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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Som vilken svensk som helst : En studie kring hur personer med utländsk bakgrund figurerar i bildsatta artiklar i två lokaltidningar / As any Swede : A study about how people with foreign background appear in local newspapers

Bjerlöw, Matilda, Strömqvist, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Sweden is a multi cultural country, where almost twenty percent of the population come from another cultural background. This study examines to what extent people with a foreign origin appear in two local, Swedish newspapers, Barometern and Östra Småland, and what role they are given. Do they appear as foreigners or immigrants or do they figure as any Swede, irrespective of their origin background? We have made a review by studying pictures of people with a foreign origin, based on name and appearance. During the time period, March 1st – April 30 th 2010, there were 2206 articles with pictures of people where 189 of them did show people with a foreign origin. Although, only 22 of these persons occurred in their role as foreigner or immigrant, the remaining majority occurred due to personal character or competence. Thus, the origin background did not matter in the context.

De talar av erfarenhet : uppfattningar om begreppen demokrati och diktatur hos vuxenelever med utländsk bakgrund

Hjelm, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
I have in this study examined, through qualitative interviews, how adults with foreign background that are pupils in adult education in Sweden, understand the concepts democracy and dictatorship. Their expressed understandings have been compared with their former life experiences as well as with the aim of the social studies to create a qualitative understanding of essential social concepts. My starting point is theories about the adult in leaning processes. It has been assumed that the adult interprets the world much through former life experiences. I have also relied on the idea that having a qualitative, more scientific, understanding of essential subjects is important for the adult as a member of society and participator in the on-going political debate. It should therefore be a central aim for educators in the social subjects within adult education to support a development of more qualified concept understandings among their pupils. In this study I have used the criterions of dr Roland Severin to define a qualified understanding of concepts. Such an understanding includes richness in meaning, structure, general description of cause and relation as well as the capacity to relate to different levels of abstraction. My conclusion is that the pupils in my study have very individual understandings of the concepts, especially the understandings of democracy. Their expressed understandings of dictatorship are in general less rich in meaning. I have found that their understandings are clearly influenced by former life experiences. In comparison to a qualitative understanding of concepts the pupils’ understandings both have strengths and weaknesses. The main strengths in their understandings lies in that they have structure and focus important meanings of the concepts. The pupils can also express their understandings in a concrete manner. The main weaknesses lay in that they lack sufficient meanings of the concepts to give them a exhaustive description. The pupils also tend to give more of concrete and less of general descriptions of the concepts. I have concluded that to support adult pupils in the development of more qualitative, and therefore more useful, social concepts educators should make use of the pupils’ collective experiences. By doing so more meanings of the essential concepts can be revealed and individual experiences can be connected to those of others to create generality in the pupils understandings.

Ombytta roller : En litteraturstudie om unga omsorgsgivare i invandrade familjer / Role reversal : A literature review of young carers in immigrant families

