatsen som syfte med denna att undersöka på vilket sätt nätverk har haft betydelse för individerna i arbetsmarknads etableringen som kommit till Sverige från Kosovo. Undersökningsfrågorna som kommer att besvaras under arbetet är på vilket sätt har nätverk påverkat människor med utländsk bakgrunders karriärval i Sverige? Och Vilka olika typer av socialt kapital har haft betydelse i arbetsmarknadsetablering? Syfte och frågeställningar grundar sig i Milnet, Migrants Labour Networks. Detta är ett nytt forskningsprojekt som undersöker vilka former av nätverk personer från forna Jugoslavien rör sig i.Uppsatsen tar utgångspunkt i begreppen socialt samt överbryggande och anknytande kapital av Bourdieu samt Hodkinson & Sparkes brytpunkter. Vidare bygger uppsatsen på en social nätverksanalys och innehållsanalys.Några av de centrala resultaten är att informanterna har genomgått olika brytpunkter och att dessa har påverkat deras karriär på olika vis, samt att våra informanter har ett anknytande socialt kapital och börjat utveckla ett överbryggande socialt kapital. / Obtaining a job in a foreign country is not an easy task. People who have immigrated to Sweden are often dependent on government support during the first year. Therefore, social networking is an important factor in becoming a part of society and settling into the work-life. Considering how difficult it is to get a job without any connections, we have decided to examine how the social network has played a role in the lives of individuals who have immigrated from Kosovo to Sweden. Further, we will discuss how it has affected them in the labor market. The inquiry questions that will be answered in this essay are: How have social networks affected those with foreign backgrounds with their career choices and which types of social capitals have played an important role in their work establishment? The purpose and the questions of the issue are based in Milnet, Migrants Labour Networks. This is a new research project which examines the different types of networks that individuals from Yugoslavia move in. The essay has its starting point in the concepts of social together with superstructure and relating capital of Bourdieu and Hodkinson & Sparkes. Further, this essay is based on social network analysis, as well as content analysis. Some of the main results are that the informants have undergone different inflection points and that these have affected their careers in various ways. Further, the results have shown that our informants have a relating social capital and have started to develop an overworked social capital.

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