Vlachos, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
Att identifiera barn som omsorgsgivande anhöriga är ett nytt sätt att förstå barns verklighet, och kunskapen och medvetenheten om den här gruppen är fortfarande begränsad både i Sverige och i andra länder. Detta gäller i ännu högre grad för unga omsorgsgivare i invandrade familjer. Det finns idag få studier som belyser situationen för den här gruppen specifikt. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att analysera forskningen om unga omsorgsgivare med fokus på de med utländsk bakgrund. Detta gjordes genom en litteraturstudie där nio vetenskapliga artiklar om situationen för invandrade unga omsorgsgivare sammanställdes och analyserades, och där resultatet diskuterades utifrån ett kunskapssociologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att det i de studier som granskats finns en tendens att kulturalisera unga omsorgsgivare i invandrade familjer. Situationen för de invandrade unga omsorgsgivarna, oavsett etnisk tillhörighet, beskrivs vara delvis annorlunda den för unga omsorgsgivare från majoritetssamhället. Även om faktorer såsom socioekonomiska förhållanden anges spela roll är det kulturellt färgade föreställningar om att unga vill och kan ge omsorg till närstående, och att det framför allt är en uppgift för flickor, som framställs ha en avgörande betydelse för unga omsorgsgivare i invandrade familjer. Detta synsätt får också implikationer för hur stödet till den här gruppen föreslås ska utformas. Vidare visar resultatet att det finns en tendens att fokusera på de risker som kan finnas med ungas omsorgsgivande, speciellt då de unga tar över föräldrarnas ansvar och uppgifter. I det granskade materialet lyfts möjliga positiva effekter av invandrade ungas omsorgsgivande fram, men utgångspunkten är de potentiella problem som kan uppkomma i och med de invandrade familjernas anpassning till en ny kultur, vilket i sin tur anges kunna göra unga invandrare till en riskgrupp för en stor mängd omsorgsgivande. / Identifying children as carers is a new way of understanding children's reality, and the knowledge and awareness of this group is still limited in Sweden and in other countries. This applies even more to young carers in immigrant families. There are currently few studies that highlight the situation of this group specifically. The purpose of the present study was to analyse research on young carers focusing on those with a foreign background. This was done through a literature review in which nine scientific articles on the situation of immigrant young carers were compiled and analysed. The result was then discussed from a sociological perspective on knowledge. The result shows that in the articles examined, there is a tendency to culturise young carers in immigrant families. The situation of immigrant young carers, irrespective of ethnicity, is described to be somewhat different from that of young carers from the majority community. Although factors such as socio-economic conditions are stated to play a role, it is culturally coloured beliefs that children are willing and able to give care to their family, and that it is primarily a task for girls, which is stated to play a crucial role for the caregiving of immigrant young carers. This approach also has implications for how the support for this group is proposed to be designed. Furthermore, the result shows that there is a tendency to focus on the risks that may exist with children’s caregiving, especially when children take over their parents' responsibilities and tasks. The reviewed material highlight the possible positive effects of immigrant children's caregiving, but the starting point is the potential problems that may arise with the adaptation of immigrant families to a new culture, which in turn may make young immigrants a risk group for a large amount of caregiving.

Vem bryr sig om mångfald? : En studie av mångfaldsbegreppet inom Polismyndigheten / Who cares about diversity? : A study of the diversity concept within the Swedish Police Authority

Pereira, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish Police Authority aims to increase diversity among employees within the authority. This is asserted in the Swedish Police Authority's own policies and action plans, which together with other internal documents are the subject of my qualitative study. The focus of this study is to look at how the use of the concept of diversity has changed within the Swedish Police Authority by using qualitative analysis of ideas and ideological context, the perspective of discursive psychology and neo-institutional theory. The aim is also to find out what is missing out in the current diversity discourse. My study reveals through an examination of a selection of The Swedish Police Authority’s document that there is a discrepancy between the external discourses on diversity and the internal norms that are to be found within the Swedish Police Authority.

Svensk fotboll - så många som möjligt - så länge som möjligt - i så bra miljöer som möjligt : En kvalitativ studie om varför flickor med utländsk bakgrund fortsätter att vara verksamma inom fotboll, och hur fotbollsföreningar kan bidra till detta / Swedish football - as many as possible - as long as possible - in the best possible environment : A qualitative study on why girls with foreign backgrounds continue to be active in football, and how football clubs can contribute to this

Hussein, Ali, Göthberg, Karin January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of factors that influence girls with a foreign background to be active in football and how football clubs work to increase and maintain girls with a foreign background in sports. The study has a qualitative approach where five girls with foreign background and four football clubs representatives have been interviewed. The results show specific interpersonal factors that appears to be important for the girls continue playing football. For example, the importance of support from family, friends and coaches. The results also show how the football clubs today work, what efforts are being implemented today and what needs and wishes they have for future work to make girls to want to stay and play football. The conclusion is that two central factors, emotional and relational, are important for the girls. Different forms of relationships create positive feelings. Being appreciated, seen and treated in a satisfactory way is more important than winning and how to perform on the pitch. The football clubs representatives agrees that the first meeting the clubs have together with a family with a foreign background is vital for whether they should be interested in what they have to offer or not. Finally, in our study we give suggestions on what clubs should be able to work more with, such as an information letter in several languages to new members, elaborated clothing policy and a suggestion for an educational effort.

Föräldrastöd till asylsökande och nyanlända föräldrar i Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om ledare i en ideell förening och deras erfarenheter / Parental support for asylum seeking and newly arrived parents in Sweden : A qualitative study about leaders in a non-profit association and their experiences

Vikström, Carina January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: Föräldrar spelar en viktig roll när det handlar om utvecklingen av barns fysiska och psykiska hälsa, deras sociala kompetens, hur de klarar sin skolgång och vilka levnadsvanor de själva får i vuxenlivet. För att stötta föräldrar i att bli trygga i sitt föräldraskap så erbjuds föräldrastöd. Studier visar att asylsökande och nyanlända föräldrar i Sverige deltar i mycket lägre grad än vad svenskfödda föräldrar gör. Många rapporterar psykisk ohälsa och upplever svårigheter i sitt föräldraskap efter ankomsten till Sverige. Det finns en ideell förening som lyckats inkludera denna målgrupp och det är därför av intresse att undersöka hur de upplever det arbetet.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka kursledares erfarenheter av att arbeta med föräldrastöd till nyanlända och asylsökande föräldrar. Metod: I studien genomfördes individuella intervjuer med sex ledare från en ideell förening i Västra Mellansverige. Resultat: Resultatet visar att föreningen har anpassat verksamheten på en kulturell nivå för att kunna inkludera denna målgrupp. Många av ledarna har exempelvis liknande bakgrund som föräldrarna och kurserna erbjuds på föräldrarnas modersmål. Ledarna har vidare kunnat identifiera vissa behov och utmaningar som nyanlända och asylsökande uttryckt. Det handlar framför allt om hur det upplevs att komma till Sverige som förälder och hur man kan hantera föräldrarollen i det nya landet. Bland annat uttrycks ett behov att få veta mer om normer kring föräldraskap och barnuppfostran i Sverige eftersom det skiljer sig från hur det sett ut i deras hemländer. Slutsats: Föräldrastöd kan vara betydelsefullt för målgruppen nyanlända och asylsökande föräldrar. Genom att de får prata sitt eget modersmål kan de uttrycka sig på ett annorlunda sätt än vad de hade kunnat göra i en svensk kurs. Det är en trygghet för föräldrarna att möta en ledare som har förståelse för deras kulturella bakgrund och det gör det möjligt att diskutera känsliga frågor som exempelvis barnuppfostran och antiagalagen. Ledarna upplever att många föräldrar blivit tryggare i sitt föräldraskap och tänker att föräldrarna kan vara en enorm resurs för det framtida svenska samhället om de bara får rätt förutsättningar. / Introduction: Parents play an important role when it comes to the development of children's physical and mental health, their social skills, how they manage school and what living conditions they get as adults. To support parents in their parenting, parental support is offered. Studies show that asylum seeking and newly arrived parents in Sweden participate to a much lesser extent than Swedish-born parents do. Many people report mental illness and experience difficulties in their parenting after arriving in Sweden. There is a non-profit association that has managed to include this target group and it is therefore of interest to investigate how they experience this work. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the course leader's experience of working with parental support for newly arrived and asylum seeking parents. Method: Six individual interviews were conducted with leaders from a non-profit association located in the middle west of Sweden. Result: The result shows that the association has adapted the support on a cultural level to be able to include this target group. For example, many of the leaders have similar backgrounds to the parents and the courses are offered in the parents' native language. The leaders have also been able to identify certain needs and challenges expressed by newly arrived and asylum seekers. It is primarily about how it feels to come to Sweden as a parent and how to handle the parent role in a new country. More information is required about norms regarding parenting in Sweden as it differs from their home countries. Conclusion: Parental support can be important for newly arrived and asylum seeking parents in Sweden. By being able to speak their native language, they can express themselves in a different way than they could in a Swedish course. It feels safe for parents to meet a leader who understands their cultural background. It makes it possible to discuss sensitive issues such as parenting and the law of corporal punishment. The leaders mean that many parents have become more secure in their parenting and think that parents can be a huge resource for the future Swedish society if they only get the right conditions.

Mångfald och Inkludering på den Svenska Arbetsmarknaden : En Kvalitativ Studie om Utrikesfödda Kvinnors Upplevelser och Erfarenheter av Diskriminering i Arbetslivet / Diversity and Inclusion in the Swedish Labor Market : A Qualitative Study on Foreign-born Women's Experiences of Discrimination in Work Life

Shams, Mohammad January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the experiences from the Swedish labor marketamong some foreign-born women. To answer the purpose, the following questions wereformulated:- Has it been easy or difficult for the foreign-born women to find work in Sweden?- How have the foreign-born women been treated by employers and work colleagues in theworkplace?- How and for what reason do the foreign-born women feel that they have been discriminatedagainst in a working life context? What experiences do they have?Based on a qualitative research method, five interviews were conducted with foreign-bornwomen who have been, and are, active in Swedish working life. The study showed that all ofthe participating women have felt that they have been discriminated against in the Swedishlabor market. In various ways, they have perceived that they have been disadvantaged andthereby not given the same conditions as domestically born when they have applied for workor the same opportunities for permanent employment, despite education. The women havefelt that they have been discriminated against because of their foreign background and forcultural and religious reasons. They have also been treated badly by their work colleagueswho have not allowed them to become part of the working community, and have gotten thefeeling that their foreign background has been the reason for the exclusion. The womenexperience that reasons for discrimination have, for example, been their foreign name, thatthey wear a veil, that they do not speak perfect Swedish and they have been met withprejudice, ignorance and the feeling that they have been opted out and excluded from thelabor market, both by employers and colleagues. The women have felt bullied, violated andquestioned in their working life. / Nej

Modelling Factors Affecting Academic Performance in Swedish Schools with Multiple Linear Regression / Modellering av faktorer som påverkar studieresultat i svenska skolor med multipel linjär regression

Breivold, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines factors affecting the academic performance in Swedish schools. Specifically, the average qualification point among ninth grade students in schools in Stockholm municipality during the academic year 2021-2022 are studied. Multiple linear regression is used to identify individual, social, and school specific factors which have a significant impact on the average qualification point in schools. The purpose is to identify factors affecting the academic performance, and by that contribute to the knowledge base constituting the foundation for the work to improve the academic performance and provide equal opportunities for all students. The Swedish grading system, previous research on factors affecting students' performance, and the Swedish school in a societal perspective are also discussed. The findings indicate that the background of the students, the parents' level of education, and the number of students per teacher are good predictors for academic performance. / Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker faktorer som påverkar studieresultatet i svenska skolor. Specifikt studeras det genomsnittliga betyget bland elever i årskurs nio i Stockholms kommuns skolor under läsåret 2021-2022. Multipel linjär regression används för att identifiera individfaktorer, sociala faktorer och skolspecifika faktorer som har en signifikant inverkan på skolors genomsnittliga betyg. Syftet är att identifiera faktorer som påverkar studieresultatet och därmed bidra till kunskapsbasen som utgör grunden för arbetet med att förbättra studieresultat och tillhandahålla lika möjligheter för alla elever. Det svenska betygssystemet, tidigare forskning kring faktorer som påverkar elevers studieprestation samt den svenska skolan i ett samhälleligt perspektiv diskuteras också. Resultatet tyder på att elevernas bakgrund, föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå och antalet elever per lärare är bra prediktorer för akademisk prestation.

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